West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Sep 1908, p. 2

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M. ..______________r - ~ 100 ACRE FARM WITHIN TWO ; i miles of Dutbun. On the fun) there “two“ brick home. nlmost new nlso two 7 buns with stone foundntiona. The " fly is well fenced and well wntered. ° acco t W!) on towns to suit purchas- . App y to W. I“. Dunn, Agent for Van- [April 29â€"“. I'D“ “I” II'IIIIU Wwvuv vâ€"v --. . and well watered. good orch:rd.§ Whom school and 1 mile from church. gr; “gimme. For 'ugh‘or pctgicghn apply " nl,_ V n1 1‘“ “V I vvvvvvv ,_ _ , .Egromont. 3 miles north of “obtain. alumina 1“) acres. about SI) its! i9 good gate of cultivation. good brick M11312 13120“!an ligament. barn. well _ A- -- -AAJ nonh.’l‘_ q is 2N (TAM) 33x) DIVISION or . Lot No. l. E G R.. in the Township Gknolg. 1w acres known as the “McKin- I Pam” at the Rocky Samoan. 1m. “to possession given. For particultrs .11 to J. P. Telford. 3-11-07- '1 v u-vâ€"â€"â€"_ house, situated on the west sid ' Gara- u S'reet. in upper town. large lot with Int-bio. fint class well. also ciatern. Apply ’1. premises. Angus Cameron, [31%. I funién W3“ of the Ganfrm Road. Township of Normsnby, in the the II of On . For particuluna l to P.Â¥olford, Karina. Durban. pp y I. 3. momâ€"t! ___,__,,_____..__.__â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€" m THE GABAFBA}A_ ROADâ€" fl_-j 0'1‘827 AND ‘28â€"IN THE 18TH I Concession of the Township of Nor- nby. containing 2503"”. the «at. o I Into Thou Fulton. Ono stone dwelling I on. tuna dwelling. Good but bun {nine inn. Will he mil in block ID good divided to suit pnrchuor. Terms nude man up lication. Hugh Fulton, Ad- hiungor. caption. P. O. in a good district in the Township of Normanby. The soil is a rich clay loam. and the land is rolling but free from hills. 125 acres is cleared and under cultivatisn, the balance forms a very valuable cedar and hardwood bush. The fencesare excellent and thereis dlenty of water The huildi . gs com rise a trame dwell- ing house,asplen id barn 50:70 with stone foundation and stabling. a root house. an implement house. a log gig pen 30x20. frame sheep pen aud me hen house, all in good repair. The price is $6310.00. For further 53:3": suiting." 6126.; P. o. EUMBER OF mpaovnp VAL .31 N-Gâ€"LOT 19_._ CON L for sale a number of houses and out- flldings along the line of right of way of I. Walkerton and Lucknow Railway. in I. town of Durham. These buildings must be removed at an arly date. in order to clear the line of right way. All .aterial such an timber. brick. stone. b.. in cases where the build ins: cannot be 3". are also ofi‘ered tor sale. M June 4th 19m. . Glen-0'12; )5 send bush. frame born, wateted, man. be sold. A. H. Jackson mn- 227tf. flcKlNNON 100 ACRE FARM AT the Rocky. immediate possession giv- I. For further getticyrlal'lfrzpply to RD '0'. 6“. thorium .___.._.._ _._. -.__-, .-._.___._*. 77...“. \ WK FOBTABLE COTTAGE AN D no new of lend opposite Mr; Thou. wo STOREY DOUBLE FRAME able farms in New Ontario. near Liskoard for aleâ€"large discount for Map of the locality and terms given bplication to J P. Teltord, Solicitor for Mâ€" 7-18-m.â€"tt THE STANDARD BAN K Countess Streetsâ€"g reasonable. Apply GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO . storey dwelling. alongside Presby- iau Manse property in Upper Town, rhaln. Corner of Durham and Elgin lots. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, rent floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- I in good locality. ood frame stable. 1| and soft water. one acre of land. Snap quick purchaser. For further particu- Iap ly to John W. McKochnio, Owner, WEEQNBWAND SHOP. ON Mill Stroet. Durham. llOft frontage ply 719 William Laidlaw Farms for Sale. NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS ON A s 13 AND 14, CO_N.