he smut ï¬cles yml will ï¬nd here ye have the most beautiful rouvhes, necklets, locketa, . etc. which we have ever addings er Sons Hggau umlerw'r, reduced to 5‘ "' w w-ks. :w and we value, 26:: pi!- JM. for $1.th suit. ml t‘llll)l‘0i(lt'l it's at hdf-pdco. M msH-tinn and edging, about $WҠwide. per yd. 5c. g Rings 0 carat Gold haw thvgnnds. Silver- -e\'w1',\'thin;_r frnm a silver » :1 TH! svt. privrs. 3.1-, also many odd m d pr. on salv. 190. . light grevshades. pure W um. n-g. sugmfor $9.50. 'Inl't and HM sleeve styles. “M “b med. nu .‘ale, 11k. 15k: V3)“ '0' mention is most complete and a )7 piece china dinner set. oats at Cost OF QUALITY†.tiful stock of solid gold *sts Reduced m..- jelly powders all "5 flavors, 4 for 25¢. Pd salmon. 1 lb. tins 3 {or 59- ug Store the Month of Jun. E BOOK FREE rk Hose her vith HM breaker in our mid-On“? things in our line Durham and “Welland A 11g. at prices a.“ 190 Wool Wanted Any quantity, washed or unwashed for whi~h the highest price will be paid in cash 01' trade. Welmw a very ï¬ne assortment nf blankets, tweeds, flannels, prints cotton goons, flunnelettes. ready- made cinching. overalls etc. The very best at lowest prices for cash or produce. DURHAM. Wedding in real first-class Silverware Our stm'k fur the wedding season 0f Silve-xwval'v is now complete and “t'l'ything up-to-date. This stnl'w has the name for high- ‘l'lm gmuls. and always will 80 long as thew i~ mm a thing as a jewelry business. W» have always in stock, at least, “â€99 dW/Mn wedding rings to PiCk from. every style, and abopt one Mildred Pngagement rings, includ- "lg Diamnnds, so you have 110 m 90:; to go away disappointed. Percy G. A. Webster Mlg’. 6, 1908 my ()UR TEAS Butter and Eggs Wanted Market Report. Wedding Engagement Rings Bell Telephone Compaflym Ida is about to pnNiSh a new issue of the - " connections, cm angc 0! “mt I“ entries should 50 S. SCOTT Telephone Directory Watchmaker Jeweler and Optical. Dry . Goods Of Central 0mm. 30‘ eluding Durham ‘- '- Groceries Ielephone Dilecloly tor the.... Gifts ONTARIO 900 17 325 12g 12 10 10 wit ' 80 l3 3 Revs. DonneWnddel|, of Victoria iUniversity, took Zion’ a service on ‘Sundny afternoon in behalf of the Forward Movement for Missions. They are clever bright, young fel- lows. with good voices end progres- sive idens. The quarterly sacramen- ul service was administered at the f close. August days no flying by, They slwuys bring green upplo pie. Mester Alex, Wright was down from Owen Sound to his home here for e couple of days. The Grey Old Boys’ excursion from the Queen City brought a large num- her of visitors and friends to this vicinity. Among those who came warezâ€"Mrs. John Delaney to visit among old neighbors; Mrs Ed. Em- hury to the home of her girlhood. Mr. Will Cook’s; Misses Mary and Katie McNally to the merry, old home or. the 7th con; Will Wellwood and Miss Dolly Anderson to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Cook and baby Grace to the Edwards’ homestead. the last two remaining for some time; Miss Muriel Davenport and Mr. Frogley. who sanga duet in Zion. and a crowd of bright spirits came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Arrowsmith. but we were nnfortnno ate enough not to get the names. Zion’s annual garden party. under the auspices of the Epworth League, is to he held at. the home of Mr. Geo. Blair on Friday evening of this week. There will he an old time supper, a varied program. and games galore If you desire to be happy through harvest days come along. Miss Mny.Robaon came up from Toronto last week and is holidaying at the old home. It you could find a simple veget- fable remedy for keeping all organs healthy and strongâ€"wouldn’t you use it? Most pills are harsh, cause pain and sick stomach. Dr. . Hamilton’s Pills are differentâ€"they re ulate and clean the system so gent y, act so silently you scarcely realize you’ve taken medicine. You are cleansedâ€" appetite improvesâ€"color clearsâ€"sleep is tutored. Every man, woman and child is helped by Dr. Hamilton’s (Pills. Try a 25c. box. Lauder McKinley, of Toronto, is having some jolly holidays at. the home of Mr. James Nelson. Miss Annie Lawrence and her brother Will open: the ï¬rst of the week st the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.Cook. Miss Olive Adsmson. Walkerton. is visiting her sum, Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, at present. Mire. Will Livingston and children visited her sister, Mrs. Robert Bur- nett, Durham. Mr. and Mrs. John Cuï¬, Aberdeen, Sundeyed with their daughter, Mrs. H. \V. Hunt. Miss Math; Torry. of Durham, is spending her holidays with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. David Donnelly spent one day lust week with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Bell, Glenelg. Herb. Hunt has been ill for the past couple of weeks, but is improv- ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kennedy visit- ed the latter’s sister, Mrs. George Alexander. recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McCulloch spent Sunday before last with rela- tives at Allan Park. