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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1908, p. 3

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- ° For trunnion: “I'M ‘ Onmg vents yet “Be for ‘50 Int . u . . $10“; CO‘t. ”I In.“ a L insertmn minion mounts. M , not exceeding one inch “.1” w rtlsmnenr-t without specific dine”. mush»: nn forbid uni chug“ pic-u! "Miranâ€"”Lg at." ‘ iron-d." “I. .30 rants fur first Insertion, 3 a.“ I. mural Insertion. advrrnsenwnts ordered by “filter. I“ rial for m Advance. nrm't rah-a for yeahy Niven)...“ h. pl In! apphcation to the once. l Mlxér'tiaemento, to 0“}. h 3““ mt week should bobronglt in!“ “but: IDA! Morning- ”out.” lone) M0 wanna. nu taunted. :ities of the economical and can. mall sums. in Canada (5me nited .0 may be 653th “'33:? ich ovety subwflpflo. l. 54 nmlwr on the sddmo 1.501. No med to all arrest. .10 ”H,” n of the proprietor. «hurt dutance east of Knapp’l Bad. 1‘ .\ .zddt LOWGI’ Town, DU“. a hull“ trum 1‘..’ to. ” 0 ’clock RANCH â€"----v-‘/-â€"-" I'VFâ€"v ) veyancnrs Notary P051”. I“ D Law at Lowest RSI“. flee ;â€"-Mclr.ty to Block. 0'. ' Bank. Durban. Dumbo !._‘ L. R. c. P.. LONDON. mm. RADULATE of London, I 13 "mum may mummy! M a Chronicle Prjgtlng ”on“, “a is com late] stocked with | 10b ' ' NEW YPlfthululm utmont ilitiga {or turning out ada 3 F. GRANT, D. I). Only!)- '- l ty of Toronto. 0'“de Liege Dental Surgeon! 010!“ FICB AND RESIDENCE FICB: Dentist. Over J. b J. Hulm’lo York And Chm on“... 01 Eye. But “all“ I be at. Knapp House. Dark“. ‘5.“ 1rd“! in each month. Bonnâ€"k4..- E, .;.:-“R THROAT NOSE ’ Office over Gordon’u 30' u we. LUWGT Town. Darin-I. “’ mouev to loan st 6 p0! 0“! ‘ mrtv. ‘â€" ARRISTEL, SOLICITOB: I ‘ “-‘ v-_-'.. tinneer for “10033â€"3;va ronptly “tended 00. 0!“ ’. his Implemem W you“ I shad. or 3: ti. W 307.). '00. 6. Hutton, M. 0., ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- -‘ Arthur Sun, I. D. \‘szx‘HN AXHHURGBON, OP- ARRISTEB. SOLIQ!TQP: A4¢ifitaht Rd,“ London O'hthm “ 4nd to Go'dnll Sq. Throat 83‘ N00. Ian. OBN CLARK. URHAM, 0N1: Em’run AND PROPRIETOI. . Jamieson laclauril. A. H. Jackson. a! OTARY PUBLIC, 9033,13,... ' ' Tn: Cumula- '1'] Wm” my ware... in.“ g: A- A‘ 0mm 13. “an: S'... Oven Mani. numgunumm $IDU‘ICMI. DURHAM. om. (W 1'0“” at. gonvom. ' ‘0; Mai [ml Directorv. Dr. W. 0. Pickering BSD VUHVV’" _ Honey 9 Dental Dz’redorv. C R. BROK'JN t‘ .‘mw Huntar Block. O“ m a. m.. to 4 9.1!). 1nd] to’ NM PHaninn given '10 1” Mai children. Residoneo 0" »h"’»-rian Church. .-\\'h RESIDENCEâ€"003 Mu! Henrge Streets-North“ Edwin (Mice hoursâ€"941$... 9 pm Tpienhons No. 10. W. IRWIN " .- add] ° )1 20!. Lewm l. P, Telford. work. W. F. Dunn, SPECIALI’T 3 DR. BURT. . "0'03 “3'. l Lari3:11 4 size. Flwnclotte Blank- (4-5. $1.25 eaCbo “up: fa“ and winte Vests sud ‘ Drawers from 25c. u I NW" black sateen Underskirto, 31.00 and $1.75 680‘). Childlpll‘fi White WMl M, ”:0, lJ )1911'4 (‘:1I‘(ligafl Jacketl, Do Bo. 1,“) $1.33. and $1.50 each. inc Table Covers, 6-4 size, 1.15 “ “ 84 size, 2.75 Smyrna. Rugs ........ $60 size, 3J1) Gold «h-"m'nted 4-piece glass Table 5.44, at $1.50, 81.75 and 82.00. 501.1 .lm-nmted 7- iece glass water sch. $1.95 an 82.25 each. Lamps, :1" sizes from 250. up to 3.25 61389 Berry Bowls. Cake Plates, Water Pitchers, etc. Chen Then c :00 lw 8618‘ (mtllurham Road. Bentinck. good Farm. Bank Barn, Fair Dwelling. snap lul‘ 3.35)“). 