Mixing ort distance 038! of Knapp’i M tou Street Lower To". hours from 12 to 2 o'clock "wanted. DURHAM. on. (Love: Tm) : poor savcn. .us provide for Ice in the New Hunter Block. 0. ,8 tn w n. m.. to 49. in. endflb’ 1 Special attention given to I.“ ben and children. Raid.“ .‘ i Presbvterian Church. RANCH LVOR GRADUATE. UNIVM -_4‘. .RRISTER. SOLICITQF. rription ,_â€" _'-v â€" â€"-- oymcors \otary P0350. 3.- nn at Lowest RIM I â€â€"“CID‘Y to Block. 0'. I Durham. Onutio. ___- Mean and George Streetsâ€"3013‘ din (,‘hun-h ()ï¬ico hours-$118... 1., 7-9 pm. Tolephona No. 10. ., EAR, Tune]? 0. nos: dtiiu' ‘ . FY03! St , Owen Sound. : completely flocked 1- 0b ' ' NEW Tm thus-a. "‘ 'tment xhrivn for turning on maintain Roy. London 0’)“ t m! wGoMen Sq. Throat BC I. b SPECIALIUT I :y_ of Toronto. . Jamieson laclauril. F- GRANT. D. D. 1.1.. D- 3- 'Jflice over Gordon’s IO. , Lower Town. Dink... ‘ mv to locust 5†0‘. rtv. Dentist. ’ CE: Over J. t J. Hunter l ICE AN D RESIDENCE i. Hutton, I. 0., C. I. m: A x o R 351 omenâ€"con. Manager. .ccount in the Tuck. which interest is ca. 3' Dovthal 38:50.3}:- 017);in- Dontistry in 31] it. Bunch -Calder Block, over ’0†' Y sxcmx AND SURGEON, or- rest and Ayton. Save Dr. W. 0. Pickering .RISTEI‘... SOLICITOB: Mai [ml Directory. Arthur Sun, I. D. nuau‘wflgflnnmcï¬ Dental Directory. DR. BROTN LegalfDirfcIorv. J. P_ Tolford. \V. IRW'IN an“. w. F. Dunn, Mzscellam. .1 'I‘H l' RSI) DB. BURT. Tl": "Illnï¬u‘u‘ my address». in. Ifntï¬. ah] ha Bl \.\'1» PR! wan-non. Pruusnan 11' us DAY. Mom“). Printing House, “I Street, mars In â€H tor . ordered llwl' iuv for 113,. h" A ""M‘ I't‘r- he no) .0!" "it‘dï¬l‘ru Pro! I if not no -,.H; pt i“ll_il_ p’“_h‘ i‘ess label It any at] wruaomi [hr utï¬c'c’. m enanro it“ brought in IO! 1*. np'bfl. fr.’ 0‘ m 5' ea r. pay“!!! it] ' paid. MINI Nd 1._ N0 1“: m â€m! :I new of not 1mg; 010,33.“ mm d.» business with H. H. MILLER the Hatnuver Conveyance:- He offers: Imesï¬leuelg. Frame Dwelling. Bunk Bum, HJHl Farm. 0‘13)“ to bang Will sell (or $30“). Huey Hlelzclg, splendid location 01‘“ and Buii'img‘. cheap ‘1. "5m, Wm at. we. Pumps. BEG [FAVE TO INFO“ [onus uni the public in [CI m prepare-«i to rurnxob I? 00’ org] mu ] SEW PUMP: ASD REPAIRS. wâ€) H, sans cm» '00 pve For I). M. Ferry C035 RELIABLE Mi... MANGEL SEED want tn make money and 3" d S. 1008. 3‘ 34in. wide, unbleached .‘Ain. wide, bleached 'l‘h» Hanover Conveyance: . BEAN ‘6 . Miller. Calder Block. :honp ti“ :3. at ‘50 pair ,0 an 66 a 7m ‘0 .0 an H C [\n A Harriston lady, Mrs" W. Rankin, had a narrow escape trom death on Tuesday of last week. In a bottle was some Gillett’s Lye. a crystallized and concentrated preparation of pot- ash and strongly resembles Epsom salts, prepared and took a dose. She was almost entirely overcome and though the doctor expects to pull her through she had a very narrow es- cape.â€"Litsowel Banner. %c 50c Lil) pair Strong purgatives have killed many a good man. Costiveness is badâ€"vio- lent cathartics are worse. It bother- ed with stomach trouble or billions- ness, try Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills. They are so mild you can scarcely feel their action, yet so effective that the 'entire system is cleansed ot wastes; Dr. Hamilton's Pills move the bowels gently, they tone the kidneys, assist digestion, cgear the skin. For those subject to colds. billionsness, languor, there is no. better medune. Try a 25c. box of Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills. Wm. Remake is not so accurate a‘ stone thrower as was the Psalmist. On Tuesday evg. a town cur ran at his horse and William heaved a stone at the canine. The (log is still hark- ing and looks as happy as McCon- nel’s dog in the News cartoons and William‘s antipathy to dogs is great- er than ever for the stone he threw broke a plate glass window in Stin- son‘s drug store.