West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1908, p. 3

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.AN CH mieson laclaurin. inane-nu. to ensure km“. 1. should be brought in .03 1030!“. Max 1 m .\.\' n Pnurmmon. wars. Notary Public. ‘ .t L-Most Rates. lclntyro Block, 0'. Irhtm. Ontario. "' ‘ l k- l'ulv lL’.-â€"-"â€" L'unveyam'er, ’ the. 1’” Money to Lmn. lunar d W 30330». A general flaw w acted. mAx. ONT. (Lawn Ton.) utton. M. D., O. I. AR, THROAT 8:. NOSE SGVC’IS. wide for W. IRWIN IAN AN!) SURGEON, or- the New Hunter Block. O“ H) a. m.. to 4 p. In. .nfl? 30’ :ial arc-Minn given to dunn- and children. - Raid.” 0’- rial atumtion gi‘ and children. bvterian Church 'diml Directorv. mt in the T1 .h interest is 'thur Sun, I. 0. ° ~. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. A. H. Jackson. v: PUBLIC, COMMISSIOFY: 5TB IL, SOLICITOB. istance east of Knapp’l Bowl, treat, Lower Town, Duba- fmm 1:3 to :3 o’clock am cunnmm )R. BROWN nager. “shy in Legal ‘Direclon' . w. F. Dunn, mm. somcxmn. over Gordon’s 00' J er Town, Durban. Alym' :u luau at 5 per cent. (II “I. CLARK. LICENSED ‘I Or for “the 000331 of 91"“. A N D RESI DENCEâ€"COB. RANT. Da D- 8.9 L0 D- .0 u RA DUAI‘E. UNIVERSE lder .VC HAM. ON'F DJ!) or at tho Ohmic]. Bl ' Mel nodal with‘ gt) ‘3'!- E‘gm Y Pl.y than down-3 ho- ilitien for turning out tint-0b wurk. Miscellaneous. u [nu l {in} London (”53hl.“ I“. mm. m. Throat and II... I... SPECIALIST .1 AN 0 RESIDENCE l. P_ Telford. Hid] Directory. Tm: (‘nnmm'Ll will In an? address. (rec of m DR. BURT. ye. Eu None 0.4""... ~:*- Hm s0. Durham. them ; mnmh. Hoursâ€"44 D... "MD \ Y 3103x136 1:3}??? ”WM Oar-1m Over J. b J. HID-“I’D. ’O'SDI'S routo. Grad”? :rgeous of Onhno. in zll its Branch“. Block, ova: Post m .rge Streets-North of «Mice hoursâ€"9413.... I‘elenhono No. 10. mum st 51.. Owen Sound. LONDON. ENG. of London, I ms. from of pasta“, “ '93 r. payable huh“ nut MD Find. 1““ m is paid is denoted” :4 label \‘o POINT“- aro paid. except n 0. July 2 salt Linoleum. Smyrna Rugs, Then 4.. imam»; Rvim H. H. MILLER the Hanover Conveyance:- He offers: mtch. Ulenolg. Frame Dwelling. Bank Barn, Good Farm. ought to brinam Will sell for W. 50 germ, (ilenelg, splendid location. ex": mg) Buildings, cheap at «am. will take as: mo acres, extra gnod Buildings. alone wor- ry nearly the $1130 raked tor the [am Property bought and sold . Money tn Mud Debts collected. C.P.R. Tickets and Ocean Tickets for 8810. m )fu wk 111 Durham Cement 00., Ducal in my hands fur sale chap. Alwwya Prompt. Never Negligent- 5.: our Tbt )lt‘ Pumps. BE“: LEAVE T0 [mu .1 VIII]- 1‘0“ HRS and the public in «non! mu m prepared to furnish He Sells Cheap tended p.- white counte’l’m‘o' .1 value ' lflf inen. 60 1‘0 Mrs. Beggs $0115 sq m. worked edges except 250 on. l [1 ll'do Laco'Cuminl .. gyds. lung. at 150 pair 'luth, 45in. wide. 250 yard hth. 1 and 2 yards wide 1- yard. ., Zyds. wide, 33c sq. yd. Rugs. 60x3), 3.1!) each. New Prints and Gingham. H, mm. wide, unbleached SAVE HONEY I min. wide, unbleached The Min. wide, bleached RELIABLE . BEAN Hanover Conveyance:- . Miller, Calder Block. m Dino-It on». new to Ann“ 31" 330.00. Bi; value; 9'; 66 ‘0 66 Russel Bergman. a local youth of about 15 years, was badly burned on Saturday last. It appeere he wes playing in e blecksmlth shOp here, and accidently sat down on a piece of molten metal. He got a. frightful burn, the skin and some of theg flesh peeling OE With his trousers. â€"Post When the back drags and aches. {eels lame over the spineâ€"when there is indigestion. headache and constsnt call to make water. bewsre of sick kidneys. If neglected, this condition develops weakness and soon you’ll be unable to work. The one remedy you can rely on is Dr. Ham- ilton’s Pills. Every symptom of dis- ordered kidneys they cure by remov ing the cause You improve im- medistely, day by day you will ex- perience benefit from Dr. Hemilton’s *Pills. Best for the kidneys, liver snd stomncb. Sold by $11 dealers. Li htning struck the wires end en- tere the etntion during the storm on Toeedey night, set the building on fire end completely destroyed it. The fire heppened just before the nrrivel of the lots trnin. end there being plenty of help on head the contents Were n11 removed. The Grnnd Trunk has been hsving herd lncb during the recent storms. A. Boneeeeo. G. N W. linemen first sew the tire. He broke into the stetion ing the contents. -â€"Telescone. County and District. Msny women euler untold torture from nervous debility arising from disorders