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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Aug 1908, p. 2

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9.. ”It“: 'n_ W0 THRESHING OUTFITSâ€"One {lain engine, 12 h. 1)., and one trac- ion engine 14 h. p. All in good tanning or or. At a bargain. ZENAB CLARK, Varney. no... ~â€"â€"-â€" v u-uv L‘llc 11306. Baskins,rrt}m'ie‘niem to lfinrham. Cottage tains 6 rooms. good quvdshed. . hen house. never falling well, Excell- nt pluce for gardening. Apply to Anon 'ollott. 3'6” ‘voI. “‘ '1 the Rocky. immpdiate pogsession giv- I. For mrther particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD, NOV. 54!. [Mn-ham co", will rent ‘ â€"..v one or more years, mm m improvements water orchard and txmber .11 good Apply to J. Ritchie. Port w o G o o D com PORTABLE houses.- Apply to J. M. Latimer. These buildings must be remoyed at. an Iu'ly date. in order to clear the lure 3f right way. All material such as timber. brick, st'me, lc.. in cases where the buildings cannot be loved. are also offered tor sale. Duod June 4th 1907. Applyto J. P TELFORD Durham W103 Mrs. Benjamin Male. small brick 00'- xe containing seven rooms. An acre and halfof good land. containing good bearing orchard. ()ne of the best locations in upper wn. Durham. The verv best drainage ml water supply Immediate possession. *Will sell right on easy terms. Applv to A. E. Jackson. Durham, or to A. Mc'l‘avish. Cedarville. [6251mp [1 storey dwelling. alongside Presby- Brian Manse property in Upper Town. Durham, Corner of Durham and Elgin beets. Seven rooms. pantrv, closets, gent floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- in good locality. Good frame Stable. ltd sud soft water. one acre of land. Snap Iquick purchaser. For further particu- m apply to John W. McKechnie, Owner, lockv Saugeen P. O. b“. lat. ‘mâ€"‘tf. Io town otiDurham'. T_hes_e bufldings must I 1 house, situated on the west sid . Gara- fnxa Strpet. in upper hm‘ll. large lot with “able. fintlclass well also cifitern. Apply l premises. Angus Camemn, [3|2t. ov. 5 ti. Durham, COM PORTABLE COTTAGE A N D )9 acres of land opposite Mr. 'l‘hm cKINNQN goo ACREâ€"FARM AT (or sale a number of house'sâ€"313d. 0‘11; am‘l £1.01“ or lfurn 2933 along thaline of right of wavof B9” "’59“ St‘ngss » “alkenon and Lucknow Railway', in Chat?“ 1"5‘098. for .A...“ A" h. . | _L._ _ Inna }.].....) Y 200 ACRE FARM A17 or f1 uihmi of Durham. ()n the farm there I a good brick house. almost new also two pod barns with stone foundations The to at} is vwl! famed and we" WW] Vii accept 330‘0 on terms to suit purchas- I. Apply to W. F. Dunn. Agent for \ on or. [April 29â€"H‘. For Sale or Rent HE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE LIJ Concession of the Township of \or why. containingmacres the estato .1 lie late Thos l“.nltnn Ono atone dwelling Ind one trams dwelling. Good bank barn Ibo good frame barn Will be sold 111 block [divided to suit purchaser. Terms made [flown on application PM" h F,ulton Ado Iinistrator, Hampden,P O. Fania tf U Exremont, 3 miles north of Holstoin. omaining mo acrea. about 90 acres cloared md in good state of cultivation. good brick {walling large frame banement barn, we I Dru-ed and well watered. good orchard. if file from school and 1 mile from church. 