West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Jun 1908, p. 2

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E. 3100M PORTABLE COTTAGE AN D , .10 acres of land opposite Mr. Thos. . .TF ins, convenient to Durham. Cottage ‘pins 6 rooms. good woodshed. good sta- . ',;i hen house. never failing well. Excell- '. ;‘.§place for gardening. Apply to Aaron , . «. 9n. M" “For Sale or to L___e_t_. i.» 3 3.? . bare same by paying egcpenses of ad- if£13311“! and pr‘ovxng chum. Call at 3'! “Es Harness bhop. [523: it xre (I 0. MW“. __ [4’t F35}: LULLOVHM: MUST BE SOLD in} at once. New wagon. nvw iron truck .f- l wagon. a number of large egg vats. KEN make first c1453 cisterns) 3 or 4 thou- -" reuce posts. lath. shingles. lumber. A '. tity of wood near Welbeck P. 0 . will T 1d at 50¢ per load. D. Jamieson. ad- istrator Spaxling estate. or DaVid Kind and A. H. Jackson, Durham. [618% t F, 6"“. :33}: For Sale or Rent OTICE Ib‘ . HEREBY GIVEN ;: L that trpspassmgfor the purpose of : “,2 mg. hanging. trapping. or dogs running § Marge, wnll be Dro§ecut9d amending to 1 “3'. 011 lots con. 1. hormanby. lots 1 of '2: ‘4’. 3 of l. l of”). 3052. 1 02 20f3. Con. 22,? .6.2of6.40f2.30f2.50f6. ‘ ‘ . McCrie. J Bogle. Mrs. '1‘. Allen. J. W. i . T. Wallace, J. Petty, T. McAlister. I "shall. 11 Tenders Wanted. 5‘1 cK_IN§QN 300 ACRE FARM AT :wood. 16 inches long. Large double R geliveged $3.50 per load. The Durham 9.413s. PRIA‘CIPALLY" HARD __ -â€"- yum L“ dings. soil water. orchard znd timber [3 good Apply to J. Ritchie Port *3)? .r_ eott will rent one or more \ears. mg most of rent in improvpments received by the nndersignedu pm gdgy. June 20th 1%. for the buildping a retaining walls on Gunfrm Street. um. Tden ers to sficify cost for stone. rate, or either. as ands maybesesnat “)0ng mfiNo n' necessar Y 1600 John cGowan. Chairman, Bd. of Works RUBBER RUG. OWNER MAY m 200 ACRE FARM AT GLAS- O G 0 O D CUM FORTA BLE houses. Apply to J. M. Latimer. the Rocky. immpdiate possessiox; 6vâ€" For turther smrtxculars apply to . P. TELFO‘RD.» ‘. - D A. 1 ACRES OF GOOD LAND 1N , the township of Bentinck, under 9.3. adjoining corporation of Durham. “h side. Good water on the place Barn .l stable. A good amend-band buggy {be sold cheap. Apply Thos. Hawkins. LED TENDERS WILL BE 9"! i “I “HE R OF TOW\ LOTS 01‘. GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO :pr For Sale. Farms for Sale. ~__._.__._ “Mr... SIZ».%\T311.CO.\..).N. ) To Rent. Notice. . 2271f. _..- c._â€"â€"~â€"-â€".a .‘IBER OF 1.“ PR()\ ED ‘ AL- »!9 farms in Be“ Outwiu near Reard fur saIeâ€"largediw «mt fur_ A? .i ’ivze‘ ., . a’ity um? ternw giwâ€"n' ': finn Tn J I’ 'l'elr'urd. Srfiivih‘xr f0." -' Found. IE G A R A FRAXA ROAD REY I‘OUBLE FRA ME MI {.F‘. FARM WITHIN TWO ING AND SHOP. ON at. ngrhnm, llOft frontage. n. Laxdlaw am "U' (“untess Street£~gnod reamuahln Apply to the Post Uflice. 'd on the west Sid - Gara- wor nm'n..large lot mm cell also cwtern. Apply ~e. almos lculars flm Township nf Nor- 350 acres. the estate of n One stone dwelling ling Good bank ham 1 Will be sold in block rchas‘er. 'I‘erms mad-3 11. Hugh Fulton, Ad- m. P. 0. 