â€"Chesley Enterprise. County and District. William! Bullputuy I.“ “I133 35 alcuuâ€" ï¬_ v or than ever for the stone he threw So long as visitors continue to visit broke a plate glass window in Stin- Owen Sound, so long w ll the dummy, son’s drug store.-Chesley Enterprise. painted caricature of a clock on the -â€""'â€"â€"' ' . town hall tower continue to mislead. Your 10".. Are We“. J. The latest caee reported was one ev- "'-â€"- ' ening recently when a gentlenam, Y0“ sleep badly, appetite is vari- who was walking with a lady and an- able. You eat but gain no strength. other gentleman. was observed to Morning tiredness makes you wish glance at the dummy, pull out his that night would come. When night, watch and remark, â€Strange, but I‘m comes refreshing sleep is hard to half an hour 310w," Acting on the obtain. You’re run down. your. perfectly warrantable supposition blood is thin and watery, your nerves" that a town clock must unquestion- have grown weak. the thought oi er-l ably be reliable, he proceeded to tort wearies you- You need Ferro-éeorrect his timepiece by turning the lzone: it makes blood,-â€"red, strong hands to three minutes past nine.â€" lblood. An appetite? You’ll eat ev- ‘O.S. Advertiser. lerything and digest it too. Strength? â€"-â€"-o-â€"â€"â€" That's What plenty of food gives. Tea is nore suscegtible to foreign sFerrozone gives hope, vigor, vim and influences than even butter. s'l‘his Endurance. Use FEI‘I‘OZOHe and 89-1 is why it should never be eXposed to 'SU‘ODS- “88““3 are WHEEL-'0‘â€? is the air or sold in bulk form. The ‘lasting. All dealers in 500- boxes. ‘sealed lead packets of â€Salada†Tea ' u - h... :n 11" its nutin‘ When Joseph Sutter came home on Saturday night, after an absence of four days he found about everyâ€"i thing gone except -the house. The wife, three children, most of the fur- niture and everything of any value; was missing. It is not suspected that Mrs. Butter lett with another’ man but that she went to her par-L ents who live in the \Vest. Mr. Sut-i ter is unable to account for her ac- tion as he says they always got along well togetl eraâ€"Walkcrton Herald. 1 I Hundreds 01 cases are reported! If your throat is irritable and sore,l gurgle it three times daily with Ner-I viline and water. Then rub the throat and chest v.gorously with Nerq viline and put on uNerviline Porous; Plaster. Follow there Instructions Bronchitim, and Throat Trouble 0.- every kind. Hundreds are preVenting and our 113 their colds by this method and report it eminently satis;actory. Both herwline and Blasters and l’ol- son's Nerviline can be had ll'Olll any dealer, 25¢. each. It is our sad duty Lilla ".u. m.“ the Mildmuy Gazette to report the death of Mr. John J. Schmidt, hotel- keeper of Ayton, which took place on Tuesday mternoon. - Mr. Schmidt complained of not feeling erl alter dinner, and went Upstairs to his est. Mrs. Schmidt went up '. and found her husband dead. Death was due to heart failure. Don’t leave homeâ€"don't exlwri mentâ€" just use Cuturruozone; 1 cures every case as quickly as it di. Thomas Eaton. of \Vestwood, xnt who says: “Five years 1 sufieru from Hay Fever and had to ieaw th. ountry a month prev; the tune 0! attack. Since us 1 have not be:- H . ,_l, Auï¬hlhfl ï¬n For Summer Hay Fever Ca teed. Get it dealer. Colllngwood, J uly 2 the peeple of this tm :e death It Has Killed Hundreds. his town learned with l. tor some years he- hounood Liberal f‘ the local associa- 2“ I- nn‘nrotar’ 0 v'~ here since 1872. He was lingwood forty-two yea? spent all his life in his After attending the Schools and Collegiate, u Pntnun‘ll sad duty this week says' y Gazette to report the. '. John