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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Sep 1908, p. 3

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‘ er, Conveyaw. gout. Money to L0! Licenses. A fill tangent). DURHAI. ONT.‘ RANCH " I. not exceeding one inch OI.” "- "momenta V". out spastic M. mliahnd till forbid aid chm“ picut autumnâ€"“Lt st. " ‘ 2'00lld." " . .30 cents for first “Denial. 3 m ht mnom inn-onion. advertisements ordered by um” . .id for in advance. nract rates for youny advent.“ rd un_ apphcation to the olco. nription Tu Clloucu will h~ n - - :1 cover your. ‘ it) may be aborted if not 0’0.” Job every nnbacri ticli 5 NM umber on the “(.2000 law 1‘" ‘j 0 ~ med to all .rmrs us put] a.” ‘ n of the proprietor. ’ Q1 pf Special attalition gfvon .to Ii Lumen) and children. ROM 6 Presbvterian Church. I'FICE AND RESIDENCE short distance out of law’s I :b tou Stmot. Lower Town. DU 0 hours from 12 to ‘3 o’clock San York and Chicago. Db...“ 0! Bye. Bu NO! on!“ ll be u Knapp “on... Dari... it} :urdsv in each month. Bonnâ€"HI Queen and George snub-MOI ’ludist Church Ofiico hoursâ€"’dltl. v.m., 7-9 p.m. Talonhono No. 1.. L. R. C. P.. LONDON. m. RADL'LATE of London, I xvzmr mungmn noun. p Choniclc Printing ”on“, 0g. Strut, 1. r. sun, 1). n. 1.1.. n. t ada Jot... A. H. Jackal- (nTARY PUBLIC, (303m1 rice in the New Hunter Block. 0.: i. ”In {0}. m.. _to 4p. 3.1.91 tor E. EAR, THROAT VICE AND RESIDENCE-COB. - W of Toronto. GM!!- logo Donn] SntgoonlofOIuflO- Dentistry in fill its at” 1co.â€"â€"Cslder Block, ova Pol. ' (Mich? over 'Gordon’o 00" 4 we, Lower Town.Durha-- ‘3 munev to loun at 5 p“ w“ t, and Dem-it. O! W may be Within“ .1 ARRISTEIL, 391401103. mortv 'nl‘l‘lOIULUQ ‘1vaâ€" ’ veyancers Notary PI) Loan at Lowest Ru... lice: ~Mclnty to BM. H‘Ak Durhwy Gnu,” “\ér'tioemelu. to 3:0?!" M t week. should be brought in Duh-u A! morning 6. Hutton, I. 0., C. I. ONOR GRADUATE. UN! Arthur Sun, I. D. Yshgmx AND SURGEON, or. ARRISTEB. SOngTQE’ Annual)! Roy. London with.” In. und to Golclan Sq. Throat “d 3.. ll- SPlClflLlsf I URHAM, OBN CLARK. 60m: to: _:ho( Burma AND Paonurrol. Ava" AltU. II".- mont mm. for tuning on work. .. Jamieson Iaclauriu. Odim- '3. l-‘root 5t... Own w Medical Directorv. Dr. w. C. Pickering Dental Dinah)". W. IRWIN Legal "Directory. H/ w J. P, Talford. \. W. F. Dunn, is com lately stocked VIE . a‘ififidfiifif‘fflflhh DR. BURT. :orked edge Curtains CW u on“ urge ~12? W g0 )d V 3.1109 hhle 11mm 51: in. wide, unbleached [dale linen. 54 in. 35c yard. hm.» linen. 68 m. wuae, unowacneu 50(- yard. Table oilt'lnth, 45 in. wide, 26c yd, on! ()ilcwloth l and 2 yurdu wide " ' «a yard Linoleum, 2. ’yds. wide, 3H6 sq. yd, yum Rugs, 60 x 30, 834]) o‘ch. See our Print: all (ii-thus Fl Sm Tum d” irusim'ss with H. H. MILLER tlu-‘Hamnver Conveyancer He offers: mam... (ilenelg. Frame Dwelling. Bank Barn, “and Farm, ought to bringm Will sell (or $3000. twat-res. HIeuelg, splendid location extra 30nd Buildings, cheap at .751”, Will take “5'”. Name: niliDHl‘hMD Road. Bentincll. good Farm. Bank Barn, Fair Dwelling. snap tor 82500. 10) acres, extra good Buildings. alone wor- it: nearly (he 53'00 asked for the farm Sear Crawford P.0. here building lot in Durham. for sale cheap. urtrade for anything a man can out, wear, or throw a stick at. Proper“ bought and nold onCommiuion Money h. haul. Debts collected. C.P.R. kaels and ocean Tickets for sale. m ohm-k in Durham Cement 00.. placed in ay hands fur sale, cheap. Always prompt, never negligent. Anvono aiding u Ikdcifiid due" Ion any n ascertain our opinion 1' other no minim to probubly M cannula. mm. at nctly mnndent AL A on PM 12' .0. Hide“ ency form to. "3:101?“ taken t too I: ”will? a my. A - 4.“- "AAA AAA,AAAA vy-vâ€"vvvvâ€"v 'â€" (namely illustrated woekli. largest. 61:- ‘mm M ,any scientific 10am]. Tom- to: in. 83.70 a you. pounce puma. Sold by .0 new «healers. IUNN Co mun-flew Ygrk Bunch 00cc. h 7 8t... Wuhllltm. D. PUM PS Thy Big A Calder Block [M you want to make money and The People’s Grocery and Provision Store FOR ALL KINDS OF Peaches Pears and Plumbs In Full Swing I beg ‘v-n'e to inform our customers and m whlic in generel that Iem prepun-«i m furnish New Pumps end R"WH‘~ Well Drilling, ReCurbing 3M PM“ Curbing done with cement CVHm-rw" All orders taken 3t “)0 Old Naml war McGowen’s mill will be Hump". 5' attended to. All work aper- ammi ‘ll "Live and let live” prices. Wide, Mrs. Beggs Sons He Sells Ohoap GEORGE WHITHOBE. Durham. 