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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Aug 1908, p. 2

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" )ZOT :21- : cossitm , 'he THV' , ' «'Intv 0f ‘1' ; . T8if‘!“ ; . . :1. 1S0;o '{ELNG L9? 19. CON A 1:)...‘45- nnr {iii ; ,‘TOTS 27 A IA' .? Concesaic l ‘ .. n_by,gqutai ‘EI'UIII l ‘ I!" (III. ‘II' Vuvu-v- pun CHOICE OF Two HOUSES nnn 0n Countess St.. brick. 8 rooms, '1 one mum dwelling. Good bank barn ' good frame barn. Will be sold in block .1 ivided to suit purchasar. Terms made ,fpwn on application. Hugh Fulton, Ado .“ aistntor. Hampdon, P. O. 9;“ 13. if lb] LVU uu; ........ _ Egremont. 3 miles north of Holstoin. 'Eaining 100 acres, about 21) acres cleared in good state of cultivation. good brick lliug large frame hammer". barn, wol ' ed and well watered. good orchard.5f ' ’50 from schml and 1 mile from church. by terms. For further mrt'iculars apply ."ohn H. Sharpe. Holstein P.O. " [625-1mptf . ,, fl F ' l mutorial such us timber. brick. stnne, in cases where the buildings cannot be , are also ofl'ornd for sale. ted June 4th 1W. A pl to j [9 1yRLFORD Durham. -~ fly is well fenced and well watered l acce t $3010 on terms to suit marches- “ App y to W. F. Dunn, Agent for Ven- [April 29â€"“. 'L gopli: the anns‘hip of Normanny. a?! of Grey. For particulars . elfnrd. Barrister. Durham. 0 3. 1W.â€"tf will rent one or more years. a most of tent in improvements. dings. soil water. ovchard and timber good. Apply to J. Ritchie. Port I 100 ACRE FARM WITHIN TWO WWELINE} AND SHOP. ON * Mill Street, Durham. 1102': frontage ply 19 Wnlliam Lnidhw l NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS ON 1 Queen and Countess Streetsâ€"good “ion. prices reasonable Apply to "a Smith or at the Post Ofice. Lot No. I. E G Ilenelg. 100 zcre~ i .Farm” at the R! lute possos‘inn ui iv to J. P. 'I‘elfurd Flu bvuv-â€" __- -_ 1. Mrs. Benjamin Mole. small brick cot.- 3 containing seven rooms. An acre and lt'ot' good land. containing good bearing rd. One of the best locations in upper . Durham. The very best. drainage water supply Immediate possession. I sell right on easy terms. Applv to A. ackson. Durham. or to A. Mc'l‘avish. _ rville. [625lmp ‘.___- NUMBER OF IMPROVE!) VAL- U-- rone on Countess St. brick. 8 rooms, tend closet. 2 cellars. furnace. etc..â€" ' le with 4 single stall. 1 box stall. 2 car- appartments and ice hon-e â€"-Or one le tenement house. upper town. stone lmart 8 rooms. bath. furnace and cellar . Mother part. 6 rooms and cellar. Apply “Pluck. [72t km nnswmcnor Ten .LATE Propertyfor 8910, "UUBU. El 0 u“ aw vvvvv KI Street. in upper town} jams lot with no. firth-Ins well. also ciatern. Apply .romises. Angus Cameron. [31%. Vvv.’ wv_-_._ storey dwelling. alongside Presby- n Manse property in Upper Town, ham, Corner of Durham and Elgin u. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, nt floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- in good locality. Good frame arable. and soft. water. one acre of land. Snap nick purchaser. For further particu- ap ly to John W. McKechnie. Owner. V augeen P . O. wn of Durban. eee buildings must be removed at an :1? date. in order to clear the line of right IDI E UNDERSIGNED OFFERS iv. 5 tf. M is}: 1906â€"": o f G 00 D COMFORTABLE Mm. Apply to J. M. Lstimor. “23 ' t GOOD SOLID 3319K “TWO Rumor: 100 ACRE FARM AT the Rocky. immediate possession giv- For further garticulars apply to . P. TELFQRD._ i‘arms for Sale. i L051 -fl-» ._.