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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Sep 1908, p. 3

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Orders Issued Bank in Canada (exc ger cities of the United safe, economical and Coo. . mg small sums. PATED I885. ad anada i1 qnont mannerâ€"mink». “1.10.... cards. not exceodin one inch “.00 N ' Advertisements wit out specific ‘1 s be published till forbid M ch!“ ' Transient notioooâ€""IA at." ”Von-d," “ au- â€".'»0 cents for flat innrflon. 3 mt. subsequent insertion. . Allmivarnumenta ordered 5 “m I to mm for in advance. ’ II- In 9 ('ontrart rates for yum: Mum.“ niahml an application to the ofllce. h. ‘ All advertiumontn. to ensure in“. ‘ gal-rent week. should NbIOU‘ht i. ”*h TL‘IsDA! morning- opuon of the proprietor. m talus... 7"" Ivnnv THURSDAY rolling, At the Chronicle Printing "Om, h. i eon loco) stocked fl" Job ' '§nw IPl’thu “fl Department mm. for turning out M work. IHE DURHAM OFFICE AND RESIDENCE «hurt distance east of Knapp’l 3“, Lamb tun Street, Lower Town, Duh Oflice hnurs from 1'3 to 2 o’clock l. 6. Hutton, FFICE AND F OWN” and Ge £3": EAR, THROAT nos: '4'.- Aummm Ray. London Ophthl-h u ing.‘ Mm (060M013 Sq. Than ad no“ In. SPECIALIST 1 U York And Chm. Disc-u. of Eye. “Noun-IT” Will be at Knapp Home. Dubai. ‘5“ Saturdsv in cool: month. Bonnâ€"H” ty of Toronto. Grail." 1 College Donal Sur’onl d0!“ Dentistty in.” in BM? Micaâ€"cud» Block. W 1"“ U Uflice over Gordon’s Div 4 Store. Lower Town.DIfln-o ‘3 )f monev to loan :3 5 9" “ Mopertv. l m» in the New Hunter Block. '0“ NH“ “ ft: ’0 t. m. to 4?. III. “C1D! v.‘ m. \mial attention given to m t w mum and children. Raid.” .’ m-u.’ H I resbvterian ChHYCh. â€"‘â€"'-'-v--- ~'â€"' ' D veyancers, Notary Public. 3“ to Luau at Lowest R“... a ’)flice:â€"Mclntyra 319039 0" Bank, Durham. Dunno. __‘ Drs. Jamieson Iaclalril. L‘ er, Conveyanmfl ' ten"! d Agent. Money to L0“- I‘m.“ mac Licenses. A M nose transacted. â€" ‘ A Arthur Sun, I. D. mxamu AND SURGEON, or. DURHAM, H11 I \XD RESIDENCEâ€"003. J F- GRAIT, D. D. Owl-Do.» [ONOR GRADUATE, DRIVE! ).m L. R. C. P., LONDON. “a. RADULA'I'E 0! London, I ’0 P. 10".“- ARRISTEI’., SOLICITOB'.‘ ARRISTEB. SOLIQWOI' Burma AND Pmmmmn. Dr. W. c. Pickering Medical Diredorv. w and George Streetsâ€"Noni“ * ('hun-h ()flico hoursâ€"OJ] I... . 14 p.11]. Telephone No.10. Dental Directonh 3R. BRO?» 55‘ Legal ‘Diredon'. w. F. Dunn, .5, I" first? DR. BURT. . IRWIN 'l'lu-n (In business with H. H. MILLER Ihr‘HHnUVel' (‘unveyancer He offers: :00 hL'rPs. ulmmlg, Framo Dwelling. Bank Barn, 1; .ml Farm. ought to bringW Will «PM .m‘ 33‘1”. m “"95 Farm. Bank Barn, r‘anr uwoluug. nun-y n;.r$'.'500. 100 arrea rmra good Buildings, alone wor- thuearly the 53-0.) asked tor the futm Sear Crawfc-rd 9.0. ; am building lot in Dgrhm. for sale cheap, ur trade for anythmg I ma can eat, wear, or throw a stick at. Anvnm“ Defldlnfl ' DIG"!!! um um" luu guppy nsvertmn our opinion fro. Indie? tn mew-”n l3 prnhably patcntabl ommnnlca- my o. .nnaenual. HAND on Patent. (unset?! gent :rve. “Host a ency for ”com ems. mums taken t rough Mupn‘é 0.80001" '-'-"-â€"â€"v v - .. V ‘ . I illustrated weekly. h $3.15‘38afly scientific Journal. '1 (mafia. 83.7.3 3 you. postage prawn, -ln_ in ne'sdculem A A fificfifivicfiowaw-‘vlew York Branch Umce. 6% 1" 8L. Wuhlnxton. D. Q Pmpern b mght and sold ouCou'mission Mum-y y.‘ Emmi. Debts collected. C.P.R. Tickets and Uceau Tickets for sale 8300 ufstnck :11 Durham Cement 00., placed in my hands tur saloncheap. Always prompt, never negligent. PUMPS Anvona-ges’x‘! 2.93:2?“ “M‘M w'lm. LC )‘tlS. wide, 37.50 sq. yd. ”1:! }{Hg5, 6” X :i), $1.