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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1908, p. 2

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F ' V,,___.V__._ '. o'r 2T-m 'Fas SECOND CON F' caution West at tho Garafnn Road, the Township of Normanby. in the ' guilty of Grev. For particnlus apply to i ‘ P. Tolfnrd, Banister. Durham. n. 3. 1906.â€"â€"tf lipoa Smith or at the Post Office. l Com. Philp reported in detail ”e 3'??wâ€"t -- - â€" w -â€" »â€" Wexpenditure or $32.50 in his division l'ZJWO STOREY DOUBLE .FRAMEgand with the Reeve of Arthur they l4." h0“"°~ ”it"“ted 0"”‘9 we“ ”‘d’ Gav-a. i exznnincd townline and bridge at lot -. -. ' -' r elot mith . . . . - 1” N““"~ '" “ml" hmu. la 2 g 14, winch requires immediate atten- : latirrtcia-S well also ciatern. Atmlv . . . . Flirgremiseu. Angus Cameron. [312t ; tio'n. Also the highway is in need of JK. » â€" - - n ‘ '; - irepuirs and {lSkcd instructiaus re- \ ‘ I, S S. ‘ . ’ _ ll' "OUR CHOH’E 0‘: T“ .0 HOL E gurdmg the same. Report adapted, + one on Countess 3t. briCk- 3 mom-“n .. . ._ _ . _ . aund .33 Conunisu-ner s fees be paid. W,.__V, h and closet. 2 cellars. furnace. etc.,-â€" . h ble with 4 single stall. 1 box stall. ‘2 car 'â€"Cilrl‘le(l. RGIDWNWOMS and ice home ’0' onel om. Lothian report-mi exiiemliture ble tenement house, upper town. stone. j , . . .. ' ' -, . 0 - ‘ part 8 rooms. bath. furnace and cellar ; . m df‘tdll Of 39109 m up: divm‘ou, R._.- If a-l. other part,6rooms and cellar. Apply , ert iIdOptc-d. Commisioner's fee“, $5. l‘ Black _ _ [713"; Com. l“t‘vl‘gufion reported expendi- P1433 ESIUENCE OF THE .LATEItPTe m detail of $4330.31). his divi- ‘iv Mrs. Beniamin Male. small brick cot-lswn. Report adapted. hues a5. {jut-lfofgoodlandcontammggoodbeanng.expenditure of $79 in his division. 6. 0 e of the best locations in upper . _ ‘_ ., . ‘2' Durhzm. The very best draiuyael Report adopted. lacs $5. '4 ‘ quiet simply Immediate possession. The foregoing eXpenditures -were ; dill 8'“ “8M 011 M3? “"35- ‘Ppr to 5° made chiefly under supervisicn of the .. ‘ ha , .T 'h, 3. :EflJ:rcvkill)en. D‘" m, or ”A Mcwgllzw pathmaster by day labor. a -. . _____â€"â€" ni‘n.‘-râ€"I’h;lnâ€"Th:‘f A- “10011“, be O! ' 01‘s 27 AND 5me LOT 19_._ CON ‘ 2. .o good frame bun Wm'be sold in block ’dividod to suit purchaser. Terms Mid“ .mn on application. Hugh Fulton, Ad- 0 Exremnnt 3.!Ivile- noflh of Holstpin. 0' ‘v oâ€"â€" -i * Queen and (‘mmteu S . . 7/ ‘ ‘ » trfiet â€"" N #tlon. . prions reasonable Apglym £006 Smnh or t th ‘ P? wâ€"tf a a Post ()mce. ‘ “râ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"r __.__ IUV (IVA-u . w-... \. mites of Durham. On the form there to good brick house. about new also two pod horns with stone foundations. The ’ro rty is well formed and well watered. T'il acce t 8:1(1‘0 on terms to suit. purchas- 1.. App y to W. F. Dunn, Agent. for Ven- It. [April 29â€"tf. IKE 2N 0 AN D 330 DIVISION OF Lot No. 1. E G R.. in the Township Gknolg. 1w m-re- lumwuas the "McKin- I Farm” at the kay Sanctum. 1m- Iiiato possemimn given. For particular: 0'? to J. P Telforfi. 311 07â€"“ L 'ugbloifhms in New Outs-via. near I Lulu"! fur paleâ€"large discount for ID. Map of the [reality and tetms given Ioplication to J P Teltutd. Sulicimr for ndor. 7 18% ~11 .._..