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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Sep 1908, p. 2

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07827 AND esâ€"m was 1311! Coca-Gian of the Township of Nor- by. “:5 i 2505"”. the“ «an of lat. . 0130‘.th drill" outrun dyolliog. Good hunk barn mg“ L- -‘AIA 8- km g . not: up liatinn. Hugh Fulton, ‘3): sum. and... P. o. -1!“ J {i Egalo-dmiirfifichfii. Tim: I 0: a game LOT 19. con. 2. 13.0. u. wont. Smile- north of Holstnin. 3 training I“) scroll. about 90 acres claret! Id in good rate of cultivation. (00d brick rolling largo frame Moment burn, won and well watered. good orchardJ , ', ‘ lo'from school and 1 mile from church. . ”pay arm». For 'urthor particulars upply 2 John H. Sharpe. Holuoin P.O. [AM 1mn.‘ P'J *Fiil’ For Sale 01-33912 0' 5“ Datum. -â€"â€"â€"â€"aâ€"-â€"â€"â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" - .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--\ a con 9031431.}: comings my iii: 2N0 AND 330 DIVISION 0? . Lot No. I. E G R.. in the Township Glands. 1w acres knownu the “McKin- 3 Fun” at the Rocky Samoan. 1m- Idinto possession given. For particnhrs NY to J. P. Tolford. 3 ll-(fl-tt L noble farms in New Ontario. near n Liskourd for saleâ€"largo discount for Ih. Map of the locality and terms given application to J P Toltord, Solicitor for flat. 7 woo-u ‘VV ”V-vâ€" L silos of Dntbun. On the fun) there 3 brick home. nlmoot now. .100 two buns with stone foundations. The '0 rty is well fenced not! w." wntond. '° neon t 830‘0 on terms to unit purchas- . App y to W. I". Dunn, Agent for Van- l- [April 29â€"“. HIGH CLASS m0 ACRE FARM in a good district in the Townshi of Normanhy. The soil is a ric clay loam. and the land is rolling but free from hills. 125 acres is cleared and under caltivatisn, the balance forms a very valuable cedar and hardwood bush. The fences are excellent and thereisdlenty of water The buildi . gs com risea trame dwell- ing house,asplen id barn 50:70 with stone foundation and stabling, a root ouse. an implement house. a log ig pen 30:211. frame sheep pen and rame hen house, all in good repair. eprice is $6313.00. For further barticulars and terms of payment Britt) or apply per-socially to W. F. nun. Solicitor for-Xendor. 01' 21.313: THE SECOND GON- ' W t of the Ganfrmjioul, gig;mmp _of Normality. m the _ _ __A2 -..I-.._ -â€"â€"‘-D .A L Sling-{Jo}: Durham. “0“ frontage rply 19 \X'lliam Laidlaw u l U" m.’ V. -V v. â€"-â€"" V I of Gr. . For nicnhu:_â€" to ’. olford. triourrburhan. pply ivUMBER OF IMPROVED VAL- vvâ€"r 7"- , storey dwelling. alongside Presby- n Manse property in Upper Town, thorn, Corner of Durham and Elgin ts. Seven rooms pantry, closets ent floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- in good locality. Good frame arable and soft water one acre of land. Snap quick purchaser. For further particuo up ly to John W. .McKechnie, Owner, auceen P.O .let.1mâ€"tf. wo STOREY DOUBLE FRAME V'v U-v-vâ€"_ , house, situated on the west sid - Gum. pxa Street. in upper town. large lot with lble. fint clans well. also cistern. Apply promises. Angus Cameron, [3|2t. BE 29,-tf 15w ELLING AND i saw. _ ON V ‘IAuuuov v- ‘ Queen and Coduvtess Streetsâ€"mod stion. prices reasonable: Apply to la. Smith or at the Post Ofice. v wâ€"tf, Prope rty_f0r Sale. 3106513, 15 acres bush. frame bun, watered, must be sold. A. H. Jackson mm 227tf. 