West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jul 1908, p. 6

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u',' r 0' .10 I. ' Nightgownsâ€"Good roomy garments, high and low neck, trimmed with lace, embroidery bead- ing, etc 75c to $1.355. Cor-sat Coyergâ€"Trimmed embrmdery, lace, beading, 2;»0 to 00c. Drawersâ€"Good cotton, with deep flounce, some ' with hemstitched tucks, others, insertion and lace or embroidery, 35c to 900 pr. Children’s Nazareth Waistsâ€"All sizes 250 ancy Sunshades for summer time. A splen- did assortment of stripe and floral patterns, in black, navy, white and dresden, $1.25 to $3.25. Table Linens that have the quality, firm, even weaves. Heavy table linen, will wear well, 250 yd. Heavy table linen, all fine pure linen, 30c, 50c, 75c $51.00, $1 35 yd. Table napkins to macth, 75c to $3.00 per doz. Men’s New Wash Tiesâ€"Wash string ties, all the new colors and white, 15c or two for 250. Wash Derbies in white and all the new colors, also white \vith'eolored ends 250 and 500. Specialâ€"Men's new silk hook on tiesâ€"there are over 80 hamlsonm new patterns to choose from. The silk is exceptionally good, light dark 2530. Men's Shirtsâ€"Whether it is a shirt for best wear. for knock ing; around or for hard work, we can fit you at any price from 500 up. These shirts haveplentv of cloth in them to make them tit. Full line of men's balhriggan underwear at $1.00 suit. Light w’l underw'r 1.730 to 2.50 suit BXRLINGS’ DRUG STORE. ' Yes, we are in the Binder Twine business. with the qnnlity that unite the majority of intelligent inrmere.â€"The ”Plymouth.” It is no trouble for no to sell twine. Did you see the quantity thnt left our eetebiiehment lest Setnrdey ? Cell end exemine our twine be- lore Dnrcbaoinc. In Muchine Oil. Buck’s “Speaid” will suit every poreon.â€"It in Letty and of you wearing body. 'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘ JAM ES IRELAND DARLINGS’ DRUG STORE. If your ham can con shoulders dn on 0:11 Care, or Silver Pine Ruling Oil. W. In" Fly Ron uni if you do not wunt to pcy the prion for ”to, try non. of our Fly on. No ion. in couple“ without on. of our Guotino Stoves. Buy on aid you will never regret the invutmont. Keep-flies off your cows and horses. Tri-Phenol, 1 pint. Raw Linseed Oil 1 quart. Boiling Water, 7% quarts. Use with sprayer, sponge, or both. This costs about 150 a gallon to make, used as a dip. Disinfectant lice killer and antiseptic. For sale only at W. have everything yog rgquire iunth9.hc:voat field. each u “TRAIN” TIP 8a.“ Dean and Window Screen chap“ than tho chapels. PM: Gun of very snpifiot qulity in Sole agent in Durham for “Men hanic Kim,” and “R ailmmi Kind” m eralls. Grcincudlu Mitts Butter and eggs wanted. Highest price in cash or trade. For the Flies Pork. Sections Oil Cum 3nd Wstor Pfils during have». try come of nbundsnoo. 7 It 'is easy enough to be pleasant ' When life flows along like a song; But the man worth while is the man who will smile When everything goes dead wrong . For the test of the heart is t"0uble: And it always comes with the years, And the smile that is worth the pra‘ise of the earth Is the smile that comes through the tears. It is easy enough to be prudent When nothing tempts you to stray; When without or within no voice of sin Is luring your soul away. But it's only a negative virtue. 'Until it is tried by fire, And the life that is worth the honor of earth Is the one that resists desire. With the cynic. the sad, and the fal- len, Who had no strength for the strife, I The world‘s highway is encumbered to-dayâ€" They make up the item of life. But the. virtue that conquers pas- 8501), And the sorrow that hides in a smileâ€" It is these that are worth the hom- age of earth, For we find them but once in a When you plan your meals you never think of'brcaJ, yet you always have it, and if it is left of? the table it is the first thing that is missed. You can live without bread, but you can live without any