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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Sep 1908, p. 6

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Arm“. M; 0:0 t3 z" ’0. I 5.. Efiiflardware a clear sanitary brush, reg. 350 quality for 2.30. essens dentist’ motes health. accomplishod V and a good (1 have all the pol easens dentist’s fees and pro- notes health. This can only be tccomplishnd hy a good brush and a good dentefrice. “’9 have all the popular tooth prep- arations and are very proud of our stock of tooth brushes; All kinds of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS We feel enthuiastic about this season’s new fall dress goods and mantles. So much that is new and so many distinct departures from the styles of the preceding few seasons are in evidence that it is all but impossible to attempt description here. All-wool chevron Cheviot, 5'.’ in. wide, in navy, myrtle and brown, pvr yard $1.25. Fine weave chevrons 40 in. wide 500 to 600 yd. All-wool self strilw 500 to 75c. Plain colored dross goods in broadcloths, ven- etians. panama serges and oashmeres 500 to $1.00. Proper Care of the Teeth This department should be all astir on the oc- casion of the season's first exposition of fall fash- ions. Ladies’ semi fitted coat, self strap at back, finished \\ ith Peau de soiee piping collar trimmed “ith silk b1aid, good quality kersey cloth, black, navy and brown. $13.50. Hove you seen our sssortment of Electric Light Shsdes end Lamps. We ere selling 16 candle power lemps that ere supposed to give the some light 39 s 32 csndle power lamp. Just received. en immense shipment of 'I‘inwere end Grenite- were, emong which is e new style Roesting Pen. Every women should see this pen. es it is the best menufeotured. Cell end exemine whet we heve in Tee Kettles. Our 00ppgr Nickle Kettles ere worthy of inspection. h ‘ __: an :0“ your stove pipes in shepe for cold weether. We heve e .uporior quelity of Aluminum Peint suiteble for stove pipes, elso Bleck's Specie! Stove Pipe Vernish. d I. I I. new. here .1 kinds ot‘wahlfi'udohinoof' Our letest is the “Minnehehe”, which is worthy of its neme. Ladies’ loose fitting coat, self strapping, all wool kersey, $12.50, Chic designs, self strapping and trimmed, 6 50 to $10 OOâ€"also nice assortment of girls coats to 12 years, $5.00 to 7.50. Furs 9;: 8 A suggestion of what will add to your comfort and appearance. We are just opening up a splen- did assortment of fur lined coats, stoles, throws, ruffs, muffs, etc. “Railroad" and “Mechanic King” overalls and cunts, "Kentucky J ean” pants, sole agent, Durham f" In Churn: we on utisfy your wanta. H l "Booker” Churn. no u not 3: our JAMES IRELAND DARLING’S DRUG STORE. - at rock bottom prices. (It). Corn Hook: 0! difioront styles. TH E SANITARY Coats, Ladies’ and Misses’ hunting beaver Moth in black, blue and brown W. BLACK Phone: 3. Durham Dress Goods Misses’ Coats something needed in ilv. \Ve have just ls'uge lot of HT)? fin clear whale, ground and mixed, strict- ly pure and prices away down. Try a glass nf uur delicious 10 E CREAM SODA Cooling and tefreshing. ething Iweded in every fam- \Ve have just received a 3 lot of very fine scrubs, to L’ at 2 for 56. Hand Scrubs Pure Spices You’ll Feel Worse bvery Day Unless You Brace Up Quick. The Best lreatmeut is errozone. ‘7 In a former article were mentioned the beginning and gradual develop ment of the special senses in infants, and the pleasures derived from watching this progressive taking on of the attributes of a sentient being As yet. however. up to the end of the first year. the baby might. be a cab or a puppy or a kitten, so far as it manifests any disuinccive human qualities. This statement will be indignantly denied by any mother of a six months’ old child, especially if it is her first; for long before this time she will have found numerous evidences of the possession of uncanny. even sup- erhuman. intelligence. But to th. cool. unbiased onlooker. its signs of pleasure and disgust, its