â€"- .-_...___.- -â€"â€"â€"- ~â€". 13 AVl) 11 (ON. :3. .\ DE. A “GCLD RING, NO 30M PORTABLE COTTAGE AN D 0 acres of land awaits Mr. Thos. ,ins. convenient to urban. Cottage fins 6 rooms. good woodshed. good Ma- non house, nevpr failing. we‘ll“ E‘xceu- ble farms in New Ontavio. near sheatd fur saleâ€"large discuunt fur flap 0’ the lncality and terms given Icatiun to J P 'l‘eltord, Snlivitur for 7 18 06 â€"â€"tt W :873 élâ€"IX THE snag-ND 901i- m ACRE FARM A'I‘ GLAS- 'red ;u “fist of the Garafraxa Road. nWfls‘hip of Normanby. in the '(;re_\'. For palticplus apply to There is no formality about opening 3 Saving: Account with this Bank. Courteous clerks will make the first steps my for you if you wisl} to begin saving your spare dollars. for" gardening. Apply to Anton )5 acres bush. frame barn nus! be sold. A. N. Jackson 227th To Rent. ND 3RD DIVISION OF E G R.. in the Township H'l’e- klmwnas the “McKin- the Rucky Saugeen. Im- inn given. For particulars ‘plfnrd. 3 11 O7“t Appl to . P {ELFORD Durham. Banking Made Durham. with '7 g l % cinnawéfii sTnATFORD. ONT. â€" _ â€"_._ A THREE YEAR OLD HQRSE FROM Mark Langdon’s, Kenilworth, on or about June 26th, dark sorrel, left. front foot white and both hind feet, white strip on face, driving horse. Anyone sending information as to its whereabouts will be suitably rewardrd. WM. PEARCE, VVeslnjy' P. 0., or MARK LANGDON, Kenilworth. TWO THRESHING OUTFITSâ€"One plain engine, 12 h. p.. and ape trac- tion (ngine, 14 h. p. All up good running order. At a bargam. ‘â€"..‘~ 1" Ant? "__._._-- L RUBBER HUG. ()wxEH \IAY L in) e same by paying ox: 911585 of ad sertmrg and pruning claim. Call at Smith" Harness Shup, [5'28t Council met August 3rd. Minutes sustained. ReSpecting the water grievance of W. J. McEncLern, an arzvicable agreement wao arrived at and signed by all parties. l’hilpâ€"Lothianâ€"Thut we accept of thv tender of R. Grafton for the construction of McNair's bridge. at. $301.00. Municipality to supply all necessary timbers.-â€"Carri9d. Road COmm S ionf'l‘s' Renol‘iS.â€"Com- Lothian reported having Spent $115.00 in his divisiun. Chiefly by days labor. in churgv of :1 puthmastcr, consisting of grading and gravoling and some necessary repairs. Commissioner’s {09%, $6.00. Com. Hunter reported Sp' n'ling $115 90 in his division. as above. Com- missioner‘s fees. $12.00. Com. Ferguson reported an expen- diture. of $56.25 in his division, ch'efâ€" 1y by days labor. Commissioner's tees, $4.00. ' PRINCIPALS. ‘ “‘mm% ‘ 'Q Com. Philp reported spending $176.30 in his division as above. Com- mis.~ioner's tees. $7.50. As the. townhip of Egremont has been instrumental in obtaining legisn lation to have the aSSessmc-nt made in‘ October, and the Rolls to he returned April 30th followingâ€"It was re- solved that we ask for applications for Assn-3'” at next mea-t'ng for mak- ing the assessment for the township for 1909 as aforesaid, and a. By-law be prepared to that effect, also a supplementary By-law to issue Deben- tun-s for the deficit on Drain No. l, E. and P., and a By-law to levy the rates for 1908.--Carried. Lothinnâ€"Hunterâ€"That the follow- ing accounts he paid: For gravel and :1 few minor accountS. $87.24. To C. Drumm. 32 bags cement. $16.00. Clerk pmtuue and registration on Voters’ List, $1.36. 0. M. Seim, printing the Voters’ Lists, etc., $48.50. James Shea, on drain N0. 