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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1908, p. 2

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‘ 31):“; six miles from Dnrha }. Pmsmsrnn at once. Grad la . th. For particulars apply ford Durham. ME 29.-tf r ’ Mill Street Izyly to V} wlliam L: d fir: 2V 0 AND 33:) mvxsmx or : Lot No I. E G R.. i'» tD-o Tuwnship ‘0"le. 1m awe. known as the "McKin- Farm" at the Ro-c-ky Sangevr. 1m- iate possosuim; given. For particulars fly to J. P Toifmv’. 3 ll 07-â€" ti . Errmmn. 3 mile- harm of Holstpin. mining W0 norm. abnn' 90 acres clawed 2 in good slam of cultivatiun, good brick 'vlling lum- frame basement barn, wel 11d and well watered. gond orchard. 51 '9 from schml and 1 mile from church. 3' terms. For lumber particulars apply ohm H. Sharpe. Holatein PO. mom 1 mnM‘ (Newly. 35: um.“ bah. frame bum, I Iltclfdfll to» be add. A. H. Jackmu bun. 2271f. Tn;bla farms in Nfl'w Ontavin mm.- 1 Liahexrd fur sale-large dim-“nut (M I. Map (A the» l- oamy and tern % given I P'ii’i'iOD NJJ P Tehurd. Snlivimr for M 7 18 08 -M yrs 27 AND ‘UU "UL.“ I Q--_â€"- ’ wilt“ of Durham, On the fat!!! there J good brick home. almost new also two pd barns with stone foundations. The fly in wall fenced and well watered. amp! 330‘0 on towns to suit vurohas- - Apply to W. F. Dunn, Agent for Van. - [Avril 29â€"tf ’NUMBER OF (){paqvnp VAL. Jl|’-' Jug-’7 Cunt-essinn of tha Township 0f Nor. 1hr, containing 210 acres. tha estato 0t lite Thus Fnlmn Una stone dweiling onetrame dwelling Gmd bank barn : good frame barn Win b6! sold in block lividad to wit purchawr. Tarms mada “ ' "â€"â€".-L union“ AA- one flame ““0"!"g [II-"u uaun u.-. __ i (and frame barn Will be Gold in block ividnd to suit pnrchanpr. Tat-ms made In on applic-atinn. Hugh Fulton, Ad- stratm. Hampdon, P. 0. ’13. t! 61m L01;- fifcéizfz E. G. B. l' {a answnxég or THE LATE L‘lrs. Benjamin Mala. small brick cot- 9 containing seven roams. An acre and lfof good land containing good bearing One of the best locations- in upper in fimham The very best drainpze .E“, UIULUJJ- Mhouso situated on the west. Sid GM:- :5“ Show. in Imp" mwu. large lot with “to. fin-t class well alsn ciatern. Applv 'rcmisoa. Angus Cameron [312%. pm: CHOICE OF iwo HOUSES - - -_ n.“ mm... in brick. 8 rooms '{1 Durham The verv 00 Avatar supply Immediate ll so“ right on easy terms ackson. Durham, or toA. J: n ' auv - . -.- , _ lo with 4 single stalL. 1 box stall. 8 car- : o appartments and fie tenempnt house, upper town, stone. rt 8 mum. bath. furnace sud collar : thar part, 6 rooms and collar. Apoly Janina T Illâ€"[N THE SECOND CON- cushion Wait at the Garafraxa Rmd. b! Tuwmhin of Narmanby. in the IN 0f the“. For particulars apply to .Tolfnrd, Barrister. Durham. " UUUU ~vv---- :3! storey dwelling. alongside Prosby: ,m Manse property in Upper Town, ,bam. Corner of Durham and Elgin ats. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, . t floored cellar.etc. Good airyloca- in good locality. Good frame Stable. L ond soft. water. one acre of land. Snap Ehrlich purchaser. For turther particu- -' apoly to John W. McKechnio. Owner. mv Saugeen P. O. I 1THIN TWO 100 ACRE FARM “7 R _.._. ‘knnn "JJU vâ€"â€"v__ mm on Countass St . brick. 8 mm and rinse}. 2 cellars. furnace. etc lo with 4 Single walla 1 box stall. 2 c â€"â€" LAI‘-n ____n' I Farms for Sale. y. .1 material such as timber. brick, stwne, in cases where the buildings cannot be . are also 06'9er to: sale. ted June 4th 19”. ‘ Apply to ‘E UNDERSIGNEU U]: r nu.) .21 for sale a number of houses and out.