3133' terms. For further nartioulars apply >John H. Sharpe, Holctoiu P.0d Many people fail to save, beca . the importance of small economies. use they do not realize L Queen and COnntoas Streetsâ€"«gum! btion. prices reasonable, Apply to :06 Smith or at the Post Office. by wâ€"tf. W0 STOREY DOUBLE FRAME p UN DERSIGNED OFFERS L Mill Street, Durham. llOft frontage bply to “imam Laidlaw m2 1’9.-tf NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS ON Pr 0 pa 1' ty f( )r S a] o. GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO EING LOT 19. CON 2. E. G OTS 27 AND “BSâ€"IN THE 18TH I cossion West 0! the Garafraxa Road‘ the Township of Normauby. in the Illutv of Grey. For particulars apply to P. Telfprd, Banister. Durham. DWELLING AND SHOP. ON , 10‘ No L E G R.. in the Township hlonolg. :0) arms- known” the “McKin- tOFatm” at the Rocky Saugeen. Im- fllato possession given. For particulas up“? to J. P. Telford. 31107-41 about six miles from Durham. D. Passes-anion at once. Gt 0d land. sold. For particulars apply to ford. Durham. N THE GARAFRAXA ROAD. _0’1‘ 21~IN THE SECOND CON- L unble farms in New Ontario. near n Listeard for saleâ€"large discount for It. Map of, the locality and terms given application to J P. Teltord, Solicitor for liar. 7 18 06 â€"-n was 13 Am) 14, CON. 3. 13.0.9: For Sale. Glenda. 15 acres bush. _ fra'mâ€"e' Barâ€"1;. ll watered, must be sold. A. R. Jackson Plum. 227tf. *_ '._â€"._.. m m” 651 M“ pm ii? VA 1;. To Rent. ACRE FARM WITHIN TWO lWr-tf Farms for Sale. 2ND AND 3RD DIVISION OF GLAS [6233- Im ptf . She sh pt, until last week, when she. mvnkt- tn find that he: childhood and ;gir limud wcze long past, and that she is now a middle-aged woman of 45. i Fraulein Karisdattei is not Very .mm h wonied over the matter. how- ; evex. She feels as f1 9311 and as full of :eneigy as if she had merely enjoyed a I good night 5 lest. Her chief concern at. makeup for lost time her education. which w interrupted. She will j tar-y schonl as soon a: term begins. I Berlin. Aug. l4.w~A most 1' case of a woman who has sle for thirty-two years. is re “Der 'lag” from Oirns-M near Stwkholm. meliuv Kaxisdntter was gill at I. i \\ hen she" suddenly ovm In: bunks in the su Afton truitless offal ts on the part to rouse he: the gill W: home. Mun! LAY 32 LONG YEARS IN SLUM- BER DEEP. -5.â€" Woman Rip__Van Winkle Awakens Fifty cents a. box at druggists, or from th Toronto for price. '1 dollar twenty-five. '. family use. .3. uppueu [0 eczema, ulcers, and festering sores, an-Buk first kills the discus-s germs which cause sup- purution and inflammation. Then it builds up fresh tissue. In this “guy an eczema patch. ulcer, ls rcmuvm oomph-tow by Zum-Buk, and a cut or burn healed. , Appled to arough 01' int patch, cut, bruise, heat sore or ed place, Zam-Buk first lubri cools and soothes, the hot su than heals. That is why childn: Zum-Buk. It steps the pain so L 13'. Applied to eczema, ulcers festering son-s, Zum-Buk first the dismiss germs which cause purution and inflammation. it builds lln frc-sxh Henna VVMâ€"n you find your skin rough. red. and putehy, or dry. scale)’ and coarse. with sore and inflamed Spots here: and there, remember there is a rea-' son. There are 2,800 pores on one square inch of that skin of‘ Yours, and these contain seventy feet of tubing, -ull provided to clear away harmful and waste excretions,‘ but which get out of order when the 3km is unhealthy. The value of Zam-i Buk [es in the fact that itS'hx-ulingf. essences and juices can be absorbed" by these. miniature “Skin Mouths.”i1 i l | \V'hile \V'alter Dutton, who is at ‘pmmt employed at Geo. Drimmie’s ion the 10th concession, was return- ‘ing home from Holstein on Sunday .