West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1908, p. 6

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Drawersâ€"Good cotton, with deep flounce, some with hemstitched tucks, others, insertion and lace or embroidery, 350 to 90c pr. Children’s Nazareth Waistsâ€"All sizes 25c ancy Sunshade: for summer time. A splen- did assortment of stripe and floral patterns, in black, navy, white and dresden, $1.25 to $3.25. Table Linens that have the quality, firm, even weaves. Heavy table linen, will wear well, 250 yd. Heavy table linen, all fine pure linen, 300, 500, 75c $1.00, $1 235 yd. Table napkins to Inacth, 75c to $3.00 per doz. Men’s New Wash Tiesâ€"Wash string ties, all the new colors and white, 150 or two for 250. Wash Derbies in white and all the new colors, also white with colored ends 250 and 500. Specialâ€"Men‘s new silk hook on tiesâ€"there are over 80 handsome new patterns to choose from. The silk is exceptionally good, light dark 250. Men’s Shirtsâ€"Whether it is a shirt for best wear. for know: ing‘ around or for hard work, we can fit: you at any price from 500 up. These shirts haw plenty of cloth in them to make them fit. Full line of men's balhriggan underwear at $1.00 suit. Light w’l underw'r 1.50 to 2.50 suit Nightgownsâ€"Good roomy garments, high and low neck, trilmned with lace. mnbmidery bead- ing, etc 75C to $1.35. Corset Coversâ€"Triunned embroidery, lace, JAMES IRELAND Born-o. ' Do not 3“ hand up with . hot fire on ironing (by, when you .- 50: u Ohuoonl Iron no chap. M Gun and Bo. Finish in tin-luau. DARLINGS’ DRUG STORE. beading, 25c to 500. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Solo wrvnt in 01111111111 for “Vlecllmlic King” and “Railroad Kim?" m eralls. Butter and eggs wanted. Highest price in cash or trad 25c: lb. Judge Muue honoured the question of the ownership 'of u purrot in pine ing the bird on the sand to give ital own teetimany Miss Berthu Suuu ‘ den! and Miss Emma Burris Were the rivai claimants for the hir: Miss Harrie held it, but Miee Shun. ders hud urought nation to replevm. To prove her ownership. Miss Suuu ders wrote a String of pet phrases She bud taught the bird, xuvu them to the Judge and eurted the parrot on his recitation. The bird reeled ’03 flying after saying und the Judge Ldecided in favor of Muse Summers.â€" {Oweu Sound Ads ertiser. Health Saving Explained by I. Dur- ham Cituen Who Knows From Many Durham people take their lives in their hands: by neglecting the kidneys when they know these omens need help. Sick kidneys are responsible for a. great amount of Sufiering and ill health. The reason so many use Booth’e Kidney Puls is their quick relief for all Kidney weakness. Here is what. :1. Durham citizen says:â€" Mrs. Thos. Wilson, Queen St. Dur- ham, Ont., says: “Occasionally I would sufler with backache. A dull bearing down pain would settle in the kidney region and extend into my shoulders and neck. Headaches and spells of dizziness were frequent and would leave me unable to walk across the floor. Spore would appear before my eyes and leave me in a miserable condition. I had tried dif lerent plasters and remedies but. could find no relief. I learned of Boath’s Kidney Pills through an ad Vertisemeut and procuring a box at. ‘Mr. Mcb‘arlaue's Drug Store. 1 com menced treatment. The one box cook the pain irom my back and strengthened me wonderfully. The dizzy spells and headaches soon had .gone and I feel like a new person,” County and District. Sold bv dealers. Price 50 cents The R. T. [both 00., Ltd. Fort Erie, 0m., Sole Canadian Agents. The Hanover early closing by law will be rescinded at an early meeting of the council owing to improper classification. Mr. Fred Deutsch man of Deutschman’e Fair who did not sign the by law and who was! strenuously OppOsed to it, kept hisj store open in the face of the by law as passed. and an action was brought by Constable Campbell acting on be half of the merchants {writing the bylaw. Magistrate