- ifiings along the line of right of way of .Walkenon and Lucknow Railway. in gown of Durham. ' ese buildings must be removed at an y date. in oxder to clear the line A“ right TthAEA‘FRA-I‘iA ROAD- I - â€" v to", most of rent ldmgs. soil. water. Apply to J. Ritchie. Port will rent one or more Vears, n improvements orchard :nd timber JV. 5 “I Pâ€" .....'â€"â€"..._ - .v 0 G 0 613â€" , COMFORTA BLE‘ houses. Apply to J. )l. Latimer.“ k f: ‘2” i ‘lll' Efiab SOLID 39.1.03: TWO tuna 6 rooms. good woodsbed. good Ista- hon house. nm or failing well. Excell- Lnbco for gardening. Apply to Anon :60â€" Iiocky. immediate possession giv- Fo: mnher particular-a apply to J. P. TELFORD. - M‘ Durham. IDIUuuV vv --._ __ _ 30" v"'80“. naw iron truck pl wagon. ‘a number of Inge egg vats. LlIl Bake first-class cisterns) 3 or 4 thou. “on“ poets. lath, shingles. lumber. A ' f 006 new Welbeck P. 0 , will old ”wt: pct loud. D. Jamieson. ad- btntqr Spnlmg estate. or David Kin- Ind A. H. Jachon. Dgrham. [6!84 3â€"AND 14. COX. 3. N iFQLLO w [NU a INDBRSIGNED organs tf To Rent. For Sale. tf. 'fELFORD 03mm IN THE 1879 (Durham. Good GIT-d land. Must 110R frontage SUST‘BE‘SOLD OWNER MAY ‘3 possession. Applv to A. A. .‘Ic'l‘avish. ['251mp FRAME Call at [528$ to Allthe blood in the bodv passesl through the Kidneys every threel l l They Wet}; night and day to daily l remove about 500 grains of impurel matter. If they fail some part of this impure matter is left in theI blood. bringing on pain in the back,1 l headache, dizziness. irregular heart, lhor. dry skin. rheumatism, gravel. ’ldropsy. deposits in the urine. l Booth’s Kidney Pills make the filter- ing right and overcome Kidney trouble. Hundreds of Grey County residents have found this out. Mrs. Gec. Ryan, of Lambton St .‘ Durham,Ont.. says: “For years 1 lhad suffered with a miserable duall pain across the small of my back and lextending into my sides and shoul- iders. I would be unable to lstraigblen myself up at times and fcould not stoop to lift anything iHeadaches and Spells of dizziness ' were frequent and left me in a most miserable condition. I had not found relief in any of the many dif- ferent remedies and had thought there was no relief for me. I learn- led of Booth’s Kidnev Pills through :an advertisement and. procuring u. .hox at Mr McFarlane’s Pharmacy, é they quickly regulated the kidneys. l.\lv back strengthened and the pain 'lrft it. I have not suffered with diz 'ziness, headaches or languidness "since and feel glad to recommend lBooth’S Kidney Pills.” Sold by idealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. What Booth’s Kidney' Pills an Doing For Du: ham. Ont. People. Booth 00., Solo agents. When mother goes a-visitin’ I’here’s lors uv things to do. An' fur a week or so ahead She’s in a reg’lar stew. She says she’s get to clean the house An’ labor night and day At cleanin’, scrubbin’ pickin’ up. Afore she goes away. She goes up in the garret lust, An’ keeps a-workin’ down, An’ cleans down to the cellar shelves. ‘ An’ does the thing up brown. Poor pa. he don’t know what to do, Jes’ worries night and day; Ma says he ain’t no good to help Aiore she goes away. We live a week on “picked up meals,” "Hard pickin’. too” says pa; An’ then he trembles at the look ‘ Uv sco.n he gets from ma. Pa drives her to the railroad train, A ieelin’ fur from gay: , An’ by an’ by the train comes in, ‘9 An’ ma, she goes away. I'. An’ then we find our troubles jes’ : Begin that very day. 'An’ things ma baked to last a month l Like bubbles fade away. xAn’ soon we live from hand to mouth l An’ pine an‘ all grow thin; i An’ we are tickled 409’ to death ' When ma comes home ag’in. St. John, N. B. June 19.