West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1908, p. 1

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kc the “Hecla” y, The heated air is fresh pgas, dust or smoke can N *5 l.\' RANGES Features 0! the ning flutof are Busmess The articles are to mention, blit nu r prices. The ,1 few of the lines: ll ig Store Pa id for Produce Triangular ‘w CI‘MUIC.» yuu to clear any of the: fire of ashes. are [070' grates. Each a be shaken separately. It u all the ashes outâ€"same“)... and means a clean fire. 312.3.- by the mum of hue- "Pu-51c ss Peninsuht" In“ Sum in and let us also. M “ new ‘\.Llur63 u! the I“ '.MhAp. ~ Prrcxfllie. seven miles from 9 Cum} bfiCk hOUSC. 3’ by 4‘! ‘1 bmk barn. 65 by 60 all “I. 9‘ Fgrm is well watered- I! d an Opportunity will 1). W.“ f1“ work and 001”]... ” Will be given the 11" d next. Tunasâ€"mm down. it” mortgage at 8 per 0‘â€" a. Riven. No incubus-q C petty. Highest or .1 w «sonny m_ ‘ -‘ " Sealed tenders will b. to September 30th. I,“ here fzrm, more or It”, 333, second canoes-ion “nth OW hum Road, Glenclfl- Th1." U. of (L mile from 301100}. {at ”9:...- USSELL ' Nervous Troub Eu. cured by 9:35? fw bocue 51m: Eu oh the 1.112910 co., m6. 8:. .\l was $153.00 ......... 27.00. 3 I I . Feeders ft)! _' 31 s'tm‘l shelf '” b.3500. H . llt’ F. i O l 3 .- l I. 2‘11 i1 1 line Cheap. lmles, new *1 high shelf, $45.00. Alex. Russell engfn" breaking dawn. spwiul value in ladies’ and men’ underwvzu- at S. F. Morlock’s 8 Sale of 25c. Wide taffeta (silk rib- bons. all shadeS. See window. Satur- day 19c. yd.â€"The House of 'Quality. Lost.-â€"Between Varney and Dur- ham. about two weeks ago, \a green, gtriped tap coat. Reward at thig office. Bargains in clothing and rain \ooats‘ this Week. What abOut a littlcw.;rm- er underweafiâ€"The House of Quality, H. H. Mockler. We congratulate Miss Katie J. Clark, oneof the pupils of our School, who has been awarded her certificate for entrance to Normal School on appeal. '1‘hi.~ makes one more candidate suc- cessful at the July examinations here. Miss Minnie Burnett, of Detroit. wm. is visiting her mother here, has bwn lilitl up with an attack of inflam- tinn nfthu lungs the past week. but m- an. plt'nfit‘tl to report an improve- mrnt in lu-l' (.‘UDditiOfl. 'l'iv « I“l{'Sth‘rt0n Advance man is ‘in- smiling a two revolution Campbell wap .[H'l‘ Press and a gasoline En- gine :z'.‘n:1f;1ctured by the Fairbanks- Morm- in-Ople. We congratulate Mr. T'muvnn on his Advance-meat and how 1w may enjoy the whange from the old Washington hand press. He will print this weeks issue on the new ['l‘t‘SS. Pl-‘h fit sale Of “0118811016 Furniture \11‘. Petér Mathewn.â€"2pd 100 [airs trousers, regular prices ’31.va ’ml upâ€"on sale at '20 per cent. disco-:11: this week for cash Ibuyers. -â€"TE;L- House of Quality, H. H. vMoak- T119. N :uth Grey Fair at Flesherton on Thiu'wlzly and Friday last. was fairly WP“ :th'vlldt‘d, the gate receipts :unmm: in}; to something in the neigh- luw'hmnl ”1' 83!). Like some of the other MINI” fairs, it seemed to be a littlv in-himl previous years. There “'t‘l't' wnw good exhibits, however, but. the urn-zwtions were very limited. Our vmn-spondent will likely give us fuller particulars. The concert. at. night “ah. well attended. Tim East Grey Agricultural Socie- ty's Concert was held on Friday nigh: Lat in the Flesherton' rink. Datum C. McGregor and Will J. White \u-re the artists engaged lfor the ow; .sion. Mr McGregor imlosing none of his old time lcharms as 3 VO- calisr. and though well-known in Flt'SIA :‘aun he was forced to ‘TCBPond ‘0 H'- -'‘-' number. It seems 9time for “9 3*”1’10 of Durham to .have am- oci..,-: amt from him again 'soon. Mr. “‘51". .EAU comedian, cVidently d9” lightwl tin: large audience who forced his mammarance after every num- ber S’HZJ: of his were very ‘800‘1' .\ ' . “ ‘lvhlnrahle fatality occurred} Mb 2. :m- of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11.1 mm ~ l-Igrmnont, on Friday morn-l mg i, When their little three year, ”M mu i' used away, as a result of it hmn tux." mg in his throat and choking him. '2 2w little fellow with his young' ”st wen- playing together in the hmlw while the mother and grand- “mlh'r' m-re performing their duties l" alln'hnrpnrt of the building. and balm thwir plnythings a number 0‘ small white beans. The first Mrs. ““l‘gl'nw knew of the danger was and in unsiver to her ODQUiPy was unnhl» tn convey the intelligence Of his Crnnlition, other than by the single Word ”bean." and Whiting to his thumt. The little suflerer was fast heCOming black in the face, and though his llmtlm- was successful in induciOS him t“ Vomit, this failed to remove the ”hfitl'uc'tiun, and in less than five min- lites he was (lead. Coming as it did from such an apparently harmless cause, and with such suddenneu. the “filings of the grief-stricken parents can be better imagined than described. and Mr. and Mrs. Hurst-ave have the “impathy of everyone in their 10‘.