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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Aug 1908, p. 8

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h Now is the time to buy while good times are are dawning r' \7 ‘Q 7 V L‘LAHc’Ja‘J THE DURHAM CHRONICLE daughter have been v.81 ther, Mr. H. \Vzlkinson, V‘. ‘w Mrs. Trotter from Toronto visited her s.st(r, Mrs. Z. Clark, for the past \V e man I spent 1) .1 ml“ Wedding Bells will again in Varney. “We again ext-:nl our sincere sym- pathy to the bereaved fr-ends of the la-te Robert Morrison. We are sorry to hear of the very low condtion of health that Mr. Wm. Bull is in. 60 low is he, we learn, that the Dr. holds out no hape for his recovery, but we bone to get better news soon. V‘vv'â€" _‘ Mr. Wm. Ball are visiting lneir fa- ther on account of his illness. ° Rev. Mr. Rogers from Colpoy’s ViS-‘ vited Mr. J. W. Blyth and family! from Thursday night until Satur- day mornlng on his way to Grand Valley where he will preach for the Rev. Mr. Daniels for three Sundays. B. J. Eden and J. W. Blyth attended a Royal Scarlet meeting in Durham on Friday night. Mrs. S We are sorry to report that Mrs. James Hoy has been very sick, but glad to say she is improving at time of writing. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Trotter visit- ed the formcr's son, Arthur, in Han- over for a few days last week and this. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watt from your town spent Sunday with Mrs. Watt's aunt, Mrs. George Pollock. Among those who left here for the West 011 Friday last were the follow- ing:â€" D. McCrie, R. l’ettigrg-w, R. Petty, A. McClinton. W. Clark, Max Allez1,'l ‘om A1111), Palmer I’utttrson, Milton Arde, W111. Morrison. Jr. ., and Mrs. Q. [’eLtigrcw‘. We wish them all a s:1fe journey, a plzvasamt and pros-porous time and r1 safe return. The 'l‘rusteus of Vurney School (-11- guged Mr. Stanley McNully as teach- or for the IVSXt twelve months if all goes \n-ll. lI-s began his duties on Monday morn'ng. \Ve wolcom- him to our midst and wish him‘the grout- of success. Ti 0 Trustees of S. S. No. 1 Norman- by have svcurvnd the scarvlces of Miss Gremwood as t-sucht-r for the coming year." Shv 1) 11.111 duties on Monday morn ng lust. Rev. and Mrs. Bull and Mrs. Bull's sister visited the f0rnm1“a parental homo. and also his sister, Mrs. [’01- lock for the past few days. On Sun- day :nlgllt Mr. Bull preached an (‘x- (Dellcnt S'sl‘lllon to a large and very attentive audi' mm from the. text “How shall we know the Way. Jcsus sa‘d ,1 am the way". Miss Brebbt-r and Mia's Gregg, of Mt. Forest, visited the farmer‘s cous- ins, \Vinnie and Blanche Lauder, for a few days lately. TLe cutting of outs has born a rath- er slow and hard job this your on acâ€" pount of the down condition of the grain, .but it is getting pretty \n-ll over with. A good many are done, but there is a lot of hauling in to do, ;and a few fine days would be very acceptable. \ . Miss Jennie Allan left for Toronto on Tuesday, after spxndlng two weeks around our village. Miss Lizzie Allan also left on Thursday for Hanmlton again. after spending four weeks very pleasantly around Varney. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Irvin, and little son, from the West, are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison. The weather of the past week was bad for harvesting. This with the grain broken down makes progrcss very slow. Miss Katie McFarlane sp nt a few days hast week with frix-uds around Dromore. Miss Annie McCormack and her friend, Mr. Stephan, both of Walk- erton, are. pr-nding a week or so via- iting at the formats home here. Mrs. Br tton and her daughter Miss onlet, of Mt. toresm. visited amongst old me gubors in this vicinity last Eleanor Lemon. and a gentle- fuend, both hrom Mt. Forest, Sunday with triends in this We sympathize with Miss McFar- lane who, we are sorry to report is not improving any. Mr. Ira Pinnock left for Palmersâ€" ton two weeks ago and has secured a job firing in a large factory. School has started again. after the long holidays. Mr. Charlie Farquhar- son has been engaged for another term. Charlie has proved himself to be an efficient teacher, and besides is a favorite with the people of the section. Miss Jean Binnie, of British Colum- bia, who has been visiting her many friends around Durham and vicinity, spent a few Fleasant days recently at the home 0 her uncle. Mr. George Binnie. She goes this week to visit the Edge family of Edge Hill. Miss Bella Binnie left last Satur- day to resume her. duties teaching school a. few miles from Shelbnrne. Her sister, Miss Lizzie takes charge again at Tap Cliff. tion in the Glen instead of at Moore’s siding as was tormerly thought of. This, we believe would be much more ponvenlent to {he ublio, and more so in gettin mail tom the traln to the Post-'0! we. \ l. . _ 1 . We hear that the ateam ovel in the Glen is about to be m ved .to Walkerton. where none work await- it there. Another. II 000138 in its place to finish up the work that is yet to do. There is some talk of having a sta- tion in the Glenjnsteagl o_f‘ at “90“.! Varney. Bunessan. son and lu-r little v¢siting hir bro- son, for the past soon be rihging SpeCIa I Values and Bag: ains The whale lead: all animal: in point of longevity, his age being placed con- servatively at 800 to 1,000 years. The tortoise comes next, with an age limit extending from 100 to 200 years. The elephant, the camel. the eagle and the that will set the whole town talkingâ€"Bettw (“31119 early. Here is a splendid list of magnifiwnt say. ings.â€"Read every, word carefully. 2 J ap squares, nice colors, 2% x 31¢; $ 13.7.0 for $9.50 ll run crocodile are each credited with 100 years and upward. The carp is an elusive creature. its age having been figured at from seventy-ave to 150 years. Tigers. leopards, jaguars and hyeuas live some twenty-live years in confinement and probably much longer in the wilderness. Swans, parrots and ravens live 200 years. pelicsns forty ts fifty years, hawks thirty to forty. geese eighty years, monkeys and hab- oons sixteen to eighteen. squirrels and rabbits seven years. queen bees (our years, working bees six months and drones four months. East African Highlands The young Englishman, be he odour or aettler in the cut African high- lands. cuts a hardy azure. Hia clothea are few and far between. A can hat. a brown flannel ahirt with aleevea out above the elbow and open to the cheat. a pair at thin khaki knickerbockera cut short five inches at least above the knee. boots and a pair of puttiea con- priae the whole attire. Nothing eiae il W001 “ 'l‘a}.)estry carpet. worn. The akin, exposed to can. thorns and insects. becomes almost a dark as that of the maven. and no Misses’ skirts, colors and grey ...... Womens’ skirts, assorted colors. “ blue lustre skirts ......... “ black lustre skirts ....... “ “ panama. skirts... u Men’s suits ................................... “ 10.00, 14 00 11.00 9 99 I .49 Glam. ( h m m n Western Fair | g; Everxthing in Hardware reduc- Greatest Live Stock Exhibit’n Remember we are going out of the Hardware ed to c7931 r. Screen Doors, $1.00 for. . . . .75 Ditto complete. $1.25 