-3. an :0 i8}. imâ€"tf. l. eon. will rent one o; more years inn most of rent in un rovomonta illlinga. soil. water. orcba and timber mod- Apply to J. Ritchie. Port Y 200 ACRE FARM AT GLASo hint (rooms. good woodshed. good Mn- , hon homo, ncvor failing well. Excell- place for gardening. Apply to Anon Durhs'u. nd 19m -“\ 10 mm of land 0 kins. convenient _to EZIR‘THE spcom) gen; um um Your talents, which now yield you a comfortable income, will some day lose part or all of their earning power. Then you will need other capital that does not fail. A small sum deposited every week or month with‘ UN DERSIGNED OFFERS '51} with Interest comfortable incoms G O O D COMFORTABLE 3. Apply toJ. M. Lgtimor. ‘ ”an; To Rent. “119131! Accumulate Capital llyn‘ll'vfi"€l"ORD Durham. DURHAM BRANCH John m. M McIAl-OOA‘I’W OF CANADA 1625mm! 1e for your old ago. One Dollar ‘ You cannot begin to save too soon. W0 THRESHING OUTFIT§.â€"One I lain engine, 12 h. p., and one traca ion engine 14 h. p. All In 300 o a bar am. runmng BLA‘QEHs Anti ADV fi'grnnv- 7152111. LOT NO. 4. ELGIN St. EAST. DUR- ham. consisting of one-half acre of land. On the property are a good six-roomed roughcast. dwelling, two storeys high, on stone foundation, well finishedinside, good gtone cellar, NOTICE IB_ _Hl§R§BY GIVEN THAT -___‘2‘ A, t“- "firâ€" ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TRES- passing. or molesting fences, on lots 57 and 58, S.D.R., Bentinck, willmke cguInAL ; BTRQTFORD. ONT. is recognized as the Largest. Best ’ and Most Successful prnctical trnin- 1 inc school in Western Ontario Three departmentsâ€" ‘ COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHIC l Our gradustes secure good itions and forge to the front. rite for ‘ our free catalogue. you will find it interesting. You may enter at any time. Elliott 8. Mclachlan ' PRINCIPALS. ‘~ ‘ mm Q. Q Whrn mixtures have been burned in granite-ware, half fill the utensil with cold Wiltvl‘ and add a little washing soda or, soap powder. Heat slowly to the boiling point, then empty and wash as usual. When a broom is beyond use for sweeping it will be found excellent for scrubbing the kitchen floor. Go over the floor with the broom and' hot suds, then [1101) with Clear water. Never use a good broom for this Uil IUD ID Harlin”- -â€" , __ the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration ot the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, at the expira- tion of one month from the posting up of this notice, intend to take gato consideration, and if no suf- icie-nt objection thereto be made. tinally pass a By-law for the opening up of a Street. through lots numbers 20 and 21 East of Garatraxa Street, and lots num- bore 20 and 21, West of Albert Street, in the Town of Durham. Dated this 10th day of August. A. D. 1908. W. B. VOLLET. Clerk. Town of Durham. WC" uuuc nnnnnnnnnn a a never failing well and a cement cistern of twenty barrels capacity. Good outbuildings and stables, and good bearing orchard of twenty trees. For further particulars apply at this office or on premises to purpose. A plumbing hint is never to put rock salt in traps. It is true that the salt. by absorbing moisture from the atmOSphere, will keep the traps full of liquid, but the strong salt solution will attack brass couplings and trap screws and injure the glaze of por- celain. Before you plunge into the midst of your preserving and canning, wash all the labels off your fruit jars and write out a new set. They will then be ready for use immediately, when the jars are filled, and you: will mot have to stop at the wrong moment to prepare them. firosecntéd. It is often difficult to keep plants in the windows watered properly without making white spots