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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jul 1908, p. 1

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|or plnin, $190, In Boots and Shoot in {mum Leather Uxfm-d. $3.25» up! 81¢.7fl’fnl'.... 2.50 in; P.u.-nt Leather Bals $3.50 our Boot. é OM00 80 fi 1“ [1111 are taking in the Hull!!!"- - - nis Wt‘vk. Mr. Hug-don Laird, of Pan-03*: Mlle to town to rennin with“ r Mu. tRev.) Kipp. Mr. Wilbert Bushino 0‘ ELI-5 l.\'(j LE FARE ! I ‘ L0 $.50 {or ...... Hay Rakes, 2 for. y reduced, but. the]. following are a [3' Is: :olors. 32.75 (or 50 fur Cl 80 . . . . nd Ter-Centenary Celebratifl July 20 - Aug. I at of the Hardware and Saturday om Toronto on a 9 Week More 35c for 5155155596 2.95 ns Haddie. 1d Colors. 85 00, 2.49 n [fee-f. Ham and Chicken {f mused fur lunch at picnic.) ‘1' "1"” ................ a. 0‘0 ' Suits 'ad a few days La lasts a long £1an- hills. etc. 1.30 UR'I‘H‘WEST EXCURSION: ’nths with 'his H0030. skin and become illitil”a “0 , July l8 to 25 W um RV mm we 3 plcndid Train Send“ A/ L, Durham {I Forks. 50!: for \lacl'arlane, Agent, of fuming. for Good: durln‘ Sal. u C. I! 1»..ul.-«lwst Extracts. .2- week. . AND 31.00. DURHAM QUEBEC of for ostcr. Nstflfl nu fil Hlay F Ron Footer. m 1'0 AT Mackina' V" )7 fiche“ 35 For full in’ um. Indus!" Grand U pening VeI m, Harold J arvm, )lumlay. 5| ['in Huhda)‘ afllfiifln tn ‘ >el‘ViCCS will be held in the church on Sunday next. Two college students will be present 'mthe interc--t of the forward move- ment missionary cause. At the close at the morning serviqe,- the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper will be ad- ministered. VOL, 4240. 2159. The Prize Lists for the Fall Fair will wn he rmuly for distribution. and ‘ will be fun-wm-dt'd to any 090 desiring ('una‘iclwl'z ‘ . - [hr Dil‘et'turs In make this hit: stand mupre-Huineutly ahead of any of its predecesm n's. Thet‘nntl'm-tnrs on the new bridge' havethe ulmtments in and are now ready fur Klu- frame work, which will give fnrm In the arch. \Vben finished it will he a great improvement. but. we area-till”! [hr upininn that a bridge Thy full width ut' the street would give mimprtmnl appearance to that part for sale, at a bargain. F. Dunn. BARGAINS in Dick’s. millinery at Miss News AROUND TOWN outing at the [ale 8 95 Hf lialmy Beach. etin Leaves 1 Sound M is en r0 [r “vi. :1:. branch of the WO’ 31"!“ tl‘;~1'~.'mv ’9!!! tht‘il‘ July meet" ”)4 n home of Mira. Blyth‘. 317m“? thxte n thirty and forty “fies \‘.r!t’ ;:r Nent. After the 01’9”“ 31" ”Min". 9 .nl b11311) 83, Mrs. Petti- “"‘“' g.” . 1. met on “Sunday Din- nfr“. “HM: xxx-us very 300d and we“ f2wu~‘s...1. MM McAnulty. "Receipts .or ‘1 Lunch Basket" and Mrs' Lee‘ 0t llzmvh Husket" and mrs. ucc, l‘pW” On "How They Do in Cthcr‘ mlh‘t'n".h \\ h (‘h haul some very good Wigwam. The next meeting will ,5“ held on the 6th of August at the Lome 01' MV‘. Thos. Brown. Durham. Mer L'J’finegg‘ the meet‘ng will b. ”Wm-d by the young lad'es. Two mes ““1 be given for the best urn-n; done by the young ladies. 1' coats garments w. A“ t vicinit Hem? Sing-son. employed at the oc- mm “"H‘kx haul the misfortune to 3"" With U] accident on Thursday ht: Which his leg was broken MW?“ the knee and the ankle}. He :“iworkihg in the sulphate bin and grain-4F undermined acont-ider- We 90mm! of the contents, which fl “9°“ him. a large b00150! strik- mg him on the leg, with the 1:9!!!" 3‘ Stated. The unfortunate mil WI. if porno“ 01 the contents, which r: up?“ him. :1 large boulder strik- 1; km“ on the leg, with the result mt”- The unfortunate man was finned ‘0 the floor, and, owing to the he in that Part or the work: from 2:1!“ mi‘tcl-inery, he was unable to 0T 'lr i UII‘-.-\. Emmy lines of these and mmt‘ QOOdS reduced. For in- ’0 childrens’ vests, all sizes, . to 15c.,â€"7c. each.