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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Sep 1908, p. 5

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['nground i,” etc. me,” “Proof" kuwst store north of ,* Wild“. culors are W’ m gmm, sky blue. 12°" and navy, only 0119 p” D each customer gm we a brand new stock lies. Everything that ml High School is to Iuber we give you a r Sons bOd Spices Pickles.” it the Mt l!“ and at prices confide!“ expwt-ed. We are busy 1 will display them ‘.tn stock, so we cannot ed «lvscriptiODâ€"Suffice it ' thw leading city atom Nuthing is too gOOd for > of Quality." The pl'ifies 900. 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 yd- .ll kinds on hand me to buy and supplies goods. fall fabrics, bought at by the late financial d0- ust returned from mall- 11 the best markets, and -‘ C Malt” g Store Opening , N G ()F SILKS UPPLI OUNT BOOK FREE F QUALITY” Durham and Welland Sept. 10. I.“ Who“ ...... hfin. WhO‘toooo .. .. (mm: per b... new. floor per out. ...... .. maul per luck. .... M per cits”; .'.‘.'. Lin Hogs. per out. .. Wfiofl' ”tout. BARGAINS OVERALLS AT SCOTT’S Fox-1hr next 15 days we are going to clmr out our entire stock of overalls and will give unheard of baygnins in these lines. UVERALLS Regular 7.30 and 800 values to go at. . . . ..................... 0.0 Regular Slimline), to clear. 1.35 A full “119 of Choice Groceries al- wny~ in stock, WhiCh will be mm at right prices, trade or DURHA M. Wedding in real_ first-class Silverware Our stock for the wedding 003800 of silver“ are is now complete wd everything up-to-date. TheBell Telephone Comp“! 0' (llada is about to publish I ‘ new issue of the - This store has the name for high- °h38 Rmd a. and always will no long N there is such a. thing as 8.10de business. New Telephone Directory “finial Telephone WNW" We have always in stock. at least. “he dnzen wedding 1438' to Pick 3°“ to 8” away disappoinwd. Percy G. A. Webster Sept. 10. 1908 Wedding Engagement Rings Danni. 809$. 9. S. SCOTT H BIKINED SUITS Watchman: Jeweler and Optical. of Central OntnflO. in‘ cluding Outla- - ' .1» 9.30.. . .....7 00 to. WEMWWWIM' ' In: 250m 300:0 leo-to 680w 780:0 6m 40m 13 to 12 to 10 to 8 to 8 to Gifts 85 to! 70 to 19 to 18 ‘0 ONTARIO 325 175 12; 12 10 7O 19 18 13 evening lest, s resolution wes un- uninlousiy sdopted instructing the seeretsry to convey the sincere eyln- psthy of the Lodge to the serrewing widow oi the lets Ir. Wm. Strsin. who psesed swsy on the 26th uit. The deeessed wss one of the eldest members of Prince Arthur Lodge, in which he wee initisted into llssonry over 82 yesrs ego. Hun Allie Wiloock loft o‘i: Hondu- wlth her brother to spend . month in Bnlnlo. There in tho noool exodus from here of visitors to the Toronto Exhi bitiou. ' 'l‘hetford Mines, Aug. 20.â€"(specia.) â€"A very pretty house wedding was quietly celebrated on Wednesdlly morning, August 19th, I“ at the resi- dence of Capt. J 08. Gilchrist, Thetford Mines, Quebec, when Miss Isabel] Gjerdrum was united in holy wedlock to Mr. Frederick Ashfleld, of Ottawa. The bride was becomingly attired in V a handsome hand-embroidered grey" silk gown and carried in her hand a white shower bouquet. She was at- tended by her sister, Miss Christene Gjerdrum, of Brooklyn. N. Y.. who was also gowned in grey silk and car- ried a pink shower banquet. The groom, who was supported by Mr. H. Usher, of Ottawa, presented as a me- mento of the happy occasion a ring set with three whole pearls to the bride. a solid g)ld English bracelet to the bridesmaid, and a gold tie pin set with pearls to the groomsman. As the clock struck eight, the bride entered the parlor, which was attractively decorated for the occasion, leaning on the arm of her step-father, Captain Gilchrist, and' took her place beneath a floral canopy beside the groom, while Miss Parker played the wedding march. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Robert Keefer, of Jordan Station, ()nt., uncle of the bride, and Rev. A. 0. \\'atts, of Leeds, Quebec. After partaking of the wedding breakfast, at which Miss Ida Gjerdrmn, sister of the bride, and Misses Parker and Johnson, of Thetford Mines, serv- ed, the bridal pgrty entrained for their home in Ottawa, spending a few days in the Ancient Uapimi, and the Cann- dinn Metropolis en route. ()n the Saturday evening preceding the wedding. several members of the choir and congregation of the Metho- dist church took peaceful possession of the home of Captain Gilchrist. Mr. \Villiam Smith accounted for the in- vasion of the home by reading a beautifully worded address and calling upon Mr. Lipsey, who presented Miss Gjerdrum, the bride-elect, with a handsome cut glass water set as a slight token of the appreciation of the congregation which she had served for some time as organist. Numerous other costly gifts received from friends near and far bore eloquent testimony couple are held by their many friends. â€"Sherbrooke, Que., Daily Record. St. Catharinee. Sept. 4.