“) 08011. See our Prints and emu-s The People’s Grocery and Provision Store I beg leave to inform mv customers and *‘w public in genornl thnt lam prepzwrl n. furnish New Pam!m ”id H*‘I‘ait'~'. Well Drilling, ReCurbing and l’rvn' Curbing done With cement L‘phcro-tt‘ All orders taken 3t the Old Maud vwar Mc‘annn’s mill will be I»r«.n.;.vl" attended to. All work nutr- antvw‘. at "Live and let live” prices. Peaches Pears and Plumbs In Full SWing mu want to make money and GEORGE WHITHOBE. sq. yard- Mrs. Beggs Sons ! K. N, Scarrow, instructor in manual :trainjng in the Cwen Sound Colle- bvh. 1.”) in. wide. 250 Yd. giate Institute has resigned his po- sition-to accept a similar one in Beâ€" iterrbqro at an increased salary. ‘ :11. mm. 1 and 2 yards wide I nn'I‘mrham Road. Bentinck. good Hank Barn, Fair Dwelling. snap 1, 908 SAVE MONEY ? (,‘urtain's except 25c ones :hite (-(mnterpane, 1.40 HS ails Ohsap e Curtain! in. wide, unbleached ‘ It cost I. B. Luca“, M. P. P., of Cen- ftre Grey $418.21 in the recent (lec- . ‘ tion to get in while. it cost his Oppo- i'“ wxde. bleached :mnt, Mr. McCulloch $106.80 to stay out. ' in. wide, unbleached A Carlo! Mixed CM? Just Arrived. . BEAN Ion Calder Block . Miller, at â€"3) 50f: 700 90(- pair Mr. \Vilrrld Haibcrt, of Markdale, succumbed to typhoid fever last wcek. He Ial bren married only two wce‘as. Jase-p11 Lewis, a negro, was fined $120 and costs at Cwu1 Sound for shooting at H‘nry Gregg. He got off easy. ! A Sprainedoankle may be cured in! D. Christner is at work on the Ziggtdonhytmrd lthe timézr usulally ore-Avaterworks reservoir which is to be . e , a p ylng lamler am’s :- , - ' -, ' - ‘ .. Liniment free y, and giVing it 'abso- 2.”: et deep and thirty leeâ€"tun circurn ft‘l‘UllCe. Both the reservou‘ and the! lute rest. For sale by all Drug stores! ;purnping house are. to he conml-;:ted [by S.:-pt. 25th. The delay in Operation. A few days ago a young, gentle-30f our wat rworks syrtbm is likely to' manly- looking guest came to the be in construction of the steel wen-l .Seldon House. He called himself tL-r tower which according to agree- Robert Blarneyâ€"and his actions did ment should be ready for testing. on not belie his name. He stayed about S‘-pt lst and complete in every detail a week, made friends with Bevk‘l‘al of‘by Oct. lst, after which date. there, is those about the house, from one of. a penalty 0131180 0‘ $5 per (13?. and on ‘whom be borrowed a small sum oflan accepted cheque for $200 payable l money. “'ednesday morning he. arose'the town treasurer! as a guarantee 0f £8le and departed, taking With him good faith. The town solicuor has l . . . . $10 of the house's money, besides what! writt -n the Hunter Bridge 8‘ Boiler ‘he 113:1 borrowed, and leaving behind Co. that Cheslcy council will hold the 'Co. strictly to their agreement. The _-j 1..-.x...) Lt]! A “why-run} \vnfl‘ County and District. A few days ago a young, gentle- marily- looking guest came to the 831110!) House. He called .himself Robert Blarneyâ€"and his actions did not belie his name. He stayed about She is in danger, her system is run Fc‘rrozoue. 'l‘l.e dclzcute maud is ener- needs ncl.er blood. More tllas all else ‘â€" 1 'L L _-.. "A IIKCUD luv“;- ...... . _ , _ she, needs .Ft'rTOZODO, needs it because it\ brings lack t'ne nerve energy WhiCh ragid growth and :~tudy have ex‘ azisted. The old time vigor, happy Spirits and new strength return with Ferrozone. The delicate maid is ener- gized, strengthened and rebuilt. Isn‘t it worth “'IHILB using Ferrozone when it surely does so much. At allxdealers Ill 0 0 ccnt boxes An alarm was smt in on Monday ] afternoon for a fire in the shavingH room at the Seaman-Kent factory. Luckily for town and the Seaman- Kent Co. it did not last long for nei- ther party could afford to have an- other conflagration within so short; a space of time. The fire happened at ; the right moment to be caught before! it gained much headway and it was| lput out with very little trouble. The shaving room is surrounded by four‘ F stout brick walls which gave the fire- no chance to spread. The firemen were soon on the Spot with two or. three b-tl‘E'll’IlS of water and soon end-. ((1 any cause for al .rm. As usual Mr.