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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Sep 1908, p. 3

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lat For... {2 t it do 1-: \‘ HR Y THUBaDAY now At the Chronicle Printing M Strut, ma uuwmgunnmui Subscription Rates . . ”It i l' ”but Advertising F Rates . u 5". on 1), Manager. The Job . . Department BRANCH 0P5 ’ L‘ or, Convoy“. I 1 Agent. Money to Lan- j than Licenses. A "I ‘ noes tnmactod. sw; EAR, THROAT nos: FM” 3.1 \W 0'0?! Sound. )flice .5"- ;\4-'-‘~ffutt Rfl)’. LOIdOI 0’.‘hu “ Chg. MM tn Hn'alvll Sq. Throat .I‘ “~“ [1" £3? If‘ EQSn'ud." Grail In" Uollege Dental Summons 0‘0!“ Dentistry in all its an!“ ‘Jtficmâ€"(Taldar Block, 0'“ M Y rk 41M Chicago. Disease! 0! Eye. Elf N“. “M .. a’_ Knapp House. D Utfice over Gordon’s 30" 4 Store. Luwor Town. Dink..- Al 3! munm' to [out a 5 p. m DTODGI’T V . __- )FFICE [5 veyancers, Notary Pl.“- m to Luau at Lowest R138. I ‘m_-e;â€".\Ic1myn queh. 0" Bunk. Durham. Onhfloo g Drfi. Jamieson laclauril. U tionoor fot the J. G. Hutton. I. 0., 0. DURHAM,ONt. HYSIC A. H. Jackal- mr. ' \ am PUBLIC. Gong d «”de :3 it. 307.9. fl, J 1", GRANT, D. D. 8.. LI). .- l« '.\" m GRADUATE. ERNIE L R. C. P., LONDON. fl RADL’LATB of London, A R RISTEL, SOLIClTonv OBN CLARK. ARRISTER. somggwi. .A‘ ‘ "H 33 .\ N D RESIDENCEâ€"003. 100 an». ..u;l.mrham Road. Bentinck. good :Hul Heurge Streetsâ€"Nordic! Farm. Bank Barn. Fair Dwelling. snup ’ G'Lmrc'h Ufl’ice hours-941;... M‘ 3'50). . t. "'m' I‘elenhone 30' ‘0' 100 acre“, extra mind Buildings, alone wor- ,_-.. 7â€". thneurix' TH» .53.”) asked 101‘ the farm Arthur Sun a 0 Near ('rawt'nrdP.O. , . . 1am hzmiim: lot in Durham. for sale ‘1' \f ‘; A\ 5; A3”) SURGEON or. mean mm!» for anything a man can 4‘" NPW Hunter BIOCk ’0“ PM, WNUK HI‘ ”WOW a. StICk ‘to ~ ' in a. m., to 4 p.112. andfl‘fl Pnpprv' bunuht and sold onCommission ‘. ~ '1’ aftentiuu given to than. Money t~- Emmi Debts collected. C.P.R. ' »- .u 4 children. Resident» 0" Tickets run} ‘ H‘all 'l‘xcheta for ”‘0. $300 ' .u'h‘ 'urian Church. d'stnck 1:. [Mrham Cement 00., placed In my hawk I '1‘ mle, cheap. Always prompt, newer negligent. no DIIDT DURHAM. ONT. (W s!<"1.\.\' AND SURGEON, 0!- w in the New Hunter Block. Ola w n. m a. m.. to 4p.n.n§1fl ‘pm in! attention given to m -. ‘ and children. R0656.” .’ i'r'mhvmriau Church. ' IWc’d/Tal Directory. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. r qmaucepast of Knapp’s m .' Tn: Cumm- will Jon any address. hood] . .1: mp" yeast, ”ya“: ’w rharged if lot In. ..; y mhneription h h an the» amino. laid. 31 'u all urn-an m ”a.” a pruprifitol‘. Ontw Street. Lower Toni; rs {mm 12 to 2 o’clock Dental Directory. usenion. memenln 0w by n aolvam 0. atom for you" aim and Aflo‘. \V. IRWIN Legal ‘Dimtorv . y-‘vv 1 within“ specific I! {urbid and ch83“ mu»: ' L: at." ‘ Wound." “h " ’..r first Insertion. % colt. h“ .o-rtiun. ~mrnts ordered by Om.” ~ nl val-Ha. H fur yuan-.y ulvortIMI-L ivatiun to the» Mflcm wrist-Ills. to ensure in.“ h mnuhl be brought ill '0‘“ Hug. W. F. Dunn, Miscellanea!”- Pnr :ranment- when '2'.“ n ntu pm line for ”I «“3. mm I-h eats per line“ minion measure. P“ voli'u: «me inCh M.N° nun-nâ€" SPECIALIST : J. P. Talford. is complete] stock“ '. \IjW IYI‘Eythpsalldy; I .b‘-O-â€"â€"-~' nut AND RESIDENCE A DR. BURY. . BRO "KN um PROPRIETOB. UBLISH ED Over .41)." Y ”ORR!“ in paid is d ‘- abol: No ”a a paid. no.” ““0 ”nigh; Hana! 3. a, 3; '4 . . 35 ° ' 1 .m 60 Worked “de Curtains amp: 26c one: urge- \ilf' ‘Vbite counme’ 1040 g¢ Md val [19. Table lilwn 51 in. wide, “11le 3'"- yard. “Manual.“ in. Wide. bl :50 yard. each“! Table linen: 68 in. wide, unbleached 500 yard- Table oiloloth, 45 in. wide. 513 yd, 1:100;- oilcloth. l and 2 yuwdc wide Then (in business with H. H. MILLER the- Hanover Conveyance:- ’, He. oflers: Wheres. Ulenelg. Frame Dwalling. Btnk Barn, fiuud Farm. ought to bringm Will 59“ .ur 3mm. Wat-res, (Henelg, splendid locatioq, extra 20nd Buildmgs, cheap “875(1), vull “he Linoleum, 2 yds. Wide. 37% sq, yd. Smyrna Rugs, 5) x a). $3.“) cub. See our Prints I“ til-M a“ 17,1908 PUM PS vV'V'VV"‘V 'â€"â€"‘â€"vâ€"â€"vvvâ€"vv doomely Illustrated I!” In.“ cu- Almm of my minutiae 10M Tm M Cum“. 83.75 s 7.