fnr.. .85 of Western Ontario FullProgrmu of \ttractions t“ 119 ddih includin;r Kemp’ 8 Wild Vi est Show Best of Mush 1 immrks Each Evening ATHLETIC DAY, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Come and enjoy yourself at London's P01111131 Fair W. J. REID, President Pmduca taken for Cash or Goods, highest REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS London, Sept.1 1 -19 {K H N H Prize Lists, Entry Forms I’rom'a111s,zuui :111 information given 011 application 1n Groceries for Friday and Saturday Animal L310; (C 66 H 00000000000000000000.0000o. H £‘ 2%:{3‘4 $13.50 for $9.50 3, 3 X 3% 9.00 7.00 ’ baking powder. . .. its ............ . ...... Ditto $1.51) for ...... 3k Hay Rakes, 2 for. Hay Forks. 50c fur. . . Ditto, 650 for ....... I ”â€"v 1 once IS HEREBY mx'sx PU“ (0 9am to “'1‘ me Revised f d 1 :duflo 197. cbnptnr 1:19" that aiiCM‘W 4‘ other}; hnving claims admit“ “‘9 “a” so the, and Alvnuder Bell me scum" who the! on or about the .. ' II the flutter of the Estate of Bell the Younger. late of the Dal-hut. II the County of firth Grey. Exocutors of the [as H . ' meat of the mid deceased, than Chum“ and snrmmes. Iddress . . he a full purticulars of their chums. :11? $30!“ 0! their mounts and the alt mantles. if uuy. hel ”And fugthor ttke notice that - t national data the said Execuw" '3; proud to distributa the assets of “’9 Mb: . among the putioa entitled “fl V! mud only to the claims 0‘ ‘ 9' and an! . m [then have notice. _ d Eucnmn will not be hablet ;r we “a M or my t thereofm my 90'5““ 0‘ W 000 china notice 91“!“ ‘- the 0-9 V. it!!! touched by them at “05 dhuibution. tug?“ at Dorm this 28th dsy 0‘ My Ont : ALL“: | Jon! BILL, Durhrm P. 'J. i t. Executor“ BILL. Dam no. 0 . “I.“ Will god 'rosiamgut of M09.“ Notice to Creditors. E52? .. M. HUNT. Aug. [.39 5.50 . i) .95 W. H. Shaw 1" B. B. Shaw's“ prices paid HS .275; .35 .35 ww'e‘ Mill [5. 8338 8" Sons. vault. will turn. .. hour. and couw .n rum. The Durham Schc .1 Sept. lot. at 9 emu. h all the pupils. bath 1. n P. 8., be present nn 1 fl Wt Clmificatitm l uy friend 9 made. The Model 5‘71 on Sept- lst at 2 um. 8. is the only mu 1‘ Toronto”; and as the a 'YUO be ‘WP, h i~t lhle M the ( iii/a n: to ”accumulate mu} “MMBL Will plea.» Mr. J. A. Homing. HHH ”Died by Mr. BI‘H\\'HN'()| Sound. spent \VH‘IWM‘H thy in town. Seal't'hing n father. “1'. John Hurlmll amldenlv deranged am from his home in the» 4 the previous Tuesday In Earning is 0. man of fif! at an- imn-cn’v hailw feet Sight inches mu. “d full bound. tl'illlmo flint. Up till last U= Mm in the film ‘1 Womb. crm-kvry 1 null-u present lahu! impmuion than H)“ (1 am, and WIN w'd‘] In: coders for thv'u 1 mt. he is the w» ‘Mrium” in 0W" WTMy morning i1 ”this home ful'HH‘ Pl “Ian“.physicizln 1‘“ “I! b, his Wife mu‘ returning home {m di Medal that he had g Mrimu. and th’ m building, gunt' «iv! “‘1 wbiequemly 1 Vila-he bounded m» m On tht’ I‘Hm‘t‘ Municatiw aml M be was trawling u ‘0 Me “In-hull 'wllkertnn, as mu m: “I line of thv (I W. His shv‘ xillaro ] meeting Friday Mt than Mr. ('H h. I“ the matter 1" It. Homing det'idm m to Hanover. I .m w a man u: I ‘ none W85 sold ml (dry revealed lhv {m .sflllth on the mnrl‘ “II. md the natul'l “Instant-d Lu “2-1 at h pmbablx WI Ht Friday mmning 'm Me n Lhul‘nug “7 In every (A “V“ at the cuuntrv loan a luau an : 9 Horses and ( 42â€"440. 2163. J. A. Homing. H Chairman u a, and nhlig on the iron-gr? V listen 10 N" all at evening 11‘ Apply The agmuq It is 9x091 tizems wl 3 studvl flout UHCQ' hon (60 av of lb Zr at! v n {V )l \\' H \" l pl

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