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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Sep 1908, p. 4

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'Prize Scribbler or Ex- [ercise Book and try for one of the VV'ilfritl Laurier and his parLy‘ proved themselves incapable fi- iers. Before they got into ower {1 reduce the extravagance by at ! two or three million dollars~a }. They got in and now we have nnual eXpenditure of over a red millions. ain, when the. new Grand Trunk io was being agitated. Sir Wil- assured the people that the cost 0 Government would be ”thirty minions and not a cent; more." Hon. George P. Graham has ad- a cost; already of one hundred fourteen millions. On prophecy they are condemned out of their months. The end is yet far off e estimate: of the Hon. R. L.1 of one hnndrd and forty mil- wili be be quite below the mark. Wilfrid and his party following fallen ohort according to their acknowledgment by over a hun- miilions on the railway calcula- how are the people to place can- RHAM CHRONICLE >ruggists and Booksellers shoal tanks Echool iupnfles acfarlane (Ho. Lpecial discount on ligh-School Books. DURHAM. SEPT. 10. NO in their ability to managel financial “furs of a country the Dominion of Canada. Yes, flex and his party have proved nukes false prophets and yet ' askthe pe0ple to retain themin or to perpetuate a reign of extraâ€" mee end misgovernment. in. Boy Teft and little son. of Ram ',“.;)ol;t a fortnight visiting the not": old home and other friends IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. . Joseph Black, of Dundslk, spent Iv days visiting friends and old finances in this section. Mr. k was a resident of this place m twentrfive years 830. and notes pride the my changes in the ity of his boyhood days. p, god Mrs. firth, of Mukdale. visiting the latter’s McWilliamsville. EDITORIAL. :is paling through his “Wk of typhoid “foly, nothOfairn-ood wrocovery. h .n the order “present. THE Grain is thrning out well. Mrs. W. C. Scott and daughter May, of Nanton, Alberta, are at present visiting the farmer’s daughter, Mrs. W. R. Watson,and other friends here. cordially invite WE all the ladies of Durham and surrounding vicinity to attend at our Nineteenth Semi - Annual display of trimmed mill- inery.’ We have the larg- est stock of millinery goods Parisian Millinery Parlors, Miss Lottie Brown left on Monday for Toronto. Mr. and Miss Adams, of Dromore, visited the Watson family one evening lately. Miss Maggie Hamilton has returned to Owen Sound to resume her study at shorthand and typewriting. Following are some of the visitors from this section to the Toronto Exhi- bition: James Brown, Wm. T. Brown, H. J. \Vhitmore. D. Henry, G. Find- lay, J. Renwick, Ada. Brown, Maud Hamilton, Emma Brown, Joe Brown, “’11:. Zufelt, Wm. Wilson, Mrs. Philip Lawrence. Mr. George Noble, Durham and the Misses M. and J. Bish, of Waterloo, “ore guests recently of the former's daughter, Mrs. Charles Lawrence. Miss C. H. Hutton entertained Mrs. R D. Boyd and son, Erle, of Strut- ford Mrs. -D. Dunsmoor and two c1111- (lien, of Cnlgary, Alberta, and Mias B. Petty, of Poplar Hill, not long Mr. Robert J. Stinson left last Sa- turday to attend the exhibition in Toronto and will remain there for about a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson, of Milton, were guests of the. former’s sister, Mrs. George Honkins. Mr. R. Pollock. of Normanbv, and Miss A. Lawrence ,teacher of Blyth School, spent Sunday with the lat- ter‘s mother, Mrs. John Lawrence. Mr. Thomas Milligan and his two Sisters, Misses Jean and Bessie. .911th Sunday wuth their cousin, Mrs. J. Hapkins of Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cuff and two sons, Robert and George, spent Sun- day with the latter‘s sister. Mrs. William Picken, of Poplar Hill. Mr. Kincely. Mt Forest, is spend- ing the summer. with his uncle. Mr. John McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan. Rocky, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. C. Dunsmoor. Mr. B. Barnes visited friends Durham last week. â€"i[esars. Arnold and Alfred Noble and their wives and fomilies spent Sunday with their. brother. Mr. Geo. Noble. Mr. John Lawrence gave a farewell party last Monday night to about fifty of his friends as he intends leav- ing this week to join his brother, George V., who has a farm near Kits- coty, Alberta. John was a great in- vorite with evry person and will be missed very mmch in this vicinity.‘ We all extend our best wishes for his future prosperity. The part) was seemingly enjoyed as dancing and other games were indulged in. Best of all there was a sumptuous repast prepared by his mother. and served about twelve o‘clock. Having done ample justice to the dinner. the am- usements were continued and not un- til near morning could the jovial crowd separate. Mia: B. Noble leaves Friday morn- ing to attend the Toronto Exhibi- tion and intends to spend three or four month- with her friends in the oity. Mr Cooper. of Arthngtwuofngaged 10:11:: viaâ€"r'vest with Mr. Alexander Hopkins. Glad to learn that Mr. Biop- kin’s son. Funk ll inmvm. . Hutton Hill. 