cries and gurgles, its kicks and its reaching for what engages the eye are only signs of reflex action, showing on greater intelligence than is possessed bv the kitten that reaches alter a string or pats a ball. Something more than reflex movement is neces sary to prove intelligence. A cry is usually the first evidence of physical life in the new-born. and articulate speech is one of the first signs of an awakening soul The dawning of intelligenceâ€"which is the faculty of putting two and two togetherâ€"is seen when the baby learns that crying brings food. or petting, or attention of some desir- able sort. The time when actual speech begins is very variable. Usually by the end of the first year the baby knows a few words or uses certain definite sounds to express definite wants. and by the end of the second year its command of language is. as a rule. ample for its needs. The cause of backwardn'ss in speaking in a child, which seems to be of average intelligence. is not al ways easy to determine. but one should always think of the possibility of deafness. ”Tongue-tie” may be a cause of defective pronunciation, but never of backwardness in speaking. nor of dumbness. If the cause is found to reside in deafness, the child should always be made to look at the speaker. In this way it will uncon sciously become a lip reader as it learns to talk; and this is an accom plishment that will stand it in good stead in later life, even if treatment is eventually successful in removing the cause of the deafness. It’ s a sure way to get blood poison- ing. Use I’utnaz'ns orn Extractor. It’ s sate, painless and sure to cure in A day. It is a great temptation to encour age “cunning” baby errors of speech. Perhaps the best course is neither to foster nor to fight them but to let them die their natural death.â€" Youth's Companion. Never whisper in an invalid’s room. To most peeple it is intensely irritat. ing. If you want to say anything that it is best for the patient not to hour. 30 into another room to say it. Don’t allow household annoyances to be spoken of in the sick-room. Only cheerful topics should be dis- cussed. Remember thst when a. person is lying on his back he is deprived of the protection of his eyelids from the light; therefore. blinds and curtains should be sdJusted with this foot in View. CHILD’S UNDERSTANDING. The question whether the bite of e epider onn hnve eerioue eflecte on the humun eyetem having been ngein rnieed, the French scientific journnl, Le Neture, replies, through n phyeic- inn, thnt epiaor bitee ere not danger- oue. Nevertheless, the doctor says thnt in eome rnre once the bite of e epider Iney produce inflemmetion to require local trentment. The best plnn ie to weeh the bitten place with pure weter. and. if precticnble, npply 5 little nntieeptic lotion. In the vast majority of once the bite even of e lnrge epider ccueee nothing more then e slight locel irritntlon. Your Food Disagrees. You’re T ired--Life_less. ' Skin is Yellow. APPETITE SICK-BOOM RULES. Never Para 3 Corn. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE SPIDER BITEB. One of the oddest accidents on record ! occurred at Pound Greek. New Jersey. some nnmths.ago. A train h. M; with holiday-makers was crossing the tres- tle bridge across the river. when a- hnge mud scow swept by the flood-tide! smashed against the carriages. Every foothoard was turn away and the windows smashed. The mi 'acle is that. the train was i not upset altogether and thrown intoj lthe creek. As it was, there was an ugly panic. and a number of people hurt in rn.5°hin;,r for the do we at the ends of the (ears. This may he the first instanee on record ofa train and boat colliding, but a collision- which happened at Portsxnontha few years ago was in every way far more strange. A 111gl1t attack by to1pelndestmye1s l was in p1og1 ess. A desum e1. with all lights out, was tearing along {10111 the West, keeping asclose to the shme as possible to avoid the flare of the moving search- lights. when suddenly the full