100 avres, extra good Buildings, alone wor- th nearly the $31)») asked tor the farm Near Crawford P.O. iavm building lot in Durham. for sale cheap, nr trade for anything a mnn- can eat, WHAT, or throw n stick at. Prnpertv bought nnd sold onCommission Mew-y Yn hand. Debts collected. 0.13.3. Tickets and Ocean Tickets for sale. 8300 0f sturk in Durham Cement 00., placed 111 my hands fur salehchenp. Always prompt, never negligent. [mu-res, file] 3091 Buildu no 9955153 I Ikucfigfid‘dolcfl ion my $133; nsvertain our opinion fro. 'r q I ommunlct H robably 3b mwmmn‘va.nudental. “ NOB on Pgtem “‘43:. L. ;._.A-o -ngnn' fnp mt"!!! manta. {Tnnéu mt! yr umdeuthu. unuum um. free. Oldest oncy tor-0cm Patents taken t too I: Mann medal notice, without. urge, 1111 A.“ ‘ “AAA A \V m PUMPS ()ul‘ [1 (1H ‘v'lsint'b‘s “'itb H. H. MILLER the Hanover Conveyancer He otters: :xtl‘t's. (zit-Mg, Frame Dwelling, Bank arn. Huml Farm, ought to brings-1W The People’s Grocery and Provision Store He Sells Cheap FOR ALL KINDS OF In Full Swing ALSO I beg leave to inform our customers and the public in general that lam Prpz'fw'rl to furnish New Pumps sud ir‘zmra Well Drilling, Re Curbing 1W! l’rww Curbing done with cement ("W'r'r'm All orders taken at the Old >3- ml “car McGowau’s mill will be ’w Mn.) attended to. All work gouar- an’l-ml at “Live and letlive” prices. Mrs. Beggs 5005 GEORGE WHITUOBE. 30“ .01. 3“ Call and see Us SAVE MONEY 'l The Hanover Conveyancer. mt to make money and A Car of Mixed Chop Just Arrived. . BEAN c_us_tomers . |couummsmm| Tnesdsy afternoon so two little lads, Norbert Monstt, med three, and “Baler" Lindsey, sued four,‘ were pinyin; near the home of the iormer’s father, Mr. Wm. Moflstt, Wellington street. they secured s hatchet from among the srticles of a neighbor who Wes 'noving away. In their play the elder oi the little chaps iout the tap of his second finger off at the first joint. Dr. Murray dressed the amputated fingerâ€"O. 8. Times. Mr. John Murphy, of the Murphy House, passed round a petition lest week. taking for contributions to assist in procuring on artificial foot for Mr. Joe Walker. who bed the misfortune of losing his left foot at Dundulh the 13th July. He met with u generous response. The list is still Open end an Opportunity given to those who msy leel kindly disposed to the uniortunste. Call on Mr. Murphy and do the charitable.â€" Murkdsle Stundsrd. A couple of slick lightning rod agents have been operating in the surrounding country for the past couple of weeks. and it would be as‘ well for larmers to be on the look-out for these gentry and have nothing to do with them. They ofier an appar- ently feasible proposition, but in the end the farmer always comes out at ithe wrong end of the deal We un- dersrand a couple of farmers in the vicinity of Harkaway were victimized by these strangers this weekâ€"Mark- dale Standard. dangerous. Inflammation must be drawn out at once. Rub the tthroat and chest with Nemifinenand xput on . I) 19-: auu VIIVDI. vvltu #an v.-....., .___._ r a Nervil’me Porous Plaster. 'Relief comes in an hour. The counter-irrsiJ tant effect of the plaster relieves the tightness and strain, draws out 'the soreness. eases the pain. The pensâ€"tra- ting qualities of Nerviline enable Lt to soak to the very core of the how ble, and you eXperience a feeling of warmth and what that proves that the danger hspmst. For weak chest sore throat, and tendency to colds, the Nerviline treatment beats all others, try it. While Mrs. Ed. Kester and Miss Maria Wenger were driving north of the village from the 14th to the 15th con. last Sunday their rig collapsed The horse on receiving