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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Sep 1908, p. 5

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['n ground 5,” etc. ’ine,” “Proof” b Malt” .ve a. brand new stock ies. Everything that ml High School is to Huber we give you a bf Mu“ fall dress good! M Ming extra well and M" m al Kid. Perrin's ma kc. 0'", fur $1.25 pr.. our price .1.“ 3‘3“: "7'. it‘: .“.’T‘."t‘.'.".§‘fff‘”u.-‘°“'o' glOVt‘. hand stitched with on: A‘- \w have made a bold Df sture buyingreform. ' ladiws‘ and men’s Kid Pt'l‘l'in Freres, Paris, arse we had to buy 8 . we can sell you gloves and guarantee .evel'y love business to more um». 7.3:. we and we put 1"" '0wne, greens and Wk. .1.“ ‘flnh tafletas reg. m '0“ Wyatt!- it‘ll]. up brown, empire M roads. iun.:1ll overs and him“ ace to buy and supplies mable walking gloVO. ll kinds on hand burgundy and ompifl BOOK FREE hook FREE OUNT PATTERNS ARE HERE est store north of Sons Durham and Welland We think we deserve Yum GLOVE TRADE jinn "totoooooo. Pontoon per bn‘. new. 00’ per O'toooc .00. Li" Hogs, pot out. .. Md Hon pot out. BARGAINS OVERALLS AT SCOTT’S Forth» next 15 days we are going to clmu- nut our entire stock of overalls and will give unheard of bargains in these lineS. Regular 75c and 80c values to go Rtgllli'oll\ "_’mlin, to clear. 1.35 Wedding DURHAM A full litw ut‘Choice Groceries al- \\u}'~ in stock, which will be NM .w right prices, trade or in real first-class Silverware Our sun-k for the wedding season of silverware is now complete and everything up-toodace. This stm'e has the name for high- cl‘” KI ads. and always will no long In thew i, such a thing as a jewelry bUSillt'sm We haw always in stock, at least, three d. .zen wedding rings to pick from, P"??? style, wd about one Fundrm t‘ngagement ringl, includ- ‘38 Diamnnds, so you have no rea- 80:) t0 gm away disappointed. Percy G. A. Webster New Millinery ' O The: nudersng‘ned gegigs announce that 8 e. . o ['3 . m ainted chma. may grow red at reasonable rates. ”is Margaret Bugs Wedding Engagement Rings at DUBHAI S. SCOTT h ( HMBINED SUITS Watchmaker Jeweler and Optical. ()V ERALLS Sept. 23. 1908 ...... 8 85 to O 260:0 300m- l€0to Gifts 70 to 00 to 19 to 18 to ONTARIO 325 175 12; 12 10 10 45 7O 19 18 6O 13 Mr. 3nd Hrs. Alex. Hopkins. of Hutton Hill. spent. Sunday but with iMr. and Mrs. Chu. Mighton. { Mu Dnvid Hopkins, of Dnrhnm, {about u few day: the guest of Mrs [George Mighton. Mice Meriou Contte returned from ,Toronto. after which ehe epent e {couple of weeke with he: eietere. Min Haul Muahull, of town, spent a week ago Sundty with Miss A. Ray. Ir. and In. Will Hazlot. of Allan Put, visited with Mr. and Mrs Thou. Kennedy Int. Sunduy. Mr. and Mrs. Bury McCulin vil- itod tho latter-’0 sitter, Hrs. Donnelly, Snndty lut. Mr. 3nd Mrs. Dnid Adlun unend- od the Show n Owen Sound In: week. Mrs. Jsmss annbnll is improving sitar an illness of s couple of months. Mrs. Will Torry. beck line, wee the guest of Mrs. Fred Reey one day recently. Mr. Andrew Lindsey. eccompenied by Miss Florence McGirr. of Glenelg, visited friends 111 this vicinity Sunday before last. A number from ground here too]: in the excursion to Walkerton Friday hut. For the first time in the history of the institution, physicians in St John’s Hospital. N. Y.. Brooklyn. have succeeded in overcoming a case L of tetanus and bringing about a com plete cure alter the disease had ad vanced to a stsge which usually lproves fatal. The sulject of the lsuccessf'il treatment is Allan Kol llock, fifteen years old The boy’s lost was run over by a wagon. one cl hls toes being crushed. Dirt 20t into 'the wound and tetanus developed When received at St. John’s Hospital, the