~ 7â€". gâ€"V mfiiimrze AND SHOP. ON " Mill Street, Durham. llOft frontage Qplng wvlliam Laidlaw V ”u vcvâ€"â€"â€"VV_ 33‘. for sale n number of houses and out. ,2 inns along the line of right. of way of i" Walkerton and Lucknow Railway. in . , town of Durham. “£11080 buildings must he removed at an '. ly due. in order to clenr the line of right .' Y- P)Fl‘l material such as timber. brick. stone, , _., in cases where the buildings cannot be . Wed. are also ufiered for sale. Muted June 4th 1907. ' Apply to J. P TELFORD Durham. Property for Sale. ‘1va w _____ “pets. Seven rooms. pantry. closets, ' pent floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- .in good locality. Good frame stable. and soft water. one acre or land. Snap “quick purchaser. For further particu- kt") Iy to John W. McKechnie. Owner. v ugeen P. O. fifiisan op mpaqvnp VAL- 610134â€"12. 15: acre» bush. frame bun. untested, must be lord. A. H. Jukmn .....A 2271!. a co". will rent one or more \ears, fling most of rent in improvements Ewing”. soil. water. orchud and timber , 1 mm Apply to J. Ritchie. Port 100 ACRE FARM ‘mfmm TWO 7- AL--.‘ Farms for Sale. '_â€"â€"~ ’3 13 AND 14. CON. _3. N p u iwo EBBD CUMFORTABLE l houses. Apply to J. M. Latimor. [4'23tf CKINNON 100 ACRE FARM AT the Rock y, immediate possession giv- ' For mnher sank-Mars appl y to . P. TELFORD. 60M PORTABLE corragm A N n GOOD SOLID £11193 TWO V‘I”- vov--â€"__ 10 acres of land op site Mr Thos. tins. Pom-enient to urham. Cottage bias 6 rooms. good woodshod. good sta- hon house, never failing well. Excell- ploco for gardening. Apply to Aaron in 5 V.-â€" v _, at once. New wagon. llrw iron truck ll wagon. a number of large egg vats, DH unite first class cisterns) 3 or 4 thou- ltonce poets. lath, shingles. lumber. A Itity of wood near Welbeck P. 0., will old u amp“ Poul. D. Juniesou. ad- :btntor Spa! hug estate. or David-Kin- Ind A. H. Jackson. Durham. [6184 For Sale or Rent .‘fi‘nsfié’fim. OWN “ye same by D: '3! “93 h M pfg'iflyg‘ Chino D. _ ea Shop. ER MAY naosofud- UN DERSIGNBp ormzas To Rent. For Sale. Found. ‘28â€"IN THE 18TH Durham. to is particularly suitable for summer use. When heating cold meat, canned meat or pork and beans, stir in a little Bm'ril and notice the difference. It willjnake the '00d more tasty, more nu- tritious and more digestable. Send a post card for new receipe booklet “Tasty Dishes” to Bovril Limited C-aumcil met July 2nd. Minutes a- dtptcd. Communicationsâ€"From the Clerk of Proton asking a supplement- tary grant of $75 to be expended on Egremout and Proton toWnline be- tween Cedarville and Conn. Resolved that we sipplement grant made on townline, but reserve the Hunterâ€"Lothianâ€"Responding to a petition from John Ross and others asking for the reconstruction of Mo- Nair’s bridgeâ€"That the Clerk pro- cure est'mates of a combination truss bridge, and Com. Philp examine and report on condition of sub-structure at next meetingâ€"Carried. Hunterâ€"Ferguscnâ€"That the Asses- sor be paid $3 for equalizingg assess- ment of U. S. S. No, 14, and $4.50 for the same at U. S S. No. 15, A. L. I’. and E.â€"Carried. J. R. I’hilp, Inspector of drain No. 2, reported on said drain and rccm- mended payment of $100 to John E1- 118. Report adOpt'd. Commisioner’s fees, 500. Hunterâ€"[’hilpâ€"That A. McCaw be paid $3 for tile for drain across the road, lot 3, con. 10, in lieu of culvert, to be paid for when completed.â€"Car. Hunterâ€"Lath/ianâ€"That a special grant of 3550 be made to Com. Fer- guson to expend on Base Line, con. 22.â€"Carrird. The. Clerk was instructed to notify the township engineer to consider himself Inspector of drain No. 4, ow- ing to the death of Mr. Davis Al- ton. and also to notify all parties Interested in the complaint of W. J. MoEachern. to appear at next meet- ing of Council. The Reeve reported on examining tile molds atv Geo. Hamilton’s, and recommended the 20'.n. molds to be overhauled by Wm. Seaman, which has been d-cne with satisfactory re- sults. Fees $1.50. The sum of $40.68 was paid for gravel accounts, and $139.75 for sun- dry accounts, including $34 for ce- ment for tile, $33.75, Clerk’s quar- terly