West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Sep 1908, p. 2

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‘DD F ce-51 the 'l ntv M P. T?“ U‘Lvé. (IAVJJ Concession of the Township of Nor- nby. containing 250 acres. the estate of late Thou Fulton. One stone dwelling 6 one trame dwelling. Good bank barn good frame barn. Will be sold in block divided to suit nurchaser. Terms made wn on application. Hugh Fulton, Ad- iatntor, llampden, P. 0. 713.“ . . -.. , _ w--- EING LOT 19, CON__ 2. E. G. R. ' "4‘-‘A:-‘ Hold. For parti ford, Durham. and 1% "'th ors 27 AND; ‘3? 100 ACRE FARM ‘VllnllV l v‘ \r milm of Durham. 0n the farm there ’3 good brick house. almost new also two *‘ barns with stone tonndations. The 0 erty I: well fenced and well watered. il afl'PPt $3030 on terms to wit nurchas- k. Apply to W. l". Uunn, Agent fur Ven- [April 29â€"tf. “11“, “VI .I Vv_. Egremnnf, 3 milen north of Holstwin. 1 nuining 100 acre», about SI) acres (shared Id in arm] state of cultivatinn. good brick yelling large frame basemr-m barn, “0'! need and well warmed. good orchard. 3: file frnm schml and 1 mile from church. my terms. For Further particulars apply John H. Sharpe, Holuoiu P.O. ' [6251mptf ____________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" x 100 ACRE FARM wnjnrus' TWO [d â€"â€"â€"â€".__._‘ ._._â€"- HIGH CLASS 200 ACRE FARMI in a good district in the Township of wananhy' The snil is a rich clay lumn. and the land is rolling but. free frmn hilIs. 11.5 acres is cleared and under cultivatian. the balanm- fun-ms a. very valuable cedar and hardwood hush. The fencesnre ’exrt-ant :uulthereiedlenty nf water {The huildi . gsrmnprise a trmne 41 well- iing hmlsem spiel'ulid ham mix?” with ’stcme fr .umintinn and stnhling. a rant {bousm an implement house. a log L ig pen 30x2". frame sheep pen and ! tame hen hmwe, nil in gnu] repair. The price is $¢S2MHNL For further particulars and terms of payment write or apply persndally tn \\'. .Dunn. Solicitor fnr Vendor. A” m Uta-v Queen and Countess Strmtfl~gvod Ltion prims reamlmblo Apply to go: Smith or at. the Post Ofiice. ayz'Dâ€"df “0 STOREX DOUBLE FRAME "V\' I house, situated on the west Sid Gar» l ax: Street. in upper town. large lot With table. fim clws well also ciqteru. Anply ‘ premises. Angus Cameron, [1%l2t. GOOD SOLID BRICK 'l‘WO storey dxmlling. alnlngsidu Presbyo rial: .‘lame property in Upper ann, rham. Corner of Durham and Elain roots. Seven rooms. pantry. closets. men? floored cellar, etc. Good airy loca- m in good locality. Good frame stable. rd and snft water. one acre 01 land. Snap r quick purchaser. For further particu- rs_app_ly to John W. McKechnie. Owner, .‘ A fins” ({ARAFRAgu ROAD- I‘AAJ , k\" Shugeen P‘ nu. lst. lfilfiâ€"tf. for sale a xxliliiber of [muses and out- iuildings along the line of nght of way of be Walkenon _and Lucknow Railway, in i; tdwrnv at Durham. These buildings must be removed at an ply date. in order to clear the line rfright : way. All material such as timber. brick, shut», to. in cases where the buildings cannot be mvod. are alau ufi'erpd tor sale. Dated June 4th 1%. ‘ rpl)‘ about sixlmiles from Durham. Poscmsion at once. Good land. Must >ld. For particulars apply to J. P. VVFO‘- vâ€" _ 10 some of land oxgwsite Mr. Thos. ”kins, convenient to urham. Cottage tains 6 rooms. good woodshed. good 913- hen house. newer failing well. Excell- t place for gardening. Apply to Anon alien. 112 '3?- If 200M381; FARM AT GLAS. con, will rent (mg on: more wears, ijng most. of rent m Improvements mldings. 