'ned LOCAL A] D PERSONAL. Mr. J. H. Hunter is at the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland and daughter went to Wroxeter Monday. Miss Easel Laidlaw and Miss Marion Curry went to Dundaik Monday. Miss McLean returned to PriceVille Monday after visiting her sister, Mrs. McMurray. for a. couple of weeks. Mrs. Lorne Somerville left Monday morning for her home in Toronto. ' Rev. John Little, of Holstein, will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit here on Sunday next. "Re; W. Farquhmon went to To- ronto Tuesday. Mrs. P. W. Msrrion, is visiting at her parental home in Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Walpole spent Sundoy with friends in Mnrkdsle. Mr. John A. Black, of Chesley. was in town Saturday. Miss Ethel Limin went to Toronto on Saturday to attend the Exhibition. Mrs. Ed. Langdon took in the Exhi- bition at Toronto. Mr. D. Kinnee has returned from Wilberforce. Miss M. Twamley, of the General Hospital, Buffalo, is visiting at her home near Crawford. Miss McIntosh, of New York. is. visiting her brother Norman. here. Mrs. Joseph Robertson and daughter Dorothy, of” Tomato. visited Mr. and Mrs. John Carson hr a couple of weeks. Master Harry Lutz returned to Galt to attend school. Mr. W'm. Atkinson is visiting his sister, Mrs. McClure. in Toronto. and also attending the Exhibition. Mr. Lawrence, son of Mr. Charles Lawrence. of Hutton Hill, left for the West on Tuesday morning. Mrs. George McDonald visited her husband and daughter in Hamilton over the week end. Master Charlie Ramage spent two or three days last week at the To- ronto Exhibition. - Master Willie Gadd, of the Review staff attended the Exhibitibn last week. . Archie McDougall, of the Tivorton Watchman is rejoicing over the arri- val of boy No. 2. Mr. John Coutts, Barrister, of Thamesyille, spent Sunday with his brother-in-law. Rev. W. Farquharson, and family. Miss Belle Caton left Tuesday morn- ing for Manitoba Where she will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Crittenden. Mrs. John Williams left; for the \Vest on Tuesday morning. Mr. \Villiams will leave shortly as he intends to locate there. Mrs. “'11). Han-bottle returned to her home in Toronto after an extended visit with her brother, Mr. Hugh McDonald, and other relatives. Dr. J. C. McGillivray. of Denver. 00].. and his sister, Miss McGillivray, of Ehuwood, visited Miss McKenzie the fore part of the week. Mr. W. J. Porter. who has spent the past two months in town, returned to his home in New York Tuesday morning. Mr. Wesley M cNally, of Lambton St., visited his sister, Miss Kate, in the city, for a few days, and also took in the Exhibition. Rev. W. S. Jalmeson will occupy the Methodist church pulpit in Walk- erton next Sunday, exchanging with Rev. M. A. Wilson. of that place, who will conduct the Harvest Home anni- versary services here. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Catton took in the Exhibition in Toronto the latter part of the week. They were accom- panied by Miss Douglas, of Learning- Eon, who' returned heme after spending a. few weeks here. Mrs. J. W. Irwin, who has been at Englehart, New Ontario, since the middle of July, returned to town on Friday last. Mr. Irwin will not return till some time in October. Miss Edward, of Berlin, who has been spending the past two weeks with Mr. andzMrs. Arnold, here, returned home on Wednesday morning. Miss Bugg has opened up a new Millinery Parlor over A. 8. Hunters {hardware store. See her ad. on page bight'. George H. K. Midford is to be mar- ried in September, as announced else- where. We hone the boy may do well and develop into perfect manhood. Ye Editor was at the Exhbiitiw week and feels proud to think that we have the best annual show in the world. The weather was all that could be desired and large crowds were in attendance. For Baleâ€"Good nine-room house. Furnace heated, good garden. aut- buildings and large stable. Will be sold cheap. Apply to W. D. Mills, 30: 73. Durham. Mr. and Mrs. A. Vander Water, Chisholm. Ont., announod the engage- mom of their: daughter, Miss Helen, to Mr. George H. K. Mitford, of To- ronto. The marriage will take place THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson, of Milton, are renewing old acquaint- ances here for a few days. We have received information the outbreak of what is supposed to he cholera at Proton Station. Mrs. Mc- Lean and daughter. wife of the sec- tion boss 0! that place were the first to succumb to the disease, while‘a son is still in a precarious condition. 