10, 1908 Lace Cum ., 2 yds. 1093, at @520 pair SAVE HONEY ? The Hanover Conveyancer. 68 in. wide, unbleached A Car 0! Mixed Chop Just Arrived. . H. Miller. â€"vâ€" v in! FoSEoovhx oom- oeo. By .11. 010.“) m. Should It.“ ”db!- gz Bloor Sn. 3. A. hunk” . BEAN flu: Dixon! on". Easter to Align" all: .hoflhhnd' 0! 66 Our council have done n commend- nhle work this oeuon in keeping nox- ione weeds out down on our book etreete end in vacant lots. 3nd this week hue n men eredicnting the gran nlonz the cement oidewnlko. This growthy oeuon the gun hnd well nigh token poeeeooion of none nnrrow sidewalks. Citizens will doubtless nppreointe the improve menuâ€"Munich Stnndnrd. It for no other reason. Chamber-l lain’s Salvo should be kept in every ihousehold on account of its geat val- ue in the treatment of burns. It al- hya the tin almost instantly, and unless e injury is a severe one, heals the parts without leaving a scar. This salve is also unequalled tor chapped hands sore nipgles amd dis- eases of the skin. Price, 5 cents. For sale by all Draggists. Merkdele Furniture Fectory ie now in good ehnpe for bueineee. but buei neee ie not by nny meene ooexing. Mnny furniture inotoriee ere closed down owing to luck of demend ior ordere. However. us soon no timee improve end n competent prnoticel men on be eecured ee mnneser. the {outcry will . begin Operetione.â€" Sundard. The losses home on the back line, Melancthon. was visited by a burglar Sunday night about 1 30 o’clock. Entrance was aflected by a window,1 and Mr. John Isaac. who was sick and lying awake. heard the stealthy footsteps through the house and en- quired who it was. The only reply he got was the noise of flower pots from the window falling on the floor in the visitor’s endeavor to get away. By this time the whole household was awake and somewhat alarmed by the rumpus downstairs. On in- vestigation the place of the hasty exit through the window Was found. the damage to the flowers was the only loss sustained. as Mr. Burglar was interrupted in his designs.â€" Herald. County and District. There are thousands, both‘men and women, who do not take time to eat; prOperly. They rush through life and as a \result we have an age it indi- gestion, nervousness, irritability, sleepless nights, and morose diSposi- 'tion. Our nationial danger is stom- ach weakness, due to the strenuous life. Mi-o-na tablets strengthen the walls of the stomach and stimulate secre- tion of the digestive juices. )They make the stomach comfortable and cure indication. Time to Cry 3 Halt Before Complete Wreck Results. Sick headaches, palpitation, yellow skin, and coated tongue are a few of the many distressing results of indi- gestion that Mi-o-na never fails .to cure. -A The little village of Williamsford was the scene of a very stirring aflair inst. Snturdny night. and one which ineut young man of the village has been greatly annoyed by thieves breaking into his orchard and stealing fruit. On Saturday night he thought he heard some persons moving about in the orchard at the back of his house and went out to chase them He took with him a rifle containing a twenty-two calibre bul- let and it is alleged that he fired this gun. The result was that a young man named Roberts. who was in company with a companion named i Weinoski in a plot of ground adjoin- ing groin. fall to the ground and observed the man with the gun. Weinoski rushed towards him with the intention of disarming him. The former, how- ever, oried out that if he did not ston where he was he would plug him too. Such is the story of the shooting accident, and whether it be absolutely correct or not. the fact remains that the unfortunate Roberts was struck ' Dr. Old and declared that though the wound was a serious one there was no im- mediate danger. Boberta remains in a critical condition. The event has ---‘ ---' in fhn W“ . .‘IIUI‘. III-v -â€"-- . medinte denser. Roberta remains in e criticnl condition. Phe event bee creeted e greet sensation in the neuelly quiet little village end devel- Opmente are duily oxpected.