‘ \N. C. Wilson brought the Mealord' Manufacturing Co’s hose into play‘ and greatly assisted in keeping the element within boundsâ€"Meaford Ex- press. * I The arrival of the Government ethic Vigilunt into port last week caused." a considerable flurry amongst some of the 1060.1 Grits. There was a small 2 amount of patronage to dlh‘pcnse in the way of supplies, and all of them Were after it. George Fair armed armed hinself with a letter from the l president and also one from the de-ll partment, andfelt confident of the!E cOVeted outliy. Guilfoz‘le Bros, how-'i ever objected, and thought that they“ should have a share of the spoileti In the meantime M. BrOphy, one of” the T. Long Bro, Limited, got: busy and secured a letter from the local vice-president, and was swift. enough to secure the order. when% there were “wigs on the green.” A' hasty call was made for an allergen-g cy meeting of the executive and they met in Solicitor ‘ Birnir‘s offlce on Mike BrOphy told them ver ' had never rece Government’s business, secured this keep it, but the expected a fair division. An attempt The amount For a Sprained Ankle. The Girl That is Pale. but. 111; ”Uy\-;\-' v- y “1.7- V- Chol'zra. a'ld Diarrhoea Remedy (1' never traxel wit .out it), ran to tlu- waiter tank. put a double do.~e of the. mvdicine in the glam, poured some waxsr into it an! stirred it with a p_-ncil; then I had quite a time to get tile lalies to lot we give it to ,her, but 1 succeedui. 1 could at once see the effect and I worked with her rubbing her hands and in twen- ty minutes I gave .cr another dose. By this time we were almost i'lto' La. Grande, where, I was to leav-.- the. train. I gave. tie bottle to the hus- band to be used in case another (10:50 should be needed, but by the timn the .train ran into Le. Grande she was all right,‘ and I received the thanks of every passenger in the car." For sale at all Drug Stores. A Travelling Man’s Experience p ople of C‘ resley are anxious to have water from the waterworks before the New Year. Sept. lst is not far off now but there are no signs of mater- ial on the ground for that steel tower.â€"Chcsley Entvrprise. Nothing on record is so certain azs “Ca arr..ozone”, recommended by 11.1) sic ans everywhere. 1301' sure our..- 1-. n Ll'lA. “6' l‘..+nu-r.unwnno frnln 1‘!) \r .--__ get $1.0 outtit of Cutalrnozone from your druggist. No simpler way to kill a cold and slanp out sore throat than by apply- ing Nervilineâ€"rub it in freely, and tin-n put on u Nerciline Porous Plaster on t .e chest. These remedies hunt out pain, destroy every tree»; of congestion, cure cold, and tendency to Bronchitis. Thomands find hervi- line inestinably t e best remedy for pa'ns, acnes, bruises, neuralgia, sci- ‘atica colds and. mint-31‘ ills. Not only iis it pcnetraLing and powerful, but Fit is safe. and economical. All deal-cm ‘sell l’olsons Nerviline. Large bottles for 250., the plasters same price. Be- Eware of substitutes. bli‘. 'V‘u'-v _ mur township. But Mulmur township doesn‘t SLEID to think so. Just read this, from the Crueinore Star, about more hours in Mulmurzâ€"“The inhabi- tants of the poacel’ul and harmonious burg of Banda wire filled with alarm one morning last week on hearing W'c thought the vicinity of Hall’s had enough bears and hear stories for the whole country let alone Mul- Vux. puâ€"v"_e that two bears had made their ad- vent into the neighborhood. Ernest LC'IIDOX saw them entering his fath- er’s bush. Two of the local Nimrods; availed thenselves of the opportunity! to acquire fame and glory but did not suce; ed in locat ng tle muruuders. However tie dogs were alarmed, proving there was something for- eign in the thickest of the bush. -It .would be well for berry pickers to beware of the place as a bear is not lat all a pleasant acquaintance.” The Brussels Post reports the. fol-long: his leg being injured. Theshafts, 10“"“g“'}’“day ““1.an a prctyhside and two Wheels of the buggy young lady, and well dressed, who _ ‘ _ said she came from Appin, arrived were bwken.