salary, $50 for Treasurer’s halt yearly salary, etc. Council adjourned to meet on Mon- day, August 3rd. If you have any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamber- lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr J. P. Kloto of Edina, Mo.. says; "I have used a. great many difioront medicines for Stomach trouble. but find Chamberluin’s Stomuch and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used.” For sale at all Drug Stores. No Delays in main: Withdrawals Interest added four times a year WMWMW wihd Branches. THE SMNDARD BANK Egremont Council. PETER STREET. MONTREAL Stomach Trouble Cured. D. ALLAN, Clerk. HeadOffice - - ' ' $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT ESTABLISHED 1.78 Artemesia Council. z Wrightâ€"Bestâ€"That the tonmvinz accounts for gravel, as certified by Leverssers, be paid: J. W. Haney, $7.70, J. Teeter, $33.60, G. Clark-$38435, J. Foster, $1.â€"Carried. McKenzieâ€"Bestâ€"That tl'e Reeve Iand Mr. Carscn be a committee to Iexamine bridge and sink hole on 'lot 27, con, 2. S. D. R. and takd [such action as they may d:- em eXped- lient in the matter. â€"â€"C:1rried. . McKenzieâ€"Bestâ€"Thut Janies Arm- strcng be paid $2.50, being commuted (statute labor for 1907 for lot 32, con, 11, as certified by Mr. Plantt, over- seer for 1908.â€"Carried. Artemésia Council met in the town hall. Flesherton. cn Sutuxday. July 4th. with all the members present. the. Reeve in the chair. Minutes or last session read and con ’irmed. Re parts from the Reete on repairing Weber bridge. and expenditure on valley road: statement from the Standard B1 nk. sh:- 1-ving the. balance cn deposit of sinking f11.nd and 21 pt“- tition from Robert Czunph? l1 and others, asking a man -y grant on Campbell’s deviation road. were pre- lsented and read. By-Iuw N3. 684. au- »th:rizing a loan of $2500.00 from the Standard Bank for current eXpendi- :ture. was introduced and read a first, second and third time and Fpassed. Carsonâ€"Bestâ€"That the Reeve and Mr. McKenzie be. a committee to ex- :am‘ine bridges (11 Beaver river, con. 8: Reids bridge, 2 N. E. T. and S. R. and bridge at lot 39, con. 6, the same requiring repairs, and to take such action as they may deem ex- pedient to make said bridge; safe. â€"-Carr'ed. McKenzieâ€"Carsznâ€"That D. McLeod be paid his account for supplies for road grader.â€"Carried. Carscnâ€"MoKenzZeâ€"That the Reeve‘s report of expenditure on the Weber bridge be adopted and he be paid $4.00 for 2 days superintfnding work, and $2.00 for his services on committee â€"Carried. McKenzieâ€"Wrightâ€"That Mr. Best make inquiries regarding the cast pr-r cubic yard of placing crushed stone- on gravel road near Ceylon and re- port at next meet'ng of this Coumcil. â€"Carried. McKenzieâ€"Carscnâ€"That the Reeves report of expenditure on the valley rand be received and he be paid $14 for 7 days superintcnding the work. â€"C;1rried. Bestâ€"Carsonâ€"That the petition of Robert Campbell et all, requesting: a grant for repairs to Campbcl 1“ hill be laid over for further considera- tI-on. â€"Carriod. In 1872 there was a great deal of diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera in fantum. It was at that time that Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Di- arrhoea Remedy Wat first brought into use It proved more successful than any other remedy or treatment. and has for thirty-five years main- taided that record. From a small beginning its sale and use has ex- tended to every part of the United States and to many foreign countries. Nine druggista out of ten will recom- mend it when their opinion is asked, falthough they have other medicines that pay them a greater profit. It can always be depended