â€"â€"Cater-\ pillars are creating havoc in many' sections of the Province. An army of them is reported from York. county between Tracy and Cork eta- ticns. on the C, P R, line between Fredericton Junction and McAdam. ed to cross the track and a heavy freight train that came along; and rushed on them was soon stalled. Three times in a distance not greater than a mile the train was stopped by the pests The train crew were forced to use shovels to clear the track, They report that there were millions of caterpillars. and that they had eaten almost every green thing ;in sight. and had wrought particular havoc to poplar trees. More than an Ehour was spent in getting the train ',past the SpOt, and it was only by lsbovelling the caterpillars 03 the line and piling up gravel that the train- . men succeeded in overcoming the dif- ! ficultiee. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO When an oil well drilled by Harry R Decker, near Humble, Tex.. blew‘ out recently it brought from 200 feet below the surface of the earth a whole tree. Pieces of the tree were collected. and are now being kept for verification of the remarkable occur- rence. The wood is petrified from its long burial in the earth. The well that blew out is the fifth that has snfiered this experience in this tract of land. The pressure atthe point seems to be much greater than in any other part of the oil-bearing l territory. When Mother Goes Away. The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. WMWNWM‘IW Caterpillar Plague. nwcm mo A‘l' I M1,, Fort. Erie, Ont. ESTABLISH [D 1.73 ITEMS OF INTEREST. always sun's. always leadu alqu abauluter pure, always the best in quality is. "Salads ” “WK" “”8' “ways leada. alvnysi “You forget” I observed. “that; ubsulUtely pure, always the best in Russia is the original home and hab- quality is. "381333 Emu of the cigarette." says the Odessa ire li htnin rods of an as“ is a I correspondent of the London Stand- r a R Y ' lard. "The little paper tube of question if??? atkcd' M" Jun“ H“ ; tobacco was, so to say. a national Bl‘Ck‘ adJommz Fergus, on theOwen : institution among the Russians, gen- Sound .Road. had his barn rodded l tle and simple. long before it was some time ago. the three rods havmg '. seen between the lips of the English- brmht balls near the top of each. ' man and Frenchman.” Last summer lightning struck the , _ ,, barn. blackened one of the balls. but _M-" New a B”"Sh,mercham’.°n 'his first went to Russia, was being d'd th d . I ltF'-‘ ' no for er amaze n as r1 lintroduced to a local banking house. day’s storm, the electric fluid again I . . . . struck the barn. discoloring the sec As the cashier momentanlv latd aside "hi-s cigarette in a convenient ash tray and ball, but passed ofl' leaving no , , further trace of its presence. We‘to attend ‘0 ‘15. my “91'0” looked firmly believe that rods are ‘11 right ; amazedly around the spec ODS room. I where here and there among the stafi if made of the best conducting ma, . . 'of Sixty cterks he saw the curling terial, are prOperly insulated from the ‘ , . 'ded blue smoke of many Cigarettes. The bdilding, and well erected, prov: . . . also that the rod extend a sufficient l cashier proflered his clgarette case. distance into the earth to alwaysl "Well. do you know.” said my meet with sufficient dampness to F friend, “it is not by any means our carry off the electric current which notion of business. and yet somehow may s'rike it â€"â€"News-Record. it looks homely and agreeable, and _ - -e .1.