â€"U.8. Times. A _._- It is sufficient for some peOple that they drink anything called tea. Others prefer a standard brand like “Salads,” which has a reputation for being good. The latter get more en- ioyment out of life. In buying tea or the satisfaction you eXpeot to get lrnm its use. it; W111 p‘ay: Ato'nurchase Our National Danger [93. But Treatment for t Burn. My for Blaine-n. Williamsford Man Shot. Burgh: at nnnduk. Ont Htven’t. “gnuâ€"A.” Mr. Wm. Vunflorne’e four yent old deughter Dollie. died lust 'l‘hure- dsy evening, at Welkerton. :from burne cnueed by pleying with much as on the proceeding Mondny. The chind wee pleying in eroom upeteire end begun pluying with mntchee, with the result that her clothes wee caught on fire end before it could be extinguished she was burned hedly. The funeral took place on Snndey. -â€"Hnnover Poet. It’s often dangerous to consider1 headache a trifling ailment. If the‘ head aches the stomach is out of or- der and some serious disease may be impending. To tone up the stomach. to give it healthy action. nothing: in mo ern medicines is so successful as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. The concentra- ted ve etable extracts in Dr. Hamil- ton‘s ills have a. quieting healthful effect on tl e stomach and remove all disorders. Your. headache will be cured and they won’t return. if you use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Sold every- where. from s neishborins township were ailâ€"hei'is'cefrwo or three ladies were lodged in the cooler by Chief Cringle working With her find giVing her - whiskey I went to my suit case and for being drunk. "Id on Saturday got my bottle of Chamberlain's Colict were given a hearing by Police M“ Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedy ( retrato Mscuregor. Th0? WOW fined never travel without it). ran to the 31.00 and costs each and in their evi- water tank. put a double dose of the - - medicine in the glass, poured some dence given under oath divulged water into it and stirred it with a that they were under age. and where pencil; then I had quite a time to; they had procured their liquor. Th6 get the ladies to let me give it to; outcome wgg a charge gagiuat w. H, her, but I succeeded. I COUId at once - , see the effect and I worked with Hamilton. of the American, for sell her rubbing her hands and in twen- ing. to minors. On Monday, he. paid ty minutes I gave her another dose. a has of $10 and 86 costs Without By this time we were almost into putting in a defence. This is the Le Grande, where I was to leave the - train. I gave the bottle to the hus- first prosecution under an amend band to he used in case another dose ment ‘0 the license law whereby a should be needed, but by the time the drunken person 18 compelled to tell train ran into Le Grande she was all where they get liquor.â€"Mt. Forest right, and I received the thanks of iROprcsentative. ‘ every passenger in the car." For Isale at all Drug Stores. I Fits, Epilepsy St. Vituo’ Donoo, ’ Nervous Troughs, Etc. ., itivoly cured by LIEBIG’S m cunt. m «a: bottle sent in: on “to" on. Write the LIEBIG C0., Phoebe 8t. , Toronto. ? e tine of 815 end 86 costs without putting in a defence. This is the first prosecution under an smend ment to the license law wherehys drunken person is compelled to tell where they get “quotaâ€"Mt, Forest Representative. It may be crampsmerhaps colicl'plinl or gas no the stomachâ€"but in! any case a lew dro s of Nerviline soothes' the pain an allows the child to sleep peacefully. Nerviline cures minor ills such as colds, headache, in- ternal and external pains as well as any doctor,-safe to use because a? small dose is required. Mothers, you' will find Nerviline an invaluable aid in preventing and curing sickness.i Keep a bottle right at hand, some day you will need it badly. Sold every-E where at 250. I Last Saturday, evening, Mr. Albert Weltz. of the 20d. drove to town to spend Sunday with his mother here. He turned the horse he drove into the orchard to allow it to pasture till he thought of going home some time on Sunday evening. In the after- noon the animal happened to step on the platform of the pump, and the planks being unsound, broke through and let the poor brute into the well head first. Down in the well. per~ haps ten or twelve feet. were cross pieces of timber fastened in the stone pavement, and one of these prevented further descent. The churches were just coming out and a large funeral was returning from the graveyard and when the alarm was given there was soon a large crowd on the scene. A derrick was arranged over the well and the horse pulled out, dead, how- ever. its neck being broken in the fall. The beast was a beautiful black mare for which Mr. Waltz refused $200, and he has the sym- pathy of his neighbors in this acci- dent.â€"Ayton Advance. Is it a matten of pride to be male as a lily.