â€"Two Thorold girle, Alice Dnndae and Lena Crick, hadan experience last night that they will not noon lorget. About nine o’clock they took poesereion of a rig standing on Albert street he- longing to Bnrwell Dilte, of Decew Palle, and went for a drive. After going around the eqnare they were returning, when the horae became lrightened and ran away. It contin- ued on its mad career nntil Merriton trolley atation was reached, when it fell. The girls were thrown out in front of the Riordon Paper Mill. . Mo Frightened- “383131303. (Continued from page 8.) «mun-r cm: Hang Around tho Station my If the parenta of a number of boya, between the ages of 7 and 14, are called upon to defend their sons in the police court some of these fine daya do nor. be surprised. It is atriotly againat the law for children not accompanied by a proper guar- dian to visit the railway station. Out of t’wentv boys at the C. P. R. depot Monday night, who were quee- tioned aa to their business there, only eix admitted being on the uremieee for the aole purpoae of delivering the evening papers. To meet the trains sud get their supply of evening! pepers is sneoessity. but when the other 14 out of the 20 boys mentioned sboye ere ripotesring eround the ets tion. through the core, in front of , moving trsins end into other mie- ehiei. suoh es cutting their initiels on the ststioo-houee. eto.. we do not wonder st the ofleiels sending e detective to meke trouble for the! perents who ellow their youngsters} to run st lsrge. After this only‘ newshoys will be sllowed to visit the ststion without s guerdisn end then they will be required to furnish proof thst they ere there for thet purpose only. Others oeught there out of idle" 'our’iosity or mischief-muting will be foroed to give their nemes end the perents will he oelled upon to defend them on s ohsrge of trespsss. For quite s while e number of girls here been meeting the trsine every night end muting nuissnoes of themselves, end they, too, will he seked to vscete the premises. The girls’ egos rsnge from 13 to 17 yours. end some of them hsve elresdy sterted on the downwsrd peth They hsve become such e nuisence st the depot thet the rsilwsy suthorities heve determined to prohibit them hsnging sround the ststion, where they chetter to freight trein bends and generslly meke fools end nuisances of themselves. Pet- rons of the C. P. R. will be glsd to beer thst messures are being taken to rid the ststion premises of the youthful mele und female bums who have infested the pleas so long.â€" Orsngeville Sun. Hay Fever Positively Cured. V Beyond an liability to relapse, it is guarantee that Ca-t-arrhozone will at once relieve and cure Hay Fever. All druggists sell Catarrhozone. Two months reatment. $1.00. Mayor Kennedy the New President. Matthew Kennedy. Mayor of Owen Sound. was elected president of the Ontario Municipal Association in To- ronto on Thursday. The Other otfi- cers chosen for the coming year are: First Vice President, Mayor Geddes, St Catharines; Second ViceoPresi dent. Controller Hopewell. Ottawa; Third Vice President, Ald. J. H. Shepherd, Windsor; Fourth Vice President. Reeve S Oakes, Caradoc; Fifth Vice-President, Controller Spence, Toronto; Secretary-Treasurer. Mr, K. W. MacKay. St. Thomas; Executive Committee. the Mayors of Toronto, Hamilton. Brantsord, Lon- don and Dundee; City Solicitors W. C. Chisholm (Toronto), W B. Doherty (St. Thomas). S. H. Kent (Hamilton), and S. R. Armstrong (Peterboro); the Reeve of Springfield and the Warden of Wentworth. A discussion on the advisability of amending the law in such a. manner as to compel municipal councils to act on by laws passed by a vote of the electors was the chief feature of the closing session. City Solicitor Chisholm opposed the proposal. A number of cases had occurred in the history of Toronto when it had. in his opinion, been to the city’s advantage that the Council had not acted on the mandate of the [maple He thought it would be a great mistake to divest a Council of all powers of discretion. The mem- bers of the Council were responsible to the peeple. They were only elect ed for a fixed period. and should they depart from the instructions of the people the matter was usually cor- rected at the next election before any irreparable injury had been done. The question wss finslly referred to the Executive Committee for considerstion. A resolution which wss csrried wss thst recommending thst the Liquor License Act should he smend- ed to melts it illegsl for the holder 