J. Schmidt, hotel- yton, which took pluc-c on ternoon. â€" Mr. Schmidt 01 not feeling Wu“ alter n'onf ‘IHSIHirS t0 ilis y hay fever Cured. Sure Cure Sciatica is really inflammation of the sciatic nerve. the largest nerve in the body. This passive inflammation is the product of a run-down condition, and in every case you may be sure the nerves are worn down tine. The‘ pain is the cry of the nerves for more foodâ€"tor richer, redder blood. Rubbing on a greasy liniment can’t help very muchâ€"you must treat the blood and rebu" 1d the nervous system. Thin nan he nromotly done with This can be promptly done with Ferrozone. No builder of nerve force is more powerful. - i ll. ‘-_L242‘n ‘h- yv VV v- -â€"-- No tonic so quickly tortilies the muscular system, imparts such strength, such endurance and vigor. Any traces of Uric Acid and rheu- matic poison are quickly driven out by Ferrozone. The lowered con- dition of the system is changed into a reserve of vigor that defies further attacks of So atica. Ottawa's: v. wv w---.. Marvelous in its reconstructive and! rebuilding power, quick to give re- liel, absolutely sure to cure,â€" where can you find a better treat- ment than Ferrozone? Bold by all Tea is more susceptible to foreign influences than even‘ butter. n'l‘his is why it should never be eXposed to the. air or sold in bulk form. The sealed lead packets of â€Salada†Tea the tea. in all its native preserve Insist Upon “Salada.†goodness. it The pinch of the de ginning to be felt even Huron towns. The In in Seaforth, which ‘ several weeks last “ closed down not to 0‘ of August, it is said. factories in Wingham The pinch of the depression is be- ginning to be felt even in some of the Huron towns. The furniture factory in Seaforth, which was closed for several weeks last Winter, is again closed down not to Open till the lst of August, it is said. Three of the factories in Wingham are also close and it is said the chair factory own- ed by the Canada Furniture Company may not resume for some time. In Goderich two or three of the indus- tries are not being Operatedâ€"“'al- kerton Herald. Help tor Those. After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach. and spend- ing nearly live hundred dollars for medicine and doctors’ fees I purchas- ed my wiie one box of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. which did her so much good that she con (1 they have all of the hefore.--SAMUEL This medicine Drug Stores. ‘ W'alkerton had a visit this week ltrom the Gonrnment Provincial EHB'dltll Inapector, Mrs. \V. S. Brown.l "She is looking aft-3r factories, stores, 'etc., where female help is employed, !reporting on outbuildings, conditions '0! lanes, etc.. inquiring us to Boards '0! Health and sanitary math-rs gen- erally. The “'hitney Government tum Hm interests of the peOpIe at erally. The \Vhitney Government has the interests of the peOpIe at heart, and it does well to see that these matters are pmperly looked after, for in many cases they are shamefully neglected.â€"Herald. My little boy four years old. had a1 severe attack of dysentery. We had tWo physicians; both of them gave him up. We then gave him Cham- berlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which owed him and believe that saved his Sraonusc, Car bo Giev it with castor oil according to _the plain printed directions and a lcare is certain. For sale at all Drug 1 Stores. A sad death occurred at the home. of Samuel Lackey, when his nephew, Willie Wright Gillespie, a young boy of less then 14 years passed away as: a result of acute appendicitis. :{The lad’s parents live at Berkeley, and had allowed him to come to Orange‘-| ville on avisit, thinking tnhat. the‘ ever, he was taken ill Monday night _ot last week, and died about noon on Wednesday, before the parents, l I l for Sciatica PASSING Boy’s Life Saved. Who Have Stomach Trouble FOR THE; PUBPOBE I that she can and they have than all of the hefore.