Teliord heard the case last Thursday. Barrister Mickie of Chesiev appeared for the Dlaintifl and Barrister Robertson 0! ‘Walkerton for the defendant It requires 2 of each line of business to carry the by-law and as in the grocery classification thia ratio was not secured. the case fell through. It is likely that the mejirity oi the stores will now be open every even- ing except Sunday â€"Hanover Post. How it shakes one Up, invades sleep, destroys strength, adds real misery to life. Not the stomach but nerves:: are effected. Starved nerves cause the whole trouble. You need Ferro« zone because it’s a nerve food. It supplies the elements that are need- ed to make rich red blood. This is the savings bank of health. The richer the blood in red cells, the richer you’re sure to he in health. Ferrozone quickly makes blood, (strengthzns the nervcus system, in- vigorates the digestive organs and presto! the nervous disturbance dis- appears. You’ll try Ferrozone, 50c. per box at all dealers. The special pOS'uge stamps to be issued in commemoration of the ter centenary celebration at Quebec are now ready. and will be placed on sale this week. The stamps are of the moat artistic design. and are lar ger than the ordinary Size, to allow of adequate representation of historic scenes. portraits. etc. The descrip- tion of each denomination is as fol-l lows: Half cent. grey. picture of the Prince and Princess of Wales; one cent. green. portraits of Cham plain and Cartier; two-cent. red. King Edward and Queen Alexandra; five cent. blue representation of L’ Habitation de Quebec; seven-cent, yellow, pictures of Montcalm and Wolfe; tencent. mauve, pictures of Quebec 1700; fifteen-cent, picture of the Parliament of the west of the old regime; twenty-cent, green. pic- ture of a courier du bois with Indians. KEEP THE KIDNEYS Will. When pains gather around the! hips and ledge in the small of the hackâ€"when to stoop or bend seems inposslble, when dizzy spells and hearing down pains sre ever present, that’s the time to use Dr. Hamil- ilton's Pills. Irregnlsritles disappear, vital energy ls restored, has]: trouble hle is forgotten. The ailing sick wo- man gains strength, unproves in looks. increases in spirit by using Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They cure the con- “(has that rob her 0! health and fiber. 1‘. medblne so helpful as Dr. Micah Pills. 250. at all dealers. Have You Nervous Dyspepsia? Parrot Gave Evidence. By Law Effective Onro For lick Women- New Postage Stamps. Experience. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE it B Thurston 3} markdalo. Reliov ad of 847 00 at West Tumuw Mr R Thur-sum. In the employ uf ThOB Mn!hew.~Sou. hora. In”. 04: Wednesday morning but to spend Dominion Du an Ins home in B)bcuygeon. Whnlualtg'nhm from Hm train a' “Vast 'l‘urou'u he WM! j «(had in tha cruwd an! rrlwved of $47 00 bv plckpocKHN. whu nude good their escape. LUCKI‘)‘ Thurs tou’s railway u’cuen mu uuf. in bi:- pur-m but Was In an ivundn pockvc. and he was thus annulmi Lu cuntlnue his j-Ju'ney to Boboaygauu.â€"\imk dale atuuduvd Oakwood, Victoria. Dear S rs,â€"I have great p easure in stating that Zam-Buk cured my bus- band of barber’s rash with twice rubbing. It also cured my little boy of a dreadfully bad arm after vacâ€" dnatlcn'. I know of several other cures it has affected and I cannot 8903]: too highly of it. I am sure it peOple once try it they will al- ways use it. Yours truly. R. SAVILLE. Z'am-Buk is healing, soothing and antiseptic. It quickly heals w-cunds and sk'n troubles. Certain cure for piles. S;ld by all druggists and stores, 500. a box, 3 for $1.25. As a matter of fact there is no] such thing as a temperance vote inl this country and never has been. Preachers will preach temperance from their pnlpits on and 03 all the year through. but when election day comes around they will put off their temperance apparel, and dress up in apolitical suit, before going to the political booth. And