West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1908, p. 3

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IS Punuancn EV 1cm THURSDAY non: e Chronicle Printing "om strut, ', Manager. {OI - . $1 wuryur.p; ,3.) mav it? charged if .0. I. 'h'u'h v-very subscription is I number an the «lam. 1.5.]. zimml to all arrest» 3:. yd In: of the proprietor. 1! poor savers. bus provide for Account in the Tad!" 3n Whit}! interest i! m rice m the New Hunter Block. 0“ rs, a :0 .. m.. to 4 p. n. “a"! to! n. Spams! attention given to M lumen and children. Raid.” 0‘ We Preflbvterian Church. Arthur Gun, I. D. . iYsIUlAN AND SURGEON. 0?- L. R. C. P., LUNLVH ~. ‘RADULATE 0! London, ank and Chicago. Disc-us 0! Eye. Ear Nuts-OM I] ha a? Knapp House. Path-I: maul l W “1‘ Toronto. Grain”. [lags Dental Surgeons 0'0.“ Dentistry in all its Bra-8M Isaâ€"Calder Block, 010: P0“ "thing .I: ' Job . mtment E nmuflwfignumnfl Ufiim aver Gordon’a I!" c” we», anflr Town. Durm. Al! mdtv in m ARRISTEIZ, SOLICITOB; ’ vm ant-Pm, Nétary P0350. u Luau at anest Ram. icezâ€" .‘lclntyra B'an. 0'. I uh. Durham. Unkno- ’01-... .131! A”... f: “A 9- THROAT NOSE onN CLARK. I F. GRANT. D. D. LLD. .- t“).\'¢‘)R HRADUATE, UNIVEPSE‘ 's. Jamieson laclaurin. FIVE? .\.\'D RESIDENCE A RAN CH A. H. Jackson. U“ \f:\' PI'RLIC, 00111581.??- G. Hutton. M. 0.. 0. I. Aaamtant Roy. [10.d” 0"“ In. 3nd 10601er Sq. Throat ‘“ I... u SPECIALICT I A] v w»tv‘. DI'RHAM. ONT. (Low 1'09) 4 tiopoor for URHAM, ONT! N Save Ivtjy agim H‘IIIQ‘H?‘ Wi'bflll‘ 9 i“ “1706!” show! Fl” furhi ’ madman“ O! m I! ln-l H'Fs-' Lt St. N ‘=Pould." "I" v: rn74 fur first insertion. NCO-ta l. “ mt mn-rt‘mn. n-rx m-nwnts ordered by Qua-gen u or :n .00} Valu'e. Medial! Diretlon’. Dr. w. C. Pickering Dentist. 'F.‘ Over J.J.Hu; 75 Branches l. N m ml (morn Streetsâ€"Nonbd (‘ h m- h (mice hoursâ€"941;... 9p m. Telephono No.10. Dan [J1 Direclorv. Money- Lam! ‘Direciorr. \\'. IRWIN or u tho 0-9 fur youthy advent-omin- trauma to the "Hive. aunt-Illa. to ensure ilm I. ~ uoulcl be brou‘ht in lo! hunt. 5 N D RESIDENCEâ€"COB AW [5 68110118033 . J. P_ Telford. 1-: completely stock"! vhf.“ N EW TYPE. thus aflodbgb- wine-s for turning out I'M ance east of Rupp’o 890d, â€"v'vâ€"~' bet. Lower Tova: Dab m 12 t0 2 o'clock loan M. 5 DR. BURT. \.\'I) l’RuPRIE’l’OR. MORNINQ Huntor '- 123% Tame Lil‘en, Ex- vard- Table Linen. 54in. Wide; bleached 3,5. yzu'd. Table Linen, “Sin. wide, unbleached 301' yard. Table nib-lath, 45in. wide, 25c yard Flom‘ Uilclath. l and 2 yards Wide 2m 1 yard. Linolemu' Smyrna the“ (II) li’l‘lllt'SS “'ith Ho Ho )IILLER [hr HJHUVPI‘ (‘nnveyancer He offers: 'Jlu'res, Hlenmlg. Frame Dwelling. Bulk Barn, “and Farm. ought to bl’inflm Will sell tur $000. '10 antes, Hlenelg, splendid location. extra gujgl‘ Buxulmgs, cheap at 37W. Wm “30 Tana: MARK. Dumas Cowman-rs ac. ppm coming a sketch and descrigurm ms! ,1" ‘ i” .Wurmm our opinion free I ether tn _., H ypmmny panenmbleo fommunIcsv .u- .‘x‘v' -»'1tmetinl. HANDS 0 on Patent. “.1; .» '«wt um‘nvy for aecunng ems. Mr.- H; flmvn thruuilh Munn O-I'OCO‘" W”““ n ,tu'e, wnhouu‘. charge. in“). ‘0‘._ "AAAAAAQ‘A‘- zoo mes Farm. Bank Barn, Fan uwoumg. anup torflffl). :00 acres, exfm good Buildings. alone wor- th nearly the .s‘J‘OO ukod tor the {an Near Cra-t't'wrd P1) iacre building lotin Durham. for “10 cheapnrfrmle for anything ‘ man can at, wear, 4r throw astick at. Property brruzht and acid on Commission M0110? tn mm! Debts collected. C.P.R. Tickets and ' wean Tickets for sale. .3” fmk m [)nham Cement 00., placed an my hand~ :jr sale cheap. .\l\\'.t}'~ Prompt, NeVPl' Negligent 'V'V‘VV"-â€"V 'â€"â€"--vâ€"v -- 'v A hgnqisumuly Mustnted weekly. hmoat ctr- mmlxnn .4 'any smentmc journal. Terms 10! Quad». 