â€"-certainly not. What every woman wants is strength, color, vigâ€" or. Buoyancy and health are thei right of every woman, and these shel need not lack if she uses Ferrozone. It gives appetite, creates strength, enriches blood, gives vigor to the norms, color to the cheeks and bright- 11183 to the eyes. Ferrozone is at once convertible into health, beauty and strength. There is power in Ferro- zone,-try it, and know what you have missed, 50c. at all dealers. On Fridsy evening two yo‘u‘ng men An accident that resulted in Mr. Wm. Lumley breaking his leg, oc curred in Morgan’s swamp, near Walkorton. on Thursday afternoon. The victim of the accident, in com- pany with Mr. Wm. Morgan, was engaged in drawing out stumps in an short to clear the land and redeem it for cultivation. Fastening the chain to the roots of an exceptionally big log. Bill started the horses going and soon the chain was creating and the tugs stretching. but the horses won the day and the root came for- ward in a manner that bafled Bill's arithmetic. He hadn’t calculated on such speed and in consequence, was no prepared for the emergency. The, end of the root shot round and struck him on the left leg, just above the ankle breaking it like a bnsouit. Fortunately the horses were quiet and did not add to the trouble by rushing forward, othorwise the mis- hap might easily have been enlarged into a fatality. The injured man was removed from his perilous position and driven to town, where the brok- en limb was set and where at present he is recuperating at the home of his mether here.-â€"Bruee Times, Great humor in Hosdwhu.‘ A‘iLmG .. SICKNESS Played With Inches. To Stop a Crying Baby. _ She in White as a. Ghost. Sold Liquor to linors. A Peculiar Accident. His Leg Broken. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Sedie Irwin, eged 15. end Florence Tyndell, eged 17. two weywerd girls, . eppeered before 1". M. Pettullc in the police court on Tuesdey cherged with misbeheving themselves. For some time meny complaints heve been lodged with the locel euthoritiee ebout the conduct of these end ether young girls who prowl 'ebont the etreeoe et ell hours of the night in the compeny of swift young men end: boys end the police took ecticn. vadence of the girls’ conduct wee teken end it will be submitted to Rev. Mr. Harris. of Guelph. who looks efter incorrigible enu neglected children. end it is probeble the girls will be given e term in the Mercer rslormetory, et Toronto. The con- duct of e certein number of girls in this town hes become so bed thet the euthorities ere determined to put e .etop to it end this is the first move _in the metter. The thing has become ;such it scendel thet something bed to i be done end the police heve ected l none too eoon.â€"Orengeville Sun. ” must ,tell you my experience on: In East bound 0. R. N. R .3. train from Pendleton to Le Grnnde, Ore., writes Sam A. Garber, a well-koown treveling man. “I was in be smoking department with some other travel- ing men when one of them went out onto tne coach and came back and said, “There is a woman sick unto death in thercarnl _at once gotnup and “\'-bl| .u v.5 vwâ€"v -_ 9-- went out. found her very ill with cramp oolio: bar hands and arms were drawn up so you could not straigh- ten ttegn, any with g deaghl‘ike look WV.- on her face. Two or three ladies were working with her and giving her whiskey I went to my suit case and got my bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea. Remedy. (f A runaway accident. resulting in the death of a horse valued at fully 8200 occurred last Thurqday evening on the road between the creamery hill and Greenwood cemetery, About seven o’clock a cab. owned by George Findlay. liveryman, Union street, which had been carrying several of the members of a funeral party at Tara, was returning to town, and while descending the creamexy hill one of the traces gave way. The horses got beyond control and before the foot of the bill was reached man- aged to free themselves from the cab. The frightened animals rushed at full speed towards the town, and one of them collided with terrible violence againstatelegraph pole at little to the south of the cemetery. The horse’s head came in contact with the pole and so great was the shock that it immediately dropped down dead. The other horse reached the town in safety, while the cab and its occu- pants escaped Without damage.