“. 900% m Sold In “Inhalers. imm wow-mu mu punch once. h :- 8t. Wan-human. The People’s Grocery and Provision Store in FOR AH. KINDS OF Peaches Pears and Plumbs |n Full Swing Mrs. Beggs Sons The Big Ibex f-m-e to inform my custmero and t.‘.~ public in general thet lam prepzuwi to furnish New Pumps end Renax:-~. Well Drilling. RoCurbmg and Pr» Curbing done with cement concrww All orders taken et the Old Stand near McGowen’I mill will be Womb”: attended to. All work quar- anteed a: “Live and let live” prion. GEORGE WHITIOBB. Dam. you want to make money and wiudt, 2 _\'.d8 long. at 20C psi“? 2.5 500 He Sells Cheap ' H. BEAN H. H. Miller, SAVE HONEY 3 ' ‘lw Hanover Conveyancer. Lace Curtain: A Car 0! Mixed Chop Just Arrived. 66 66 Calder Block 70c 66 _ I | GT TY Althou I! the swamps are east be- coming ew and far between III t' is district there are still enough patch- er\_ of them left 'to ensure of the air being filled with smoke Ifrom swamp tires at this time *of the ear. Dur- ingnghe sirpng- wind of ungayjire in the patch of swamp on the Carr farm, south of town attavned some- wh 1t serious proymrtimu nnd 'fencos had to be torn dow( nt okewpt be fire had to be torn dowm to 1:94 1 the fin from reading out of bounds. â€"Shel- bume conomiat. A very peculiar. pumpkin vine has grown this year in the garden of Mrs. '1‘. Donaghy. King street. The vine in question begins withI a circu- lar stem ahoutuone inch in diame- ter. After extending for six feet the stem. flatten ouf'and continues this for three feet farther until it resem- bleq a hoard from” to 1' inches in width. 'At this point In the vine. the offshoots stand perpendicular and the eight pumpkins, the whole. fruit of the vine. grow in a clust'. r.â€"Btrat- ford Herald. Height of vigor «is gustâ€"nature‘s power slowing downâ€"Vitality ebbing away. endurance decreasing. StOp the progress of decay, tone up lthe_ weak- ened nerve centres, impart vigor to the tiring bodyâ€"pre‘ are for the. cri-a sis. . Best means or rebuilding is found in Ferrozone: it bright-ms up the whole being, imparts power, strength. vigor. Old age. is pushrd back ‘twenty years, the reliance. of youth is restored, vigor, vim and new life established. You’ll try Fer- rozone, 50c. at all dealo-rs. Mrs. Allan McKeenan, of Paisley, who hnderwent an operation recent- ly for a blood disease, is progressing favorably, and 'her case is bving watched with interest by medical men. The operation was the last re- sort to save the patient‘s life. She was removed to the General Hospital, and an artery in her arm was opr-n- ed. A similar: artery was Opened in the arm of her husband and th0 two arms bound together. The blood of the husband was gradually infuscd into; t! e veins of the suffering wife, and improvement in her condiaion was at once percoz-ptible.â€"-\Valkerton Times. when the plank on which hr- was standing1r broke and prc-cipitat' d li'n into ti e well in which was about 17 feet: of \ViltPI‘. He grabbed onto thr- pump and by so doing kept. his head and shoulders above watvr .rnd bis- gan to Call for Leip, but gz-tiing non-~ he started to climb thn pump log: which Was like a greasy polo but by persev- ranco 'he got out of the w< [l safely. Mr. McKinnon is to be com- plimented upon his narrow escape. and certainly if he was not actiw- a man of his years would nevir have been able to get out.-â€"Tivcrton Watchman. One day last week Mr. John Mc- Kinnou of “Egypt” was pumping water. out of a well for .somn cattle Yesterday morning Antonio Lmluc, an employee at the Carney Lumber Mills was seriously injured while 0p- erating a-gang saw at the mills. Hi3 jaw is broken in two places and on Operation will be necessary to-day, before the exact extent of the injury will be known. Luduc was engaged lnl taking a sliver out of the gang saw at the! mill, and was using a bar to accomplish his task. The gang saw was swiftly moving at the time. and ‘at a moment when the man had loosened his hold on the bar it flew inch and struck him on the side of the jaw, fracturing it in two places. " must tell you my eXperience on an East bound 0. R. . N. R .R. train from Pendleton to Le Grande, Ore., writes Sam A. Gather. a well-koown troveling