'heee buildings must be removed et en ’ly date. in order to clear the line of right my. .1! material such as timber. brick. stone. .. in use. where the hnildinge cannot he red. ere eleo ofered tor ale. pal June 4th I”. ! J91? Dynfronn Dnrhern. NUMBER 6PTOWN LOTS ON A EIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale a number of houses and out- Idiom: along the line of right of any of Walkorton and Lucknow Railway. in town of‘pprhnm. - - â€"â€"-J -L -â€" -â€"â€" vvâ€"â€"*- Y 200 ACRE FAB“ AT GLASo 'cKINNON 100 ACRE FARM AT . the Rocky. immediate possession giv- For future! priicnhn apply to nâ€"- â€"A--\ Farms for Sale. ’s 13 AND 14. CON. 3. N 9.11. 10 acre. IV -~lâ€" VI .- â€" v him. oonvonioni to minim. Cottage gins 6 rooml. good woodshod. good on- bon homo. no!» {oiling well. Excell- GOOD SOLID _BRI_(_3K_‘TVYO . .â€" "was -. V". V" 'â€" ,' 0mm. .4 no â€"u. y_t6 J. P. v o G 60 D COMFORTABLE boom. Apply to J. M. Lttimor. [£306 dunno: amen .-v. -vâ€" eon. will rent one or man you: I most of Inn to rovomonts inns. soil vats, orghsrtftnd In... La- n-..A m m A‘I‘ Wu. W l873 ' d stren h. It has a record lfehind it u a Bank OE)? 5:11:12! and sugctccssful businas, and 18 strong in resources and bankmg cxgenfnce._ ~r tu- At A... Zi'vApply to Anon Kohl: vâ€"_â€"__ _ STANDARD BAN K OF CANADA Baikal. '[wtmptf BLEV By evaporating twenty draps of car- ;bolio acid from a. hot shovel, flies will maybe driven from the room. ) TWO THRESHING OUTFITS.â€"One lain engine, 12 h. p., and one trac- ion engine, 14 h. p. All in good running order. At a bargain. ZENAS CLARK. Varney. 7152111. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Municipal Council 0‘. the Cor- poration of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, at the exvira- tion 0! one month from the posting up of this notice, intend to take into consideration, and if no suf- ficient objection thereto be made, finally pass a By-law for the opening up or a Street. through lots numbers 20 and 21 East or Garafraxa Street, and lots num- ber. 20 and 21, West of Albert Street, in the Town of Durham. Dated this 10th day 01 August, A. D. 1908. W. B. YOLLET. Clerk. Town of Durham. \V’ill George Matthews. or a. man nmned Maguire, who were in the 3lst Batt., Durham, during riots at Ogden:- burg. please send their address to JOHN WALKER. Box 186, Youngstown, Niagara County, N. Y.. ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TRESâ€" ing, or molesting fences, on lot.- 7 and 58, S.D.R., Bentinck, will be prosecuted. [938 D the undersigned. and endorsed "Ten- der for Armoury. Durham. Ont ." will be revolved u this oflice until 400 P.M. on Frida . September 4, IKE. for the construc tion 0 at Armoury at Durham. Out. '"Plans and specification can be soon and forms of under obtained at this Department and at tba “Review” Oflice, Durban. Ont. Persons tendering are notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with their actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank. made yable to the order of the Honourable the . inister of Puhlic Works. eqqah to ten per Minister of Public Works. equal to ten r cent (10 p.c.) of the amount of the ten er, which Will be forfeited if the person tender- ing decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so. or fail to complete the work contracfed for. If the tender be no accepted the cheque will be returned. ‘ 'l‘he Departmetit does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order, R. C. DESROCHERS. Asst. Secretary- Department at Public Works, Ottawa, August 21. 1938. Newspapers will net be paid fpr thin ad- vertieement if they incert it Without authority from the Department. EALED TENDERS mares-sci to SITUATIONS Gregg Shorthand Thu. Ooums â€" Stenozmphy. Conl- mercial. Telegraphy. Entet ;uy (by. ' Wfite (or particulars. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 1 Walkenonflusiness Collage GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Ill WANTED. For Sale. ,- Leaf Ledger vith loadinc business houses await our graduues. and all nmdnru office methods which ensure rapid advance- mont, taught bv the only' teacher in OItario who atlended the Amnou‘s 8011001.. NOTICE. 5l Bunch- Don’t be afraid to give Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy to your chil- dren. It contains no Opium of other {harmful dru . It always cures. For sale at all rug stores. Forty children, including three sets of twins, have been born to Tim and Susana. Londons, who live-in the Span- ish Vill e. of Rio Negro, in Aragon. Twenty- ve children survive. dently lost her balance and fell into the river at Sanmnr yesterday. Her crys attracted the attention of a blind man named Desuasarnwho plunged into the water and brought her to Dr. Chadwick, husband of the no- torious “Cassie,” has filed a. petition in bmkru p.tcy Hi8 rsonal debts are placeq at $1, 750, an the ones contractâ€" r-..--._ --- ed thmtfgh éndorsing notes cheques for his wife at $650,“. Attacked by two swarms of bees, a. team of horses belonging to Frank Running, a. milk dealer. of Lsnsin ,' Mich., were so severely stun “that is likel one of them will die. nning himsel came in contact with the in- sects, but. by beating a hasty retreat, moneyed to escape With swol on hands the bank in safety. rted to the Labor Department as re “:33 in existence in July was 10. com- with 14 in June and so in July first ear. About 76 firms and 1,394 emp oyes are aflected. 0f the ten disputes seven were definite] settled, the employes being success 111 in five cases and the employers in two. Hearing her father say that he didn’t think a neighbor, who blew his head off. had the nerve to commit suicide, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stntz, thought it showed bravery and obtaining a gun, killed herself after saying “Tell papa I’ve got the nerve, too.” The farmer may loose WP‘?!‘ Hon. George P. Grrahmu, Minister of Railways, has named a connoission consisting of E. Tiflin, general traflic manager. W. A. Syorey, general freight agent, and W. A. Bowden. engineer of the RailWay Department, to investigate the condition and busi- ness prospects of the Intervoloninl. This may he preliminary to the pur- cimse of branches. A find recently made in Montreal hy the patrolling pickets of the C. P. R. strikers Friday leads to the discovery of what would appear to he a robbery of the mails in transit. Two mail bags ripped across, and a number of opened letters in which were. found cheques amounting to $7,000, were found beside the track. The matter was reported to the postoflice, but they have not as yet made any report. The crest of the great freshet which [Detroit has swept through South Carolina.' Tt‘ has ruined farms and crippled railway a. or. a lines in its wake, has now assedlmlflwe Columbia, and moved tower s theiMicllifli lower part of the State. No accurate \ Gra'r estimate of damage can be made, butit0 ‘ W" it will probably run into the millions {Mr "‘ 1') The brunt of this loss falls on the 4' farmers who have lost practicallyl MRS all their bottom land crops. Over 5's new seventy lives have been lost so far. Sound Mrs Ida Spooner. a widow, while temporarily insane, gave her four| ohildrerfi morphine and attempted to shoot herself. Gardner, six years old. is dead; Eastman, aged9, and Morris, aged 16 are in a serious