- .., .._,.,. .. .._._, . ............ ,_._ iC‘Vt'll.n}I, and while going along th ibaselim- he was held up at Nichol McDougull’s bush by a couple of fellows, who relieved him of $3.20, which was all Walter’s purxe conv taimâ€"d on that particular evening. The country is becoming infected with trumps and robbers and we; think it is time the alltilOI‘iti'.‘S are} taking steps to rid the country of! any who have the appearance of‘ Vugmnts or robbers.-â€"-Le;zd<_r. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Municipal Council of the Cor- pomt'ou of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, at the expira- tion 0‘. one month from the posting up or this notice, intend to take into consideration, a'nd if no ‘suf- ticimt objection thereto be made. finally pass a By-law for the; owning up of a Street, through lute numbers 20 and 21 East of Gamfmxa Street, and lots num- bers ‘30 and 21, West of Albert Strttet, in t? e Town of Durham. $ 1)»th this 10th day of August, A. D. 1908. W. B. VOLLET, Clerk. Town of Durham.‘ ”v-'~u ‘5 Mark Lnngdon’s, Kenilworth, on or about June 26th, dark sorrr-l, left front foot white and both hind feet. white strip on fem“, driving horse. Anyone sending information as to its whereabouts will be suitably ‘ reward-d. AEIIREfi YEAR OLD HORSE FROM , RUBBER HUG. (>\\-’:~ER.\1AY: 4. h. ye same by paying f-xrensm of ad- - \‘H-tisil-g and proving claim. Call at! Smith’s Harness Shop. [5'28“ A GOLD RING, NO. 6, SET WITH five Opals, between the telephone office and Charter Smith’s resi- dence. The lOFeI‘ wcnt on West side 01 Garafraxa St., the North side of Lambton, and the West side of Quecn. Finder may leave it at the Chronicle office or at the Post Of! flce. Reward. ‘ WM. PEARCE, Wesloy P. 0., or MARK LANGDON, Kenilworth. July 23-08 1m. Strayed or Stolen. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. mcern at, present is to lost time and complete . which was so abruptly She will join an 9191118!)- 3 soon as the Autumn D Van Winkle Awakens From Nap. arisdntter was a school oothes, the hot ‘8Ul‘filâ€"(‘3'E'iz That is \_vhy c_hildnn like 7 ___' u‘“‘’0 box at all stores and from the Zamâ€"Buk 00. price. Three-boxes fcr , £2--, 1'11 . ‘- . 'A most remarkable who has slept steadily v8 vuul - Bu'k first lubricgtos, . Found. suddenly fell asleep [1 the schuoh'onm. MM rough or in (la med as. is reported in Dims-3hmstemes. on the teacher’s girl was carried Lost. This Offer pain so quick: pr chaf- a] gzu' the" wil ll nut. \ l “Cid Moore,” the “m d English m_ f warm, soapy n'alerand rinsmllp clo Bryllmnity howlvr has his "MM, u‘risli of 1, water Will) a little \‘me d’szistors foretold is his Alnusnxw for , keep their “0101' ll” Wnl' 1909, and if he be :m}' or” rim: to; Nevm'tlu'ow away small qnzmt go by, we are‘billz-(l for :1 most sen-‘uf gravy. SilllCP, 8.ch sntionzil cxyori'ncc during UH- :vmr' to commencing: Jammry “V- | of l a _ , . ffectly sweet. They all come in f0 ’1 . . . , . . . , "“ H'l’l‘c ' making stews, soups or gravies. ate, )1: ldmg . dlSclflels, mm“) molwt- “ l . . ”1 ‘ tly ; St fingincles, I'lOtS, enl‘i {Hill-TAL’”. . rail»-| '.