8011. water. orchard and timber «11 good. Apply to J. Ritchie. Port Nov. 5-“. Propertyfm' Sale. NVMBER’HBPTOWNHLOTS 0N 3?»! BER OF IMPROVED VAT»; abie fit!“ in New Ontario. twang iskeatd for saleâ€"large discount for; Map of the locality and terms given lication to J P 'l‘nltord. Solicitor for i 7 18-05 -â€"tt , THE STANDARD BAN K 13w ELLING AND SHOP. ON Mill Street, Durham, llOft frontage y :3 \V'Iliam Laidlaw n". .-tf 603:1 FORTABLE 001‘ng éN D For Sale 01' R9112 arms for Sale. 7....' the Rbc'kâ€"S'. immediate possession xiv. For lumber sarticulars apply to . P. TELFORD. r- 54!. Durham. vâ€"o GOOD COMFORTABLE houses. Apply to J. M. Lstimor. [423% lg, 15 acvea bush. frame barn, ed, must be sold. A. H. Jackson 227“. 3AND 14. CON. 3. N W ms 'n West of the Garafraxa Road, )wuship of Normanby. in the Grey. Far narticulats apply to rd. Barrister. Durham. " nun'uAM BRANCH look insignificant to some, but to thousands of wiser ones they_ have meant wealth. on O C- . PLAAA Lu!“ ”VJ â€"â€"-~ - Schemes that promise sudden riches too often bring only bitter disappointment, but the determined, systematic saving and depositing of small amounts in C" i .\ DERSIHN El) OFF pas cannot fail to bring ultimate success. Make a start now by opening an account with a deposit of One Dollar or more. We pay .Interest every three months and return your money any tune you want it. N THE SECOND CON- To Rent. Systematic Small Savings r R.. in the Township known as the “McKin- Rncky Sangeen. 1m- ziven. For particglarg 28â€"IN THE 13TH 3RD mvnsnm 0F) 'E’me) Durham. OF CANADA 311mâ€"tt {(6:1â€" e'nâ€"é'ihei 14 running order. ZENAS _.â€".~. â€"â€" 'f 7152m. ‘1‘ AA-“ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the. Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, at the exDira- ‘tion of one month from the posting .A‘L-_-l ‘1‘ Lnx‘vn NOTICE. ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TRES- UL L‘Uo 1. ..-.\_--- -.,_- _,__ , hum, consisting of one-half acre of land. On the property are. a good six-rmuueo roug'mmst dwelling, two storeys high, on stone foundation, well finished inside, good stone cellar, a never failing well and a cement, eisteru of tw~nty barrels capacity. Good outbuildings and stables, and good bearing orchard of twenty trees. For further partir ulurs apply at this office or on premises to .loux WILLIAMS. r i8 recognized as the Largest, Pest ' ’ and Must Sm-ves‘st'ui uractieal train- ' ‘ ing schnnl in Western Ontario. , 'l'hree departments-â€" COMMERCIAL SHiHlTHAND TELEGRAPHIC Our graduates secure gnud nodfimw ’ . and t'urge tn the fl'nllt. Write tor . O our free catalngne. )‘(rl willtind it ‘ interesting. Ynu may enter at. any time. ' Elliott Mclachlan : I’RINCIPALS. “‘”““‘Q ‘9 LlUll UL Uuu 1;;vu-vu --_-_ _ 7 . - up of this notice, intend to take1 into consideration, and if no suf- ficient objection thereto be made, finally pass a By-law for the Opening up of a Street, through lots numbers 20 and 21 East of Garatraxa Street, and lots num- ber: 20 and 21, West of Albert Street, in the Town of Durham. Dated this 10th day of August, A. D. 1908. W. B. VOLLET, Clerk. Town of Durham. A worthy professor was invited to dine at the house of a lady of fash- ion .vll ' The day was hot, the wine cool, the professor’a thirst arcut, and the tair neighbor with whom the professor was engaged in a lively conversa- tion filled his glass as often as it w.'.s emptied UuIJJ v vv .---â€"r Tie pa‘ir were lying together on a.’ pillow, and :the nurse presented them.“ for inspection to the person nearest the door. who happened to be H); professor. ‘ °--L -14.. -A. nun.