manfi‘l was in the smoking .department w: drawn up so you 'th 3 deathl'gke look A' srvnall' portion of his tongue was also taken off by his teeth coming to- gether. Dr. H. C. Murray was called side in Michiganâ€"Sun. Swamp Fires Near Shelbnrne Peculiar Pumpkin Vino A Delicate Operation. He Slippfid in and Out A Serious Accident. The Critical Ago A fifteen-year-old son of Mr. James Stinson,gravel road, got a bad shake ing ‘up one day last week. He is for- tunate! in still being in the land of the living. He was engaged in plow- ing and had the lines ti. d around his waist: when the horses became rest- less and started off, dragging him from his feet. In some way things got so badly mixed up that one of the horses fell on tap of the boy. who was badly bruised, but no bones were broken. â€"Fleshorton Advance. , A small boy named Gibbons was run bver on Poulette Street yester- day morning and slightly injured. He was running across the road and. not looking where he was going. got in front of a loaded wagon, was knocked down. and the wheels went over his leg. He was carried into Parker's drug store. whcre Dr. Cow- per attended to his injuries. They were not serious. though painful, the leg being out and slightly crushed. How he escaped without a broken leg is a marvel, as the heavy load went right over him.â€"O. 8. Sun. A fatal accident of a peculiarly' shocking. nature occurred on Thurs- day 'in Egremont at the barn of Mr. Wm. Rogers, of the 12th concession. Wm. ‘Moore, of Nenagh, was thresh- ing for Mr. Rogers, assisted by his thirteen year old son John. When sleaning am, the belt betwees the engine 'and separator flew off and the engine, for some reason or other started to back down the incline leading up to the barn door, on which it was placed. In attempting to get out. of the way of the engine John Moorq stumbled and fell so that his head was immediately in front of the engine! wheel, which rolled upon it. crushing it in a most terrible man- ner. Death was of course instant“. and the whole community is horri- fied at the casuanyâ€"Confederate. That misfortunes newr. come singly was the experience of James Milloy, 8th line ErTn. one of ~the most pon- ulan {young men in this section. Mr. Miilloy. was one of the worst suffer- ers from the great hail-storm on August 4t‘, losing nearly all his crops,. However, after much hard work he had managed to rlke up and out the hentun {down straw in the fields, and it was while hauling this in on Saturday, 22nd, that the second misfortune occurred. Mr. Milloy had pufl tie hest horse that he owned, qufitefi a vaguahle‘animul, up in the ,ow over the shed of his barn to trump =t‘: e straw. By some m. ans or 0t} er the horse went through the, floor. and fell into the sho-d below, a distance of twelvn feet, and was so sever. ly injured that it had to be d»- stroyezl the following; day.â€"IIillsburg Beaver. But Find the way to Digest What You Do Eat indigestion or stomach weakness i t3 strengthen the muscular walls 0 he stomach ‘and intestines, so that tha-y will care for the food that is eaten. In {no other way can this he done as well as by taking a Mi-o-na tablet before each meal. This re- stores strength to the stomach mus- cles and stimulates the pouring out at gastric juices, then the food di- gests readily and you begin to get the full benefit from what you eat. Use.’ Mi-o-na whenever. you have sick headache, heartburn, bad taste id tlre mouth. coated tongue. spots before the eyes, sleeplessness and t‘d many other symptoms that are tha’ direct result of indigestion. Macfarlanq 8: Co. give with every 50 cent box of Mi-oâ€"na a guarantee to refund the money unless the rem- edy ’cures. A [man built so close to the ground that: his coat tail sweeps the side- walk struck town this week and when 88(1) by the writer was wrest- ling with a schooner of lager at thn Station Hotel. How he did away with so much beverage on so small a ca- pacity was sufficient to puzzle. 