other food with less hardshipâ€"think along these lines and the absolute necessity of bread comes home to you._ And because it is a necessity, its quality should be the bestâ€"quality in bread depends largely upon the flour. Royal leasehold flour has convinced the women of Canada that it is the best for pastry as well as for bread. Take me back to old Kentucky, \Nhere the crystal waters glint As they dance along the borders Through the. fragrant beds of m‘.nt; Where the lam-3s and the horses Are. but ternm for grace and speed, And the whiskey and the statesmen Both are. noted for their head. Take me back to old Kentucky, Where the blue grass decks the. hills , Where they havv no use for’ water Save for Operating mills; For they scorn it as a beverage C11 that dark and bloody ground,l As they claim o'er since the delugel That it tastes of Sinners drowned. Take me hack to old Kentucky, Where strong waters flow so free l Vl'hvre they cool off in the summer | ’Ne-ath the fragrant julip tree; i Where the high hall and the low hall Always hit the centre square And you never have next morning Rheumatism in your hair. Take me back to old Kentucky, . To the place when [was born, Where the corn is full of kcrnels And the Colonels full of corn: I gVVmere to disapprove that beverage ‘ Is to toy with sudden death, And they have abonded warehouse \Vhere they bottle up their breath. Take me back to old Kentucky, Let me hear the pistols pOp lSee the pigs and piliticians With their snouts e} e-deep in slap; Take me back to those blue moun- tains, 1 Where they argue points with lead, But you need not rush the matter, Take me back when Iam dead. No matter where we children are We run in answer to the bell, And dinner comes in piping hot, It. makes us hungry just to smell. Poor father sharpens up the knife, And curves with all his might and But long before he’s had a bite. Our Willie’s plate comes back again. We eat our vegetables and meat, For mother. who is always right, Says those who wish to have dessert Must show they have an appetite. And when a Sunday comes around, I So Very, very good we seem. Won’d think that most anyone could M for den-ed we’d have ice cream. â€"8t. Nicholae. while. Worth While Old Kentucky. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE At Dinner, The industry and skull of a colony of hellVer saved the Dominion Govern- ment 82,000 or more in work on the Trent Canal. â€" A‘- -. . c LIUCIU v uuuuuuu Superintendent J. H. McClelland, of the Trent Canal, was a guest at the annual outing of the Toronto El.- gineer’s Club in the Government tug Bessie Butler. on the Trent waterways yesterday. and told the remarkable happening. The Government. he said, placed a dam across Gull River last autumn for the purpose of raising ’and conserving the water in Little Mud Lake. On its completion it was found, however, that the water of the lake hacked up and began running in the wrong durection. As a consequence it was decided to build a so mad dam at the northern outlet. To the amaze- ment of all the engineers who proceed-~ ed to the spot to make the surveys, they found the work done. A perfect dam 700 feet long and 7 feet do ep, han been constructed by beaver during the frozen winter months. There was not a leak discernible and no likeli- hood of future leaks, at least for years to come. - VMr. McClelland ordered another stop-log to be placed upon the first dam to raise the water an additional foot and send it flowing again north- ward over the beaver’r obstruction. Instantly the anibitiyus little animals set to work and added another foot to the dam. It is hard to tell As the years roll by When the sun shines bright From a cloudless sky; When the pleasures and joys Of Youth abound-â€" It is hard to tell Where Life’s griefs are found. It is hard to feel For those who mourn. Whose hearts are saddened, Whose lives forlorn. I When our own glad hearts \Vith songs resoundâ€"â€" It is hard to feel For the sorrow-bound. It is hard to think When our lives are glad, That, lives around us Are pained and sad; It is hard to remember From day to day That. the thoughts of many Are grave, not, guy. But ah! how quickly I We learn to feel ' When shadows of sorrow Across us steal. 