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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1908, p. 1

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mpet I .u A . allllm .Vl Us I uni-"9 ." m If ‘whc g , . . .. hved ‘ » w m. year; 380 3.301“, newnd HM acquaintances on \I' ‘ ' ' ' w (1‘ . mad arne Sv'lhvan '8 Muntrval on her bulidlly9' , .Lali .‘h‘. I". \V. Hickling “m “w- holiday returned to the 800 (II “I day. Mrs. melding leave' Damon'- day to join him in their “9" “4.4 A \Innlu; the VisltOl’S mm ‘E We! the holiday WENâ€"‘0“ ithulsun..\1r. S. Dflmud'i Mmmle \Ir 1' red She ' ';Br|l may. Mr. \V. cw; umhtnn \lr. h. “'31:ch . hi and Tum “731'de I“ ‘lI’IIhHlISt'. i ' ‘ f Mr. Amos Manama!“ 5/922 he appeal Mr. and Mrs. Bert Field 1“ the city on Monday relatives here for a few dayu Mr. l'harles Stewayt is "nu-r this Wt'ek In Fort want)!!!“ i” MR a few weeks withhhfl “M, is Impruving in heat" . I l-* Mr. Jeff Thistlewdto all”... , may) on Monday to $994.2. a Iuce for Goods durin‘ “I. Groceries. tor Friday and Saturday Wt NEW ur prlt'es haw reached "1010'. giVing the best ha gins m .‘ts’slll't'tl the same vi 1 000th“ pnpm' uml bills for prices. ‘w' umdt' bigger reduction; Q. .\l LL, Durham .\l \\ .ds must and gt ll ll’s ms Imddie {m .\| mttles best extracts for .5 »:u'kages Dalley’s jelly pow- h \\ ltt‘llt leather boot; 80")? I- going nut. uf the hard- ! mar prices for screen uy and manure forks etc. Boots and Shoes te-nt leather boots. :‘l‘tis‘t‘. 0" pay I the bargains. \\' F, ham and chicken loaf for lunch an. picnics) HI ....... . ......... .10 \\ haw rel prices m- l'niun Sunday W mum] pivnic last wee-tad lime. 1-on the visitors from T3}. ‘, holiday wereâ€"D" a. .. Mr. s. Damnd‘h‘ u. It t”. 5.0”, for. l”. 4.00, for l \\' \‘nu m-m-kery and glau- il \\' (her mm or“ [ Ik-tl’oit. IIM . of Vancouver. and 'nrhettun. visited Its. the "muse last. week. Hgnum and danghm 'v the guests of In. J. OM w Udd_ l‘ines to sell Frank Van Duseq. (:1 d at Mr. Herb Smiths A son. of Thornbnl’y. . L. \\'right and Mrs. ieather boots for as n ‘wu Lawson, of Kim 1 friend. Mr. Don” unily last Week. I and Meta. Hall. 0‘ ting their aunt, 31‘3- (It'W'L’ Buyd. 0f ‘5 than sons here I!“ ather boots in last wil‘ n'] md l \. Boyd and Gen number of visit“! u tl at, Bell’ a Lake“ fortunate that no n at fur your Toronto. relatives ' . (1’. vv tuvwâ€"wg p10 presfl ~ m1 children’s cotton ies 8* , £23006 value at Gmt s. e _ W w snap mm“ .to 9" Home Hut there \\'r.h.-ul .1 plmsant call on Friday °. Gm. Lamb of Sault Ste .m twmty years and seems as is the .Mk agreed with him. Hr er DH'kWt'al' prices, 500. and 700, lllp‘. L.“ . . . thl‘t’t' for 8‘ 0%. New L .\ «m snulh window.-â€"â€"'l‘he House ° n. H. )lockler. Hh'gllitv. .\Ir.J. .-\. Sin-s. who has been en- gagrd fur [ht' past couple of months with the Slut-in Cream Separator 00.. tmkmlvuutnge nf an excursion last. week In Niagara Falls and made a. flying visit tn sue his wife and friends new. as m-l‘. as the new boy who ar- riv»dahuut Ihl't't‘ Weeks ago. He re- turnml Mummy. Mr. 'Broumall is Manager nt' the l'anpany and is duing A \M'NG man named "McLean” mm Pl‘h't‘Vth‘ wrote his name and Mich?