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falkingham took in the C.P.R. excursion on Mon- day last to Owen Sound and returned Tuesday. Mr. Frank Vickets and son Harold. of Toronto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vickers. Mr. snd Mrs. James Livingston, who hsvs been visiting in this vicin Mr. Thos. Bsrlow, of Orchntdvills, is st present visiting the Torry w"..- v “m -. . It is :180 t exullont for cinppeod hands, :3: nipples. burns sud dunno: of - -â€" -ll “Inna Mr. Robt. \Vells. of Durham, is engaged with Mr. John Bailey [or the summer months. Mr. Ashbury. of Muskoks, Spent a day or so last week the guest of Miss Hattie .streuce.;‘;___ Mr. Time. is gt pron hmilioo. abet .M r. Charles sn'd'Miss Adeli'n-e BEE} spent Sunday last with friends in Priceville. Herb. Hunt has been ill for the nest couple of weeks, but is improv- Question for Every Reader. 'l raverston. ‘ For Vickers. Favor Sores. I n9 ulso We forgot to mention in our last budget that Miss Bella Iylee, from Fairbairn. was visiting with her friend. Mrs. J. Boy. for govern] days. Muster L. Kedsley, from Holstein. visited for a week or so with our general blacksmith, Alf. McCabe. A few from around here attended the picnic in Mr. McGirr’s bush on Friday last and report. a splendid time. Miss Jennie Ailen. from Toronto, came home on Suburday night to epeud a few weeks visiting her friends. We are pleased to see her smiling face around our hamlet once again. Mrs. Wm. Clark was out to see her father, Mr. Rom. Henry, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Black, from Glsmus. visited their friends and neighbors of a few yeers ago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Morrison. Miss Avery, from Armow, is visit- ing at the present time with her sister, Mrs. R. J. Allen. Miss Minnie Bell, of our burg, has been visitlng for the past week or so in Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Watson, of Durham. Sundayed with the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Wm. Morrison. M188 Annie McKenzie. from year town. spent. a couple of days viemng old friends around the village Mr. Clark did his ï¬rst threshing of the season on Wedneedsy. 29th, for Wm. Long. and on Tuesday, the 4th, for your humble scribe. Among those who went to Owen Sound on the excursion on Monday were Mr. end Mre. Z. Clerk, William Clerk and Dove Allen. The two college students who gave electors end illustrsted it by lime- light views on Missions were very interesting and instructive. Quite a number took it in as the admission was smell. only 3 silver collection. We are sorry to say shot. Mr. John MoCalmon is not improving but is slowly sinking. The oï¬cers, teachers and adult scholars of the Varney Sunday School with a number of invited friends held their annual picnic at the Lake on Wednesday atternoon, Rev. Mr. Jemieeon will preach in Varney church next Sunday and con. duct the Secrement of the Lord’s Supper at the close. I va‘. vvn-aâ€" â€"vvâ€"â€"__- First of all you need plenty of blood â€"Huve it pure, or otherwise blotshes and pimples will render your natural charms unuvuiling. Nothing can equal Ferrozone, either as a iormvr 01 rich blood or as a skin purifier. By driving cut humors, Ferrozone cleanses inside just as water does outside. Because of the nourishment and building pronerties it contains Ferrozone brings the system to a high point or vigor, from whish high pomt of vigor, from which shines vim, ambitions, good spirits. For good spirits. For good looks, gov d health, take Ferrozone, all dealers in Have a gogd complexioion. 50 Cent boxes. Reports from the railroad com- panies are very reassuring as to their ability to move the Western crOps. The Canadian Pacific has 2000 cars more to put into the W'estern ser- vice than formerly and the Canadian Northern has also a more complete equipment of rolling stock. In addi- tion to this, the new Grand Trunk Pacific will be in a position to haul grain as far east as Winnipeg. Moreover, tl.e harvest will be nearly a month earlier than in former years, which will naturally give a longer Operating period before the close 0†navigation. The C.P.R. has 16,000 cars available for the cr0p movemnet and the double tracking of a large extent of the road will enable them to expedite matters very materially. The number of cars reported are as followsz-Canadian Pacific, 16,000: Canadian Northern, 7,000; Grand Trunk Pacific. 4,000. Total. 