9d and term< t SmIN THE 19TH nmemu particulais apply t r. Durham. )m Durham. ( ,. Good land. 3 grs apply to J SECON rmax Durham. d: well watered suit nun-has new 2911f fur {A nril 1’. CK TWOi A can of kippered herring was one a? Presby~"‘f'”°l° on the menu for “'ednesday pper ann. ! dxnner. The hen-mg. so we are in- and El it n, olmgg‘flormed were turned out of the can nt'raxa. Road, nby. m the fa I {423tf m there 3i2t lCKin- 1m. (-nlars Must two The i took fright at the noise caused by fthe roller and bolted, throwing the 501d gentleman in from of the unple ; meat. which passed our him, farally‘ §injuring him and he died on Sunday. There is but one painless cure-â€" “Putnam’s." Takes out the corn. X'OOt and branchâ€"does it. harmlessly in twenty-four hours. Insist. on Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor only. v- "- tbem.â€"-Clifiord_ Express. mlnutes after. Anather doctor was sent for, but before his arrival the patients had taken a turn for the better. They both entirely recover- ed from the efl’ects in the course of a. couple of days. but delay in securing adoctor’e services would probably have meant death for the two of A neighbor’s assistance was at once obtained, and Mr. James Mc- Millan happened to have a horse already hitched at the time, was (168 patched to Palmerston for a doctor. into a non-metal dish as soon as "opened. Mrs Stone always being‘ {very careful with canned gooda in; 'tnls respect. Mr. Stone ate quite‘ gheartily of the herring. and in the; .course of his meal made casual revf ,‘mark about poisoned canned mean! ‘but did not think there was anything ': fwrong with the herring. His wilel, i and daughter also ate a little of the I] ’herring. After dinner Mrs. Stone}E ' went over to the next neighbor's and 3 g Mr. Stone began plowing in a field;( between his house and the neighbor’s i [Some time later in the afternoon;I ‘ Mrs. Stone noticed her husband an 7 I hitch the team and make (or the it house, apparently with difliculty. .' 1: Knowing it was an unusual thing?) for him to atop work at that time of : the afternoon her mind at once;y reverted to the kippered herring, and 3 she hurridly made her way home.’ Arriving there she found her hus-ltf band very ill and her little daughter “ apparently sleeping. ‘ THE STANDARD BANK ID Eating kippered herring nearly caused the death of Mr. Dan Stone. 2nd Con. Micro. and his little daugh- ter on Wednesday of last. week. and only prompt medical attention saved their iives. County and District. N arrowly Escaped Death. Have You Corns? ‘9 HW- wk in preference to inferior flour, buy health. Nothing contributes so much to the too eat as flour, and therefore norhing should be carefully bought. Ogilvie’s Royal Household Royal Household Flour DURHAM BRANCH 10"“; Kelly. nugget vfncf cleanect and mmt narmlessly; An accident occurred on Mrs. J. P. InSlst on ! McFarlane’s farm, at Letter Breen. Extractor; Wednesday of last week that resulted fin serious injury to her son. Percy, ‘his escape from death being very on. :close. He was driving a team when iin some way he was thrown on the tram. wasiwhifietrees and would have been mover byldrawn under the wheels but his iim,farally was releasedâ€"Mt. Forest in Sunday. sentative. ESTABLISHED 1.73 IOA 1‘ Election Da brought a sad event gto the home of Mr. Robert Elder of [this township in the death of his wife. Mr. Elder was employed as constable at the polling booth at iRyan’e schoolhouse. and about five 'o’clock a messenger came to inform 3 him of the sad and unexpected hap gpening. When the husband left {home in the morning the deceased glady was in her usual good health. I In the afternoon she was found by a neighbor who happened to call, in a :sitting position; in an easy chair. irigid in death. She was a fine old? glady. kind hearted, charitable and ; good, and was the sole companion of ;her now almost distracted husband, ;a fine family having predeceased cortege. paying the last tribute to one who always merited their good will and es:eem.