of the femiinne orgsne Day by day they grow worse. A' false sense of modesty prevents them using e good remedy like Ferrosone, --snd it would cure them. Lost nerve force is brought buckâ€"new vitsl enery is suppliedâ€"irregularities ‘diesppesr. Ferrosone does restore week pole women. For those who sufler und find work herd to beer nothing supplies the heelth sud vi- tslity thst Ferrozone so surely brings. ‘Gusrsuteed free from sloo hol end sure to cure, 500. at all den! 0". Some farmers in this neighborhood have been worried by a new weed in [all wheat. It is a wiry plant about two feet high with a small white flower and {our little nut-like seeds.) Flower and seeds are formed where the lesves join the stem. It has a red root and the stem is hard, ridged and covered with hairs. This is pigs on weed. wheat thief, or red root It is a biennial and the' seed has been most likely imported in poorly-clean- ed timothy, grass. or fall wheat seed. It is a big risk to have it thrashed with the grain. The safest plan is l to burn it in the fall and sow grain in the spring A short rotation should be adOpted â€"â€"Chesley Enterprise. _ Magistrate Robb, *charged with the more serious ofience! oi assaulting a police oflicer while on ‘ duty. The head and end of his of- fending was the getting of Constable Carl McKay’s finger into his mouth, during a scuffle, and almost biting the top of! of it. At the time of the ofience the constable was endeavoring to arrest him for vagrancy. Arraign- ed before Magistrate Babb. he plead- Judge Barrett on Monday afternoon, 5 he asked for leniency, on the ground 1that he was under the influence of be time of the assault. The Judge. after viewing the circum- stances of the case, thought a six ’ m in the Central Prison1 have been a proper Peculiu' Walnu- in Women/ ,_ Judge Berrett on Mondey afternoon, ‘ on the ground case, thought 3 six months’ term in the Central Prison, nld hove been e proper for the ofience, but as 1 Prison 18 now overcrowd- ed. and his chances of getting him slight, he decided to atirrupao‘ rescued. Amid the rockota’ red glue u. :hin snot-re individul found his ith difionlty m the nil und Ipoko so “no «pain. Is Your Back Weak? A New Notion: Wood. Station Destroyed. Youth Burned. 7" was Wdlowwg i3 is particularly suitable for summer use. When heating cold meat, canned meat or pork and beans, stir in a little Bovril and notice the difference. It will make the loud more tasty, more nu- tritious and more digestable. Any formor troublsd with woody filds can rid bmsslf of these posts by turning sheep onto them for two consecutive sessous. Wild mustard, one of tho grostest posts of o former, can be killed in this way. as sheep have a liking for them. In the win to: at the born, the seeds of weeds ere killed by being thoroughly mes ticeted by the sheep which consider them a. nest dninty. How often we hour of people who here hed en eohing joint or muscle ior yeers. No more speedy remedy oen be edopted then to rub on Ner- viline end then epply e Nerviline Porous Pleeter. At once the muscles begin to resume their wouted vigor end flexibility. Inflemmetory ey mp toms end pein diseopeer. Nerviline Plesters oen be worn by the most delicete child or eged person. They ere invelueble es thousends heve proved. Used elong with Nerviline they ere guerenteed to permenently drive out eny musculer echo. pein or stiffness. Try these remedies. end judge for yourself. 25o. et ell deel- ere, or N. C. Poison do 00., Kingston, Ont. Very pathetic are the circumstanc- es surrounding the death of John Dornan, a farmer residing on the 12th concession of Arran. He was living with his brother, Mr. Thos. Durnan, and about 7 o’clock Sunday morning, he left the house and ex- pressed his intention of taking a bath in the stream which runs through the rear end of the farm. about one half mile distant from the house. On his not returning at noon asearch was made and he was found dead, lying in about four feet of water. Deceased was subject to epileptic fits and the supposition ie that during one of these tits he fell in the water and was drowned. He was about 35 years of age an unmarried. The funeral was held on Tuesday. the remains being interred in Tara ceme termâ€"Leader. Thin Combination Anny: Wins. Unsoruplous dealers often prepare corn remedies with caustics and acids. Refuse such, and insist on Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. It’s purely vegetable. safe and sure. Send a post card for new receipe booklet- “Tasty Dishes” to