on the window sill. If one will water them with a long n-‘oked bottle. the trouble will he obiviated. A bottle of this description takes up mudh less room than the little waterfing pots with the long spouts. A small pad of tissue paper sprink- led with methylated spirits will give a brilliant olish to mirrors, picturse. glasses an .crystals. The d, u without the spirit, is exce lent for burnishing steel. rubbing grease spots off furniture, polishing silver, etc. For packing glass. china, and or- namtntsH a roll 0 tissue paper is in- valuable. fifims WORTH Knowme win win for you a learn It qunckl‘y UT at our school} Catalogue free. Write CENTRAL TELEGRAPH Scuoou. Toronto. W. H. Shaw. Pres. T. J. Johnston. Sec. IUIICIPAL NOTICE. ATTEND THE DIST For Sale. quarterly, iiifi’lis BLAwBK. Varney. For Sale. ’or you a good salary. You can uickly under superior conditions chool. Catalogue free. \Vrite TELEGRAP" SCHOOL. Toronto. TELEGRAPHY NOTICE. JOHN WILLIAMS. Slam-ch- [933 R. L. Aikens is the newly-appointed electrical engineer of Toronto. The new Public Library building on College street, Toronto, will cost over $260,000. West Toronto is negotiating with the Toronto City Council for annexaâ€" to the latter place. The body of Miss Mamie Remke was foam! in the Detroit river, and. foul play is suspected. While attempting to shield a com- panion" Norman Thetford, of To- ronto, was killed in Mills City, Mont. The Deseronto Iron Company’s plant was struck by lightning and destroy- ed on Tuesday night. Washouts on the C. P. R. between Kenora and Keewatin have consider- ably tied up traffic on that line. Niagara Falls hotelmen have been heavily fined for selling liquor dur- ing prohibited hon rs. Wm. Cook. a farmer living near Chatham, had all his barns, together with all this season's crap, destroyed by fire. Frank Arnold, of Leamington, was killed by a C. P. R. train in Chatham on Tuesday. He was twenty-seven years of age. Andrew O’Melia, a St. Catharines carpenter, fell from an eighty foot building in New York and was in- stantly killed. John Miller, of Ottawa, a Grand Trunk Railway yard inspector. was run over by a shunting engine and killed. W. Pbelp, of London, has been en- gaged as organist at the Bridge at. church, Belleville, succeeding Prof. V. P. Hunt, now of Edmonton. Dr. Milton L. Hersey. of Montreal, has given $10,000 to endow a Yellow- ship in the department of chemistry of the Kingston Scnool of Mining. Don’t be afraid to give Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy to your chil- dren. It contains no Opium of 0H er harmful drug. It always cures. For sale at all Drug stores. ' A clerk in the employ of the Metro- politan Bank at Harrowsmith has disappeared and bank bills amount- ing to $1200 have gone with him. James Somerville, Montreal, second vice-president of the International As- sociation of Machinists, was fined $3 and costs (on calling a strike-breaker a “scab." Mrs. Emma A. Stuckman, of Nap- anee, Ind., has just completed her fifty-sixth year teaching school. She has been teaching since 1851, and started when 14 years of age. Lightning struck the residence of Mrs. Vorden, Brockville, on Tuesday, and, descending through the chimney, tore up the carpets and injured the walls of the house. No one was in- jury-d. Samucl Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, is on the stump for Bryan, Democratic candidate for President of the U- nited States, and asks all Labor men to vote for him. Belgium has a Sunday postage. stamp, issued for those who do not wish to have their mail deliveredom Sunday. All mail having the Sunday stamp is held over by the carriers for delivery on Monday. The law prohibiting the wanton killing of native song birds for their plumage for millinery purposes is to be rigidly erforced