West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1908, p. 8

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:n lt' rfiéufigfi‘firgwfiv up? RNNHHR E I‘- Our carpets are of the neatest patterns in hemp, union, tapestry and wool- en. Rngs to suit all at very low prices. We have a full line of “Island City” paints for house paintings. We have a good stock of heavy working coats, vests and pants, suitable for fall wear, which we are offering at very low pricesâ€"But although our cloth- ing is first-class, we have something better to offer in the shape of Nobby Suitings, suitable for the season. The purchaser may have them made by any of our local tailors, and they are all good, or We will have them made and guarantee a good fit and good workmanship at reasonable prices. With the change of the season comes the renovating of the houses. We have a splendid stock of wall paper in common, medium and high classed, of the famous make, “Staunton.” Come and see it, it will pay you. will be required in the near future, and we have an Excellent Stock of men’s and boys" clothing suitable to the approaching cool weather. It is the famous “Fashion” brand. ' Boots and shoes of a heavier make to suit the season have just arrived, from the finest to the strongest. Come and see them. Newirubbers in greatjvariety, neat and light. Fresh groceries continually arriving which we are selling at very low prices. New‘_Quaker Oats, the§best oat meal in the market, $2.80 per sack. All goods bought, if not damaged may be returned, and the money given back, except goods cut. Weleordially invite everybody to look-through our stock. y-uâ€"OC. _ v v v ' V W V v V ‘ » v“ . W t. M “WW. _________â€"-“ Produce taken same as Cash and the Highest Prices Paid House Renovating Warmer Clothing G. 3J. McKECHNIE, DURHAM For a working shoe, we have the Leaf” or “Sterling” brand. Groceries Footwear THE DURHAM CHRONICLE V. vs. ‘IIVU’ "UV. J. S. I. Wilseh: of Mvafiiiiue. s former Very highly esteemed pester, who was heard with much pleasure by his numeroqs friends here. The choir the occasion. The thunk olering unheated to shout 8105.00. Hr. Successful anniversary services were held in the Methodist church on Sundsy, when sppronriste and The Liberals of East Grey held a convention here on Saturday, at which Mr. E. Raymond. of Thorp- bury, was chosen as their candidate to oppose Dr Sproule in the coming election. 0. W. Hartman. P. Mc- Cullough. Dr. Brown, John Boland. R. Carruthers, J. 0. Patterson, H. Guy and J. D. Morgan were nomino ated, but after making short speeches withdrew in favor of Mr. Raymond. Other speakers were Thos. Grainger, m “-7----L-, - - -- a hwrty recep‘i n. He again sang with wonderful power and pathos, and was compelled to reapaud to nearly every number. Mr, White, who appeared here {or the first time, kept the audience in mere of langhter and was compel ed to respond to the hvnrry encoree given Mr O E Bodley. of Toronto accompanist, w 10 is a very accomplished mueician. de lighted the a. idience with beautifully mano 8010:. Mr E B. Neun, of Toronto, also gave a well rendered piano number. Mr. Geo. Mitchell presided in a {leasing manner. Flesherton Citizens’ Band entertained on the grounds during the afternoon and also took part in the entertain ment 1n the evening. The proceeds of the Fairâ€"gate receipts. $20315; booths. $12 00; entertainment, 8103.- 70; coral. $318 85 follows: President. J. 0. Patterson: Vice President. R. D. Carruthers; Sec.-Treas.. J. E. Foster. East Grey Fall Fair held here on Thursday and Friday last was favored with fine weather and provel a pleas ant outing for the hundreds who assembled to meet and greet old friends who perhaps had nor. met since last fair day. Though the ex- hibits were not as full in all lines, nor the attendance quite up to last year. the Fair was on the who’e good from an agricultural Standpoint. In! several lines the exhibits were better in quality than last year. In heavy draught horses Mr. '1‘. L Mercer and Mr. J. A. Kernahan were the prize winners with very fine animals. In' the agricultural class Asa Hill and, Levi Betto won the red and blue} tickets respectively. Ingeneral pur- pose class the"'prizes were awarded to John Elliott.. Asa Hill and J. J. Aitken. 