“ passing. nr nmlvsting fences, on lots 57:1m158. S.l).R.. Bt-ntmck, W111 he 1'1““ emvvtled. hen: the company rose from the table, the professor noticed, to his great consternation, that he was unâ€" steady on his feet. In this anxiety to save appearances, he nepair»:d to the drawing-room, where the lady of the house yielded to the wishes of her ladg friends and ordered the nurse to ring the. Dairy twins in. ‘ '-â€"--â€" L‘A-ALknn A“ prnsecl l t ed . u... t, ......... The latter gazvd intr-ntly at them for! a while, as if deciding whether or. not they were two or one, and then said. somewh_at huskfiy‘: 0‘19! The Barnstormerâ€"Great reception we had in Podunk! Great audience! I got a curtain call ! The Other Fellowâ€"Fine! Did the audience ask you to come out? The Barnscormerâ€"Ask me? Why. man. they dared me! “But these poems nppeur to be mediocre.” remarked the blunt edi tor. "they are second-class.” "I’ll leave it to the highest author- ity in the land that they are first- cless.” retorted the pretty verse scribbler. indignantly. “Indeed miss. And may I ask whom you consider the highest authority in the land?” ”Why, Uncle Sam. Doesn’t he charge mchents an ounce for all the poems I send out? Isn’t that first clues motter?”â€"Chicego News. THOUGHT HE SAW DOUBLE. gives you rm uplift. You can best get it at our large up-tu-dutc school. Central Business Cullegc. anuntn. Fine catalogue free. Send postulrcqucst. \Vrite W. H. SHAW. President I DLt|u‘ tJvlu‘ v- uwv --â€" â€" I'Yl‘teally, what a bonny’nliiilé child." PRACTICAL EDUCATION MUNICIPAL NOTICE. I ‘ ‘ For Sal e. For Sale. Sanncbu [933 The Fairview Hotl at Huntmilleiit' was destroyed by fire on Thur:- dxyfi l ‘ A finan named Hastie, living in Si]: mon ,Arm, B. C. committed suici he by taking stryc‘. nine. London . Mot‘aociir‘ts will fierht 'nâ€" guins‘d "L‘Te introduction of Sunday cum in that city.c Andrew Kiley, of Hamilton, is. dam from. “the eiffocta of vpoison 1vy, whlc uf-ectcd his heart. ' Mar-ah fires near Brockvillc- are, do- mg consideruble damage, .‘znd "pm-:11;- en to destroy sewrul Ifarms. ti in Rem George W. Arnold, of Petro- leu, has been callod to the lustor- ate of Knox Cimrch, Guelph. The Grand Trunk’n Muskoka Tour- ist business this year was the :7:er- est on record. At Kamloons, a young Scutcinnan drunk a bottle of ink and gte cunn- phor with suicidal intent and died in the hospital. The receipts of the Toronto Street Railway Comfpan’x for Augu :.,%t shows a decrease #2:.356 compar (1 xx 1th the same month last yxar. Percy Netthâ€"ton, of Detroit, who was convicted of stabbing a young Fenelon Falls boy a month ago, “as sentonc d to three [nonths in [And- say jail. The H. B. Johnston. Co‘s big tan- nery in Toronto was destroyvd by fire on Friday lust. Loss about $150- 000. C. Dynes, :1 (Vancouver m-;~rchant. had his store burned on Thursday lust, and was himself killed in N-.-w Westminstelt on Friday by a Stu-ct car. Desmte the poll tax of $500 per head, over 1400 Chinamvn run-rm! Canada during the fiscal year jum closed. They prefer this counLry to any other. John Martin, of Avening was a;- tacked. by a bull he mas lo ”(ling and saved himsvlf _l)y_ _gru:qvillg A_}_!