a. persuasion to increase his speed, made a. lurch, king for the earth with some velocity. The aerial stunt was plessnnt enough, but like Doris Green when he tried his flying machine, it was "coming to light” that left the Isore spots. Fortunately the horse wossquiet, gentle animal, and no serious demons resultedâ€"Anon Advance. themselves ma nary colds and recovered wntnout treatmen tof any for a moment imagine tn not dangerous. Everyone vuneumonjq aqd chronic c not dangerous. Every .d chronic catsrrh haVe y neumonia an Flié‘ll' origin in a co sumplion in not cause the cold prepares the system .for the reception and terms that would not otherwise haVe found lodgment It is the same with. infectious diseases. Diphtheria, scar- let lover measles and whooping cough are more likely to be contract- ed when the child has 'a cold, You‘ will see from this that more real lurks in a cold than in any other of the con mon ailments. The easiest and quickest waly to cure a cold is to take Lliumberlain’s Cough Remedy. The many remarkablt cures effected by this prepafation have made it I a ‘staplc article of tr d {heir origin in sumption 111 no: the cold pl‘cpura reception and Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Lucas returned on Saturday weeks’ visit to the Old Country, vis- iting the principal cities 0 Scotland and Ireland, and also Paris and other points of interest in France. They brought back some glowing accounts of their trip, which was indeed a pleasurable one. Mr. Lucas was spared the usual attack of mal . . . ___....|I.. .mmmnnniaa ‘OCOQDBB Ul UUVI- -_ indeed a pleasurable one. was spared the usual attack of mal. de mer, which usually accompanies. be ocean, but Mrs. Lucas did not pass through the or- deal with such perfect equanimity. Mr. Lucas. unaccompanied, took a run up to the north of Ireland and had some amusing experiences among the quaint settlers of those parts, the County of Monaghan being of especial interest to him as the place I his forefathers once lived. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas. who were ac- companied on the trip by Mr. M. K. Richardson and Miss Christine, spent some tune in London. going about each day_ and seeing at close range Richardson en in London. going shout. esch day snd seeing st olose rsnge :11 the pieces we read and hes: shout in English history. They osme heck with bounding health. blessi moment the divinity which shsped their minds towsrds this exhilersting trip.-éâ€"Msrkdsle Scendnrd. II Your Chest “Whoezy 1’: Lost u Pinto: Tip. Why Colds Are Dangerous. . ’1‘“! Wu lv-u â€"__, glish @iotory. They Mme tuck using «oh I) abtpod minds town iâ€"Murkdalo Scandud. Wo have had nation of lugs toms- A. G. McNebb. of Molnar, oomee elong with two big cucumbersâ€"one 0! them 123 by 263 km. end the other 12} by 24 inbhee. The seed wee pleated quite late and got very little rain. No telling whet the dimen- eione of those double-you-npe would have been had they received plenty of water.â€"Shelburne Eoonomnet. Cough mixtures “d0pe" a coldâ€"but} don't c‘ure. Above all else, keep :the‘ bowels regular and stimulate the el- eminating organs. _.fMore valuable than any cough syrup are Dr. Hamil» ton’s Pills. They clear the system of every trace of coldâ€"the dull headache aching limbs, and cough disappears. Take the pills before retiring, nthey work while you sleep, and by morning your cold is broken and passes quick- ly away. All dealers sell Dr. IHamil- ton's Pills in 25c. boxes.. No ruin yet. It is said thut the‘ ruin felleth upon the just and the] unjust alike. We must be betwixt nnd between, us on Fridsy lust our neighbors s few miles from us were favored with copious showers. some even with rain in torrents, while the much wishedolor downpour “passed by us on the other side” and all sides. Wroxeter. Gorrie end Fordwich got In tremen ious soaking, Ayton and ’ Neustndt a. little, Mt. Forest enough. and so on, but not a. drop at Clifiord. â€"â€"Express. His hand catching in the locomo-l tive as he was about to alight from a moving C. P. R. gravel engine on Monday, caused Basie Baumau to swing inward towards the rails. Suspended in the air and with one case, he disentangled his hand from the engine and with the other foot kicked himself clear of the train By so doing he fell in a heap far enough from the rails to allow the train to pass b3 him rather than over him. it was a close call. and but a narrow geOgraphical space kept Bauman on this side of the Valley of the Shadow.-â€"â€"Bruce Times. WUIDu IUD uuuuuuu bright young men. Hertley Huret. The oircumetencee surrounding the eccident ere extremely eed. The the mechine geve wey, permitting the huge bulk to immedietely etert on e rece beckwerde down the hill. Huret, who wee on the engine, et firet endeavored to prevent its dee- 'cent. but hie efiorte were uneveiling. Leeving the roed, the engine creehed into the ditch, cetching Huret in the fell end pinning him down. When extrected it wee found thet he wee eeriouely injured. One rib wee brok- en, hie ekull wee frectured end he wee terribly bruieed from heed to however, they found it impoeeible to do eny thing to relieve the young men 1 end he peeeed ewey ebout two houre . eiter the eccident. The deoeeeed Are You Sleepless. Nervous? To love 011‘ a Cold. Bush Fires in Wiarton. A Narrow Escape. The Weather. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE sunburn. Im A BREATH THERE’S REST lifeâ€" Breathe “wind and be Cured of . Catarrh, Bronchitis, Nature has a remedy for Ioatarrh, epidemic colds and bronchitis that sis far better than dosing the \stomach with medicine and drugs. It is the healing oils hand balsams of Hyomet which medica‘te the \ air you breathe, reaching the most pre- mote air cells in the nose throat and lungs, killing all catarrhal germs and restoring health to the mucous 'mem- brane. Hyomci acts like a curative inter- nal air bath, and blaScthe same heal- ing and antisdptic effect as the air where the Pine and Eucalyptic \for- eats give off their fragrant and heal- ing balsams. 'Breathe healing Hyomei and see how quickly you will get irelief from catarru and head colds. If it does not help you there will not be a penny’a expense, as Maciarlsne Co. \agree to refind the money. The icomcpxlete Hyomei outfit costs only $1.00. Bicycling on the sidewalks is the rule rather then the exception now. Even ladies have to give the right of Wey to these impudent law hreekero. It is in dietiuct violation of the luv. There is no excuse for it on the etreete ere in good repair. Teach peeple contempt for law and develop _-ALA r-vvvv vâ€"_ a community of anarchists. Better far reseeud the law than have it vio- lated with impunity. The drays and delivery wagons will be the next to appropriate the side walks. Better pass a by-law giving pedestrian the exclusive use of the middle of the road and let the wheeled trafic con- fine themselves to the granolithio, or tear up the sidewalks and let every- body go as they please and it would perhaps reduce tax rate.