in Illinois state this year, and all dealers will be prosecuted. Miss Margaret .Young, of Niagara Falls, was «fired upon by an unknown man on Tuesday while out driving alone. She ducked as she saw him draw the revolver, and whipping up the horse, escaped. Prof. Adam Bhortt, who has been professor of political science in Queen’s University. Kingston, since the chair was founded, has been ap- pointed to the Civil Service Commis- sion, and .will resign. The World’s News. W. F. Nickle. M. P. P., Engineer Hare. and Boadmaster. Irwin, were in- jured on the Kingston and Pembroke Railway on Tuesday by a gasoline lorry on which‘ they were riding col- liding with a hand car left standing on the tracks. None were badly in- jured. To cure hiccoughs take three swal- lows of wuer in one breath. D. C. Clinch, a prominent broker of St. John, N. B., has. been indicted for embezzlement on charges prefer- red against him by Capt. Chas. Mor- risey, of Liverpool. Morrisey sent sent him nine thousand dollars to in- vest in United States stocks, wlvich was apprOpriated by the defend nt. It is well to keep hanging back of the stove, holders made of padded squares of gingham. neatly bound. with which to lift hot kettles and pans from the stove. This will prove an economizer of towels. many of which are burned by such use. Before using new gas mantles soak them in vinegan and hang them up to dry. When quite dry put them on the burners. In this way a brilliant white light is obtained and the burn- ers will last twice as long- “ usual. even in draugâ€"hty places. 3 . -. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The Arthur Enterprise changed hands with the last. issue. Mr. B. E. Byewater, who has ably conducted the paper during the past‘six years. having disposed of the business to Mr. Rixon Rafter. B A., of Arthur Township. Mr. Bywater conducted his paper from an independent stand- point. but when occasion arose was not afraid to express his convictions with no uncertain sound. The new proprietor’s venture into the journalistic field will be wetched: with interest by his conireres in this. district. end is cherecteristic of his industry end embition. When e mere child he bed the terrible misfor- tune to lose the sight of both eyes. but by herd work end perseverence educeted himself end succeeded in teking the degree of B. A. et Queen’s University. He hes bed speciel treining in newspeper work. end hes so ingenious system of shorthend by which he overcomes his blindness in reporting speeches, etc. The type writer enebles him to supply printer's copv thet will be much more legible then the written copy of his more fortunete brethren in the work, end we trust he will’be heertily supported ‘end encoureged by the liberel petron- ege of the residents in his territory. â€"Listowel Benner. But Never by Iodicino Bwnllowod, Bnnfl‘n. Bpnyl or Douche-- [[18 1 but l moun grc a‘ Catarrh is not a blood disease and' that is why it cannot be cured by. any medicine taken into the stomach.- Catarrh is a germ trouble contracted from the germ-laden air you breathe more inward. These germs fasten them- dust, selves in the tissue and airl cells of the ' the breathing organs, multiply by millions, cause sneezing, coughing, raising of mucous. discharge from the nose, difficulty in breathing, hoarseness, dryness and stonpage of the nose, tickling. in the throat and! other symptoms that can only be reached by the dry air principal of Hyomci. ' In It medicates the air you breathe with the curative prOperties of the Australian Eucalyptus Forests where catarrh is unknown. The reason .you get relief in a min- ute or two from Hyonei is because it destroys every catarrhal germ in the air you breathe, and its dry penetrat- ing aroma will reach the innermost recesses of the