‘. BI“ 30‘." DUN/1 C ' '. 3n-l road cutastrolilms. and n lITCl owwryn : “me. It 18 easy to Work “1th and unithing horrible are his .n-..1.h-.si».-\ for strong- Lace across theseatand back i the coming year. Howevi-r, ii will he i to make a straight surface. 'well for those to whom this kind ofi , , . . , Take a good-sized sewer pipe and prediction appeals to m" ”1 ””"dlenamel it to match the hall. Use a that the world has already come tolsumll ranite an ascatchb- i Th' an end on several occasion:-, by “mph- 8 g ‘ p d8 n. ‘3 esy, and we are yet running around makes a useful and Cheapoumbrella looking for the almighty dun-m wmstand. must expeCl: a ce’rtain numb“ of thel To remove an obstinate sliver too kind of catastrOphes [)I'l‘dlct'fd by ‘Cld ‘short to get hold of with the finger Moore,” but just Why the Yv-ur 1909 nails, use a pair of small tweezers. should be more horriblv than ' imy of You can actually get hold of it in the! its predecessors. is a matter that . . the dark. gentleman m question knows no more about than the most humble of us, It“): rust, lllkband mildewod who .pay no especial attention to can removed 3’ first W0C those pre-d'uaster forecasts. Un- 001d milk, then 00'0” With “It. doubtedly, he will find a few who it “and two or three hairs with picture . i To make cuou “lad, 0f Witchcrut are OVQI', and the M' from ‘ mgfid cut‘ “i” jorigy .ot‘ no rill so on our Why on ‘ . _. V. . * m fldlzpmh: of front-“trouble ,. . _ i if R #15191: fill truism tronMea. mu” “'5’ F“ m“ “92*?” my . m ,7 m.‘.. l . V n a . 'l l g f". . ‘ s ‘5‘" s‘ ‘ ~ . -M _. {s : ‘1 MKQL‘RJ‘: "r’h¢~i.§ “erxh.J a: n_. u. x for cneu‘ craniums or if Ham just must do these things, why cant H11 V do ner little stunts all 1)} th- [um-Ives, and not brim: innomnf 1-;11‘111-5 to grief by their manor-111413. -l The fool that rocks’t‘lw 1‘ the other fellow who didn't was loaded have hml thing‘s m'e-tty : much their own way for some thme past. and Christendom in umr'rul had almost forgotten about .-=nuth«~r class who travel in the sum ulin-ctionl. though by a different l‘glllfc'. We re- fer to the individual v. ho (Erasmus the Neck 8* 5; horse race film? in tint-x to get a shunt in the 1‘: at from the. fast moving beasts. In Owen Soumh a couple of weeks ago, it llfld l' (Hid know it remainedi :1 yummy" the. illusion that this class was extinct. win-n sh- ut~ tempted to cross aha-ml of .: hurxei driVen by George N. Collins of that 3' place. In the attempt to save the? woman and her child {1‘01“ lllllll'}‘ Ella: 0011;”,5 sulky “7154 ovel'turm-.L {Hui he: sustained ' ' ’ since. “Nellie Nichol-m," NIP. Read was injured, nntl the lmhyi' carriage badly broken up. . . altogether too bad that Eruwn-ups' can’t get a little more srnqe their craniums, or if they just must‘ do these things, why can't they do 1 her little stunts: all in- n. .__ 1 into ' ‘f The ready response to the appeal J for :IFd' for the strickrn 01125 in fire- 'fswept Fernic- must have inen. grat- _§'ifyim! to these llnf‘OI'lunnI-fi, .who "have lost practically all Hwy pos- SPSHed in tho conflag‘r‘ntinn Hint rc- 'c:'-ntly swept that, [mrtlcm nl’ Hritish ICulumbia. The earthquukc- Ithzlt swept Sun Frzan-Isvu 0” HM .bound together morv clusvly. the! : United States and Calm’ia. \\"|‘.