3, $180.00. J.D. Ellis, on drain No. 2, $60.00. ..VVm. Abcrdlno, operating grader. $32.10. GCLD RING. NO. 6, SET WITH five Opals, bntwcen the telephone office and Charter Smith’s resi- den0c. The 10>er went on West side of Garafruxa St., the North side of Lambton, and the \V'est side of Queen. Finder may leave it at the Chronicle oftice or at the Post 0:. £109. Reward. â€"__._â€" Lotbianâ€"Hunterâ€"That we adjourn to meet on Monday. let Sept. School trustees‘ requisitions must be all in before that dateâ€"Carried. July 23-08 1m. Having sold out my shoe business to Mr. Thomas McGrath, I take this opp )rtunity of thanking my customers for their patronage, and at the same time requesting all who are indebted to me to call at the store and settle their accounts at once as costs will be added after the First of September. August 10. 1908. The sooner you complete a course in this school the sooner you may ex- pect to hold a position of trust. Our courses are thorough and practical. Our students always succeed. We assist graduates to positions. We have three departments .â€"Commer- cial. Shorthand and Telegraphic. We employ experienced instructors. Catalogue tree Elliott 8. Mclachlan Fell Term opens September 1st Strayed or Stolen. STRATFORD. ONT. Egremont Council. ZEFNAS 'CLARK, \‘arney. For Sale. Found. NOTICE. Lost. DAVID ENTRICKEN D. ALLAN, Clerk. 51 Branch. A convention of the supporters of the. Provincial Rights party in the oonstitmncy of Francis was held at Stouszhton on \Vedm-sduy :l"ternoon to select a c-nnd':d.r.e for thvf- forth- coming: election The congtitu'incy was well repl‘ezn- ted. Mr \‘x'.-‘-.<‘t.g.lt€-, oi Fruncfs, was upp'finitfid chairman o” the. convention. Six nominnii'ns wtre made as follows: E. M. Gates, and Dr. Malian, 0’. Fillmore; l). Don- nelly, and Ed. Slntwr. 0’ Stoug'h- ton; Dr. Connell, of 'l‘yvun; and I". J. ‘Noods, of Howard. Dr. Muhun was unable to he pres-nt, owing to pro- fessional busincsw, but he wired his acceptance of the Crind7d11cy. Upon receipt of the doctor'q :vccl-ntunce, the other nonnTne‘ 3 declined to stand, and Dr. Malmn was made the unani: mous choice of the convention with- out a vote. Dr. Muhun '8 well known and p0pular throughout the. constit- uency, a man of world judgment and business ability. and he should make u creditable showing at the polls.â€" Heward, Sask, “Chronicle.” Everywhere you s-q-e peonle with sore, running eyes. catarrhal sneez- ing, nose. colds and headaches. 'l‘hrsn are. the first stages of Hay Fever, which increase in severity till frost comes. Only sure cure known is to inhale Catarrhozone. It destroys the germ, gives relief in a few minutes, cures thoroughly. Doctors recom- mend Catarrhozone because safe and efficient. Sold by all dealers for $1. Try thTs guaranteed cure for Summer Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever. It nev- er fails. When Dr. Mearna, satiated with civic honors, having had the. mayor- alty for eight terms‘ stepped down from the big chair last January. he little thought that he would again fill it before the end of the year. But such is the. case. The resignation of Mayor Taylor to take the clerkship rendered vacant by the retirement of that veteran, Duncan Campbell. left the mayoralty Open. and at the nom- ination meeting, held on Wednesday evening of last week, the doctor's name wzm the only one mentioned. In accepting the position, Dr. Mearns said that he had no intention of re- enter'ng tl e Hanover civic arena, but would finish -out the. year. The doughty doctor has had many a gal- lant fight for Hanover‘s first position but with the. smoke of battle away in the distance he is generally Given credit with having, been a mighty good mayor and all hands‘ were pleas- ed to have him step into the breach.