â€"Review. SURE CURE FOR HAY FEVJ Recommended by Deputy Collector f Inland Revenue at Sarnia. After years of suffering Mr. W. H. Hicks has been cured by .Catarrho- zone, and he says: "I exhierdieuced grateful relief in a few hours. Catar-l rhozone worked marvels immediately and Cured me of Hay Fever. I heart- ‘in recommend'it as the most effect- ive remedy in the market. It will cure any case of Hay Fever ever A guarantee goes with every $51.00 hackage of Catarrhozone to perma- nown." ncntly cure Hay Fever and .Summer Ast‘nu‘i. Sold by all dealers. l V Classâ€"Morrison Smith, Mary Cumming. Maggie Manley, Alex. Turnbull, Donald Ray. Sr. IVâ€"Jobn Ledinghem. Mamie Mortley, Isabel Turubull, George Ledingham, Lyela McKnight. Ivy Usrgavel. John Smith, Belle Cum- ming. J1: IVâ€"Lavina Mortley, Norms Black, Arthur Simpson. Bernard Cof- field. Sr IIIâ€"Kate Stewart, Harold Led. ingham, Mizdred Smith, Peter Moun min, Kate Smith. Jr. IIIâ€"Carrie Manley, Willie Smith, Uecil 'l‘wamley. Archie Turn- bull, Stewart. McGillivray, Elmer Traflord. II Classâ€"Irene {I‘raflordL Donald .‘0 Smith, Mar equal, Bob ton, James Pt. IIâ€"Wilfred Black; Sr. Iâ€"Willie Mountain, Boy Traf- ford. Wil ie Vaughan, Annie Moun- tain. Morris Smith. Jr. I B.-â€"Dugald Smith. Martin Cofield. Ruth Ledingham, George Vaughan, Erle 'I‘urnbull, Annie Mor- rison, Ruby Smith, Sadie McClement. Jr. I A.â€"Beseie Morrison, Annie McGillivray, Joe Shrider. Florence Cofield, Sarah Ledingbam, Alice Twamley, Mabel ’l‘raflord. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Weber qwere‘ seen passing through our ours; on their. way to the 2nd concession. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger,' of Holstein, were Spending the week with tncir brother-m-law,fi1r.CaH per Yandt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Connor. 01 um. ham, spent Sunday at the home of her. mother, Mrs. Fred Hintz, :0! the 15th concession. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, tot Wil- son, N. Y., are spending .a week at the old home of Mr. .George Moore, on the 16th concession. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Enhn, of Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Eurig and Miss Louise Ovens from near. Mt. Forest spent Sunday with the Blaming family. The young people of our locality .fipent a pleasant evening at Mr. Louis Wetlaufer’e. The night was went in dancing. Mr. Wesley ‘eBell and sister, Miss Bell, of Varney, sup- plied the young peonle with lone fine Tho finest leave; tram veywn we; glantaticns are contained In “831“!” Tea. It in masked in [salad lead packets to preserve its delicious lunch and gram-Bold by an gro- - -â€" A... 1...!!- music. 001" 3 A Harriston Nuisance. Classâ€"Irene Trafiord. Donald I, Mary Coflield and Nellie Smith , Bobbie Manley. Jennie Ren- Iames Vaughan. Mary McClem- tine-t leaves from Ceylon "I‘ea Asthma LATONA SCHOOL. HONOR. ROLL. KATE MCDONALD, Tonohor. Hampden. Wm. Connor. of But- Wlththecnanlcc of the new Canadian Pa eific ”new mile-tone ha: been reach ed inthe hiatoryofour town. The follow!“ time table '1“ be in eflect until further nouce: Bead down Read up I 6 man. 2.5511.m.lv Walk‘r'n er 10.05 pan. 1.25 1).. 