8. casuisti and made local option advo- cates sit up and stare. But drinking beer. was only a side issue with the man. playing on a flute being his principal occupation and entertain- ment. Besides being the smallest, he was the most industrious player we ever: saw, and the amount of music he took out of the flute was even more surprising than the amount of ‘been he put into himself. He didn’t ipretend to beg, but he hadn’t the courage to refuse any sums offered him: His hat was always turned upt like a collection plate and as there] was no politico-religio stop-cock on? his compassion any individual was al- lowed to contribute. The man claims in}. '49 years of age md says he came! from England 19 years 9.30.â€" Brnod Herald. lain’ a 'Cougb “Remedy dren. It contains no 4 - --. w â€"â€" â€"v.â€" sale at all (in: Itqrec. Tl e first thing to do in tho mm of Eat What You Want A Doubla Misfortune Had Crushed Put. A Case of Poisoning Boy Run Over. A Small Han. atr_aid t9 give Change};- _ Remedy 'to your chil- ains no opium or other ' It_ always cures. For THE DURHAM CHRONICLE bhil- On Friday evening last our burg was Visited by some kn' hts of the road who ’were out to out a fewl l stores. They succeeded in breaking into the Post-office, Munro 00‘s., and \‘John Douglases’ but their ef-i forts were not heavil Irewarded as at the former place {hey got out $1.85 while the others mever le 1'. money around. Mr. Munro didn‘t miss anything in the line of goods but Mr. Douglas was shy sonei ocket knives They were also into A. oftat's shop but nothing was missing. A re ort says three suspicious lookin c an acters were seen going west t e next morning who were in all probability aha guys who did the lootingâ€"Vi- e e. {'31: On [Tuesday morning Mr. D. Adair. G. '1‘. R. agent. on entering the sta- tion fwas surprised to find the place in disorder. and ;u on investigation found someone ha entered in the night, having effected an entrance by forcing a window. The till was broken into by forcung down the runs that support the drawer. Tho re was {no money i nth fitill. and as no good: have been missed it is evident that the thieves \went away empty handed. The fact that the papers in the drawers were scattered around indicates that only money was sought. 'Ihere is no some as yet as to w"o ‘the guilty party may be. Mr. Adair reported the matter to the officials and the G. '1‘. R. detectives are 'working on the case.â€"Tees\\ater News. Is Frequently Made by the Wheat of Durham People It’s a serious mistake to neglect backache. Baokaohe is the first symptom of kidney ills. Fatal comp lioations may follow. Booth’s Kid- ney Pills act quickly to overcome kidney ills do not delay until too late, it mav mean Diabetes, Brights Disease. Read what 9. Durham res- ident says. â€"- A A. eyear. Hie back was: very tender and week at times and sharp pains would Shoat through the kidney region. Doctors had told him his seem to benefit him. He would often be unable to steep or lilt any thing of consequence. He procured box of Booth’s Kidney Pills at Mr. McFarlane’s Drug Store and found the best of results from the first of the treatment. His back was soon freed from the severe pain and he Strength ned. He has enjoyed the best of health since and says he would no be without a box of Boath'e Kidney Pills in the house "_ > 'Mrs. Hugh McLean, of Main St. Durham. Ont. says: "Mv son had nufl'nred «W h kidney trouble for oyar Soldâ€" by dvalers Price 50 cents. The R. 'l". Bmtb Co.. Ltd, Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. On‘ the morning of Aug. 22, very early, George Wilbelove, an English home boy of 13 years, who has been at! Harry eraley’s. Bowling Grern. for some time disappeared shortly after being wak-rned, and for almost aa’ week kept the family in a. high state of excitement. Mr. Whaley saw fit to reprimand him that morning and the chap struck off to the hush where he remained until discovered the following Friday. In the interval all he had to eat was chokecherries. beechnuts. and a (turnip he got in‘ Mr. Griez’ a field. A representative of the Home came on being notified of lad’s disappearance. and took him away Saturday morning. It has since heed learned that it’ is not the lad’s first experience of disappearing from tis employer, as he fell out of sight for a! coupe! of weeks on another 0c. oasion.