'l‘is then we wonder How all around So lll‘N'il that, is plrasnnt And bright is found. In the parlor there were three: (iirl, the parlor lamp, and he. Two is rmnpzmy. no dnuht; That is why the lamp Went out. Mi'. James Hicks, who drives Messrs. Lloyd Scully's egg and butter waimn relates the experience which a farmer neat- Dornoch had with snakes recent- ly. The Dornorh man had quite a large flock of hens but could not ac- count for the fact that he got very few eggs, and was thinking of dispos- ing of them when he made aldiscovery. In his hen house one day he found a snake and eventually killed two dozen of the reptiles of the black and garter varieties which were nested among some bark material in the hen house- After killing the snakes he found that his hens yielded a good supply of eggs. â€"-0. S. Advertiser. Dates on which they will be held in this locality so far as we know. Arthureâ€"Sept. 23, 24. Blythâ€"â€"Sept. 29, 30. Clarksburgâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Chatsworth-~ Sept. 17, 18. Chesleyâ€"Sept. 22, 23. Dundalkâ€"Oct. 8 9. D11! hamâ€"Sept. 22, 23. Dxaytonâ€"Oct. 6, 7. Fergusâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Fordwichâ€"Oct. 3. Fevershamâ€"Ucc. 6, 7. Grand Valleyâ€"Oct. 18, 14. Hanoverâ€"Sept. 29. 30. Holsteinâ€"Sept. 29. Kincardineâ€"Sept. l6, l7. .Listowelâ€"Sept. 16, 17. Lopdon (Western Fair)â€"-Sept-. 11â€"19. Menard-Sept. 24, 25. ' Mfldmuyâ€"Sept. 28, 29. Muvilleâ€"Sept. l4, l5. Nonstadtâ€"Sept. 22. 23. Owen Soundâ€"Sept. l6, l7. Pduleyâ€"Sept. I), so. Prfoevilleâ€"Oct. 1,2. Pimentonâ€"Sept. 24, S. Rocklynâ€"Oct. 8. 9. Tar-Oct; 1, 2. T010030 (NW) â€"Aug. ”flop. l4. Tamarâ€"Oct. 6, 7. FALL FAIRS. 10. 17. Berley have“ in on. (:11 wheet 1.“: most!» eulely houeed; mus hnve con-g eiderutln rust on the etrnw. It any n he-ten the ripening. { The Trustee Boerd o! No. 5 met on, Thur-dw evening 0! I»: week and; out of a number of npplicetiono. ec ceptvd thet of Mine Bernice Tug lor. of Colhnuwood. Br rhe way. we wish we cou (1 give to the public. flamples’t of writing of over titty per cent of the epplicantl. And the use nf the English lenuuege! One fellow‘ writee.-â€"°'Hevin¢ new.” anotherâ€" "Yonr edvc in the uni! end empire!" Ye code of edncet‘on! Ocean't th‘l etrkie you n progress? "You. yea sunny end sissy! yuu no“. work It‘ vonr Greek end your Letin. yonr‘ Germnn end French but. it doeen’t mutter e-blenk, blank. whether you can we" write or cleerly eXpreeI Ill Men; the nlooming rnrel trustees don’t. know euy better ind they here to whack up the enlerv to you. nny- ___ - -Aâ€" IV V'- wu! The foregoing bruefly some up the modern educcti :ncl prcotico. No w. nder Businesl College: cod Come merciel Sohooil nre vexing rich end multiplyinc. wl an our High School. and Collecicte Inuimtee ere turning out crowds um ccnnot even word a receipt for the ulcry paid them. For the sake of the future of our the three R's end in the correct no age 0! Engliih. wMr. andâ€"Mrs. Bright and baby rs- tnrned to their home in Toronto. aitc r holidaying with the Peart {am-1 ilies for some weeks. On learning of his mocher’a serious illness, Mr. Jim Hudson, hnrridly left his home in Manitoba and arriv- ed here on Wednesday evening of last week and has been in constant attendance on her since. She is somewhat better. _ Mr. end Mrs. G. E. Scrozgie end bright. boy of five are guests for n fortnight‘of Mr. and Mrs White Anderson. Mr. 3. is a manager 6f one of the Mei! end Empire’s henvy! departments ‘ Miss Muy Martin has :rrivod tt the old home from Toronto. Messrs. Stanley Manlly cod F. Benton took the service in Zion on Sunday. Toe former is a fluent Speaker, with good voice und wide command of words; the lutter is o singer sweet. Hus solo was well re- Geivvd. Mount Forest has been granted the sum of $5000 by the Dominion Gov- ernment for t] e purpose of building a post oII'ice. L ~â€" 8 J.;Hisey, of Creemore, bought a‘ cow w3th ml! at foot from T. Thomp- son for shunnent to 'Iorouto, last! week. tle cal: bc'mg several days old. On the way to the city the cow gavei tfirth to another culfl the exact im-' age of the other, but smaller.