condition} in Vassar HOSpital. Mattie, 10 years old is out of danger. Mrs. Spoonerl shot herself above the rig_bt ear yvith; w-uvv â€"-â€"â€"~-â€"_ '7â€" ; 22 calibre révolier an?! may have ukeu some of the poison 3130. She is in _the bagpital, conscious but irra- Another cloud Ins arisen between China. and J3 an, according to a ape- cial des atc received rom Hong Kong tel ng of the seizure at Chin Chou by the _Chinese. autnorities of AA AAA ese- merchants have protested, c‘laim- ing that this cargo belongs to them, and threaten to make another inter- national question of the incident. The seizure is similar to that of the Tat- ;su Mun. v..-“ w a steamer trivia? on board 10,001 ri- fles and 2000, 0008 cartriglgesu Jgpgn- A laundress of London, En: face College. Winni eg have discov- ered the remains of art St. Charles, built in 1732 by Sieur De La Veran- drye, first explorer of the North West. on an island in Lake of the Woods in American territory. They also discovered the skeletons of Fa- ither Auinear. Jean Baptiste De La IVerandrye and nineteen skulls of French Canadian voyageurs. massa- cred ‘by Sioux Indians in 1736. For many years past the Roman Catholic Church has made attempts to locate these remains, but up to this time. all efforts to do so had failed. On Wednesday of last week. for the first time in the criminal history; of Buffalo. three women were arraigned in the Police Court on charges of tak- ing human lives. The police accuse the women for being reSponsible for the death of five human beings. The wo- men are: Mrs. Annie Sutherland. who is accused of having sshot hen hus- band last week Mrs. Isabel Salen, ac- cused of having strangled her three young children two weeks ago, and Martha Browaska. the 17-year-old who was arrestodi son a charge ofl For the woman who does her. on throwinga new-born. babe from the laundry work, great saving of time second story window of the General and strength may be found in the Hospital in July last. Warrants char-lose of the small five-cent Vegetable gins murder in the first degree were brushes. They are just the than to ordered leaned tor the women at the to rub aolled neck-bands. wrists and eonelndon of the three lnqneets. all badly soiled garments with. . The World’s' News. -â€"â€"d 'â€"â€"â€"â€"d THE DURHAM CHRONICLE .11ch- and0 all into ofin op'in‘ioniyet it is wise to always consider what others think and pro- fit by it. Nothing makes life so miserable. or interferes so widely with the useful- ness of the average person. an indi- gestion, and it is well for us to give fair consideration to what others think about this remarkable afflic- tion. "'Macfarlane Co. are positive that in Mi-o-na Stomach' Tablets they have Advices from E. D. Arnaud, Canao dian commercial agent in New York, indicate that the authorities there are becoming genuinely alarmed at the spread of the White plague in the island colony. Consumption is on the increase, as is shown by the statistics of the past few years. In 1901 there were 654 deaths from consumption in the colony. In 1902, 710 peOple suc- cumbed to the disease, While in 1906. the figures had gone up to 9,332. It is estimated that 2,000 people are idle every day of the year. involving an annual cost of nearly 81.000.000 a year to the colony. Recently all the school teachers of the island were called together in convention and iven instructions by experts as to the st methods to prevent the spread of an absolute ours for indigestion and the many disagreeable symptoms that follow this disarm. such as distress after eating, coated tongue, bad taste in the mouth, dizziness, flatulence and nervousness. the disease. neckties of identieally the 88m? 93"; Impossibilities in the way of Pre- torn and 001°" Five other Chinam(infection must not be eXpected. The in the room immediately stepped for-‘ children are selected from Insti- wsrd and identified each 81'0“!) 