ii. On! 13 AND 14, CON. 3. N.D.B. I Glen. . 1! acres bush. fume bun. m "to , mm be sold. A. H. Jackson pm- 227tf. M827 AND 28â€"IN THE 18TH l Concession o! the Township of Nor- mby. containing 250ecree. the eetnte of llete Thou Fulton. One stone dwelling i one tnme dwelling. Good bank born 0 good fume barn. Will be sold in block divided to edit purchaser. ‘ T'QI‘EDS mo‘d‘e lu‘u'u“ 'w GUI u". “W'uv W ."C vw v-wâ€" _ . d in good state of cultivation. Rood bnck 'olling large frame basement barn. wan need and well wategednï¬ood orc_ha__rd.i vzuojnén West of tho Ganfnn Road. the Township of Normanby, in the II? of (in . For purticnlau applyto P. olford, aviator. Duthun. |. 3. 1905.4! W Iâ€. I.†VVIIu “WI-V - wwâ€" 3 rty is well fenced avnd gellï¬wiatered. acco t 3W0 on terms to suit purchas- App y to W. F. Dunn, Agent for Ven- ' [April 29â€"tf. HIGH CLASS 200 ACRE FARM nagood district in the Townshiï¬ pf Normanby. The soil is a ric :lay_loau|: and‘tll‘e land is rollin ‘n" _ __A_ :r‘ IIV'IW w 3"]. y“. VII-w- . mu on up “cation. Hugh 13117511,â€" Ad- niï¬rï¬or. ampdon, P, O. I . EING mm. CON._ 2.}; 9: 3. ,. _ ._ .,_-__, II": IV“- w--.â€" -__ _ )ut free from hills. 12.5 acres is :leared and under cultivatisn, the )alance forms a very valuable cedar md hardwood bush. The fences are uxcellent and thereis dlenty of water ['he buildi . gs com rise a trame dwell- ng house, asplen id barn 50x70 with :tone foundation and stabling, a root Pause. an implement house. a log pig pen 301120, frame sheep pen and ame hen house, all in ocd repair. ., e price is 386201100. or further articulars and terms of payment rite or apply persodally to W. F. unn. Solicitor for Vendor. imam: or IMPROVED VAL- IE 2ND AND 380 DIVISION OF Lot No. l. E. G 8.. in the Township $100013. 1w acres knownu the “McKin- Fun†u the Rocky Samoan. Im- liato possession given. For porticnhrs I? to J. P. Telford. sumâ€"u u 'v -v- .Egromont, 311519; 1.1011}: of Holstein. .ummgjm acrog. upgut 90 acres cleared ..- - J I...:..I. ‘v ‘v -â€"w__ _ Queen and Countess Streetsâ€"mod tion rices reasonable Apply to Smit or at the Post Oï¬ce. b wâ€"tf. a from school and 1 mile from church. uy terms. For further particulars apply ’ohn H. Sharpe. Holstein P.O. [625-1mptf DWELLING AND SHOP. ON . Mill Street. Durham. “0“ frontage ply to William Laidlaw ug 29.-tf ‘ __¢ NUMBER 05‘ TOWN Lo'rs ON_ IWO STOREY DOUBLE FRAME v- ‘ house, situated on the west sid . Gara- 133 Street. in 119159: town. large lot with “â€0. tin-t class well. alt-o ciqtern. Apply premises. Angus Cameron, [312k t storey dwelling. alongside Presby- Etn Manse property in Upper Town, prham, Corner of Durham and Elgin ts. Seven rooms. pantry. closets, 5:1“ floored cellar, on}: 990d airy Iqqa- IV". I-IW IV‘. \v- uâ€"- 1 in good locality. Good frame enable. (1 and soft water one acre of land. Snap quick punhascr. For further particu- Iap ly to John \V. McKechnie, Owner ' ,lv u SDRMIIP . I. lSt.1Wâ€"tf.0 Prope rtygfor Salg.‘ Ighlo farms in New Ontuio. near Lukeud to: aleâ€"largo discount for flap of the locality and terms given bplicction to J P. Toltord, Solicitor for or- 71806 -â€"tt 100 ACRE FARM WITHIN TWO miles of Durham. On the fatm there ood brick house. almost now. also two barns wit}; _stonq foupdatigns. £11th 7?†side a number of houses and out- leings alung the line of right of way of Walkerton and Lucknow Railway, in town of Durham. .‘bese buildings must be removed at an 13' date. in order to clear the line of right my. .1] meterial such as timber. brick, stone, .. in cases where the buildings cannot be about six mites from Durham. Poaooosion at once. Good land. M. For particulars apply to ml. Durham. and 19m -â€"tf. L 00", will rent ong on: more years. :mg most of rent m m rovements ildin‘wz soil.‘ wgtot.‘ crying) and timber 2A-L2- n__A '0'. 