air passages, killing millions of g-:-rms a minute. Tleir destruction means freedom from 0p- pressed respiratory organs. Macfar- lane Co. sell llyomei under a guar- antee of satisfaction or money back. Price $1.00. “My practice has always been to feed after milking,” said a Speaker at a dairymen’s meeting. In the morning when we, go into the cow stable the first thing is the brushing off the udders and the preparation for milking. The cows get up laz- ily, eXpeeting to he milked. as they are used to the habit \Vhen they have once. been trained to the idea of milking before feeding. it does not wory them. “At milking time they ili\V{‘.}S have their attention riveted on. the business in hand. A cow being fed and milked at the same time usuallyi has her attention on the feed. and v._-ry often kicks out quickly if the milk-er approaches unwarningly. The rattle of the pail on any slight touch of the hand while she is being fed will cause her to kick. As soon as all cows are milked we notice a general movement among them for their feed. Each one seems to know when the milking is finished. and they are restless until the feeder has gone the rounds. All this is habit on the part of the cows. and to throw' them out of it might meanla loss of milk flow. “Give the grain ration after feeding â€"that is my advice. To feed it twen- sty minute before feeding is also poor practice. No half dozen cows are through feeding at the same time. One will step back and forth continu- ally to reach the last bit of grain, and this is very annoying to the milkcr. Feed after milking. It saves Catarrh Now Curable time and temper.” persons softer at some- _ time or other trons Filed 80 says s great medical authority. There is no disease causes more 'n snd wretchedness than piles ; end gingiving almost immediate ease lam-Bah won the praise of thousands of sufferers. Ifyon ue sufleting let an-Buk care you- Mr. Neil Devon, Wehbwood, Ont. sufi'ered with iles eight rs. A few boxes of Zam- uk cured im. He since saysâ€"“I have hsd no return of the troubleso thst I know the cure is nent.” Mr. C. . Frost, Lennosville, P.Q., writes: “ I hsve proved Zsm-Buk s greet cure for piles from which Infleredncntely {or n long time.” So my: 3 great medial authority. Time is no disease causes mate '1: end wretchedness then piles 3 and Q‘sfiing elmost immediate ease Zem-Buk won the praise of thousands of mfi'eteu. If you geygflexing let lam-Bu]: cure you- Mr. Feed Cows After Milking. Enterprise 801d. 8 OUT OF l0 It is believed by the members of the Academy of Science of Paris that an effective cure for consumption has at last been found. After. s long series of- experiments on patients in various parts of the earth and at dif- ferent altitudes. they have declared in favor of estashishing captive bsl~ loans at heights where germs. dust and smoke never penetrate. To cure lconsumptior. they state it merely ne- cessary to give the sufferer plenty of absolutely pure sir. but nowhere on the face of this earth is pure air obtained. Experiments show that city air is so saturated with gases and polluted with dunt and germs that it is a wonder the human lung even of a healthy person can breathe it. In 'the country the air is much better, but by no means pure. On the high mountain-side improvement is still l grater. but even there germs are. more or less common. There nre dust, pollen, and flying matter from the distant cities. To know how quickly bow surely Ferozone cures. to see how it rebuilds and restores. you have only to read the following lettersâ€"read them caro- tullyâ€"see if the symptoms resemble yQ‘lFS' n c -l’ n A D 1". Weaken: Every Part of the Body Cannon Organic Discuss. Just as strength is the natural out- come of pure blood, so is debility and sickness the result of impure