_un_ by he nose and hélding on came. Foresn fire. are raging in the vis- oinity of Port Art'mr and Fort \Vilmun and Lhrcati-ning th'. destruc- tion of the twin cities}. The whole country is ablaze for miles around. Sir. C. A. P. vPcllc-tit‘r has buvn up- poiuted Liana-nunt-Govurnor of qu- bee and Sir. Louinvtte will succeed him hs Judge of who Superior Court of Quebec. - A r warrant hate bevn issued ‘fm‘ the au'reat of I). M. Stewart, formerly Gcnvrul M'anagwr of ‘Hw :' Sovvrriun Bulk, charging him with making fulz-e returns. \ CANADA IN BRIEF i“ A six thousand dollar fire vifs‘i'i‘rd ‘e plant of the LilldlaVV Lumber Co. Burniu on Thursday. F. J. I’izshion, oflRichmonJ, Virgin- ia, who \vua triodtin Bt-rlin. 011..., for issuing. worthlous cheques, has ‘hm-n senuncmk to two years *in the Con- tral. ’I’rison. I The natural gas nuin '=n Brantford exPlodc-d on Fludtzy ,wra-ckzng sov- erul stores and (buildings. vaoral persons worn buried in the ruiua. 'L‘ue loss will be very heavy. Two morses \wru killvd, the. driver budl injured and the \xag‘on duxnol- i838 by as U. 1’. 1t. train running into a Weston bread wagon w.-..r Wcsh Toronto' on Friday. Albert: liunicgun. turn~k~y at the Surniu gal. h..'.s‘ been dismiwad for negligenm which allowed the escapc of a pl'dODb‘Cl‘. strom that place on Thursday, Tlve first contingent of Canadian and American tt-acmrs, who ore to study he school sy=tun in Eng- land, arrived at Plymouth on UN steamer 'l‘x-ui‘onic on Thursday. The British stoumar, Luk'L Michi- gan, from Montreal to London, 1:4 stranded; near Margaux The sea is suaootu and no danger is anticipa- te . ‘ The Algoma Stm-l Company’s plant at Sault Ste Marie will ru-Opcn on Septembar 15th instead of Octobrr last on account of several rush ordsrs. Thai G. '1‘. P. alone has on ordtr 154 000 tons of rails. Three B-‘ockville men have been ar- rested for 341ng obscene, piCtlll‘vs on He fair. grounds at I’m-tn. ’l‘hry are in jail waiting their trial. Hurry Bzxrne t of Toronto. was sen- tenced on Saturday to tom: year's im- prisonment in Owen Sound ‘gaol for the theft 01' two wings from 11.1’. Wamless, of that. place. Fermentation of a quantity of plums which he ate on Saturday, fol- lowed] ‘by depression of the heart, caused. the death of 'John Begg, 01 Hamilton: I I Captain Osborne and Lieutinant McGregor, of the 48th Highlandcm were presented to the king on the occasion of the visit of their regi- ment last week at Buckingham Palace. R. L. Borden is being received with great enthusiasm in the Maritime provinces, “here he is at present delivering campaign Speeches in pre- paration for the coming Dominion elections. His reception in Liberal hot-beds is exceedingly gratifying. A livery horse ran awa at Niagara Falls, N. Y., ion Thurs ay last and after dodging cars and engines in the railroad yards, crossed to the Canad- dian side by way of the Grand Trunk Railway steel arch . bridge. When captured he waafound to be unin- jured in any way. An unknown woman about 25. years on age committed suicide at .Niagara Falls on Thursday, by walking into the river about 30 feet above Pros- pect Point and throwin herself over the Falls. Harold Scha fer, of Hobo- ken. made a gallant attempt to save her, but missed her by about a foot. From St. John, N. B. comes the rd- ort that the moose and caribou . ave increased so rapidly the past few years that they are fast becom- ing a positive nuisance. Requests have; been made for a relaxation of the game laws, or for permission to kill them out of season. Mrs. A. Mitchell, of Toronto, was Instantly killed on Wednesday by a street car crashing into a tally-ho and bverturnfing it. on her. She was returning from the exhibition with some triends and had just step ed out on the pavement to catch Eel- can when the, accident happened, .. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE till mm ll "' ll" -‘ He ‘gets shaky, starts at triflas, , tosses in his sleep. is readv.to fly off ' ti e handle any minute. V The nervous man is 11- rvcut; because ihis blood is so thin his nerves are -l starved to death. He ne'ds Fiarrozon'w! Its first action is mmn diresiion. 3 It! stimulates scorn-tints of gastric 1 juice, ensures perfect digestion. pre- “I pares! the food so it can 17)., at once I assimilnted. Y 0 :flow are Your Nerv es‘ The daily grind of life burn-3 man‘s vitality faster th._n he r u Her-Ice U10 blood is nomisheul is fortilied,mz1de r ddr-r. ricm r strong- C1- To H e whole organism is imprntwd vnm. endurance and rt-éorvo of vigor that the nervous man nun-r know before. A “ Tie restorative power of FPFI‘O-‘ zone is marvellous. In a month it will make you feel 1 k2. new, jus: as it. did Mr. Karl E. Newsome of Bothe- sny, who Writes: “I owe a (ii-ht of gratitude to Ferrozonv which saved my life after a sv-vvru siege of norâ€" vous prostrution. About a year ago my {health gave out. I was in such a weak, irritable condiiion I vouldn't work, and found that three doctors did nothing for me. My druggiat re- commended Ferrozonc as the best preparation for nefvous troubles, so LAL‘-‘ 1“ I‘l'l-I-\.§V.v-- -vv commenced with one tablet at meals. Every box of. Ferrozone I took did me more good than the )I'O- vious one, and it wasn’t very ong before I was strong enough to move round ‘aguin. In three months I was completely cured. Ferrozonc braced up my nerves, gave me, a strung. health)"constitution, and is certainly a marvellous restorv-r and tonic." Try Ferrozoneâ€"sold (-Verywhc-re by druggists in 50 cent boxes. After a three months’ vacation. I presume it. is about time your scribe should return to work. Since my last. leftpr I have had the great pleas- ure of taking part in the Tercenten- my ce‘ehra'ion at Quebec as a mem- ber of the Comnosite Company of the 9H!!! Regt. Althnugh the leading: newspapers gave full account of this great event, I cannot. forbear evpn at this late data from recording a few of my observations. The ‘27 hour trip from the Classic} City to Quehec was in itself a pleas-3 ant and useful experience. Soldiers! know how to PDjJY themselves. andl on this occasion they were no excep ! tion to the rule. ()UB can get a good: View of the countrv from the win i dows of railway trains. and before I! reached Quelnc I came to the conclu I siou that Western Ontario has fari better farms than the eastern coun ties or Quebec. Night came on When we reached Smith Falls. but there was "no sleep till morn” for the meet of us. for the fun was feet and furious till about ‘2 a.m.. after which time there was quietness for about 120 minutes. At 4 o’clock some one awoke. and with a yell like a recter‘ at a hockey match, aroused the rest of us. It is needless to say that some' fellows said more than their prayers. ; But a good wash with ice cold Water ldrove the drowsiness from our eye lids and we were ready to face. the duties of another day. We were then running: along the noble St. Lawrence. which the most of us saw for the first time What a majestic rivet it is! No wonder we are proud of it. As we looked out over the farms it seemed as if the clock of time had been turned back 100 years It was haying time. and even at this early hour men and women were at work in the fields. A great deal of the work is done by hand. which necessitates long hours of labor. Here and there, however, a man could ' be seen cutting hay with a one horse mower A few drove two horses and on one farm I saw a