â€" Hanovcr I’ost. No pliys'cian was more. succes's'ful in: treating stomach and liver troubles! than Dr. Hamilton. He avoided harsh‘ medicines and produced a wonderful pill of vegetable composition that. al- ways cures. Dr. Hamilton’s l’ills are noted for promptly eur'ng billioumuxss‘ sfck headachus. constipation and stom- ach trouble. They work like a charmâ€"very mildâ€"yet searching and health-giving. Nowhere can a better tonic laxative be found than in Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Try them and be convinced, 25c. at all dealers. Dr. Hamilton Follows Nature’s Pi'an Rev. G. H. Brown, of the BaptistI church, Beamsville. was drowned on Thursday afternoon last at Jordan Harbor, while attending the Sunday school pic-nic of the. Baptist church. A man named McEnteer was swim: ming ahead of Mr. Brown. when the latter called for assistance. saying he was tired. Mr. McEntc-er turnc-d and went back, and Mr. Brown put his hand on his shoulder. He was being assisted to shore when he suddenly sank, drawing . Mr. -McEnteer with him. The latter freed himself and rose. to the surface. but was unable to render assistance. Deceased was 52 years of age,he'.ng born at Beams- rville. in 1856. He succeded Rev. C. J. McLean ,this town as pastor of Beamsville Baptist churchâ€"Mentord wmrror.‘ I If you are. constantly keyed up,I nervous, perhaps depressedâ€"look to your overworked nerves as the cause. They are starving for the nourish- ment that Ferrozone so quickly sup- plies. Besides its tonic action on the nervous system, Ferrozone has mar- velous blood-forming preperties. It thus supplies strengthening materials to every nook and corner of the body and brings the system to a condition of perfect health. To be strong, to ‘eat well, and work long without fa- tigue, use Ferrozone; it is the best nerve system tonic known. At all dealers in 50c. boxes. County and District. DR MAHAN N OMINATED. Peter May, or Thornhury, employ- ed as dump hand on the scow work- ing in connection with the dredge in the harbor, was the victim of a pain- ful accident about 3.30 yesterday af- ternoon which deprived him of his left thumb. May was in the act of dumping the scow when his hand in some manner got caught between the wood work and the bar, practically taking off his thumb, which was left dangling from the hand by a portion of skin. May also complained 0! an injury to his shoulder, ’which was found to be severely bruised. May was attended by Dr. Jordan, who amputated the thumb and dress- ed the hand in his usual akiltul man- na. â€"Clarksb_urg Reflector. , Do You Lack Self Control? Hay Fever Sufferers. Thumb taken off. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Arte‘mes'a Council met on Saturday lust. All the members were present, the. rceve in the chair. Minutes: of IEISC arc-t ng wereJ‘cud and comirnu (1. Tim following accounts for gravel as eeertiliod by overs-"cm were ordorr-d to be. pa’d: G. Moore, $2.65; E. Cums, $100: H.1’atter90n, T. L. A. ::n<l l'.. $3.65: 'John \Vright. 900.; J. R. Pod- im‘, 3:1.30- John Teeter. $3.65; .l..;. ,C‘livc-r. 