â€"â€"Ayton Advance. l ’ This is a disagreeable result of ‘food fermentation that Nerviline I The Fetomacb is warmed and sombed. di- égestive troubles corrected. the rising fof gas ceases and you are well. When such a simple remedy does so {muchit’s foolish to be without it. ;For indigestion. sour stomach. heart. gbnrn and sick headache you’ll find :nothing half so emcienc as Polson’si SNerviline. Get a 25 bottle from {your dealer to day. Emerson McLaughlin. a boy of about 12 years of age. while stand- .ing clo.~e to the bonfire on Monday in celebration of the Conservative ;victory. was badly burned. A can ‘of coal oil was thrown on the fire to amake it burn. and the tire leaped to }Where the boy stood. igniting his ,clothing and burning his left leg- nearly the full length. The fire was quickly smothered out by bystanders, ‘ ocberwise his injuries might have; been serious. He was taken to Dr.’ Moore’s office. and afcer his injuries? had been attended to. was taken; home. He was around text day. and: will be all right again shortly.-â€"Lis~i towel Standard. ’ ; uuuung SHOUICI DC more 3 Royal Household Flour Ogilvie Fleur Elias Co., Ltd. Mammal. 3091’ mrtfifimm Hour that’s miikd. his theonlyflour that is absolutely pure. :‘xsk your grocer. Those few extra cents a Week, that give you bometxmes it is econo- my to spend instead of to save. It IS in the case of Royal Household Flour. But there is a differ- ence between spending money wisely and spend- ing it foolishlv. of flour may look big to you. AND pmcanz Do You Belch Gas? -~ 3 cost of living: Dis :11 important tfii mg the food vou 2d unexpected hep the husband left mine the deceased gene! good health. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE barr I O“ f. This disease is constitutional-«- caused by virus in the blood that cir culates to all the parts of the body. To cure you must use a constitutional and family had a narrow escapa from being burnt out. A lamp which was left burning exploded and set fire to No better way than to improve the bloodrâ€"cleanse and enrich it.â€"-give it nourishment and strength. This can be quickly done by Dr. Hamil ton’s Pills which have a vitalizing purilying efiect that is unequalled in any other medicine. With lots of pure rich blood circulating to all parts of the body. with snap and vim running through every vein and artery, robust health is inevitable. No cleansing building tonicis as good as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Sold bv all dealers. . On Monday afternoon of last week §.\Irs. John Crowley of Kenilworth, $who had been in poor health. and 'who was staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice, Proton. left to walk to her sister’s. Mrs. Fernan, who lives two or three miles away. Nexr morning her body was found in a wood that she had to pass through. there being no snapicion till then that anything was wrong. It is sup posed that heart trouble was the cause of death. Decaased leaves a family of five small children. She was about 34 years of age.â€"â€"Confed erate. ’ l As a family balm and ctalve Zam-Buk is f lunequalled. and should bebnn (fiver): Elan" / / adian farm. Mrs, C E. Ti b5 0 0a ' 'alej r ' ‘ / Farm. Winnipeg Beach, writes:â€"â€"”Wes “h? catarrh IS Dangerous./ have found Zam-Buk :1 wonderful healer. : , , . I used it fora very bad burn on my hand‘ ' Usually It comes “Nth a cold axny by tlée nelxt (la? the pain}had gone:\11nd : Being Slight it, is neglectedâ€"~but th 4 1. 