West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jul 1908, p. 8

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Vfl‘lf l‘l. Littledid h» think that haymui his expln'ntions there existed a, country, (mmrin, whnse waters am. tributaries tn the St. Lawrence, which would be, as it is. tht‘ banner provinw uf the: I")muininn. A public monument is vrectml tn his memory in Qubec. Our stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Ready-made Clothing, Crockery, Hats and Groceries is complete. Butter and Eggs taken as cash and the Highest Prices Paid goods. mam-m LIL.) 1 848 the hardy saiIO' and brave The Wednesday evening weekly! baseball match. for which the bust-l ness places have been closing early. grows in interest both for sprctators and participants. That of last week was between picked teams from the north and south of the village 111 was a good game, the 9 mm Winninm by a small margin. . Score 13 to ll.‘ Banker Mitchell was umpire. Mr. John Breen, of the suburb, met with a bad accident on Frida‘, last while assisting his son Wes. at haying on the homestead east of the village A horse being drixen on the hay xake was given fright. Iy a break of the harness and ran away giving ;Mr. Breen a severe shaking up before ihe got free from the rake. The re- sult to Mr. Breen was three ribs fractur ed and other injuries. from which he has since been sufiering ,much. With much pluck Mr. Breen ‘ walked to his home after the accident happened. It is but two years ago since he met with a bad accident with the hay rake, at that time sustaining a fracture of the ankle which laid him up for some time Mr. J. Secord, Manager of the Sproule Higginbotham fruit store, was seized with intestinal inflamma tion on Sunday and was very ill, but at the time of writing is reported im- proving under Dr. Bibby-’3 care. Mr Secord’s brother, editor of the Men. ford Express, and mather are with Mr. Ed. Best, son of Councillor Best, has purchased from Waterloo manufacturers a fine new threshing outfit, consisting of traction engine and latest improved separator with straw blower and self feeder. Mr. Best will Start his machine this Week at his fathers. and will no doubt get a large share of patronage in this section. Mr. M. K. Richardson and (laugh ter Christine. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Lucas, of Markdale leave this week on a trip to the Uul Country. The party will sail from Montreal on Saturday by the Cana dian Pacific S. S. Lake Erie for Liverpool. Dr. Murray 0. N. Richardson. Charley Ottewell and W. Somers leave the end of this week for two weeks camping at the Holland lakes There will be ether-s join the party later. and the "Shirley M ” will be the chief source of pleasure on the water. Muss Maud Boyd gave a birthday party to about twenty of her young friends last week, and all bad a very enjoyable time. August 15th is the date fixed for the band’s annua‘ tournament to be he“ on ‘he agricultural grounds. Mark- dale, Dundalk and Durham bands will assist, so that a musical treat is in store. We hope to see this event very successful. Mr. Alex. Smith, of Thornbury. was in town on Thursday last settirg up a monument in the cemetery for the Swanton brothers. The Methodist Ladies’ Aid are giv- ing a garden party here this (Tues- day) evening. Quarterly Communion service will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday morning. Dr. and Mrs. Carter went on a p‘aeeurable driving holiday the past week. and among other places visited the Dr.’e old home at Bmdhead. Mr. I‘hos. Clayton has returned from his holiday, during which he visited Quebec and saw the magnifi- cent sights presented at the Tercen- tenary celebration. Mrs. E J. Stoner, of Balmy Beach, Toronto, visited her uncle, Mr. G. A. Watson. last week, and was accom- panied to Dromore by Mr. and Mrs. Watson on Saturday. Word was received on Saturday of the safe arrival at Sconey Plains. Saek , of Mr Thos. Quigg and family with their carload cf stock and eflects Mr Quigg’s homestead. about thirty miles out. would be reached by wagon over the prairie. Mr. A. Munshaw is having his large hotel stable re-shinzled, for which thirty thousand shingles are required He is also having his barn on the farm recovered with paroid roofing. the job being done by Norris Bros Mr. Charles Cook and son George, of Green Bay, Wis, visited at Mr. Andrew