-â€"SAMUEL This medacine Drug Stores. about twelve For the deaths of three British cen- tenarians to be “chronicled on the same day must surely be an almost unique occurrence. The names and ages of these veterans are: Mrs. Margaret Fagan. 104; Samuel Goldstein. 106; and Mrs. Honor Coleman, who died| from the etiects of a fall at the reput- ed age of 107 years, thus recalling the similar fate of the famous Catharine. Countess of Desmond, whose life of 140 years was brought to a tragic close by atall from aoberry tree. There are some who look with more than suspicion on any age which‘ claims to exceed acentury. and prob- ably the titles of many reputed cen- tenarians, especially in the humbler :walks of life, would not bear cloae l examination. v But the records prove conclusively that Sir Moses Monteiiore and Ad- miral Provo Wallis lived into their second century: that M. Conerbe, a French farmer, survived his 112th birthday: that M. Soule. another Frenchman. led at 115; that a Rou- manian. one l’a-wal Viacirn, lived 120‘ year-3, and that an Armenian nun en- tered aconvent at Jerusalem at 17, and never pas-.ed its threshold to the day of her death. ninety-eight years :later.â€"Westminster Gazette. Tonruun wï¬â€˜a um um. Zam But Brought Belief. At this time of the year children are liable to all kinds of torturing rashes and eruptions, and the advice don, Cnt., is timely. She sayszâ€"“A horrid rash broke out on my little boy‘s body. The child suffered acute- 1y with the burning and itching and grew quite restless. A friend ad- vised me to‘try Zam-Buk. I did so, and was surprised to see how quickly 'it cleared away the rash. The very first application seemed to cool and ease the burning and itching, mak-1 ing the child rest easier. In severall days he was completely cured, not a mark remaining on the skin to show where the trouble had been. Zam- Buk is the best healing balm yet used.†All druggists and stores, 50 cents a box or Zam-Buk Co, Toronto for price. L, _ Hats off to the Owen Sound xoowau boys! They are champions of West- ern Ontario in the intermediate ser- ies. It has often be n said that Owen Sound couldn’t land a championship: and for agood many years it has bunch of “hired men.†But the feat has been accomplished at last, and with ateam of strictly “home-brew led†players, straight, decent fellows“ playing the game for the love of 'it. When the season Opened, nobody paid much attention to the football club: but as they kept on winning, peOple began to see that there was some- thing worth watching. A big crowd turned out Friday night to see them win, and last night the streets were filled with anxious ones waiting for news from Berlinâ€"O. S. Sun. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Would Have Saved Him $100.00. tack of diarrhoea,†suvs R. h . Far rat of Cat. Island La. "For several weeks I was unable to do anything. On March 18,1907, I had a similar attack. and took Chamberlain’s Colic, ,‘j_ UUDGUI. uuu VVVâ€" _ Cholera and [Si'n‘Iâ€"‘Vrhoea Remedy which gave me prompt relief. Icon sider it one of the best medicines of its kind in the world. and had I used it in 1902 believe i: would have saved me a hundred dollar doctor’s bull.†Sold by all Drug Stores. Pund- the Century lurk. v Boys in towns sometimes come into possession of air guns and use them without realizing perhaps that they are guilty of an offence against the law for which heavy penalties are. provided. The criminal code says: “Every one who has upon lus person a pistol or air gun is guilty of an of- fence and liable to a penalty not ex- ceeding $80, and not less than $20, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.