54!. ‘râ€"â€" vâ€". .10 acres of land opposite Mr. Thos. pkins, convenient to Durham. Cottage him 6 rooms. good quodshod. good sta- L hon house, novpr {811108. we‘ll. Excell- fp_l‘aco Farms for Sale. ii 200 ACRE FARM AT GLAS 66M FOBTQBLE comAgE 5ND CKINNON 100 ACRE FARM AT "-UVUQ VI v- c-v- ‘- wv- â€" â€"-â€"_ - lmgood. Apply to J. Ritchie. Po}: I" wvvw ' 3d. are also-o'ï¬'ored for sale. ted June 4th Iâ€. A L]? â€RED LFORD Durhum For Sale or Rent U0 G 00 l) COMFORTABLE houses. Apply to J. )1. Latimer. I’ ‘.M)A Fab GABAFRA_XA_ amp-3 the Rocky. immpdiate possession giv- Fot further sartnculars apply to . P. TELFORD. r- btf. Durham. GOOD SOLID BRI_(_3K_TWO W 1873 ETLIN THE SECOND gorg- There is no formality about opening a Saving: Account with this Bank. Courteous clerks will make the ï¬rst steps may for you if you wish to begin saving your spare dollars. Not much money is needed. One Dollar will open an account, and entitle you to a pass-book in which your ï¬poaits are entered. _ No delay in withdrawing your' money at any time, ï¬lth interest to date. BUM BRANCH 3N DERSIUNED OFFERS for undoning. Apply-toAu-on To Rent. OF CAN ADA '. Mug [423: TWO THRESHING OUTFITB.â€"One {lain engme. 12 h. 9., and one trac- ion engine 14 h. p. All in good running oraer. At a bargain. ZENAB CLARK. Varney. â€"_-â€"â€"â€"â€" LOT NO. 4. ELGIN St. EAST. DUR- ham, consisting of one-half acre of land. On the property are a good six-roomed roughcast dwelling, two storeys high, on stone foundation, well finished insid e, ood stone cellar, a never failing wefl cistern of twenty barrels capacity. Good outbuildings _a.nd_ staples, and -_L_._ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT‘ the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey. at the expira-g tion of one month from the posting up or this notice, intend to take into consideration, and if no suf- ficient objection thereto be made, finally pass a By-law for the Opening up or a Street. through lots numbers 20 and 21 East of Garatraxa Street, and lots num- ber: 20 and 21, West of Albert Street, in the Town of Durham. Dated this 10th day or August, A. D. 1908. W. B. VOLLE'I‘, Clerk, Town of Durham. NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a. Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ List Act by his Honor Judge Widdiï¬eld, the J udge of the County Court of the County of Grey, at the Town Hall, in the Town of Durham, on the 29th day of September, 1908, at 9.30 a..m.. tohear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of the Town of Durham, for 1908. Dated the 15th day of September, HUNTERS AND OTHERS FOUND trespassing on the following llots will be prosecuted: Lots 57 and 62, Con. 3, E. 'G. R; lots '3, 4, 5 and 6, Con. 1, N. D. R.; tlot 3, Con.. l, and lot 3, Con. 3, 8. 1D. B. By Order, A. CRUTCHLEY, JOHN BELL. W. J. YOUNG, C. FIRTH. . MMM‘â€â€˜ ' ATTEND THE BEST § 3 )m BENTRAL mm STRQTFORD. ONT. is recngnized as the Largest, 89%|: and Most Successful practical tralp- ’ mg schnol in Western Outarlo. Three departments-â€" ' cmmeucm. snummxn TELEï¬RAPflIC ‘ Our gradll'tfes secure good positiom 3 52% egmAL I ' and forge tn the front. Write tqr ‘ our free catalngue. yO'l willï¬nd 1t ’ mterestixrg. You may enter at any time. Elliott Mclachlan PRINCIPALS. L ‘w‘v‘WM‘Q Q A Jew named Max Joseph,- wasl brought before P. M. Ryan here ‘on Monday morning charged, by an itin- erant dispenser of dry goods 'with theft. The dry-goodsman; is a {recent arrival from Germany, and has 'no knowledge of the language of Ithis country just yet, so an interpreter had to be procured in {the person of Mr. Henry Koenig. It appears ithat he dry-goods chap had given {the Jew five suits of clothes to hawk through the country till purchas- ers were found when he I“ as to re-. \ turn the proceeds to the (Owner of‘ the goods. less a commission