West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1908, p. 8

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We are continuously getting in arrivals we must sell the same will bring". 1111 11111 11II111 $2.710 1111.111 s I111 hats 1'111 3111.25111111 tl1e1111l1111 soft felt 11:11.4 for 9'11: 111111 snII Ivlt \1111ki11g 1111Isf111 4013.31 theb 131111111 ’(i11111 111) offer ladies‘ $2 .00 11191101121111» 112115 1111 401:. 11111171311315 f11r'2 5'10. First 01111113 filst sened Umbrellas sell at 111111111111' prices. Men’s Clothing It is necessary I11 prn- Ladies’ kid l111skit1s elas- S119 0111' $7.50 serge tect ourselves 111111 in tic fr11nt.s.. .............. 60¢ suitâ€"it 39113 itself. order to 1111 so we offer Ladies’ kid Oxfords 1111- Men’s overalls ........ 400 hrstmlass. self-111111111119: font +5“ __________ 1 _10 Men’s denim overalls X‘tlllilgb’clock, Saturday Evening, June the 27th Umbrellas It is necessary tn pm- tect ourselves and in order to do so we offer First-class, self-opening umbrellas for ......... 79c Baincoats ........... 3.00 Cravenette coats. .6.25 Our stock of groceries is complete. We still have the celebrated tea, 8 lbs. for 81.00. We have an excellent store, a most efficient staff of pleasant clerks, and we would like everybody to give us a call, Whether you buy or not, so that you may compare prices. We have just 'received new stock which we Boots and Shoes I %Y( IS. sell at pupular prices. Ladies’ kid buskins elas. tic fronts. .............. 606 Ladies’ kid Oxfords pa- tent tip ................ 1 .1 0 Ladies’ kid chocolate Oxfords ................ 1.50 Men’s fine shoes, extra quality ................. 1 .39 Men’s box calf bluchers New Goods iii? 3% and to make mum for new ............................... 65:: Men’s extra heavy over- alls ......................... 75c Men’s working Shiljts Men’s working growls at what it pants i. a 'V "I ‘l' V.‘J-J if??? 'Ccntinucd from la§t week. Mrs. Huward Armstrong of (ham Soundinthe gaps: of “re. “K A Armstrong. Mrs. Hivk'mz rarurnnd last week from Toro‘mo. Mrs. (012) Outer is at “'oodstoc‘: 'his wank attending rh» marriage of mar niocu Mia: Fnhnn Miss Maho! Boyd visiwd over Sun- dav and Monday with frivnds at CHQ'QWR‘r'h. .3 Mnetnr Kendaliâ€" M‘tche“ in home from Owen Sound Hich School for the holidavn Miss Hanbury, of Dan N‘k. vici ad hm cousin Mrs. Roht. Moore, over Sunday and M onday. Miss Juno Radlev arrivpd fmm Qt. Thomas last week to visit her mother. Miss Jessie McAuley laft on Mon- dav to spend a month with her sister in Toronto Mrs. Kerr. B. A.. of our outh school muff. visited over Sundav w MurkdaIe with her cousin. Mr. C W. Rufledge. Mrs. Badgerow, sen" of Toronto, attended the marriage of her son on Monday. Reeve Muir and Deputy Reeve} McKenz‘e arn at. Owen Sound auto-u (1-? ing Cnun'v ( 701100“. The unnar war accompanied by his little daughter to View her aunt. 5 A terrific thunder storm passed oaer hem on Monday night. doing congidarah'n damage. The veranda on Mr. \V, RnrnaH’a hrmep was blown over. The ro-flection of a fire was seen some distance in vhn west. 