†Every one who without lawful excuse, points at another person any fire arm or air gun whether loaded or unloaded, is guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty not exceeding $100, and not less than $10, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labor, for 30 days." The law evidently deems the air gun to be dangerousâ€"Ex. If you have any trouble with your! stomach you should tuke Chamber- lsin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr J. P. Klote of Edine, 310., says.- “I have used 0, great many diflerent medicines for stomuch trouble, but ï¬nd Chumberlnin’s Stomuch end Liver Tuhlets more beneï¬cial than uny other remedy I ever used." For sole ct :11 Drug Stores. John Banks, of Amaranth, was asâ€" sisting his son, Robert. in doing some underbrushing last week, and held the brushes while the boy cut them with an axe. Just as the son was ‘in the act of striking, Mr. Banks reach- for another handful of brush. The sharp axe caught him fairly across the back ot the hand, inflicting an ugly and very painful gash. Mr.‘ Banks was driven with all speed to ‘Orangeville, where a doctor ‘put in can ditches. The main artery was Orangevme, where a doctor pt“. :1: five stitches. The main artery we: severed, causing serious loss of blood, and making it e difï¬cult met- tor to ostOp the bleedingâ€"Grind Valle! Star: Stomach Trouble very aeyere at- For Bargains in Handkerchiefs Men’s and Boys Suits Suspenders Odd Pants Hose and Half-Hose Rain-Coats Underwear Umbrellas Sweaters Hats and Caps Overalls Shirts Smacks Collars and Ties Boots and Shoes Everything in the Gent’s Furnishing line. This is your chance and you should take advantage of it. l‘he ochool lo thoroughly equipped-tn teeohin. oblllty, in chomienl end electrxcel supplieo end ï¬ttings. em. for full J nnlor Leaving end Mott-lo. ulnuon work. The following competent on! ere in eherge : THOS. ALLAN. In Class Certiflente, Prim. MISS DONALDA MCKERRACHER. B.A. Clneeiee, Hoder s, end Englich. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A., Science. History and Geography. MOMOM Having decided to give up the Gent’s Furnishing Business my entire stock will be cleared out. at. Intending etudente ehould enter at the begu- uing of the term if possible. Board can be ob- talnedat reasonable ratee. Durham is a healthy and active town, making it a most desirable place of reeidenoe. Going out of Business 1 c. L. GRAY; DURHAM SCHOOL. u Clm'. Don’t worry, it’s wicked. Boast. and the world boaste- witb you. Kick, and you kick alone. You will have no kick coming if ye; buy your boots. shoes and hosiery an McIlraith’s yuul WUW. uu\-v~ -â€".... _- H. has the ‘00:“ He «II. tho goods at reasonable prices. The largest shock in town to choose from. Trunks Club But in stock. Making repairing neatly done. The down town she to Stinson’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you get the Best Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Sundaes, etc. Call in on your way home and get a quart to treat the family. ,,__ . STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. V ;-.T" I! Matthews 5 Latimer Groceries. Fruits, Flour. Feed and Seeds 1-,“, 31.00 per month. Chairmun. The Icéém’s EclipIe mum Jewel .. ROSE, Durham COST PRICE I KARSTEDT. Dun-ham C RAMAGB. Sect-our) a_t the 13631?- -QsO‘O “s.“ LE: ADS I N BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LA‘V COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING and in placing all its gradmt Each student is taught separately his own desk. Trial lessons for < week free. Visiturs welcome. HDAY and EVENING classei. The down town shoe store . T. CLANCY. Pri in Durban.