lfor his trouble. But the Israelite. character- istic of his kind, likes llots of com- 1 krnissionn turned the whole deal 'into prtfit and fled to Toronto. lwhencc he was pursued by provincial 'detec- tive Umbach, arrested and brought back. After weighing the pros and cons of the case the iMagistrate de- cided that a higher tribunal lshould Isit in judgment on it, and therefore isent the prisoner to the County seat for trial, whence he was itaken by his capturcr the same eveningâ€"Ay- .ton Advance. trees. For further panic ulars apply at this ofï¬ce or on premises to WARNING T0 TRESPASSEBS is mailed free on request. Write for it if you have any notion of a college course. Central Business College. Toronto. W. H. Shaw. Pres. E. R. Shaw, Sec. OUR FINE CATALOGUE HUNICIPAL NOTICE. Germany vs. Palestine. For Sale. WM. B. VOLLET. Clerk. JOHN WILLIAMS. 51 Branch. dead. The 800 Steel Mill is [now running to its full capacity. The Marmara COOperage mill was destroyed by fire and the lloss will be $20,000. The Palmer Piano 00. of Uxbridge has assigned. Mr. Alex. Green. of Owen Sound, will erect the new 0. P. R. station at Bolton. Chas. Murphg, K. C. is the new Sec- retary of Sta 3, succeeding Hon. (R. W. Scott. James Cha pman, Toronto, was seri- ously injured by being struck lby an automobile. Four men were drowned at IFort Francis by the overturning of Ia gas- oline launch. F. G. Guletins has been appointed eneral superintendent of the West. . uperior lines of the C.P.R. The Toronto police are to 'put a damper on curbstone tipping at the commg Woodbine meet. Paddy Brennan, the well- known Montreal lacrosse player, has been chosen captain of the Olympic rteam. ' Rnnnymeade†prOperty holders are seeking information as to possible terms for annexation to Toronto. Fire destroyed the Albert Block ..in Strathroy on Wednesday morning, and the loss may reach $60,000. Antonio Granito, a Montreal con- tractor, was mysteriously murdcred near his own home last Wednesday Robert L. Thompson will succeed C. B. Foster as district passenger agent of the C. P. IR. for the Ontario divisicn. Adam Rennick, manager of the 'Fur department of T. Eaton 00., sac- cumbed to tubercqlar trouble on Wednesday. A St. Catharines street car istrnck and totally demoilshed a carriage in that city on Tuesday. No one “as it jurcd. The Storage rooms of C. M. Rich- ardson, Toronto were burned and the loss will be upwards of ten thou- sand dollars. Benjamin Smith of Beaver Dam, N. B.J was aco: dentally shot lby his brother while out moose hunting, and may not recover. Ald. W. Foran, formerly of the Sec- retary of State’s Department :has been appointed as Secretary of (the Civil Service Board. Miss Clayton, an English immH grant was married to Lee Laud" a Chinese merchant, 111 Vancouver on Tm sday last. The plant, of the South Bay Canning Co. at Kingston was destroyed by ï¬re Friday morning. The loss will reach fully $50,4XX), and is well insured. Sumke from forest fires near Mon- treal has so hindered navagatinn that steamship sailings from that place have had to be cancelled. John McFarlane was arrested in Toronto on a charge of 'vagrmcv. He. is said to be. v'wunicd in Chicago on a charge of swinJling. The school-house. at Spring Coulee. Sank, was struck by lightning lla's't week, and Annie Roddv-n. dnugiucr of Reeve Roddon, of Indian Head was killed. The threshing is proceeding with great rapidity in Western CanId:1..A Winnipeg dcslmtch says the harvest is one of tthe fin-est 'ever enjoyed by Canada. Robert Kirk, a C. I’. ‘R. striker, who was picketing the W'innipog 811018, was shot by a (strike-breaker on Monday. Serious trouble over tthc occurrence is expected. Wm. Ewart, aged 80, of Ingersol is A row among some race vtrack fol- lowers at Cornwall, resulted in ‘tho serious stabbing of one of lthe party. A man