0‘ kutions in England where they have prisoners and claimed t? be related'been under observation for some to them. The self asserted relatives years and in whom there is every I‘M apparently carefu‘ly “ted theconfidence that they will do well SW18 0‘ neckties worn by the men In fact it is made a rewarded a fil- they picked out, aid the authorities ’ ‘ cane. to the conclusion that the neck-gvor E0 be brought out. “Ed 3'95.“ care is taken not to send children ”I ties were used a'i Identification lIlle‘kS. . . 2' ‘ . '3 Commissioner Kellog ordered the t word,” to get “‘1 Of them. {mtlgmd waits and strays arv- not sent to Can- Chl'm nen deported. : ads. The records show plainly that ofi -â€"â€"â€"o-â€"â€"- ltho children plated during the past ‘seven years, only 4 per cent of the 1 raverston. Eboys and seven per cent of the girls1 il ave turned out unsatisfactory. When I"t' “d“! for 1"St wexk. a. boy or girl shows hal or depraved Harvest cutting: will be all finitsl‘Cde‘ a"acter. he or she is deported. ra- here. early this week. It has been (1'. ther than he. detain-ad in the country {heartless task, owing to the brokenfto be. a menace to the good name down condition of the 031’- OFOP' gwhich others are endt avoringz to ke--p I Miss M. E. Hunt arrived home from up. This being so the Association is |Detroit at the close of last week insistent in enforcim.r the fulfilment after a deliglut'ul fortnight's visit. to of the obligations assumed by the em- |rela‘.ives in Detroit, Oxbow and otheriployel‘ 0‘ one 0f.its wards. and also Michigan centres. ,requires flat the chzld shall receive 2 Gra'hlma Edwards left on Saturdnygprom'r treatment. While. the Associa- ito swhd a week with her (laugliter,I-ti°n recognizes fit all children are 'Mrs D Mav'larlane at Cnledon. j’mt equally satisfactory, “‘9'; reâ€" . i U " f C 11' wood No {quire 3"" employer who may have an Miss B 'l‘a;lor.o 0 mg . . unsa"isfactory child in his care. to re- 5's new teac‘ er came byAway 0f owen.turn such child to the. Home. where Detroit at the close of last week after a deligiut'ul fortnight's visit. to relfi‘ivea in Detroit, Oxbow and other Michigan centres. IEIE'JVES UI .UL'LIULL, VAUUH uuu v...v- . Michigan centres. : Gra'ilima Edwards left on Saturthyi to Spend a neck with her daughtelfi MN. I) Maciarlane at Caledon | Miss B Ta '.lor of Collingwood No. ‘l“ \ Sound on Saturday and has "Nd? 3{they will replace the. same at their most fgvorable, imp“ 50“ (11 b0“‘ Du" own expense rather. than subject it pils ind parents. to treatment which might be con- ? Miss Jenn’e McArthur. whose bomefatrued into cruelty or banshnesfi is in Owen Sound. but Who 113* Silent Forms of application containing full the pa t seven years in 30 chestcr, information for the guidance of those sBrooklyn and New York. is now hon-Applying for a child are readily sent dgying at the home of her uncle. Mr. on egplication to: â€" iG‘FOYEG Blair. . The Rev. Mother Superior. i Miss Pinder. of Crcl'ardvdle. Spent St. George's Home. .the first of the week :3me the Hintonburg. Ont. While everyone has a. right to his Miss Pinder, of Crci'ardville. spent the first of the week among the Grcenwood famil'es. On Thursday August 6th. in Hos- mar. B; C. ,was born to 8. H. Ed- wards