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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jul 1908, p. 5

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made to use on .ilizer as well as rplied, and give by the use of any 'cticides always on .‘e the most beautiful hes. npcklets, lockets, . which we have ever R’S BUG RANGE Goods p19 prices, L misses’ sizes l 0." must I»- nmrked by uur summer stock. mm mm accomplish u' the month Of July. lash Goods into Two lots s be dcz. Chindxen'ovmflt 1‘09 ad ladies’ oizoo figured dimitioo. bitch all 9. navy and white as . onion-s. tine chllIINOVUv ndirm. denim-nu. Gecko. us. emoroidorad spou. ‘ Brada novelties woflh DD " Etc” for........... 19’ Stuck 0f sulid 201d Sons as up to 200 for Month of June rat Gold 'sh. Season- derpriced Illvguods. Silver- thing; from a silver t Seasonable ! ! ings Ings Store QUALITY” Durham and “Fe-llama mnnplete and a hina dinner set. ooooooooooo Lot 2 offer the Market Raport. Wedding in real first-class Silverware 0mm k fur the wedding season of silwnmu- is now compbte and mrything up-t toâ€"date. This stme has the name for high. Class gum“; and always Will 80 long where is sm'll a thing as a jewelry W» have always in stock. at least, three dnzwn Wedding rings to pick fmnl. every style, and about. one hundrml engngmnent rings, includ- ing Dimnnnds, so you have no rea- «m to go» away disappuinted. Percy G. A. Webster July 9. 1908 \V edding Engagement Rings ill make» the season, 1908 TIhP Hahn House stables, nrham. lloderutv ('harges on ac- mnt of not travelling him. Dmmnl. 10'! 8- “GEORGE IMPERIAL” tach Stallion IV ‘ - ,"1‘,'a"“t.\'~ Washed or unwashed id' "’h tht‘ highest price will be In ca‘h “I. tl.i|,de. ‘P'fi‘kufthi.~ horse is well-known in “.0"va auu ngst his get being the " M" ”Mixing to Mr. Robt. Alba. “31 “‘a~' a mare uf only 14 bands The High Stepping Watchmakcr Jeweler and Optical.) TR Y 4 )L‘R TEAS Mar and Eggs Wanted . Clothing S. SCOTT awn very fine assortment “Qt-x twvmls, flannell, print‘ 8W'Us. flux-melettes. MY’ inthing. overalls QtC. Dry Goods ’anted Groceries B. Phillips lowest prices for Gifts 1'2 10 Proprietor ONTARIO t0 t0 t0 to to mi 15 85 3 25 175 12; 12 10 10 47 80 “A corrnptioniat,” enid Senntor Depew, “once entered n voter’s house In the voter’s nbeence, he piended hie cause to the men's wife. Finnlly spying e wretched kitten on the floor, he eeid: "I’ll give you 825 for tint mime], ma’em.” "She ecoepted those terms. The corruptionist thrusting the kitten in his overcoet pocket, rose to go, At the door he said: " 'I do hope you can porouudo your husband to vote for me ma’am. "I’ll try to.” said the women. 'thouthIm’e n herd one to move when his mind’s made up; but on? how you’ve not: real cheep kitten there Your opponent wee in yes- terdny nnd gave me $50 for its brother. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and “In 19021had a very severe at- tack of diarrhoea,” savs R. IV. Far- rar of Cat Island La. "For several weeksl was unable to do anything. On March 18, 1907, I had a similar attack. and took Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which gave me prompt reliei‘. 