West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Sep 1908, p. 3

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Iovwhu‘h w‘vvry subifip‘ko‘vfiinzhwhl the numlwr on the address bbol. I. *‘ mntznuwl If) all EI'I'CSI'O at. m. w.‘ wtmn of the proprietor. s. '0'... uni BRANCH J F. GRANT, D. D. BHLD- .- } OXOR GRADUATE. UNIV“ f-V ..f 'I‘nronto. 91“"? m OFFICE D Udima over Gordon’s UV store. Luwer Town. Darla-- ‘ )f munev to losn at 5 W fl 13 9031.18!!!» EVERY THURSDAY 101mg." t the Chronicle Printing ”om H firm, ' nbocription 7'" 0“le will b. 1...: any add drcu. fm {ates - . $100peryar,poy:b:m 3y .0 mav how-ha hanged i! not Io ) whu' h o \vr\ qnhmrinfinn ;- _-_ ate A<-.intant Ray. London 0958“” h tug. and [0601.1le Sq. Thm! ‘3‘ N“. h n my ant-firs, Notary PIN“- “- to Law at. Lowest Rat... I ”)flicezâ€"Mclntyra Biocto Bank Durham. Onurio. .4... '. com late] stocked “v. '1“ J°b ‘ ' 333w T’YPlfthudw Department ilitiea for turning out ‘15-‘- [1 - ty inf - i'fgronvto. Grain. )ollege Dental Surgeons “Olaf“- Deutistr)’ in t“ “I an“ )fiice.â€"(Ialder Block, on! M Drs. Jamieson Iaclauril. I gmo‘en and George Stuntsâ€"Noni“ mi. «1m Chun'h (Mace hours-041$... a mm , T 9 p.m. TOIODhOIIQ No.10. J Yurk and Chicago. Disc-us 0! Eye. Ear mum "ill be at Knapp House. Darin-J... 'atuz-duv in each month. Hoursâ€"14!».- 1H YMCIAN AND SURGEON, 0'- ?ivfi in fin) New Hunter 8100‘. C. uxr~ " h» H) a. m.. to 4 D. II. I341“. , m. *pucia! attention given to m ' w mum and children. Residue. .' )xih- f’resbvterian Church. L‘ or Conveyancfl. C0-- Agent. Money to nun Licenses. AM I: m unnamed. DURHAM. ONT. (140'. U 601100: mo 9'“ t it ‘ at hi! Ilylplmom 1 0H ”and. 0! u a. ‘01.}. 'Q nada HE flUflflMfiljflflllfli J. G. Hutton I. 0., C. I. \ w .r wu RESIDENCEâ€"COB. 7f. “ R; THROAT NOSE ”7103 AND RESIDENCE A '! Manager. L. R. Q. P., LONDON. Eli RADULA'I'B of London, A R R I ST BE. SOLICITOB‘.‘ A u RISTE R. SOLICIT?” OBN CLARK Account. Cnmm .um Pnomrron. Dr. w. 0. Pickering Medical Diredorv. Arthur Sun, I. D. Dental Directorv. C R. 39.0 177‘}! Law! “Directory - W. IRWIN W. F. Dunn, Mtscellaum- J. P_ Talford. SPECIALIST : work. DR. BURT. Table Table oih [finale Thrn ll.) lulslllt'SS with H. H. MILLER tlw’l lunnver Conveyancer He offers: 1(1) acrw. Hlmmlg, Frame Dwelling. Bank Barn, Howl Farm, ought to lithium \Vill wll \ul' SAW. :00 acm_ «.lenelg, splendid location, oxtn goml Buildings, cheap ”875(1), will take all] 1'. 100 am» - ugl‘mrham Road. Bentlnck. good Farm, Bank Barn, Fair Dwelling. snap tor 32500. 100 arr», exfra good Buildings, alone wer- 1h nearly the STD) asked tor the farm Sear t‘r;t‘»~“t3v1‘(l P.0. i acre building lot in Durham. for sale cheap. nr trade fut anything a man can eat, wear, or throw a stick at. Prnpern‘ bought and sold onCou'mission Money 1:, halal. Debts collected. C.P.R. Tickets and Ocean Tickets for sale. 3300 utstntk in Durham Cement 00., placed In my hamh fur sale, ‘cheap. Always prompt, never negligent. Anvnnf‘ unending a sketciind doocflgtlon ms! WM , wwnrtaig (:11: opinktm too I other.“ vwmn 14 mm a yvat n as ommuncap ‘1".Q‘s-”m2w~mfidentlaL$lAN on Patent. “4 mm mews: agency for securing ems. Inwmfl talc!) through “and“ M" "1 4 I m I") through Mann C'o. me“ an we withoutchame.mtho Sammie lineman. bun-.61 “I - mH1'tnmn-O n‘ 'V'V'VVV-vv â€"â€"'--~vâ€"â€" - â€"- A handy .mc’y illus'tnted waekly. Lax-gut cu. euminu wfvnuy amentmc Journal. Terms to! (‘wwl'k 19-” 11 Year- 909"!” PNDOM. Soul by ill”?! iflcflfi'afiofimmflewggm Brain": umce. 6'35 1" BL. Washington. .ble lint PUMPS I) 3).; yard. (4)91 The People’s Grocery and Provision Store FUR ALL KINDS OF Peaches Pears) and Plumbs In Full Swing .mlv.luth land 2 yards wide H at]. \dl‘d. ~ [c H”), .. ”\ds. Wide, 375° SQ° yd' ”1;. Rugs. 6” x :1), $3.00 each. See our Prints and Gingham: Wide! I 3w: ‘z‘nn’e to inform my customers and frw public in general "l't 18m prvp: w! r... furnish New Pumps 90d Ru:u;.