and wife a bouncibg boy. their first-born. Great rejoicing. The general w'iah among farmers is that the weather may change its ways. Two weeks‘ dry sunny day- wonld be I. godsend. The news of her tsther’s death. csrne most uneXpectedly to Mrs. A. J. Robson a; it was thoughh he had fully recovered from his recent ill- ness. The late, Mr. Farr was a. man of sterling principles and of a most likeeble disposition. The Robson itemily attended the funeral on Mon- Several finished harvesting on 8a- turday, but it will take the. greater number the most of this week to 'get ell under cover. Miss Abbie Robson came home for not holidays from Preston on Friday Inst. Mr. Duncan Livingston of Crawford war. the guest of his cousin, Mrs. John MoNslly. of the 7th concession a day or two of the past week. Miss Florence Hunt left for Detroit m Monday, where she has a good sit- Jation awaiting her. in the Millinery urt. Delicate wall-paper can be cleaned by wiping with balls of dough made by kneading stiff a paste of tour pounds of flour. and two pints of acid water. For the women who do“ her: on laundry work. great saving of tune and strength may he found in- the use of the small five-cont Vegetable AS OTHERS THINK. This week’s Items. mafia! They are placed out under condi- stence tions varying according to their age 3 had and capability and the amount of rang- work required. They are possess-sci W and more or less of ordinary chiildisb The Sisters of this Order. who I:- rived from England lut Fell here at the request of the Archbishou of Wat-mean end» the Blshop of England, end with the approbation of His Grace the Archbishop of Ottawa. taken over the work of the Catholic Emigrntion Association. whose head- quarters are at St George's Home Hintonhurg, Ontario. As many of our readers are aware. the children are brought over from the Old Country during the summer months of the year. The boys are placed to work on farms and the girls in domestic service A London peper. which ie fer enough ewey to he eefe. eterted e Ilery Ann problem thne: In the Unit- ed Stetee the Mexicen doller hee the exchenge velne of ninety cente. In Mexico the Americen doller hee the me velne. On the frontier of the United Stetee where Tone joine lexioo there ere two eeloone, one onf eech‘ eide of the frontier. A men hnye e ten cent drink of whiekey et the Americen eeloon 'end peye for it with en Americen doller, receiving e Mexicen doller in chenge. With this he croeeee the border, coee into the Mexicen eeloon. hende over the Mexicen dollerlor e ten cent drink end receives en Amerioen doller ee chenge. It is evident thet the limit of his pmcheeing power ie the length of time he cen etend He finelly wekea up with e bed heedeche end the Americen doller with which he eterted. Who peid for the whiekey? -â€"Americen Grocer. “I took two of Chnmberlain‘s Stom- azh and Liver Tablets last night. and I feel fifty er cent betttr than 1 have for wee 5. says J. J. Firestone of Allognn. Mich. “The are certainly itine for biliouanoss.” or sale by: all tDrng stores. Btmples tree. ayable at cFar at anal-Bank .i9 Canada {’ukon) an in the get cxtles of the States. An absolutely safe, economical a venieat way of transmttmg small sums. 3g. and under, 30. :10 to 30 ..... a to $10 ...... 60. (61c Unit}; l‘ld con, HOW OLD I! All! ’W.M;OC no... l‘cmt o.‘ Art... Good for Biliomw- of Canada Bank Money Orders Issued J- 0- TEL’TS’RD: ”Wu” INCORPORATED 1885. “If flUHflAMC -w" m wwsam may rnvnsnn noun... It the Chronicle Pqnting Noun, 0.. -_A vuâ€"uo'wv- ‘Iy “d"bl {M O" M o 0 01 “per your.” 41. 