â€"Shel-' bu rne Free Press. Our stock is new and complete in hay fork s. mower sections, scythe blades, suaths, hay ‘ hay fork rope, etc. We have a extra heavy machine oil which is: help to the wearing qualities of your machine.- very heavy with the body in it which keep the ll Farmers’ Suppliesj Our stock 18 going fast, but we are (30nstanth r9119.“ ing it. Our close prices together with the exec good quality of our twine which is easily seen 0 mination of same, makes many new customer Call and have a look at it. ‘ 4 Every Province \ $100,000.U( Sends . Its Products In Prizes and Attractions With 900 Performers. International Doé Show International Cat ?» Prion Us“. In“: Blah «I all Her-.60- 8,000 Live Stock Traverston. REAP FAIES FROM EVERY“, From the Paris Salon and othar Old-World Galleries. International Military Tattoo and Realistic Specth‘I‘ n. M! when: in 3 ““""“J ' "II: I .u‘ ; mus hum con-i Withthgomningof the new 0‘ t a. It Ill" *cific Lino another miloum Mk"; 8 n ' I edit: the history of our m3?“ h.“ N Binder Twine HUNTER, Durham Machine Oil Canadian Pad? 1.;Rnllway Time 1'“... ‘ a I: .3. iv Hanover u 9 50 . ’ All... Pk. 9 35’ " PM!!! 0 rs '1'! a following ti . mu further mace?“ “1° "n ”° "*3 Al-hn Pk. 93'. ' ' 8 13 3 ‘0 _ . I 12 G8 3 55 '~ ’Wlllhma 8 54 1223 4 N Prioeville as «3 tr. Sa'p'n J. lv 8 25 ‘35 ”can With mill to and f 8:.” niacin-[o between Durhnm m :N W. comfort 31:. «feEy. Try the “‘9 «~00 bl! n u auction await“ informatton. t (2.”! We an an A Min. 0. P. at. for All“: and . ocean linen and M. E Implements All Kinds of GOO. White Son Threshing I, chines. Toronto Windmills. Hollow Sharpie“ Cream 89m Hume“. Rugs, “'hips, Oils, Gm. Stoves. Furnaces, Singers Sewing Machines. Heintzman's Pianos McLaughlin’s anous Buggies Repairs for all makes of Plows. Repairs for all makes of Sewing I» chines. Automobiles. Ties, Poles. bought per Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip. mg; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Pumps from $2 unwell. W. D. CONNOR HOP open every nfternoon. Ml REPAIRING promptly and prop- orlv “tended to. 4%.]. D. COIIM The Chronicle will be sent to my sddrou in Cnnudn till Januuy 1:: next for 50c Subscribe now. FARM MACHINERY at for Percival Ayr, Amer; Persian and Listowell plow. AGENT FOR JUHH N. MUHUUEK Frost 6‘ Wood I Fixture Mnnufacturor 01 Ad Dulor in â€" 0. on. land". City Hall. July 30,1908 Midgnugh Bonus Block nun-1m . 0.. hav rak96~ for k pulleys Show ‘ Seasonablc (inn ‘ now Ill SIOCk-r W“ “99 0f (' wd whim ('u A blend of} Maniufim am that and is a S‘l‘it‘ll}' family flmu. People Q 00" pure Manitoba “um. I} h. 1 Manitoba Wheat i'Mllll h either bakers or «1qu “’mte mule hki 180k Satlll Ladies' Hmtin; Raincoats fur 1m} ivs gentlemen, all \mx Embalming a Specia 3'. min» 009 these (a m It 40¢ each. m from selected wi I is t superior arm-Iv pastry, etc. .IOIAL DISOOI'N'I‘ r M ‘II Ian's fedoras an W. are selling out “k in men's fedm‘: ‘hh- III hows. blm-I ‘- th purchzwer - 9-b- . lint-ml dibcw We will nuke it w “b pnmchue all lint ‘hhnm us. W flour and nan keep our flour in: l‘ m does nut km'p mill and we will HM' NI us up by wlephnw “III of Grain bough John MCG IdCei'osl. the best «m t Oats. 1“!)u d I. Bun Shorts and k kl mm on Plan win-mm?» me rm In Calling. Pure PASTRY FL delivered mywhn “Y OUR NEW a, on End the l 3‘ 0.“. Also on R0031.“ Framing on notice. SOVEREIG Mlnliv H Laps for a; ate 21H Dds H to dmpthisli lit in a new 1i '5 the time fl hind still I); ECLIPSE IOMLou W8 KEEP Done E TH E

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