1 con- sider it. one of the best medicines of its kind in the world. and had I used it in 1902 believe it would have saved me a hundred dollar doctor’s hill.” Sold by all Drug mores. Recently I got into a pretty good argument with a friend, who is a pronounced Lineral. over the three- fifths clause of the Local Option movement. Igave my reasons for upholding the clause but my friend couldn’t see the logic of them. He insists that the majJrity should rule in every case and of course I was quite willing that he should hold that Opinion. But here came the rub. Although he maintains that the majority should rule yet he thinks it wrong that the peOple should put the Whitney Government back to power with such a majority. It seems to me that of the majority voted for the Wh tney Government, the majority evidently must be in favor of the three fifths clause hence my friend should submit gracefully to the ruling of the majority. Con- sistency, thou are a jewel! My little boy {our years old. had a Severe attack of dysentery. We had tWo phyaiciane; both of them gave him up. We then gave him Cham- berlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured him and believe that saved his Himâ€"WILLIAM H Sraonuse. Carbon Hill, Ala. There is no doubt but this remedy saves the lives of many children each year. Giev it with castor oil according to the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale at all Drug l.“‘ wâ€"‘â€".. i Mr. Irvine and Miss Irvine, of lGrand Valley, visited at- Mr. Robt. {Edna’s over Dominion Day. ‘ Mrs. Lindsay. Mrs MscGregor, l g Mrs. Barrel and daughter of Walker i ton, are visiting at Mrs. S. Edge’s. . Miss Ethel Greenwood who has 3 been teaching in Morrisbnrg. arrived home Monday to spend the holidays. ', Misses Maggie Ector, and Jane l Ritchie leave this Tuesday morning :on a trip to Edmonton and Strath- l cona. We wish them a pleasant trip. ‘ Mr. Thos. Greenwood has had a new roof put on his barn. Mr. John Stores. Miss Lily Ritchie returned home from Toronto last. week. Miss Moi-y Ann Edge had a bee on Tuesday shingling her house. Bornâ€"On Wednesday, July 13:, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Staples. a. dough- ter. Mrs. Geo. Firth of Jeesopville, is visiting relatives in this part for a few duya. hood took in the excursion to Ni- agara. Mrs. Henry Wiilinrns and Will, ataved over Sunday in Niagara Greenwood, Mr. and Diarrhoea Remedy Would Have Saved Kim 3100 00. Categorical Main. Boy’s Life Saved. Edge Hill. Ritchie returned home Favor Sores. This burg is in a ante of delight; over the new 0. P. B. passage: and: mtiltnin, which has been running, regularly our the line during thc: put. week or two. ! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orchard of London. Out.. Who are visiting an Mrs. Samuel Scou’s of your town. accompuned by Mrs. Scott called on the Hewitt “:11in one day last. week. Mr. John Collier burned 1 fine kiln of lime last. week. Plenty of oppoo shim: in thin business. There must be money in lime. The busiders ere busily enaeged on the new residence belonging to Mr. Jemee Hapkine end ere getting elonz rapidly. The :ddition to Mr. Sam. Patter- son’s dwelling house is under the bands of Messrs. Thos. Meenagh gnd Jno. Timmina and is rapidly moving toward the utters. The picnic at lower Ritchie’s school which was to take place ‘on Tuesday afternoon was badly knock. ed out owing to the heavy rain ac companied by an electric storm, which passed over this section about noon. But the afternoon cleared up and oceans of fun was the result. Messrs. Wm. Babbage and Wm. McNally waited at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt. a. week ago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McComb spent. Sunday with the farmer’s parents. Mr. and Mrs Thos. McComb. I Mrs. James Morris, and Miss J nnie lMarshall returned home Monday, af ;ter visiting Dromore friends for u itew days. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay spent Sunday Inst visiting friends in Bentinck Messrs. Albert and Arthur Hep- kins, twin brethers of the Queen City, are spending their summer bol- idays the guest of the Staples family There is one item held over for the next budget, owing to the fact that we have no particulars and had not time to have them for this week Mr. John Wilson arrived home one day last week. from Michigan, where he has been visiting his brother for some time past. Another very heavy electricai storm passed over this part on Satur day night last but we have not heard of any damage being done. You may be weak, sleepless. Net. vous,â€"â€"digescion may be poor. but don't despair. Never say die till you have used Ferrozone. the mos: wonderful body boulder, the best nerve and system tonic known. For rozono givee tone and vigor to the whole bod” IL (uakvs you eat, Uulfiv quently n provuins increased nourlsh meht. UM bv day you grow in strengthâ€"weakness. loss of Slflnp appreheniaiou all pass away. You get, woll.stay well. look well. I). try Ferrozone it’s sure to benefit. All dealers in 500. boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan, 01 Mildmay, Spent Sunday with the for- mer’s brother, Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray, cw; Ayton, spunt Sunday afternoon at Mr. Thos. Ryan's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright were in Hanover Dominion Day, the former assisting as bartender for his brother Conrad, in the Union Hotel. Ilampden Union Picnic was 11 1d on Saturday afternoon last in Dub;, 5 grow. Mr. R. J. Ball, of Ilanowr. acted as chairman. The program, consisting of songs. recitations, club swinging, etc, was a feature 01' the day’s praceedings. After disposing of the program, 11‘ lunch was served, and then a game of baseball was played hetwemn Ayton and Hampden, which resulted in a score of 14 to 0 in favor of “I" heme. team. Charlie Huether, of the Traders Bank, acted as umpire, and gave excellent satisfacticn. The Ay- tan boys are all right, but tm-y can’t. play'ball with Hampdcn. Ruin prevented a football match between Allan Park and Hampden. Alf \Vidmcyer had a successful turn mis ng on Thursday, The trum- ing was dine by Mr. Geo. Soim, and his gang of workmen. Evuything went tagether without a hitch. After imppfir the night was spent in dancing. If you have any trouble with your Itomach you should take Chamber- lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. P. Kiote of Edinn. Mo.. says; “I have need a great many diflerent medicines {or Stomach trouble. but find Chamberlain’s Stomnch and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used.” For sale at all Drug Stores. The municipal council of the town- ship of hormanby met in the Town- ship Hall, on Friday, June 19th,â€"-all the members present, the Reeve in the. chair. Kennaâ€"Baetzâ€"That in the absence of the clerk, Wm. McKay be appoint- rd clerk _protem.-â€"Carried. Shielâ€"Kamaâ€"That the reeve and deputy reeve be a committee tear- range road allowance re Lewis and Kirby.â€"Carried. Baetz-Kcnnaâ€"That the Court of Darkie’s Corners. Normanby Council. Stomach Trouble Cured. Never Cry Quits. Hampden. trouble with your ' Revision re the G. N. W. . Telegraph ICompany be adjourntd to August 7th ight; at 10 a. m.â€"Carried. ‘ and‘ Shinlâ€"Umbachâ€"That in vi‘-w of the ling} preposal in Mr. Heim-l's communica- thr‘; tiau of June lst, 1908, relative to tail [race as named therein. this council of! accepts omdxtion ' as fully stated in I at' said preposal, and will perform the ,..,.. isumeaâ€"Currit'd. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Kennaâ€"Baetzâ€"That H. Lewis be given pmpvr notices, etc.. re onen- ing diaputed roadway.â€"Carri-:d. Kc.nna-\Umbach.â€"'l'hat the offer of Val Planz for $1.50 for roadway be accepted.â€"Carried. bridge ............................................. Umbachâ€"Sizielâ€"That the following accounts be paid: W. H. Ryan, re Planz‘s W. Long, 30 loads gravel at lots 74, 75, concession 4 ............ Chas. Helm, 77 loads gravel and railing at lot 10, con. 12 Val Planz, repairing bridge at lot 6, con. 13 ........................ P B. Hassett, 35 loads grav- el at lot 71. con. B ............... Alex. Arnold, "timber for bridge at lot 9, con, 11 ............ P. B. Hassett, repairing cul- vert at lot 75, con. B ............... Emil Petzold, repairing cul- vert at lot 71. con. B ............ Robert Damm. 50 Spiles, p'JSts and. drawing same to Scbam’s bri-lge and 12th con... C. Fisher. to pay parties drawing cement from station to C. Fisher’s and unloading H. Breutigam, drawing «aunt and timber ..................... “Ccâ€"3m. Shâ€"ieh to pay parties for timber and drawing spiles. etc, at Heipel’s bridge ............... F. Nuhn, repairing Adair’s bridge, lot 29, con. 6 ............... Miller Sf-im, timber, etc., for Rehkonfi N'colai and Herz- John Rica, 600 5-in. tile for road at lot 7, con. 10 .................. , Com. Kenna, to pay parties making timber for Krooller’s bridge at lot 9, con. 11 and 12... V. G. Fisher, timber tar Reh- kzpf Nimlai brivlg-c-s, lot 9, borger can. 18, ............ Commissioners, Reeve, $1.25 Umbach, 2.50, S .ir-l. 4.75, Bactz 7.50, Kenna, 3.75. .................. 19.75 R. H. Fortune, on salary as Clerk 50.00 Cauncillors, met-ting at date 13 50 Municipal World, supplies, etc. t0 Philip Webbcr. burying dead lamb ....................................... 50 Shielâ€"Keunaâ€"That the council adâ€" jcurn to meat in the township hall. A3t3n, on Friday. August 7th. at 10 a. In, to strike. the rates and for general business. Nine people out of ten sufier from dyspepsia and don’t know it. Half the pale cheeks, poor appetite and steeple-.53 highs-1 are the direct. result. of dyspepsia. The cause lies in fail are of the stomach and the kidneys are CIOgged. and-unable to du tLeir work. Nothing puts vigor intothbse organs so fast. as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They cone up the whole di- geetive syetem. regulate and strongh- en the stomach. ab<oiutely cure dye- pepeia. Simple to tune and sure to ureaâ€"better try Dr. Henilton’o Pals U S 8 No.2 Bsmmcx AND GLENpLG. Report of Promotion Exams. Sr. III to Jr. IV-Harnld McKech- nie 6470. Willie Edge 63Co Sr. 11m Jr. IIIâ€"Mae McKechnlo 67%. Stewart MoArthur 66%. Jr II to Sr. IIâ€"Earl Veasie 630/0, Tom Grasby 570/0. Sr. Pt. II to Jr. IIâ€"Armetta Mo. Kecbnie 71%. Jr. I to Sr. Iâ€"Cumpbell Mitchel}, Esther McLean. Wiiiuie Mitchell, Mabel Grasbv. Reba Veseie. Jr. ato Jr. Iâ€"Teddy Middleton, Merton McArthur, Robbie Grasby. L. B. WALKER, Teacher. ; We cannat guarantee to change any lads. unless the copy is in our office ;not later than six o‘clock on Monday fevening of each week. It is impor- ‘tant that we get our paper out in .time. and it is even of greater im- lportance to our advertisers. In the 'tuturo. when copy comes late, we‘ll {use our own judgment and conven- .ience about making a change. IIUTTON HILL. Jun. IV. to Sen. IV.â€"â€"Maggi9 Moun- tain, Lcilla Vollett, Jeanie Picken. Sen. 111. to Jun. lV.