boy could scarcely upon his mouth and was attacked with spasms The crushed toe was amputated and a twenty five per cent. solution ct sodium chloride was injected in the spinal canal. Injections of 3,000 units of anti-tetanus serum were then administered for five days. In addi tion, saline injections and anrmsthe- ties were used to relieve the pain. and the spasms were reduced. Then the jaws opened more each day, and now the patient has been declared Miee Florence 008. of Aberdeen. spent. one day lust week with he: sismr. Miss Bert... Miss B. A1130, of Glenelg. spent Sunday last with Misses B. and A. Donnelly. Mr. Eddie Viokors, of Toronto, is home for a few days. Mr. Will Atkinson. of Glenelg, spent Sunday last with Miss Marion Coucts. Mrs. John Bailey spent a few days with friends in Owen Sound. now t. cured. The old Romen heroes who were torn by wild boats at their fights in the now ruined Colosseum et Rome. the Greek oherioteere. end the gledi- more who mede fighting .e ptofeeelon, v0- "â€"7 â€"â€"â€"._ all knew the rirt'uea of 'herbal ea eencee (such as are contained in Zam But) for akin injuries and diseases. They would apply at night their secret herbal balms. and in a few dayo would again be ready for corn bat. Their ideal of a balm or salve we. a preparation which combined p-o'vivor v'vith- purity; I rulized in Zam Bah. ”Ordinery ointmente, solves. end emhroouiona ore generally composed of renoid onimel in: end minerei poi-one. Zom Bok on the controry, is a; healing helm. oompoeed of highly refined ups end juices got from cer- tsin rich medicinel herbs, and every one using Zem-Buk mey rely on its heeling power. When the little one was in from ' ' din filled genornl honuboid duties. For eczo~ itch. fiatnin, abscesses. nnd all skin diuma, it ut- liko n chum. It one: the pnin and stop. the binding of pilu, nnd onus this unininl ailment quickly nnd ontoly. All dmggintn and ntoru all at 500 n box, or from Zun But 00., Toronto. for price, 3 boxes for one doliu' tvonty-fin. W1 CASE OF TETANUS CUBED. roan BY WILD BEASTS. History of 3 Gran: Dilcovory. Vickers ; md thu ideal is Mr. Joe Lenngx 800 t0 Owen Sound Notwithstsndin'g thst [our thresh- as juror next week. He was slso one in; m.°hiue. were st work 'ith ot the chosen ones ladt sspring. members of the congregstion. which Mr. James Lawrence has closed the ' prevented s goodly number from deal with Mr. win. Matthews for his setting out. than no t Itirly sood icow homéi Itl is 0519 of itlheit Illicit sttendsnce st the Presbyterisn am“ m P” 8 a“. ‘f' we 8 ‘1‘ 9 ° Lsdies’ Aid supper in the church on We h°p° J'm 3"“ 1’" good Wife may Wednesday evening of lost week. the 100 no 't 'n ood nh alth. g c J y ‘ ‘ g e proceeds being over $30.00. During eev§°1fe°il$° etffievii’enniyiii°hfi°i$“Se? the only pm of the evening . my member right, the insurance :90ch ODjOY‘bIO time W“ spent i“ '50 of our own school re‘uires some suc school room of the church. where s I . contrivaroe around ° splendid chicken pie supper wss Mg. James Eden had the'end of one served, sfter which s pleasing pro- 0‘ his toes "amped 0“ with a hor‘v‘ arsm wss rendered in the suditorium :sgfi‘fieé‘ggs, figgezhfgehggngtfig; consisting of selections by the choir. and to keep a safe distance away is 0010 by Dr. Manny. oornot solo by good policy. . Mr. Tucker. end hesutifully rendered C-Uh. Miss Sarah Tucker was amon st 9373‘ violin solos by M" Grsnge. ‘m”m!’°' visitors to the Toronto fair an spentEOf the BO" T010950!