as the preacher does. so does the pewbolder. The professional politician has had so many proofs of this that he pays but little regard to the temperance vote, and as a consequence. temperance legislation makes hut litt.e headWay. -- Walkerton Telescope Time to Crv a nun Before Complete Wreck Results. There are thousands, both men and women, who do not take time to eat prom-fly. They rush through life, and as a result we have an age of indigesticn, nervousness, irritability. sleepless nights, and morose diaposi- ticn. Cur national danger is stomach weakness, due to the strenuous lire. Mi-o-nar tablets stnngthen the walls of the stomach and stimulate secretion of the digestive juices. They make the stomach comfortable and on re indigestion. Sick headaches, palpitation, yenow skin, and coated tongue are a ’ew of the many distressing results of indi- gest’mn that Mi-o-na never fails to cure. A lothor’l Praia of Zam-Buk. Mucfarlzme Co. sell Mi-oâ€"na in 500. boxes. and guarantee to rejund the money it it does not give comâ€" plete satisfaction. ' HUSBAND AND SON CURED. rIéKPocxms OPERATE. What might have been a eerious accident was that. which happened last week at the lime stone query on lot. 28. concvselon 11. St. Vincent, when Mr Thos. Vail and John C. Cellery. olden son of Mr. W. A. Cal levy, Bayview, undermined about ‘25 tone of solid rock which caused a land side. The men were working on a sidehill about :30 feet above the level and were breaking the lime. stone and loadingit in a car to be‘ taken to the kiln when the accidentl happened. Mr. Vail happened to pick out some small pieces of rock on the underside of the immense! weight, with the resuit that thei whole '25 tons gave way and slid down 1 the lepe. The man and bov, upon being called to by Mr, W. A. Caller,»- who was working in the Kiln some :30 feet away. were warned of their impending danger and barely had time to make their escape from in- atant and sure death The large rock in its fall. lodged for a few seconds against a smaller one. en. abling the frightened man and boy time to run down the hill ahead of the tremendous lump that was close at their heels. At the bottom of the slaps the large rock fell upon the t lime truck. which is used in taking the scone to the kiln and capable of carrying a ton. and smashed it into atoms. The men are now shaking hands with themselves to think that they made such a miraculous escape while death hovered at their var . heelsu-Ieanrd Express. . Where is the Temperance Vote? Manual labor or even light exercise is impossible with lumbago. The mus- cles stiffen out like steel. To move means agony. Only a powerful rem- edy can penetrate deep enough to help. The surest relief comes from rubbing in Nervillne. It sinks into the very root of the troubleâ€"pene- trates where en oily llniment cannot OUR NATION AL DANGER mama By anbag'o. â€"c-â€"â€" A 01080 Call Bob Ward a‘ud Chief Hull have been busy men for some time. They are after the people who do not pay dog tax, and have caught 0. few all them too. When thev begun there, were 138 .lnga with tags on now‘ there are 175%. and they expect tol find 20 or 30 more. Thev have lotei of fun They find do.“ hidden nwey'; in every old pace, one man had not? paida (in: tax {or four years ID wanted to know who had informed on him. It is plain the: a fine will! b ve to be imposed on some people 3 h ve to he impos â€".