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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Aug 1908, p. 8

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:3... _ . IT 0. I} I" i o: At our August prices.=-====We have reduced our prices for the month of Aug. for two reasons: First, we must make room for a MAMMOTH STOCK to arrive; and second, because we want stock reduced before stock=taking, and in order to do so will give = =- = b.0000... 000mm Wmnens‘ rt 11'sets from... .................. .47» cotton hose from ............ .12 neat fitting white canvas shoes 1.10 Queen Alexandra shoes ' ...... 1.60 “ chocolate shoes .................. 1.7;") Prints, neat patterns, from ............ .08 Flanelette, from ........................ .06 Men’s working shoes from ............ ' ...... 1.20 “ fine shoes from .................. 1. 39 "‘ King Edward shoes .................. 4. 00 “ working shirts from .................. .39 “ fine shirts, from .................. .49 “ overalls, from ........................ .39 “ felt hats, from ........................ .40 OUR STOCK of wall paper is complete, it 18 the celebrated “Staunton” make . “ “ ready-made clothing 13 the “Fashion” brand. None better “ “ “ working shoes 13 the “Sterling” brand. The name inspires con- fidence H McKechnies’ Big Departmental Store Butter and Eggs taken as cash and the Highest Price: Paid ‘6 “ groceries is ‘A C- A dollar saved is a dollar made as is fresh and good. Granulated sugar to arrifi 2O tbs. for $1.00.â€"The same quality as We sold three ago 22 lbs. for $1.00 have reduced our .12 1.10 1.60 1.7;") .06 1. 20 1. 39 The Stery of ohobei, the Leader of the Duelists. Rather Than Tarniah His Reputation For Bravery He Accepted the Prince's Invitation and Went Voluntarily to tive of the courage of the “bravis,” or i duelists, who flourished in Yeddo dur- ing the sixteenth century. forming a sort of Japanese St. Hermindad. Cho- bei, the leader of this clique, was a re- doubtable swordsman, whose constant- ly recurring duels forced his master to expel him from his retlnue. Unwilllng to enlist with another of the feudal lords, be assembled all the D’Artagnans of Yeddo about him until his power in- cited even the princes to envy, al- though they declined to recognize the outlawed duelist. On this pretense he was excluded from a popular tea house one day at an hour when was expected Juirozaye« mon, the leader of the Hatamotos, then the most influential political party in ‘Japan, who had arrogated the city of ’ Yeddo for the official residence. But Chobel. with a shrug of his shoulders, forced his way past the attendants into the apartments reserved for the prince, where he removed his garments and cast himself on a couch in feigned slumber. “Who is that brute?” demanded the prince on his arrival. “The lrpder of the swordsmen.” they answered him. .luirozayemon seated himself in silence and began to smoke. Having smoked his pipe, be emptied the glowing cin- ders into the pretended sleeper's nos- trils. repeating this live times, when he paused. astounded by such courageous endurance. Chobel. noting this. yawn- ed, rubbed his eyes like one awakening from profound slumber and exclaimed: "I ha ve so long sought your acquaint- ance that you are forgiven. Be seated and accept this cup of wine. I beg you.” V'â€" “You on most noble master! And I, having drunk too much, should have slept uncovered before your eyes! How shall I excuse my vulgarity?" Politeness forbade Chobei to refuse a drop of the proflered cup. a huge beaker of powerful wine. oflered him in the hopes of overpowering him. But Chohei drained it easily and, replenish- ing it. presented it to his host, who ac. complished this feat with the utmost difficulty. “Will'your highness permit me to ofl'er you some gift of value?" Chobei asked humbly. u “Surely." “What do you most desire?” Thinking to render the brave ridicu- low; before the whole city. the prince said promptly: “A plate of macaroni.” “Ah. Chobei." thought he. “the whole town will soon be telling how the great duelist was permitted only to offer a plate of macaroni to the president of the Ilatamotos.” After a whispered colloquy the at- tendant