Bovr-il Limited Quite a discussion is going on in the city of London, Ont., with refer ‘ ence to Sunday cars. We notice that Rev. Victor Gilpin. well known in Arthur, is in favor of Sunday care. He n0t only believes that these cars are a good thing for the people as a whole, but thinks they are in aid of the churches. "In Hamilton.” said the Rev. Mr. Gilpin, “the ministers are a unit in favor of Sunday cars IThe same is in Toronto. not a minis- ter being publicly opposed to Sunday cars, those opposing formerly being now in favor of them. The same conditions exist at Ottawa " “What would the eflect of the instalation of Sunday care be upon our congre- gation ?” Rev. Mr. Gilpin was asked. I think they would make a better! average attendance the year round. ‘ It would moreover enable peeple to attend the church which they pre ferred. not forcing them to go to that one, which happens to be near their home. In Toronto, the cars have been found to have a great in- fluence in this way, Dr. Milligan. one of the Presbyterian ministers there, having stated publicly that the cars malts his congregation.-â€"Arthur En- terprise. A _ PROMOTION EXAM. REPORT. 8. S. NO. 12 Eaanuos'r, Sr. 11 :0 Jr. III, Honorsâ€"Joe Wil- son, Geneva Patterson. Pass,â€"â€"Ella McFadden, Bella Lee, Gladys Hoop- er, Mary Ferguson. Beaâ€"Bertha Watson. Irene Watson. Failures.-â€"â€"l John Hamilton. Walter Ferguson. . Jr. III to Sr. III, Honorsâ€"Elsie Eoelee, Jessie Reid. Paarâ€"Mary Hann, Maggie Eccles. Albert Hann, Burr Ferguson, Jennie Ferguson. Sr. 111 so Jr. IV, Passâ€"John Davis. Jennie Booner. _ Those promoted since last promo- ition: Po. I to Pt. IIâ€"Ieaso Hooper, Violet McGuire, Tommy Ferguson. Pt. 11 so II-Nellie Ferguson. Hil- dred Wilson, Edgar Andrews. J am- Iawm, Teacher. PETER .TRIET. MONTREAL Condemned By Physicians. Favors Sunday Cars. Perhaps ! HONOR. ROLL. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE While Grif Jones was decorating‘ Mr. Pat McGarrity’s farm last week: with Page wire fence, his horse was cropping dandelions and grass which! grow in luxurious abundance on the Elm con Brant. Beth were attendingi ‘to businessâ€"Mr. Jones with his eyes on his work, the horse with its eyes on the grass. The lines which were previously attached to the fence werei now dragging loosely. In grazingl about the horse cramped the rig and upset it. the lines got caught in a brush heap and scared the horse. The horse, which has a record forl ‘running away. added one more dis 1 ?astcr to its history by tearing down ‘the 9:h with an up turned rig. Be- fore it was caught, the seat, shafts and whtfiiatree were broken ()6 the rig. and a large quantity of staples and other hardware were scattered l about the road. Mr. Jones took the situation philosOphically and borrow ed a set of shafts and Other articles, . and with the aid of Page wire fence. 3 which he adapts to almost every , purpose, be fixed up the wrecked Ve ihicle and cam» home.â€"-â€"Bruce Time . The Pint Sign of Iontal Docs; The Warning of Genoa! , Losing Musculal Silengih? Chengee in the nervous manifest themselves eiowly. They show first. by mueculur wank nousâ€"g feeling that. threatens panty- aio, or by fulmesa in the head ch» indionos approwhing :ppoploxy. It seems like otiflneu but you soon discover there's u look of powerâ€"- that the ondurncoo of this or shot. muoclo is not whu it ought to be. Your friends may notice a slight thickness of speech or that your memory is decidedly failing. These symptoms may grow worse very quickly if they are not treated by Ferrosone. You must build up the nervous systom. This can be? accomplished in no other way as thoroughly and permanently as by the use of Ferrozone. This remsrksbe remedy. which has cured tens of thousands of Can- asisn people. increases enormously the digestive power. stimulates the formation of blood, the rich, red kind that puts new life into the nerves. vâ€".._ I’ The first result of these changes is increased strength. Natural circulation quickly fol- lows, and that fullness in the head, so disturbing and alarming. too, quickly passes away. These changes are wrought in a1 natural way, (or the reason that Ferrozone treats the causes that ex- cite these troubles. For the aged and weak wno need strengthâ€"for those run-down and thin,â€"for .the sickly and nervous who lack staying powerâ€"nothing compares with Ferrozone. _ J No tcnic given such lasting 3 health; try it. yourself. Sold by dealers in 506. boxes. As he alighted from the step oil the430 train from Chicago yester- day morning John F. McNamara. of Walkerton, was stricken with heart failure, and falling, died in his nephew’s arms almost instantly. Mr. McNamara, in company with his nephew. John M. McNamara. of Chicago. was on his way to Walker ton, and was changing trains at the station 2 point. rv.