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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Jun 1908, p. 6

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so ..a % N 0 II- M . .l m N . o E F c 4. T. A R _ T s 9c} (1)1 in ." l H80 ( um" 92' fhnr :13 1'1 Cczm! ring. I hands . “'9 :lNN‘iz- gnuiuatt ('HHFSPQ ; c ital. ngu :1th mm Elli 3-3“ ‘ . "“I‘- 1A" Mum: win-t - f .39.. am ,1; Notice to T respassers. u 3mm}: IS HEREBY. GIVES? 'c t l 133. Ewen. lots 43 and 44. con. 3. \V.G.R. \‘m. Scarf. lots 46 and J, con. 3, \\'.G,R. hos. Torry. lots 28 29, con. 4. N.D. R. 10110 Burns. 10:5:50 31, con. 4. N.D.R. _\'oz ice is.furtber given. that hounds or liies found on any of the above properties liable to be shot. The above properties are on Rocky San- ' n, from Aberdeen :0 Thos. Terry’s. and Sangeen from Thos. MiL‘igan’s to T1105. {i f‘ g; wmxvnuLs. ’ 3s ‘ s a 1.4:» -~.‘%~~O \ 111:1? anv person or persons found 111111111. tuning trapping or trespassing 1 2h» properties mentioned beiow af er '0 date or this notice W111 be prosacutea 1tlze full extent of the law. Thns Milligran. lot 02. con. ‘2. W'. G. R. Thos. I. Mighton. 10153.0011. “..G R. Lex. Alexander lot 49. con. 3:: W. G. R. \'.m Cuti lots 49 and 51. c011.3.\‘4. G. R. eo,_,\!ighton, lots 61. 62, 63. 64. con. 3, H.J.Mi1‘..er luts 63 andt‘r-l. con. 3\ ..D R “’11:. McCrackeu. lots 43 and“. con. 3. ‘ 3y what you will, and go where y like, you cannot get a better, er or more delicious tea. than .alada,” 33‘ >- wruilllg bibluvss training at} 0.31 in Wastevu Unta'in. We give ,0. IIJHOHLIi), practical traiv'ing nu Cmmvercia! thjwvts Isaac Pituian's Siiexrriiand. Tnuch 'l‘vpewritin; and in Cczmnercial and Railroad Opera- ting. Each dovartmnnt is in the hands at exrwrimnced instructors. We assist students to positions. Our graduates alwavs succeed. for our mmrses‘ are the best Get our free cataingne and learn more about us. You may 92‘??? now. he average weight. of the brain of .an is three and a half pounds; of omen, two pounds eleven ounces. Ellim: Mclachlan 111'! rtice stands good for fix 0 years 1908 [5 181‘ .11 it 59 60. con. 3, .\'.D R con. 4. and lot 45, con. .521: E Rheumatism DAL... .. CL.A..._A.I.. It originates in the blood and de- velops most quicklv in the system of persons who are run down and lack. ing in vitolity. The only specific of ALL forms of Rheumatism is Ferrozone. Which i=4 perfecr solvent for uric acid and a sp endid stimulant for the kidneys and liver UNCHECKED.-It Finally Strikes the Heart and Kills Its Victim. No remedy is so successful as Fer rezone. It has never failed to cure, because it attacks the cause of the the disease in the blood. It neutra lizes the uric acid poisons, quickens the sluggish circulation. and relieves the system of all irritating matter. Every distressing symptom is cured, swollen muscles and aching joints are relieved of their pain. The disease will not return if once cured by Ferrozone. which does its work thoroughly. lts cures are lost- ing. Unlike other treatments, Ferro- zone does not depress the heart or deaden the nerves, It rebuilds the system, promotes better health. establishes good appetite. sound sleep and freedom from wakening pains and aches. “You must keep your mouth shut when you’re in the water,” said the nurse as she gave little Tommy a. bath, ”If you don’t you’ll swallow some of it.” “Well what of it?” demanded Tommv. There’s plenty more in the pipes. ain’t there? The perfection of all rheumatic remedies is found in Ferrozone. It is in tablet form easy to take. con- venient to carry. guaranteed to cure. and costs onlv 50¢: per box, or six boxes for $2.50 at all druggiets; don’t fail to test Ferrozone. GET your calling cards at this office. Eats Up Stzength Racks the Joints Prevents Sleep. EAGRICULTURE IN THE PUBLIC i SCHOOLS AND THE TRAINING 5 OF TEACHERS. The problem of successfully teach- ing Agriculture in the public schools has been