West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Aug 1908, p. 6

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I}. lessens dentist’s fees and pro- motes health. This can only be accomplished by a good brush and a. good dentefrice. We have all the popular tooth prep- arations and are very proud of our stock of tooth brushes. THE SANITARY a clear sanitary brush, r quality for foe. All kinds of DRUGS AND CHEM ICALS Pmper Care of the Teeth accumulation of stocke. yet we find it in the inter- ests of good business to have a. general clean-up of summer goods. As the lots are not large, early choosing would be to the buyers’ advantage. long Silk Gloves a169c m. Fancy Parasols, Slightly Soiled, 790 each gathered together a number that have got slightly soiled. Regular prices are $1.35. 81 50, $1.75 and $2 00. to clear at 79c. Fancy parasols reg. 81 35'), $1.50, $1 15 and up to $3.25 all reduced. Fancy Hose for the me of Plain, l5 and 190 pl. BOYS ! [00K HERE 20 per cent off any piece of Whitewear 25 per cent off any piece of Colored Muslin Dress the Boy tor Comfort Every person that would like to make life easy and still do good work, should have one of our “Dan Patch” Washin Machines. We also have numerous other kinds of ashing Machines. We can supply you with Tubs, Tub Racks, Wash Boards, Clothes Pins, Clothes Pegs, Scrub Brushes, Mops and Mop Cloths. You are invited. to insfiect our Chumsâ€"we have the Barrel Churn with top andleâ€"the Barrel Churn with side handleâ€"the Rocker Churn (which is so widely known,) and the Dash Churn. No farm house is complete without one of our Butter Workersâ€"any person can make good butter at rock bottom prices. We still have a supply Nothing combines dressiness with coolness in glove-wear like silk. These are pure silk. black and white, 12-button length, sold regularly at $1.00, for only 690 pr. Here’s a chence to get fine hose to match your costume. Fine hose pink, blue. grey, sizes 8 to 9; for 19¢ pr. Fine hose pink and blue, sizes 6 to 7!; for 15c pr. Sole agent in Durham for “Mechanic King” and “Railroad king” overalls. You want to see our new tiesâ€"such pretty wash ties! for 15c, you get two for 25c. and some at 250 03011. New silk book on and bow ties, beauties, 25c each. That means, $3 50 waists for $2 Simâ€"$2.00 waists for 81.60 81.25 nightgowns for $1.00,â€"81,00 nightgowns for 800 31.25 nuclei-skirts for $1.00,â€"500 corset covers 40c,-â€"25c corset covers 20c,-â€"50c drswors 40. . . . . You Spend 750. save 25c. get 81’s worth. It’s good for your bank account. Jno. A. Darling The People’s Drug'g'ist Butter and eggs wanted. Highest price in cash or trade. Phone : 3. Durham somethimz needed in every clear at 2 for 50. fam- whole, ground and mixed, strict- ly pure and prices away down. Try a. glass of our delicious ICE CREAM SODA Cooling and refreshing. Hand Scrubs of “Plymouth” Binder Pure Spices THE DURHAM CHRONICLE _____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-______________â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"“'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" County an; District. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Gen. \V. Bailw: chief of the Fire» L’stowel’s t be 2-34 mills. Holstein is to hElVe a skating rink. which will be built by Mr. George. Freeman. l The Dundglk- Bsarll 3t Ilealth wml enforce the “dr; earth" closet system" by-law. . . I For sixteen years the name ”Sula-i da” has stood for the maximum of. quality, Purity and flavor in blendedi Ceylon Teas, so that th'e only thing you need to look out for is the “Sala- du" label on every package of tea you Tommy Pye has a half dollar he would like to get rid of. In fact he is so anxious to get away from it that he got up at halfpast 'five on Monday and took it over to Hanover and spent it. Yesterday a stranger walked in to his store and bought a collar and threw down the same old half. All the doubtful money in town used to be given to hte Express Agent, but Tommy is the victim these daysâ€"Bruce Herald. A despatch from South River, 0nt., on Friday last gives the particulars of the death of a former resident of Meao ford as follows:â€"â€""South River, Ont., Aug. l4.