‘ll the, ‘Dominion Government "Uta-d money to assist the unfortunum, ulld the; handsome sum rec-‘ntly dumtpd by [the citizens of S'T'iltt'o". \Yashimlton. ‘to the [umpire of Fernh‘. hli.‘ shown that our thoughtfulmss at three years ago has not be- n t‘urgunru byi the subjoqts of Uncle Sun;w Though under (INK-Put flags, and wont to boast of our prowess on luml the Canucks and Yunkws in hand in times of ”um! famine. And this is :m it. .â€". -q....- and 808, gm hand ,. fin- 'nnd .‘ shnnld Inn seeks this Opportunit tranSpertatlon facilit. of Gvernmc-nt inta-r sistance. The cry of that wages must be Company go bankrup defensible and not in : the facts. It’s only a that the Company TCC'] to raise their rates in now it Seems tln'ir (1e: better rates and the men too. So far the st haw-d themeslves like unt'l tl ey do othe-rwlsr to believe they are d Sible for the prusent t Put the joy thermomr-u-r of the We-stern-‘r, and in facr the bmuinion at large, has drapped S':Vf'l'«ll ' now lies in Lumun hands. We, refer to the C. P. R. strike. With such a 'bountiful harvest isse'nms a pity that Ithe peeple to whom is entrusted the ‘transport'ng of our products should [Idegzm this the most 0ppm‘tmm.time in which to adjust thr-ir pl‘ivv;.ncc-s.l ’From what we can learn it. looks to' ’us as if the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company is in the wrong nnd . The annual cry of the. 11 est “.1 vesters W'antc-d" has .1gu'n I e 1 heard in the East and the 111111111; E wh‘ch old Ontario rasponileel to 5 call has exceeded the must mug- exDectations. gCn Saturdau [.131 less than eight trait“, tctulling hundrcd 1nd tne-nty c‘wh 1111 .out of the Union 31111101; in 'l'm'o :Wilile another laxft \Vesl Turmnu 'two from Owen 801111! .11111 "-l1 s iter and Walks-1r cn br; nah s 1 -ft ixmy of Bolton .lunstiou. 'Hu- 3. d 1111 Pacific 1110):, 511‘. 1 11-10111! 111 {bar of harvest-:13 0111111 ‘\ 1-31, 'thcm this \'0:11‘ 1111] 11111111 1111.519 {171.000 11111] as the (11..n11"'l11111k 11111111 11g special mm 1 11111510115 Ewell, a total 01 25.000 511011111 be Very conservative est.i:11:.-.1.-. Notes and Comments. )mpany no iw d I" rmis eir rates in the \\'t J ns “H il‘ desirq. to kcrp *s and the “mm-s of lo far the Sirik'fs hurr- 1y )3 m the wrong, and pportunity to fir Hp our on facilities in {he how? int int-rwntiun .m'l as- e cry of tha‘ Company must be I‘z-dtu‘ml 01‘ the ankrupt‘: is, wholly in 2t [‘mrtlnn ul' British earthquukc- and fire ‘runcisvu 0” HM: mill) mm"- ('lus'vly. the not-'1! English ca- )iS Usual grist of his Alumni”: for any .crif' rion to wt in accordmm- with only a short time ago E'rwisw it will In: hard are directly I‘vn‘pon- sent trouble. v'erniv. hli.‘ shown fulm 59‘ 0‘ three be- 11 fnrgulh-n by .lunzfion. The: Linu- m", say the tmal .uum- 31‘s cu'r'cd “331% bY' will nun. “"1‘ (Huge to the Gin-ml Trunk is like gentlmm'n. :1 nd THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 1.. ml .1 ml son, 41's go hand NHL. fil't' 'nnd most sen- the year Public murkot kw. rail- .01 ev--ry.. IV'Sii-a‘i for it will be n-.