3 a?" 3 Yet". pout-889 Prepaid. Sold D! ID newuh-alc-rn. mun 00.8°'°-~.New1grk Bunch Umce. 6?." F St. Wuhmgton. D. 5.: our Pumps. BEG LEAVE TO INN“ I? CUP]. [UMP it.‘ and the public ‘3 general “It? unrvxwm! m furnish ‘- \nw Pl'ME’s AND anuus. WlLl Damn "H‘rnmxn AND P33890118!!!“ dune ~\ ' 2 ~11le concrete. §éiétfliii§flm¢mm The Big Seed Corn and Rape Seed He Sells Cheap ‘m- white counterpane, l< m1 value For . 31. Ferry C035 RELIABLE HQ '_â€"â€" _, «.1? m mm" ° ‘ I”. may go Aug: 310% .30.”. B! n :3...” run 7 h“ 3?:wlu“m “" Mo on. B J“. 01..“ Idod “v.5 worked edge- oxoopt 250 one. . :. Durham Road. Bontinck. good link Barn, Fair Dwelling. snap x. Zyds. wide, 3’75c sq. yd. Rugs, 60:3), 3.0) each. Ncw Prints and Ginghans. SAVE flONEY ? Lace Curtain: . H. BEAN , Min. wide, unbleached 2yds. long. at 25c pair 35 mt. tn make money and l'hv Hanover Conveyance! . Miller, .6 66 06 Calder Block. 66 .5 :l‘he hot. due of the peer. week re- minded no that it. is the 12th of July or the 13th. Rather, however, the 11th end‘12th were the hottest of the summer. Hoying will be the genonl order of booiuoosthis week. Fine growing woothor ond crops have o good op- poorooco. Pototo bugs in obundnnoo. Conodiun thistle: not. too bu}, :3 than is 3200 o Iairly good crop of them. Onr town is beginning to have a. city nppennnce, end who knows in n hundred yenre hence but whet it end the city of Ceylon will meet at the big ewnmp east of here, and then the name will be chnnged to Pricelon. Trnina nre running regnlnrly now from here so Dar-hem. and trnvellere will find it. n greet improvement on the old etege riding, which was in vogue for n half century pest between here and Dnrhem. The good people of the Methodist body held s very successful gsrden pony at their personage in the town on Fridsy evening of last. week. A good time was spenc plssssntl) out.- side end inside, end all enjoyed them- selves in it becoming manner. As the elections are over and everybody not satisfied at the result, however we take it for granted that the lions and the lambs are now feed- ing together, and although the lambs are poor innocent creatures we hape that the powerful paw of the strong will not disturb them when feeding on pastures green. Sacrament in Gaelic in the Presby- terian church Sunday before last. Teachers holidaying are Miss Mc. Leod. of Vickers, with her mother in town; Mr. Morrison. principal of our school here, at Meaford. his home; Miss Binnie. of Top Clifi. at the par-. ental home. Glenelg Centre; Missl Harrow at her home couple of miles. north of this place. Others are Miss: Maggie Stothart at the old home near town, west of this place; Miss Sara C. l McLean returned home after spending l three months with her brother. Mr.‘ Neil McLean, of the 800; John Mc- Donald returned home after spending‘ is few weeks with his daughter andl husband and Other good friends in: Manitoba. Being a delegate to the large General Assembly of the Pres-| byterian church held at Winnipegw be seized the opportunity of going some 200 miles lurther to see friends and while there he engaged himself fine and was greatly taken up with the fine appearance of the country. Craps never had a better appearance, and Manitohians are looking forward for an abundant harvest. To a person who never saw a field of wheat any larger than Arch’d McCuaig’s fine field of fall wheat. thinks when he sees a hundred acre field in Manitoba that it's as big as half of Glenelg. But for all. there are some advant- ages in the old County of Grey that they haven’t got in the West. 1:0 hear tie toot of the