long under trial and con- sideration. and everyone admits the wisdom of instructing the children in the rural schools in the elementary principles of the sciences that relates to their life activities. The diffi- culty, however of securing teachers specially7 trained for the work has hindered advancement. The day is gone for thinking that the subjeCt may be adequately provided for by a tent: book alone. There must he more than this. The school muSt hwe teachers prepared for the work. The ruralszhool must have special rural teachers! Allover America a movement to secure this end is in evidence. Ontario has been active in the cause for the past four years. but greater public interest is needed in order to attain results commen- surate with the importance of the interests involved. The basic in- dustry of Ontarioâ€"Agriculture re- quires for its proper growth and de- velopment the co-operation of the schools. All three interested in the education of childrenâ€" trustees, parents and teachersâ€"should share in the responsibility of meeting the requirement. By G. C Creelman, President Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph. To this end arrangements have been made by the Education Depart- ment for the holding of a Summer School for Teachers at the Agri- cultural College at Guelph. It opens on July 2nd and continues for four weeks. InStruction is given in five distinct courses, viz: (1) Elementary Agriculture, ('2) Nature Study, (3) Art and ConStructive Work, (-1) Manual Training (Woodwork). (5) Household Science. Macdonald Hall will be open for the accommodation of lady teachers at a charge of $15 00 for the four weeks. There are no tuition fees. The instruction in Elementary Agriculture prepares the teacher for taking up the work of School Garden- ing at our' rural schools. All the THE DURHA M CHRON] LiL E ether courses help to fit the teacher to teach children in terms of their environment a 1d their life activities. The u.ban teachers Will have their needs met in the courses in Nature Study, Art, etc, Further particulars may be had on application. The Ontario Agricultural College has given instruction along these lines during the pasc four years to about 250 teachers It has only reached so far a very, very small fraCtion of our school children there- by. It desires to extend its useful- ness and asks for the active sympathy of all concerned Teachers should be encouraged by their trustees to take up the work. Only by this 00- Operation can our schools be brought into accord with recent and approved educational development. Pulls so Hard on the Stomach it Must Have Help. The stress and Strain of the stren- uous life in both city and country makes stomach troubles. Five people sufier to day Where one did ten years ago with sick headache, dizziness, flatulence, dietress after eating. specks before the eyes. bloating, nervousness, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms of indigestion. All who are sufiering with stomach troubles. and that means at leasn two out of three in Durham and other towns, should use Mi o-na stomach tablets. Nothing else is as safe. yet eflective; nething else can be so thoroughly relied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi o-nt. German scientists, after. devoting deep studv to the question of the decay of paper, have found that bac. within the preservation of valuable books and manuscripts. troubles from indxgestion as Mi o-nvz. So reliable is Mi ovna that MacFar- lane Co.. with every 50 cent box they sell, give a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. shine with a. light 190 times that the sun. The north Star is THE STRENUDUS llFE estimated to of may be very popular at the present mmnem. but it 1:9, alas, not here to stay. Not so with Slni»1-\\-in-\\'i1- hams. ready-mixed paintsâ€"their pol‘nllm-irx' is in- Cl'easxgg every year. Not-hing manufactured 3'0 equal 1t for all purposes. Ask