West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Sep 1908, p. 4

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‘l‘. School Iinruggists and Booksellers and Supplies. Get a. public spirit of tlie people", says ending Liberal (1;in iditorizllly, l . cites as that Iissue the need of. < .ada for another transcontinental ‘ ’way to facilitate the tr-ansporta- ( I' of tie products (of the west to l I eastern seaboard. All he asks to lplete the new Grand Trunk Pa- 1 is another term in parliament. 3 :11 the way the money has been ended on that same project in the we are inclined to his belief. 0 one more term for Sir Wilfrid 11! either complete the G. T. P. eplete the treasury land ruin the ncial condition of ’ the lcountry. choosing this one issue, above all rs. we think it possibly the next rest to the Quebec~ Bridge ' ct as a means of making and the( fact that \it is only leg left .for the Government and on is responsible for its be- selected. Just where the promo- of the Grand Trunk Pacific, and subsequent 3. financing by Mr. tier and his colleagues 18 going to e a strong card in the matter of wine the votes of the electors of ds Laurierward is somewhat? It: of comprehension andi a Sew. 'of the ituation may or may create a warm feeling for the ' Wilfrid Laurier is going to the ntry on ”an issue that will a1)1)e.;l .he judgment, the imagination. RHAM CHRONICLE acfarlane Co. “HE LAURIEB PLATFORM Fhen the Canadian Government lertook, the construction of the neeontinental, it was agreed that t building of the eastern section In Honcion to Winnipeg should be‘ i. by the Government. while the id from Winnipeg to the Pacific It was to be built by the company, I government guaranteeing bonds 'ering seventy-five pen cent. of the t of construction of the two West. I; divielone. known as the Baltic I lountein sections. The bonds to to remain with the Government, I were to be roles-ed from time to fl an the my [eve proot of ” went in the actual work of DURHAM. SEPT. 17. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. in; administration in the hearts I. men who mark the ballots. bor, 1’5, the company and Club (“that _|t1_xe govern- THE tone proulu- Pacific, and [13 by Mr. And this is just one sample of the manipulations that have taken place 3 is going to during the construction of the trans- 1e matter of continental. Throughout the whole 9 electors of deal the bill has cbeen a heavy one somewhat until, at the present time, the cost ,3 andi a to the country of this single line of may or may railway has nearly reached $150,000, .ing for the 000.with many more millions to be a the hearts "Penile-d upon it before it reaches shallots. the Pacific coast. From the original . estimate of thirteen million dollars, the cost of construction .has exceeded Government to‘ date ten times the estimate, and ;tion of the still Sir Wilfrid has the nerve to agreed that appeal to the people of Canada for ttern section another. term as Premier on the ieg should be strength of the brilliant calculative it. while the power of himself and his administra- . the Pacific £50m: While we need Ianother trans- continental railway, and need it bad- ly too, we can’t see where any great a cent. of the credit is due the present Govern-i be two westq ment in allowing the finances of the1 I the Ptairie 00011“! to be distributed 'promiscu- The bonds W31! among a I few favored ones Government, ““1100“ hven a scratch of a pen or from time to an itemized account to .ohow the poo-- ". proof of 91. What they are flying fixes (or. tool work of!” Wilfrid" own statement. “the I the company, teeing bonds Government is responsible for way. flint the?! taco one. a m "as wort-lent” should be called home to my “(the author not the present theyA W W u out are cideda' to Monkton. With Courtney and Shannon out of the. road, a strange happening took place‘ The General auditor of the Grand (Trunk Pacific wrote to the Deputy-Ministen of Railways asking the Department to "kindly return statements of expenditure" and also “the certificates.” The auditor was asking [or the whole record so that no evidence of the claim would re-f main in the public offices. The Rail-; way Department asked the Finance. Department: ‘to comply with this as-, tonishing request. and only four days atten the Railway official lwrote for thq papers he acknowledged the re-! deipt of the documents. From this it is clear that the total amount (as originally claimed by the Grand, Trunk Pacific was expended, {even though the company had in- 74-.