'l‘ L A. and I’., 750.; Mrs. J. Jamie-.0911, $435; \V.C. \Vhite, 7330.; S. [’odlur, $3 30; James 1171]. $3 00; ,Clivc-r. 'l‘ L. A. anu Ln, my... .1113. Jamie-.0911, $435; \V.C. \Vhite, 7330.; S. [’odlur, $3 30; James 1171]. $3 00; John White, #330: George Mom" . T. L A. and P, $1.05: J. E. “Wight. 5‘3 65: Peter Muir, $2.00. Carson â€"McK(nzle -â€"Th:1t Eff-laws No. 703. to levy rates. and 704-705. 1'1)- pufnting W.L. Wright, N. McKin- non. S. Gilbert and R. Mc-ldrum as collx-‘ctors of rates, be road a. sr-cnnd time. â€"C;1rried. Tle third ruding will he. made at next Sa-ssion of Coun- cil. MoKenzicâ€"Bestâ€"That Mr. \Vrigrht be paid the sum of $10 for five days‘ quporintonding work with grader.â€" Carried. Beetâ€"Wrightâ€"That the account of H. W'ilson for repairing grader, $7.75, be. paid.-â€"Carried. V Bc.§t-â€"C:irsonâ€"That the account of Norris Bros. for wire fencing;r for town hall lot, $11.64, be paid.-â€"Car. \Vrightâ€"Bestâ€"That A. Carson be paid $4 for two days' work on com- mittee at Gillies’ deviation, and that A. Muir be paid $8 for two days on South Line. committee work at Gil- lies deviation, and two days with surveyor.-â€"Carried. McKenzieâ€"Best- That the reeve’s report of exlrenditure re buildingr Beaver bridge on Valley Road to re- place bridge destroyed by fire be received and he be paid $4 for letting and inepecting the workâ€"Carried. McKenzieâ€"Wrightâ€"That Mr. Cur- son he paid the sum of $10.00 for five day’s superintending work with gru- darnâ€"Carried. McKenzieâ€"Carsonâ€"That in conse- quennce of the apprOpriation for the several divisions heing insufficient to meeturgent requiremenst, an addi- tional sum of $100 be granted to he eXpended on the roads of each divi- si.on â€"Carried. ' Wrightâ€"Bestâ€" 'lhat the matter of complaint of John Wright and F. G. Karstcdt regarding the flooding of their cellars through alleged defec- tive. drains, the attention of tllx' l’o- Carsonâ€"Bestâ€"That the move and Mr. McKenzie be paid $3 each for letting and insnecitng bridges re- ported dangerous, and having the same repairedâ€"Carried. W'rfglot- adsorb-That Mr. Best be paid $8.00 for four day‘s work over- see'ng work with grader.â€"Carriod. lice Trustees be called to the said drains, and that the solicitor’s Opin- ion be procuer as to the liability of this corporationâ€"Curried. Mc Kenzieâ€"Wrightâ€"That \V. II. Thurston be paid $65 on printing con- tractâ€"Carried. Council adjourned.â€"Fleshertou Ad- vance. Few People in Durham really know how Slow eating and regular meals is of great benefit to a wrong acting stomach. Those who suffer with in- digestion and weak stomach can with care and the use of Mi-o~na stomach tablets restore the digestion to a healthy condition so that they can eat what they want at any time without fear of distress or suffer- ill;:. Do you eat right ? After a New day‘s use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets, the headachm. dizzy feeling‘ drowsiness. bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue. flatulencn, sleeplesmns-a, distress uftvr eating.