'J‘119 I‘inlh annual cmwmpion oi the Aru‘mL .51.; Law iflul'lfllusc buumuu 58-11001 Aaaociuuou, mlu m [In l’l‘L-b- DytL-J'iuu chuwu Ln \VL‘UIILTLSduJ' 01 lubL wLLk, Was wL-ll u'LLenuL-d and “as u blilLllUid suchss. ‘111L 510...;- Lrs \\{IC all ttCCu‘uing tU tile l'rU" guuumr, and Lin. Luau-mes \Vclt‘ in' u: Hing and laudable. 'Ile :LtL-L- 1131.11 SLasiuu “as uanLu \nlu ue~o~ Li-uul CLXLICISL'F, anmLcted my Lin: pust-J 01 the church, ltLv. ‘. U. Lil.- lbust‘vl‘ 01 111(- CUUFCU, JEL’V. U. U. DIL" i ltlllllg VI» L.'fv yv;-- -_ ' '-â€" -. d M U“, “1105i" tllt- absence UL the l’l't:.5.â€" ! Mrs. I’Lttlgl‘twy s and NIP. an . ‘ rs. dun, was culhd ule to preside. 1'\.~'JOS("[)h Lgnnox 3. Rev. Mr. Jalmeson, u-r .‘Lhc upleulmnt m couuu.ue::~, acczmpunu-d' . by. "i‘V- ML “0801‘“. Rev. J. J. r‘u‘gusm, u. Jhllldulk, wrro the Otilcmtmg cleft-Um?!)- spakc on "'lhc north and "mum; Miss Ethel Marrisou, Ln? of our m a Child.” luv. Um. dullum‘Jur, \‘urncy girls, who has but) tedchqng 0; Muxwrll, r-tpuh'c on ”Mu.- u'ue ;\lnn?§ch_,ol up in the R:1'.ny Itivcr DIS- Of the Sabbath School \VOI‘Kc-l',‘ .md' trim, was united in [jury \ndlockfm Rl'V- J- 0- “NW“. 0; Millkdd‘» “Nib Wudm-sday t0 the man of her Chou-c, “it“ “The Silhbilth SCUJUI rjllll‘l'td.u‘i a "linllh'tifr, LDOIlliS 0. L90, of 8‘80..- mcut; It's bar and Abuse.” Jxelp.ul man. “’9 wish them a hug and hap- discubslon followed the uddrt-mes. At DY life tcgrthcr. 430 Alf. J. S. KWW'C, Oi hlul'kdplr, ud-g Rev. MT. Rogers preached his (are- d-1-.¢.ss.q a mastuuetmg vi cthrt-u. ! wdl srrmz-n (11 Sunday last, and on films rlorexwu lhurstcn {1ch a well Msnday morning left for his father’s mum-red solo. Alte: 1u13.0111'111119m 1131110 in Colpoy S, carryxng with him the dz-legutes _\\'c.1‘c cutettamcd “"t“.5tl|e brst. wishes of the Varney peo- x"“""“l’m“l‘ts,l.‘n tLe §ch‘.,0‘l 'l‘uom 'px‘f ["9 for his future success. ‘thu CnUI'ClL he evening ht‘hbtull \\ as! Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fowler. from 0 ('lhd with devotional ext-reim-s , ‘ . . r , olfnducted by RL-v. 1n (mam-1|, a1: :1 limo!!!” hf}g1“““u‘”s"“d 103,1“? Eu-r which thv election 0; o-.iccrs!d§:y3 “1}“ ll.” _.°(‘i“‘:‘ns’r :hieve : tc‘l‘l‘l ita‘uk pluco, as follows: l’n-sidcnt, “ \"U “”1." .E’ cf“? , O We :3 nt‘m':‘n'j IMr. Charles Six-wart; \‘ice l’resndent If'Jm M" .lo“l"" as vu “p9 ‘ ' ' ‘ r~ " l asunt tunes tcgether 25 Vears 380 ‘ Rwhau‘d Allt'll; bt-c.-ll'cusu1 er, Alf. ‘ D f 'n‘ I livéd n Chi“! pa'l‘t It is, ' ° . . ‘ w u- u- : . . l“. ll. Bunt. An mutatuvn £10m, . ,m n.-.” “ML, m Hm I-5II ---.....n ...nnr. During the heavy thunderstorm on Monday night 01' last week a barni ien the 8tn can, belonging to Mrs.l .Jas. Jalnlessn, of lthis plan, was -struck and destroy d by fire. as well ‘as a large number of farm imple-l ments it: c ntaimd belonging to the ’ten;.nt, Mr. 'l‘h-os. Genoe. Ln the lat- ter there was some insurance, and 'on the barn $600. Mr. llem‘j l’iperl had a stable Ulll‘COfld and other dam- 'uge done. Mr. \Ves. Buskin had (use ishcep killed, and 011‘. G. Douglas, iMeaL-sl‘d road, had live killed. The ;f-:;llowing day Mr. John Blackburn‘s 'frame barn was struck and st on fire, but. fortunately was discovered gjust in time to saVe its destruction, "along with several teams of horses stable-d therein, luel'nging to friends j:15.