horse and ox ' hitched to a machine. A great deal ' of the hay is tied upin bundles before it is taken into the barn, and during Classic City Chronicles. my whole trip I never saw a farmer “drawing in” with a two horse wag- on. The Frenchfarmer, however, can pile a surprisingly big jag in his queer looking cart. The (arms look like wide lanes. and the numerous small houses and barns along the roadside are invariably painted white I noticed that some of the houses are thatched or covered .lwith straw. Here and there along the route were large saw-mills with their immense lumber piles and long rafts of logs on the river. Quebec, like Ontario, is being rapidly denuded of its tim- ber. leaving large stretches of land! unfit for farming. It is to be earn- ‘ estly hOped that the government of both provinces will take a deeper interest in Forestry than they have done in the past. We arrived in Quebec about noon and was train stopped near the camping grounds. which were on the banks of St. Charles river. We spent the after- noon erecting tents and gettinc things in ahape for the remainder of our Brigade. And here I must say, what I forgot to mention at first, that we were an advance party sent out two days ahead of the main body for the purpose of getting everything ready. (To be cohtinued). “I No}! two of Chmberlam‘s Stom- ach gnd Liven Tablets Inst night. and I feel titty r cont better than I hnvq _for we; __a, spy} J. .Firertone Labor Day was duly celebrsted in the Classic City. The Manthon nee from St. Marys to Stntford (13} miles) wus the most exciting event on the program. Twenty-six con- testants toed the scratch at the Stone Town but only about the half of them finished the course. It men n tired, dusty. straggling bunch of runners thnt reached the 300.1 in the Atheletic Grounds. The winner wee an Indian nemed Green from Toronto. Good for Biliomou. --¢â€"- he r mow The vaeedinglw dry weather may he unprer'iawd hv exhibition diremors and contractors, but many others are earnesth Wishing for rain. The root crop is at a stand still. but not bush fires. which are growing uncomfort- ably large judging from the great volumes of smoke that fills the air today (11th inst.) The new Normal School will likely be Opened next week. About. 160 cendance. If for no other reason. Chamber- lain’s Salve should be kept in every household on account of its west val- ue in the treatment of burns. It a1â€" lays the {min almost instantly, and tie injury is a schre one, heals the parts without leaving a sea". This salve is also unequalled hr cilamud hands sore nipples amd uns- iea es of the skin. Price. 25 cents. For ‘salc by :11 Draggists. There is a record breaking attend once at the Collegiate Institute this term. and the majority of the pupils are preparing for school teachers. A sprained unklo may be cured in about one-third tho time usually re- quired. by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely. and giving it abso- lute rest. For sue by :11 Drug storen. Many excellent vmces are ruined. according to a communication which Dr. Weiss has made to the French ACedemie do Medecine. by practicing in too small a room. A public singer must throw every intonation of his voice a distance of 30 or 40 vezds. he says. but a. Student praccisiug in a small room is only able to throw it a yard or two and the consequence is that the voice. instead at expanding, becomes telescoyed. Frank Durga, a human ostrich. had an inconvenience in his stomach and was Operated on by two donors in a North Bend, Oregon. hospital. The physicians in a sngned statement as published in the Scientific American. enumerate the {ullowmz articles which they removed from the men's Stomach: 5 rifle buds 3 jack knives. money 4 door keys. 1? horseman nails, 4 6-penny nails. 