â€" all th( 8:) symptoms 0f a we .k 8.0mach --will disappear, and perfect digvstion and good health wlll be restored. Mucfarlun-n 8:. Co. have so much confidence in the power of Mi-oâ€"nu to cure indigestion that they guar- antee satisfaction or money back. Price 50 cents. Mr. \Villiam Little. died on Sunday in the. General Hospital after an ill-1 ness which lasted only about two‘ weeks. Deceased, who was a brother of the. editor of the Advertiser, Mr. J. H. Little, was seventy-two years of age. and came to Owen Sound in 1872. He was a cobbler by trade, and Was a well-known figure in the com- munity. He is survived by two bro- thers, Mr. J. H. Little and Mr. John Little of Ethelburt, Man.,'and two sisters, Mrs. Caldbeck, Des Moines. Iowa, and Mrs. Scollen, Hamilton, Ont. The funeral took place on Tues- day afternoon from Mr. J. H. Little‘s residence, 94 Hill street, to Green- wood ccmetery.â€"Owen Sound Times. One in Seven Called by Comnmj Mr, Little worked at his trade here a few years age.â€"Ed. Chronicle. â€"One in seven called by consumption A dreadful plague inde-:d when you consider that in incipient stages it can be cured. Take care of the little cold betbre it becomes a big one. When the throat is sore and it hurts to expand your chest, rub in Nervi- line and immediately apply one or Polson’s Nerviline Porous Plasters. Pain and tightness are at once reliev- ed. Inflammation and soreness grad- ually disafpear and fatal illness is thus avoi ed. Nerviline Plasters act as: counter irritant oyer the_seat_ or pain, and as an exterior application in curing colds in the muscles, in pleurisy and headaches they have no equal. Keep these remedies right in yoor home. Artemesia Council. Death of William Little. The. council met July 11th, pursuant to adjournment, all the members present, the reeve. in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications read as follows: From W. F. Dunn. re Walk- erton. Lucknow Ry. By-laws. From the committee appointed to examine new road and crossings. their report. Account from Joseph Sclinitzler for cedar. From the clerk of Egremont, an account for town line. repairs. From the Municipal World, account for supplies. From John Stothart, an order for Police Village work. From John Kelly, statement of Muni- cipal funds in bank. From the sev- eral ward Commissioners, reports on ward expenditures to date. l-Iuntâ€"Nichol-That order of Police Trustees otPricevill-u in favor of John Brown, be. paid.â€"Carricd. J. Young, $1.20: J. 0. Greenwood. .434; Thos. Nichol, $4.30; D. McCormick. $2.80: Mrs. Britton, $3 50; Donald Mc- Arthur, $4.50: M. Burke, $3.40: Rich. Haley, $3.80; James Banks. $3.60.â€"Ca r. “’eir-â€"McMillanâ€"Thut gravel ac- counts be. paid as follows: J03. At- kinson. $3.50; Abe Crutchley. $3.00: Ellen Barry, $1.20: Peter Morrison. $2.50; J. J. White. $2.10; \Vm. Leg- ate. $3.25; Chas. Tibbut. $5.80; Hum. McFadden, $1.40; W. \Veir, $4.00; W. Huntâ€"“'eLrâ€"Thut W'. Moore it paid .‘2.00 for conveying patient to House of Refuge, and that \‘Vm. R. “2.1901: be paid $1.50 for attendance on EuiJ patient.â€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Weirâ€"That cheques is- sued for the following amounts be Ward appropriations for the several wards. Ward ], “’illiam Weir, Commission- er, $198.50. Ward 3. 'l‘hos. Nichol. Commissioner. $180.00. VVaxd 2, J. A. McMillan, Commis- sioner, $221.20. Ward 4. E. W. Hum. Commisxionur. $211.56. Total, $802.26. MtMillanâ€"Huntâ€"Thut “'ard appro- priations be further increased by the amount of $75.00 to each want-Car. Weirâ€"McMillanâ€"That repairs for grader amounting to $1.45 be paid. "Curlifd. lhmtâ€"Nicholâ€"That Joseph Schnitz- lcr be paid $2.75 for cedar for culvert at lot 16, con. Iiiâ€"Carried. lIuntâ€"Nicholâ€"That the following amounts be paid to the committm a..