â€"A shooting accident occurred near here Wednesday evening, by which Mr. Sam Richmond, a farmer, aged 36, lost his life. It appears that Mr. Richmond and George bunker, a neighbor, were out hunting, each tak- ing a different route. Dunker shot at ' what he took for a cub bear on the trunk of a tree. The animal, which was really a porcupine, fell to the ground. Richmond, hearing the shot, ‘ started towards the sound. The rush- ing sound he made caused Dunker to think the mother hear was charging him, and he fired, the shot taking effect in Mr. Richmond’s groin. Mr. Richmond came here from Meaford ‘~ about a year ago. He leaves a widow 'and three sumll children. The body was sent to Meaford, local Orangenu n Hooking after the arrangements. Hay fever promises this year to be very severe and many are already suffering. The most positive cure is “Catarrhozone”. which destroys the germ and gives immediate relief. Cures quickly. Sold by all deala'I'S. $1.00 for two months’ treatment. Joseph Lewis, a negro from Toronto, was up before Magistrate Creasor, charged with shooting at Harry Greigg, a white man, who, he alleges. has been paying attentions to his wife. Olive Bowie, an Owen Sound colored girl who has been in Toronto for some time and whom hemarriedflve months ago. He was remanded this morning. and will appear on the let inst., to answer three charges: 1st of carrying fire arms, 2nd of shooting with intent to do bodily harm to Hector Bell and Victor ScOtt. Victoria Park was the scene of the shooting. which took place on Tuesday afternoon about two‘ o’clock. LeMs came to Owen Sound on the 1.10 train on Tuesday afternoon ‘ â€"ev1dently looking for trouble. Hisi grievance was that the man Greigg. whom he fired at, has been hanging around his wife and paying hex marked attentions. Greigg left Toronto for Owen Sound about a fortnight ago, and a few days later his wife left for the same place to visit her father, as she said, who lives here. On Tuesday morning Lewis decided to come up to Owen Sound and see what was going on. On arriving in Owen Sound, Lew- is proceeded to look up the Bowie residence, and just before reaching . there. he met (lreigg coming across pleasure grounds, with Bowie woman following close. In a jealous rage differ as to what he did. According to Greigg he fairly rained bullets and he was obliged to flee for his life, but Lewis claims that he fired only one shot, and that went into the ground. this he succeeded well, for Greigg rushed immediately to the police sta- tion, where he told his story. A war- rant was issued for the assailant’s arrest, and P. 0. Foster got on his traii, with the result that Lewis.was placed under arrest as he was about to board the C. P. R. afternoon train for Toronto at 3.2). When arrested, the negro had on him a 32â€"calibre revolver ‘ with four chambers loaded. hector Bell and Victor Scott, two young lads living on William street. say they ‘ were picking apples in an orchard near the old Hall settlement on the pleasure grounds. and tints “big nigger” went after them with: smokes-end fired. “~â€" wuwru‘ vv .‘uuv' They claim they were compelled to the white' orne hide behind treei in order to keep out. into a cool root: 8111: ‘1'“: if: 3:113“: of his ”089' Lewis will stand for where it is frequently mined. I: hen-ingot: thleehugeeleoon the Zlet 119th prone-e last: from two to‘ loot. Lewis in 40 yearn of age end has $11". months. the tonn‘d belle grow. 0'0?! N 9° ofbelng anindnetrl- mg the fine yellow end reddish ool- oneenilwell-beheved mu. He is a. 0" peculiar. t° Eden “'9‘- I . |mmm,endleemployedue ,_ _....._.,.__ Bailws is Uwvu Hound’s new Virulont Hay Fever. 51X nuthomunelnownndarcon- " ' "' . n Ween Toronto and the mnmm Dt-mu't mm. 