upon. even in the most severe and dangerous .cases. For sale hv all Drug Stores. As a part of a fourth of July cele- bration ten balloons started from Chicago with two men in each to see how far they could go. The record was made by a balloon that landed in Quebec. One of the balloons known as the “United States” landed on Arthur Reid’s farm near Eden Grove about 9 30 on Sunday morning. Col. A. P. Shirley and Col. Wyld the occupants were uninjured though they had a close call crossing Lake Huron where the balloon came sol close that the occupants were! dragged for about four hours with the water over their knees. They could have gone further than Eden Grove but their compass showed that they were heading for Georgian Bay. They loweredtheir drag chain which struck and killed a. cow and pulled out a few rods of wire fencing before taking hold. They p cked their balloon, spent the day with Mr. John Connors and took the early train back to Chicago on Monday. Mr. Connors tells many a good story but we will have to go up some day and hear him tell about when the balloon landed at the Groveâ€"Walk. erton Herald. Council adjourned. Over Thirty-Five Years. Surprised the Nativu. Toronto [CH Used a ten cent oorn'salve,â€"-for a [or “ quarter he could have cured his The All) rncmnnn 23’?“ Vith _Put9_amjs Painless Corn “dug THE DURHAM CHRONICLE After having been a suf‘ervr from rheumatism for over a qnartm‘ of a century, Charles Scarborough. of this town crossed the greatedivhle early Tuesday morn'ng. at. tho mlvanomt age of 78 years and 7 months. He was a quiet, kindly old untlmnan. who made many fritnds in town dur- ing his ling residence hero. Born in L'neolnshire, England, ha emigrated to Canada at the age of 20. uo'ng di- rect to Toronto. where he livml until 1863. At Toronto he married the fine old lady who now survives him. along with four sons. Robert, Cliarli s. and George in Toronto. and James. in Hanover. In 1868 they moved here and so were among? our early sett- lers. He was engaged in the brick and tile business for a time. About 31 years ago he built the Scarbor- ough House. which has been conduct- ed und>r that name ever since. Mr. and Mrs. Scarborough celebrated their Golden Wedding in July of last year. The funeral takes place to the Hanover, cemetery this afternoon and will be conducted with Masonic hon- ors, deceased having been one of Hanover's first Masons. Rev. G. B. Cox, B. A.. rector of St. Jame’s church, will assist in the funeral serâ€" vices. Amcng those from a distance here for the funeral are: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scarborough and George and Charles Scarborough. of To- ronto, and C. P. Scarborough. of Richmond Hill, the latter being the only ri-lativc- of deceased in Canada. â€"Post. n “For goodness sake" for the sake of the satisfaction you 3 t from using it, buy “Salado" Tea. It pays to pay for quality. A The department of education has at length decided cn its model school policy for the coming autumn. The following model schools are to be asked to remain: Kingston. Cornâ€" wall, Lindsay, Renfrew, Durham, Mindtn. Sault Ste. Marie, Port Ar- thur, Kenora, Bracebridge and Parry S'Dund. These schools are intended for the preparation of candidates for the new third class certificates (the former district certificates). There will be no fees paid in these schools and the départment will pay He hcard a sum of money in lit-u of the legislative and county grants. 'I‘hrce new narmal schools will be Open for work in September at Strat'ord, Peterhorouph and North Bay. This is the first st-r-p tlwartls Cu- tarrh'.‘ Everything! depends on your“ Lrexnedy. A cough mixture slips quickly over the weak spdts, drOps Hm the. stomach and! does; 11"‘L: into the stomach and do‘r-s little but ha’rm digesfliam.’ It’s altog-gther dif- ‘fement wlith Catarrhozoneâ€"it cures because it gets right at the trouble. You inhale Czitarrhozone, breathe in the vapor of healing balsams that strength!) and resthe the weak ,throat tissues. You‘ll not have colds, tor coughs,â€"Throat trouble and Ca- tarrh will disappear with the use of Catarrhozone. At all dealers, 25c and $1.00. Get it today. l l l l l 1 From The Presbyterian. One of the grave dangers of party governmcnt is that the party in power by means of strong press 811p-‘ part, by the lavish use of patronage... and all the, other resources at itsl command. can finally entrernh it-i self and hold its position even after it has proved unworthy of public; trust There is no strcnger card that it can play than the app-a1 to party loyalty. In const'tuencia's in- which the parties are nearly balann- ed, and in which loyalty to party is made a fetish among the more inâ€"} telligent men, it is the purchasable rag-tag, which is to be found in any community which holds the billilnc'.‘ of power and the temptation to up-! peal to it becomes in too many cases; irresistible. It is this element thatl provides the sphere for the use ofl campaign funds and the, other means‘ of thwarting the public will. The cure lies in the shifting of the bal-l ance of power from the classes to| whom it means something to be sold, to the highest bidder. to the intelliâ€"l gent classes who can do their think- ing. If the intelligent men are inde- pendent men, demanding clean and: honest amenistration of public arJ fairs, and prepared to punish mis- use of power and trust, they tecome powerful factors which must be reckoned with, and it will become more and more necessary for the leaders to bid for their support rath- er than for that of the corrupt 91¢- ment. These men must more clearly realize their personal responsibility for clean and honest government. By being willing to line up at the crack of the party whip they are simply handing 'over the deciding of the issues in close constituencies to those who can be purchased like sheep. The issues between the two parties in Canada are not so funda- mental as to set up. impossible" bar- riers. The fundamental thing' ii that the government (if the cOuntry shall be in the hands of clean, high minded and, honest ‘men, and a study increase. in the number of intelligent and ipdependent voters will mean much for the, country's good, Charles Scarborough Dad. In: Your Throat, Husky? CLEANER POLITICS. Ruined Bin Feet. The following is a list of the com- petitors in this district who have en- tered the Standing Field Grain Com- petition, inaugurated by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. The crop in each case is Oats. For prizes, the Department will give $30.00 to each giddy, on condition that prizes to the amount of $50.00 be offered. these prizes to be not less than $15.00. $12 $10.00, $8 00, and $5.00. '1‘. W. Scar'. Rccky Saugeen, Glenelg W. Scarf, Durham, Bentinck. D. Hamilton, Durham, Egremont. My little boy four years old. had a severe attack of dvsentery. We had two physicians; both of them gave him up. We then gave him Cham- hcrlain’e Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv which cured him and believe that saved his life.â€"-\VILLIAM H. STROLLING. Carbon Hill, Ala. There is no doubt but this remedy saves the lives of many children each year. Giev it with castor oil according to the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale at all Drug Stores. Help for Those Who Hue Trouble. After doctoring for about twelvei years for a bad stomach. and spend- ing nearlv live hundred dollars for medicine and doctors’ fees I purchas- ed my wife one box of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much good that she con- tinued to use them and they have done her more good than all of the medicine I bought before.