-!) ‘y'ylo urn-who vested it in a lmanner that would mot stand itemizing, and 'though a vigilant and independent officer held up these items against the Opinion of [his superiors. Though“ Mr. Shane: man made a cOpy .of some of the char- ges he rejected, he did not have a’a copy of the $56,000 claim, which was not prest-nted a. second time, and con- cerni'ngi ‘which the company had re- fused information and supplied no vouc! ers. The character of the. state- ment the company ventured to make Lu second time, and to give in some ,detuil' may be judged ‘from the fol- i lowing:â€" { Exiiensos of officials to the Pacific’ Coiesf, 33,000. i Reflulr’iv salary of Rev. NV. E. S. Roe, per month, $125. William f\‘Vziinrigxht, advertis'ng. no det ails, foul items of $325 to $875. C. M. Iluy’ :4 trip to Englind, $1,132. London:‘ office salaries, $4, 665, $760 and $890. ! London office directors’ fees, @4867. Ottawa Free Press, printing, $1260. Umder- legal eXpe-nses there 'are three payments of $1, 000 each and one of 34500 to Sir Adolphe Caron’. [with no statement as to the final 1destination) or purpose of these pay- ments. A ‘young Ottwaw lawyer, H. P. Mc- Givern, figures as having received in many payments $6421 ! The Ottawa farm of Chrysler and Bethune is down for $5,591. Among the items rejected Was one of $46,520, said to have been' paid to F. W. Morse and Peter Larsen for terminal lands, or in other words, tor{ a town site luseful for specula- tive purposes. Naturally Mr. Shannon did not think that these were moneys ex- pended in actual work of railway constr uction. pritic ourselves on having, and the utter [snare of the present adminis- tration to carefully and Economic-any handle the funds entrusted to their I NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT! 5 Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ List Act b5 his Honor Judge Widdifleld, the udge of the ConntrOourt of the County of Grey, at the Town Hall. in the Town of Durham. on the 29th day of Se tember. 19%. at 9.3mm)" tohesr an determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of the Town of Durham. for 19w. {aged the 15th day of September, Wu. B. VOLLET. Clerk. OIOP (”BETH“)! P3123 WI!- The following are the South Grey prize winners in the Field Crop Com- petition :â€" COMPETITOR ADDRESS I. J. Hunter Geo. Binnie Colin Blyth W. G. Firth Mr. Thomas Ryan has been confined to his bed for a. length of time with an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Tom thinks he should have some well earned holidays, so he might just as well have them now while the thresh. ing is going on. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Weber, of Ayton, spent the Sunday pleasantly at. Mr. Charlie Birr’s. Mr. Alf. Weidmeyer is a. busy man his week cementing his stables under the newly erected burn. Mr. George Waltzer, who left this burg three months ago for Bracebridge, Muskoka, returned on Saturday even- ing hack to his old job at Wettlaufer's lllill. Notice of Court of Revision; The Yandt Bros. are making a clear sweep in threshing on the 16th con. They were out near Vat-hey the past week but returned on Saturday even- Mr. Albert Menrns took in the To- ronto Exhibitlon last week. Albert says the show was fine and lots to see. Tell Hay Fever Friends Let them know if they have Hay Fever or Asthma, that Catarrhozonn cures permancntly. Relief is instant and results guaranteed in the worst cases. All dealers sell Catarrhozone for $1.00. Try it. Arthurâ€"Sept. 23, 24. Blythâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Clarksburgâ€"Sept. 29, 36. Chatsworth~ Sept. 17, 18. Chesleyâ€"Sept. 22, 23. Dundalkâ€"Oct. 8, 9. Durhamâ€"Sept. 22, 23. Draytonâ€"Oct. 6, 7. Fergusâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Fordwichâ€"Oct. 3. Fevershamâ€"Oct. 6, 7. Grand Valleyâ€"Oct. 13, 14. Hanoverâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Holsteinâ€"Sept. 29. Kincardineâ€"Sept. 16, 17. Lietmvelâ€"Sept. 16, 17. London (Western Fair)â€"Sept. 11â€"19. Meafordâ€"Sept. 24, 25. Mildmayâ€"Sept. 28, 29. Maxvilleâ€"Sept. 14, 15. Neustadtâ€"Sept. 22. 23. Owen Soundâ€"Sept. 16, 17. Paisleyâ€"Sept. 29. 30. Pricevilleâ€"Oct. l, 2. Palmerstonâ€"Sept. 24, 25. Rocklynâ€"Oct. 8. 9. . Sept. 13th, 1908. to Mr. and Mrs. George Watson, 3. daughter, MATHEsonâ€"In Priceville. on Friday, Sept. 4th, 1908, to Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Matheson, a. son. CAPPERâ€"At 215 East Ninth St., Mason City, Iowa, on Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 19%, to Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Copper. 