“ nn :1” vgg recently. This par- mm- t'L’JLf with others was sold to )thnhn )Ich-thur. and shipped in the regular way. In about. three “'86“ ynemg file-Imam received a letter Iz-nm \\'im.i;wg making certain en- ~5'1il'ir“ rm: mling his general pedigree. Wmln um Annw whether the \Vinni- We do no! peg writel mupt News AROUND TOWN M” (“I ’Mit'w mm: we say. “'9 can not, ‘30”! In publish things that are false. The WW" will find us out sooner or “191'. and when thev find “3 false then “(“99 the deluge. Births, deaths and ju’fiflges are always good news‘ Rtfms- Tt‘il us about tbell, but don’t S‘WObituat'y poetry. “'9 draw the “he at houw-nmde obituary poetry. 00 man" how guod or how bad it is. eperson who write. the very 9001" 5F “33> Hf poetry, often imagines hum?" an artist, and n probable an? W! to the poet, humans. A lunatic We “id be was in the 5811001 5“” . Of a diflerence of opinion. HO "‘ his Opinion was tint all other mWerc crazy but d! the 0350' :“Ple thought be was only: £01}; “'15 w 5‘ lawn. mull, muslin, and oil]: a. few left, at. right prices,â€"C. 1-2 Hf Sllla“ pUX is reported ,. tnwnship 0f Artemesia, but. 6.»...«1 uf Health, have been an queu'antcning the patient. thought to l)«- little fear of a. .t' thv «lzseatse. flht Court is in session as we 5% toâ€"day, Wednesday. â€"Good eight room house Ln Garatraxa Street, Dur- v 4!, II. Buckler’s Butcher u, (‘rzmzx'r SHARESâ€"Na- ;md (‘ement Stuck forsale. .1! n bargain. Address, U. Box 2’55. St. Thoums, ll kunw wuecner um vv m... “it: a lady or gentleman, nm- was "McLean" WhiCh E: ui wine influence in cans- \\ ; iu- to a. nzuuesake who v - r... ht' a relative. Paris Green. 250 per McIntosh. all the lit-W8. To teu Luc .ingb is our business. We us we- publish to be true "a 1““ of light gossip that imu- uvcm'l'ed, and, if til lu- no benefit tn any- ~a Visit friends at a dis- ~::t m know it. If your High-Class Job printing is our To tell the A few short ends of white and color- ed dress muinns at C. L. Grant’s. HOUSE)! AID WANTEDâ€"Young wow an as housemaid. Apply giving references. 78 Park Road. Toronto. Ice for sale.-â€"Ice delivered daily. or sold in blocks.-H. Buckler‘s Butcher Special values during this week in straw hats. You need one now. The prices are right.-â€"H. H, M ockler. If we did not have the goods to back up our ads. we would not spend the money we do in advertising. It will pay you to read our ads. It pays others â€"The House of Quality. LOSTâ€"An open faced silver watch, Elgin movement, between Rocky Saugeen and Durham, Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at the Chron- icle Office. Scarce goods in stock again. Long tan gloves with done fasteners. lace lisle gloves in long black and white and short black. Tan lisle hose and black openwork lisle at 250 per pair. â€"â€"'l‘he House. of Quality, H. H. Mock- lel'. A LITTLE three-yeur-old girl daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir near (‘eylum had a narrow escape from drowning last week. She fell {into an open cistern, through the hole from which the pump had been removed, and it was with some difficulty the little thing was rescued. Friday afternoon of this week will beared letter day for all lovers of baseball here, when the local team,‘ comprised of the pick of the four town teams, will measure their strength against the crack nine of Markdale. As a good line-up is presented on the local side. and Markdale has the best team in its district. a good game is to be looked forward to; one that will be exciting from start to finish. Game called at 4 o’clock sharp. The Presbyterian Garden Party on Tuesday night was a great success. There was a large attendance, good1 band music, good singing, good things! to eat, and a good time generally.