~, \\ ell Drilling. RoCnrme and PM.“ Curbing done With cement Win-2"": All orders taken at the Old 521ml Lear McGowan’s will will be M“ n phy attended to. A“ work QMI" gum-.1 at "Live and lot “V0” prlw' Mrs. Beggs Sons He Sells Cheap linen lim-n. m in. wide, unbleached GEORGE WHITMOBE. size Yard. wealerg. ' H. BEAN )ll :55 t6 1"” 66 L59 Curtains except 25c ones . white counterpane, 1.40 luth, L3 in. wide, 25c yd, 11.7” in. wide. bleached 11‘. Lace Cumin: SAVE MONEY ? H. H. Miller. 1| ue. want, to make money and at in. wide, unbleached 2 yds. long, at 35:30 pair The» Hanover Conveyancer. A Car of Mixed CIIOP Just Arrived. 66 ‘6 700 OS 66 Owing to the great dinger (of a| fire breaking out during the lpres-i cut exceedingly dry spell, the noun-'1 oil had deemed it wise ta have a night' watchman in the town and the same will enter upon his duties :this Wed-l ncsday night. the Council requests all citizens to refrain lrom‘ighting tires or burning rubbish in their wards until the dry weather hasipassed, and thus materially lessen the danger of a conflagration.â€"Markdale Stan- dard. Hugh McMillan, of Southampton, sentence-d to six months in \jail for a violation of the liquor aft and who. skipped out before sentenced gave himself up and is at present in jail: here. Efforts are being made \tO re-l lune him on the ground '0! an irregu- larity in the proceedings. It \appears the case had been adjourned! bu“. Magistrate Belcher desiring to govtto Toronto before the time set for trial disposed of the case. If Ithe law in- terferes with Colonel Belcher going {to Toronto the law will ihave to be Lobangedâ€"Bruoe Herald. COUNTY DISTRICT The Pett biscuit factory has been sold. This is good news. .This factory} has been an eye-sore [or s several years, and people will be glad to see it Opened up again. The mama of the purchumr is John McCartney of Monâ€" treal. Before going to Montreal the worked for Paterson of Brantfori I u I and i3 conseunqetly a thoroughly practical, man. The price is @900, end! is all to be paid in five yeais. No ex-! emptions are asked tor. The lagrec- 111th has not yet been Isigned, but the clerk has been instructed (to get. the papers in shape at once. The factory is eXpected to start about the first of January.â€"Walkerton 'lelcs- cape. ____..___.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"I Berkeley Sawmills Burned. l The residentst of Berkeley were startled about 6.30 Sunday morning; by the cry of "fire” land it was soon} found that Mitchell Bros.‘ large sawi mill was in flames. 1t gwas thought: at first that nothing could Ibe- savâ€"' ed, the heat being terrible and every- thing "0 dry that it .went up like paper. The office and filing room Were soon stripped 01' their contents. By this time the root had lallen. The heat d‘ecreased and a heroic and suc- cessful attempt was made to save the. buildings and lumber piles that stoodl close to the mill. Men, Iwosnen illld‘ children fought the flames and ~ a1 steady stream of water was tcomingl from the nearby wells. The ladies of Berkeléy deserve special credit for the way they all. worked. l'lhis mill has been in Operation for .the last twenty years and was one of the best equipped mills of its kind in Ontar-o, and employed about sixty men during the summer months. Had it not been so calm more damage would aha“: been done. The cause of [the fire is a mytsery. Some insurance was .car- ricdâ€"Markdale Standard. Pulls so Hard on the Stomach it Must Have Help. Tlte stress and strain of the