- poir.t€d to insnect the new road and crossing of the Walkertonâ€"Lucknov- Railwey, vizzâ€"Thos. McFadden $3.00. \Villium \Veir, $2.00 and J. A. McMil- lan $2.00, and that their'roport on road be acceptedâ€"Carried. Weirâ€"Huntâ€"That Hugh Edwards be paid $1.60 for supplies for Mrs. Ginaâ€"Carried. “'cirâ€"Huntâ€"That \Vnrd Commis- sioners be paid $15.00 each as com- mission on (‘xpenditures.â€"Carxi~.-d. McMillanâ€"Huntâ€"That the Munici- pal W'orld be paid $5.95 (or municipal supplies.â€"Carried. The council adjourned to August 8th at 10, a. m. Should not be allowed to undermine health. on this subject but the epxorionce of many a poor woman who is crippled for life. Just because she didn't use a good remedy in time, should be a warning to others. When the first stages of woman- hood appear in a young girl. a great deal depends in getting her over this critical stage. so that in years to come she will not deveIOp green sickness or consumption. When she complains of flushed face headache be iring down feelings, give her a course of Ferrozone which will carry her past the crisis. In the. adult woman if any irregu- larities occur. Ferrozone Will be found a remedy of remarkable po- tency and power. Ferozone is the ideal regulator and causes all oegans of the body to per- form their work prooerly. It purifies the blood, tones up the nerves and vital energies. The stom- ach is strengthened and digestive and assimilative rocesses are im- proved by the goo work of Ferro- zone. It regulates the bowels, cures constipation and piles. and replaces dfsease and decay by health and Strength. l'"l""'" choéolifeâ€"boated tal 99d ple‘qsant Ato take. and pleh'saâ€"n't“ 't-oâ€" “it: "lyric: 50c or three boxes for $1.25. all drugclutu. . There is nothing better for the com- plexion than Ferrozone. It removes the dark circles from under the eyes, removes and cures all manner of skin eruptions, gives brightness and bril- liancy to the eyes. a rosy tint to the cheeks. whitens the teeth and devel- Ops a well-rounded, plump and hand- some form. Ferrozone is the ladies‘ favorite. and should find a place in every house- hgld. It is pceparedjp the form 9! s A-_I,A It is impossible to go into details Womanly' Troubles , Capital and Rest, $6,350,000 Many people are good workers but poor savers. Learnt save in the working daysâ€"and thus provide for the da 0 when sickness and old age come. y ' The best_ proyision is 3 Savings Account in the Trader, â€"-â€"\, 3 k. $l .00 opens an accouxit. 0“ WhiCh were“ is com an Pounded 4 timtes a year. Glonelg Council. J. S. BLACK. Clerk Brunch-s also gt Mount Forest and A310“. - â€"_ - “7“;â€" urepai'ed in the“ form of a ated tablet. convenient to take. Price per qu. -_ _____ A. no . C. TELFORD, Manager. INCORPORATED 1006 THE Is PUBLISHED EVERY TH ['35le Y W'RNIXG At the Chronicle Printing House . G Street. an Subscription T"? (1‘? ¥“"" 2*" “i” bum hm o O :lni‘lflfi‘n‘ l.-"T.hl 1”“. 0f lam“... _.l.50 may be chargezr 1251.131, .5:."‘P:'{,1{"‘T'm to which every subscriptinn 1h pan! 19-day “ the rmmber on the addn-n lalw}. .\'o a???” commuted to all arrears are paid. except“: option of the proprietor. Adve I. o”! Fur trannlo-m advemwg cents per line for the f: n.’ - ' n Elm . tum; 3 cents pc-rlme eachtub Inont inneztion‘ minim: measure. a“ ant-do. not exceeding one invh ““3133... ! Advertisements without n-‘pH'ifir «lira-tim‘ be published ti" forbid and rhmgml ak'ffll'dhtltl Transient noticesâ€""L: st. " ‘1Fm1m!7 ‘1’"! SIN”. IHE UUHHAM EHHUN A" ndvér'tiuementa. t0 eusun- “Micah I current; week. should be bmugln in Dolmen. TUIBDA! morning- ‘ All advertisements onlerrd In Mr 1 be oald for in advance. 