--“ (“hung nnnnnv tn ha A remarkable feat in the long dis- tance transmission of freight has MVP” perforde DJ thr: Glnud l‘runk Railway. whick will doubtless stand as a record for a long time to come. A train of cattle consisting of 32 cars leaving Toronto at 11:15 a. In. Wednesday. reached hiagara Falls at 2:35 p. 111., just three hours and twenty minutes later. Such a feat has never been known before. This team carried about 550 cattle brought for eXport of dealers at the Don Valley by Schwarzschild and Sulzberger, of Chicago, the largest cattle owners and dealers in America The total shipment includes 3.000 cattle to go to Europe through New York. When one considers the {not that this time is only one hour and twenty three minutes shorter than the fast- est time made by passenger trains for the some route and destination. it begins to look like trsvelling. The G. T. R. oflicials say they hsvo some more surprises of 3 similar nature to come. They are prepared to do things. Though Americans have got the idsa into their head4 that this coun- try takes the palm for the use of patent medicines. it appears that it falls far behind Japan A report by one of Great Britan’s consuls in Japan shows that the "Yankees of the east” began to de velop the patent medicine business long before the United States was more than a few little Atlantic coast hamletsâ€"that is, in the year [682. The business had its origin at Toyame. on the west coast Its founder and patron was Prince Seiho Maedu While daymio of the prov- ince his making of medicines for the poor attacted such attention that BendalJokan a physician of Kate- kemi, brought a supply of Hon-Gon- Tan (“medicine that cells back the. dead to life”). This was distributed from door to door. to be paid for when convenient and from that time has been a popular remedy. The industry took root and flour- ished Medicines were distributed in the last century by thousands of agents. who made collections once a year, taking back unused supplies. The medicinesâ€"none being in liquid formâ€"are usuallv given sug- gestive names, like “brain healing pills" and “heal everything pow. ders” Toyema had a special guild for loaning capital. 1: dealers’ club of 3,000 members, a patent. medicine school and a patent. medicine mega. zine. Don’t stop my paper, printer; Don’t strike my name 03 yet; You know the cash comes comes slowly And dollars hard to get; But. tog a little harder Is what I mean to do, And scrape the dimes together- Enough for me and you. I can’t afl’ord to drop it. And I find it doesn’t pay To do without a paper, however others may. I hate to ask my neighbors To give me their’ s to loan , They don’ t just say, but mean it: ”Why don’ r. you get. your own. Handling Cattle Quickly. PATENT EEDICINES Don’t Stop my Paper. re Known In Japan as the Year 1682. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE of sixtv elerke he saw the curling blue smoke of many cigarettes. The cashier proffered his cigarette case. ‘ 9n “Well. do you know." said my friend, "it is not. by any means our notion of business. and yet somehow it looks homely and agreeable, and none of these feHows appear to be lazing or shirking.” Then came a further surprise For my companion. A neatly dressed Waitress emerging from some lower region was passing behind the chief counter bearing a large tray, on which were some ten or twelve glass. es of tea. with the usual small dish of sliced lemon and silver fork. The tea was first distributed to the senior clerks in the various departments. and the waitress returned for further supplies for the rest of the stafi. “Also a Russian institution?" smilingly queried the London mer- chant. “Exactly,” I replied. “and the tea is of the finest quality.” From the bank we drove to the postofice and telegraph station. In these places it is forbidden to the public to smoke, but behind the counters in every department the cigarette and tea were just as much in evidence as they were at the bank. The tea is always supplied by the establishment. whatever it may be. The cigarettes the oflicials and clerks find themselves.’ MIDLAND SCENE OF STRIKE RIOT Midland, Ont... June 17.â€"The for- eign laborers employed by the Met calf Company, contractors for the new G. T. P. elevator here, to the number of about 250. went on strike this morning demanding $2.00 per day. A few of the strikers created a riot by threatening, assaulting and intimidating the other men. who re mainod on the work. An information was laid before Police Magistrate Jefiery. and the police, assisted by many citizens, Went out to the works and succeeded in arresting six of the rioters, who are now confined in jail. Several Italians chased a workman named Smith with a rope and crow bar, because he would not stop work. Others used clubs and gaspipes to intimidate the workmen who remain- ed. Many of the latter were beaten. but only one was badly injured, and is now in the hospital. WORSE THAN ONIONS Bad Breath From Indigestion Cannot be Overcome With Berfumes. Ninetenths of the ofienaive breath isa result of stomach trouble. It. cannon be overcome by breath per- fumes or any other palliative mess 11765. If you have a. bad breath; if there is heartburn, flatulence and zulpings of undigested food; if the stomach burns or smarts; if there is sleepless. ness, nervousness, headache or any other symptoms of indigestion. use Mi 0 na stomach tablets and get well A 50 cent box of fJi-o nu stomach tablets lasts for a couple of weeks and will ward 05 a. dozen mild at. tacks of indigescion, while its con tinned use will give an absolute and complete cure. MoFarlane Co. have seen so many cores made by Mi-ovna stomach tablets thnt they give a. guarantee with every box to refund the money if it fails. Oriene’e not. good looking, Has no graceful curves or lines. But. when you get down to cooking, That’s where Oriana shines. Oriana’s conversation Isn’t really very bright. Cooking’s her best occupation; There the mciden is all right. Oriana’s not in fashion, Hasn’t got a bit of style, She knows how to put the hub on, All the some, you bet your pile. Orisns has no money, For her wealth no suitors scheme. But her buckwheat cakes and honey Are indeed a. poet’s drum. Orisns’s not artistic, No accomplishments she boosts, Onlyâ€"there I’m eulogistic-.. Oriana is a winner. Other fair ones I might snub, But. when I sit down to dinner, Give me Orinnn’e crnh. Orinnn ceme quite letely, Inetnntly the nude 3 hit. Wherefore I nun luring grently Orient man: to quit. CIGARETTES AND TEA. rt of the Routine of Every Russian Business House. 1;! the line of stews and routs. OBIANA. observed. “tbfit Mary Ann. Mary Ann. What have you done with that lob- eter can? Worms are plenty, as fat as sin. Nary a thing to put them in. Tell me quickly. dear Mary Ann. Where is that empty lobster can? 0. I say. Little May, Hither a moment. cease your play. Where is the creel that I always take? Find it quickly. for goo ineas sake. I’m in a hurry to get away. Look in the attic. Little May. Tell me, Joe. do you know Where all my leeden sinkere go? I had twenty the other day What have you done with them, can you say? Really you children annoy me so. Where are those lenden oinkere, Joe? Come. ndorable wile of mine. Where did you put my troliing