strenu~ ous life in b‘oth city I and pountry makes stomach troubles. Five p001)le' sufger to-day where one did ten years ago with sick head ache, dizziness, flatulence, distress after eating, specks before the eyes, bloating, ner- vousness, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms of indigestion. All who are suffering with stomach troubles and that means at least two out of three in Durham land other towns, should use Mi-o-na stomach tablets. Nothing else is as safe,'yet effective; nothing else can be! so thoroughly rehied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi-o-na. t 80 reliable is Mi-oâ€"na that lMacfar- ‘lane Co. with every 50 cent box they sell, give a guarantee (to re- 'fund the money unless the iremedy | . cures. All @110 are suffering troubles and that mean out of three in Durha towns, should uzse Mi- tablets. Nothing else '1 effective; nothing else thoroughly rehied upon troubles from indigesti' The swamp and bush fires 1 have been responsible for their share of trouble during the past week (alll right. The heaviest loser is IWm.Mc-1 Ghee, reeve of Melancthon wnshiip. Mr. McGhee was helping ti ht lfire some distance away from his ibarn, when sparks were blown to 'the roof and the first he knew 'of the -mis- ' f that was being done twas when cat was in lflames. The ments and every- thing went, and although insur- ‘ed in the! Dufferin Farmers’ Mutual, Mr. McGhee will tl1lug W (”U. wâ€"â€" _ ance was carried in thel Dufferin Farmers’ Mutual, Mr. McGhee will be a heavy loser.â€"-Chas. Sanford’a saw mill, Melancthon township caught from a swamp fire (and was burned together with a quantity \of shinglesâ€"The barn of James Cooper, JessOpville caught from a swamp fire L-....-.a +nao+hpr with the ther with a quantity \or' shingles.-â€"The barn of James COOper, JeSSOpVille caught from a swamp fire and was burned together with the season’s crap of hay.â€"â€"The barn .of} David Ferrier, destroyed in the same way last year. _Tbo barn of Thomas Dudgeon, of ’Earnaolitte. was destroyed, together ‘th the seam’s crop, unplements, l-.- m...» in this om [sparks from t A Good Pmntiu. Biscuit Factory Sold. Gave Himself Up. ram; fiat, A bold and clever robbery was com-‘ mitted on one of the trains on '1‘. G. wh: and B. train last Friday morning. of : The cash box in which the cash is de- sum posited by the different agentsevery‘ one morning was broken Open during ia; get short absence of the baggage (man day and three cash bags, containing 'over? J. t three hundred dollars were takenJafte There is no clue to the robbers.-â€" eac? Shelburne Economist. nan Constable McKay picked up a (ra-‘ ther strange acting man at ‘Mildmay' last week, and brought him (befora the magistrate charged with vagran- cy. When asked his name, .he refused to a: swer, and in fact would not talk at all. He was remanded lfor a week, and before the week was Mp his mo- ther and brother of Moorefield lar- rived on the scene prepared 'to talu- him home. The mother explained that the loss of a farm (had put him out of his mind.--Tele300pe. Robbed the Rail"! Comp“! You know you are too (thinâ€"you eat and eat, but never (get an ounce fatter. Nerves are weak, color is b;.d,| strength seems-exhausted. It’s not hard to get fat. You Imust eat more, digest more exercise more. Try \Fcrq rozone and watch your appetite grow. It turns alldyou eat into nutriy ment and buil ing materialâ€"fills your veins with rich. red! blood.