â€"SAI(UEL' BOYER Folsom, Iowa. This medicine is for sale by all Drug Stores. Samples free' W. G. Firth, Edge Hill, Glenelg. J. J. Hunter, Durham, Glcnelg. Robert Edge, Edge Hill, Glenelg. C. M. Blyth, Orchard, Normanby. W. Ramagé, Thistle, Egremont. G. Binnie, Bunessan, Glenelg. D. Edge, Edge Hill, Glenelg. H. Hunt, Vickers, Bsntinck. R. Brigham, Allan Park, Bentinck. R. Barber, Varney, N-ormanby. B. Putherbough, Aberdeen, Bent'k. \V. Ritchie, Edge Hill, Glenelg. U to John Rutherford. County Clerk. Owen Sound. wiil be received up to noon. of Saturday. July 18th. 1908, for following: l.-Reinforced Concrete Bridge over the Potuw‘timi River. on the 'l‘ownline of Owen Sound and Derby. Span. 45 ft. 2.â€"Bridge over Camp Creek. near Uurhnm on townline of Bentinck and Glenelg. (a) Cpnpreto Abugments, Steel ‘1’ Hum: The merry widow waltz, The merry widow song. The merry widow sailor hat Is as broad as it is long. The merry widow auto car, The merry widow cake, The merry widow ice-cream Is just the thing to take. The merry widow lunch cafe. With a merry widow girl- She’s next to all the sports in town And keeps them in a whirl. The merry widow bank clerk. With a merry widow smile: The merry widow doctor 1 Now and then sent up for trial.‘ The merry widow motorman. The merry widow "con." The merry widow takes her seat. All right, old man, we’re on. The merry widow hosiery, The merry widow boots, The merry widow wine clerk Takes her out to shoot the chutes. The merry widow will only last Just a little longer now! And all the sports will pass her up For raising such a row. and Concrete FIJOI'EpZiIié fee-i. (b) Reinforced Concrete Arch. Span 18 ft. 3,â€"Bridge over River Spay one mile north of Chetsworth, on Townline of Hollend and Sullivan. (a) Cpqprete Abl_1‘t_ments,_ Steel ‘1’ Bonus. \w, vv-Iv 'VV OIV' IuU|I 1 unsure. and (Jer‘ncrete Flow. 'SKK‘N feet. (b) Reinforced Concrete Arch Spun. 20 ft. A certified Bank Chrqne payable to Treesuner. Cuuuty of (fire: . for 5“,”; ul cun- tract shall aceom any such ten er. Me same tn be forfvi it the successful tenâ€" derer decline the contract or full in the performance thereof a will be returned m use of non accent: . OH! THE MERRY WIDOVVS. EALED TENDERS ADDRESSED equal and Rest. $6,350,000 75 Branches in c...“ The best provision is 3 Savings Accopnt. in the Trader. Bank. $1.00 open: an gccomt. on which Interest is com- pounded 4 times aym.’ DURHAM BRANCHS Field Crap Competition. Bridge Tenders Boy’s Life Saved. Branches .100 at Mount Forest and A349... . C. TELFORD. Manager. Learn To Save Cg! 'ICOR'OMTID 1 0.8 THE IS PUBLISHED "' EVERY Tal'nsm Y 31“an It the Chronicle Printing House Street, DURHAM. own. ' 0min: IHE nuwp‘unwm‘ Till: (‘HRnVIrLE wi! subscription any addl‘eu. ”w of 1131;,” m . . $1(Operywrmayahleinm 'h 41.50 may be charged if not w paid. Ibo“ to which every subscriptinu n paid ih demo! u the number on the addrmus lale No “In?” continued to all arrears are paid. ”(Whit option of the proprietor. Ad' For transient advertisemg“. cents per line my the fim M m ' lion ; 3 cent!- per Hue each on“ quent illoeflion million nwanuroa Profw arch. not exceeding one inch $400 Wuhan; Advertisements witbcmt I-pH'lfir '“”"‘i0num‘ be pnbllahod till forbid and chm 1941 “mm“, Tallinn notioesâ€"‘ 'L( at. “ 'szmd “ "For 8:107; “cfâ€"Hf” team for first “189“ in“. L“,- "HHS ‘0, “ lubegqqont ipsertion. m‘ll V Idvéftioemenu. to Hmm- insertion in current week. ghonld be brought in not 1mm. TWA! morning- ' All idvertinements ordera-d 1w “mu 'm .0 “id for ill advance. ' g. ' m“ Contract rate. for year.)