disappeared, leaving the two enemies alone. smiling. but impassive. But soon a great noise penetrated the apartment, and the prince discovered a crowd of workmen busily constructing an immense wall of macaroni around the tea house. All Yeddo was assem- bled to view this unique and royal gift. Discomfited that the “bravo” should have outwitted his ruse, the prince de- parted to plan revenge. The following day brought with it an invitation from Juirozayemon to breakfast. Despite his comrade’s remonstrances Chobei insisted on accepting it. As he entered the prince’s dwelling the samurais threw themselves upon him with drawn swords. Chobei’s immense mus- cular strength enabled him to disarm them, when he proceeded unannounced to the rear apartment. “Pardon me, your lordship,” said be. “for announcing myself. Your attend- ants have forgotten to do so.” “Surely. Perhaps they have sought quarrel with you. "l‘was but a joke, for l wagered that all slx could not disarm you. Perhaps you would llke a bath to refresh yourself." Who shall say that Chobei was wise? Alone in his enemy’s houSe, be dis- carded his weapons, removed his gar- ments and crouched in the bath. The water that was at first hot was soon boiling. Chobel dashed from the bath. but ten spears held by Invisible hands forced him back. Suflocated by steam. exhausted by blood. Chobei fell dying to the ground. The samurais were still congratu- lating themselves on their. success when a loud knocking was heard. in- quiry revealed the dueling confeder- ates who were come to seek their leader. “He is drunk and cannot see you." “Our leader is dead. We have brought his bier.” The samnrsis were dumb with as» tonishmest. Chobei had divined the trap, yet. preferring to sustain his rep- utation of daring nntarnlshed by any accusation of fear, had voluntarily [one to his assassination. Hawaiian Gil-h. The Hawaiian girls are aimoat uni- versally handaome. They are brown in eolbr (not black): their eyes and teeth are magnificent: their hair straight. Jet black and often falling below their Tho Thom-y That Suffering ls Mental Moro Than Physical. A great deal of alleged physical suf- fering is primarily mental. A great many people have “fixed ideas" of dis- ease, pain, debillty, fatigue, dread. in. emciency and nnexpresslble woes. Much often than we realize these can be transplanted without surgery or medication. I do not mean that they arenotreslsnirerlnga. Tneyaroas real as the grave, but they are not grounded In physical mummy, 3nd they annottobecuredwlth physics. Themlndbecomeopoueuedotacon- fiction that a cemln part of the body is Inflrm nnd lmpntea pain to that put In splteot all the medicinal!) the world. Hundreds of people refuse to get wdl after the physical: hu cured them. It Is not his fault. nod It In not their fault. But they h". dmply had db- eue counted to then until they an- notthlnkntullexcoptnponthntu numpdon. It is on “unto suggestion." orltuntunuy ”Momma. onlywaytoremoveltbbythem on: counter suggestion of another per- son. Thomnoofn“nxed|du”ot Mlmubelngonlytheremovuota axed tdeuotdhanwhenthmm no omnic mason for it. will badly I?! disputed. Yet one cannot m Phat-c the multitude. that then m otthuoinnlkkcittlnglnpcddedcnh “4 In”!!! and! for mount-um tmnble is primarily menial. “a how and Bargains that will set the whole town talkingâ€"Better «3mm, early. Here is a splendid list of magnificent saw. ings.-â€"Read every word carefully. 2.! ap squares, nice colors, 2%)(3‘4 $13.30 for $9.50 1 wool square. good color, 3 x 3%, 9.00 7. J Union carpet 1 yd. wide .............. .33 .971‘ W. J. REID, President Western Fair ._...-..â€"-â€"_ .fi _ {hp Mvmding th“ ('. 1’. R. t‘ 11‘... Greatest Live Stock Exhibit'n London, $ept.11-19 W001 “ Tapestry carpet 1* ull P10013111 of “\ttlactions min; «I: xilx inwlminu' Kemp S Wild \\ est Slum. Bewt nf \Iusic. l irmwrh [Zach Evening ATHLETIC DAV, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 ‘ :yl (fume and enjoy yourself at Lundun's Pup‘l‘mr lam Misses’ skirts, colors and grey ...... Womens’ skirts, assorted colors. “ blue lustre skirts ......... “ black lustre skirts ....... REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Boys’ suits... Men’s suits “ .......................... 