blaze of a light fell right across her deck. Blinded by a glare. the steersmsn turned too soon. Instead of entering the harbor month. the long, lean craft dashed at full speed up the shelving bench, driving half her length out of water. A road runs along the beach,1md a cyclist happened to be spinning along it at the veiy moment. The black hows suddenly shot across his path, and his machine hit'them so that he fell off. He is certainly the only cyclist in the world who ever collided with a. vessel of His Majesty’s Navy. Ships sometimes . collide with ice- bergs, but it does not fall to the lot of every vessel to run into a floating island. 'lhis is what happened to the three thousand-ton tramp Vigo off the mouth of the Orinoco. The area of the island is said to have. been nearly half an acre, and the ship crashed into the 'very middle of it before she could he. stopped. Fortunately. the only thing daumged was the island. (‘ollisions with fish are less rare, but some odd accidents of the kind are on record. The big Japanese eruiser 'l‘akaehiho, when oil Korea, in March, 1904, ran straight. into an enormous whale. She. was doing eighteen knots at the time, and the shoek was so heavy that almost every man of the e! ew was knocked down. The unlucky whale was nearly cut in two. REMARKABLE COLLISIUNS 'l‘rains occasionally perform st 'ange antics. 'l‘he Jalnhrian Railway was the scene of a very odd collision a. few months ago. A heavy goods train was leaving Ahermnle Station when in some my the last four waggons became uncoupled. As it was pitch dark, the driver did not at first notice his loss. “'hen he did he slackened speed. Almost at once the last wag- gons, which had gained terrific speed down a long incline, dashed into the rear of his train. Three men were killed, and the damage was very extensive. One horse-box was thrown off its wheels into an adjacent field, yet its occupants. men and horses, were un- hurt. This train actually collided with itself. The freakish results of railway colli- sions are notorious. Not long ago two trains met end on near Chicago. The engine of one was left balanced right on top of the other engine in such a way that the weight of one man was enough to set the pondrous bulk of the top locomotive gently swinging. In another case a small shunting engine met a huge steam plough, and. aided by the slant in front of the plough. ran right up on top 0! it. It was lifted down with a crane. neither locomotive being much the worse. For a sequence of collisions, it would be very difficult to beat the fullowing: One spring day a char-a-banc, with eight passengers, ran into a bank and upset on the road near St. Denis. An officer drilling soldiers near by de- spatched a man to fetch a doctor. The soldier galloped off in a frantic hurry. and rode straight into a heavy dray. His horse was killed, and he was pitched nearly thirty feet. The driver of the dray was knocked out of his cart and run over. The dray horse bolted, and smashed into an electric tram-car, breaking up the dray. At the smash a cab horse took fright and ran away, running into a van. 1:) all, ten people were badly hurt.â€"-Pearson’s Weekly. Because they contain mercury and? mineral salts, many pills are harsh; The easiest and safest laxative is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. They clean the stomach, intestines and bowels-drive out waste matter, tone the kidneys and for- ever cure constipation. As a eneral tonicuapd system}; .cleanser_not -ing 33 so mild Incl 'efficieti’t’ 35 Iiiâ€"(film; ton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butter- nut. 801d everywhere in 250. boxes. A Vegetable Constipation Cure. .mmisin%youth recently surpris- Isnfather “y gkinglnj ‘Father, do Arthur-Sept. 23, 24. Blythâ€"Sepf. 29, 30. CIm-ksburgâ€"Sept. 29. 3”. Chntsworth- - Sept. 17. 18. Choslvyâ€"Seph 22. 2‘5. Dlilldalkâ€"Ovt. 3. 9. Durhmnâ€"~~M. :32, 23. p- Dl'ayumâ€"Um . (S. c. DURHAM FOUNDRI C. Smith Sons Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... Fergustmn . 