'ln carriage horses hand- some spans shown by Henry Bradley. and J. M. Davis, who were the prize Winners, and in' roadste'rs O. Noble was given'the red ticket. For single . driver the prizes went to James, Crowston and D. McTavish. In cattle and swine the exhibit was fairly' good, but in sheep it was the best ever on the ground, which is doubt- less due to the special prizes by County of Grey Oxford Down Breed. ers’ Association. the specials being won as follows: Oxford Down lambsâ€" W. Patton. L. Lougheed, R. Arnott; Oxford Down ramâ€"J. Lougheed. R. Arnott, G. Grummett; Sheariing ewes â€"W. Patton, J. Lougheed, R. Ar- nott; Best pen of Down sheepâ€"W. Patton. Alex. Muir was a prize winner with two fine pens of Cote- wolds and Leicesters. In poultry there were a lot of fine birds shown by W. H. Thurston, Rev. L. F. Kipp and exhibitors from Durham. The Government Judges on horses and cattle were Robert Park and R. W. Wade. The sports were witnessed with much interest. especially the dog race. which was won by E. Jam- ieson and R. Whittaker. Men’s race. once around the track. A. M. Shep- pard. A. 8. Thurston; men's race (ovdr 45 years of age). 100 yards, R. Whittaker, '1‘. Howard; boys' race (under 16), 150 yards. H. Karstedt, G. Buchanan; hoys’ race (under 12), J E Howard. R. McAuley, B Whit- taker; girls, race (under 16). 100 ya‘ds. Cora Huzcoison, Elsie Wright, Kate Wilcock. On Friday evening a splendid etito-rtaiument was given in the drill shed. at which Donald Mo (luwgor. baritone. and WM ,l. \Vhive,. comic, Were the. attractions. Mr,‘ \'c(.}regor, who sang her.u on the Is: ofJnly and delighted hiw~ audience with his. magnifiv-‘nt Veins, was given Boyd Bros.’ and F. G. Karstedt’s fall millinery openings last week were very successful. Miss McBean, who is in charge at the former place, and Miss Wilkinson at the latter. had each a beautiful diaplay of trunmed goods in the latest styles, and also a splendid assortment of the newest things in trimmings and novelties cf the season. The show rooms were artistically decorated, and the display in each was inspected by a large number of lady patrons. The entertainment under the au- spices of the East Grey Teachers’ Association to be held here on Thurs day evening. October 8th, gives promise of being the treat of the season. The programme will consist of selections by Miss Elsie Dixon Craig, eltcutionist and impersonator. and musical selections by the best local talent. Of Miss Craig, the leading Toronto papers say: “She has a perfectly controlled voice of unus-‘ ual quality. ranging from almost 'a deep baritone to a high falsetto; vocal and facial expression are alike excel- lent. Her greatest success is in “Vocal Contrasts” (which she will render here). In this poem written for her by Mr. Owen Smily. his tones vary from the cry of a young child to the deep bass of a political orator." Flesherton. Mr. McBretney, a noted singer. hee been secured to neeiet Evangelist McHerdy in the specie! meetings to commence in the Methodiet church on Snndey next. Sunday last being Children’s Day in the Presbyterian church through- out the denomination the attractive order of worship prepared by the Assembly’s Committee was conducted by the pastor in Chalmer’s church. and the service throughout was very interesting. Through his solicitor Mr. W. B. Wright, Mr. W. J. Bellamy hes re- ceived settlement from the C P. R. Company of cleim for demeges by injuries to his son in the Celedon wreck. The case wee down for hear- ing at the essizes at Owen Sound this week. but by emiceble settlement hes been removed from the docket. We understend the cleim of Councillor Wright. of Vsndelenr. whose wife wee elso injured in the wreck. has been settled through his solicitor, Mr. anes. Rev. Dr. Caldwell supplied Rev. yr._Wil_Ion'o pulpit. at Muhdnlo on Wilson also preacheu at Meaford Road in the afternoon. where the thtnk ofiering was $80.00. Boots find Shoes-«It’s a very exeeptimml c-nstunwx- that We cennot fit in shoes. Long experience in studying 'hv \vidvly din’r' Slfied needs of the human foot, give. us accumvy in judging what Will best suit each individual case. That’s a great help in the man or woman who has to wear the shoes. A happy mmhination of fOOt’ comfort, Style and economy is something we haw- hm-n :lhlP t0 develope to a. high degree. If you are not already um- CHSWIW give us a. trial on that. next pair of shoes. Underwear.---F0r Men, \Vomvn and ( inihln-n. We Pave the Way to Comfort Our underwear department, is complete. “St.a11ticld‘.~” unshx-inkm'le ---the best made. best fitting. most comfortable. dumhlv and satis- factory underwear, that modern machinerv and skilled Mm can procuce. Ask to see our men’s at 500. Ladiea.‘ from 2W. up. Bows at 35c. and 50c. Rememberweare going out of Hardware. Get the bargains Special Sale of Suits for Friday and Saturday WE CLOTHE THE MAN FROM HEAD T0 FOOT Distinctive styles in Men’s and Young Men’s Suit» ”1' 11w famous “Sanford” nmke.