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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Jun 1908, p. 5

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Underpriced ’ICE )ur the thir f ain Prices ter and Eggs Lace Gloves QUALITY” alf Over (l ings Vests for 196 0n the move Und erwe a r summer dress. Many in clear and the pile of 1:35 of muslins, short: Durham and Welland 10‘ Sons ek, only a. few of ()O( FOR 39c PAIR wing an exten- 16 of which is Switzerland of went. y. White. pink with natural Sulid gold tment of long 19H price. a; V9 98 VQI' rth win- values in in order in rea Our stock for the Wedding season of silverware is now complete and everything upctO-date. This store has the name for high- c1455 goods, and always will so long asthere is such a thing as a. jewelry husmess. We have always in stock, at least, three dozen wedding rings to pick from. every style, and about. one Ehundred engagement rings, includ- ing Diamonds. so you have no rea- son to go away disappointed. Percy G. A. Webster Wedding Engagement Rings al first-class Silverware TRY HL’R TEAS Butter and Eggs Wanted 'Oach Stallion “GEORGE IMPERIAL” fllmake the season, 1908 “he Hahn House stables, “ham, Moderate Charges on 30- Sum 0f not travelling him. ”59°? of this horse is well-knpwn in SQMY. amongst his get hem: the a 5‘33 belonging to Mr. Roht- flan. dun was a mare of only 14 hands, Watchmaker Jeweler and Option. 1s.1908 The High Stepping S. SCOTT H Dry Goods Groceries A New Orleans woman was t 8.5831158 she di d not extract rigs ment from her food. 3@¢o¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢o¢¢¢¢¢o¢$ ! qaxne B. Phillips mixed or unwashed :hest price will be lowest prices for {eport fine assortment e. flztnnels, prints melettes. ready- '1'alls etc. Gifts l a pound a day in weight. ALI. DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND 31.00 ONTARIO Proprietor t0 t0 t0 t0 t0 t0 UO 10 10 p9 THE Public School Picnic at HuttJn Hill on Tuesday afternoon last was a very pleasant outing for all present. There was a good attendance. and everything went off most agreeably. The usual picnic sports were indulged in and prizes were given the school children for racing and athletic con- tests. of which a list has not yet been received. A bountiful lunch of the most tempting character was provided by the ladies, and a refreshment stand was in full operation serving out soft dunks and ice cream to all who desired to indulge. A baseball match between the Poplar Hill team and a team from town was agreeably contested. the town boys winning in a score of 20 to 8. Rev. A. A. Bice refereed the game and gave good satisfaction. even if he did hew straight to the line. His text was “one ball, one strike, foul, safe on first, out.” and though he introduced very few new ideas he developed his subject very well. The weather was everything that could be desired, which. we presume. shows good judg- ment on the part of Dominie Johnston, {the popular painstaking and efficient teacher The picnic proper was held ; in the bush a little south of the school and the baseball game was played on Mr. Armstrong's farm. ideal spots. both of them. . unum OD here. at l!) a. mixed train. THE house of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Walls was broken into on Tuesday last. and ransacked from top to bottom. Fortunately only $22 was left in thef house at the time, and whoever the parties may be. they were poorly paid for their trouble. It seems that Mrs. Walls was out, washing while her hus- band was attending to his duties else- where. The children were at school and the house was without any pro- tection whatever. To gain entrance, the burglar must have broken open the front door with a chisel or some such instrument. as marks on the door will not justify the suspicion that it was shoved in by main force. ’W hen the. family returned home and dis- covered the burglary Chief Carson was at once notified, and suspicion pointed to two umbrella men who have been around for a day,or so. Their movements were, however, aco‘ counted. for on the day in question, and it looxs at present as if there is absolutely no clue on which to work. General appearances indicate, how- ever, that the burglary was committed C‘Cl’ ”Hwy U-v vâ€"_c_ . by some person who was well ac- quainted with the habits of the family, or he could never have so turned his movementsas to strike the place at the right covery. A school girl was required to write an essay of 250 words about an auto- mobile. She submitted the follow- ing. “My uncle bought an automo- bile. He was riding in the country when it busted going up hill. I guess this is about fifty words. The or two hundred are what my an be was walking back to town but they are not fit for pub SPECIAL low prices on York to see "The Merry Widow. and wrote a friend in the city to let him know the earliest date for which he could secuxje seats. The next day when he was away from home the followingtelegrem was Opened by his wife: ‘Notbing doing with the w until the ten th. Will that suit 3 Explanations were demandei. ;\'("h.