West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1908, p. 8

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It is now but a few weeks since we commencea 0 business and it has been most successful. It means m01 money in ours. The people who have tested the ma shown b\ the great increase in our business. Everyone goods. prices Dand system of doing business that they We have just opened a new stock which Infants soft solo kid.. .. H pat. colt blucb.... .. can bal spring heel Children’s dong. str’p slip. “ box calf btla ...... 1.00 Miuoo’ m) 3 atr’p olippoa. 1_ 25 “ choc. ox! ........ 1.25 “ kid hula. p“. tip.. 1.25 Hoop cups" hon. . . .12}c up Union " " 27 Two-"y" " 39 Tnpoury I" ”9 Woollen “ We Buy for Cash, Sell for Cash or Produce and keep no books O. 6. choc. bluch ....... buls . oxf. . 9x7) ...... 39 Boots and Shoes 9.49 IO 0: 3?) 50 80 75 75 Ladies’ kid bals ox. pat. tip. . . . " “ strap slipper ...... . ” " ox. McKty sewed. . . “ pnt. colt. bluchers, M. S. “ kid bluchors pat. tip “ Print. from ...... . ......... Dru: cinghnua from ...... . Flunolotto “ ....... Ion’n fol: hm “ . . . . . . . “ overall “ . . ..... -‘ working shirt. from. . . H mm hon ............ weeks since we commenced our Groceries ‘I pat. colt. bluchers ..... . 2 75 Inch: red b’skin also. I’m .60 “Common Sense” ...... 1.25 chocolate cxforda ...... 1.75 milking Ilippors ........ .90 capes slippers. .. .... .. . .25 commenced our new system of doing It means money in your pocket and tested the matter have so decided as us. Everyone is invited to examine .ess that they may see for themselves. .08 up 1.10 l 50 1.60 1.75 bought at rlght prlces Men’s kid bals. McKay sewed 1 39 tip .................. Men’s box calf ......... Men’s harvest shoes . . .. Boys’ box calf bals. . . . . Dinner Iota. . . .. . .. Toilet «to. ........ J ”diner. . . Everything. else in u love» pricoo. bufi bgla ..... kid bale, McKay preportion patent . 3 00 . 120 . 1.50 sewed 200 After en illness of seven, months. Mr. George Best, one of the pioneers of Artemeeie township, peseedewev et hie lete home here on 'l‘uesdey of lest week, eged 84 were The funer- el took pleos to the public cemetery here on Thuredey efternoon. end wee under the eusnices of old Victorie Lod e. No 244, L O. L , in which we deoeeeed beoeme e member of the order over fifty yeers ego Before proceeding to the cemetery sethce wee held in the Methodist church end the pestor, Rev. Dr. Ueld well. preech- ed en eppropriete eermt.n. closing with fitting reference ts the memory of the deoeeeed, who wee en o'd member of the congregeticn. Mr Best wee born in the County of Limerick, Irelend. Soon efter com ing of ege he emigreted to Cennde end forefew )eere lit ed nur To- ronto, during which time he was merried et Streeteville to Wu J as Duncen. of Toronto townvhi~ w' 0 died 17 yesrs ego. About 58 yeers ego Mr. Best end hie young wife came to Artemeeie end settled on the ' Durhem Boed. where he fermed euc cessfull, till 14 yeere ego, when he retired in Flesherton end wee egein merried to Mrs T. Blakely, e very highly esteemed ledy of this villege. who survives him Three sons endl four deughters, the fruit of his first merrie . elso survive him, es fol- lows: Ssmes end Robert, Toronto line. the former en ex councillor end the letter now serving et the Arte- mesie Council Boerd; John T on the homesteed Durhem Road; Mrs. Robert Taylor, neer the old home- steed; Mrs. W. Bucking. Woodstock, N. 3.; Mrs. Duncen Stewart, DepOt Harbor; and Mrs. Alex Stewart. of Teeswster. At Rockvale Baptist church there was a big congregation on Friday evening last, when Mrs. Lewes Whewell, nee Miss Stafl’ord, recently married, was presented by the con- gregation with a beautiful mantle clock. ornament and tray cloth as a token of appreciation of her services as church clerk, S. S superintendent and Bible class teacher. The presen- tation was made by Misses McDowell at d Arms'rong and the pastor, Rev. Lâ€"fF; Kâ€"‘ifip, she a suitible addrene, to whicu Mrs. Wheuell replied in