1e woun we I on t 19. way to reeling -. y ' - husband also used Zamolluk for a nasty ‘ seed ls sown for adangerous harvest. , flesh wound on his arm which it healed. In ; perhaps consumption. T0 cure a l revival wags we} have! found lam-Bulk] 1:0 j once, inhale Catarrhozone. It de : lea me an soot ling t mat we would not i e g stro ,5 the er f atarr r« ,to be without it in the house. Before we ‘ 5 g m 0 C h' clea ‘ i could get Zam-Buk in Canada‘ we used to ’ away mucous, cleanses the passage 3 “Kite to England for it we thought so much Of the nose a. d throac. The hacking gauutit. ‘ ‘ ‘ This great skin healer 13 sold by 31 drugâ€" gists and stores at 50 cents a box. New Theory About Rheumatism. - Farmer and His Wife Praise Zam Buk .Egremont school, between Priceville and Durham. and the strange noises that issued apparently from the ceil. fingand rafters of the building alarmed 3the peeple in that section. until thel lschoolhouse was shunned by the ua~' tives, and published broad cast over the country as a curiosity. Pictures Tof the haunted school appeared in ? many of the daily papers of that date land some twelve years ago it was theI .most-talked of subject and the most 1 :famous building in Eeremont. The; ‘trustees finally tore it down andl l erected on the site a substantiahhrick lstructure. The story afterwards leaked out that the teacher of the gschool wanted a new building. but Fall her reasoning with the board was ‘of no avail. Being somewhat of a ‘Ventriloquist, she caused certain 1 weird sounds to come from the raf- gters and so worked on the feelings of the trustees that they became alarm- , ed at the prospect and diszusted with ! 'the building. It never dawned on 1 the board, until after the new school I had been erected, that these sounds' never issued from the building except l ' when the teacher was present. She i : trained her object, and the old build- 1 ing was converted into lumber. which ,f was afterwards sold to the C. P R. H From the joists and pillars of thisll haunted school have come the white- 1 washed ties on the South LlDB.â€"]E Bruce Times. in EVERY HOME NEE )5 ZASIBL'KI A number of white-washed ties are doing service for the C. P. R on the South Line. and those who walk along the track and behold these tieefi will probably norice nothing remark- uhlein them, other than that they were taken from an old building. The present age is not much given; to speculating in witch craft. yet! those ties were the chief pillars in aI building that was believed to be haunted. They came from the old A Human Foot War-men How to Improve Health. to nurse the royal ‘. a London Weekly. res wrong. Itiesup re trouble was the Deceased leaves a small children. She nd if they hey would very short Give us your neither-â€" or call and see the “Carbo Magnetic" razor, and we will. unto our proposition for test- ing these razors w! than! the next time needed. The Carbo Magnetic razoris the only razor uncondition- ally guaranteed to do this. mond-like hardnessuniformly (5 throughout the bladeâ€"some- thing absolutely impossible with fire tempered steelâ€"used in making all other razors. grinding?" Whether it is a safety, with the certain tax of new blades, or the ordinary open-bladed razor does not alter the question. You want a the comfort and satisfaction of a clean, smooth shave every morning with the confident knowledge that your razor will be ready for instant use bk‘ _‘, ,_ _‘â€"â€"_â€"° own-‘0’ chines. Toronto W’indmills. Mellote Sharpless Cream Separators