\.\'(';1£ in the ( .( ).\'( Kl! Ill Mondav canoe les :11: A man whosg wife‘ place on rm l'l ur \Ved n’L what L] OD SHOT was tlun. “Id 8! 111 I] mdaV ll) I‘his will see our Hosier; The Hnuse of Quality LOGAI the G. T. R. schedule :els the outgoing 11.20 r, while the one due will in the future be a. joy the Tickets sufficient g with the widow Will that. suit you?” \V SllllllI H H nderwe was extremely l 1‘8. )Sl M (11': ll {Kt \V l t1 1nd If Lt \Vhitc \\-'_\':xndntte hen \V hi it \Vhite‘ Black Black bl't Dm-k will Duek w i n Light Brahma cockerel ....................... Light Brahma. pallet .......................... Dark Brahma cockerel ........................ Dark liralmri pallet .......................... \Vhite Plymouth Rock cockerel ............... \Vhite Plymouth Rock pallet ................. Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel .............. Barred Plymouth Rock pallet ................. Buff Plymouth Rock cockerel ................. Buff Plymouth Rock pallet ...... . ............ Single comb white Leghorn cockerel .......... Single comb white Leghorn pallet ............ Rose comb white Leghorn cockerel ........... Rose comb White Leghorn pallet .............. Single comb brown Leghorn cockerel. . . . ..... Single comb brown Leghorn pallet ............ Rose comb brown Leghorn cockerel .......... Rose comb brown Leghorn pallet ............. Buff Leghorn cockerel ........................ Buff Leghorn pallet ........................... Silver spangled Hamburg cockerel ............ Si ver spangled Hamburg pallet .............. Hamburg cockerel, any Other variety ........ . Hamburg pallet. any other variety .......... . Red cap cockerel .............................. Red cap pallet ............................ . . . . Rhode Island red cockerel .................... Rhode Island red pallet ....................... Silver Gray Dorking cockerel ................. Silver Gray Dorking pallet ................... \Vhite Dorking cockerel ..................... White Dorking pallet ........................ Hoadan cockerel ............................. Hoadan pallet ................................ Black Java cockerel .......................... Black Java pallet ............................. Black Minorca cockerel ...................... Black Minorca pallet ...................... . . . White Minorca cockerel ...................... \Vhite Minorca pallet .......... . ............. Orpington buff cockerel ...................... Orpington huff pallet ...................... . . Orpington cockerel, any other variety ........ Orpington pallet. any other variety .......... Black Spanish cockerel ...................... Black Spanish pallet ........................ White Wyandotte cockerel .................. \Vhite \Vyandotte pallet .................... Silver laced \Vyandotte cockerel ............. Silver laced \Vyandette pallet ............... Golden laced Wyandotte cockerel ............ Golden laced “'yandotte pallet .............. \Vhite crested black Polish cockerel ......... \Vhite crested black Polish pallet ............ Cornish Indian Game cockerel ............... Cornish Indian Game pallet .................. ' lack breasted red Game cockerel ........... Black breasted red Game pallet.-. ......... . .. Golden Dackwing Game cockerel ............ Golden Dackwing Game pallet .............. Pyle Game cockerel .......................... Pyle Game pallet ............................ Batf Cochin cockerel ......................... Bufi Cockin pallet ........................... Partridge Cochin cockerel ................... Partridge Cochin pallet ...................... Seabright Bantam cockerel .................. Seabright Bantam pallet ................. . . . Game Bantam cockerel ...................... Game Bantam pallet ................. . ..... . Bantam cockerel, any other variety ......... Bantam pallet, any other variety ........... Unme Bantam ‘ Bantam any at Bantam any at Langs'hzm cock Langshau hen iolden South Grey Fall Fair mum: Iver l n'nish In Bronze turkey cock ......... Bronze turkey hen .......... \Vhite turkey cock .......... \Vhite turkey hen .......... Bronze turkey cock ........ . Bronze turkey hen .......... White turkey cock ...... . . .. ‘Vhite turey hen ........... Pekin drake . . . . .......... Pekm duck .............. Aylesbury drake ......... Aylesbury duck .......... Rouen drake ............. Rouen duck .............. Duck, any other variety, Duc, an y other variety, Emden gander ........... .