“ their son, who,. for hi! ISO. W” m ”Feptionany bright and intellwt elmd. The tamed wok PM 0“ 99 the beautiful millinery S. F. L‘llfifik is ShOWing. VOL. 42â€"N0. 2168. N EWS " AROU N D - TOWN t» late this week owing to our The Chronicle for the Balance of the Year 25c. to New Subscribers. See the new fall dress goods showingâ€"8.. F. Mot-lock. Miss J. J. Ailan. Eyesight Specialist, will be at the Hahn House Thursday. Oct. 8. HoursQam. to7p..m 8Plendid Opportunity in dress goods. See ad.â€"-The House of Quality. ‘H. H. Mockler. The Morality Department is after the Calgary Eye-Openers with a 'view to stepping its sale on 'the streets Our stock of men’s and boys’ clothing is complete, and we have many bar- gains to offen. .S. F. Morlock. 3 cans salmon for 250., .4 1.0c. pack- lages jelly powder for 250., 5lbs. 250. tea for $1.00 on Saturday.â€"The House of Quality. A new long distance telephone cir- cuit has lately been completed by the Bell Telephone Company of Canada. from Mt. Forest to Durham. This is found to be a great convenience in this district. _Work on the Camp Creek ‘bridge was commenced on Friday last. Mr. John Walker, of Southampton, has the contract. and expects to .have the structure completed in about two weeks’ time. The bridge will be «of concrete, reinforced with steel. Messrs. Andy Thompson, Art. Mc- Donald and Mulvey Cowan had aa big load of nearly a hundred ichicken-z and their parents at the 'Flesherton Fair. They had them in 'coom, and the lot made a big, Iif not a heavy load on one of Mr. Walpole’s livery wagons. They captured fourteen fir>t Lind fourteen second prizes. Matthews Latimer wish to an- nounce to their many (tusti'nners that they intend to change their system of doing business to cash or produce. Those indebted to them will please take notice of the change and settle all accounts as soon as possible, as all ac- counts not in by the last of October will he passed out of their hands for collection.-â€"3. Great 500. special sale of - dress goods. 20 pieces of bright, up-to-date dress fabrics, 400 yds. in all, compris- ing Panamas, Paplins, Serges, Cash- meres, Lustres, Crispines, and Tweeds Three shades of red, four ushades of green, four shades of naVy,l also brown, black, sky and cOpenhagen blue, regular values 60c. to '750. per yd.‘0n sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 50c. per yd.â€"The House 'of Quality, H. H. Mockler. During the past week the tailor shOp occupied by Mr. J. PA. Glass has been undergoing extensive improve- ments, and now he has lone of the most up-to-date in town. Mr. (Glass has taken possession of the- whole buizding he occupies, and has 'con- verted the north room into |a com- modioua work-room, retaining the whole south portion as a *sample and cutting-room. This is quite an im- provement on 1138 former quarters which were becoming too small <for his increasing trade. Gentlemen,â€" Don't forget to call and see my 3110p, or, [might say, two stores. Big improvements in- side. Don’t make a mistake, call and see me. I have the goods you want, and you will have the best of work put in your suit, as I have gone to a great deal of trouble to get first class hands. You will see the goods inhihe store, not in *the window, ex- posed to the sun. No faded goods, all new. I would like to get you up a first class overcoat. Ready-made overcoats not in it. No comparison. Prices no higher than the rest.â€"J. A. Glass, Tailor and Draper. On this Thursday evening at eight o’clock, the people of Durham will have an opportunity of listening to addresses by two of the leading man of the Conservative party in the Do- minion and Provincial Houses. Mr. R. L. Borden, Leader of the Opposition. and Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Secretary. The addresses will be de- livered in the town hall and a special invitation is extended to ladies to be present. for whom seats will be reserv- ed. It is to be hoped they will take advantage of the opportunity to hear the Conservative leader, and turn out Mrs. Ramage represented the Re- view at the Flehserton Fair. Mr. Brad J amieson returned to Tor- onto to resume his medical studies. Misé‘Vicfidx-izt Park, of Owen Sound. spent a few‘days visiting Miss Annie MacKay. ‘ Mr. and”Mrs William Black 'and daughter, Mrs A. W. H. vLauder, at- tended the Flesherton Fair. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bailey, of Hanover, visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Catch, over Fair Day. Mrs. J as Mach, of New Westmin- ster, B.C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Samuel Lawrence. Miss Gertie Campbell has been quite ill for the past few days. It seemed like an attack of appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson and family, of Flesherton, attended the fair here on Wednesday last. Mr. W. Irwin and daughter, Miss Rita, attended the East Grey exhibi- tion at Flesherbon on Friday. Mrs. Wm. Hanna. and son James, of Fergus. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Eden, Egremont. Mrs. W. Mountain and family, of Hamilton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. (490. Mc Donald, here. Miss Mary Duncan left Tuesday morning to attend the funeral :of her aunt, the late Mrs. Coutts. Mrs. A. Duncan left Saturday to Spend some time with her \sister in Egremont, who is ill. Miss Annie Weir, nurse-in-train’ng at Fergus liosliitul, nad Miss Edits Lloyd of the same institution mrn holidaying for a couple of Weeks at their ruspective homes here. Messrs. Wm. Buchanan and John I. Graham, of Vandclcur, were in town as judges of fruit at Ithe Fair lam week. We were pleased to 'have a short. call from them to renew old acquaintanceship. Mr. Thus. Tucker visited friends in Huron .31)., and while there a cuusiu of his, Mr. James McCallum, fell into the cylinder of a threshing machine, feet; firm. and waafiorn to shreds as far as the body when the machine stopped. Mr. John Williams left for his new] home in the West on Il‘hursday utter-l noon last and carries with whim the} best wishes of the community {on success in his new venture. During his long residence here he has made many friends who regret his depart- ure. Mr. Williams leaves Durham with the kindest remembrance of the treatment accorded him by the {resi- dents, especially on the eve of his de- parture, when he was assisted (ma- terially by the young men and old «in loading his household and farm hetâ€" fects on the car that was to carry them to his destination, and he de- sires to thank them very sincerely for their . assistance. The South Grey Fair was .held on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. The weather was allthat could be de- sired, and the rural community ihad an excellent Opportunity to make a good exhibition. We must admit our belief, however, that the Fair wa snot equal to that of many of the former ones. There was a good exhibit, but not a large one of flowers, friit and Ivegetables. The grain idd seem to !be up to for- mer years in quantity. but the qual- ity was good. The dairy products were light, but apparently‘good. In some reapects the fair 'was not so good as in former years. The flow; ers, fruit, roots and vegetables were good but we imagine the grain was not so largely represented as in many previous years but the quality «was good in all exhibits. The ldairy pro- ducts were few but good .what there was of them. The Ladies’ lwork was quite below the average in the num- her, but as to merit of work compar- ed with other years we are not cap- able of passing an opinion that would be of any value. The interest is well sustained ‘-by Fowl fanciers. if we are ’to judge by the large number. of birds Ion exhi- bition. There seemed to be tvery few exhibitors from a distance. Judging from the names of the «prize-winners most of them are from .Durham and vicinity. The sheep exhibit was the largest and best ever shown in Durham. There were many exhibitors. some, of them for the first time, and all the guns pfOlJltd were filled to over- flowing. Wm. Livingston” \‘V’m. Willis. Brigham Bros., and H. ‘. G. Brigham, of Bentinck. were on 'hand as usual. and of course iAlox. Muir, of Artemelia wan in attendance with SOUTH GREY FALL FAIR. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. ccrosgn a. was. PERSONAL. several fine specimens of the ‘LCIOCSH ter and Cotswold breeds; John \Fairo' bait-n, Wm 'Paton, M. W."B_y,er3 'and AL- 2.: Udll'll. VF.“ .. u--.., J. A: Swanston were in from the aid- joining townships of Egremont.