Harness, Rugs, \Vhips, Oils, Greases, Stoves, Furnaces, Singers Sewing Machines, Heintzman’s Pianos McLaughlin’s Famous Buggies Repairs for all makes of Flows. Repairs for all makes of Sewing Ma- chines. Automobiles, Ties, Poles, bought per Geo. White usually it comes With a cold. ;B<-.ing slight it, is neglectedâ€"~but the seed is sown for adangerous harvest. .perhaps consumption. To cure at once, inhale Catarrhozone. Ic de- stroys the germ of Catarrh. clears ‘away mucous, cleanses the passage fol the nose 9.. d throat. The hacking 3cough and sneezing cold soon dis- fappear, and health is yours again“ Nouhing known for colds catarrh] and throat trouble that is so curative as Catarrhozone. It cures bya new method that never yet. failed. At loll dealers 25c and $1.00. Get Ca- tarrhozone now. to-day. Agent for Percival Ayr, American Persian and Listowell plows. Implements : On Monday night shortly after? a midnight A. G. Bishop’s chOpping' [HE UUHH] 2 and. saw mill was discovered to be in ' flames. The fire had made such 15 1’ l headway that it was found impossible EVERY T1“? L to use the hose and other appliances 1‘“ the Chronicle Pi ' on the premises for fighting fire. 1 The origin of the fire is a mystery. DURH; " The mill had been closed down at ’noon and the fire was out. There, _ '““ i were no signs of fire at ten o’clock or " Subscrlption THE? ]even later. The mill and contents I Rates . “I" were totally destroyed, together I Elsi-139i“? l’i’f'vi'mf‘w. ' with $250 worth of shin ales and $250! the 51H: worth of lath that had been made ? Eggl‘gi‘gif‘flfé' til ‘5’?“ ’up. There is an insurance of $1000 1' ”HM {but Mr. Bishop’s loss will be heavt'.‘ ' ;This is the mill that was destroytdf Advertising Jf‘f”',‘ llast year by the bursting of the E Rates - ism: g boiler. Mr BishOp bad refitted it at 1 gig]: ‘1’}:‘1333’3'.“mi“ {much trouble and expense and this; Ad\'i‘i'f1;mn:1‘li:”Kyla: gsecond misfortune is peculiarly diSa‘ ggl‘fl.'”fi“”l'iill3"”f‘i' ’couraqing. It will also be seriousxy; eicjiirffilf-mzti;KISSES-J .gelt by the farming community near 3 ”“j{?§’flliiifi§§£5I12?“3”,” 3 nunâ€"Confederate. i ‘ "‘;,f_" " iifl Yuuirl 4'”: in .t ' $1M! Sold by W. BLACK, Durham FARM MACHINERY JUHN N. MUHUUEK Frost 8’ Wood Many people are good workers but poor savers. Learn to save 111 the workmg daysâ€"and thus provide for the davs when sxckness and old age come. _. The best provision is a Savings Account in the T T . . A raoers Bank. $1.00 opens an account: on when Interest . is com- pounded 4 hmes a year. 3 INCORPORATED 1885 Capital and Rest,. $6,350,000 - AGENT FOR All Kinds of Middaugh House Block Branches also nd we will m for test. w! thong Learn To Threshing Ma. Mount Farest an; U tioneer for thgb â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , W o t f Gre . 9:01:99“? attended t0. utbgdgrs mar; be 16? 31d 18 Inaplement Warerooms, McKim’One stand, or at the Chronicle Oflice. Nov. 9, ’03, _ -*__-, V.--“ 91‘. Conveyancer c. Insurance 489m?- Money to Lo’an. Issuer of M3? "8-26 Licenses. A general financial busr nose transacted, DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Towm) U veyancers. thary Paglia Etc. 3101191“ to Loan at Lowest Rates. ,‘ ()ficerâ€"Mclntyre Block. over Smndafl Bank. Durham. Ontario. NOTARY PUBLIC, COUMISSIO‘ 93‘ Convevanmr K p. Insuraflce 8‘30 ()fice over Gordon’s new .TewelierF re, Lower Town, Durham. Anyamoim‘ of monev to 1 - can .. . 11 mm are rtv. at a per ceut 0 C 11 W 0f Toronto. Graduate ROW} 0 age Dental Surgeons ofUnm-riu. Dentistry in all its Br:-u.~(x}:e‘<. Ofli¢e.