--the range is wide,--f21brics and >1}'lv‘~ .11? many. Priced to suit every pocketâ€"â€"â€"-$7.50 t,u:$2H.W. Record Breaking SALES In Boots Shoes Style, Quality, and Value Highest Price for Produce ' (continued on page 5.) Grocery Bargains for Friday and Saturda.v These Joints are made by fusing the 5m] and cast iron parts together at White heat ’ making an indestructible joint. PM Joints are permanently airtight. Em after '20 years’_.§ls.e they will not Work . loOSe or leak. . They insure absoluu freedom from‘dustj, smoke and gaS. The Steel-Ribbed Fire Pot used on the “Heck" F urnace. has three times .as much ‘ radiating surf“: as any other style of firef‘pot. '} It will save fuel for you; and‘-givéo-y~ou more heat. It extracts from the fire, heat that would otherwxse' go up the Chimney, $ 5.00 Suits .................... for 32.305 3 7. 50 Suite .................... fm S'l. $8.508uits ................... Inxsfly. $10. 00 and $11. 00 Suits ...... ....'-m 57.11! $14. 00 and $15.00 Suit/s ......... f« u N'J'i' RAINCOATS AND OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY ‘ Let us showzyou the 1908 “ Hecla ” and explain all the latest improvements in detail. nude syn. M .1 ‘PW rah-mu» m 3 the. Black Tea at 50c. ................ far 3 lbs. Fancy Biscuits .................. ,.fur 4 packages Dalley’s Jelly at We. each, for... 1 can Veal. Ham. or chicken loaf, 150. size 2 10c. bottles reliable Shoe Dressing. . . .fur 2 10c. cans Richards’ Lye .............. for 4 10c. packages Corn Starch ' ........... f m- 3 Boxes Matches. safety silent ......... for Saturday. 20 lbs. “Red Paths" Sugar. .fnr Means Perfect Heativq without 6119, Bus! or Smoke. AT THE TOP The “Hccla” Furnace is the F urnacc with Fused Joints. THE BIG' STORE ALEX. RUSSELL In the nutter of the Estate 01'3”“! Ionian, late of the 'l‘owmhil”f human in the Count! 0‘ Grey, deceased NOTICE: IS HEREBY GIVEN PL’RBF' :3 ‘9: ““16 Revised Saturn: of. 0an 7. (shaman-129A a! all orednwrs 3?.” hQVlng Claims agaius! tho 05“" a]. ““1 RObert Mornmn. Wht 0' mt the 8th dsy of August. I“. 2; mm on 01' before the :mh dud“ u ‘ 1m. to Send, pus? pWDdlftflr of” "0 Wm. Morrison, the Manama: chtyp'opfirty 0fthe said det'ean' I“ ‘3‘”? 1nd suruamm. midi-009“ minnow. the full particular ' M .0 the Statement Hf ’hen‘ £9093“ “I. uture of the sectaritios. If wy‘ W '2! than. “a - . . . .1... “‘0'..st - at an deceased amuug .md (“gnu a“ thereto hnving ragar 31“.! of which he shal then tun Mid tint the said adgniluiflrgtA p 101137!“ And further take native ”‘3 Int lontionod «late the said tor will rooeed to dmnlmtt‘ of the accused among ”'9, Dnted the NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS . . . .for $1.00 ....for .25 All “m u.- PATTERNS {H It ‘. [nasal t0 5 Lug. this year i“ harlo- ' We cell the Md’hehfl \ ~ '4 use them and It" 1 about hood 013'“ i” ” V ‘1‘. George SmiH-. Gland: farm. last in ad 1 (arm just «ac and takes possession a 3 3004 Chile!) ,1: M“ him eVeX‘)' 5.. hm “'e want to clmx II“! of ready-tom M the Clothes. Let us come togvtf" The prices tell Hu- to $7 suits for S' ‘55.. md other t ahup. At Grant’s t To the thinking puMiv out like a Witch. Tun \ have imilar cases. In _\ } alike, but they hnh- «in. [VI the “Side of .1 (‘0 ’00 M't see that hm} out. I lock carefully as 1. til. “er5" as it \\c!‘»' the reason my work ~h. ‘ “1"". class man \xiir. nylon. Prices no 1:111: I'd.â€"J. A. Glass, txailur It in to be regrc-uod ”like on Garafraxw Mr lull '“th 0‘ the 'BU'N'! .‘I’O‘ iollars additional '00“ have remedied “l ‘0‘ for the future he‘ Intake in the counvil u‘ or a. majority of ’n» 1 would not only look L. ' be better. It can't H .hflfi'cver. and “'1' 1mm .what we have. Thin up; “tantalum! hv t‘ o t .1003. and the lurid; 'o I 50 built for us to r 1 ”501' Calder and u. fr the council thouuh ‘ they were over Iun 1 ‘ a.“ Of Whom 8T!“ UH“. "‘1 probably. that tr. _\' Holstein fair \\ .1 ¢ ll‘t week. and “MFA“ \ssmw ! “a”, James! (‘x-m‘ """ h Plain: the pt-npl I" ”0 loyal to Uu-ir n- r '0“ mt unitedly i' d A, M i! always :1 .311 Viewing wit}. ' I ‘IOI “Clothing lmttv : ‘1 h; We are not :z'c :; . h“ fitlously. 11’ '7 . 1‘ mt." have Srlm c:.2 M footings to t‘ M. b Met your in 'I 31“.“: of (‘in‘um'i m M week H) Li‘ k” “-t. A hrakvn .3.” and ”)0 «lth H w by Juslivv Huh E“ on u... :w ..2 ~‘ Mity hau‘im: fit!“ Wow mad. I- TOW!) C(Hlm MI for :11" E 42-410. 2169. The loan cle just n There 07(1'3' _\‘ d the (1H N H' n ‘0 any at hvl * of foul “HI I.“ the innc . who ate ,. G. M; want 0 0( aympllJ 0 an 1k

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