“ construction a pleasant visit with friends . aslgsng. Short interesting eddresses lwel were given by Rev. 14. F. Kipp_snd We notice the Varney school has a new ladder hung from it. If we re- member night, the insurance 901ch of our own school reqtuircs some suc contrivarcc around i . Mr. James Eden had the end of one of his toes tramped off with a horde a week ago. Horses are always ex-I aSperated by flies this hot weather and to keep a safe distance away IS good policy. . Everytody go to Hanover on ‘tbe special train on Thursday to {hear Leader R. L. Borden. s The County Judge will be (in Hula stein on Wednesday to make 4correc- tions in the Egremont Votera’ Liat and will thus prevent some of us con- tributing our mite to the genomes of the Durham show. I Messrs. James and Alex. Allan. Arnh. Baird. and Wm. Pettigrew. have returned to their work of stock selling for a farmers’ manufacturing company in Sioux City, Iowa, after spending a few weeks with their families. i Mr. Joe Lennox had to iturn over the care of his twin girls to Dr. Jam- ieaou last week, but thev 'are safe in their mother's arms again. I While returning from Durham last week John Wilson lost the ’nut from one of his wagon wheelie, land, sup- I[gloating it would be but ‘a few steps ack, left the team standing land started to hunt for it. He found it more than a mile back. "nd the team. growing weary of waiting. tried to make the wagon go some without a wheel. Thev were stonncd. however, before much damage was done. (. Dominion Organizer Birmingham is to be with the Varney Ibrathren‘ on the eve-nine of October 23rd. The meetina' will be a public one. No doubt Mr. Millr-r. who is becoming an {enthusiastic Orangeman, will be here. . Mr. John Sharpe was so'unfortun- atmlast Saturdw as to Ihave a valtu able two-year- old colt brnak t‘ much the covering into the well head firs? so that death was certain. In our last we reported a similar incident. onr 1e should take caution about the rtimfety of such places. | A quilting bee in the house of Mr. James Allan afforded recreation for the ladies last Thursdav. In the 'ev- ening they were joined by Ithe young men, when they spent the «remainder of the evening most enjoyablyi in dancimz . The Pricevillo man savs that ”if the. Conservative party would onlv brim: us out as candidate we would he left at home sure pOp. If such \{I calam- ity befcl us we would .certainly say it was caused by the ldislovalty of our own brother at Pricovillo. It 'i% little wonder he i4 willinfz .to sacri- ficn tlm wr-lfaro of hi4 :countrv in supporting Mr. Miller. when he 'is so rcudv with talk of faitliloasnoss towards one of a familv who rel-('«nilv took him in, intending to make a man of him, had he not lgono and madv a fool of himself. ‘ A work IIL'o tin-(1.1V. mm. “'11) S'rv‘sx ”W ”my“ u" was i-lljov'n': :l Viki" with lll-l' (laugh-i Mrs RUbt- B9315 and Mts- W. H- ll'l' in Mt. Form-«t 'l‘uvsdzw. on _r:‘- Thurston paid the Women’s InStitute tinting from a Sl'fll‘cll for ('lIL’fS m at Vandeleur a fraternal visit last lu-r (nxn lmrn. she was noticed lo lle- k not her usual self. and Dr Hinton-.Wea ‘ wns‘smli f}or. llo pronounrcd hm“ all: A number here propose attending mm'l" "' “ ”ll *‘I'H'Jl. "“'"}."“"lthe OWen Sound District Sunday stroke, and l)(‘f()1‘" thr- FL“ 117.! 10: :ill- a‘ d E h L 0 other sun, :1 second Visitation. 'uC-‘i bLhOOl an pwort segue onven more St=V("I‘"-, rendered ‘w r coml'fion-i thD t0 be held at Markdsle this WBBk- horn-loss, and on on Fridnv \ ‘llll‘F? , (lr-zltll ondid her race of ‘life nn‘: l‘~’-- Ml" M K° Richardson ”.nd dough; movml her from the scone m‘ lv-l‘ ter, M188 Chrisune, arrived home; struggles t0 {1 bt'tlt‘r lilll‘l '1‘ll"i.. “Dill England on fiarurday evening 3 Sirrs was born in County l'l‘vrm' -, Inland. seventy-one years ‘aQ0.‘\\'l'('l‘C‘ .Mr. and Mrs. Luces also returned to her girlhood drive, up till 'the 32-“- M' Vlsrkdsle. During the trip the Prin fifteen were. snent. W'ith her purr 's Clpdl cities of England. Scotland end Sh?