line? Say, it’s enough to cause me tears How my preperty diseppeere. Tell me quickly, 0 wife of mine. Who was it. pinched my trollingline? Where are my waders and white duck hat? Where. oh where. is that floater at? Where is my elegant rod and reel? Where is my frugal noondav meal? Where is my handkerchief? Where’s my knife? Family lives an unpleasant life. So we console ourselves by wishing Father would never go a fishing. â€"Toronto News. Dmggisu McFarlane 00.. are Hav ing Splendid Rgports from Hyomei sets. BREATHE HELP FUR CATARRH It’s the poison germs in the air you breathe that creates and feeds cutarrh. Byomei simply catch! these germs on their way to work and and destroys them. The first breath of Hyomei air kills all Cu- tarrhal poison. This makes the air you are breath- ing inward helpful, it goes on its way through the air passag s, bron- chial tubes and lungs charged with germ destroying power that cannot be resisted it soothes and heals the wounded and inflamed membrane. That is why Hyomei is so instant- ly helpful for any distress of the breathing organs. colds, croup. bron- chitis. asthma or dreaded pneumonia, they are the germ life that Hyomei kills. Complete guaranteed outfit, $1.00. Bold by McFarlane Co., talk to them about it. Elizabeth Gunn was not too tnll, Her form was neat and her hands were small. Her eyes were blue and exceeding ' meek. And fair and plump was her rose-leaf cheek. She had hazel curls. such 3 pretty Sight. Miss Gunn was a peach, s11 right. :11 right. Her gowns were made with the greatest care. She wore them all with s dainty sir, The summer silk with its colors ’cute, The creamy serge end the shirt waist amt. The nifty brown with its hilt-ed side, They all were fineâ€"wish the girl inside. Bnt now, my friends, let us mourn and weep For the msiden’s hats make your flesh to creep. She hes s creation in crimson strsw. That really should be against the low. It is thnee feet wideâ€"Oh hockey den. And built on the Merry Widow plnn. And'these are the trimmings we can discern: Two yards of lace with 3 half round turn. Six fearsome bows of Liberty pink, Enough to cover a sksting rink. Ten roses. the largest size. you know. And forget-me-nots,-â€"â€"â€"well, a. peck or so. And when‘Misn Gunn puts that but in place It takes n detective to find be: (non. 0 hit Eliubech. list to me. Go out your lid in the sounding can, And let it. flout. on the holplooa fonm. For u but like thnt would brook up 3 home. The humsn skeleton consists of some 200 bones. though the number of sepsrste hones veries st diflerent times of life. Bones which ere dis- tinoc in only lite heoolns fused in FATHER GOES A'FISHIN'. Capital and Rest, $6,350; Many people are good workers But poor savers. Learn to save in the working daysâ€"and thus provnde for the days when sickness and old age come. The best prgyision is 3 Savings Accionlnt. in the Traders FOOLISH LIZZIE. Branches also at Mount Fox-est nnd Ayton Learn To Save . C. TELFORD. Manager. waders and white $6,350,000 . - 7s Branches in a...“ INCORPORATED 1 .05 mu DURHAM mm I ' ° THE (‘nmwn H, ' Subscription any addrese. tn.- 83m . 0 $1 “Over year. ]m_\ in â€"$1.50 may be charged if not m. l,,. to WhiC-h every subM-riptiun is 1mm the number an the address lain-l .\ i 3 {continued to all arrears are paid. . I option of the proprietor. IS PUBLISH BU EVERY TH CRSUAY M! n It the Chronicle Printing Hous Street, Advert“: For {mnflh‘lfl a11\t‘l' “’"N‘YIHQ cents per line tor 1).. p. ., Inner. ht“ . “on; 3 cents 1"‘1‘3111r 0:1(‘h subso- qnent insertion million meamr.