â€" gives you ambition and vigor. For a tissue builder, a fattening tonic, 'one that rectores permanently. there is nothing to compare with Ferrozone. Try it and see, 50 cents at all dealers. The two young 30115 Of I’MF- JM‘" eagle-23ml]; for treating the minor 'ills Lundy, aged 8 and 9 years respective- that all children are bound \to catch. ' . . - - b ._ Large bottles, 25 cents each. lNervi- 1’ who vsere adjudged gunltyl y Md line Plasters same price at sdealersl gistrate McNamara 0f breaking “it" or N. C. Polson Co, Kingston. Ont.‘ dowa and otherwxse destroying pro- perty at the Johnston Corner’s School ' and who were sent up .to Judge Bar- Grand Valleys Navy. rett for sentence, were acquitted by The first instalment of a (navy for the latter on Friday last, ltherc not Grand Valley was launched from sufficient evidence to convict. Ac- Jenkin’s ship yard last week, and cording to the testimony of lsome of took his first cruise up ltovvards Am- the trustees thelads had admitted aranth strett bridge. The craft Iis a l’l'edklllg several 0f the windows. trim looking punt fitted with a one- but at the trial on Friday they deniad “Jen... genomic engine, and at Iiirst all connection with the matter land was of the side-wheel type. tMechun- _put in it straight lllta of “not guilty.” icul adjustments were not just "pcr- i'l‘he prosecution, it seems, were un-‘i frct, however, and the three l'oot i'mle to "“13““ enough ““1an ‘to blades revolving at about. five «hun- l inguinst the accused was dismiss-rdâ€" ship into a veritable floating showâ€" [Bruce "rm“s'_._.-___ -_.. Ear-hath for the captain-engineer de- Given Ten Days. exgner. A change u as then made to a screw proliollel, the expelimental JOlID Beverly, a “Ulla“ artist, Who Stugcsof which were :1 gm at improve- nmdc a house to house canvass grin 1- "Mint. It is no“. possible to . take a ing scissors, sharpening knives and voyage without getting your coat “cure a conviction, and the lobarge drc-d revolutions per minute con-1 l Given Ten Days. John Beverly, a tin-open artist, who made a house to house canvass grini- ing scissors, sharpening knives and soldirirg tins, bought a bottle of whiskey on Wednesday 01 last «week and proceeded to leave town. In pass- ing through the W'est Ward, 'he tilt- ed the bottle so often that the flask? became empty about the same 1time' that he became full. Losing loontrol of his locomotive powers Beverly swayed under the load and finally fell in a heap under a. shade-tree nearl John \Voife's. The inactivity or. his! legs, however didn‘t prevent his tongue from moving, and swear' words are said to have .flowed with‘ all the regularity of a zeity sewer.. The neighbors invoked the aid oICon-i stable McKay to remove the (swag4 gering artist, and the man was gath-i ered into the toils and ‘sentenced to ten days in jail.â€"Bruse 'l‘imes.‘ l Your color is bad, tongue is furrod,’ eyes are dull, appetite is poor, your; stomach needs tone, your liVer ineeds awakening. 'l‘ry Dr. Hamilton's Pills” In just one night you'll 'notice a difâ€"' ference, LUI‘ Dr. Hamilton's Pills search out every trace of t trouble» You'll eat, sleep, digest and feel a whole lot better. You will gain in strength, have a clear complexion,I experience the joy of robust \heultli.l To tone, purify and enliven the syn-u. tem there is nothing like lDr. Hamq' ilton‘s Pills, 25 cents at tall dealers: Instead of sending patients to ithe mountains, doctors are now prescrib- ing "Catarrhozone". It relieves niokly and permanently cures Hay ever. All druggistl sell “Catarrhozone”. Plenty to care He: Rent (or. $1.00; Hanover Boy Nearly Electrocnted How to Gain in Weight. J nst the Medicine You Need. He Wouldn’t Tait. 5 000 Cured of Hay fever. V 0 Mfr: THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Bonn Quick Work. W. Cameron, of near St. {Helcng who has picked ‘up saveral :c‘ar loads of ashes in this locality Iduring the summer. had some quick work None one evening last week. lie couldn‘t get men to load a,tcar during the day and engagul J. Howe, W. Sprml, J. Smith and H. Fluck {to do the job after hours. A car takes B76 sacks. each weighing 170 lbs, and the 'above named “strong boys” hustled the :lot .in in'one hour and la quarter. Cam- eron says this is just ta little faster work than he has ever 'had done for him before.