â€" The Q\1111t}'.â€"â€"H. H. Mockler. ed unde r wear, laces, and 0 :ml August. is Duvham’s n)‘. and the date of tlheflrst .. ()m-n Sound over the C. w» Durham 8mm. Leaves .d at 7.30 p.11). Tit-kins good trains next day. Enjoy a g at the lake and the balmy ant'..-rewco elsewhere to a u: 1' e Lic. me Commissioners Amt [amt a large number in my 0: Allen!) Park are deter- ! It“ nil) t‘nelicense there. At T uu-eting 0f the year, thfi s z'\Iemlt-d for three months. )l h to chronicle the death n: (:lcnelg, north of lthe. Uurufruxu Boa-:1. Mr. wan £1 le'fident of the farm » dim! for the past six or -. .n-l during that tint"- ‘ .2 .utemlant of the M-z-th- in this town. Further n? his‘ death, which 06-1 S-turdzly last, have bcrn m next we3k‘s issue. He thxt sixty years, and . I'Npefled by his neing “'1 I» those who were most mul'xinted with him in :uuu'ms were interred at tw-‘erv on Sunday after- A a s at cost. Our most as to be cleared at this season‘s newest. Quality.â€"H. H. Mock- New Rink. August. «'is. Fax and other months i! 0 held in the Go to Owen Sound Civic Holiday. now given. ‘ Paxents! take. that buy 01 gill who ' has studied hat (1 atm honl for (t day or t! twu s outing by the water by taking -i In the excursion over new line of O. P. _-. R., Durham to 0mm Sound, Mnnday, - , Aug. 3111, Civic: Holiday. Lox-d Roberts will be in Toronto on Monday evening next. August 21, August 21, August 21. “'bat. about it? Not skating, but a big Concert Opening, New Rink, Aug. let. See posters. For money saving Opportunities turn to the ad. of the House of Qual- ity on page 4. The Public Library is an institution that deserves public patronage. Help it by going on the excursion, Civic Holiday, Monday. Aug. 3rd. Train leaves Durham at 8 a.1u., Owen Sound at 7:30 p.m. Farmers! take a day in the lull be- tween the harvests to visit the County Town: louking its best for the Toronto Grey ()0. Old Boys. Monday, 3rd August, over new C.P.R. line. Cheap rates. A Garden Party, under the auspices of St. Paul’s Church Sunday School, will he held on Mr. James Tucker’s grounds on Friday evening, August 7th. Refreshment-s and programme. Baseball match. Admission “knâ€"7302. Cleared out to the lust incn.â€"'1‘ne 40c. linen we advertised last week at 290. yd. This week we offer very special values in white, tan, Capon- hagen blue and sky blue linens for suits, coats, or dresses, 250. yd. The House or Qualityâ€"H. H. Mockler. Mrs. Morrison, an old lady ninety-l two years of age, died last week at‘ the. home of her daughter, Mus Jas. Matthews, in Egremont. We feel a little. disappointed that we are un- able. to give a full obituady notice in this issue. Fuller particulars will be given next Week. Mr. John A. Darling has kindly do»I nuted his ice cream parlors to the Durham Epworth League for this Thursday afternoon and evening. when the proce- ds will go to the. benefit of tle League. This is a gen-‘ erous donation on the part of Mr.‘ Darling, who gives all the material tree, together with the use of his jhandsomely fitted parlors. W'aiters from the League will be on hand and music will be furnished during the afternoon and evening. The usual prices will be charged. All are invit- ed. 