â€"Calder Block, 01'?! P05? 01:50? OFFICE: J. F. GRANT, D. D. s.. L. D. s. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSE t}; of anonto. Graduate Row L. R. C. 13., LONDON. ENG. flag" and to Golden Sq. Throat and \‘oae Hon. ¢ SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE hours. 8 to 1.0 a. m., to 4 p. m. afid? :09 o. m. Specul attention given to diseases 3f women and children. Residence opo ooante Presbvterian Church ___.. _ -vuul u U¢‘ U U-UUD' U Queen and George Streets-Northof Methodist Church Office hours-94! ML. 2-4 0.31.. 7-9 p.m. Telephone No.10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in thfl Ryflm urn-nth.- D‘..-I_ Am“ uV¢uLJ¢‘\/.L'4 .5. f Knapp’s Hate}. , Lower Town, Durban 12 to 2 o’clock ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. c0)“ A§§ISTEL, SOLICITOR. £an The Job . . 3 Department 5 cards, nnt excmedihg n Advertisements with”: be published till forbid Transient xmfi<’e.<-â€"“L( etaâ€"50 vents fur first in subsequent insertiqm. All advertisemems m be bait] for in ad Va nee. Contract rates for 3' nishod on application n. All advortismnvms. current Week. should In TUESDAY morning- Subscnptlon '1 “F1 ‘- 1‘ an} add Rates - o :1] (Mywr ~$1fiO may be vhar'gvd i: to Whivh every subscript the Immbm' «m the :U'uh't‘ continued to all :-U‘!‘0‘.‘ll‘.~' Optxon of the }_»r«Jpx-ie.--qu'. Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. )FFICE AND RESIDENCE A nknn‘ J.â€"‘ J. G. Hutton, M. D. FFICE AN_D ‘RESIDENCEâ€"COR DURHAM EDITOR AN!) Pimp Mzscellaneous. A. H. Jackson. Dental Directory Arthur Gun M. D. Legal WWI/011’ Medical Dz‘recforr W. F. Dunn, DR. BROWN J. P, Telford. : 13, Frost St.. Owen Sound. 75 Branches in Ca DR. BURT. Over J. J. Hunter’s. ..0 Pickering Dentist. 'esâ€"“IJ st. ” ‘:F I)? first ‘INSPY‘Tiuj union. ments ordw‘m! dvance. PS for yeahya cation to tln- (.I‘ zemvms. In «1 Lhould be broug ilities for u Wu rk. is (39mph XE W '1‘ i" fir 'oprietor cents tifln : IS PL '. [RVVIN H 'rin tin g Ho Street, 1‘3 1) A mt 'JBLISHED R-SI)A Y m. 31‘s 3.! ‘ (.Hi dd: RI ETOI 63363 1m acres. extra gmd Build th nearly the .;“."'OJ rake Near Crawford PA). 1 acre building lot in 1) cheap, or trade for anyth eat, wear, or throw a mo Property bought and wld Money to hand. Debts col TICthS and Ocean Tlcluéfs of stack in Dmham Cemeu my hands for sale cheap. Always Prompt. Nev I BEG LEAVE To 12 COMERS and the pub] un prepared to furnish NEW Pumps AND R DRILLING, RE-CI'RBIXH done with Cement cmmre 00 area. Glenelg. Frame 1 Bazvn, Good Farm, ungin W111 sell for W. 50 Iacres. Glenelg, splendid 5;qu Buildings, cheap at Then do business with H 100 acres on Durham R Farm. Bank Barn, E tor $2500. 8:603 bf iny scienvmb 38L; 83.75 I”. you. postage x In “Imagery. A hmeeri ,muaméa iveex Anyone mama a sketch and . muck}! ascertain our Opinion r Invention to probably pmemmn. uonsnrtetlyconademial. HANDE gent free. Oldest “envy for we: Patent! taken uni-ouch Mum mam without. charge, 1;; 250 sq. yard. LiDOIthIn. Zyds. Wide, 3:1 8mm“ Russ. 30x3“. 3m .1. WORK GUARAxTH let live” PRxCEs. 50¢ yard. Table Oilcloth, 45in. wid. Floor Oilclath, 1 and 3 V 9‘ ALL ORDERS. .mk' nut McGowan‘e M11: ' bonded to. Table Linen. 68in. wh Large size White on good value Table Linen, 54in. \V 25c yard. Table Linen. 54in. whit. Curtains DO you want to make Seielitific H Mohawrsu w See our New Prints and G the Hanover ( The \Vlde, H. H. M W. H. BE SAVE MONE have worked c GEORGE The RELIA! FerrV Lace Curtains He Gift Sens Che Hat For 60 â€" EXP

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