named Porter, of uLouizwille. Kentucky is charged with the icrimc. A cry of “fire" at the Western Fair nearly caused a p..nio, and for a time. the situation was quite serious. Vl‘he police, however, uieted the crowd, and averted troub e. A Michigan Central Express train struck a hand car on ithe tracks at Cayuga, and carried it on the pilot of the engine to St. (Thomas, a dis- tance of 70 miles. As the result of the Ibursting of a steam valve at the ’Pugsley, Ding- man Company’s Soap Works at «We-st Toronto. Josiah Wedgewood, the en- gineer, may lose his eyesight: Private Cardinal, of the 56th lReg- iment, Prescott, was seriously in'ur- ed at Ottawa on Thursday by all- iug through a blanket on which 'he was being tossed by his Icomrades. His condition is serious. I. C. Palmer, proprietor of the Pal- mer House is dead, at the advanced a e of 75 years. Mr. Palmer was the o dest hutelkeeper in Ontario, having conducted an hustelry for forty-four consecutive years. Florence Doward, aged 7, of Inger- sol, was attacked by an unknown man while returning from school, who at- tempted to assault her. Her screams brought help. and the farmers are now scouring the country for her assailant. CANADA IN BRIEF It has been discovered that Toronto citizens have been cheating the ma- terworks department, by misrepre- senting the sumber of people :resid- ing in the house. The irates collected have been 25 cents per (inmate. George Symons was brutally beaten be; a Toronto street car conductor on \ odni-sday last week. The conductor used the fare box as la club. Many passengers will voluntarily give ev- idence on behalf of Symons, who was not to blame for the assault. _ Eli. Neaves, engineer, was terribly scalded at the Ingersol light plant on Thursday night last. Notwithstand- ing his injuries be shut off the engines and ï¬nned the ï¬res before crawling to his ome for assistance. He may recover. Thou. Irwin, aged 52, an employee of the Copland Brewing 00., Toronto. was found dead in a small stream on the Davenport road; Suicide in the only theory that will mark out, as there was not enough water in the stream to drown a man accidentally. Nowadays sensations are not con- fined to the large cities. (Places hun- dreds of miles away have their. nine days’ wonder and Wiarton had la big one, one day last week. ‘ Two gentle- men with a cab drove up to the public School and asked to see a little girl. The request was accordingly granted. The next thing which everyone heard was screams from the child las she was being carried off. She was not taken very far, however, only In mile or two into the country. But just then the town authorities got busy Sand Bob Ward started off to arrest these men for kidnapping, or taking a child without warrant and then the country town near Troonto there lives a shoemaker who has been twice married, but his second marriage dates back more than twenty Iyears. His second marriage was I flittle bit‘ of a business transaction, he wanted someone to see after the children; but while he did'not uput it in these words, yet the second wife (always had this suspicion. Then,,‘ too, this shoemaker is a dyspeptic, and “is al- ways out of sorts. Things did not run smoothly. It appears she was a: Meth- Lodist and he was a Presbyterian; and in church matters they did not hitch very well together. She taught a class (of young Imen‘ in the 'Sunday school and she mentioned .the old man was a little 5 ' bait Qealous. At all events this lady who is nearly 50 years of age, came 'to the conclu- sion that one had better ltake the high way, andthe other the 'low, and so she packed up and (pulled out, taking her little daughter with her. She came to town, hired rout and had her little daughter attending schooll and apparently all was going swelll until he appeared on the lscene. The