- ”mung-r in .ondwl to th'? wst sungu'ue ’daty Inst, “0 totalling om:- ‘schvs pun-id 1-. in 'l'm'OHfL, Tol'nncu and and 'l‘t- swa~ gu- t‘mission Wt, and :m.» thle 01' the Hi V0 be- L-ft by Iron rust, ink and milder spots can be removed by first cold milk, then cover wi wetting with .......... VOL WU shorttoget hold of with the finger use a pair of small tweezers. You can actually get hold of it in the dark. Never throw away small qmmt uf gravy. sauce, etc., if theyOare p ' fectly sweet. They all come in f0 making stews, soups or gravies. Mend your porch chairs with picture wire. It is easy to work with and strong. Lace across the sextand back to make a straight surface. ies auu au'uum ()I a ('up 01' comm; The green tips at celery or minced leaves of Brussels sprouts may be substituted for parsley when that, is not obtainable for gnrnishing If the knife and fingcré are sligll 'ly buttered when seeding raisins he work will be robbed 0f its stickiness 3 and (liscm’nfnrt-i ,' ' “Men the heel wears off you ' rub- :lher shoes cut them like sand 8 and *‘they will he useful to wear 07 (1.1an m' rainy days. See that, all greens are. carefully washed lwfnxe eating. To ;dn other- wisv is not (mly uuclezmly, but it may be danger-nus to health. : A slight sprinkling of ponidered cin- namon just beforv serving i'b said by some. greatly to improve the flavor and :u-onm of a. cup of (20003.5, To improve the flavor uf’ sauces, stmvs, soups and grzivies. a d a little lemon after cooking. This ,makes a palatable combination. 1" Household brushes last much longer if washed regularly. Remember that they should never be allowed to resp on the bristles. The mic side of a lemon rubbed over at dish upon which fish has been served promptly removes the disagreeable odor. The easiest method of cleaning piano keys and other articles made of ivory is with a soft cloth dampened in alcohol. ' An economical and really excellent: pad for cleaning and testing hot irons is made of several layers of heavy brown paper. 4 ' puramn also gives a beautiful polish. Hot boric compresses applied to inflamed parts every two or three hours will be found to relieve pain and inflanmmtion. Put a small bag 'nl talcum p iwder in a box with a. cover, and, k p ‘in tlie workhox to rub on the fingers when they perspire. HS lf bedsteads are washed with par: tl’fin nu insvct will come near, and the paraffin also gives a beautiful polish. 2.! By having an orange and a sum“ onion inside the duck while roasting its flavor is said to be improved. The bent point-of a sewing machine needle. may be sharpened on a whet- stnne and need not be discarded. If thetop ”f :1 cake 'is sitted with flour before icing there. is less danger of its running over the sides. Pumpkin seeds: are attractive to mice, and traps bated with them will soon destroy this little pest. Keep all the kitchen utensils in one place, and a small one at that; it will save time and steps. \Vhiting rubbed on with flannel will remove baking stains from discolored cups and dishes. Boil six peach kernels in a quart- of milk to be used for custard; it will improve the flavor. A little milk added to the water in which silver is washed will help to keep it bright. To remove smoke stains from ivory immerse it in benzine and go over it with a brush. A few drops of lemon juice added to scrambled eggs while cooking will improve them. Fur cleansing tiuware there is now- ing better than dry flour applied with newspaper. To keep mosquitoes from face and hands, rub face and hands with Inven- (1W‘ 0”. Scale or crust can be prevented in a. teakettle by keeping a marble in the kettle. ! HELPS FOR THE HOUSEKEEPERS Afew clfives added to coffee while roasting it- will give it a, good aroma. A little vinegar in the water in which an egg is poached will set the white. Nwdles and pins will never rust in a cushion filled with coffee grounds. Old mgmin and velvet carpets am he made over intu rugs. Turpentine will xemove tar from any kind of fabric. If your lamp wick smokes, soak it in vinegar. 