‘ The Manse grounds. or “Idylwild,” as it is called, is an ideal spot for such gatherings. The place was well and beautifully lighted. The pro- gram consisted of songs and solos by Messrs. J. P. and J.C.Tell‘ord, Mr. McKay, of the Traders Bank, Miss M. Munro, and Miss Jean Brown. Messrs. Ralph and McIntyre delight- ed the audience with mund-ol‘n selections, and Ramuge gave a well 1‘8! duet. The proceeds : over $100. ___-_ One of our exchanges tells of an old German whohzula boy of whom he was very proud, and decided to find' out the trend of his midd. He adopt-f edanovel method hy which to test. him. lle slipped into the boy’s room one. morning and placed on the table a bottle. of whiskey, a Bible and :1 “Now," said he. “when ; es dot dollar 3 1 silver dollar. dot. hoy comes in if he tuk 119‘s going to he a. heeznis man; if he takes dot Bihle he‘s going to he aH preacher: if he takes dot Whiskey he's ; no good and going to he a drunkard." Then he hid hehind a door to see which his son would choose. In came the boy whistling. He ran up to the tahle, picked up the Bible. and put it under his arm. then snatched up tne bottle took two or three drinks, pick- :pocket. and wen lips. The Dutchman poked his head out from behind the door and exclaim- ed: “Mein Got, he is going to be a boliticinn.’, The term. printer’s devil as applied to the boy who does the choring around a printing office, has a. peculiar romantic history. In early days ‘ 'Innk ‘pt” .â€"792. ence with their banjo- 9ctions, and the Misses .- a well rendered piano proceeds amountrd to Mr. Geo. McMurray is- at. present engaged in Mt. Forest. Mrs. Barker, TOIODFO. is visiting ihe stepped in some way in front or 3. her “30th”. MPS- 0°1V1119° moving engine which ran over him ML Fred Kelly, 0t Toronto, is and cut his foot off completely just at spending his vacation at home. the ankle Mr. Arthur Allan, o! Burk’s Falls,‘ is home for a holiday. ‘ Mrs. 690. Stinson is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ball, at Dundas. the back of the heel known as the Rev. F. H. Farr of Gorrie is here ”tendo .Achilles," or the strongest {Or a short holida.y. ' .tendcn in the body. It seems he got Miss P arl Iz ard of P t El , m trcnt of the mower, when the is th 18st ‘1‘; ’V‘d Ler' hlgm’ horses stepped forward. uSeveral ' e 8‘9' o ‘88 ' a 0 ac an'lstitches were necessary to close the ’ M138 lmlah, 0t New York, is the wound. It will be some time before guest of her aunt, Mrs. Alex. Russell. he will be able to be around. On Wednesday of last week. Mr. G‘eo. Staples out the large tendon inf Mr. Joe Kelly, of Owen Sound, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. 11. Clark, and sister. of Fergus, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Alex. Russell. Barrister McArdle, of Murkdale, at- tendtd the Divisicn Court here on \Vednesduy. Miss Flossie Thurston, of Flcsher- etcn, and Mr. Shaw, of Lion’s Head, were in town Tuesday. Mr. John Whitchurch, of Bell'sville, Spent Sunday with his br-otht-r, Mr. \V. H. Whitchurch, here. Mrs. “'11). Orchard, and two child- ren, of London, are visiting Mrs. Orchard’s aunt, Mrs. Samuel Scott. Mr. C. A. Uutt' of Toronto, is spend- ing a couple of weeks with his young friend M 1°. Stanley McNally. Mr. and Mrs. Murray, of Stratford. \‘lsited the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. \Valter Dunn for a few days. Mrs. Dear and Miss Cooper, from Toronto visited their sister M rs. John \Vright ova Sunday. Mrs. Uear and Miss uoopcr, mm.l Toronto visited their sister Mrs. John ' A honnteons store “f refreshments‘ \Vright OVcl‘ Sunday. , as usual graced the boards, and from Mrs. “'in. Gibson and Mrs. Cooper, : eight O’ClOCk ti“ nearly midnight, the - ladies of the congregation, who acted Mt. Forest, were guests last week of 1 . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gibson and family. 2‘“ the capacxty 0f . waitresses were . busnly engaged catering to the wants VIr. L d . H l ' L m Mrs Arclue Mclxmnon, orof their patrons. Winnipeg, are visiting the farmer’s: . . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKin-i Dalntlly (19001“th tables andbOOthS' ‘which, with their contents, were [LI]. , ablaze in all the glory of feminine Mr. R. Kelly, and Miss Foy, return-i handiwork, tempted the weary to ed th Torosto,'after visiting the for-‘ mcr’s parents for the past couple offstop, look and buy, while the pro- wm-ks. {gramme consisting of music by the Miss Margaret McCay, of Oxbow,'318t’ Regimental Band. Messrs. Rolph i Sask., is ,visiting her aunt, Mrs, and McIntyre on mandolin and banjo, Schorley, and her cousin, MI'S- and Mr. James Lloyd, who was present Whitchurch. I with his gramophone, was probably ,_ - _, c‘ _ - -I “In 1n‘l II Mr. R. Kelly, and Miss Foy, return-1 ed th Toxosto. after visiting the fox- mur ’s parents for the past couple of wet- ks. Miss Margaret McCay, of Oxbow, Susk., is \visitiug her aunt, Mrs, Schorley, and her cousin, Mrs. Whitchurch. ' I Mr. John M. Burgess, and Mr. John A. Graham, spent two or tluee days of last week visiting relatives and sight sedng around Sarnia, Port Huron, Detloit and Windsor. Miss Grinyer, Milliner at. S. F. Mor- lock’s. left for her hmue in \Viartou, on Thursday. She was acmnupanied by \Iiss Dense“, of Be1liu, who viS lLed 11e1e 21 few days. Mr. J. J. Smith 0111- esteemed post- 111nste1.1s taking a. couple of weeks huliday. Dining his absenm the bus- iness M the ut':h'( e \s ill be conducted by his able assistants, Miss anett, and Mr. Fred Smith. Mr. Charter Smith is round again, recuve-ring from it burn he reu-ivc-d nearly a unnth ago. A charge 01‘ hot metal from the uupola Callie. 1n con- tact thh his foot and leg, with the rc>ult that he was cmgined to his bed {or about three wuks. . A Very pretty wedding took place! Wednesday, June :34, at the residence! of the bride's uncle, Benjamin Goodâ€"i rum, 408 Toronto street, when his! niece, Miss Beatrice l’earl Gold, 02' Victoria, B. C., and Nathan Earnest} Swalbw, of Durham, 0nt., were‘ united in the bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. A. Shaw. or the First Bip- tist church. The bride looked sweet and pretty and was beautimlly at- tired in a suit 0! cream panama cloth, waist 01 all over lace, and car- ried a lovely boquet oI bridal roses! The bride was given away by her uncle, Banjaimn Goodrum; Miss Flor- ence Robinson. of Toronto, acted as bridesmaid, and looked charming in a very pretty dress 0t all over em- 'broidery. She carried a bouquet 01 pink roses. . Ernest Ketchescn. of Winnipeg. ‘supported the groom. Alter the ceremony the guests partook o! a dainty lunch. Mrs. Benjamin Good- rum made a very tharming host- 033. The happy couple left amid the hearty congratulations of numerous friends for their future home, 684: Maryland street. Winnipegâ€"Winni- pegFreeProurm ;.!i: DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. JULY 16. 1908. PERSONAL HYMENEAL. _â€"â€"â€".