fitting terms. J. W. Boyd’s store was again broken into one night lest week, this being the third time within a year. Entrance on this occasion was efleot~ ed by breaking the glass in the herd- were door and removmg the iron her M which the doors are secured. The burglar evidently knew something of the conditions. That the intruder ileiprd himself was evadeut [row the disturbed condition of the goods in Sthel‘ul departments of the store. At a. meeting of the direccors of East. Urey Agricultural Society held here last week, it. was decided that Government regulations be fully complied with and horse racing be dropped a: the {all [air thid yenr. ULhBl‘ attractions will be added. among which will be foot races and (10;; races, which created so much interest at the recent celebration here. The directors hope more than ever to make the fair educative and interesting. The Mission Band here held their annual picnic in the Park on Friday last. and were joined by the young peOple of Meaford Road church It was an enjoyable time for al', W. A. Armstrong and family and M. Wilson and family, with some visiting friends, picnicked at Bell’s lake on Friday. Mr. Fred Nicholson, 4th line had a fine granite monument erected in the public cemetery here last week tOothe memory of his father and mother. The Swanton brothers have had the remains of their grandfather. the late Mr Geo. Calbeck, removed from the Irwin cemetery to the family plot in the public cemetery here. Miss Annie Wilcock purchased a very fine upright grand Heinczman Company piano last week, which has been delivered to her here. “nibâ€"{311m - Dr. Caldwell’s pulpit. here waa sapplied by Mr. Thomas Harness, of Markdale. in the .norp uu‘uuau' U. Lqu-“wuv _â€" _ _ ing. and Rev. T. LaidlsQV.-3fvljlllgehia, in the evening. At the Baptist church Rev. L. F. Kipp _preac_l.aed to. Rev. Dr. Caldwell spoku twice to the Oran; omen on Sunday. in the morning at Ceylon and in the evenning I. large oergregation ed the ordinance of baptism. and at the close of the service six were baptized. While playing ball on Eeturdcy Elvin Jemieeon got struck on the end of the thumb with a swift ball which dislocated the member ct both joints, causing the bone to pretrude through the flesh. Dr. Carter _cttended. to the min”. in hauling. Dr. Celdwell delivered hie lecture. Courtship end Merriege. e: e gerdon perty et Prioeville leer week, which we leern wee very eueceeeful. Meeere. M. K. end W. E. Richerd- eon received word on Setnrdey of the death 0! their brother Joseph et their old home 33 Cnlgeith. England. The deoeeeed wee 76 yeere of ege. ~ Our qitiuno an up their flogl on Monday in honor of the Glorious Twelfth. The bond ond many other: wont to Dnndolk nd a goodly nun bar took in tho oolohntion 3t Eu- ngfim . I 1, 9.. L‘-L-_| n__ - The buohcll cluhc in School Soc- tiono No. 3 t 4. out of tho villus, pluyod u much on the groqndo of the tumor on Band”, in which ch boys of No. 8 won. - Ir. W. I. 301130: in a (101.3». m. weak to tho Huonio Gmd Flesherton. ‘fi NW 7.1“. which will be some time Mr. George Thompson, of Chats- worth. Visited mining in this vicinity last waek. Misses Lillisn and Lent-a Arm- s'rong are spending a couple of weeks with friends at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewurt ere spending a few days with the latter’s friends at. Travereton. Mr. and Mrs. Sun McGee und children. of Toronto. are visiting at Mr. Joseph Cornfield’s. Mr. Will Soutbgate, of Seafonh. has been spending two or three days with his uncle. Mr. Geo. Mitchell Mr. Sam Colquett came up from Toronto to holiday over the Twelfth. Miss Annie Thompson and sister Gertie. of Toronto. are on a two weeks’ holiday with their eunc, Mrs. Simmons. fourth line. Mr. Herb. Thompson and sister Sadie, of Cbatsworth. visited Mrs. Simmons and other relatives over Sunday and Monday. Mr. Herb. Staples is over from Cleveland visiting at. Mr Marx Wilson’s. Mr. Walter Loucks. of Maaford, visited his home over Saturday and Sundsy. Mrs. (Dr )Corter has returned from visiting