5’9 Cut ll Slice ng\ wa‘hed i sed 1 Clea the wi; It. \ - '- v -â€".w“v u, n the putting the glue "into a bottle two- thirds full and filling up with whiskey. up with It is a great mistake to put only alittle drop of water on first, filling the pot up afterwards. NO'I‘H‘E ISJH'IBI‘IBY GIVEN" Voters’ List, 1908, Municipality of the Township ’01 Gleneig. County of Grey. August 10, 1908; -- “w Ut‘-“ to me to calluat the store and svttle thvir accounts at once as costs will be added after the First of September. ___----...'t \ll‘ I'A“ lndl I have transmitted or deln'eied to the persons mentioned in sections five and six of The Voters‘ List Act. the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered 0f the list, made pursuant to said act. of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said munioipality to be entitled to vote. in the said nnmicipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at municipal elections;‘ and that said list was first posted up at my oi’flre, at Pomona, on the Thirty-first: day of July. 1908. and remains toners for inspection. Electors areocalled upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein- i M __ L-I. ‘ Having suld out. my shoe business to Mr. Thomas McGrath, I take this opp )rtunityof thanking my customers for their patronage, and at the sanm Lune requesting all who are indebted to me to call at the store and settle +L..:.. a» The Annual Meeting of the Sham--I holders of the Durham Furniture! 1 Company will be held at um- office on! on Tuvsday exÂ¥ningkAugust 25th, at 7.31 b, for the purpose of electing officers, FF; receiving finam-ial statement. and the ‘h . , Limb t tz‘gnsacuon of any other bumsness 06cc b that may be required. Tm: DURHAM Fvnxm'uz (‘u., LTD. 1 G O DR. JAMIEBOX, Pres. Durham. Ont., 24th July, 1908. I undsrstand sunw false reports have been cirr-ulated through the Township of Be‘ntinck about Joseph Noble in connection with my sake of calves held in Durham some tune ago. This is to vertify that I exonerate the said Joseph Noble fmm any wrong. doing in connection with same. I ' Full Term opens “ptombcr 1 at } , The sooner you complete a course ‘ in this school the sooner you may ex. ’ pect to hold a position of trust. Our courses are thorough and practical. Our students always succeed. We assist graJuates to positions. We have three departments .â€"â€"Commer- cial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. We employ experienced instructors. ' g Catalogue free ‘r Elliott Mclachlan PRINCII’A LS. nmm["'§ smxrrono. ¢%§ \Vitness TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. INCORPORATED 3855 Canadian Bankers’ Association Money Orders 81' C C ( l ' 3911M; §n4_8af_e_._ They III? Plnblc at P8: at anv iiindmm °°'- kz..- (except In the Yukon) end ill-New [0th day of August, 1908. J. 8. BLACK. of the said Municipality. 96:» ..H .LuKsnx. ..1{ L03“, vâ€"v-vv NOTICE. DA \‘1 n EXT” [CK EN Branches .130 NOTICE. Over $5. 00 induct exceeding $10.00 .. $30. 00. . $50.00 . .‘ “ $10 00 “ $30.00 a $5.00 and under . . We ' Issue Money orders :2.