0! s shop license in one municipslity to estshlish sn sgency in snother. INDIAN FAIILY WAS WIPE]! Father, lather and Girl Killed by Lightning. In a. report sent to a local lumberman from his limits at the head waters of the Coulonge River in Quebec. the chief factor of the Hudson Bay Oom- pany’s fort at Grand Lac Post, de- scribes s serious accident which befell a. family of Indians within sight of the fort, during a severe thunderstorm. The family, consisting of the father, mother, little girl and infant child. had gone to the island, a. quarter of a. mile south of the fort. to wash, and while there a severe storm arose, accompan- ied by thunder and lightning. Lightning struck a tree under which the tamily had taken Ihelter end three out of four were instantly killed, the father, mother and little girl. The baby in the cradle held by the mother escaped, suffering only a little burnt scar on the point of the none. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE You can cure them painlessly by Putnam’s Corn and Wart Extractor. Never known to fail. Be sure you get “Putnam’s,” in 25c. bottles . The Western Fair from the stand- point of an agricultural Exhibition is growing in favor year by year. The management are doing their utmost to make it successful along these lines. A large amount of money has been expended this year on horse barns, a new one having been built. thus mak- ing plenty of accOmmodation for all. Encouraged by the splendid exhibit of ponies last year the prize list has been adjusted in this department and a line exhibit is looked for this year. In the cattle department a milking contest has been added. when $50.00 will be given in prizes and also silver medal for the winners in this class. The Prize List in the other live stock departments has been carefully revis- ed. Single entries have been given in the pigeon class, and a study of the list throughout will prove that the interests of Live Stock exhibitors have been well attended to. In the Dairy Department a new section has been added for best collection of cheese. The butter making competition will again be a centre of attraction. while cream separators will be in actual operation in the Dairy building. This year’s exhibition should be well attended by the Agriculturists throughout the country. All informa- tion on application to the secretary. There is more catarrh in this section of the oountr than all other diseases put to ther. and untilt elast few years was summer to be in- curable. rora great many years doctors pro. nounoed it a local disease and prescribed local remedies. and by constanth failing t. cure with local treatment. pronounce it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be .. constitutional disease and therefore re u‘rcs constitutional treatment. Ball'a Catarrh - ‘ure. manufactured by l‘. J. Chen? 00,. Toledo. Ohio. is the only constitu- tiona cure on the market. it is taken internally in doses from 10 dro s to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the systern. _'l_‘ney offer one hundred dollars for any A -u.’ ‘-_ n‘-.naa‘n-- and V DWIII- I no: vuou vuv ”- -. .- w- 2330 it fails to cure. bond (or circulate an?! testimonials Address: F. J. CHEN BY 6:. 00., Toledo. Ohio. Sealed tenders will be received up to September 30th, 1908 for the. 100 acre farm, more or less, lots 32 and 33, second concession South of Dur-i ham Road, Glenelg. Three-quarters of a mile from school, four miles from Priceville, seven miles from Durham. Good brick house, 39 by 44, and fine bank barn, 65 by 50 on the premises. Farm is well watered. If sold now, an Opportunity will be given to do fall work and complete possession will be given the first of March next. TERMSâ€"($3000 down, balance in a mortgage at 5 per cent. Good title given. No.incumbr:mce on the pro- perty. Highest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Jr. IVâ€"Clara English, Madge Goodwill. s s. so 4, GmNELG. Sr. IVâ€"-Janet Livingstone. Libbie Boyle. C.â€"Evs English. ng Sproulo, Thomu Sproulo. Jimmy Cofley. B.â€"Ca.rrio Boyle, Morton MoAr- that. Boll. Brodie. Jr. III -- Elizabeth MoArthur. Wnudby Baker. Cecil Buinee. Sr. IIIâ€"Muriel Goodwill. 