â€"O. 8. Times. “I took two of Chamberlain‘s Stom- ach and Liven Tablets last night, and I feel fifty Ear cent better than I Juve for wee 3, says J. J. Firestone of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly fine for biliousness.” For sale by: all Drug stores. Bunples free. Tommy Pye and Mike Schelter are amusing themselves and the resi- dents of the front street by their difierences over a sign which Tom in an evil moment is said to have hung in front of Mike’s store. The sign was not of the temperance variety, but on the contrary was an advertise- ment of some favorite brand of whis- key. Mike doesn’t profess to be a teetotaller but he doesn’t llkP to have his failings advertised on his front door, and therefore when Tommy hung up the sign he did that which was evil in the sight of Mike and brought down a doubtful blessing on his head. Nor is that all, for Mike is part Irish-Just what part we do not knowâ€"but the Irish came to the surface about the same time that ,Tommy came to the door. The author ‘ and the victim of the joke stood fac- iug each other. one smilin like a sunflower, the other grin ing his teeth like an alligator in a circus. The man of leather looked over his spectacles at the man of cloth. and then looked around for a hammer or some other implement of torture. Tommy didn’t wait to see what else he was looking for. but wisely. hasti- ly and trembliugly made for the street, and by so doing saved his relatives the trouble of cashing his insurance beneficiary. Mike followed hard to the door, and by the instru- ments in his hand it was evident that had he caught Tommy. nothing more serious would have happened since Cain slew Abel.â€"Bruce Times. A Travelling Ian’s Experience. A sprained ankle may be cured in1 nbout oneâ€"third the time usually re- quired, by applying Chamberlain’s ,Liniment freely, Ind giving it abso- lute mtg Eon all: by. all my: utmost. And the Worm Turned. A Runaway Killed. Good for Bilionsnou. For a Sprainod Ankle. For Bargains in Handkerchiefs Men’s and Boys Suits Suspenders Odd Pants - Hose and Half-Hose ‘- Rain-Coats Underwear f“ Umbrellas Sweaters Hats and Caps Overalls Shirts Smocks Collars and Ties _ Boots and Shoes Everything in the Gent’s Furnishing line. This is your chance and yc‘ should take advantage of it. The echool is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical enppliee and fittinga, etc., for full J nnior Leaving and Hattie nlation work. The following competent eta! are in charge : 1308. ALLAN. let Claee Certificate. Prim MISS DONALDA MCKERRACHEB. B.A. Claeeice. Moder. e. and Englieh. KISS GERTRUDE HODGE. B.A.. Science. Hietory and Geography. ‘Intonding student. Ihould enter at the bogu- nlng of the term if possible. Bond can be ob- ulnodut mmmblo um. Dun-hum in a. ham: 3nd nth-o town, mking it a most dumb]: once of midonoe. C. L. GRAN? CANADIAN NATIONAL,,3 Ant. 29 EXHIBITION Sept? 14,; Every Prgvinco DURHAM SCHOOL. Grand Art Loan Colleptiong ' With 900 Parlor-an. 1 International M Show International Cat 50" CHEAP mo MOM Having decided to give up the Gent‘s Furnishing Business in Durban my entire stock will be cleared out at Red uced prices on some broken lines of ladies’ Oxfords and Slippers which we want to dispose of. Call and see if ycur size is here, it. will save you money as well as do us a favor. While They Last Now is a good time to leave your order for a pair of fall shoes. \Ve have a large stcck of factory goods in heavy and fine goods. Are you thinking of going West ? get our prices on trunks. volises telescopes, etc., before purchasing. Custom work and repairing done as neatly and quickly as possible. The Down Town Shoe Store to Stinson’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you get the Best Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Sundaes, etc. Call in on your way home and get a. quart to treat the family. Come with the CroWd “ STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. your pickling spices. Vinegars, preserving fruit, fruit. fresh groceries and confectionery. Bakery The Model Foes. 81.00 per month. Chirmn. Farmers will find best TIMOTHY SEED for fall seeding . A. ROSE, Durham IN FLOUR. Purity. McGowan’s. Milverton and Ayton- You get the Benefit of Quality COST PRICE I Handkerchiefs nits Suspenders Hose and Half-Hose Underwear Sweaters Overalls Smacks . S. MCILRAITH Geo. fl. Stinson Eggs taken as Cash c auger, FISH.-â€"No. l herring and cod. sOso‘O “‘0‘. TRY BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING and in placing all its gradunti Each student is taught separately his own desk. Trial lessons for ( week free. Visitors welcome. (I'DAY and EVENING classes. Mount Forest Business Collegw W. T. CLANCY. Prl LEADS IN

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