29. an, Ford wivh- â€"-()m . 3. Fevershnnrâ€"4M" . 6. 7. Grand \':11h-yâ€"-(_)vt. 13, 1-1. Batman-”Sept. 29, 30. 11()1S!(‘inâ€"â€"-Svpt. 29. Kincardineâ€"aâ€"Sept. 16, 17. Listnwelâ€"Seps. 16, 17. London (\Vestm'n Fair)â€"â€"â€"Sept. 11-19. MHLf(n'dâ€"â€"Svpt,. 24, 25. Mildmaymâ€"S‘ept. 28, 29. MaxviIIPn-Sept. 11, 15. N(*Il~‘ta.(1t.-â€"â€"Svpl. 22. 21. , ()wml Suundwâ€"Sept. 16, 17. l’etisleyâ€"Svpt. 29. 30. Pl°icvvilleâ€"-Ocn. l. 2. Palluersmnâ€"Sepc. 24, 9'. Rocklynâ€"Oct. 8. 9. Taraâ€"Oct. l, 2. Toronto (National) â€"Aug. 29.8ep.l4. Teeswaberâ€"Oct. 6. 7. Tiverton â€"-Oct. 6. Walter’s Fallsâ€"Sppt. 29, 30. Winghmnâ€"Sept. 24, 25. Wiarton-Jâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Walkermnâ€"Se'pt. 16, 17. MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Smokers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. N STOCK 0R MADE TO ORDER Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. RIG HT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. C. SMITH 8: SONS Sash 89’ Doors Greatest Live Stock Exhibit’n of Western Ontario Full Program of Attractions t.“ 109 dailv, invh1dillli Kemp 3 Wild West Show. Best of Music. 1‘11. “01‘ Each Evening ATHLETIC DAV, "one“. censuses 1‘ Come and enjoy yourself at London’ 8 Populal Fair CANADIAN NATIONAL An}. 29 EXHIBITION Sept. 14 TURNTO Everggrgim ‘$100,000.00l Its Products in Prizes and Attractions Grand Art Loan Collection Tnz'giz‘g; 8f S'éiihs'topol With 900 Performers. International Doé Show International Cat SI”: 8, 000 Live Stock on V ieW he Pdu mum, numumwu..u-1.o.on. Inuit.Cty all CHEAP FAIES FROM “mat 41k emu Western F alr || Cr“ [ins London,$ept.11-19 nsoucao RATES on ALL RAILROADS FALL FAIRS. Prize. Lists, Entry Forms, Programs, and all information given on application to From the for“ Salon and othor Old-World Galleries. International Military Tattoo and Icolhttc Spectacle . . ’ ~ jflj/fi5/Ic J/afldafif (OJ f}: 1.7,“ .. l5 KING 5! EAST A ; ‘ ‘mflnomni 21;: nt' fame Lino another mil. id in tho history of Hi: Th0 following time until further nutu'e: M down 0 ‘owun. 2.55pm. Ix mm ‘0.” 3.11 ,\ .le ‘6“ 3 22 “an 1711 :3 33 M... Canadian Pad“: Rai'way Tithe Ta“ 7-H Connecting with mum x 111mb (0.00 [MHW-wll ID Ipeod. oomtort and mm. line. -â€"uo lung main .1 I I ‘0! “ohm bud Into! mu iun We sre also Agunu ammobips,(,“1"l:. m Expreu. Implementsl Agent for Percival Ayr, AM Persian and Lismwell p10" AGENT FOR Geo. White 82mg “mm... Toronto \Vindmills. Mellow Sharpless Cream Sam Harness, Rugs, \\'hi[).~, ()ils, GM Stove-s, Furnaces, Singers Suing Machines, Heintzman’s Pianos McLaughlin’s Famous Buggies Repairs for all makes of Plan Repairs for all makes of Sewing L chines. Automobiles, Ties, Poles. bought R C. P. R. Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. W. D. CONNOR HOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and my erlv attended to. “W. [1. com FARM MACHINERY JOHN N. MUHDUEK 33 Pumps from $2 upward. Frost 89’ ‘0 "a HUNT. Manufacturer of A 1d Dealer in -â€" All Kinds of If Middtugh Hons. BM ch ines. Macfarlgn. ‘ 3|. and Fl 1 1.33 )0! pure Manitoba N0. 1 Munitoha wln Eur either nuke” Victoria Lawn: New dress 15001 White unders‘ki “poofCaLhohv l‘tli‘k‘s, .1“ w“ CW8 f0? agml pm )M blond oh} Manitoba an I“ and is a stlhllx family flmn'. made from selected w I is a superior al'tit'lv pastry. etc. “hotly on hand Hw Rolled 08.98. AIM) ()1 “0d Ceml. the best (m ”Chopped Oats. Mixe OP. Bun Shorts and NH Induction on H: We will makv H m to pnl‘chmw all M Oboe. from up. 8PECIAL DISHH'XT “so in Men’s fednrm We are svllim: < Chock in lnvnk h‘d m in brown. N All cash pm'cba Give u liberal din w to dropthi I“ put. in a no! How in the tim h “don and stifl Prints Ginghams Chambra y s Dimities Orggndies up-toâ€"dnu' flour a m keep our flnul l' m (1098 not kf mill and we will I Call a. up by teleph “010mm John MC 'rwn‘m‘m PASTRY FL delivered anywh “Y OUR NEW (‘3‘! SOVEREIG ECLIPSE WE KEEP TH E Next to S‘ Rumaxu flom H

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