â€"-Mt. Forest Lonfed. in G1 ncoe with her hand bandaged up. She went around asking for help stating that she had been engaged in 1 EMERGENCY DANGER. the printing business at Appin and‘ â€" d had her hand crushed while she? Whena Harsh Camrhal Cold Futons â€"* Tha iwas working the press. The story on the Breathing Organsa Life :that she had her hand injured on a. i; Throgtoned. ‘ ! printing press at Appin at once gavei â€"-â€"â€" 'rise to suspicions, as there is no; There are times whena Hyomeiout- lprinting establishment at that town. fit is worth a life and having it at ‘She was taken by a constable to the hand will save a life, no safer pre- ‘office of the reeve and requested to caution can be suggested than calling unbandage her hand. She demurred to at Macfarlanes’ Drug store and get- ‘this saying that there was no one ting a. supply for use in following there to bandage it up again. She cases. was thereupon taken to the office of! When a child shows the first sign Dr. Walker where her hand was of croup I breath of Hyomei through found to be to be quite uninjured. She the inhaler will check the trouble was somewhat confused about it and permanently. stated that it was the first time she: When through catching cold you had ever tried such a trick, and it seem to be choking up, difficulty to would be the last. She was allowed breathe, I313 01' soreness over the to go. lungs and other symptoms 0.. pneu- lmoni‘. the instant relief from H!- Guaranteed Cure for Hay Fever. A bold attempt was made to! now up two Stratfordites on Tuesday! Night. A man sprang out from’ the bushes near the Litle Lakes and seiz-' ed the horse by the bridle, but urged‘ by the whip of the driver"; the horse shook «'him off. The bridle broke and the horse ran away. {l‘he occupants of the rig were thrown out, but were: not seriously injured. In its flight‘ the run-away horse frightened an- other which also ran away, and on reaching the city the second rig ran into and smashed another buggy and the occupants at both were landed on the road,â€"Wyomin8 Enterptifls l .-. It Prevents Sore Throat. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE to kill a_cold a_nd was made to! .hold An attempt was made a. few days} ago to‘ hold up the mail stage running from Everett to Mansfield. Ed. An- . derson, the driver, was making hisi way hethen the 7th line of Mulmur all '1 the Muiuuu'-T(')ssnrontio tOWn ' i line. when two trzunps suddenly sprang ',g mat of the bmhes at the roadside and i! ordered him to stnp. The young fel- :‘ luw pulled out his whip aud started :' the horses on a gallop with the. hold-up ‘ men running behind shouting vengeâ€" I) Name if he did not stup.â€"â€"Shelburne 1} Free Press. ‘ ime 3119' When through cutching cold you and it'seem to be choking up, difficulty to allowed Name. ”in or soreness over the lungs and other symptoms 0.. pneu- Imonia. the instant relief from Hy- omei nir is mnrvelous. \Villiam Dirkson, Mount Forest's} well known liverynian. finished his; earthly career \Vednesday morning': when ‘he passed away in death after ill ‘ health of two years’ duration, which: LOOk a fatal turn last week. On Mon- |I day he sank to sleep and never awoke l again in this life hut- his heart did notl cease heating until as stated. Thel ldereased. while not born here. spent practically allhis life in Mt. Forest, coming to this place with his father, the late Peter Dickson, 50 years ago. Twenty-six years ago, on May 25th, he was married to Mary McIntyre, at 'Moorefield, by the Rev. Mr. Edmison. of Rothsay, now of Toronto. Mrs. Dickson survives to mourn the loss of \a loving husband. and one son, Wm. L Lorne, also survives to remember a .lkind father: another son died young. " \Ve join with their many friends in ”extending sympathy. One brother. ' George, 0t Howell, Mich.. and one sister, Mrs. Patterson, of Toronto, are also living. The eldest brother, the _ late Peter Dickson, it will be remem- e bered, died in June of this year.â€" f Representative. 1 l s 1 DUO e of: When a child shows the first sign was of croup I breath of Hyomei through She the inhaler will check the trouble Two youthful bicyclists received a bad scare Wednesday evening of last week and one of them narrowly escap- ed serious accident. With a degree of recklessness, not at all praiseworthy, these two youngsters went scorching up \Vellington street apparently never thinking of the possibility of their {meeting someone, and just as they ' reached the corner of Wellington and lQueen, the ’bus driven by Mr. Hicks confronted them. One managed to steer his machine in an opposite direc- . tion but the other, evidently undecided ‘which course to take, lost control of ))he bicycle, which brought up between l the horses, the rider being thrown gclear of the road into the ditch. Be- l yond a few scratches and ashaking up ' the. young speeder escaped injury, but 5 the bicycle, which, by the way, hap- 5 pened to be someone else’s, was badly I damaged, the ’bus horses trampling it - in a way suggestive of what would E: have happened had the boy not been y: thrown beyond reach of their hoofs.