her SiStOX‘S at Woodstock and Toronto. Miss Moy Jsmioaon is home from Toronto on o couple of weeks hulidsya. Miss Rutherford, sf Owen Sound. is visiting Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Master Bowman Swift and sister Lens, of Toronto, ore holiduying with their grondporente, Mr. 5nd Mrs. Quin. Mt. nod Mu. Scewnrt, of Teuwuo or, “tended the (nasal of the laser’s father In: woek. Miss Lowes. of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. (Dr ) Murray. Mr. Hurry Stanley, of Toronto, in visiting his grandmother. In. Mooior. Minn Minnie Mnnnhnw in viniting rolntivon n Wollnnd nnd Toronto. Mr Fred Fiohor, of thilton. via- itod hi. oonuin. Mr. Lon Fisher, our Sunduy. In: B“... «11.. of Toronto. in visiting In. J on. Cornflold here. In. Wm. Blackburn, of Stunt, vs. c 7101»: a Mr. Jon. Blwkbnrn'l on load”. In. E. Iontgomory, of Toronto. is mum hor old homo go forth. ood oiotor. In. Box: Huston, Col- Bu. L. F. Kipp {- hoflduying thin wook on hil hthor' a (an M Gohlu ad will In «comps-ind homo by rouse, in touching her. this Inch. Dr. B. E. and In. Eudora”, of W9 guarantee the savings we advertise to be genuine. See the goods and be convinced. $15,060 of ‘OUI‘ (o‘odt. n‘wut ngqld in 21 dn'yo. We need the money. On; rices have reached the 10'. est limit. Customers tell us we are glv as the best he ains ex.” given in Durham, end you any rest assured the same wi I continue till the sale is over. See last week’s paper 31d bills for prices. _‘_ A LA--- ‘-_ n Lglâ€"‘Aâ€" â€"...J._-A. "II WU I'lv I- 'VVDO w The following are a {$535.55 ire hive made bigger reductiuns on. Some lines cut to half-prices. 3 "gigs; skirts, tweed at???) Boots and Shoes , or. ................ - Men’s patent leather boots, 5,( 5 minced skirts, colored a dark for ...................... 41:: my, 3'5). {0" °°°°°°°°°° I'm Men’s dongoln leather bums 5“) 5 ladies’ skirts dark grey, 2.75. for ...................... 4,00 1J0, ° k °°°°°°° ° '1'!“ ' ' ' 1'57: M805 bOX calf, 51”, for ..... L11) 8 les’ 9 irts. tw e ects 5. . 5.50. 5.00. for ..... . ..... 2.49 Menfgwm ‘9‘"th “0% 3-00 3 ladies’ skirts, black lustre, 2.75 , ' °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 10 for ..................... 225 Men‘s dongolu leather boots $.00 3ladies' skirts, blue cloth, 4.75 or """"""" 3-1“ for ..................... 2.59 Men’s box calf, 4.00, for. . .. 3,10 5ladies’ skirts, black and grey Ladies’ oatent 1 th , H 7.50, for ................ 4.75 McPherson 1?“: 2 1:32:13 2 ladies’ skirts, dark grey, 6.00 3.50, for ................ 29.. for .................... 2.99 . ' 3 ladies’ skirts panama, 1 each We baye a few udd Miles to sell 0 9 . ' . -)' black, blue and brown 8.00, M 00c (0.1.00 ““1 1"” for . . . . . . . .. 5.49 We are gonng out uf the mud- ware, get our prices fur M‘l'o‘en doors, buyand :uauuw fun-ks PLc. they must go. Men’s and Boys' Ready-tomcat 2 boys’ suits, 2.50, for ....... .99 5 boys’ hlnuse suits, tweed, 2.75 1 “I Bargains in cruvkvry mm] glass- v-v 13m 350, for. . ..' ........ 1.49 3 boys’ bluuse suits, black and blue serges, 5.00, for. . . . 2.50 8 boys’ suits, 2 piece. 3.50 for 1.95 7 boys’ suits, 3 piece, 5.00, for -‘ ll.) 10 men’s suits, single breasted, reg. 5.00 to 6.00. for. . . . . 2.95 9 men’s suits, single and duuhle breasted, 7.50 to 1.00 for 3.90 10 men’s suits, single and double breasted, 14.00 Ln 15.(K},nf¢‘ill: Men’s and boys’ caps and hats, ! 4 WC PMKMKBB WNW." MW.“ P‘"" which rem-hrs “H... .,,. ; .- .- O - Q o .- .'. 0 0 7*, .flc, A, fo" ' ' . . . . ° . .1.) ‘1 del‘ f"r OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0‘ The p‘c'l|c “va‘k ‘.t ‘ "I. and social Chm-am m ; \Ve guarantee to sell precisely as we advertise. or pay fur your . ‘ much enmyed hy tlu- .‘ trouble and Lime culling. Call early and get the bargains. Wool Wanted. Cash or Produoo for Good: during Solo Inspector (‘zunplu-i; ALEX. RUSSELL, Durham THE ' BIB SHIRE RuSsell’s Consult. prices in last Week, paper. and you will mt w the appeal. M and Shoes Men's patent. leather boots. 