10.00. 11.00 7.41» See our Bargains in Boots and Shoes: Remember we are going out of the Hardware Everxthing in Hardware reduc- (:3 to cTear. Screen Dams, $1. ()0 for” . .75 Dittocmnpletv. $1.9 .5 for.. .85 Produce taken for Cash or Goods, highest price: paid ALEX. RUSSELL, Durham ‘6 (t £6 H THE BIG STORE ‘6 (‘ 6C rize Lists, lintm F01'111.. l’1'ug111111s 111111.- i11f01'111ati011 giwn 011 applicatiun 1H Groceries for Friday and Saturday 2 packages lUc corn starch for. . ........ S .15 2 bottles reliable shoe polish for .............. .17. fi lb. package shredded cocoa nut, 200, for. . .. .13 (1 bars Imptha snap ........................... .23 5 dnz. (lothes pins for ........................ .HJ 1 tin, lOc “Royal” baking powder ............ ,m 1 tin, .50 “ ............ .2” 2 tins. 10c “Ocean “ ave" baking powder. . .. .15 3 lbs. fancy mixed buscuits ................... .23 :5) lbs. granulated sugar fur .......... . ....... 1.1M 65 ‘6 ‘6 CC ‘6' of Western Ontario . Q O In tor tun. panama skirts. “ ‘6 rch for ......... . ...... :5 .15 polish for .............. .15 cocoa nut, 21k, for. . .. 1'; ,. re” baking powder. . . . .la :uits ................... .25 ' Vllvu LU uuuu-- _ 1 sum to “1‘ .e. um. . . Outtno 1897. chnptar 1:19” that . and other! “Vina chims man»! the Om” 0‘ “10. “id Alennder Hall the ywnll Who do | on or nhout the 25:1: d4 i“. m t0qnosted. on or before the m “‘5’ 0‘ Amt 18. to send by post Pm or dolmr toJohn son. and Allan 1 ,. “I. Town of Durban in the Cum!“ 0‘ Guy. Executor: of the lust Will a‘ . . meat of the aid deceased. them L rm” and surnames. “dresses an , tb tho full particuhrs of their chm“. r. “about 00' their accounts and the 9"“ of “I. securities. if any. held by them. All! fugue: «to notwe that after .11! Int “(33" duo the and Exocuw" m haiku” the users 0 and m the patios entitled W' hum mud 1* m” OLA- .h.‘ OLA-o‘h‘nlznwll‘filscg :ud M‘Aw III the later of the Estate of Metal” Bell the Younger. late of the To“ ‘ ”Irina, ll tllc Count) 0! (ire). deem“ Ditto $1.50 tor ...... M Hay Rakes, 2 for. Hay Forks, 500 for. . . Ditto, (5c for ....... Jon: BILL. Durban 9.1) g 8.“. D M P.0d Ont" [Ink-t qulgnd ‘I‘osumeut 0‘ OTICE IS HEREBY U aunt to “Tao RthGd ‘ ____vâ€"â€" 7 .. 1â€" to fir. and 3"" Enm. street. 3 6°”: Notice to Creditors. {E33 HUN r. Secret“ W9 BEE our north wind ’ II %c muslins «m -n m .-6‘ Jimmie Fax. m "in fine trollsrl ‘ We are in rewil inbilee issue Hf ”Iv nblished 0h Fl'idn} he edition C(ms‘ifls M ii profusely inns lid) photos of the 1‘ I the place, pm! at. Fund 011 8006 pup Icmdit to the («MM The electric storm though doing nu dul‘ : thecounu-y, did 1 other localitivs. 1d Trunk Rail ck by lightnin while despabcbvs 11-. x ' ilton, Godw'irh [bees report tum-h the wind, rain and l May (A ening. mink)“ I" Ctfi. R' M the assistance uf 1 ad cement whistle. I“ this. just about 1hr meat was In its zvnil 11 W the C. P. R. Hutu" Mug bell going as‘ Inurly everyone in (In [-8.194 Horst“: and! nine 3’0”“ AW” helpflght the fil‘t‘, hu‘. halt diflcult task appc m the conflagluni tract cud down [hr «mi and with not tlw 59mm tion in the sky Lu guido Md 0‘ early l‘isvrs at the fact that they I ““8. though imn N't'l. ’ trouble We um u! H: locomotive in quart i. u. Rpm, and Benny M try is indirecth n >3» WWI. (u ”1;." M todo on the l-w Medan: steam in a dandy to enable him t- “box, wd when in~i Members hearing 7 “(Wills of the Whistle We to it. 'l‘uv r‘ “9 tumble he wa~ m w “80 Thompsun «iiu Mthesteamuflm. much 0:) Un- M ”bu shuuM ‘Wmug in smuv k multt is. at 10' The House ”be“ m [In «oz H “M time an dl: w m: ‘10:)» all this. sin .I ‘h (“witlll‘t‘ 1.141! H5 2 Made “ith (h. from (hm or tum Woo would in u but broke nut. 'l ~W men shunt " Io should um and th( pro M n'. ”all! from the 11 v\ m Church u. intul *Wm that .‘ "w “I slllukt D II" 42.40. 21.2.2. Juvis, ten”! ‘ and others a in the nPW Don't fail tn l’ 3"”? “mi I” its hands 1“ .0 inciined In 'I Id 3 fire alul'l __App[y [u \‘ treuuery. L money 5mm I my can-WPv “'ith H of Quality on sale A deviliut» w 0W Ol ll l.- Wt \\' I! \V ‘O \\ "9W It?“ ll u ll't

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