â€"Teeswuter News. There is a dirty streak {in the man who will pteal his neighbor’s \vegen tables. And he is a .meaner. thief who will destroy what he cannot leat or carry away. Some young men lot this stripe have been guilty of lboth acts in the past week. Mr. ‘3. M. Brown 8 melons have been stolen and \those not taken were broken up. -Tl:e same thing has lldppcned n-z-arly every night since, in Clarksburg or tThorn- bury. The imbeciles will perhaps be rbought up with a sharp \curve be- fore longâ€"Clurksbnrg Reflector. This trouble is deadly-must be stap- ped quickly, nothing so sure ms the Nerv-iline Teratment. Give it inter- nally, rub it on the throat and chest and then put on a ,Nervniline Porous Plaster. The marvellous power of Nerviline, both as a liniment, .and in plaster form, will surprise you. ih‘or‘ sore throat, coughs, colds and 1pleur- isy alone, it is used Iby thousands every day. Invaluable in the .home, especially for treating tne minor *ills that all children are bound to catch. Large bottles, 25 cents each. lNervi- line Plasters same price at sdealers or N. C. Polson Co, Kingston. Ont. J. W. Frost Dead. . Mr. J. W. 7Frost, LL. ‘3, of Owen Sound, died at the Lady lMinto Hos- pital at New Liskeard Sunday *morn- ing. Mr. Frost had gone (there on a .business and. pleasure trip combined only three weeks ago, and was sud- ,denly taken ill a short itime after 'arriving at thcir camp, some dist.;nce from New Liskeard. By his death, which is deeply regretted by this ,many friends, Owen Sound loses tone Iof its oldest and highly reSpectcd citizens. He took an active 9interest -.in the public welfare of1the townf, "being a member of the Coun‘r'qy . l I, of the North Grey Reform «Associa-l »' tion, reeve of Owen Sound and " Mayor in the years of 1892 and 1893. :1 At the time of his .death he was town , solicitor. He is survived by this wife, -' two sons and one daughter.t The fu- neral was held on Wednesday lfrom the family residence to Greenwood .cemetery, and was attended by Ithe . I. O. F. and C. O. C. F, lodgesâ€"Chatsâ€" - worth News. [‘ Com Cured for 25 Cents. V II wet. Other changes are being tmadej with a view to increased Fspeed and it is exmcted that the Densmore Jen- kins’ craft will be ready vfor the fall Sporting season. There is satisfaction in it for owner and {fun for specta- tors watching it go, so Ithat consid- erable of success must be. (conceded to the designersâ€"Grand Valley Sitar- Vidette. Ate Your Children “ Croupy?” A guarantee of painless cure «guns with every bottle of Putnam‘s ICorn Extractor. Use Putnam's and your corns go. Beware of substitutes... Wm. McKenzie, of Berkeley, had a. narrow escape from death on iThurs- day afternoon last while attempting to board a moving train bet Holland Centre. McKenzie was an employee at Mitchell Bros.