~ Winrton Echo But never by lea-mine uwallowed. Bnufi‘n, Spruys or Douche: Catarrh is not a blood disease and: tlat is why it cannt t be cured by] any medicine taken into the stomach. Catarrh is a germ trouble contracted‘ from the germ-laden air you breathe inward. These germs fasten them- selvrs in the tissue and air cells of the breathing organs, multiply by millims, cause snéezing and coughing raising of mucous, discharge from the nose, difficulty in breathing, hoarse- ness, dryness and stappage of the nose, tickling in the throat and other symptoms that can only be reached by the dry air principle of Hyomei. It mtdicates the air you breathe with the curative properties of the Aistralian Eucalyptus Forests whore catarrh is unknawn. The reason you get relief in a; minute or two from Hyomei is be-E cause it destroys every catarrhal' germ in the air you breathe, and its dry penetrating aroma will reach the innermost recesses ot the air passages, killing milli us of germs a minute. Their destructicn means freedom for Oppressed reslrirutor‘y organs. Macfarlane Co. sell Hy- omei under a guarantee of satisfac- tion or money back. Price $1.00. Catarrh Now Curable FARM IMPROVEMENE ISummer Royal Household Flour out of the wrong kind of wheat any more than you can make the right kmd of brad or pastry out of the wrong kind of flour. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flow is made from hard spring wheatâ€"a wheat that Is rich 3n nutrimem, that grinds fine and WhlIC, and produces bread and astry that are wholesome and nounshmg as well a; l; ht and crispâ€"it's a flour that begms to be good In the wheat fields, not in the mills. Your grocer prefers to sell you Ogllwe's Rovai Household Flour because he knows the value ot a pleased customer. Ogilvle flour Mills Co., In. Will’ make a great improvment to your farm if placed 319118'13110 front, near the house. 01‘ any place where appearance counts. It adds more value to your farm than its cost because it is made to last. Higth in everything but price. 4 IDEAL FENCE . . ’ Vjflpfl/U/m Jam“, 9/ (L l5 KING 5! EAST A f __4.“ MPROVED machinery will not, 0“ Itself, plo- duce good flour. You may be an. excellent cook, but you cannot pro- duce tight, Wholesome baking unless the flour Vou use be the kind that pernxin such results Soin the milling; machia. erv alone cannot produce gAgent for Percival A”, America,‘ ‘ Persian and Listnwell plows. AGENT FOR :Geo. White Son Threshing I. ! chines. Implements Toronto “'indmills. Mellow 8: Sharpless Cream 89pm? Harness, Rugs, “'hipa, Oils, Gran. Stoves. Furnaces. Singers Sewing Machines, Heintzman’s Pianos McLaughlin's Famous Buggies Repairs for all makes of Plan. Repairs for all makes of Sewing I» chines. Automobiles, Ties, Poles. bought pa With “booming at the new (fsnfiiul’l- cific Line another milestone has been rad: ed in the history of our town. Canadian Pacific Railway Time Tab '1‘ to following} time table mll beinoM until further nunce: Bud down Rad" C 45 all] 3 ll... Iv Hanover ar 9 7-0 pm. 1!"! 6 58 23 Allan Pk. 9 1:3 105 z 7 19 a w 003?}? 91‘? 3.2.3 7 53 C 20 Prh‘vfllle 810 4 35 er. Sa‘ge‘uJ h Connecting with trams m at. Only one change be! Ween Um h fipeed. comfort and eaten 4 '_ __n. Connecting with tramp m and {rum Only one change bet Ween Durham and Speed. comfort and safety. 'l'TY 1"“ line â€"no loll! Waits at Junctimn. " faiflckeu nutâ€"i informal ion 'We are alga A «m: fur Allan aw Itflmahipo. C PS1. ocean linen; an Ex pro“. FARM MACHINERY JOHN N. MUHUUEK Frost 8’ Wood All Kinds of - ’Willhml b Pfil‘cville F u. Sn'go‘uol 1"? Middtucb Hounds Bled nacfnrlnno It 0" [lb-iii“ [uni-i. [unlinedCatl101h- H, w 'uw Caps for Mg. nude hon) selected white! I II n superior amide inf putry. etc. Pu” Manitoba flmu; “A 1 Manitoba wheat (ulnxw m “he“ 01' (lung. W. flour and I! keep our flour 1.,; l' m does not hwy» ~. It‘ll and we will uw 5 all u. up by telephum' M offing!) bought WE KEEP hotly on hand the Mq filled ym Also (I n I IdCeml. the best on 1hr Chopped OntS. Mina} ( I N Benn Shorts and ltt‘ John MCGO m 5213 :55 *U‘lfl‘fi'fi? am ’In‘ ‘tm fl 0‘. Manimha at and in n strivtly family flmu. , hose or hulk-.1 and up“ ar-i: consents and K PASTRY FLOUi delivered anywhex e TRY OUR SEW ( w v} pilluu' «- St lOstt pl mforts SOVEREI G N and Director Ind Shoes I" o x fa l‘ d H ECLIPSE 9101125. pâ€"Next tn Sw Done Eve cotton V t TH E 78 lander“ U coarse h ‘ box cal 4" w. \x. O lpeciall )‘ m Wank Specialty split a on sh fll “Tl"

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