'â€" There never was upreacher, preIn-} ier, poet or politici.m who could! please everybody. There never was a' tinker or tailor, soldier or sailor! who could suit 11% all. Show us a doc- tor or lawyer, amerchant or Sa\\'}'el' who pleases the whole multitude. he Lord himself and all the (mg-4s in heaven have never half succeeded in comz‘orting the human race. Tllei'v is not athing on earth or anywheze elrse that [near-ts the approval of all munkznd. Then it would be nonsense Lfor ed;tors and correSpondents to fret when their honest efforts tail to please acertain faction. It is an old story for peOple to tell us that such Amw- .m the and such aparty ' Chronicle. ' son for it, but the talking would n see tle n-ason printed. _- The Baptist Garden Party on Tues- day night was quite a- success, numer- ically and we presume financially. R was nicely lighted and festivities were in- tlie parties who “do at always like to! selections. cellent cornet solos by their new band leader, Mr. GeOrge \Vright. Messrs. Ralph and McIntyre on Mandolin and ' highly pleasing in their Other numbers on the lust inchâ€"The :iovn It is an 0“ tell Us that such is down on the gynerally a rea- whole. eveninfi revenue from The Furniture Factory will be closed on Monday next, Civic Holiday. - This will allow the emplovees to take in the Public Library excursion if they see First excursion over new line of U. P. R. to the Lake, Durham to Owen Sound. Civic Holiday Monday, Aug. 3rd. Return fare, adults $1.10, children 55c. Under auspices of Public Library. Special train all the way. Tickets goud to return on regular trains next Wm. Howard, proprietor of the Ontario Honse, Port Hope. was fined $283.20 for infraction of the liquor law on three occasions, with the alterna- tive of imprisonment for 90 days. He pleaded guilty, hut claims to be the victim of a C(mspiracy. The marl cars are evidently too heavy for the new road, if we judge from the minor accidents that have occurred since they started hauling from Hanover. No serious results are yet to he chronicled, and We hope there will not be any. Everything will be all right when the road bed is ‘ thoroughly hardened. .ny. Chief of Police Kimball, of Leaming- ‘ ton. shot and killed a man at ’l‘ilhury named Henley. It is understood Healey was obtaining goods under false pretem-es. Kimball attempted to arrest him, when the prisoner tried to escape by running away. Kimball pulled his revolver and shot the fleeing man, who died shortly afterwards. \Ve have not learned the particulars of an accldent that befell Mr. Arthur \Vhittaker by which he gut his leg broken on the railway between here and \Valkerton. \Ve are told he is in the hospital at \Vulkerton undergoing treatment from which we hope he may soon recover his usual strength. Everybodyu-Everybody-«Everybody I â€"That means youâ€"Take in the excur- l sion Durham to Owen Sound, Monday, ! August 3rd. Durham’s Civic Holidav.l Return fare, adults $1.10, children 55c. Special train leaving Durham at 8p.m. Returning leaves Owen Sound at 7.31), p.11). Tickets good following day if, desired. ,1 Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, {sweethearts lovers. and all the others, should take in the big excursion on the l, new C. P. R. line on 3rd August. Dur- ham to Owen Sound. Cheap tickets good to return by regular trains next I\ ] ,,- o day if desired. étarr; from Durham 8 anlu. Returning will leave Owen Sound at 7.30 p.111. Mr. R. J. Ball, of Hanover, the Con-1‘ servative candidate, was in town Ior‘E a few hours on W'ednesday morning. He is now shaking hands with the“ electors in the constituency, and‘: feeling their political pulses. 'Mr.‘ Miller is also on the war-path, and. has already held a meg-ting or two‘,‘ to square. himself in the Opinions oi”i electors regal-ding some of his actions! while in parliament. ; The new line of the C. P. R, is to be Openeil for traffic to \Valkerton1 ‘on the lst of August. There seemsI {no reason why one of the Walkerton} ’ papers should have burst out in a lit-l tle spleeny ebulition over Mayor: ECalder’s action in regard to an cpen-! ting demonstration in connection‘ ‘with the event. Mr. Calder, as we . understand the circumstances, had no, ‘anxiety to make Durham the scene oti laction, but was willing that either: ‘ Hanover or \V'alkerton should under-l take the task, in which