3 1cm In Contract rates for \ear _\ adwmsemu m “that! on application to 1h.1 mm c is eunmlneh Hmlud titt' . Th. Jab ° VE‘V 'l YP E. Hmz- aflnrdmflu DOWMt ilitiontor turning out hm.“ l. 6. Hutton. I. 0., C. I. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR 9900 and George Strnetsâ€"thcf Meth lat Church Office hours-9413].. 2-4 o.m.. 7-9 0.1!). Telenlmue N0. 10. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short dieunce east of Knapp‘a Hotel, lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durhu Ofieo hours from 12 to 2 o'clock HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF- 600 in the New Hunter Block. Ofia honn,8t010 a. m. to4p. m. aud7u9 p. In. S pocul attention gixen to dim 1f women ”and children. Residence op- ooaito Prubvtorun Chunh. (at. Auhhnt Roy. London Ophtbnln‘x Eu. “1.. Old “Golden Sq. Tbmt and Sou In. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THROAT nose L. B. C. 13.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London. 3" York and Chicago. M 0! Eye. Ear Nose and That. Will be it Kmpp Home. Durham. $02115 8‘“!!le in “Ch month. kurs-lâ€"G ch Dentist. OFFICE: Over .1. ac l: [1 W of Toronto. (Graduate 50)" 001101!!! 000“] Surgeons ufommo. Dentistry in all its lh'alu‘ms- . Gagesâ€"Calder Block, mar PtM 0““ JVI’ ' ' Store Lo . Ivor Town. Durham. Any ““0““ on W- “ .0 Drs. lamieson Maclaurin. to Lonaâ€"Vut'Low est Rites. Gamaâ€"Helm} re Block Bank. Durban. Ouuriu. U'uusx rununp, L/\r.uAu-* or. Convoyumer. c. lusunwf “HEY 0f ”fl mat. Honey to Loan 1‘ rim Ls... ' ' ‘ “mama A 8000"” ”Mum 0mm on. (Lower To” ) Jvu“ UMADRQ U‘V“"'â€" w m for the County of Grey. be It“ pro- and 00. Orders In“. a ts_hhpulz;hna.tdWaroroqqfi.flf§‘w DURHAM, ONT 1.1. GRANT, D. D. s .L.D s. [ONOR GRADUATE. I‘NIVEBSI-I ABRISTEE . SOLICITOR‘. ARBISTER. SOLICITOR. GU ’ -"YNIOQI'I. Notarv l’ubhc Etc EDITOR AND memmwm 75 Branches Medical Dz’rmorr. Dr. W. C. Pickering Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Dz'mlorr DR. BRO-3 “‘7 Legal 'Dimlon’ W. IRWIN A. H. Jackson. Mtscellaneous. W. F. Dunn, )3. Frost St ,Owrn 8W“. I. P, Telford. DR. BURT. 0Y0? J. Hum” 3031' Aug. 1-3,- 1908 mole“!!!- ’w What? 8 10d value ‘mo I006!" ‘ “k9 «can comm 0‘" " Went. OI! .U pmhfl‘flv F Wflflalyconfldemin am free. Oldest BL'N'“? Pawn“ men tbrnuu mum withoutc see our A‘ le Linen. .p.’ _- val‘do fiéfnitiiig.fl.mer hum. Gleuelg. l Bun. (,‘ood l-‘nrm Will sell for 8111” lures. Gleneln. WM (09‘; Buildmczfi. chear Pumps. en do basinvss \\ Dacron. extra “and Bui‘. tll nearly the 52'01 ask Nut Crawford 1’ .( ! acre blinding lot in ‘3 chap. ur trlde for any “t. “'0". or “in.“ a .1 ’fowty “Ml". Shd hHl' Easy to hand Debts ( wk." and Ocean 'l‘u-kv [suck in Dmham Cle I! buds for sale cheap. le PUIPS A x 1) Wm. In. Won: GL‘ARAN let live” Puma H. Sells Cheap Always Prompt l TOXERE and t unprepared tofu BIG LEAVE T( I‘l]\lnnh‘nl|d HM ' ‘6 “v. worked Datum, Ry. « ‘00. Will) (:vlln you want in m ” ALL URI”: mar Ht‘finwah .- the H Seed Cor Rape f Lwe Curtains MANG SEE 2 yds. “‘ SAVE KONEY 7 54in. \Vit M. Ferm 68in. \\ unnvvl' l He 01? 54in. W The Ha: (Hixlfl' GEORGE V counu'rl RIM RELIABI ul HUI and GO TO 60 YE TRADE Mil 330.0", Short-I N1

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