your neighbnrzxiwlf1T- If you are in search of wedding presents. have a look through our show casesâ€" We have some LEW” bargains in silverware. ,1 Have you seen our assortment of gasdine- :mu coal oil stoves? No home is complete without on“. Y - ° .. ." -. "'1’“ We have numerous styles and s1zes o} NW1 doors and window screens. Also a stock of sum wire. 1 Just arrived, an assortment of washing; 1m * } Ht ines. Our favorite is the “Dan Patch call :1: <11 us know your choice. We have some pieces here each enough 111 WWI a small or medium sized 100111 Shmtwnih tn clear at short pliCOS. JAMES IRELAND and there’s a reason.. We saw a great big chance when a wholesale went out of the curtain business and ever bought. That means to us far more curnains than we want. To you, lace curtains at far less than regular prices. Those 100 muslins :-There are stili 111111111, 2710 yards to clear at 10c Yard. Have you 11111 1'1'1111 share yet. ’ Curtains Take a Tumble We want to suit atleast 50 men during the next few days, and we’re taking down the prices of these suits so that nobody need stick at the price. Be one of the money savers. in all the fashionable COlOIS, i11<l11«li11;_r anvns- spot and floral patterns 1212( to ‘73 )c \ 211d. These are the kind that makea. 931001113th- pression, as w e11 as a good first 1111111'e~~10n The) are in all kindsâ€"dress, neO'lig'ee and wigirking, each the best of its kind. TRAVELLER’S SAMPLE SpeCifll" SKIRTS We bought a lot of traveller’s samldes ofthe new skirts, black, navy and brown panama and chiff- 011 venetian. They are new styles, pleated and ripple side and are reg. $6 00 skirtsâ€"on sale $4.233 where thev know how to make linen. I-‘i1'111, even weaves, white linens at 25c to 600 Yard. Colored linens, navy - and pale blue,‘ 25C 1 21111. F :11111 linen pale blue \\ ith “hite overcheck 500 311111. Men’s Suits at Down Prices NEW Shirts .erMen 82 Boys Rear of Darling’s Drug Store Up-tu-date in every p' i It. All kinds of Ices and 17am NEW YORK STYLE Music Wednesday Saturday George Yiirs’ Orchestra We will give free one of Dunlop’s Beautiful Ros. s with glass of cream soda. or other 100 dish. 6W") Roses: to be GIVEN AWAY NEW DRESS LINENS from Ireland! ON SATURDAY, JUNE 20, |908 â€"OUI‘ Anniversaryâ€"- DARLINGS’ DRUG STORE. Chums in abundance Sole agent in Durham for “Mechamv K m“ and “Railroad King” overalls. Knock-out Prices Ends of Carpet The Merry Widow Hat The Fiz Biz I Come and get a Rose, and hear the Music at NEW MUSLINS McIntyre Block. June 18 .11 line {a white Embalming a SW Under Limm Delainvtlus Dress Linwn Victoria [MA New dress g: “Mite undm lack satin Ladies’ («mt Raincoat-s for In gentlemen, all 1 up-tO-d ate g0(')d or pure Manitoba flour. mm [0. I’Maniboba wheat cannot. Dr either bakers’ or domes blend of 1} Manitoba and i, neat and is a strictly fir family flour. “1 upctodate flour and A Mel's keep our fimu- fur '0“? grocer does not. keep H be mill and we will usv y Call us Up by telephmw I 'eople 9 mpde from selected Wintet its a superior article for pastry, etc. nstantly on hand the hes! Rolled Oats. Also our t blled Cereal, the best on the 800130de Oats. Mixed Cl 109. Bean Shorts and F99. neial Reduction on Flour 1' 10 Bag Lots. for your 5 Anything that; 111.1sz I}: t"fluent of spring: lmum: My miel' should be: cncnu , A“Vt'hillg that makgs 111 'W. Qrtable, more aux-art We, should be pan-uni i Our goods do all this. ’ with dauber and ha: ch93, ammonia, natia Eulndry soaps, lmrax ‘ kinds af Grain bought Price. me. Try Naptha so ' “Edwitbcold 01- 181) . leni 1 inen h m h; ”gelled and un bleached-1 Pillow cottons (31- 300 I Table. linen @1 2.50 to 5 PM and stiff hats at ri 01‘ WWW’W W 74'? "In“ 7/2“ John MCGO ’Dping Done Eve PASTRY FLOUT delivered anywhere TRY OUR NEW (‘H('|I"P SOVEREIGN and ECLIPSE 0f WE KEEP . McArt? THE \\ p at 10c pet y d. a l‘ Wintiow trim: am

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