â€" SWALLOWâ€"GOLD ""U tel Scott. , is spend-g The annual Garden Party, under his young ' the auspices of Trinity Church, Durâ€" . '{hann was held on the rectory grounds Stratford. ‘ on Thursday evening last, despite the ,8 Mr. and fact that there were two other similar gattmctions on the same date, turned ‘ out at very successful one. § TRINITY (ruum'u. v days. 0 - -â€" - -- ‘nnihl Specialty. A call will convince you. Lostâ€"In Durham. on Saturday evening, between Stinson‘s Bakery and the Switch Line Railroad Cross- ing at Corktown Hill. a Persian Lamb rumâ€"Reward at this office. \Ve have just learned with regret that Mr. Thomas Campbell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell of \Vel- beck. was drowned in the West. That a telegram to that effect was received here on Saturday is the only intima- tion of the sad event here. The un- fortunate young man was an occasional correspondent to this paper some ' " 5 years ago. We hope to get fuller par- ticulars before next issue. v-UV ing. A solo by Miss Dawkins was al- so much apprecnatud. The proceeds at the gate and bouths amounted to nearly $91). PRICEVILLE METHODIST CHURCH. The Durham Methodist choir jour- neyed t0 Priceville on Friday even- ing last to assist in the programme presented by the Methodist church of that place in connection with their that, place in connection \\ lawn social. A gund crowd was in a‘ and after a bounteous lune} paired to the church, where gramme was given. In additum to the choir from this place, Rev. Dr. Caldwell, of Flesher- tun. delivered an address 011 “Courtâ€" ship aml Haulage” and Rev. Mr. Matheson gave a couple of excellent recitatiuns. The progrannne disposed wasagain‘ partaken of. U evening, ice cream and f1 served from booths on the The progrannne disposed of, lunch wasagain‘ partaken of. During the evening, ice cream and fruits were served from booths on the grounds. The social was a very successful one, and all enjoyed themselves. Quite a. crowd from here panied the Presbyterian choir place to Muloch on Friday and took in the garden party Quite a crowd from here accom- panied the Presbyterian choir of this place to Muloch on Friday evening and took in the garden party at that place, which was held on the grounds of Mr. Fletcher. A well rendered programme, to- gether with ice cream and fruits servo ed throughout the evening, tended to make the gathering a. success both financially and the enjoyment derived. Aâ€"‘ SEWELLâ€"OD Sumsâ€"In Durham, on Saturday June 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sim, a. mommaâ€"In Durham, on July 10th. to Dr. and Mrs. 0. ing a daughter. Mr. and daughter. WITH THE CHURCHES. M ULOCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Jetel' in attendance lunch. all re- the pro- The ladies of Durham and vicinity are invited to call and inspect our large and np-t; )-.1 t8: st); of summer lnuslins and dress goods. Organdies Persian Lawns Plain and Fancy Dimity Linen £Vestings J. J. HUNTER Iii; Unusual Value in Ladies’ and Misses’ White Canvas Oxfords Among our stock are some of the very newest designs in Fashionable Millinery Stylish Dress Hats trimmed with Ribbons Chiffons Laces Flowers Feathers at the price you would pay for an ordin- ary Ready-to-wear. We have also a lot. of smart; Ready-tn- wears and children's hats that we are clear; 11g at cost and Summer Muslins . F. MORLOCK Sole Agent for Progress and Nothing. Dress Goods ' THE .0" STORE 0. "IE DUI? WI. Cash and one price NEW 'AND $1.00 PER YEAR. £3?

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