Wilson’s last week. Mr. Fred Tucker was in the city a couple of days lut week. Mr. Andy Wilson is in Toronto this week. Mrs. W. J. White has returned from visiting relatives in Lsnsrk County. Mrs, J. M. Thurston. of Toronto. is visiting her son, the Editor of the Advance. Miss Munshow hos returned from visiting friends or. Wellnnd 3nd Toronto. Mrs A. M. McPhstter and little daguhtsr Msudis, owaen Sound. are visiting the farmer’s mother, Mrs. W. Wright, west. bsck line, Mrs. Wm. Cleyton received word on Setnrdey of the deeth of her brother, Mr. Robert Strechen, n Welterville. Min Mikel Boyd is on . short visit with friendo in the city. Mrs. Fred Tucker wee celled any on Fridey lost to visit her sister, who wee very ill st Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. G. Boyd returned to Toronto on Fridey niter on extended visit with relatives here. Mr. J not Glut. of Ottun, is on I month’s bond”. and the no» of his grundmothor, Mn. J. W. Armstrong. Mu. Wine". of Osprey, mm! Flesherton. her meter-in law. Mrs John Wright,1 sen , last week. Miss Vera Gaudin, Kimberlev, via. had her cousin. Miss Willa anht, over Sunday. Mrs W. Guest of Henderson, \1aine,is visiting her mother. Mrs. Henry Richardson. Mrs. W. W. Trimble returned from Detroit on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith Spent Sunday with the farmer’s brother, at Corbetton. The little Missos Alexander. of Feversham. visited their aunt, Mrs. Albert Stewart. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carrington, of Thor- old, are visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan's. Mrs. Ed. Swift and children, of Toronto, are on their annual holiday with Mrs. Swift’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Quigg. MI. W. Little. owaen Sound. was a visitor at. Mr Breen’s and Mr. Robert. Moore's lass week. Mrs‘ (Dr.) Murray is on a visit with friends in Toronto and undergo- ing some ostoepathic treatment. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gibson. of To- ronto, formerly of this place, no 03 on a holiday visiting relatives in old Scotland. Mr. Leslie Thompson and monher, of Dundulk, were visitors from Wed- nesday last till Monday at Mr. Geo. Clark’s. Mesford Bond Miss Heron is on her holidays visiting her aunt st Celedon Essa. Mount Forest. July 26.â€"Detective Reborn. of the provinoiel force, hes been here for some deye eeeisting High Consteble Mereweether in un- reveling the mystery regerding the eeseilient in the neferione etteck on Mrs. Henry Harper, some time ego, but ee yet the guilty perty hes not been ceptnred. All enepicione look- ing pertiee ere being teken into one- tody for identificetion. but they heve ell been releeeed, none of them eeem- ing to telly with the deecription given. Suspicion now eeeme to point to looel pertiee who committed the eeeenlt end nothing will be left on- done to ferret the metter out end hen the guilty perty paniehed. John Weddell end John N eiemith hnve purchued e general store hue- inee_e in _Hnmh_ol_dt, But, nnd leeve on Tuesday with their hmilios for flu: pluoo. The] will In much min- od in load circlu. Tho crept throughout this action In the float tint have boon noon in ya" cud man“, the (“on no guru-g i been! nail. In calmness. Some 'lines have been greatly rmluwd. Mange are lots of bargains yet. The following are» :1 few of the specials: white Crochet Bed Spreads, fringe or plain. 3! $1 50, your choice ........... . .............. Ladies’ Black Sateen Underskirts, two frills. etc. for ...................................... . Ladies’ and misses’ Skirts in grey end colors. $2.7:- Ladiea’ and misses ditto, worth $3.50 for 5,1 t) Ladies' Skirts. tweed efiect, grey and colorss $5 50, $5 75 (or ......................... . Linen Towela, 3:30 pnir for 250, Ditto 33¢ {0,- Linen Towels, hemmed 450 for.. Table Linen. Boys’ Ask to see our Bargains in Boots and Shoe; \Ien'fi [)nngnln Bals, $5.1M 4. 00 Lmlius Pub-hf 1,. Wh-z "\Wcls \Ien s Dungnla and Box (‘ i“ E 32; ”1”“ Six}. 7' 3 2.50 - __ l ...l:...’l)......‘..l . .1 . 1-1 _.-.- Bals, 533:501’01' . Dittn 32.6.") and .32.? Remember- we are going out of the Hardware ell m (fl-ear. Screen Dumas, $1.00 for him» cmnplett‘, $1.25 f4 I‘Ivm'ytvhing in Hardware reduc- 1 can Tomatnes. 1 can (‘nrn ...... lean Peas...... 110v packages Puwders ...... Wool Wanted. Cash or Produce for Goods during Sale ALEX. RUSSELL, Durham (From London Free Press.) 