~~i.'~etingr at Mr. Geo. Blackburns 'barn raising, which went Up in line [shape without a mishap. ’23 yr-ars SlllCt“ 1w “'CHL UdLn tv u“. lcld land. llow it revives old and I't-asszllt mr-mfiries to meet with one t your old chums after so long '6 any changes in these 23 Villldtilt'lll‘ to hold next men-ting then- was accepted. The newly elect- ed president took the chair, and?! thanked tlu- c nvcntion .or the honor f 0‘ CJlu-l‘l‘ld tn him. Rev. G. C. Little'rlhm'“ are m thcn spokr L1) "[‘be Sabbath Scllooljy“”‘”h and Missunw; Rr-v. 'l. Laiclluw, of! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sowell. from Eugenia, dualt m’ith ”'l‘lw tlderg Listfwvl. VIAitrAd the lave!"S parents, Scholar Problem," and ”The Relation Mr. and Mrs. John McCalmofl. from of the Church to tlu- Sabbath School "Saturday until aftrr the lst. “'9 are was ably dealt with by Rev. ll. E. l [llt'Ile‘d to me Maggie. looking so well WPHWOOG. 0f Chatsworth. Tho ad-gaftnr lnr severe illnefis. dressrs wole excellent and lollowed‘ Mists Minnie B.” is ‘4,“ng fr-‘whds by interestng diSCUSSi'OIl. 1,i(?ilfiillg'in lliin'JVC‘l' at thp progent tfinp. music was iurnishc-d by Dr. Murray,| The "arnnv L. O. L. No, 68.”. will Miss Zillil Tlilllblt‘, and Miss 'l‘hurS'! “fild their next m(et'ng on Jul:" 3rd. ton. "lhc Cncmn l‘litnds lete pic: icked on Friday a ‘tt-rnoon last at Mr. W. ch‘rs grove on the east back line. It was an tnjoyable outing. The parents and scholars of S. S. No. 3, east of thv village, held their annual closing picnic at Mr. W. Urr’s grove on Friday aftmnoon. There was a large turnsut and a good time is reportcd. Mr. D. D. McLaughlin, of Ceylon, was last week belore Magsitrate a. L. McMullen, charged by License In- speo‘tor llalbert \‘vilh fallowing liquor {5â€" be . consumed without 'liceâ€"nse. Admitting the charge a line of .1120 and costs was imposed. Mr. Thos. Qulgg last week sold his 50 acre farm on the west back line to Mrs. \V. Parker at $1,400. Mr. Quigg is having an auction sale of his effects this week, and will in a few days leave with his family for Alberta. A death extremely sad was that of Miss Annie Jamie-son, the bright and highly esteemed young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Jamiesm, who died in Toronto on Saturday from in- juries sustained by a fall about two weeks ago. The remains arrived here on Monday and were taken to the home of the deceased‘s sister, Mrs. R. McMaster, at Eugenia. from where the funeral took place to Salem cemetery on Tuesday. Many friends deeply sympathize with the bereaved family. The deceased was 20 years of age. Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian church , here next Sunday. Rev. Dr. McKenzie. of Shellfurne, will precah morning and evening. . Contimwd next week. . A Fiftet-n of the members of Prince Arthur Lodge went to Dundalk on Sunday awning to 'oin the lodge there at their annua divine service, which was held in the MethOdist church. THIS W EEK S BUUG ET. S. No. 2, Egremont, last week. bllt we will have to leave it to the Cor- ner Man to pronounce his judgment on the quality of the work (ione. Dave All-n has returned from camp at Niagara, looking none the warse, only a little sunburnt. Miss Laura and Master Mansfield Clennic are visiting, and will remain during the summer, with their uncle, _~â€"â€". .. - ----â€"- Miss Ethel Pettigrew 1e t week he- fcre last to Scek her fortune in the Que:n City. Mr. Goo. Pollock had the misfor- tune to have u very good horse so badly hurt by the train that lit had "to shoot it; one of the poor brute’s legs was cut off. Mrs. James Hoy went to Listowel a week ago last Monday to see her sister, Mrs. Arthur Sewell, who was very sick with inflammatkn of the kidneys. We erected a new wire fence hvo sides 01 the school ground‘s of‘ .v vâ€"vv- 'â€" Since we last wrote the picnics of lluttvcn Hill and Allen‘s school have come and gen A number from our burg attend (1 both, and report hav- ing a good time. We are exceedingly glad. it the lluttcn Hill correspondent will par- don us for saying so, to hear of our good friend, M m. Ritchie, getting :ilcng so nicely after his Operation, and our Very best wishes is that. he may continue to do so until he is in the, best 01' health again. ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fowler, from :l‘lymouth, England, visited lor a few 'duys with his cousins, the Pitty's. l\Vu wu'e pleased to receive a call lfl‘sm Mr. Fowler, as we spent many “pleasant times tcgether 25 years ago, lwhi-n he lived at this part. It is '23 yr-ars since he went back to the Icld land. How it revives old and qpll-uszznt luv-infil'ies to meet with one {of your old chums after so long! {There are many changes in these 23 5 years. Miss Nettie Pcllock, from Toronto, has been visiting: m-r parents at, the past. office tor the past week or so. Saint-thing that dons not cite" hap- en tank plucv last Thursday at Mr. i. I’ettign-w‘s; that was the Chl‘lb‘t- wring 01 two pair of twins, Mr. and _, - I I \l“ a...) \‘rm The Varnny L. O. L, N). 68-”. wtill h."ld their next mceflng on July 3rd. in place of the 10th, to make full urrurmm'nts for the 13th, when :1 large. cvcwd from hr-re will go to lmndulk. Dan't forgnt the English church garden party (11 Thursday, July 9th. at the rectory grounds. Good pro- gramme. A ctuple of interesting communi- catiCns from Rev. Mr. Fnrquharson have camt- to hand, but we are un‘ able to publish them this week. Tim Great Exvnrazinn of 'the seasnn will leave here Friday morning fur Niagara Falis. The fare is only $2.35. children between five and txw-lve yvars $1.20. Du nnt- fail to see «me of tho greatest. attractions Of {the world. FARM IMPROVEMENT'é will make a. great improvment to your farm 1f placed along the front, near the house. ('1' any place Where appearance counts. It adds more Value 130 your farm than its cost because it is made to last. High-Class in everything but price. Mal‘tin-Senoup Paint Will makv ,W” farm buildings 100k better'and worth mun). For sale by A. S. HUNTER Varney. IDEAL FENCE but DUIHAI. June 24. F311 Wheat .......... 8 Spring When ........ Oct: Pou........ Pontoon per his ...... Flour per cwt ........ ‘2 Outmeal per uck. :5 Chop per cwt ........ 1 .Livo Hogs. per mm. ,, o‘, Hurley . ............. Pontoon per bug. . .. Flour per cwt ...... Ottmeul per uck. .. Chop per cwt ...... Live Hogs. per mm. Dressed Hogs. par cw Hides per lb...... Sheepskins. . . .. . .. Wool ............. Tnllow ............ Lard .............. ‘ Turkeys ........... Geeae . . . . . ......... Ducks ............. Chickens. .......... Wedding Moderate vhnru'rs count of not tmwlli Will make thv smw at. the Hahn Hnnsv Durham. The stock of this hnr~ this \iciuity. among“! hum of bass bel: mgim! Whose dam “us a mare in real first-class Silverware '%‘%13' Our stock for thv “'Hluil of silverware is mm (fuuqflete and“ everything up-tn-«lale. This store has the: unuw for big!» class goods, and always will up Inn! as there is such a thing as a jewelq business. \\'9 have always in stm'k. at least. three dozen wedding rings to pick from. every style. and ahnut one hundred engagement rings. includ- ing Diamonds. 80 you haw no m- son to go away disappnimvd. Percy G. A. Webster Wedding Engagement Rings Market Report. “GEORGE IMPERML" w. UU........ “‘00... .000. "OOOOOOOOOOOO Watchmaker Je“ eler and Optimum! B. Phillips CW1 80:1 8011 'l‘n‘ll‘ Gifts H12 8838! roprietd tables elm! {uh pure Pans otarlane’s. ’d values in hmny h ”I batting sunkâ€"Th.- Outlay. , Merit for the \miM'n ruffles over the POL.“ mm When and over Camp ('1 hflnm. are asked fm. n. k advertisement 01M \\ }:Q “It town (or the sun; t“ building is to be C The bathinfi We regret to learn «.1 “i- “'hitcburch. sis-h z “Itch. of this to“: have not come to hand, m‘ she dud V0? In. Whitclmrcb oubly knmul b) any (or Baleâ€"By pl ’ are! of meadow in ”I. also 20 or 30 .m MW hay. Sale at ‘17. Thursday, July m1. township of Nut. Jchn Clark. Ax. Lint-Somewhere town. Durham. and III! 2nd, a brown 1r “It 16 inches long. flap attached. In 11 'm hand bag. purm ‘t C. L. Grant‘:~~ SI Prioeville Post 0mm. If. R. Jenner, of H at Of this t0\\n mo ago, “11:11 hr It 8. P. Saundq-n. r ‘l’l. D. Greenwowh \a My and gun. 1h '3‘! also a cousin of “ROI. and a cou~in ‘ ukcklin. ‘I the report of x Ilia-fun: \VhiCh 4] the name 0! Willie 1.... “Oil the Gap}'. 1h- ..!'1 N! equal and stand mu“ 0‘ that“) “ho “II! II. A. (o Inhll 'mm the Tin Hm has that Mrs. \. “in that mug.- ‘ _~ III‘ a rare Um “fist her inslrnlrvw' M "Spring 8 nu" l-‘t N Hone." “Sear” .‘V ‘0. "Edinboro Town.” ' g ”“0499." ..nd m ~¢h guest of M.- w. Q‘mgall dlllilu.‘ t.» meeting of M. It. “'7 Society dc ll“ » â€"- “nun “v.“ ......‘ ’. c' ’00!) says; "(‘uh'fi ‘ {I'm-able for .. Mall h” Prfil‘i? PFOVEIH‘vr. ‘ “a June 8th, “1‘ h“. I and a“ hlld‘f’ ; “ “t 0“ and ”11' [Mi * "Id Oats nimvd- ‘ the crap showing nu be looked for 114 further occun. W - VIII be satisfactor)‘ . hauler has not. {4 V “I on its good ‘ ., Ill cool (or count! ,f‘h tuning. Should It “ was 66. . h t. celebra . _,- m ball I , w A metal Welt I t.-0ne fish in? to”! between annua‘ r siltâ€"[0f bloatâ€"H utel' from Moo 2 fishing lilw an! “The Religion gt younfl’ ‘ Int Frid ch was, by mu :1 assiine k CO 9n ll m led |(DI H

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