1 fish hOUk. [end from jointed rod, 1 plate from a jack-knife handle. 15 dimes. 3 nickels, and 4 ounces of glass. Weight, 1 pound 1‘ ounces. The Operation occup.ed 55 minutes. ODBy “'KALD'U': Jun v .â€"- - _ __ do any ordmarrv ousmess Wlth this With safety 1.11:1 diapatch One Dollar Opens 3 Savings A «32:21; Interest is paid or added 4 times a. Year. _â€" -â€" Tllia trouble arises from torpidity of he liver. Nochiug acts so nicely as ' r. liamiltons Pills. They SllI‘ up the liver, rid the system of bile, tone the stomach, give app--tite and sound digestion. If you teal drowsy and bad tempered, Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills will help you at. onceâ€"taken at night you’re well by morning. Don’t be afraid of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. they are Iliadâ€"don’t gripe or DEIUSPau" They just “cure-that’s all. l l A very timely and commendable ef- fort ot the Dominion Government was that recently announced of ob- taining cold storage facilities lor the shipping of the Canadian apple crolm The cold storage space on three steamers has been reserved for a pie shippers, in order to make the rit- ish market available for shipments! of early varieties of Canadian apples! In order to do this it was necessary‘ for the Dominion Government to guarantee to pay for a certain space whether taken or. not. The usefulness of: 'this measure is to be seen in the fact (that apple shippers have come forward and that the cost to the Government; will be little or noth- ing. This means 'that shipments of early Canadian apples can now go forward to a ready market. Mean- while the whole matter is more or less of an eXperiment. Ifthe fruit goes forward in 'good condition, it will mean an extension of the apple shi ping season and trade. and will ma e a ready market for a great many apples. of fine character. Which are now only allowed to go to waste. -Weekly Bun. When you wake up with headache and bad taste in the mouth. some- thing to settle the stomach is need. ed. That klull heavy feeling must be lifted. and appetite must be created. Get a tumbler of water. some sugar, and then pour. in e. stilt dose of Nerv- mpe.‘ Yogzll {gel tip-top _in a_ few Si tones. uta viii) aid Riaâ€" "18:0;66!‘ movemen I. You’ll be fitted for a haré.4#s:’°._wsrk by ukialsfierviliye mne. lou’u gee! *tip top in a few miqutes. Ne_rvxl_ine inyigorates, brac- Best Treatment for :31 Burn. Have You Stomach Trouble? DURHAM BBANCH For a Sprained Ankle Qold Storage for Apples. uâ€"aâ€"i ' e parts without leaving a s salve is also unequalled hr hands sore nipples amd ms- the skin. Price. 25 cents. For :11 Druggists. Telescoped Voices. Branches Do You get Billions ? A Human Ostrich. ive far out. of town, 31101 5!:- m d much inconvenience 1 can open an 3.000 41131: «aunt notes -~a,rra.z.g1 C. TELFORD. Manager, also at Mount Forest and Ayton. mam" C...- m CORPORATED -" u IHE DURHAM EHHUN IS Pltnusnun EVERY Tlil'kslm Y 1“qule At the Chronicle Printing House, Gan Street. §ubscription â€".l.50 my be Chal‘gml i1 lml v10 . “Tm" to which every subscript inn is pink?“ 6.1:: the number an the 8‘ldlr'vs~ label. X0 m‘ continued to all arrrars are paid.elceilfl“ option of the proprietor. ' ' For :ran-wm advemm M'0m ('(‘IHH pm ”In ior the flm' mm 0 ‘ UH": 3"0‘1118 pvrlineud. , quent insertion mmiun nu-wnro. PM“ arde. not exceeding mw im-h $4.00 pom Advertisements withum quifit' div-ma... be published till fnrhid and «harm-d ‘ Transient noticedâ€""IA z-t. “II‘uuhd.” "me4 etaâ€"50 cents fur fir.