man who accompanied him was a con-1 stable without any warrant, conse-1 quently he was summoned before [the Police Magistrate who thought it best to summon both husband land wife. When they met in lthe court room there was a most laffecting scene. whatcver the man may 'have lacked in showing the intensity iof his affection for his wife ihe made up right off, and she sdidn’t object. It was a happy scene land touched the tender heart of the ljudge. “Su- san, I have stopped the ldaily pa- pers,†“You need not do (that.’ she replied. “Yes," said he, ‘I ’read them from supper time until bed time, and you had no one to .talk to, only come back, for I have learned (a lesson that will do me good {the rest of my life.†It was soon all over, the judge had nothing to do, and when the man went to settle there was ‘no charge. They all went home that lday, very happy and this is one $01†the many stramze events that takes place *in a small court room and they were all Very respect able looking: peeplo.â€" \Viarton Echo. n Epidemic Influenza, Grippe Catarrhal Troubleo, Pneumonia Increasing. If the attack is neglected and be- come severe. speedy relief will come in most cases and a vpersistent use of Hvomei will cure. 1 The directiona for using it ivary, but the principle is always the same, that of destroying all the germs in the air you breathe and h‘ving it reach the air paSSEges with dry med- ication from the Pine and IEucalyp'» tus forests. Remember that liquids or moisture is barred from the Bronchial «Tubes and Lungs. It’s the dry air of Hyomei that reaches the Spot. Macfarlane. Co. guarantee it. t John Anderson, son of Albert 'An- (11 rson, Shelburne, who was so ’badly injured in the eXplosion of the soda water fountain that killed the date, R. J. East, on June 3rd 'last. arrived home on Saturday last from lthe To- ronto Gcneral Hospital, where he 'has been treated since the accident. His left hand is almost useless, ’the fin- gers are about half closed, land he cannot use them much The right arm is still in a sling land a large wound at the elbow is not yet healed up. The. boy is in rather a bad shape and will practically be crippled lfor life and unable to use either arms very much to help himself. It is a very sad caseiâ€"Shelburne Free Press. A Mr. Waeohter of Brant drove to the pumping house on Sunday might and tied his horse on {the outside while he contem lated the machinery on the inside. hen he returned he found the scenery had changed dur- ing his absence and looking “eastward found his bu gy piled up Iagainst a post and the arse gone. 'An investi- gation showed that the harness 'was broken but otherwise no damage was done. Getting a horse from Council- lor Sutton, the Brant man 'returned home loaded with knowledge of pump- ing machinery, but financially poor- er in having. a broken! harness.â€" If it is a question cot rice all things considered. “83 ads“ grggteyt tea value for the Bruce Ties. Paid, (1,!on fSaladu†packets) is Complete outfit, $1.00. Cause For Alarm The Horse Didn’t Wait. '1'th Hula Up. Badly Crippled _â€"â€"â€"â€"g -w-vv vv "0‘- bugilgy piled up Iagainst a e orse gone. 'An investi- red thag the harness vwas other‘wxse n9 damgge was It is needleea to aay that nothing but the but grade of salt ahonld he need in aalting butter. “1 would prefer the flake ealt, as it dieaolvee more readily and in not ao liable to make mottlea," says a dairyman. Salt adds flavor to the butter and materially increases its keeping qual- ity. Buttermakere difler aa to the amount of salt which ehould be used in butter. Very high ealting. how- ever, has a tendency to detract from the ï¬ne. delicate aroma of butter, while at the same time it tends to cover up alight defects in flavor. Salt very readily aheorha odors and must therefore be kept in a clean, dry place. where