- came t0 Canad’. and ”'0" 7' ‘3? Ireland were visited end also Paris or two llVod in Montreal. subsequ. llli- 80d other points in Fr‘noa, The 1y coming to Egremont. whrr-~ .th-ey . . became one the. very first .settlers. party had at very onloyable holiday. Forty-six years ago she was Aveddcdfihough e dey or two of very rough to the man of he" ‘chmce. Mr- “,m is“ wee eXperienoed on the voyege Sirrs. who survrvos her. The umon home was blessed with nine children. \seven ‘ of whom survive to realize the fact We notice the Stretl’ord Dsily Bee- that there is none can .fill the. place ‘ con of the 11th in”, oontelns . very 35h: gingegagfifig, 1:15;; Yfiéfgggpg timely end splendidly suggestive let- ago is one of the .deceased. the otherj t0? from the pen 0f B"?- L- W- Thom a. girl. who died in childhood. The on the question of cering for the citv’e ”"18 are Jam‘s (MTS- Wm. ‘ Chap‘ poor. Mr. Thorn is lending his influ- flfflgtxbfiogfit £221): fia‘Z‘ijgfigg’t’gé ence beyond the: of his speciel work funeral. but not in time |for a last â€"The Children’s Aid-end in his word; William, at home; Marv, (Mrs. letter eppeels for eid for the deserv- RObt- Mead) and A8063 at 'homeo Who in; poor. but edvises egeinst indis- has the 0°08°lati°n 0‘ lgiving 3" criminete giving, which tends to ‘possible comfort and care durin 'her: . . ishort illness. John and Isaac . had P‘uponlm "'30an “10 “0‘10”"1980 left a few days previous for! their homesteads in far away Battleford. Mt. ‘nd ml". M.’k Stowuh “d Two of her brothers, Messrs. 'Samuel d‘ulhtfl' 7“in "lam“ “ 0'0“ and Isaac Queen are well lknown in lest week end ettended the North Egn-mont. She was a Methodist in'G", exhibition. religion. and her pastor, Rev. iMr. . Dinea. assisted by an old friend. Mr. Miss Emme Armstrong.“ Toronto. Clark. conducted the service in ‘tbe peid reletives hereeshort visit lest horn; and 1;. th- tgreyelsidfia liri Mefilfi- week. woo cimc- ery. o w to ace e remains were followed byp a very Mr. end Mrs F. G. Kerstedt ere large number of friendsand reletixgs- visiting the let ter’s brother st Cleve- X'ir’JrVHxiaséiné 'leral wreath. Ithe gift of Mrs. Jas. Allan. ‘an intimate neighbor, bedecked the casket. ' IS NOW IN DURHAM, where she will remain for a short. time. Madame Wanda reveals the mysteries of life, such as WONDERFUL Madame Wanda EGYPTIAN PALMIST Gives information on all affairs. Don’t miss this chance of seeing her and getting her advice. A visit to Madame will satisfy the most. skepti- cal. 'Madame Wmda has made Palm- istry a life study. Noted to be one of the best in Canada. ommmmuonowu 99. Business, Courtship, Love and Marriage Corner Concerns. Readings 9 an. to 9 pm. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Rev. Dr. Cddwell. The pester} Rev. G. C. Little, presided. A etrenger nemed Fieeber, eged 59 yeere, trevelling from Allieton to Herrieton. got on the wrong trein et Orengeville end clue to Fleeherton Stetion on Fridev evening of leet week. He put 11y et Cept. MoLeugh- lin’e hotel for the night. end the next dey. not leeving hie room, wee die- covered to be ill. He remeined in bed, end on Mondey peeeed into e cometoee etete, in which he reneined till he died on Wedneedey. Dre Bibby end Dixon were in ettendenoe but were nneble to help the petient; whoee deeth wee epperently due to kidney trouble. A brother wee oom- mnniceted with. who took the re- meine to Herrieton for buriel. Mr. end Mre. D. Hopkins. of Pro ton Station. were bereft of their little eon end only child, 2 years old, on Thuredey leet. end interment wee mede in the public cemetery here on Fridey. Numerous friende eympe thize with the bereaved perente. Mr. Isaac