â€"Grand Valley Star. It’s not a question of Hyomei hay-o ingj chred some one else but will it read! your own particular case. If its cold in the head. Catarrh. Bron- chitis. Pneumonia, Group or any at- fection of the breathing organs, Mac- tarlane Co. say yes. and will refund the money it it fails. No other pre-« paration for .the same purpose can successfully do this. because the Hy- omei system of treatment is differ- ent from anything else. You} simply breathe and inhale its} medication in dry air form which de- stroys the germ life that causes op- pressed breathing. Nasal Catarrh, Throat Irritation and Lung Troubles. [11 brings to these suffering organs the balsam laden air they would get iii the Pine and Eucalyptus toresta The air that stamps out Brmchial troubles. Thd prince of entertauers Marshal P. Wilder csys: Hyomei ls essy to use and swift to cure. It insures against coughs sud colds. It gives you spure air and kills the germs of disease. It helps the 7voice. Hyomei complete outfit. 01.00. ONE BAD MISTAKE forms of Cntarrh and Troubles of the Breathing Organ- “Show Me” Proof Bursary At Lucknow in what Hyomoi will do in 31‘ Burglmfs At Garlic That Hold Up A Lost Boy L.'1 For Bargains in Handkerchiefs Men's and Boys Suits Suspenders : Odd Pants Hose and Half-Hose 1 Rain-Coats Underwear ' Umbrellas Sweaters Hats and Caps Overalls I Shirts Smocks Collars and Ties Boots and Shoes Everything in the Gent’s Furnishing line. This is your chance and 7‘ should take advantage of it. Tho school is thoroughly equipped in tcschin. shility. in chomicsl sud electrics! suppliss sud fittings. 0%.. for full Junior Lcsving sud lsiric nlsuon work. The following competent stsl on in chsrgc 3 13808. ALLAN. 1st Clsss Ccrtiflcsto. Pm. MISS DONALDA MCKERRAUHER. ILA. Classics. Kodcr 3. sad Englic h. Intending students should onmr at the both.- mng of the term if posnible. Board can be ob- tained“. mwmblo rugs. Durham is a_ hepltp) undid“. mwmblo rates. Durham is a heath “Id wpivo _ gown. making it 3 most dumb c C. L. GRANT HISS GERTRUDE HODGE. 8A.. Scionoo. History und Geography. awe of residence; DURHAM SCHOOL. WCMOM Having decided to give up the Gent’s Furnishing Business in my entire stock will be cleared out at Reduced prices on some broken lines of ladies‘ Oxfords end Slippers which we went to dispose of. Cell and see if your size is here, it will save you money as well as do us n fsvor. Now is n good time to leave your order for s pair of fall shoes. We have a large suck of factory goods in heavy end flue goods. Are you thinking of going West ? get our prices on trunks. veliees telescopes, etc.. before purchasing. Custom work and repairing done as bently and quickly as possible. The Down Town Shoe Store New Millinery While They Last Going out of Bush The undersigned begs to announce that she has opened up a new millin- ery and fancy goods par- lor, where everything in the line of head-wear. fancy oods and hand pain china may be procured at reasonable Miss Margaret Bugg to Stinson’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you get the Best Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Sundaes, etc. Call in on your way home and get a quart to treat the family. Matthews 6 Latimer 'fi your pickling spices. Vinegars. preserving fruit, fruit jars, sugar. fresh groceries and confectionery. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Bakery The Model 9000.81.00 per month. Chuirmsn. Farmers will find best TIMOTHY SEED for fall seeding IN FLOUR, Purity, McGom’s. Kilvérton and Ayton. You get the Benefit of Quality .. ROSE, Durham Geo. .fl. Stinson . S. MCILRAITH COST PRICE I Eggs taken as Cash U RAXAGI, Secret." FISH.-â€"No. 1 herring and cod. sOsOQOs s0§0s0 BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING and in placing all its grand“. Each student is taught sepuatolgl his own desk. Trial lessons for °" week free. Visitors welcome. EBAY and EVENING classes} W. D. CONNOR And D3010!- in Pumps of all Kinds. Galvamzed and Iron Pic. Business Colleg if h Plus tun $2 mm. ; m open our, am. All manna pro-pay cu m or" and“ u. 0.41m!!! uid Iron Cylinders. Handkerchiefs . Suspenders Hose and Half-Hose Underwear Sweaters Overalls Smacks W. T. CLANCY. Pr LEADS IN Mount Forest Bakery The Model

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