â€"" The moment the fatality occurred Dr Drake, the company’s physician, was called, and after examining the dead man said death was due to heart failure The body was removed to Smith. SonClarke's undertaking parlors. and were sent to Walkerton at 5* o’clock last evening for interment. Chicago. when on account of ill health he was forced to resign and go west. He was in Alberta for a short time. and then returned to Chicago. but he was still in a weakened con- dition and, so; accompanied by his nephew, started for his home, with the above fatal result. He is survived by his father, Mar- tin McNamara. of Walkerton, and his sister, Mrs. Ryan. of Walkerton. and his brocher. James, of Chicago. Deceased was a member of the Royal Arcanum. who took charge of the body in this city.~â€"-London Free Press. Mr J. H. Woods, of Point Rock, Oneide 00.. N. Y., hed e herd exper ience. “A bad etteck of Ceterrh eet- tled in my foreheud end the peiu over my eyes wee so intenee I thought my heed would huret. My voice grew very hoeree end I cough- ed every night, and through the winter could eceroely epeek. My voice wee gone. Two dootore didn't help me -52 ell. The next doctor ....... n It. nnrnd 001p mu II. a... â€"â€"â€"- i ordered “Cotorrhonono.” It onrod mo nnd now many ochoro hora noo rt also. My doctor any. he doesn’t know nnything no nnd Thront Tronblo u "Cnrnrrho ozone.” Usoir rodny. yon’ro bor- tor tomorrow. 25o nnd $1.00 nt nll donloro. Try Gomrbonono. The Chronicle will be sent address in 03nd. till Jun! next for 500. Subscribe 110! Walkerton Man Drops Wrecked the Big. to'take the? 1â€"0 train for that ~ Lost His Voice Entirely. ,/ I, _ the uervoua system such lasting 3009 win till Jam"! 1“ Subcoribo now. 311 For Bargains in Handkerchiefs Men's and Boys Suits 1 Suspenders Odd Pants ‘ Hose end Rolf-Hose Ruin-Costs Underwear Umbrellas Sweaters Hats and Caps Overalls Shirts ' Smocks Collars and Ties Boots snd Shoes Everything in the Gent’s Furnishing line. "is is your chance und 1‘ should take advantage of it. Having decided to give up the Intending etudenu ehonld enter et the begin. ning of the term it poeeible. Board on be ob- uined st reeeoneble rem. Dru-hem ie 3 heelth end ective town. making it e moot. deeireb place of reeidence. A warm at! furnace, that’ . will not leak gll 13. or dust, provides 3i an ideal heating {9" system. Itcom- bines economy ~- in first costâ€"and in operation, a plentiful supply of warm ; air and perfect ventilation. That is why “ Hecla" Furnaces are made with FUSED JOINTS. - Where steel and cast-iron come together, the metals an , fused or welded, so that they practically become ONE. fusing (a Clare patented process) makes the absolutely dust, smoke and gas, tight. There are a dozen and more other special features about the. “ Hecla ” that you will appreciate almost as much as the FUSED JOINTS. So let me send you the new Hecla catalogue, which gives all 0;. details of construction. If you send me a rough plan of your it will eoetto install the “ eela” m% a nowmm MWBuilder”w~eof L. G. KARSTEDT, Durham It 9 l Don't. worry, it’s wicked. Boast. and the world boasts with y Kick. and you kick alone. You will have no kick coming if yrs. 1 your boots. shoes and hosiery at. Mcllraith’s He has the good: He all. the flood. at. reasonable prices. The largest stock in town to choose from. Trunks Club Bus Values and Telescopes in stock. Making 8: repairing nearly done. The down town shoe s1 s'nrr .m'n mmnnx'r. .w. 32-5: Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed and Seeds g IN FLOUR Charm-m. McGowan's Eclipse Milvortnn Jewel Five Roses to give up the Gent’s Furnishing Busisineos in Darla. my entire stock will be cleared out at .. ROSE, Durham cosr PRICE I Comment c lumen, >s0s0§0 Q. ‘0‘. LE: ADS XN BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND TYPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW ‘ COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING and in placing all its grain Each student is taught new his om] desk. Trial lesson- to: week free. Visitors welcome. II'DAY and EVENING c1 Ayton Killing Cola Encore Pure Manitoba . T. CLANCY. la: a Clea; Smokeless the

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