‘ saw mill and (hadtaâ€" ken a saw up to IHolland Centre for repairs. He intended to take- the afternoon train back th Berkeley, but like a good many others, 'waited at the station till the train 'was pulling out. Then he ran and imade a. jump for the front platform of the last car. Between the speed of ithe train and the awkward load he was carry- ing he lost his footing, lwas knocked 'down and fell across the irail under |the car. For. a moment in. tragedy 'Iseemed certain, but for Mr. \Frank Troughton‘s presence of mind would ihave been killed instantly. But with iadmirable promptness Mr. Troughton caught him and dragged him «clear of the track, a hair-breadthi from the wheels. McKenZie’l hoe '3! out and bruised, and he was .badly shak- ‘en by the tall. The train was stopped ,almost instantly but had Mr. . Troughton not come to his assistance, . nothing could have saved McKenzie. I He was able to go 6:) to Berkeley. ' cratetul to his rennet end (deter; , mined never again to try ate coteh a marine trains-[flunk m Hoodlum: 1n Clarbburg. For Bargains in Handkerchiefs Men’s and Boys Suits Suspenders Odd Pants ' Hose and Half-Hose Rain-Coats Underwear Umbrellas ' Sweaters Hats and Caps Overalls Shirts Smacks Collars and Ties Boots and Shoes Everything in the Gent’s Furnishing line. This is your chance and y: i should take advantage of it. The school is thoroughly equipped in tcschinl shility, in chemicsl and electrical supplies snd fittings. etc.. for full Junior Leaving and Mstrlo ulstlon work. The following competent ma src in charge : T308. ALLAN. 1st Clsss Certificate. Prim MISS DONALDA MCKERRAUHER. B.A. Classics, Modem s. snd Enzlhh. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A.. Science. History and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begin- nlng of the term if possible. Bosrd can be ob- telnedst reasonable rates. Durhsm is s heslth snd sctive town, making it emost. desire!) 0 911.00 of residence. c. L. GRAN; DURHAM SCHOOL. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. WCWOM Having decided t0 give up the Gent’s Furnishing Business in Durl my entire stock will be cleared out at Reduced prices on some broken lines of ladies” Oxfords and Slippers which we want no dispose of. Call and see if your size is here, it. will save you money as well as do us a favor. While They Last Now is a good time to leave your order for a pair of fall shoes. We have a large stock of factory goods in heavy and line goods. Are you thinking of going West ? get our prices on trunks. valises telescopes, etc., before purchasing. Custom work and repairing done as neatly and quickly as possible. The Down Town Shoe Store to Stinson’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you get , the Best Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Sundaes, etc. Call in on your way home and get a quart to treat the family. Matthews 6- Lati met your pickling spices. Vinegars, preserving fruit. fruit fresh groceries and confectionery. Bakery Fooa.81.00 per month. Chairman. The Farmers will find best TIMOTHY SEED for fall needing You get the Benefit of Quality IN FLOUR, Purity. McGOmn’s. Mikel-ton and Aymn. F-iy out: and vowin- vii Inc-vi, “i mothers-duhoalouhom how-acidic“ If“ and restore bet lost vials”. u u plonsnlt to «In. «A s _.-.w fins its work of toning up the system nt once. l " mother should be without u. Good for Mother. it . equally good for Fatbet tad Children. and no home should withcutit- Insist on having Oxomulsion, for no other emulsion in ii ago‘cd. For sale by Hi Dmggisu in two sizes. 35c. ad 5' .00. Pl COST PRICE I . S. MCILRAITH Geo. fl. Stinson Eggs taken as Cash C RAHAGI. Secretary FISH.â€"No. 1 herring and cod. ‘QsosO V mews/Ir Jme/ (“M l5 KING 5? EAST sOsO‘O TRY . RUN. DOWN MOTHERS. BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND TYPEWRITIN G COMMERCIAL LA‘V COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING and in placing all its gradul Each student is taught separij his own desk. Trial lessons for week free. Visitors welcome. (I'DAY and EVENING classes. Business Coll Handkerchiefs Suspenders Hose and Half-Hose Underwear Sweaters Overalls Smacks W. T. CLANCY. P LEADS IN Mount Forest

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