\’ THAT at Mdunt Forest and ‘ OI‘ Convo anus m. mow tidongyyeo L2“), ”mew 4 .003; A general mun Imam on. (Lower Ton) 00.... .0000 U Voyuncers. Notarv l’uhlit'. 1‘3“” *0 Loan u Lowest Rate» . ‘ Ourâ€"McIntyre muck, m-er ‘- 33“. Durhm. Outari». If monov to loan oroponv. ARRISTER. SOL It H‘.OR Voytncers. Notan i l»: n Eu ’5‘“ ty of Turnmu. College Doom Surge :- Dontistry in all m om”."'€lld0l‘ “1M 8 OFFICE: Over J. J‘ J. Hum” be 80 Co Po. L{).\“L\_.I.;. Bun}. RADULATE of London, 3‘ York dud I’llicagn. M oi Eye. Ear N05: and Tint. Will be ‘t Knapp Home. Durham. 1119: 31“:le in ml) month. Hunt's-I439 EYE‘ EAR; "TH'EO'A'T' w l.‘ ‘5' \. ‘.‘~.' UUO'O V; l 600 in theâ€"Keâ€"gr‘liumer Block. hours. 8 to w a. m., to 4 p. m. andho a: In. Special attention given mam [roman and children. Residence o acute Prosbvperiau Church. l. P, Teiford. 4133181312, St_)!.,1\‘l’I’C‘ _ --...J.uu.‘uD'â€"w {I neon and George Streets-Noni Moth in Church Office hours-Mm 2-4 o.m.. 7-9 0.11). Telenbone No. )0. {The Job . . {Department ON! "I" c tint! ; quent insertion min; , cards. not excm‘ding ‘ ‘ Advertisements with. I be published till 1mm. Tun-lent hum-e»- ' ‘ L1 awn-50 cents fur first A Inbfiequem insertinu. A" ndvertisemrms ‘ be Olid for in advam-r. Contract talus tur _\ linked on application 1 All Idvcrtim‘xmaun ‘ current Wank. should b TUESDAY morning l. 6} Hutton, M. 0., C. I. .FFICE up RESIDENCEâ€"C D tut-tun RBy. London. Ophthlltcl 7.. .Id (0001119!) Sq. Thma! and Non I SPECIALIST : Advertisin Rates 3’, m a 0 $1 0“]. â€"‘l.5O may be Mm rgml to which ever ' sulnu'ri the number on Um add continual to all urn-.1 option of the pl‘uprivtm fiubocription EVERY TH! Rsh \\ It the Chronicle Print/m1 . Ira. lamieson Maclauri|. macs . AND arsmaxcn "'f ”WWW Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. LIN (‘0 Den/a! DJ) 2 1-1021 ' Lem! “Di/m W. F. Dunn. Arthur Gun, M. D. 0V8!“ Sm'rcm AND 1’: Medical Dz’redon'. DR. BURT. It ilitiea Work. us conumw .33‘" '1‘?” it} cm. I THE (.‘k any add ‘ 31 WNW!” 000 t p.- . IRWIN 'm‘ my bank in ntmg Street. 'lon' . Ayton. JSHEn \Y 310an 9 ”0m. 0.. PRU: chat. T1 ”1 '(‘l' 1mm. Macros. Otirl 300d Build::;g “I lastly the 82‘0) a~kwi 1‘ Net mefa-d P.O. i are building lot in Dark; cup. or We for anythi‘ng fit. “at. or throw a and; a Proponvbo in and Md .4 “guy to but: . Debt: culiac Thatch god Ocean Tickflts ml‘ of stock an Dutham Cement ()4 C! hud- for aloncheap. ‘ MIC}! prompt, never :1 Then do business with H. H the Hanover ( ‘um rya He ()ffvi": mm. Ghnolg. Frame Dupl Burn. Good Fnrm. uugh: m Will I.“ (or W. “m. Glomlg, splendid 1. M Buildings. cheap at $7: .. AAA- macros oniDurham Road‘ “61‘ hp. Bank Burn, Fail 1M unclean, 2 yds. Wide, 37; ~ sums Bugs. 00 2: 3n, mm. a ‘00 our Prints and (iinghal M O‘IC'Obh, ‘5 in. Widel. I4: 0"‘ m oilcloth. I amd V :- yank I h have to inf Old Eh. public in yd to farm» I. We“ 1) 3» PMS’Curhiug W- Allnrdet Mud near Map. I)“. 1y “tended "id at "Live :4 ~80ml val ue. We “Dell M in. Wide. m. 25c yawd. Melina. 5‘ in. wide. 35c yu'd. Me linen. 08 in. wide. 1: 1, up. alone: WHIrmo Do you want tn nmkv n 'â€" “ 0‘ 3; u I.” Warhol 0“. Coming am». 2:" W “White (.u‘ln‘P‘liJhg A“ P. W. H. BEA . Fem Ho Sells Cheap i. H. Mil The HmmVo-x t" SAVE MONEY 7 0‘ 66 RELIABI 20, 1 9n? GO TO Luce Curtains FOR 2 yds. long, 2‘ n I‘D I renal oo‘v: ,Exven Caldm unhk bl

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