27.000. The Public Library had an excursion to Owen Sound over the C. P. R. on Monday last. It was Civic holiday here and the Library Board took ad- vantage of the circumstances, with a hope of giving a nice holiday outing and at the same time increasing the Library funds. The weather was de- lightfully ï¬ne, and the outing was all that could be desired so far as the trip to and from the County Capital are concerned; There was no special pro. gram to be followed at the end of the journey. and once the excursionists landed they were at liberty to go where they pleased and get enjoyment out a: any source they could and. Some had friends whom they visited and some of the wealthier ones hired conveyances to drive round the princi- lmï¬eets and View the chief points MI O-NA MEANS STOMACH COM- FORT. It’u of Speciai Value to Many Here in Durham. A notable. discovery and one that appeals especially to. many DJOplP in Durham is the combination of stom- ach help in the Miâ€"o-na treatmr-nt. This preparation works wonders in case of indigestion Olf_we:1k_§tomac:h. It acts directly on the walls of the stomach and bowels, strengthening and stimulating them so that they readily take care of the food that in eaten without distress or su_fferi_ng._ So positive are the good effects following the lac of Mi-o-na that the remedy is sold by Mactarlane Co. under an absolute guarantee to re- fund the_money lf__it fails t_o.'cu_re.._A 50o-eot 631i?! Mf-oc na will do the good the stomac hneeds which is sim- ply to make it do its own work. PUBLIC LIBRARY EXCURSION HAVE A GOOD COMPLEXIONI WESTERN CROP MOVEMENT. Varney. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE of interest. Others had todo the sight seeing on foot. and when tired of the exercise to sit down in some shaded spot to recuperate for a fresh attack. The arrangements were not very satis- factory, but would have been better ,had it not been for conflicting circum- stances. A bitch in getting satisfac- tory arrangements with the C, P. R. ,was the ï¬rst discouraging feature. IVVhen the idea was ï¬rst conceived larrangements were made to take excursionists from Hanover and all I stations to Saugeen Junction. A pre-. lvious arrangement between Hanover and the Company, howwer, placed Durham 1n the awkward position of being able to sell tickets from Durham only, to the disappointment of many from Allan Park, McVVilliams and Priceville. About one hundred and sixty went up from here, many, per- haps, viewing our County Capital for the ï¬rst time. The town seems to be dull for a place of its size, though merchants whom we interviewed say the lull is only temporary, and that up to a few weeks ago it was equal to and ahead of last year at this season Though very little drunkenness com- I paratively was to be seen, there were some cases, and it is evident that local option is almost a dead letter. Though not sold as openly and in as large quantities as under license, there is considerable liquor disposed of. It will be nip and tuck for the Library to clear their expenses, so the ï¬nancial end of the undertaking was not a suc- cess. More complete and satisfactory arrangements will be made for next year, when it is expecoed that a boat will be chartered. to some outside point, perhaps Wiarton or Meaford. The Western Fair, of London, 0nd tario. is expected this year to eclipse all previous Exhibitions. A very large amount of money has been ex- pended on He grounds and buildings, thereby giving increased accommoda- tion to visitors and exhibitors. The prize list has been very materially added to, and several new features inesrted. For cattle exhibitors the milking contest will be interesting. for which good prizes have been of- fered. Manufacturers will be busy, and mach'nr-ry will be running. which is always interesting. The Old Cur- iosity ShOp, Carpet Weaving, The Bakery, and many other interesting exhibits will be seen. Don’t miss this year’s exhibition. Prize lists. entry forms, and all 'n‘ormation on applica- tion to A. M. Hunt, Secretary, Lon- don, C ntario. By Which T. G Campbell, V. 8. Laces his Life. “’9. have received a letter from Mr. Edgar Reynolds, of River Course, Szlskutclunwln, which fliVeS an account of the drowning of Mr. '2‘. G. Camp- bell, V. S , to whom we made a more mention two weeks ago. The letter was dated July 23rd. He says: On Monday. July 6th, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Campbell and I went to Battle River, Saskatchewan. intending to cross at the ford. Mrs. Campbell decidtd to i SAD nRowmnc'Accmnmf wu’t on the bank till we returned, l'ttlo. thinking of the sad misfortune t‘mt was so soon to overtake her husband ,who by the way, is a brother-in-law of the writer. W'hen we got about half way across the. stream, the horses were washed off their feet and we. were all swept down stream in less time. than it takes to tell the sad tale. Both bf us could swim, but [called to Mr. Campbell to make for the shore while I would try to free the horses from the. wagon, and by so doing, save them. Being unable to do so, I look- cd for Mr. Campbell. ech-cting to see him near the shore, but instead, he was being carried down stream, and struggling in the water. I immed- iatoly struck out to save him, but he sank before [reached the spot and and has not since been seen. Though I dived for the body, I could find no trace of it. I then hurried and got some of the neighbors to assist me. ï¬scarcled in vain that night, after which we. notified the police when the river was dragged and the search kept up. for the remainder of the week. Up to the present the body has not been found though the river is being watched as far as Battleford. Mr. Campbell leaves a wife and little son fourteen months old. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Camp- bell, of Bentinck, near Dornoch," vvwrbvv‘-d - --- .â€"â€"â€"â€" -_ _ The-cause of nice lessness in reâ€"i movedâ€"health is res credâ€"you can. work. eat, sleepâ€"feel like new after? using Ferrozone. Don't put offâ€"get! Ferrozone to-day. it does cure insom- nia. 50¢. per box at all dealers. . Without sleep there can be no bod- ily or mental vigor, consequently sleeplessness is a dangerous condi- tion. Nothing so surely restores “(to as Ferrozone: it’s harmlessâ€"just a nourishing. stren thening. tonic. Ferrozone vita izes every pert ot the bury, makes the nerves hardy, cogpletely rebui‘lds‘ the system. e____.___ 2- -A We thank Mr. Reynolds for his ac- count of the accident, of which we were not previously advised as to part‘culars. um vuu SLEEP wu’†? Better Correct latter: Before Nerves and Health are Shattered. WEBTEBN PAIR. LONDON- A pretty wedding took place at St. Andrew's Presbyterian mansm Winniq peg. on June 30th. the parties united being James Bell. of Oakville. and Georginia Pearl Newburn, second daughter or Mr. and Mrs. George Newburn. of Owen Sound. Rev. J. MacMillan performed the ceremony. The bride looked charming in a love- ly gown of royal blue silk with hat and veil to match. Thereafter a dainty wedding breakfast was served in the Imperial Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Bell. who were the recipients of many valuable presents, will take up their residence at Ingleside Farm. Man. The CHRONICLE for ALL the NEWS. Obstructing the sidewalk. standing in doorways, leaning against build- ings, sitt?ng on fences, using improi er language. or committing any kind of nuisance to the annoyance of the pub- lic. are violations of the town By- law tor the moral improvement of the place. Against thee and many other offenses. tl‘e town constable has been instructed by the council to take prompt action, and, feeling Le will not be do'ng his duty if he neglect to do so, he is determined to act. In or- der to give everyone a chance to es- cape punishment, he wishes to give fair warning. If, after this notice, any one is persistently found guilty he will have but himself to blame it summary proceedings are at once en- tered. As no liquor is now legally retailed, and there is practically no drunkinness in the place, the work is materially reduced, and the public are, or should be, in possession of their sober senses, and capable of steering clear of the law and its consequences. A GENERAL WARNING. "Hecla†Furnace BELLâ€"NEW BURN. These Joints are made by fusing the steel and cast iron parts together at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused Joints are permanently airtight. Even after 20 years’ use they will not work loose or leak. They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. The Steel-Ribbed Fire Pot used on the “Hecla†Furnace has three times as much radiating surface as any other style of ï¬re pot. It will save fuel for you and give ’you more heat. - It extracts from the ï¬re, heat that would otherwise go up the chimney. you get the nutritious properties of the best hard wheat in its ï¬nest and purest form. It always produces uniformly light, wholesome bread or pastry because its quality never varies. If your grocer does not carry Royal Household Flour, he will get it for you. All flour is made from wheat. But there are different kinds of . wheat and several ways of milling. When you select Royal Household Flour Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., ltd. s IONTIEAL. Let us show you the 1908 “ Beck†and explain On the latest improvements in detail. Means Perfect Healing without Gas, Bus! or Smoke. The “ Hecla†Furnace is the only Furnace with Fused Joints. Mr. Wm. Ashley, 527 Seig- near: St., Montreal, sayszâ€"“I suffered cruelly from sore feet, which became rnw and hlistered. Some days I was hardly ehle to walk home from work, and othersI had to leave oil about 3 o’clock Powders, selves and ointments of all kinds I tried in vnin. sometimes actually work- ing with them in my boots. I was advised to try Zam-Bulr, and in a few hours it reduced the smarting and soreness. I kept on with it, putting a little on each night. In a few dnys the soreness wasnllgone. feet sud; , and macaroni oorefeet, ch 3, orbliotenng' will ï¬nd relief in Zulu-But. Of all stoves and medicine vea- don at 5°C. a box. or lam-Bulk Co., Toronto. Cures cent... pniric itch. all the... inn-ct Clings, sunburns, cuts. bun... god ull skin injuriu and clerks, bricklayer; policemen end postmenâ€" dl who huve to be on their feet-.1141}, and sufl‘erfrom 5’4“