blood. lmpflure Thin Blon . Miss Evelyn M. Gaetz. of Kingston. “'TlttS! “Ihave had an attack of blood disordtr which broke out in horrid looking pimples. They were ua‘lv. rr-d disfiguring blotches that ruined the appearance of my face. I tried all sorts of medicines hut t': e pimples didn’t leave. I was recommended Ferrozone and gave it a trial. I noticed an imprOVRment after the sec- ond box, and kept up the treatment which finallv cleared my skin. As the result of Frrrozone I have. a clear, healthy complexion. and can recom- mmd it to all other young women similarly affected; Anotnil 3.01mi! lady well known in‘ society circles of Springfield, who derived exceptional benefit from Fer- rozone, says: "I felt it mv' duty 'to make known the value of Ferrozone. My trouble was poor weak blood, and as a consequenae my lips were p'allid. and my cheeks had no color. I wasn’t at all strong and required a bracing tonic. Ferrozone. soon brought cc-hr to my cheeks. improved an appetite. and made me. stronger t an [bird been in years. I favor Ferrozone be- cause it is so simple t 0 take and works so quickly.‘ No blood remedy exists that has the flower to cure. to heal, to restore like errozone; try it, 50¢. per box at any drugstore. “ BIG TERI" GROVE 18 31131130. Ion-ton of edifomit For.» no in Dunn: of Destruction. The Celeveru group of big tree: in Celifornie. one of the netnrel wonders of the world, ie in denser of destruc- tion by fire. Hurting from eporke thrown 06 by on engine need to heal logo, on Hondev lest. the fire epreed to the heevy timber e mile weet of the north grove 0! big treee The foreet rengere, together with the eettlere, meny vieitore living in cempe eronnd end in the grove, end the employee of the Big Tree Hotel, heve been fighting the flemee. Al- reedy “the mother of the foreet," e greet deid hulk et the edge of the grove. ie efleme, end like e greet glowing torch, ie threetening its liv- ing neighbors “The mother" ie 327 feet long, with e trunk seventy-eight feet in circumference, end it will teke perhepe weeks for the hem» to consume it. Mr. Alexender Dow, prohehly the oldest men in this section of the Pro- vin ~e. died on Monday morning efter e brief illness et the residence of{ Miss Chemmey. with whom he heel been hoerding for some yeers. On} the ennouncements the ego of the dOCOtSOd wee given es 90 yeers, but in oonversetion he hes often been heerd to eleim en ese neer the cen- tury merk. However. Mr. Dow wee in Minto end kept e store long before Herristoe wes on the mep, end men now epproeohing the sixties remem- her him es e middleeged. men when .they were very smell boys. Hr. Dow wee e reticent hnt friendly old men. well informed. espeolelly on histories! subjects. end will he missed from our streets. es he wee e greet welher end elmost oenstently ehroed unite: and gluon oonotutly “in“! in 6n. unwu.â€"Huruton Review. Clogs the Kidneys Slows the Heart ‘ Fags the Brain Your Money Works for You Ina-choc .100 .0 Mount for.“ .nd A"... Old Resident Dead. '. C. TELFORIE Mnnnger. of Canada IWATEO i885. HIE DURHAM EHHfl V v." 18 Pususann M tin Chronicle Printing ”one, 3.. Street, Cuba-{pan any address. f ht. - ° 31 00;)" year _.‘ m --- h A L_-_-‘I It _ , v- -- "av-h vs 41.50 my be chsrgsd if not .1: ”I: to which every subscription is pad is: the III-bet OI the address lsbel. L's continued to sll srrears srs mid,“ option of the proprietor. """9 cents per line 16:“ tit: m . - tion; 3001m- Define“. qua-t insertion minion manure. M ardn. not acceding one inch “.00 PM “team“ witbout npwific diam. to publiohod till forbid and chum m Tandem noticesâ€""Lt at. “ ‘2Found.“ "r. gemâ€"50 oenu for first insert ion. 33 out. 1. cubooqqont insertion. “ WIN“ ' ' 7" ' mm Citatcb and 6mm ‘W our Opmtnn trees ”-0.. t M . .u-ufioolmdgln’t u. Wnioi’oox pm fr... do“ ncy for “out-ma m rough Mum) m W without. dame. m the SW“: Hmerl _ _ -Iâ€" lII---.