'IGI'ISQ is 1 substance that we rate this your will ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ t - ,fgure the strength of as we Glass is a substance that we cannot fgure the strength of as we can a great many other th'ngs with which we are familiar. It varies g.eatly in itself. The strongest glass, as a rule, Lreaks into th-s- g: e ltesl number '03 fragments. ComparTng the {strength of th”n glass with thick ‘the former is relatively the stronger. This is a thing very often lost sight of. Tl en aga'n, as to the difference 'between rough plate and polished ‘plate, ave find the polished 'plate the strangur. This is per- haps to be attr'.buted to the fact that all very fine surface hair cracks are polished out. These only go into the 'glass to a certain depth, and when ‘they are all or nearly all polished ' and ground off there is less chance ltor some of them to form the basis of a crack, and thereby the glass is increased in strength. Tests have . been made, and some formulae have 1 been arrived at. As was to be ex- l pected, they show very irregular re- I,sults as to the strength of glass. To Stop the Increase of Catatrh in Durham Catarrhal troubles are increasing. not only in Durham but all our the country. Catarrh is a germ disease and to cure it, germ lite in the nose, throat and lungs must be destroyed, and this can be done only by breathing Hyomei. There is no dangerous stomach drugging when Hyomei is used; no tablet or liquid mixtures whereby the digestion is often destroyed. Breathed through the neat pocket‘ inhaler that comes with every outfit,‘ its healing balsams penetrate the most remote air-cells, destroying the oatarrhal germs so that quick recov- ery follows. The complete outfit costs but $1.00, and Macl'arlane 6-: Co. agree to refund the money should llyomei fail to do all that is claimed for it. It costs a country newspaper mon- ey evu'y time it takes a stand on on any question, says a level-headed exchange. Almost any citizen can do do it without injury to his business, because he is not put on record. Whenever a newspaper publishes anythng, its black and white, no way to get round it. If the editor advocates improvements tle moss- backs get after him and stOp their paper. If he Opposes improvements the progressive sort jump onto his frame and call him a back number. If he boosts the churches the liberal gelement call him crazy, if he doesn't the church peeple say he is going to the devil. If he publishes politics the Opposition gets into his hair, and if he doesn't he’s charged with being afraid to stand for his own Opinions. If he condemns mail ordar houses, there are some pe0ple to ask him to attend to his own business as they have a right to trade where they please. If he publishes mail order ads. the home merchants go after his gore. No country newspaper can come out square on any subject with- out making enemies and losing mon- ey and in a year or so will incur: some criticism from nearly every- body, but this should not be dis- couraging. The newspaper that undertakes to please everybody will please nobody and if it is honest and sincere and thoughtful. the public will respect it. â€"Ex. For muscular pains and aches a thick oily preparation can’t penetrate â€"that’s why Nerviline brats them all â€"it sinks right in. ”I wouldn't live without Nerviline in my hons.-,” wr tes J. B. Cottan, o'L' Mastown. N.8. “If you have rheumatism or soreness in «the muscles or in fact any need of an honest liniment, Nerviline fills fthe bill. I cam recommrnd it highly because I have proved that in one application of Polson’s Nerviline there is more virtue than in a whole bottle of ordinary liniment.” Try one of the large 25c. bottles. BOHBTHING CAN BE DONE The northern part of Holland is the seat of the Edam cheese industry. In making the Edam cheese fresh cow’s milk is carefully strained and the rennet added. As soon as the milk curdles the whey is drawn off, and the curd thoroughly kneaded. is pressed into molds. This process is repeated until the whey has all been extracted and the curd is compara- tively dry. It is then wrapped in s linen cloth and kept for ten or twelve days until quite solid. Then the cloth is removed and the cheese put into salt lye. Afterward a little more; dry salt is sprinkled on the cheese‘ intil the maker. thinks it ls salt. ens: enough to insure its keeping. It is next put into a vessel and washed with whey and scraped to remove the white crust, It is next carried Thin Glass and Thick. The Home of Edam Choose. An Ednor’s Dlfliculties Which Liniment a Beat. ? 31ng Special attention to Gaso- no line Engine repairs. Arthurâ€"Sow. '23. 24. Blythâ€"Svpu 29, 30. Olarksburgâ€"â€"Sept. 2%). 30. Chntswurtlb Sept. 17. 18. (Mosleyâ€"Supt. 22. 