Sargent. of Ceylon. met with an accident at Carney’e mill, Owen Sound. last week. We under. stand he received a aevere blow in the head inflicting severe injury. tho’ not as dangerous as at first feared. The directors of East Grey Fair hsd s bee lest week end not the south side of the agriculture! hsll reshing. led. This was sneeded improvement and everything is now in good shape for the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker were in Shel- burne last week end purchased from the Marble Company there a. neat granite monument to be erected in the cemetery here to the memory of their son Norrie. Communion service was held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, at which there was a large attendance of communicants. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday next. when the former peator, Rev. J S. I Wilson, will preach morning and evening. Mr. W. Trimble was at W'alkerton Fair last week with his trotter Paddy McKinley, which won 3rd prize in the Speeding. Mrs Robt. Best and Mrs. W. H. Thurston paid the Women’s Insritute at Vaudeleur a fraternal visit. last week. We notice the Strstiord Dsily Bes- con oi the 11th inst. oontslns s very timely snd splendidly suggestive let- ter from the pen of Rev. L. W. Thom on the question of coring for the citv’s poor. Mr. 'I'hom is lending his inflo- enoe beyond thst oi his speoisl work â€"The Children’s Aidâ€"end in his letter eppesle for sid for the deserv- ing poor. but advises sgsinst indis- oriminste giving, which tends to psuperism smong the nndeserving. Mr. snd Mrs. Msrk Stewsrt end denghter visited friends st Owen lest week end sttended the North Grey exhibition. A merriege of interest took pleoe et Toronto on Fridey leet, when Mrs. J. Gelbreith, denghter of Mr. George Ludlow. neer this villege, beceme the bride of Mr. Hugh Hodgin. e proaperone fermer neer rroton Ste tion. Mr. end Mrs. Hodgin heve settled in their new home. Mr. and Mrs P. G. Karltedt are visiting the lat tor’e brother 3: Cleve- land. Miss Jennie Wilson left on Tnesdsy to take charge of a school our Elna, Beiny River District. Mrs. Fred Tucker received n tele gram on Sundny conveying the and news of the denth of her sister at Dayton. Ohio, whom she visited 3 few weeks :30. Mrs. ‘l‘ncker left on Mondny to attend the funeral. Miss Hele, teacher :1: Feverehem, visited her uncle. Mr. R. J. Spronle, on Seturdey night and Snndey. Boyd Bron.’ now-mill at Snnnon Junction won dootroyed by fire on Monday morning. snppoood to bow boon ignited by n opnrk from n pul- ing engine. A lot of lumber woo duo dutroyod. Thorn wu no inlnronoo on the building, which won not o Flesherton. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Andrew Wilson. very highly respected residents of this place, was‘ the scene of a pleadng and interesting event on Monday evening, when about sixty guests assembled to join Mr. and Mrs. Wilson in celebrating the twenty- tifth anniversary of their marriage. The guests from a distance wereMr. and Mrs. Hebson. Markham. There were present the children of the bride and groom. Miss Jennie. Wilson. Mrs. James Brodie. and Master .Willie Wilson. and one grandchild, Miss Irene Brodie. The table decorations were very pretty, and a beautiful spread was laid. After the supper. Rev. L. F. Kipp, in a pleasing man-{ ner, proposed the toast to the bride} and groom. which was responded .to appropriately by the former. who was followed in a neat congratulatory speech by Rev. Dr. Caldwell. During the evening, Flesherton Citizens‘ Band rendered a pleasing program of music on the lawn .