-â€"Maggie Don- nelly, Joseph McCaslin. Jun. 111. to Sen. Ill. 2nd. â€"Sadiw Lawrence, Grace Petty, Ninnh Noble, Clara .McCaslin, Ella Cuff, Willie Langrill, Herbert Noble. (in-«0'. Son. 11. to thn. 111. 2nd. â€" Annie Smith, James Langrill. Son. II. to Jun. II.â€"-Lorne Moun- tain,j’£{m.__Vgllett, Aliqe Picken. ~ 0'- 'séif Pt. I[. to Jun. II. â€" Archie Mart-ham, George Langrill, Johnny Petty, Irene Vollett. Jun. D. to Sen. I.-â€"May Donnelly. Hilyard Armstrong, Geo. Cuff, Annie Mauntain. Jun. C. to Jun. D.â€"Mildred I'Webâ€" ber, Sarah Sammon. Jun. B. to Jun. C.â€"Sybll Lawrence, Margaret Smith, Gertie McCaslin, Lizzie Sammcn. Jun. A. to Jun Bâ€"Lawson 'HOp- kins. JOHN JOHNSTON. PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. date ............ R. H. FORTUNE, Clerk. Are You a Dyspeptic? bnidgc-s .................. -~-- 0-0 .- «a..- $ 2.00 12.00 3020 The following left here Tuesday morning from the C. P. R. station 12.60 for the West: Mrs. and Miss Meredih, to Coch- rano, Alta., 6'75 Mr. and Mrs. James \Nilstn, Miss l ’sze Ritchie, Sam. McCrmlu-n. and ' Miss Ector. to Edmonton, Alta.. Wes. 40-00 Sirrs, to North Battleford, Miss An- ‘nio McCrackrn to Airdric-, AWL, Mr. J. Kelly to ~Suskatoon. Sash. Mrs. 19.75 J. M. Hunter to Brandon- 73.90 'l.75 80 25 5.75 4 .25 75 Quarter-1y Reworkâ€"For Test. Jun. IV.â€"N. Collier. B. Davis, R. Smith. M. Ritchie. Jun. [ILâ€"\V. Wrir, M. Putt-*rs’n. J. Bell, J. Atkinscn, L. Aljoe. A. Al- j‘e, J. Allen, - Sen. III.â€"M. chGirr. R. Matthews, M Matthews. S. 3*“. Jun. II.-â€"E. Lindsay, G. Whitmore, E. Patterson. G. Noble, C. Harrison. Pt. IIâ€"L. Ritchie, M. 3"". N. Law- enco. E. Meenagh, M. Lawrence. N. Lindsay, L. Aljoe. W. Matthews. . Sen. I.-â€"E. Ritchie. J. Bell. J. Mee- nagh. E. Dean. Jun. I.â€"G. Bell. M. Atkinfion. A. Lindsay, H. Matthews, M. Dean. For Promotion. Sen. II.â€"R. Meenangh, 349: John Matthews, 336: C. McGirr, 327; Lawis Newell, 322; D. Ritchie, 308; W. Mc- Girr. 303; Jas. Matthews. 2-87; H. Atkinstn, 264; M. Matthews, 255: B. Bell. 252; E. Atkins”). 242. BROWNâ€"BYERH. A very pretty house wedding muk ‘ place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. i H. Brown, Bl'm'e Street, on \Vednvs- day July lst. when their him-e. Miss Jessie l. Byers, was nmrried tn Mr. {Adam M. Brown, of Parry Sound. Help for Those Who Hove Stomach Trouble. After doctoring for shout twelve yesrs for s bsd stomach. snd spend in: nesrlv five hundred dnllsrs for medicine and doetors’ fees I nnrchu. ed my wife one box of Chsmbsrlsin's Stomach and Liver stlets. which did her so much good the: she con- tinued to use them and they hsve done her more good then sll of the medicine 1 boucht belorfl.â€"SAIIUEL ernn Folsom, Iowa. This medicine ia for sale by all Drug Stores. Samples free' Rev. Mr. Farquharson officiated.‘ The bride who was married beneath? an arch of fe1ns and sy 1inga blossoms, was given away by her uncle Mr. J.; H. B10“ 11, and wo1e a most becoming: gownol‘ white serge “ith silk t1i1n- wings and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses. Her bridesmaid Miss Jean Brown wore a dress of dresden muslin and carried pink roses. The groom was supported by Mr. Thomas Forbes. of Mount Forest. The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold chain, to the bridesmaid a gold bracelet and to the groomsman a gold tie pin. The. wedding march was played by Mrs. (Rem) Newton. After the dejeuner. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on the 2.50 train for Toronto, Niagara, and points north to Parry Sound wnere they will reside. The bride was the recipient of i many beautiful presents. STAPLESâ€"In Glenelg, on Wednesday. July 18!; 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Staples, a daughter. HEPBI'RNâ€"In Durham, Friday July 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. J as. Hepburn. Monxmxâ€"In Durham. Friday July 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan, a 30!]. MCDOUGALLâ€"In Durham, on Sunday July 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mc- Dougall, a daughter. mexâ€"BYERSâ€"By Rev. Wm. Far- quharson, on W'ednesday, July last, at the residence of J. H. Brown Esq., uncle of the bride, Adam Morrison Brown of Parry Sound, to Jessie Irving Byers, of Durham, Ont. All persons are hereby warned not to trespass on the M iddaugh House property, Durham, as after this notice they will be prosecuted to the full ex- tentof the lawnâ€"J. N. Murdockâ€""25. Dates on which they will be held in this locality I0 far a: we know. a 80!]. Myth-Sept. 29, 3). Clarksbuxgâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Chatsworth- , Sept. 17, 18. Chesleyâ€"Sept. 22, 23. Dundalkâ€"Oct. 8. 9. Durhamâ€"Sept. 22, 23. Draytonâ€"Oct. 6, 7. Fergusâ€"Sept. Z). 30. Fordwichâ€"Oct. 3. Favoritismâ€"Oct. 6. 7. Grand Valleyâ€"0C. l3. 1‘. Arthurâ€"Sept. 23, 24. S. 8. NO. 9. GLENELG. HONOR ROLL. GONE WEST. HYMENAL. FALL FAIRS. NOTICE. J. T. TOLCHARD. 81" QTFORD. ON T. ' ‘he smmer mu mmnlete a contra. ’ in this schuol the manner 5’04 0! ' pact to hold a position at truw Our enurm are thorough and pr ‘0‘]. Our students alwaya engaged. We assist graduates to postttons. We have three departments .â€"Commer- rial. Shorthaud and Telegraphic. We employ experienced instructors. : Catalogue tree Elliott llclaclllu Q rmcnmu. Q‘smw‘C.» ? Pumps of all Kinds. ; Galvanized and Iron Pip- ‘ Eng: Brass. Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. I Pumps tram $2 upward. ‘ HOP Open every afternoon. 2 All BEPAI RING promptly and prop- . orlv attended to. ! \JI. [L CONNOR DURHAM FOUNDRI 0. Smith Sons PROPRIETOBS Millwrights, Machinls‘ Iron and Brass Founde1 and Steam Fitters. . . . MANUFACTURERS OF ‘ . Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, ‘ , Wind Stackers, " ‘ Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. Sash 5’ Doors mme‘ N STOCK on MADE TO ORDEBJ Engines and Boiler Repairs? promptly executed. t RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. § Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. W D CONNOR have opened up business I in the stand lately occu- pied by Mr. .W. Whimuore, and am pxepaled tan do all kinds of I' lacksmithing and Horse-shoeing. (iise me a call. Satisfaction guaran- With the opening of the new Cnnaiiun Pb cific Line another milestone ha been ranch ed in the history of our town. Tle following time table mll be to “out until further notice. ° Bend down Rad up 645mm 3 p..m lvBanoxerar950p.n. Imp]! 6 58 313 Allan Pk. O 35 I 6 7 19 3 40 Durban 9 13 12 ‘8 7,33 8 55 w "Valium 8 u l! 23 7 53 : 20 Pfiw'uu 8 ‘0 12 05 810 tr 80161:}...d lv885 l‘fiam flfinh trains mud in. Toronto. Only 3e bounc- Duh-ad altar-outa- 89nd. canton and quot at.) Eryth- “ Ml?! .. _- I-__ -_ , Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table. like .4130 Ion: minis Ii tin-.0665; “(30133176 all for ticket- wd information. . SMITH 6: SONS New Blacksmith Shop Sold M W. BLACK. Durham Manufacturer 01 And Dealer in ~â€" THOS. NICHOL Near Smith’s Foundry ”as it:

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