9. son. ’LBNAHANâ€"In Durham, on Friday, Sept. 4th, 19%, to Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Lennhnn, I. son. SIBBALDâ€"In Barrie. on Sept. 7th. WHITTAKERâ€"In Durham, on Sunday, Sept. 13th, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker, a son. WATSONâ€"Ill Priceville, on Sunday, Toronto (National) â€"Aug. 29.Sep.l4. Toeswaterâ€"Oct. 6, 7. Tiverton -Oct. 6. LBBALDâ€"In Barrie. on Sept. 7th. 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. John sibbam. smutâ€"In Egremont. on Setundey, Sept. 12. 1”. Robert Henry, aged 79 you-u, 10 mos. flampden. FALL FAIRS. Orchard 85, 4th Edge Hill 84h, 5th Cums. FIRTH, Durham, Edge Hill Durham Bunessan and :eoonomicâ€"ally Secretary. SCORE 87, let Store. South Grey Agricultural Exhibition Sept. 22nd and 23:11. See advertise- ment in another column for particulars and programme. “Salads" Tea remains in favor ytsr after. year with enormously increas- ing sales, simply ‘because it is al- ways true to its high standard of quality. sport. cert on Wednesday evening, Sept. %. church on Monday evening was well attended. After the serving of an excellent supper in the basement of the church, a program was rendered in the auditorium, consisting of or- chestra selections and smeches by Dr. Jamieson, M.P.P., who was chairman of the meeting, H. H. Miller, M.P., R. J. Ball, Conservative candidate for the Dominion House, and the pastors of the different churches. In their ad- dresses, both Mr. Ball and Mr. Miller kept away from their present hobby, politics. and beyond a friendly dig at each other occasionally, did not touch on the questions of the day. The evening was very pleasantly spent. and all enjoyed themselves. Don’t fall to hear the two wonderful boy Sopranos, Nelson Adair and Thos. Selby, at the concert, Town Hall, Wednesday, Sept. 22rd. Make your arrangements for the grand Concert and Entertainment in the Town Hall second night of the Fair, “Wednesday, the 23rd of Sept. The artists include the celebrated Hewer 'combination from London. Seats on sale now at MacFarlanes’ Drug Store. Mr. Chas. Lutz has severed his con- nection with the )ement Company here as machinist, and left Monday morning for Mason City, Iowa, where he has secured a similar position with the Western States Portland Cement Company. for a first class football *match, to commence at 1 o’clock, on 'the second day of the showm The harvest. home in the We congratulate Mr. \Nm. «.Connor and Miss Kate Hintz, (who, on \Ved- nedsay eVening last decided * that singleness was no blessing, ‘and were quietly married at the Methodist par- sonage here. The young couple have taken up their. residence in town, and we wish them every! happiness in their? new life. . Traffic over the new bridge was Opened on Tuesday, and 'the work of filling in the retaining walls is be- ing rushed through with iall haste. The bridge was inepected land passed by the county engineer )on Friday last, and it is |the intention of the council to have the greater part of the work completed by Fair Day. No sidewalks will be put do this fall in order to give the \fill a chance to settle, and beyond the construction of management of the 'South Grey PICKLING SUPPLIES “SPICES.”â€"The pureyt Grtâ€"Jund and Unground “CORKS” “Rubber Rings,” etc. “VINEGARS”â€"“White Wine,” “Proof" and “English Malt” Two big Stores For the re-opening we have a brand new stock of School Books and Supplies. Everything that is required for the Public and High School is to be found here, and remember we give you a which means this is the cheapest store north of Toronto to buy the above goods. Come with the crowds to BIG DISCOUNT Keelers is the place to buy Your school books and supplies School Sapplles of all kinds on hand Remember “Good Spices . Keeler Sons £51325? Pickles.” Sept. 17. Durham and Welland 1908 N the next 15 day» “'9 :u to clear out our entire 1 overall. and will give un‘ bargains In these lim-s; OVERALLS Regular 75c and Begum 82.“! lilw. [4 ‘ full line. Offhnim' ways in shwk. \\ 001d at right [nu cull. Wedding DURHAM. I1 rulifirst-class Si W mt [01' (h? “‘midi ‘ diva-wore is mm- mm flanking up-boâ€"date. m W has the Inmw *. goods, and always w U (have is such a thing as '0 “h" always "I Mm k down WPdding till : every style and hll‘dengagzemem I in! h ““0068, so ‘0" h: H ~ to In tway disaplu IIII sept. 17. 1908 EmalJt'on. It build: new Wedding Engagement I S. SCOT COMBINED Sl'l'l‘1 down because wad-1hr Jew and Optican. ‘ The effect Strength ALL DRU C. FIRTH.i wupp‘ 2 with 1|de. ry are 40 I3 12 10

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