23. Dlmdalkâ€"Oct. 8. 9. Durbmuâ€"Svpt. 22, 23. Draytonâ€"Uct. 6. 7. Fel'gnsâ€"Svp! . 29, 30. Fund wick-«Om . 3. Fever-slnallwact. 6, 7. Grand Valleyâ€"Dot. l3, l4. Hanoverâ€"~Sept. 29. 30. Holsteinâ€"Sept. 29. Kincnrdine~SepL 16, 17. Listowelâ€"Sept. 16. 17. London (Western Fainâ€"Sept. 11â€"19. Meafordâ€"Sept. 24. 2.5. Mildmayâ€"Sept. Z3, 29. MaxvilIeâ€"Sept. 14, 15. Nethtndtâ€"Svpt. 22. 23. Owen Soundâ€"Sept. 13, 17. I“- «-r0~ _ A‘-o ¢ DURHAM FOUND!“i 0. Smith Sons Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. Paipleyâ€"Sept. 29. 30 Plicevillecht. l. 2. Pahuersbonâ€"Sept. 24, 25. Rockh 11â€"Oct 8. 0. '1‘.nmâ€"Oct l, 2. Toronto (National) â€"Aug. 29.Sep.l4. Teeswaterâ€"Oct. 6. 7. Tiverbon â€"Oct. 6. Walter’s Fallsâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Winglmmâ€"Sept. 24, 25. Wiartonâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Walkerbonâ€"Sept.16, 17. N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. BIG HT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. . SMITH 6: SONS Sash 8’ Doors cut Of 'Moooé law. and west Of Moose J" " Albeitnatonecentpermile. RETURN TICKET TO ONTARIO STARTING POINT FOR AUDIT “8.00. AFTER WORKING AT LEAST ONE MONTH Apply to “cum for full condition: IOITIIIBI OF TWO Grand Art Loan Collection IIII'IIIIOIIII nuns-t, uuuvv unuâ€" â€"vâ€"--â€"-- The Sieée of Seba'stopol With 900 Pol-(omen. International Dog Show International Cat 5'10: 8, 000 Live Stock on View Fufdumuunumuunuuuuma. o..on luck will,“ FALL FAIRS. REAP FAIES FRO]! EVERY 14, ‘18 b “M Fields of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alba“ Well-put! work for over 25,000 men. WNW to point where haercstcrs are n and If Mame law. and west of Moose J” ‘0 FARM [ABURERS' .bdbmuunhfluhm we. 18, 19 sang. 9 ummd‘uuamvfi EXCURSIONS Canadian Pacifi: 7 Railway Time Tau.- With the opening at the mm. (3361: Line {umber l'uileshnw h .d in the history of our town. “" “'" "" ”‘ SV-w-nazb llé (300mb; with trams in and from T “I Oil one change between hurl fipe’o'd. comfort and safety. |%?3.‘a2'a “-- _nn '1‘- Uni... n. In-.- _' 1 |" ' ' . no we [hm-no loll wants at J 1' Nil ”or tfickeu and infornntioulfnc “m" 0"“. We are ulsoA tn for Alia" ad “Collin, C [’52. ocean 1' . M . Expmo. mm and ”- With mentioning m the m“. V , cific Line {homer milestmw hk‘mh [.1 ad in the history of our town, N' Tlo following time t¢ b1 . until further notice; “ ewdlhemg‘ “do" 0‘53“!!! “8 _p..m 1V"_I_|10\_9Tar9 cthPâ€"u-M Implements Agen m t f A r8?! Percival AV Pe tan and Liswwil‘i I . p 0'3. AG ENT . . FOR 690 [to WI) Son Three hi I “I U -L 2.. Toronto \Vindmills. Mellow Sharpless Cream Sam Emacs, Rugs, Whips, Oils, GM Stoves. Furnaces, Singers 5""! Machines, Heiutzman’s Pianos McLaughlin’s Famous Buggiu Repairs for all makes of le Bepuirs for all makes of Sewing I, chines. 3 HOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop orlv “tended to. “W. 0. com Automobiles. Ties, Pnles, bought N W. D. CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lind and Iron Cylinders. Pumps fmm $2 upwm. FARM MACHINERY 43.3 JUHN N. MUHUUEK l3 0’; Frost 6’ ‘ Msnuftcturer of And Dale!- in gr All Kinds of Aug. 0 Allan Pk Durh an Middmgh House Block chines. Funeral Dirccau Pith”? ‘ Rai11(j-n:11.~ h ‘ gunk-MM] ‘ .. up-tu- «law- .. 1. , ,, - m g a» In? 44? ‘7» w A blend Our pure Manitoba flu NO. 1 Manitoba wheat, ‘ (or either mkerve or People 9 II made from selected and is a superior arti pastry. vU Constantly on hand t 0‘ Rolled Oats. Aim Rolled Cereal, lb» “95! AlsoChopped Oats. .\l 0109. Bean Shorts :1] 000(10 delivered an 3‘ v4 880W Run)! s Barber Slu m. Chopping Dom: ‘1] up-tn-datv it Ms keep um Mr grocer duv> I the mill and vu- ‘ Call us up h} 1.31.; Ill km- of Grain b0l Price . E mbalming a ‘ 5pc hve onlytn We WI" Nuke mmpurmlum :L N M from us. WIAL DIM 01‘ ‘1” in Men’s fed”) We are FPHHH iguana». w my JOhl‘l N‘LI 20, mm Prints Gingh 111w Chamln': 1x Mulls Muslims l’ersizm I of} Naniwba and is a stric family fluu of (Tail e Caps PASTRY F \ 130k 211i Ladies H b NOW is the ti In Mon sad at kin Inn [1 ~ I m In brown. All cash pure “VG a “09"“ 4 Wm drop! ’9‘ put in an TRY ()l' R Framim notzl SOVERE! ECLIPS selling and 891 TH I XE

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