(f n uesdav i( {C mtzuu cock . . . . mtam hen . . . . . any other varit any other vzu'ie hmtmu hen (ist of Prizes for 19.08. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ill) C(H ll C(K U CLASS 17â€"DUCKS AND GEESE. (Continued from last week.) une hen llllt’ hen CLASS Hâ€"â€"CH [C K E. 'S. dues t.“ CLASS 15â€"TURKEYS. BRED PRIOR TO 1908. FIRST DAY. CLASS ICEâ€"TURKEY'S. (Continued next week.) 4" b dav. Se; hen ll 22rd and 23 DU .30 50 51) 50 5!) 0‘ } 5‘) gagga 54) 30 SH 30 3t ) 3‘) 30 30 3‘) 3rd, 1908 Miss Lena Edge epent several days last, week with friends near Spring Bank. Mr. and Mrs. John Little. of Pro- ton, were visiting the latter’s mother, Mrs. R, Ector. Miss Gardiner. Mt Foreet, was the guest of her friend. Mrs. John Firth, for a few days recently. The masons are at; work this week on the stone foundation for Mr. Chas. Mofiac’s stable. Mr. James Banks. of River-view visited his parents here last- week. Miss Clara Greenwood iq; visiting friends at Maseie. Congratulations to Miss Amy I. Edge who passed with honors her examination at Faculty of Education Toronto University. Quite a number from this part took advantage of the Farmers’ Instltute excursion to visit the Experimental Farm. Amongst those Who went were Mrrand Mrs. Robt. Edge. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. D. Edge. Mrs. Jos. McNally, Miss Eva Ritchie. Messrs. \Vill McFayden. C. C. McFayden. W. R. Edge, Herb Edge. Arthur Edge. Mr. and Mrs. D. Edge went on to Gals and stayed over till Monday. Their aunt, Mrs. Kerr, of Galt, accompanied them home Road-work has commenced in this neighborhood The amusement committee of Ben Nevis Camp are to the front again with high and first-class attractions for Durham. on Dom- inion day. a trapeze novelty: as exhibited at New York. Toronto Fan, Scarboro Beach and London. NEW ! ! NOVEL ! I STARTLING I ! Japanese Day Fireworks fired from a mortar sunk in the earth, will be sent up at intervals during the afternoon Animals and objects grotesq‘ge and funny taklng shape m mid-airwâ€"l’othing like it ever seen here Brass Bands Pipe Bands. Caledonian Games with an enlarged prize list and other features. Miss J eau Robb, London. Soprano. Mr. J _L__Gal_l)raith, London, Accompanist " and Vocalist. Mr. Geo. Flavelle, Toronto, Comedian. Piping. Dancing and exhibitions by El Trio Stuberfield. To Grounds 25c; to Concert 25c, .cserved seats 350. Plan open 24th ofJune at 2 p. m. DURHAM’S Dominion Day Demonstration Three triple aerial and acrobatic acts. A warm air furnace, that will not leak gas or dust, provides an ideal heating /\__system. It com- bines economy in first costâ€"and in operation, a plentiful supply of warm air and perfect ventilation. That is why “ Hecla” Furnaces are made with FUSED JOINTS. Where steel and cast-iron come together, the metals are fused or welded, so that they practically become ONE. This fusing (a Clare patented process) makes the “ Heels” absolutely dust, smoke and gas, tight. TheEe are a dozen andvmore vother special features about the “ Hecla” that you will appreciate almost as much as the FUSED JOINTS. So let me send you the new Hecla catalogue, which give all the details of construction. If you send me a rough plan of your house, I will tell you inst what it will cost to install the “Heela” Furnace. Write NOW to the ‘ Heela Furnace Builder” we of a. GRAND CONCERT IN THE RINK “The Stubble Field Trio” SONS OF SCOTLAND Edge Hill. ADMISSION: L. C. KARSTEDT, Durham IDEAL FENCE N0. 1 .............. 29 No.2 .............. 37 N0. 3 .............. 51 N0. 4 .............. 88 No. 5 .............. .36 No. 6 ............. 53 N0. 7 .............. 46 No. 8 .............. 20 Majority for J amiesonâ€"103. N0. 3 ......... . . . . . 155 Majority for J amiesonâ€"ZOO. N0. ('3. . MajoriLy N0. 1 ...... Majority for No. 5 . . . . .. Majority for No. 6 ............ .. 20 No. 7 .............. 46 Majority for J amiesonâ€"IO‘Z. 41 No. 3 .............. 6‘ No. 4 .............. 41’ No. 5 ............... 44 No. 6 .............. 15 No. 7 ............. 24 No. 8 ............. 3‘ Majority for J amiesonâ€"53. NEUSTADT. No. 1 ............. 38 51 Majority for McCannelâ€"IS. Total majorities for Jamieson.... 490 No. 1 .............. No. 2 .............. ajority for McCannel-â€"l40. "HECLA” Fused Joints 12345678. HOW THEY VOTED. 119..90.4“~OaO.â€"l 06 for McCannel 5.5. “ McCannel. . £1 Majority for J amieson. . -â€" MO BENTINCK. EGREMONT. NORM ANBY. DUNDALK. DURHAM HANOVER. McCan Delâ€"15. GLENELG. ..... O C O 98 J amiesonâ€"32. Mean 3 Chan, Smokeless Home. PROTON . Jam. McC. 91 49 59 117 36 47 41 49 21 41 49 69 49 41 M Wit .pge

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