50 my bochnr‘od if not no u to Chink every so nonunion is "all“ the number on the nddrou hbel continued to nll nrrearo nro mid}; 1 option of the proprietor. quit {tuitionâ€"million manure. PI“ “11]., not oxooodingb one inch “.00 my. ‘dvgnioomcnu wit. out specific dim be publilbod till forbid nnd chum"! M Tun-tent notionsâ€""L1 at. " ”Found." “Pal eta-50 can“ for first insertion. 2, cent: in ubggqqflt insertion. m o . “on; 3061“; fif'f'fia: All «variant-em; E." 3.55. in“. «mm week. should be brought in “them Tonal“! morninp Alldvortiuemonta ordered by stung." to odd for in .dvnnoe. Contact mm for yeah)” schema... Ilghgd on! nppflation to the office. . . in: com Ietelv Mochd fit“; O EW YPE. thus afiM'I' b Department ilitioa for turning out “I?“ FFICE AND RESIDENCEA short distance east of Kntpp’a BonL Lunb ton Street. Lower Town. Dark 0600 hours from 12 to 2 o'clock Queen and Methodist Churc 2-4 0.11).. 7-9 p.111 l 600 in the New Hunter Block. Oh noun. 8 to w u. m.. n, 4 p. m. mm o. In. Special attention given tn dim )f {'0an nnd children. Residence @- oouto Prubvwrian Church. HYSICIAN AN 0 SURGEON. 0?- Eco in the New Hunter Block. 06! (‘u Auuunt Roy. London Ophthnlmc flu hp. all to Golden Sq. Throat nnd Non ll. SPECIALIST .- EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. BADULATE of London, I" York and Cbimo. M 0! Eye. Ear Hound?“ Will be it Kmpp House. Durban ‘5'“ WQV in ”ch month. Hoursâ€"l4” Dentist. OFFICE: Our J. t J. Hum“ Du. lamieson laclauria. ABBISTER. SOLICITQZB. "yum .N ta '1’ bl". w. ‘0 Luau 12m": 1233”." K G oats-Nclntyra Block, over 3“ . Dun-hm. Onurin. N O'I‘ABY PUBLIC, CO“ or. Convoynncpr. 5' C,- l. G. Hutton. M. D., C. I. DURHAM. om. FFICE AN D RESIDENCE-COR. 1.1. out! i) ”on , .n.s..L.M and Pr0\"<' [ ” ofGRADUATE.st'IVlfllfil' L In Taronto. Grunt” M II“. Dual Sutgeona ofOntlfiov Donthtry in ull' m Bram latâ€"COB" Block. over Po“ 0“ NR Al! K‘V‘ ABBISTEI'. , SOLICITOB'.‘ DURHAM. ONT. (LO‘W' EDITOR AND PROPRIE‘I‘OR. neon sud George Streets-Mn“! list Church ()fiice hoursâ€"941“. .7-9 p. m. Telenhcue No.10. Oflim- ‘3, West 8'. ,0?» 80nd. Medical Dz'rerlon‘. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Dz'redorv. B’E‘ééoiv}; | PUMPS W. IRWIN Legal ‘Diredon'. Madam?“- \\ For mncient I. P, Telford. mx. LICENSED ‘00 hr mmgdaflhi ---- m DR. BURT. Sept. 3. To“) hb‘“ hbl" linen- '1 35c yard. hm? linen. 50¢ vard. we oilclobb. wr oilclotb. mu.“ ”“3“ ‘3 “.- Prllts and (Hugh Duct“. Glenn-lg. I’m qun. Good l'jtrm, u: Macros oninurlmm l Firm. Bank Barn. tor W. \ ‘mu'l "I vv â€"-_. ‘ 1L”. ’“(IL gun r“. dent em y Pagan $80 :firutwh Mm : ,, 4... _nhmn.nhurnn lu hen do busim tbe_H a n P'OW‘V bougb‘ and amid 1 “0003' to land. [Mm «mm Tide” .04 Ocean 'l‘u'lwh n; “flock in Durham Comm.“ G my hands for “le._cheap Always prompt, no, ver W‘deo ‘Mfiéfi "ken-h and d ! [AI-U if “a Win our oh ' ode “on! , “ "0mm" v’.‘t'ed‘n;;nm -., -__n.:.‘..o:.. Do you want ”IBM, .‘tr‘ “0”“ I5 .‘ d3 nut-1y the ss'U) a' but Crufl'ord PA). lcro building lm in M. or tnde {or an Qt. wear. or throw a "fi'c'imtmwm The Pe0plc's FOR ALL KIN» v'l Peaches l M leave to infurm lad tho public in new gm!“ to furlmh \« rs. “ell lhxl_m 900070“. A“ urdm- '3 build near MrH-nmn Dromptlyattmum: '. 7 filmed at "Luv and GUME WHITMG value an 54 in. w 3n. 0‘ ill 1908 7"" â€" v u] mustl‘tbml Wm of .n’ scienmw J :u [3.75 O I“. puauulc 2 yds. wim SAVE HONEY ' m. “ell l'l Pressflmhiml Fw-UI, y-uw-.- _- __ confidemiul.‘HAfipBI The Baum-m “I‘M “'9! l and H9 011 “mm. b F St. Wash \\' GO'YI _EXPEI amo‘ TBA I“

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