the air is pure. It should be of the same temperature as the butter when used. Birds do an immense amount of drudgery for man. if they do now and then reward themselves by a dainty titbit of ripening fruit. A pair of robins have been watched while they carried a thousand earth. worms to their brood. Woodpeckers destroy eggs and larvae. which would develop millions of destructive crea- tures in forests and orchards; and one of the most inevitable foes of the canker worm is the beautiful oriole. were it but allowed to live and hang its swinging cradle to the elm. For every wing of black and orange on a young girl’s bat an apple tree is stripped of leaves and young fruit. or an elm is denuded of its graceful foliage by the canker worm. Bulbs demand early attention. and should be ordered and set in the aut- l 1 amn. Up-to date taste requires that the ear iest flowering onesâ€"crocuses. snowdrops. and Siberian squillsâ€" should be planted in the grass. Those who wish to have but one kind of these bulbs will ï¬nd yellow orocuses most satisfactory. The cost, seldom more than sixty cents a hundred. is so small that it seems strange asingle front yard in the country should be without. them. Crocuses come up and flower with the ï¬rst smile of Spring, making the lawn bright with their yellow blossoms. Set the bulbs about one foot apart through the lawn. Set about four inches deep. and if the ground is moist, sprinkle about the bulb a little dry sand. Tulips, hyacinths, janquils and; daflodils also give excellent results.1 Set these bulbs from two inches to four inches apart, according to the size of the bulb. Hollow out the earth with a trowel, and if it is very moist use dry sand around the bulb to prevent rattiug. . Cover four inches. A heavy mulch of dry leaves is excellent. through the winter, but should he removed in the early spring. Tulips are highly attractive when planted as ed ,ing plants (or a border about the house. They can then he made to represent a hand of red, white. or yellow. or a variegated one of extreme hrilliancy. 'According to the variety, tulip hulha average in cost from one to two dollars a hun- dred. They can even he had cheaper, although it is never good economy to buy second-grade hulhs. which con- sist of stunted growths, counter scrapings, and the like. Bulbs must never be placed where fresh manure is likely to touch them, or where water eettlee. Eepecielly when’ they are in front of 9. border about the house, must cue he teken that they are well out of the drip-line of the eevee. A sheltered. dry place is inveriehly beat for bulbs.â€"'1‘he October Delineetor. Don’t be afraid to give Chamberâ€" lain's Cough Remedy to your chil- dren. It contains no Opium or other harmful drug. It always cures. For sale at all drug stores. In the equipment of one of the newest hotel buildings in New York W. F. Dunn. the picture moulding hes been ingen- iously mede use (1 ea e meene of ‘ H cox- ABRISTER. SOLU 110R. mono? ° ° . Yoylncors. Notary I’VEâ€. U“ cerryinz low-tension electric wiree to L0“ u Lowest “an“, ‘ mum through the verioue euitee of rooms. Oï¬cezâ€"Mclntyre Bier!†9r ‘ In order thet the moulding would be Bulk. Durhem. Qatar!"- --/ I-rco ouough to cerry these wings â€"-â€"â€"-*'~-â€"-“ end not be uneightly. it ie becked by A. fl jackson. ' e wooden strip one inch thick. end ‘ «(vaSSIO’V thie hee been hollowed for e depth of OTARY PUBLIL, L. ., . â€lawnâ€, one-hell inch. At eech column there OI‘. COOVOS'er‘ Mistuerpi W. ere telephone ontlete. which conduit ï¬â€˜i‘bï¬â€™x? t: $33M iinauc extending to the neereet euh penel. “mum, m, Bieere for telegreph ticker end mee- DUBHAI. ONT. (LOWr To eenger eervice ere run in pipee et the ,/ locetione of enh-penele, there being --._. I one pipe line {or eeeh penel. TMERS BA â€was†of Canada 2m. WIRES IN THE KOULDING. A300] D THE FAB! Iguana an at “out“ For.