~ B'h'mnaenem. m lhhed on_ appfication to the: um. .- The Job . . Department 'I, VIv"\--"' - short distance east pf K ' W'“ ~ ' L uapps Hm Bun, Good Furm, ought in b Lamb ton Street LO“, Q 9 T i ‘ o Ofico hours from 12 to 2 rjr'('l¢,.:-lr :1, Durham Will all ‘0' W° U W. 61000", splendid l'r'a‘ u“ good Buildings, cheap at $7.“) 8-4 o.m.. 7-9 0.1:). Telephone So. 10. I. G. Hutton. M. 0., C. I. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COB Queen and George Streets-Norm? Methodist Church Office hoursâ€"Mun. l 600 in the New Hunter Block. 0609 honu,8 to 10 u. m.. to 4 p. m. and? $09 9. I. Special Ltmntion given to discs. of yomon and children. Residence 09- ooum Proobvterian Church. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF- 600 in the New Hunter Block. 0509 bu Luhmt Ray. London Opbtlnlnk Bu. ”a. Old to Golden Sq. Throat and N000 Ru. .P‘Cl‘LIST .- EYE. rank, THROAT nos: L. B. C. P.. LUNLV... J. BADULA'I'E of London, N" York and Chicago. M at Eye. Ear Nose and That. Will be u Knapp House. Durham. thew Bttmdnv in each month. Hull‘sâ€"1‘6 pl. Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. ULVUD URAUUA l 14. t “A ' -â€"- ty of anonto. Graduate ROYd W Dental Surgeons ofUmanu. Dentistry in all its Brnm'hem Ofiee.â€"Cnldor Block, m'er I‘m 0510 Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. BARaRcilflEn. SOLICI'mH. ETC. 8” 0 0'07 Gordon's new Jewell“? M Om, Low“ TOWD.Durlmm, Anyumoum math. to 10311 ‘t 5 per rent. on f“. _/ U "yucca. Notary l’ulnln‘ to Lona at Lowest Rates. Wowâ€"Ilchltyra Block. Bank. Durham. Ontario. L‘ or. Convoymwer, «v mt. Honey to Loan. “I” Licences. A general OTARY PUBLIC, L If m" tynvn nttnr FFICE AND RESIDENCE A J 1'. Gun, 1). n. s.. L. n. s. [ONOR GRADUATE. 1'X1\'E§§{; ABBIS'I‘ER. SOLICI'I‘QR Em'rua AX!) lemm'un DURHAM. ONT. (LOWH‘ (“inc Medical Diradon‘. Arthur Gun, M. D. Dr. V1.0. Pickering Dental Dz’rudon' Legal ’Dt’n’durv. A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. W. F. Dunn. i! completely flocked with]; XEW TYPE. thus afiordiub ilities for turning out Hutch work. l. P. Telford. DR. BURT. . IRWIN ver 15!.» noon. mm. wide. mpg 15c yud. M Linen. 68in. Wide. Hump: 50c nod. W Ollcloth. 45in. ma... 3;”. M do business with H. H. I the Hanover ('uln‘o'ynn He olfvrs; Guru. Glenelg. Frame lhw fingood Egg} uugm m ”m- on Durham Road FINL- Bunk Burn Fair ”MW-"M'â€" " 'coundevitiul. HAN ”6‘... Just mm, m h mu men lbruuuh 1m ,_ -41-- â€"I6‘nm|' nfnnfi’yn ’m. oxtn gnod Building» fiwly the 82"00 asked her MCuwford P.U ”VIII- *â€" WW without. clmnv x .. Scientific mm: A L-nA-nm9l' ul'lrtm‘l' I “c 0 r \ 1 t m banding lot in Durham *9. or trade for anything a fit. war. or throw I suck at PWY bought Ind sold cm 0 I." w hand. Debts collected “in: gun! Occun Tickets m a dirt in pmhum Conwm (m. C! boil tor sue cheap. Always Pl‘Olllpt. Newr Ne. in our New Prints and hingh Pumps. Anyone sham u aketrh a . ._ --..-o-ln nnr nnnn: m Won: GUARANTEED aw ht live" Pillows. GEORGE WHI 25c yard. _. M to farm-5h 3‘ PUIPS AND Iii-mm My“; R! (“1(th A\.- “ 'i‘b C6D)?!" (‘ulu‘l'ri r Seed Corn Rape Se BIG LEAVE 1‘0 Ixnm 1‘0““ ‘Id the pubhr J; 4 ' ALL ORDERS mum Our Iodovmnu M1; V‘ â€""' W; imillt'l‘tzd Wrekly. Lu 1‘. 0! 7 scientific juunml. '1 II. “7:: 7001'. postage pn- 1mm. a. Bell. Cheap 1,». Curtains I. M. Fem h” corked edge.- cu. our oplmc m I rec Dumb-Hy w ' ) I ah .ly confidential. wHANDBOOK SAVE HONEY ” . fl. BEAN 1908 “in. wide. unhlea The Hanuu-I yds. long. at RELIABLI sum. " to make an oounterpane.‘ l' at. Wuhlhkt‘ GO TO 60 YE EXPERI Calder B‘ TRADE Dtsu MRIGH Mill Dwelli! O!

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