5.00 for. ............... . ..... 41]) Men’s dongoln leather boots am for ...................... 4m Men'o box calf. 5.00, for ..... Ml) Men’s pntent leather hams. 411) for. 3.10 Men’s dongola leather boots 4.00 for ............ . ..... 3.10 Men’s box calf, 4.00, for. . .. 3.10 Ludies’ mutant leather oxfords. McPherson make. 2 styles, 3.50. for ................ 25 We have a few Odd lines to sell at. 50c 001.00 and 1.25 We are going out nf the hard- ware, get out plices in: N' man (more, hay and immune {mks etc they must. go. Grand Tet-Centenary Celebration July 20 - Aug. I Groceries tor Friday and Saturday 1 can 601qu for..... . .. .00 1 can corn for ................ .08 1 can peas for ................ .07 3 cans haddie for ...... . ..... .23 1 can beef, ham and chivken 1ng QUEBEC SINGLE" FARE ! 6000 July [8 to 25 '"*'""“ (WING 4 10¢ bottles best extracts: for .25 4 10¢ packages Dalley’s jelly puw. ders for .................. .23 The Unclsimed Jewels joyublo driving party ‘ Ono evening lust. week. Dunddk on the 12th. by the Canadian tin-Wu"!- leave July 21, Aug. 4 and IN 15. and :5). (in-day re-nnn : exceptimmlly luw mm. F.) formation see Or write c. 8. Foster. [0 strict I'. Toronto. :11 holidayim: With mluives in this vicinity. Mu. W. J. White an Norril no visiting relativ ark County. lion Will: Wright in home 0'00 Sound for holidays. 3! NI interesting letter on Setnrdey we leern that In. W. E White, who are the name: in Prince Edwu on outnruuy we I'Ilu wâ€"- pendi“ ll. W. E White. who are 8 lb. laminar in Prince Edward. Pto'inoo, no having: very 60.10! ° 1! 11'. W. E. South‘ste. of “"9”” 'u in town on londuy um} PMl . hath-r in luv. 3r. 6. Muchol , short yids. V I The Canadian Pacific is the w? thmh line with a terminus m Quebec City. affording paw“ volume freedom from trawl"?r Oolehution 3 single tare rate «at hr the mudtflp. “0““ u 3.1! II t. 25 inolusiVG- 0.“! u o. r. v. new «(ice or M": The Canadian Pacific 1 through line with a ti Quebec City. affording p= welcome freedom trom tr «lava. For the great T! .. Macfarlane, SPlendid Train Service NORTHWEST EXCI'RSIOSS Return Tickets FROH (used for lunch at picnics) nmcr to name cm. DURHAM RETURN LIMIT Al'ti 3 TO ' Agent. DUI?” '15.». We“ 31900in B1 ['9 “l w line. Sept. 1M (to: t0 5 ”ALT was Vie-sited hy ;. fismdfly morning List. w honemeOll and II III' widen"? in tm their maria-Re aWWW the heavy rain on In; [M flee water in 1'24 “b that the contracmrs W had to sum ~11} fit I» tow days. If 1hr} 1, it! or two previous m thy would ban hvex ,1 tog-on. TRINITY Church Smuh their annual picniv (m 'I‘; noon at Priceville. A g” m in nttendam-e. {hr m made by the Min 1: finpicnic was Hf ”Iv H~ a ”Cid Chlll‘flC‘Q‘l‘. Mini Incheojoyed by the hill naming last to spend a I: d NI summer hnnw at 1.x ‘1‘. Cwnpbell and famil} he some time and will “the warm “1»...th ‘ The big \Vawa “MM 1. ‘ «- B only about, half a uni Mbell's residenw. n: “m will be in :tHv m, fir. and Mn. ram ‘7 will be in a position m their t‘\'9l‘~\\'idvl mluinleQ’fi. .“nl‘v 1 ”fly they hth‘ a! *onld mpidly illt'l‘t‘usv The citizens of Qu t lamest out of ”final-y celebrnlim 0C. This is on? of H unnection with his: ‘0‘ (Buick, and a ; lever knows what I \‘isi u may run again lmll city, hm ; Illod historic inn-v mien. To gm 1‘: ‘ Vi!“ to the anr ”tied time :\'0 file and much We day or lvss 7,1 M guide, \xi!‘ hub with most "M can «fly w “he Irishman, h h all about (-v- 1 Int of the h ”k a brokq n The Farm‘inLr hthit at fht .1 Canada and ‘1 These concmn~ w! u give a tantrum" . they will nun-e c‘ “I the first fin) 3'« at“ “Mac? a” mock (Or half tho u to take the m VI] “.6093 for {ht 8 HH‘ “hr the unisol \‘ Mm when; should . in this WWW of being Wk" in all right it“ first paan-fl i‘ ”he tor the v glue 0 MP!" aCCQ-[IL~ ht o Illkes [In first} , of the ooncvrn ‘ firmer: in gene ' on the lookow Fraudulent trail “1‘ not be ‘ 42â€"N0. 2358. finders! Kin‘ 1 ht the hm 0'9? fit“ e in mm and ham Seen Hi ‘gys of Trit the [lt wad I“? OI 05

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