6.47 8.11 Iaple 11111 9 48 LN 6 50 8 22 Hanover 9 36 12 56 7 11 3 33 Allan Pk. 9 24 12 44 7 29 8 50 Dnrh an 9 07 12 27 5 7 41 4 m I’Williame 8 54 12 14 7 57 4 22 Priccville 8 38 11 58a.n 8 10 4 35 er. Sa'ge'nJ. 1v8 25 11 45 Connecting with trains to and from Toronto. Through coach between Durham and Toronto. Speed. comfort and safety. Try the people'a lineâ€"no Ion waits at J unctiona. Cometoua for ticketa an information. We are also A cute for Allan and Dominion ateauahips, C.P. . ocean liners and Dominion Express. Maofuflane (5 Go. Railway Time Table. For Bargains in’ Men’s and Boys Suits Odd Pants Umbrellas Hats and Caps Overalls Shirts Smacks Collars and Ties Boots and Shoes Everything in the Gent’s Furnishing line. This is your chance and should take advantage of it. The echool is thoroughly equipped in teaching ehlllty. in chemicel and electricel suppliee end fittings. etc., for fuh Junior Leeving and Metric- nletton work. The following competent ate! cu in charge : mos. ALLAN. let Clue Certificcte. rm. MISS DONALDA MCKERRACHER. B.A. Cheetos, Moder: I, end Engllc h. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A.. Science. Binary 3nd Geography. Intending etndente ehouid enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- tained“ reeeonebie rem. Dnrhem is e been]: end native town, ranking it e most deeireb c piece of residence. 1000.31.00 per month. 0. L. GRAN; _ 0 R WOMOM ,. Having decided to give up the Gent’s Furnishing Business in Dug-In; my entire stock will be cleared out at : t Come with the Crow i. to Stineon’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you get ‘ $9.23.." “on“: M up Galvanized and Iron n. 2.55pm1. 1v Waik'r'n at 10.05 p.m. 1.25 1).. . mph mu 948 ms mg; Brass, Brass an 822 Hanover 936 12 56 . . 33 333.5.“ 337‘ {324 and Iron Cylmdel‘fi. 12% fifll‘ifif'fifi‘s 3.1.3.. 435 ar. Sa'ge'nJJv825 1145 ' Pumps "0'“ $2 llllflfl noting with trains to and from Toronto. lgh coach between Durham and Toronto. SHOP open every afternoon. . comfort and safety. :l'ry the people's -no ion wants at J nnotiona. Come to as w REPAIRING promptly and skate an information. erlv attended to. are also A ante for Allan and Dominion 1 sea. ' , . Maofaflano Go. “r“. n. c0“ whips, C.P. ocean liners and Dominion DURHAM SCHOOL. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Reduced prices on some broken lines of ladies’ Oxfords and Slippe: which we want to dispose of. Call and see if your size is here, it w: save you money as well as do us a. favor. Now is a good time to leave your order for a pair of fall shoes. W have 8. large stock of factory goods in heavy and fine goods. ' Are you thinking of going \Vest. ? get. our prices on trunks. valisrl telescopes, etc., before purchasing. Custom work and repairing done as neatly and quickly as possibl The Down Town Shoe Store to Stinson’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you get Best Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Sundaes, etc. Call in on your way home and get a quart treat the family. Bakery Chirmn. The You,get the Benefit of Quality COST PRICE I . S. MCILRAITH Eggs taken as Cash Geo. H. Stinson c Eugen, sososI ‘0 s 0‘. W. D.60NNOR BOOK-KEEPING SHURTH AND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COM M ERCI AL 00 RRESPO ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING I and in placing all its grad? Each student is taught separat his own desk. Trial lessons fc week free. Visitors welcome. aDAY and EVENING p‘ Business Coll Groceries, Flour, Feed a: Seeds, Fruits and Cook tionery, wishto thank-0‘ customers for three yea: prosperous business, an to say in changing 0‘ system of business fro credit to cash, we hope‘ and our customers. Handkerchiefs Suependérs Hose and Helfofloee Underwear Sweaters Overalls LEADS IN Mount Forest . T. CLANCY. The

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