66 6‘ In Full Swing. - - One Week More” THE BIG STORE MOUNT FOREST. Blouse Suits, $2.75 to $3 50 for. . . .. Groceries for Friday and Saturday rs. $5 00 and $6 50 for ................. $7 50 to $10 for $3.99. $14 and 815 for $ 350 and 40c for .............. . 500 and 600 for 350. Ditto 75c $1 00 for 750 .................. Men’s and Boys’ Suits 2.75 “alley’s Jail: Russell’s . 2.00 fur l 4 100 bottles best Extracts Mr. Alfred Birr who was laid up with the measels for a 1902?}: chime is this to be on duty again. Mr. Jncob Yand. 'mss Mary Bid: and Miss Mary Bail me: e cu the sick lisc last week. Mr. Nicholas Wet: aufer htdthe misfortune of buiug kiflml by hi! fumoxs horse "Prince Erie" while being busy taking up ha} Nichol“ Guys he got a bad kick on the m: h!" he thinks thut the horse :3: 15' worst of it utter all. A curry-Ill of young people of ti! village of Neustadt spent the Saudi! on the banks of the Sangeen river It Louie “’ettlnufer‘s Mr. “’01. Marshall sent his boy down to the other farm 1 some raking with a horse. V the boy pnsaed a rod grader 81 ink on the road at Scheuk'a‘ CC the horse got frighteumi and twoy, throwmg the little lad ofl brenking the hay rake ail to pi The boy’s father came 3100‘! with thorn un-i bUgRV and the little boy lying alongside 01 road. where he had been Iyim‘ conscious for : half an hour wu seriously hurt. $3.; 3:qu £21.30 h ‘xz 7 .. 2.50 Ladies Patent Luthvx lhls 3'. an fl '1' ...... 20.. Sec our Boots 8s Shoes 50 Is 75c Ditto $1.5” tor ..... 25k: Hay Rakes. 2 f0! Hay I’m-ks, 31 ‘L‘ fur. . Ditto, 650 for ..... . The hot weuther of the has been very gooi fcr 11 Some in this loculity through while others have do yat. __ 7 - f 1 301105 H3ddil“........ I” 1 can Beef. Ham and (‘hivken loaf (used for lunch at pivniveu per mm ................. . .10 Mr. John Stewart got fonndntion for his barn The job is as first class on slut Mr. M. Mcann :9 MI undo. Mia: Jennie McFar‘. n! from Toronto recemh' city life agreed with her. Lira. Houtb; of present visiting nex- brothon at the Glen. 51in Sugie Kennedy iting friends st Ceylon two nooks. Min-I"- May McInnes and‘ MoArthur both of Toronto Gluing M “Old Bunessau (A d‘y‘n‘ C‘ "U10 Dunessnu “in fine McArthur 10ft mat 1““ d” for Niggun Fills wh 90°“ to rennin for 3 while. “in Manrlcno. sister of Mr. W Old HcFu'hno, who has been “a". u 3.9:. IoL‘nghlin'a, of Ceylon. 6““ to In brother. [at week 110‘ hum“. We hape am more ho - o. ‘ “““ 5° "m “Fifi? 3.th In. Ju. Lyneu of Sm“ ”' In“: visited for . few dtys th“ ' u Ir. 0. Kennedy's ' WW5“ we would like to ”0': it that In tho hon loose yet. ”4 up“ his in.) home ‘8'” 00““ UV" {Orills. etc.1 99 11325: :1) ”I 1.59 1 colors. 8; OH. 2 49 Hampden. for J uly Bunessan. 1.49 London 5‘ moth“ much ” Mot forget L“(‘ Jimmie Fax. MOB Dr. Silnlns. to! ”to for. but itdiai nn '1 [be Town (‘lerk n ‘ wlephonr. rthe town CONN" [uipmellt to t he wait». as 9M? ‘1‘ 1'. like to give ("‘1 II the man who kn I much etitlned to 1 ‘0. one of the Svrv n M her bed to make N. WbiCh was acne M haste. Mr. "uh! “(bullied the st!‘ .1 :50 yard and back III. saw the movvm ”posed the man m reported that Hum It 10:31 Option bee {or tea or coffee. Document to prov but. The house [nuts on the :11ng I comfortable bed the stranger, who Vith the treatment. Pee QVt-rybody aim e dislike equally t Nation made up a guilty. Mr. I e to some tron-h l‘t. and wv m1".- rength of hlh (nxl will it“ other 91W“ I. air their ignm such other in t‘m t it our duty 0 s to adminis; Who were 11?) l‘ be good ‘H h Cupported ; u be by the _ .ll't be every he public should h insults, fihh. 1'0 Ninetimeh‘ cm lthey pass a CPU I I mice or o There is no rbile doing lâ€"Iis d‘m :- Met conduct Ill :3 Ether. “'9 do no who gets J P! blur: a you! “‘11 by-laws. l.«-' M 3 of the town. v bu‘ 300d [manly pin l‘ There‘s no duhng "OI-bio it the 1..“ i~ h rkht Way. A yum * a young men. “EM. 2' "8 not hard to h it“ at their p(.\'-i(i( W the constuhh- m to put down r it“! il‘ the end w “wed. Cur young .“ I“ bad, :15 .1 11111 t ’ t. be rt 111 mled “I“ actlons Vt hich mm. and mu 1 Mn well ( ne 1 k. “ll-mouthed (‘11. r ‘ Mel‘s brim?! «repute. eun U My“ sayinfl than lautll to which he t. in thv W‘W Don't fa“ W 1. the date of H e new rinkâ€"1) ace 3 ud 9VBDIDK. Other dm N0. 2160. concert in um slit \\ (H

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