-T‘l£_h_§ggy event will be memorable, as the, em was spent with much pleasure Ito all till a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson received a large number of beautiful presents. The Chronicle correspond- ent joins in congratulations. . Mrs. Buttery. of Donddk. in vil- itinx her niece. Mn. Rabat: noon, put of thin week. ’vdusblo on. but “I. «tinned loan on machinery nod lumber is 01500. | Dr. Sproule, M.P., the worthy mem- ber for East Grey in the Dominion House, was the recipient of a tangible token at the hands of his Orange brethren on Labor Day, when the Orange lodges of Meaford, St. Vincent. Euphrasia and Collingw0od townships presented him with a purse of gold amounting to $200 and an address ex- pressive of their appreciation of his services in connection with the Order. not only as Grand Master. but _as a private member. The members of Meaford Orange Lodge were accompanied by the Citi- zens’ Band, which furnished appropri- ate music throughout the day. A procession, headed by the band, was formed in the Thornbury mill yard and marched to the Clarksburg drill shed, where the presentation was‘ made, Bro. Robert Ferguson acting as‘ chairman in a very acceptable manner. There was between 500 and 600 per- sons present, the gathering being made up principally of Orangemen and their friends. The event was all the more pleasing in that it happened to fall on the anniversary of the wedding of the 1 worthy guest and his good lady. for whom the warmest feelings of esteem and good-will are entertained by all classes of the connnunity. Dr. Sproule replied in eloquent and appropriate terms. thanking his Orange brethren for their generous gift. which he said he appreciated most highly. not on account of its value, but for the spirit in which it was given. The doctor said it was a great pleasure to him to be present in capacity of an ()rangeman instead of a member of Parliament, as he felt he could he more at home amongst his brethren. He revie .ved the work of the Orange Order in America, pointing out the changes which had been made from time to time and the part that Orangeism has taken in our national development. As President of the Grand Council of the Orangemen of the world, Dr. Sproule said he had a great work to do. and was pleased to say that he had been ably assisted by those identified with him in omce. The address was read by District- Past Master “’11). (’00k, of Meafm-d, while the presentation was made by Bro. Samuel McKnight, of Epping. Mrs. Sproule was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. which was appropriately acknowledged by the doctor. who said he was pleased to see so many ladies present on the Mr. A. 0. Todd, of Meaford, deliver- ed a. patriotic address, which was much appreciated by those present. 'The Meaford band furnished excel- lent music, and the day was pleasantly spent by all present.â€"Meaford Mirror. is particularly suitable for summer use. When heating cold meat, canned meat or pork and beans, stir in a little Bovril and notice the difference. It will malq the food more tasty, more nu- tritious and more digestable. Send a post card for new receipe booklet “Tasty Dishes” to 87. .7. ma mm. DB. srnouu HONORED. Bovril Bow-ll Limited 'Ihe cause is impairment of m tone. arising .from failure of t stomach to perform its work. and assimilatlve organsâ€"it forti the stomachâ€"makes the blood n fishing. gives it a .rich cand red co the best evidence of health. :- . "For ten years I suffered Iacul‘. from stomach trouble." writes ; Maxwell Thompson. of Toledo” always had a [headache and dull f ing after meals. My a petito‘ : poor, and I didn't relis lfood. was all due to a I weak. defect stomach. .I . read about Form: and ordered six boxes from my 1! ist. It was no time lat all befo elt much better. and when «all Ferroxone was used I really ltoo new lease of life. I 