8r. IIâ€"Donald MoAnhur. Jr. IIâ€"Ettridge Dunn. John Beker. Pt. I (a)-â€"Addie English, En. McNally, Mtguie Cofley. Those present every deyâ€"Jenet Livingetone, Libbie Boyle, Eiizebeth McArthnr.Willie Boyle,Belle Brodie. Mey Spronle. Thoe. Spronle, lei-ton McAnhnr. Eve English. ' ' 910-31). Sold by Druggistn, 750. Take Hall's Family Pill. for constipation. The urge-t of all mammals am not the elephants. but the whence. A large elephant weighs about six tone! but the lar'gst whale reaches the immense weight of 150 tons and woul‘ furnish tour curiosds of flesh and blu'bber. About forty dillerent kinds of whales and dolphins are known. and. although they live in the open sea and look like fish. they are not fish at all. but am true mammals. breathing air and feed- lng their young on milk. like can and horses. sometimes Worse. A young lady was recently visiting an editorial office and being shown around by the editor. Approaching a case of drawers upon one of which was the label “MSS.." she said. “Now. how would you pronounce that?" Average “madmanâ€"23. “0h.” said the editor. “sometimes we “Tbat young doctor It a queer con- London, On. Sept. 11-19. Farm For Sale. By Sealed Trnders WESTERN FAIR. Have You Watt 1 HONOR ROLL. WM. MCLEOD, Sr. Top Cliff ‘ Ont. E. J AY, Teacher. GREAT ANNUAL FA] Durham, Sept. 22 and 23, ’0; THE EXHIBITION on the above dates, is one of the most important ii-i society has ever held. Last year, owing to weuher conditions. l! exhibition. financially, was a comparative failure. The mriety, not: all disccmraged. has gone to work with a determination not only": make up for failures in the past, but also to make i'uither progress? the future. This year, besides the usual competition in live st ’9 poultry. field crops, women’s department, fine arts, elm, special Mtg}: tions have been provided to interest visitors to the exhibition. .4 I Secure your tickets early. Plan can be seen and tickets ho t.' lMacfarlwe’a Drug Store, at. and after 2 .m., on Septemher 16th. tel : 350. All mt: reserved, md therefore com arable. Giguyour ticket; in him1 i It’s a grand treat.â€"Don’t miss it. First Woe in than. ' 35 be in attendenée promptly. 1.3) p.m. Speeding in the ring begins and is continued during the 3.00 “ Farmers’ trot, followed by My driving content. 4.3) “ Exhibition in hell closes. Free for all, trot or pace. . . . . 2.50 class, [rot or pace ...... . PRIZES: 50. 30 and 20 percent. of - purses .................. FIRST DAY Poultry and all exhibits in the Hall should be delivered to the officials ten o ’,clock and placed in position before twelve. when the doors will becloc Judging will begin at one o ’clock and proceed until finished. The public will not be admitted during the dry. SECOND DAY 11 mm. Live stock must be on the grounds before eleven o’clock. 12 in. J udging i_n allthe departments will commence. Exhibitors expec take and prizes wil not be given. i. The Ontario Government has appointed expert judges for the diflerd‘u: departments of life stock. Competent j es have been selected with the or ' aim of securing unbiased intelligent decis one in all departments. iii A brass band will be in attendance and give stirring selections. u Come early and bring the women and children. Class 18.â€"Spring colt from “Cl{desdale Champion” has been entered in a! will be given in the TOWN HALL. WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. The management. have been fortunate in securing SIGHTS TO SEE 13h by mail or otherwise. Exhibitors are requested to send lists 0! entr between that date and the 2let, it will prevent eonfuaion and mistakes. no: WAIT UNTIL In: uonmxo or ran snow. Entry for me are encloaed in pr lists which can be had by a lying to the Secretari' Plea-e use them I write your own entries. embere’ badge. and ex biton' en ticket-I be had at the Secretary’s ofllee on the morning of the show. e Secreh will be at W. Black’s hardware store, Wedunday and Saturday alterno from now until the show. GEORGE BINNIE. Prea. CHRIS. FIRTH, Sea-M GOD aavn run we 4 LOTS TO LEARN SOUTH GREY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY PZMEZZPmmPZm GZ< Pamâ€"0200 DZ<~_O The Sect-em will be pre to receive entries on and after b9 by mail or at erwise. xhibibors are requested to send um entail IF your flour doesn’t act right whom do you blame? The grocer? He didn't make it. The tra- velling salesman told him it was good and somebody else told the salesman. When you buy Royal Household Flour d PROGRAMME d | “E CELEBRATE!) NEWER IALB QUARTE‘I‘TE | SPEEDING IN THE RING )r all, trot or pace. ..... . .. . . . . . .. $175.00 } L88, trot or pace . . . . . . ............... slum) 50 ”p8! cent. of ENTRANCE FEE: 5 per cent. . . . . . . . . . . purse, with an addibim 5perceut.frumwinne FOUR. TO ENTER AND THREE TO START of London. 0nt.. who will be accompanied by TWO WONDERFUL BOY SOPIAIOS OLD FRIENDS TO MEET 23rd IS THE PEOPLE’S NEW ONES TO MAKE DON‘T FORGET IT Nelson Adair and Thou. Selby. ERRA'I‘A IN PRIZE LIST ERN. SANDERS, CGIEDIAN your protection comes from us. We make it, know it: goodness and guarantee it to both you and the grocer. It is always told under our name and trademark. to you cannot go wrong. Ask your grocer for Royal Household Flour. It’s the key to better living. Wilt-filth.“ and the

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