train whistle on Sunday makes one, almost think that he made a mistake in the day of the week. - Dr. Dixon, of Wnlkerton, visited his brozher. Dr. Dixon, here, for a. week or so. Messrs. McArthur Son are im- proving their place of business by having their were-house overhauled. giving the place a. better s-pect. Willie McLeod, south line. is busy at present putting up s new kitchen. The McKinnon boys (Hugh’s) have the contract of building a woodshed at Top Clifi school. and will have it up soon. Mr. Ale: McLeod, friends at this week. Iu-v Mrs. MeLesn (nee Katie McKecb- nie). of Dakota. visited with her brozber, John McKechnie. Durham Road Glenelg, for a. couple of weeks. Mr. John McQuarrie. north line. raised his barn on Friday last. Mr. Mstheson will have prayer meeting at Top Clifl schoolhouse on Thursday evening of this week, the lthuly. '0 o_ ‘l‘ We congratulate Miss Lizzie mo Cuaig. of 'I‘Op 0115, on being one of the honored successms at. the recent. examinations at. Durham. Mrs. Rose, of Bruce. attended the ‘unurnl Of her SiS‘ver. Miss Kant, MC' UtIL'IJv _- Miss Jennie Cameron, of Toronto. but formerly of this pluce, left a week! ago to visit her sister, Mrs. John McInnes, and other friends at Cal- guy, N. W. T. Her business, being bair dressing, will be munuged by Mrs. McPherson, formerly uf neur Mr. Neil McCennel. of Durham, pend this vicinity u visit. lately. com- bining business and pleesure. Died st the 0 line. Glenelg, the 6th Ju‘y, 1d hazne on the south on Mondsy morning. siter an illness of some weeks from osnoer of the inver, Miss Kste McIntyre. st the sge of fifty. two yenrs. This is the third denth in the Inmily within the lsst twelve months. Of s ismiiy of seven sisters hers. {ether snd mower, CORRESPONDENCE. Alex. McLeod and Mrs. John Id, of Scayner, are visiting 3 at Top Clifi and elsewhere Priceville. I" "’0'â€" - _ _ to “joy the riulmu in {iau'h will be seen in the K;ngdom of the blessed. Miss Mc Intyre was a good member of the Baptist church. being baptized by Dr. Castle, of 'Qoronto. She was al ways of a cheerful disposition, true anu kind to all in need. The funeral on Tuesday, the 7th, to Priceville cemetery, was largely attended. nevertheless the heavy rain in the afternoon. Rev, Mr. Matheson ofli- ciated at the house and grave. Quite I. number of our young folk drove over to the celebration in 'Jun- dalk on Mondey. Mrs. Ju. MoClocklin, of Flasher- ton. with her bsby, wss the guest last week of her sister, Mrs. Will Timmins. Miss En; McNully of the 6th spout. in! week with her uncle nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Mills. of Sullivan. Miss Olive 0001:. who has been dressmskiug in Durhsm the past four months, is home for the busy buying and harvesting season. Misses Msbsl sud Myrtle Hunt and brother Percy. spent a. couple of days with Rocklyn friends. Tom Cook and. R. '1‘ .Edwards via- ited Cuylon rolntives on Sunday and enjoyed the Sunday School hour un- der Supt. S. Hemphill. A group of ten from Zion drove over to the Rocky garden party at Mr. A. Fletcher’s on Thursday even- ing last and were immensely pleased with the generous treatment they received. with the songs of the Dur- ham Presbyterian choir and With the jovial spirits they met while there. ’l‘was a lovely flight. Mrs. John McNally of the 3rd con. had a mass handsome. Scotch granite monument erected in the family plot in Zxon’s acre last week. ’I‘was purchased from Mr. Lippert. of Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart. of Flesherton, with baby Bessie Jean. were guests of Mr and Mrs. W. J. Greenwood from Saturday until Mon- day. Mrs. George Robertson. and Misses Annie and Mabel returned (.0 their home at Molesworth on Monday after spending a fortnight at. Mr. John Green wood’s. There was a most happy family re union at the old McClocklin home on the 4th con. on Monday in honor‘ of their sister. Mrs. Will McCarty, who with her husband is over on a three months’ visit from Pasadena. Cal. There were present Mr. and Mrs. E. McClocklin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McClocklin. Mr. and Mrs Fred McClocklin and family. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald and others from Durham and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson and family and Mr and Mrs. Jas. McClccklin and family of Flesherton, besides the guests of honor. Mr. George Lamb of the American Son. and his brother, Dave, the C P. R. conductor on the Deloraine and schoolmates. The former was for many years a member of Glenelg council and always proved a most careful and upright official. He has prospered in finances and looks ten years younger than when he went away. Thougha baby in age, he is a Whopper in size is the “big gray Steer” reared by Mr. Ross at the mill here. He has been the talk of the countryside. Mr. 0. Hefiernan coax ed him from Mr. Ross, but a good wad of bills went with the coaxing. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Would Have Saved Him $100 00. "In 190:2 I had a very severe at- tack of diarrhoea,” savs R. h. Far- rar of Cat Island La. “For several weeks I was unable to do anything. On March 18,1907, I had a similar attack. and cook Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which gave me prompt reliel. I con- sider it. one of the best medicines of its kind in the world. and had I used it, in 1902 believe i: would have saved me a hundred dollar doctor’s bill.” Sold by all Drug Stores. The Sunday School is progressing nicely under the stafl of officers and teachers. Supt, Mrs. Thos. E, Hut- ton; Sec.. Mr. Robt. J. S'inson; Asst Sec., Mr. Ab. Noble; Treas., Miss Jean Milliean. I might say that Miss Jean has held this office for a number of years and we hope she may still continue to do so for many more. Teacherszâ€"Miss B. Petty. Mrs. Thee. E. Hutton, Miss S. Noble and Miss A. Donnelly. Miss C. H. Button conducted the review lessons and it was evident that she has studied those portions of the Scrip ture. This is what we need in our community and in feet in every ether place is more study of this blessed Mrs. Rogers end Mrs. Mstthe m hsve returned to their respective homes in Toronto siter spending s couple of weeks with their brother Mr. A. Alexsnder. A nnrnhsr from hers went on the excursion to Dnndslk (or choir first ride on tho 0. P. B. snd rsporc s grsnd rims. Ws srs wishing they will soon gin ns snarhsr Opportunity for n outing on this cross lino. mu A. inflame. teacher, left Traverston. ~ Hutton Hill. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mrs. Robe. Ltwson. Milton, is via icing her mower Mrs. Wm. Alex- under. one day this week for Carsonville. Michigan. to spend her holideve with her aunt Mrs. J. Kidnie. We wish her a pleasant trip end e enfe return. One-day recently Mrs. 