1am sreon brighter. and feel more like ! w than before trying Ferrozon‘ a glendid tonic. the best . I ei‘ It acts at once upon 1the digesj These unpleasant feelings of m new and collapse indicate that aÂ¥mpatz etic nervous system II 0 order. Acute indi cation follows and' natural resu t in mental deprele and a feeling of collapse and extr weakness. The best. because the quickest surest cure. is Ferroxone. Do They Aftect Yo Ferrozone in unrivalled In car, Itomaoh ailments. tr it and 'be 0' 5forced. Sold by al druggistu boxes. Miss Adeline Dean returned Mont from a visit with her sister, Blvd McDei-maid. in St. Thomas. tion of Mr. Thos. Morton, J r.. 1! came home last week from Teesw suffering from appendicitis. is not 3; improved. The young man was feeli‘ considerably better since his arri here. but we are informed he has be forced to take to his bed again. We regret to learn that the 00:1 Last week was Millinery Opening 8. F. Morlock’s. and the many lad" who visited their show rooms co not help but be pleased with splendid array of autumn iuilline Miss Grinyer is again in charge of ‘ department this season, and with 1 large staff of assistants should be a‘ to a upply the wants of Mr. Morloc' many customers. The hats this son are inclined to be large. with abundance of wings and feathers trimming. Some of the shapes Int- ’noticed were: A very pretty A blue, rolling at side, and covered vel ..'et with very high chancille ha ribbon around Clown. two Alice b feathers at right side. and tuo st. pins. A hat which “as much adni ed wusa mink turban with chalu! Clown, triimned with large tan It. mauve roses, and tan ribbon and \. Vet. “ Dvxxâ€"In Durham, on Friday, 895 18m, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. “C; 3'1 RAYED TO 1115 pasmsss { the underugned lot 38. con. elg, on or about the 28th of Aug; 8 young heifer. Ovsmr may q same by proving prayer” at? bayilg expenses. In the nutter of the hat. of Ioho1 lord-on, Into of the Town-hip of ‘ Egremont in the county of .. Grey. dean-0d. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSl eat to “The Revised Stetuteu of Outerit 1897.” cbepter 129. t et ell creditors on others heviug chime Against the out“ of the said Robert Morrison, who died 0 or about the 8th dey of August. 1%. ur' required on or before the 3th day of 0" tpber. I”. to send. poet pre id. or de’ liver to Wm. Morrison. the ministretq of tbeproperty of the said deg-eased. thd: HENRY \VILLIAMB Sept. 24â€"3. Edge H111 P. Du‘u, a sun BIythâ€"Sept. 29, 3“. Clarksburgâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Dundnlkâ€"Oct. 8, 9. Daytonâ€"Oct. 6, 7. Fergusâ€"Sept. 29, 30. Fordwichâ€"Oct. 3. Feversbamâ€"Oct. 6, 7. Grand Valleyâ€"Oct. l3. l4 Hanoverâ€"Sept. 29. 30. Holsteinâ€"«Sept. 29. Kimmyâ€"Sept. 28, 29. Paisleyâ€"Sept. 2D. 1!). Prioevilleâ€"Oct. l. 2. Rocklynâ€"Oct. 8. 9. christfien end surnames. addresses an descriptions, the full psrticulars of that chums. the eminent of their mm" end the nature of the securities. 1! ply Teeswaterâ€"Oct. 6. 7. Tiverton -Oct. 6. hold by thorn. ' And further take notice that after and last mentioned date the said adminiatru tor wiutfirocoad to distribute the aunt: of the ecoaaod among the partiaa on titled thereto. having regard only to an claim of which hr shall then have notion and that the aid administrator will n a} ho liable for the aaid aunts or any thoract‘toany raonorparaonaofwou not havo boon rescind by “nod” at tho tin. of M mm Data! thou-Mania”. m WILL“! “mu. Varnoy P.0:. M Adminimof tin can of lord-on. his at tho Township € loot. dean-d. Sinking Sensations. “W! AROUND TOVI. M' IO‘I'IOE TO CREDITOR. HEIFER ESTRAY FALL PAIRS. BORN.

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