-. “firmoml cards. not exceeding one inch $4}... ”mun“. Advertmemontn without Rpevifir "Hummus Wil‘: be published ti“ forbid and vital gml .u rnnhngly Tflnlieut DOfiCOfiâ€"“IA 8t. ‘ ‘ . :F.NIIYH‘. _ " F“! Sub". eta-50 cents for first ingeniuu. 3’. H.“ . Mr «not Inbggqqent {martian . I ‘ ’11! Odvéftilemenu. to ennurr insertion in mat week. should be brought in nu: lalerthu TUESDAY morning- All ulverthementn ordervd by m r... be mid for In advance. Contract rates for year.y adwx 12-. liqhgd oq appflution to the omw. i3 COHIPIPN‘Iy SUM km: “11.8? The 10b ’ ' XE‘V TYPE. thusafir'c‘mvgfar. Department ilitiea for turning «m: In: «it» U short distance out of Knapp‘s Hotel Lunb ton Street. Lower Town. Durban: Ofico hours from 12 to 2 o’clock ngeen and George Streetsâ€"Northf Methodist Church Ofiice hours-941 1.111.. 2-4 0.111.. 7-9 on. Telephone Nu. 10. I. tics in the New Hunter Bluck. Office hours, 8 to w a. m.. to 4 p. m. and? 105 O. In. Special attention given In (“508569 at women 1nd children. Residence op- posite Prosbvterhn Church. Arthur Gun, M. D. ' HYSICIAN AND SI‘RG EON. (ice in the New Hunter muvk. EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE fate Auicunt Roy. London Ophthmnm Boo. up. tnd toGolden Sq. Throst and New Hot. SPECIALIST : Discuss 0! Eyc. Ear Nose and 1 hmlt. Will be “, KIND!) House. Durham. 2:.‘9 2x ' Sntuxdov to each month. Hams: ‘.-â€"+. p m. D". lamleson "aCIaurin. Then do business v \FFICE AND RESIDENCE A the Hanuvvl OFFICE: Over J. J. H:.;.ter's. ty 0‘ Toronto. G raduam 0011020 Donal Surgeons ofontarx. . Dentistry in 311 its Brawn". Ofieor-Clldor Block, over l‘w‘ mmsmn, somcmm. ETC. Ofica our Gordon’s new Jewellery 5‘0“. Lower Town, Durham. AM ”I'm” if nonov to loun 3t 5 per cam. on mm aroma-w. l. B. Hutton. M. D., C. M. DURHAM, ONT ABBISTEB. SOLICITOR. (.03: voynnoon. Notary Public. Etc 3;. 118) to Loan u Lowest Russ. Diemâ€"McIntyre Block. over Bank. Durhtm. Ontario. > 4.;x:.darc vâ€"w--v L‘ or. Convoyauner. --v Agent. Honey to Loan. than Liana-u. A has tun-um. canon l finanmal has} A. H. Jackson. TOTABY PUBLIC, Cmuns' L or. Conveyancer. c. 1*” FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COB. L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE Of Loud-m. N°' York ‘nd Chicago. 1- 1'» GRANT. D. D. s.. L D. 5‘ [ONOR GRADUATE. 1'31:th b Ill- l-M$ WIWWD. 5' ---- i null. or st tho Chronicle ofiico. 80'... fl. 'OBN CLARK. LICENSED EDITOR AND Pnurnnmm DURHAII. ONT. (Lower Oflioe: 13. Frost 8L, Owen S “out! for the County of Grey. ID“! “We! 00. Orders gt}; Medical Dz’redorz‘. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Dental Diredarx' DR. BROWN W. IRWIN Legal ‘Dz’reclon'. work. W. F. Dunn, Mucellaneous. l. P, Telford. DR. BURT. menu fur. Town sent 111 III‘ ' OF- 0150: SIGN- W 2"db'. “'idv. 2i: ." ‘ufll. (Honda. Frame U m Bun. Good Pnrm. uugm x. Will all for W. 5.; our New Property bought and .-.-1d Honey to hand Debt- cu Tickets sud Ocotu 'l‘mkws “It“ in Durham (791mm .1 hands for sule cheap. \ Always Prmupt. .u \‘o Pumps. our... oxtn gmd Buiidn “I nearly the firm asked Sat Crawford P.() we building lot 1.; 1).. m. or trade for anytlm OIL ”It. or thro“ a ~1ka Ln. Wont GUAlAfiTEED lot live" Pincus. H. Sells Cheap 1m [.1sz 1‘0 15“ Nllmsndthevub“ ~ “Mutant-b I' Puma um Rum We. :u‘lkm\"~ *‘ «on with Cement coucrvtr bl“ worked «- 66 1908 MANG SEE . H. BEAN 35 Min. ““1 “in. \v Prints and mm: The GEORGE W l and Q Md! sad d 99: optntgn fr He 0“.le bin. w; (ND RELIABL Beggs “'ldc and sold U“ [)3th cause. ll Tuckets to! with H “annV Calder B GO TO 60 YE _£XPERU l'onv luau! shank but B Ii" Il)‘ Iv‘. prh Us ll

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