'I‘. E. Hut- ton. Durhtm. was the guest of Miss M. J. Cufl. Miss Elsie Petty, Owen Sound, hes returned to her home for her vac. tion after “tending the oollegiete therefor this last year. We hope that she may be successful in the fine] examinations for her first clue certificete. Mr. Thos. nnd Misses Jenn sud Bessie Milligsn. spent last Sunday with friends at Ebenezcr. Mr. Bobt. J. Scineon nttended the gel-den petty hele at Mr. Fletcher’s. Aberdeen. and had an excellent time. Mr. Bobt. in a genie! gentleman tnod is always welcome. Mr. and Mrs Quinn. Durham. Spent the 12th wnth the ltttor’l brother. Mr. Campbell Dunsmoor. Mr. and MN. E. Armstrong visited lately with the letter’e erezer. Miss Marion Courts. Ebenezer. On the 18:, Mr. Henry Willisms. Walksrton, Mrs Sutherland, Dur- ham and Mr. and Miss Boyd. Lam- lash, were the guests of Mr. Thos. E. Hutton. Recently Mr. McGirr. Glenelg. ym- ited with Mr, Ab. Noble. The evening that the English church garden parcy_was held,_ about: a dozen ladies and a number of aentllemen attended it. and report good ice cream etc. and a jolly time. We were glad to hear that they made $78.02. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mighton, Vickers; 8080! Sunday with the for. mers mother-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Hop- kins. Miss Laura E. Huttou’s many friends and neighbors will be glad to learn that she was very successful in the Regina Normal school examina- tions which were held the last of April, and than she commenced to teach on the 4th of May, at New Warren, Sask., with an average at. tendanbe of 20. for a salary of $650 We are glad to be able to chronicle that Mr. Joe. Cufi’s family have en- tirely recovered from a. severe attack of la grippe. This will be a busy bay week for the wheat is close after it, Our section have their flag poTe erected some few weeks and we might say it is a beauty. cedsr pole thirty-six feet long. three inches at the top and ten at the bottom. The school flag looks small on top. Mr. Wm Fulton’s barn was raised on the 10th. The frame was neat as usual as Mr. Ben Sharpe dld the work. Everything went well until a spur brace fell of a beam when the race was going on. It struck a few men. especially Mr. John Reay. who gota had cut on the head. He had to be carried 03 the barn but was soon able to go to the Doctor. Mr. Wm. Bailey and Mr. John McDonuld divided the men. The letter won but the race would have been close had there been no accident The little boy of John Adlam whom we reported last week as hav- ing been Wounded in the head by a kick from a horse took a change for the worse about the ninthh day and hlS young spirit passed peacefully away. Death was caused by par alysis of the muscles of the throat which was brought. on by the brain being efiected. The funeral took place on Saturday to the Durham cemetery followed by a large proces sion of friends and acquaintances. Rev. G B. Cox of Hanover, oflioiat- ed. We extend our sympathy to M1. and Mrs. Adlam in their sad af- fllction. Do You Feel That Way? 112w provoking these symptoms are! You sleep well, but when you a- waken there is name of the exhiliara- tion that sleep and rest should con» fer. lnstcad of being alert, having quickmss 0i apprehension, there is u langcur, dullness, a disinclinution to do th'ngs. Three causes for this leeling. Lazy lchr, lazy kidneys, and a mighty lazy stomach which' does its work very poorly and comps-ls the other organs to do things they are unequal to for any length of tine. Note the consequenceâ€"blood is fill- Note the consequenceâ€"blood is fill- ed with wastesâ€"poisons Weigh down the nervous systenâ€"rebuilding pro- cesses are absolutely stepped. You’ll note an instast change when you take Ferrozone. . Appetite improves, digestion be- comes good as everâ€"skin grows rud- dy and clear, all sense or langour, unsteadiness and depression fades away and finally disappears. Ferrozone clarifies the brain. sup- plies tone and vigor, imparts clear- ness and strength. You feel like a new perszn. full of life. full of ambit- ion, ready to do things,â€"and able to do them also. "Thingâ€"it over. Ferrozone is s