-â€" t; .\l t. Forest Representative. frightened at meeting Mr. J. A. Hal- sted’s automobile. , Mr. Wm. Neville was thrown from his rig near town owing to his horse shying and the wheels of the buggy going into aditch to which they were close. Mr. Neville’s hand was slightly hurt. Mr. Sam Taylor was somewhat similarly upset ‘nn the outskirts of the town. The on the outskirts of the town. The auto was stopped at the time and run to the other side of the road to make some necessary adjustment to the ma- chinery. The horse broke away from the buggy and some parts of the bar- ness were broken. On Friday last Mr. W. T. Dane, driving a spirited horse belonging to Chas. Keais, was about to meet the auto near Mr. Bradley’s O. S. R. South. and turned round and drove in at Mr. Bradley’s gate. I net | after the auto had passed the horse became unmanageable, and ran away up the lane. The wheels struck a large stone and Mr. Dane was thrown out, his leg being injured. The shafts, { side, and two wheels of the buggy | were bloken.â€"Mt. Forest Confed. It Eeneirntes quickly to the inner recesses of the bronchial tubes nnd lungs where no liquid or moist med- icine cnn reach. When In asthmatic condition pre- sents unusual wheezing and oppress- ed brenthing, Hyomei will bring rest, complete outfit $1. 00. To clean bronze ornaments. tirat‘ ‘brnsh out the dust. then apply a very‘ ‘little sweet all all over the article. lPolinh first Milt]! a. Iolt 'dgster. finally {with 3 Wm lathelo. .; .. ....-n : l.. For Bargains in Men’s and Boys Suits Odd Pants Rain-Coats Umbrellas Hats and Caps Shirts Collars and Ties Tho whool is thoroughly equipped in touch!“ obillty, in ohomiool and oleotncal aupplioo ad fittings. em. for full Junior Lavina and mum. ulsuon work. The following component on! m MISS DONALDA MCKERRAUHER. B.A. Everything i Intending students should enter st the begin- ning of we term if possible. Board on: be ob- tslnsdst msombls rates. Dnrbsm is s beslth sud sotivs town. masking it smost dosh-she place of residence. WCWCM H wing decided to give up the Gent’s Furnishing Business in Durham. my entire stock will be cleared out at some broken lines of ladies’ Oxfords and Slippers Red uced prices on Call and see if your size is here, it will which we want to dispose of. save you money as well as do us a favor. Now is a good time to leave your order for a pair of fall shoes. \\'e have a. large stock of factory goods in heavy and line goods. Are you thinking of going West ? get our prices on trunks. valises telescopes, etc., before purchasing. Custom work and repairing done as neatly and quickly as The Down Town Shoe Store L.GRAN§ Fees. “.00 per month. Chitin"). in the Gent’s Furnishing line. Th should take advantage of it. You get the Benefit of Quality Farmers will find best TIMOTHY SEED for fall seeding IN FLOUR. Purity. . ROSE, Durham COST PRICE :.1 . S. MclLRAlTH Eggs taken as Cash 0 Buyer, :6: $223“ $ 10.00 Hem: ? Fro. tickets from Winnipeg to points where {arm laborers are needed. within certain limits qt the 13031?- isososo ity. McGom’s. Milverton and Ayton. s.-.“ EXCURSIONS LEAVE TRY BOOK-KEEPING SHUR’I‘H AND TYPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW' COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING vâ€"'_ land in placing all its gratin“ Each student is taught separately EBAY and EVENING fl EXCURSIONS To WINNIPEG $10.00 533.1“ Busm ess Coll Handkerchiefs Suspenders Hose and Half-Hose Underwear Sweaters Overalls Smacks Boots and Shoes $18.00 IN Manitoba, Alberta Saskatchewan IMPORTANT Work harvesflng for 25 men. GOO waxes. This is your chance and you LEADS . T. CLANCY. Prl: after at least 30 days work the Ii

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