-Nor-- manby and Proton with several good Specimens deemed worthy of prizes. In.the horses. though the 'exhibit was fairly good. the best exhibits were conf'ned to the gelding and filly class, of which there were several good ones shown. D A I C The sports on the afternoon lot the; second day were exceptionally good,” the trials of Speed surpassing ‘any-' thing of the kind ever 'before put on by the society. In the free-for-allJ all former records on the track here Were broken in two heats,‘ which were. paced in 2.23 and $.24. A foot- ball match between Pomona and Dur- ham, in which the latter were. victor- ious by the score of .1 to 0, was also a pleasant feature of the afternoon in which considerable interest was taken At intervals, and in the lull between the amusements, the Blst Regimental Band favored the crowd with many meritorious selections. In the evening, the usual (concert in the town hall was put on, which was attended by a well s;.tisfie'd ‘au- dienco who thoroughly enjoyed them- selves, many of them pronouncing it the best concert ever held ‘by the society. R. J. Ball, the Conservative candi- date for South Grey, was born in the Township of Ben‘tinck, County of Grey, near Allan Park, on the 15th day of January, 1857. W'hen but is child his parents moved to ~1Iampden, in the Township of Normanby, .where he resided until 1875, working .on the farm during the summer season 'and attending Public School in the «win- ter. In 1875 he wrote for and obtain- ed a teacher’s certificate and tor about three years he taught in the Township of Sullivan and Township of Normanby. in 1879 and 1880 he attended the Collegiate Institute in Collingwood and the Normal School in Ottawa. In 1881 he took .charge of Allan Park Public School, Wilt-1‘61 he remained till August 1886. He then took charge of the lintechtel Furniture Company’s ofi'ice, wnere he. remained for live years, after which he spent three years private banking. During all these years he Iwas man-i ager of a farm held by him, as well as Operating for the Excelsior Lite and other insurance companies. In 1896 he went into the manufacturing of chairs, which business he has fol- lowed successfully to the present time, being the Cilisf stock-holder and manager of the Ball Furniture Gas llarge factory. For the last seven 'years he has represented the town ’of Hanover in their local council and during four years of the time he has ’represented them at the County Council, being this year Warden «of the County. Mr. Ball comes before the people as: a man having a long, varied and suc-l cesstul business and municipal eXper-i ience, trusted by his people and as one who has served them Itaithfully and well. He should well understand the needs of. the farmer and the man- ufaoturer as well as the general busi- ness public, and promises to contest strongly in the interests of his par- ty and good government, the riding of South Grey. His platform .is that of the Conservative party so ilong as their policy is that of good honest and practical administration of the aftairs of the Dominion of Canada. AnniVereary Services conducted by Rev. C .L. Campbell will lbe held in Knox Church, Normanby, on Sunday next, followed on Monday evening by a Sunday School Entertoinment. when Rev. Mr. King. of Holstein will be present. R. J. BALL LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE for South Grey. Get your calling cards at this oflice. Free Exhibitia This season we have a larger showing than ever of fashionable millinery. We have the very latest models, from the large wide shape with the high crown, to the natty little turbanâ€"a hat to suit every face and each one has a distinctive style by itself. We can give you a wider choice of beautiful millinery than we have ever been able to do before. If you have not been able to View this seasâ€" on’s styles, we extend you a hearty invita- tion to our millinery show-rooms to inspect them, and you will find that we have the right styles at the right price. - ’ Stylish Fall Millinery . F. MORLOCK Don’t Miss J. J. Hunter’s Sole Agent for Progress Brand Clot-hing. Ladies’ Blouse Waists, 25c up Corsets, 25c up, and the large display of Prints Print Wrappers and Ready-toâ€"Wear Goods. $4.50. 'Also Meg’s Boots for $1.00 up. Women’s and miss- es’ White Boots at a. sdcrifice. We are also offering Special Value in Men’s Tweed Suits at THE 8087 870'? 0' THE Ill" WUEI For this month Cash and one price Skirts and Dress Muslims Embroideries Ladies’ White Wear $1.00 PER Y

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