â€"O..A - .nh‘lv ‘ WA" Id"él:tioemellts. tit; unsun- imam Garment week. should be brought in not“ TUESDAY morning- â€" . , i8 conlwmely stock"! m Department ilitiea for turning out Fin: ' work. Insole“ normâ€""u at. " ‘:Found," "Fifi dam-50 can“ for first insertion. 3‘, out. in nub-canon insertion. All advertinemonta ordered by "MM' be paid for in sdvnnce. Contact mm for ‘9." y advert lubed oq amputation to thé ofliu m.“ A.- FFICE AND RESIDENCE short distance on: of Knnpp‘e 8‘ [nub ton Street, Lower Town. Du 0600 hours from 12 t0 2 o’clock l. 6. Hutton, M. 0., c. I. rpm: AND RESIDENCE-001 ueen and 69,1ng Streets-Son: Meth ist Church (mire hours-94181 2-4 0.11).. 7-9 p.111. Telenhuue No.10. Arthur Gun, I. 0. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 0!- (ice in the New Hunter Block. hours. 8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. 1nd”? 0. In. Special attention given mduu ’f women and children. Residence 0 omits Proobvteriau Church. 06“ Autumn! Ray. London Ophthalllt “3.. all toGolden Sq. Throu and X0! SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THROAT . L. B. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. BADULATE of London, ' You'k and Chicago. Mole”. Ear Noun-1M Will be st Knapp House. Durham“: KMOV in each month. Hoursâ€"14! OFFICE: Over J . Drs. lamieson laclaurin. m of Toronto. Grum- Douhl Surgeons of Guam. Donthtry in 311 its Bunch“- Ofia.â€"Ct|dor Block. over PM â€"-â€"vv .â€" 0600 0:6! 'Gordmz's no; 3m. Lower Town. Durham. [1 0‘ nonov to Ian u 5 per 06 ? voyancors. Notary 1*” Loan at Lowest Kane-- 060.3: :-|lclntyre Blvd“ at. Durban. 01mm”- ‘ or. Convoyam‘er. Amt. Honey to L0“ dun Lioonuoo. A 8009' “muted. f DURHAM, ONT. onN CLARK. LICENSE” ‘ of GM“ m (at th e C t 2mm“ $3?” on pI-out Wnroroom" and. or u the Ohm” 1.1034111). n.s..x..n.l. . . "Id Provnsum [ONOB GRADE-”511313 M 807...“. ABBISTEL. SOLICITQB' ABBISTEB SOLICITOB. g ._-_--_--_- x A... Public. E“. ’OTABY PUBLIC , EDITOR Arm memmx BUREAU. Medical Dz’redon'. Dr. W. c. Pickeriu Dentist. Dental Dz'rcdorv. DR. BRO? 1‘; W. IRWIN ngal ‘Dz'redqrv. A. N. Jackson. 80 8"." A." For_ tnnejpnt u} w. F. Dunn! Mnxllanwu5° .13. Front St., Owen soul. DR. BURT. Sept. 10' ONT. (LO‘W’ Public. i J, final“ cont. 0| To“) :u-pd ad". Curtains except 2!; W cine whim counter." m: r 73001! value. We linen 54 in. wide. unhl ' 25c yard. ”linen. 5‘ in. wide. m. w linen. 68 in. Wide. um)" 60c yard. W ollcloth. 45 in. Wide. 2," floor oilclobh. l . 0-. W 2 yds. wide, 3. lap-no. Bugs, 00 x an. $3.... So: our Prints and Ginghl Mda business with H. H.‘ ”m. Glonelg. Frame “up Mn. Good Farm. ought in Will sell car ”(1)0. “acres onzDurham Ruad. Her hm._Btnk Burn, Fan lhm ”Inf“. oxtn good Building~. ti ourly the 82’0) asked 2 .r 8.! meford P1). 1 an building lot in Durban “0. or tilde for anything: 1 Qt. War. 01‘ throw s suck at. PW‘V built Illd bold NIH Honey U0 hand. Debts (‘uHavm Meta god Ocean Tnckvts m of dock to Durban Cement (flu. I7 Inn‘s for ale. cheap. “an prompt, unver m “It . Glenelg, splendid l mall Buildings cheap at $7 ---AA PUMPS DO you want to nmkv m The Peeple's G '08 ALL KINDS HI" Peaches Pears and Plum In Full Swil l b. have to infurm my ‘0‘ “I! public in gmwra‘ I“ to fllrllifih \mx rs. VH5“ “tiling. PROD-Curbing dulhi ‘ M. All orderfi taken 3“ our McGuwau‘.~ _l (file. zyds. 109g. at a) Dro- (Instlyt “tended t A “Lb? and w' GMIGE WHITMORI .1. Sell: Cheap 6‘ ‘4 ‘6 .BE Lu. Curtains SAVE HONEY 7 H. [1. Mill . G in. wide, unhl The Hnnm‘vr ( A Car of Mi) Just Arrived. mover ( 'c ch-y Beggs He Oflt‘l" l and 2 yard Calder Bl but In gum. Bi honhnud hf Book all sand 60 ' VI EXPER ”Dim “I:

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