Durham} would assist, by her presence, at least. That little local jealousies .. should spring up in places along the »! line is scarcely unexpected, but these feelings have their origin, as a rule, in small minds. Sorry to think that a nowspaper should take the initia- A meeting of the license commis-l sioners was held in Dundalk on Tues-~ day. Notwithstanding a large petition from ratepayers in the vicinity of Allen Park requesting a. continuation of the hotel license, the commissioners saw fit to extend the license for only three months. On completion of the! census of the newly incorporated vil- lage of Neustadt, it being found the licenses, it was decided by the commis- 3 sion to extend all three licenses for a. continued. All three places are conducted in first class style, and the license hoard feels it a delicste matter tive. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. JULY 30. 1908. Miss Ford. accompanied her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Liebner, to her home in Rodney. Mrs. Morn'ingstar, of Detroit, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Harry Scott. Mr. John Kelly returned last week from a trip to Battleford and Saska- Miss Dick, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. Barker, and two children, of Toronto. are visiting her mother, Mrs. Colville. Miss Kathleen Grant has returned‘ from a fortnight‘s visit with friends in Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. Towner, and Master Ceeil will return this week train a three weeks' trip to the “'est. Miss McLeod, of Toronto, teacher in the school here about a year ago, is visiting at Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Aljoe’s. Mr. Geo. E. Peene, of Buntin-Gillies Co, Hamilton, was in town Tuesday 1 on his regular business trip. ' ‘ Mr. Wm. Walker, of Holstein, at- tended the funeral on Sunday of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Johnston. ! i Miss Margaret Russell. 0! Toronto, and Miss Euphie Teltord, of Owen Sound, are guests of Miss Allie Grant. . M188 Lauder, of Kamloops, B. C. ‘ nurse in training at the Royal Victoria. Hospital, Montreal, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder. Mr. Arthur Allan returned Monday morning to Burk’s Falls. after visit- ing his parents here for the put two :lor three wreaks. 2| Dr. J. F. Grant returned Monday Dr. J. F. Grant returned Monday from the tercentenary demonstrations at Quebec. The oity was all right, bit the accommodation and grub were rather sparingly dispensed with. Mrs. Dr. Dow. Mime Margaret and Jenn‘e Edgar. 0: Owen Sound, return- ed home Saturday. after mending a few days with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. F. Caton. f Rev. Thou. H. Farr. ot Gertie. is: visiting his tether. who is quite ill; .and who is not expected to recover. 'The old gentlemen ie I! 'yeere of age and has a wonderful amount at , vitality. PERSONAL $1.16. We are clearing our entire stock of sum- Iner Inillinery at Sweeping Reductions. Among our stock are some of the very newest designs in Fashionable Millinery Stylish Dress Hats trimmed with Ifibbons at the price you would pay for an ordin- ary Ready-to-wear. We have also a lot of smart Ready-to- wears and children’s hats that we are cleargng at cost and . F. MORLOCK Don’t Miss J. J. Hunter’s Sole Agent for Progress Brand Clothing. Ladies’ Blouse Waists, 250 up Corsets, 250 up, and the large display of Prints m SM: “EM-1% Ladies’ White Wear Skirts and W e are also offering Special Value in Men’s Tweed Suits at $4.50. Also Men’s Boots for $1.00 up. Women’s and miss- es’ White Boots at a sacrifice. TIIE DUO? "’0'! 0. TUE 80" m.- Cash and one price Chiffons Laces Flowers Feathers Dress Muslims Embroideries $1.00 PER YEAR. UTE

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