“ anlf A"... '. C. TELFORD, Manager. IS PUBLISHED nvmw THURSDAY non: It tlu Chronicle Printing House street, HIE DURHAM EHHflI .- -_,.. . .m N..." 41.50 my be charged if not :0 â€5:19“th to which every subscript in“ is paxd ind ‘ “0 number OII the lddremi labrl. 30 wh- continued to nll arrears are â€@9wa Option of the proprietor. an 8_nbocription “'. ' For transwm advance.“ cents per line for t - mi 0 - “on; 3 centu per" he ï¬m‘ gaunt Insertion minim; measure. ' ardo. not exceeding one inch “mam... Advertisements Without spo-viï¬c (“er be published till forbid and changed “mu: Mount noticesâ€"“IA Ht.†' :Fnuud.†"Fuu'; Quaâ€"50 cents for ï¬rst imwrt inn. ‘33 mm for ' “qu qent insertion. “ _, 7A" ldvéftioemeum; t7». «Raï¬ imam ‘ current week. should be brought in noch 1030A! morning- The Job . .‘5 Completely Hacked with ' .EW TYPE. 'thue afford \ â€" 7‘" idvertinemeuts OPdH‘rd l v at 1 be DOM for in advauc e. ’ “on“ II Contact rates for sear \ adwmm. lubed on application to thr umw 1" Qqeen and George Sheets-Nomi Methodist Church ("ï¬ve hours-911w. H 0.0).. 7-9 p.m. Telephone No.10. FFICE AND RESIDENCEA short distance east of Knapp’s Bank (All!) ton Street. Lower Town, Durhu 0600 hours from 12 to :2 o‘clock l 600 in the New Hunter Block. 063 hours. 8 to 10 a. m.. m 4 p. m. and‘iwé 0. In. Special attention given to dim If women and children. Residence Q petite Presbvterian Church. h“ Ltl‘lunt Roy. London ()phthtlmt HI. “3.. “Id to Golden Sq. Throat and No.0 in. SPECIALIST : Arthur Gun, M. D. HYSICIAN AND SI'RGEON. 0F. (ice in the New Hlm'ml‘ Blm-k. Oflict EYE, minimum nos: ‘1 York .md Chicago. 0m 0! Eye. Ear Nose and Tint Will be it Kmpp House, Durham. the“ Suturdav in each month. Hoursâ€"1491' OFFICE: Over J. V".â€" v ty 0‘ ToronEO. Graduate 303‘ m Dean! Surgeons uf 01118110. Dentistry in all its Branches. Dadaâ€"Cutler Block, over P0610“ Drs. lamieson Iaclaurin. D 06“ OVBI‘ [Gordon‘s how am. Lower Town. Durham. monov to [on] ut 5 per vent. th. / D my:r;cvo;;i\;dtar}' Public. ‘0 Lou: at Lowest Raw». Bohr-McIntyre Black. M‘ Ink. Durham. Ontariu. l. G. Hutton, M. D.. C. I. DURHAM, ONT FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. 1.1!. GRANT, n. n. S..L.D.B- [ONOR GRADUATE. 13933? L. R. g. P.. Loxmzz. 3:53. BADULATE of London, I" ABBISTEIZ. SOL‘CITOBL 'OBN CLARK. EDITOR AND Pmmml-rmn. Oflim: '3, Mo .1 r Medical Dz‘redon'. Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. Dental Dim/on". 3R. BRO W. IRWIN Mal ‘Dz’m‘ion' Miscellanea“. Tan Cu Home“ my uddreau. {m .31 002636". M DR. BURT. IORxm J. Hana†w "u “'9 Curtains excem d†I'hite ('uunlfl.“l W , good value. we linen 54 in. wid... Hm '; ï¬e yard. We “Geno 5‘ in. \"itLJ. I E 35c ywd. M linen. 69 in. wid.-, m, unchum. 2 yds. “'hh', ;~,. Smyrna 81133.6†x :9», 5;.“ a S“ “I Pfllfls and (im m acres. Glenwlg. } Burn. Good Farm, Will sell zor 8300;). “semi. Glenelg, ,. (991 Buildings, clu macros oniDurlsam H FII'I. Bunk Barn, I mason. Mum. extra grunt l’w w nurly the SJ'U) a Non Crawford RU. 1 acre building lot in M. or trade for an Qt. wear. or throw a V W!) ulustra a mo! .D’ U" IBIIY ‘3. L75 8 ’0“. p mg. n!“ -22 Propel-w bench! in Honey to hand. 1N- Tickcu and Ocean '1‘ dated: in Durham (_ .7 hands for sale. (‘1 o 361Broaduay, 0‘. 62;, y (in, \' ...-t PUMPS An!!!†main: 3 eke _. __“-.-il‘ [ll" 1 nԠ'wvwâ€" ' [)0 van wn nt The People 5 and PrOViSit Always prompt. new Ion ALL lezm' « Peache: Pears) and I’ll In Full Sv 3; Mn our m'l' I w ‘0."9 to I and the publk i My“ t«‘;__1qlfh generate. AllurdN~ b“ non MVU'M mp“)! utwudmi 1' and at "Lin a! - 'ru. \\ t‘“ H Press C u r In up: GEORGE WHI TM ‘0 66 24, 1908 thtï¬j‘hi HI m Curtains . 2 yds. Wide 2 yds. long. at SAVE MONEE 35 37mm ct The Hanm A .Car of Just Arriv Beggs clues in. wit Calder | Cemeu clump. 60 EXP Tam Sti- 8h!