“ ill-w!" inn. Ho 08th {07‘ Inbeeqqent innertinn. All “vertioeluenta ordmwl M stun “C?” for in ad vain-e. ' Ml ntnct rates for warw aciwrumu lubed on applicatiun m 1hr “mm A" advertisements. in 0'“:al inmj. mat week. shuuld be Muught in notifier 1‘6qu! morning- The Job . . Department ‘1 short distance east of Knapp‘s HonL‘ Lunb ton Street, Lower Town. Durh 06cc hours from 12 m :3 u’clock .ueen and George Streets-Kort”! Math ist Church Uflice hoursâ€"Mlm‘ 24 0.111.. 7-9 p.m. Telephone 30.10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 015' 600 in the New Hunter Block. Oil hours. 8 to w a. m.. m 4 p. m. and”! o. In. Special attention given to dual )7 women and children. Residence Q oouite Presbvterian Church. I luau); Lu» , ._.. ' (Mice over GordIm ~ new J9 Store. Lower Town Durham. Any 19‘ nonov to loan an 5 per cant.‘1 EYE, EARâ€"film“ nos: “to Auistunt Ray. London Ophthalmic M “3.. “Id mGoldeu Sq. Throat ml N000 u SPECIALIST : U YOI'k 4nd Chicago, DIM oi Eye. Ear Nose and That Will be at Knapp llmne, Durham“ “tiltdav in each month. Hamsâ€"1‘59" Drs. lamieson 8: Maclaurin. OFFICE: Over 3 [l ty of Torontn. 0011030 Dental Surgeunw Dentistry in all it~ Ofieo.â€"Cnldor B I. wk. DURHAM, ONT BARBIS’I‘ER. SOMCITCER. "Ytflcors. Nata ' I'I Hie. t0- ‘0 Low :t Lowest Risa)»: ) ‘ ”Mr-Ilclntyre Block, over 3 8m. Durban. Olltal‘iu. "I l. G. Hutton. M. 0., C. I. ‘ or. Conveyancer. Mat. Honey to Loan ring. Licences. A 3‘8"“ MMDMM. A. H. Jackson. N Y PUBLIC, (’0 or. Convoyam‘er. M" - Incl! FFICE AND RESIDENCE A‘ FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"00K Lo R. C. Po, IJONDON. E1190 RADULATE of London, I“ l. P, Telford. ABBISTEL, summon“. ‘ ' ‘ x l..!-- -_.-.. (finutl..n. “8“ O Burro}: .-\.\'h DURHAM. Ofloa: ‘3, Fvo‘t 61,. Owen Sou Medical Dz'm'fon’. 3V6 Y Arthur Gun. M. D. Dr. VLC. Pickering Dentist. Dental Dz'm'ton'. DR. BROKE? W. IRWIN any ar ‘1 “(in is commonly flocked with. XEW TYPE. thus 13min ilities for turning out Fin work. w. F. Dun", Miscellanea“ - DR. BURT. 801 )t. 17 ONT- (Lower H ROYICLI {IPLE will b... ‘. fro? of ‘ r. payalnlei. t 0-0 id. 1-. i" 1'95» “In: 3118. UI’RIE‘I‘OE J. Hunt“ To“- Mb linen. 5‘ in a I!" “m. 5% in. Wide. mduoth, 4:) in. wid VWM 0‘30 Curtllna en t; W m “'hitf (HHIIIPY W 2 yds. wide, 37 um Bugs, 60 X 39, $1 u out Prints and (ii mm. Glenelg. Frau": I B‘fll. Good Furm, ”ugh: Will coll (01' ”0(1). macros. .Glenelg, splendul M‘ Bmldmga, cheap at l macros oniDurham Rnad F‘I'III. BOIIk Barn, Fun tor m. “m. oxtn gnud limni d3 nearly the 5:1») mm but anford l’.( b. {are building Int ix. 1' chap. or trade for any” Qt. war. or thru“ 3 st: Propoflv bought and .m-l Ion-y to hnud. helm (- Mots god Ocean '11ka (flock Ill Durham Cellml 0’ Mod. for sale, cheap. PUMPS Do you want to make The Peeple's and Provisio Alwnya prompt. he V0 In Full 5 I w lave to iutkorm In‘ tho public in mm W!“ to furnish Ni 'u. “'6“ “Mill Press-Curbing do! w. A" 1)l'del.~ 1" Stud mu “Mirman' bro-pay kneaded m. a“ It “Live and '00‘I’laaenuul. NAND Ida-t oncy for «we tmb Mm CHOICE WHITM‘ "deo 2 ydfi. 6‘ ‘6 17, 1908 LID. Curtains SAVE MORE -.___ bf . 'oonfldonyt rd)! The Han. Ffiifiunc 1.“ s ”amuse 3; Peaches] Pears 1 and PM 11110"?! A Car oi I Just Arriv almd 2 y4 Beggs He ot’fvh KINDS n in. wide. uJ I sketch and [St-W‘ long (“l-I‘dt IV I“

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