1 Mr. Armstrong, proprietor of the hotel at the ‘ station is also dead. We have no further information, but understand there is some talk of placing the village under. quaran- » The "town council met in regular session on Monday evening last. and transacted the following business:â€" Acoounts amounting to $713.93 were ID and ordered to be paid. Coun- billor Brown was appointed to wait on Solicitor Kingston of Mt. Forest and give him all the information ne- oessary in the liquor men's appeal hgainst the local Option by-law. and Chief Carson was appointed collector volt poll taxes. . Mrs. Charles Heft. of Sanit Ste Mn- rie is spending a few weeks at "home with her sisters. Miss McKenzie of ‘ Durham spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Smith. Miss Lamont, of the Boo, is hali- daying with friends here. - Miss McIntosh, of North Dakota, is visiting some of her girlhood friends whom she had not seen for ten‘4 years. Rev. J. F. Smith and family who have been summering here, left on Saturday for their. home at Camber. The young people who took in' -the excursion to the North-west were, Angus McIntosh. James Robertson, and Jack McIntosh. Mr. James Buchanan spent Sunday with friends in Owen Sound. threshing. Mrs. Lawrence and children. of To- ronto, visited William Buchanan last week. Miss Susie Campbell, formerly of' Dornoch, intends leaving for Toron- to in the course of a few weeks. The Indians can boast a Longboat the Italians a Dorando, but we are just as proud that we can boast a' George Bovington, who caused cons siderable excitement on Monday‘ night by carrying a bag of flour two miles and a half without taking it from his shoulder. It was a feat of which we may well be proud and [we congratulate Mr. Bo vington on his wonderful strength. Mr. and Mrs. J. Orchard, of llol- Esteiu, visited Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Greenwood one day recently. !‘ No sooner is harvest off than the 'rush of the thresher is on/ Mr. Joe; 'McNally has purchased a Waterous itraction engine and has done extra good work on the 8th concession. Mr. Will Bartley with powerful outfit is cleaning out the barns along the low- er end of the 6th. but! had a break on .his engine on Saturday that' will ilay his outfit idle for a few days. Further east ex-councillor Black is ' doing excellrnt work with a brand ' new Case engine and separator, while ' Mr. James Haley is doing better work than ever with his old reliable Champion. Miss L. Scott, a former papular teacher in No. 5, was the guest of Miss .E. Edwards a couple of days last week. Miss Matt Devitt and his sister, May, of Rocklyn, were guests at Councillor Hunt’s the beginning of last week. | It was with dismay that this neigh- borhood learned of the heavy loss 3 sustained by Messrs. John Staph: and I George Aljoe and Miss Farr through ’the recent fire,and we' have every rea- son to believe that their sympathy would take a practical shape, it . someone would take the initiative. Mr. Will Bartley .and family. of Markdale, were guests of Mrs. Will Jack the past week. Born-On Saturday morning. Sept. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Robson, boy No. 2. Doing well I Congrat- ulations I Pat. Ryan recently came home after spending the enmmer up the lakes. Messrs. Ernest Cook and Arthur McNally drove over to Meaford on Saturday to visit friends and hy‘ in a stock of plums. A feeling of sadness and sorrow fell over the neighborhood on Sunday, when the news spread that Dennis Ryan of the 4th concession had pass- ed away that morning after a. sharp and severe attack of that dreaded Pneumonia. Deceased was the oldest son of the late Timothy Ryan. and was born and reared on the farm on which he died. He leaves to mourn his death. a most loving mother. his well-known brother, Will. and three sisters“ Mary (Mrs. Quilllnan),E . Maggie and Ellen. all of mineral have been devoted to him in his illness. He was in his 89th year. Being . a faithful member of St. Jolm’a B. C. EChureh. the funeral took place to the Eoemevtery there. Rev. Father Savage E;ottieiatln¢. .. . a. H. Dornoch. 'l raverston. Boo, is holi‘ Remember “Good Spices make Good Pickles.” “SPICES”â€"The purest Grbund and Unground “CORKS” “Rubber Rings,” etc. “VIN EGARS”-â€"“W hite‘Winfez” “Pro Two big Stores For the re-opening we have a- brand new stack of School Books and Supplies. Everything that is required for the Public and High School is to be found here, and remember we give you a Keelers is the place to buy Your school books and supplies School Supplies of all kinds on hand '-â€"“White Wine,” “Proof" and “English Malt” . Keeler Sons Durham and “'91! and “til. What . . “‘1”, m.... M ”f ”‘f ...... un Hoc- ovenlls and will giw :m bargains in these “INN. Regular 75c and Regulur $2.00 lim A full line Offlu ways in Mark Iold at right cub. DURHAM . Wedding is about to ' new issue of T“: Bell Telephone C in reaL first-class Si “1' “OCR for the Weddi d. Silverwwe is no“ CUIJ Wing upâ€"to-daw. *- Koodc, and always $6019 is such a thing Sept. 10. 1908 Wm ement 1m; ads, 80 you h u ~ to 80 away disappn n M flow has the) “nun; Wedding Engagement I S. SCOT COMBINED 51 ‘ l'l witch-aka J c I“ Optican. at Central ( dlding Durh‘ :0. connection m of St: at citric: the n 0 Wu. um OVERALLH Telephone . . .lor the ALL DR‘ Ht 85 85 55 19 18 1‘2 10

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