tonic and restores the sick by supplying that uplitts, upbuilds. that nourishes the elements their weakened synem‘ need. . It can’t help but do you good. For men women and children. in tact any- one seeking stronzth and health. Fer- mone is invaluable: try it. uld by all drncciltn in 500: MOO; : . . ' Drowsy and Dull. . Muloch. For Bargains in - Handkerchiefs Men’s and Boys Suits ' Suspenders Odd Pants Hose and Halfâ€"Hose Rain-Coats Underwear Umbrellas Swealeis Hats and Caps Overalls Shirts Smocks Collars and Ties Boots and Shoes Everything in the Gent’s Furnishing lino. T'l‘is is your chance and ya! should take advantage of it. ‘l‘he echool is thoroughly equipped in teeohln. ehllity. in chemical and electrlcel euppliee end fittings, etc. for full Junior Leaving and Matric- oleuon work. The following competent on! on in chorge : T808. ALLAN. lat Clue Certificate. m. MISS DONALDA MCKERRACHER, B.A. Classics, Moder s. end Engliuh. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A.. Science. Jintory and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can boob. telnedet reasonable rates. Durham is a health end active town, making it amoet desire!” niece of residence. .L GRANT DU RH A M SCHOOL. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. 4‘. 328% WCMCM Having decided to give up the Gent’s Furnishing Busisiness in Durham my entire stovk will be cleared out at Don’t worry, it’s wicked. Boast. and the world bouts with you. Kick, and you kick alone. You will have no kick cunning if ya; buy your boots. shues and hosiery at. Mcllmith’s He has the good. H. to": the ‘oodn at reasonable prices. The largest, stock in town to choose from. in stock. 'l bines economy in first costâ€"and in operation, a plentiful supply of warm air and perfect ventilation. That is why “ Hecla" Furnace! are made with FUSED JOINTS. Where steel and castoiron come together, the metals an fused or welded, so that they practically become ONE. Thin fitting (a Clare patented process) makes the “ Heck" ahiolutely dust. smoke and gas, tight. There are a dozen and more other special features about the. “ Heels” that you will appreciate almost as much as the Pusan 10mm. vâ€" vâ€""v Vaâ€"v am?" 1‘“ "" ""“ ’“r‘” “‘" a" n i.“ c‘ " x 1 o contraction. sen, me I rang p n 0 your will tell you what it vifiocjxt to lnstnll the “Heck" Whoa Uowmthcl‘usn‘clamnnfldet”cueof . L. c. KARSTEDT, Durham to Stinson’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you get the Best Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Sundaes, etc. Call in on your way home and get a quart to treat the family. Come with the Crowd M5: ”a“? WS Fr Latimer n Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed and Seeds IN FLOUR J. S. McILRAITH Bakery The Model Foes. 81.00 per month. Chairman MoGoww’s Eclipoe _ .s Ayton Milling Oo.’l Encore , Milverton Jewel Pane Mitch. Fivefiooea Trunks Club Bags Valluos and Telemann: Making repairing neatly done. The down town shoe store Terms Cash. Eggs same as Cash. GUS TOMIWORK AND REPAIRING AS USUAL Cheer Up . ROSE, Durham COST PRICE I Geo. fl. Stinson C RAMAGI. ‘é‘é’rthn ‘aDAY and EVEJXG classes. ‘O‘OQOs “‘0‘. ; ENCE :PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING LE: ADS IN BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- and in placing all its grunting Each student is taught separately his own desk. Txial lessons for on: week free. \ isitms welcome. '5 Mount Forest f 4 Business College I Handkerchiefs Suspenders Hose and Half-Hose Underwear Sweatels Overalls Smacks Boots and Shoes Boyd Hon-about W. T. CLANCY, Prir.‘ The “a"

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