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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1908, p. 2

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fem of had op ito Mr Thou. ~ convoniont to nrhom. Cottage .,,:6 rooms. good woodshod. good sta- ihouu. never failing well. Excell- fot aatdoning. Apply to Anon 'J fl ACRE FARM wrmm TWO ' .' es of Durham. 0n the farm there ll {:3 brick house. almost new also two -- rue with stone foundations. The {3' is well fenced and well watered. ~ use t 831130 on terms to suit purchas- lg...” y to W. F. Dunn, Agentfor Ven- ' r [A prrl 29â€"tt'. ELLING AND SHOP. ON '1! Street, Durham. [10“ frontage “f'dliam Laidlaw at sebum and 1 mile from church. ' rms. For further Difficult" :pply . H. Sharpe. Holatoin P.O. [6251mptf :Farms for Sale. H CLASS 200 ACRE FARM ood district in the TownshiK rmanhy. The soil is a. ric loam. and the land is rolling l rec from hills. 125 acres is ed and under cultivatisn, the , re forms :1 very valuable. cedar 4 artlwoml hush. The fencesare lent and thereisdlenty of water Illllll , gsm unprise a trame dwell- ouse, :1 splendid barn 50x70 with fl mntlation and stabling, a root . an implement house. a log 'n 30x2". frmue sheep pen and hen house, all in good repair. rice is $621!).ll). For further 'Illfll‘s mul terms of payment or apply persmlally to \V. F. . Solicitor for Vendor. occasion of the Township of Nor- . containing250acres. the estate at Thos Fulton One atone dwelling trame dwelling. Good bank barn frame barn. Will be sold in block tomit purchaser. Terms made on application. Hugh Fulton, Ad- a’r, llampden, P. 0. nblo fun. in New Onmio. near intend to: adoâ€"hm. discount to: ”up of tho locality and tom: given Bafion to J. P. Toltonl. 8:11:33: to; ’. - -t union West of tho Guafrm Raul. . Township of Normwby. in the r of Grey. For puticnhu :pply to .fflfgs'd' lgsrristor. Durham. .â€"-t 7'- oumm, 3 miles north of Hoists-in. Ii 100 acres. about 90 acres clnared good state ufcnltivation, Rood brivk f2 Jame frame basement barn. WM and well waitered.__goqd 011313”de THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€"_ so, situated on the west aid - Garaâ€" net. in upper town. large lot with . nt clans well. alao cistern. Avply 3308. Angus Cameron. [3m roperty for Sale. mâ€"tjix miles from Durham. Good ’ouoosnon gt once. Good land. Must I. For puticuhu apply to J. P. ., Durham. 2ND AND 38.!) DIVISION OF i UNDERSIGNED OFFERS 13 AND 14, CON. 3. N D.B mix. IE acres buah. {nae bun, noted, no» he sold. A. B. .1125)? DOD SOLID BRICK TWO irey dwelling. alongside Presby- lanse property in Upper Town, . Corner of Durham and Elgin Seven rooms. pantr . closets, floored cellar.etc. G airy loca- rood locality. Good frame stable. I soft water. one acreoi land. Snap t purchaser. For further particu- »y to John W. Mchchnie. Owner, Ingpen If. 0. sale a number of houses and out- . along the line of right of way of herton and Lucknow Railway. m Lo! Durham. endings must he removed et en he. in order to cleer the line of right I rial such as timher hrnch. atone. where the buildings cenuot be re eleo od’ered tor ode. unedth 1W1. STOREY DOUBLE FRA M E MBER OF TOWN LOTS ON con and Countess Streetsâ€"good prices reasonabln Apply to nith or at the Post Ofico. 2lâ€"IN THE SECOND CON- IBEB OF IMPROVED VAL- No. I. E. G R.. in the Township It. I“) acres knownu the “lickin- n” at the Rocky Sumac. 1m- pououion given. For particuhra J. P. Tolford. 3 ll-UIâ€"tf 57 AND ‘28â€"IN THE 18TH .t. willAront cup 0; Ion sous. 3 LOT 19. CON 2. E fliesâ€"cf. . Rocky. immediate possession giv- iunhet suticulan apply to . P. Tau-om)” PORTABLE COTTAGE AN D ’1' Sale or Rent loot.“of iront in in rovoinonts. . soul. water. orghai _ 3le tiulbor NON 100 ACRE FARM AT To Rent. G o 0 D COM FORTA RLE 3. Apply to J. M. Latimor. . .r Your Children, 5 Education ACRE FARM AT GLAS It’s a good plan. Start a special Savings Account at once with the dad Bank, and keep adding small amounts to it darly. You will never miss the money. Then, when the child is old enough your deposits, 1 the Cornpound Interest which we add quarterly, provide a fund large enough to give a thorough Appâ€"l; lo"): “Ritchie. Port A J . W'RE‘EFORD Durban |873 STANDARD BAN K man-oar” DURHAM BRANCH Jobs; 30117. Humor OF CANADA lmfham. Think it over. [423t HUNTERS AND OTHERS FOUND treSpassing on the following llots will be prosecuted: Lots 57 and 62, Con. 3. E. G. R; lots '3, 4, 5 and 6, Con. 1, N. D 11.; ‘lot 3, 000.. l. and: lot 3. C011. 3. s. D. R., and lots 61 and 62, con. 2. E. G. R.. Glencllg‘. By Order. THOMAS McGIRR, A. CRUTCHLEY, JOHN BELL. W. J. YOUNG, C. FIRTH. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, at the expira- tion of one month from the posting up of this notice, intend to take into consideration, and if no suf- ficient objection thereto be made, finallyr pass a By-law for the Opening up of a Street, through lots numbers 20 and 21 East of Garatraxa Street, and lots num- bers 20 and 21, \Vest of Albert Street, in the Town of Durham. Dated this 10th day or August, A. D. 1908. \V. B. VOLLET, Mr. \Vm. Hunt is seriously $ill at present with apparently but little chance to recover. Oct. 84-tp For 8. S. No. 2, 'Egremont. County Grey, male or female, second 1 or third class. Applications. statfng salary. qualifiC'Itions. expr-r'ence and enclosing testimonals will be 9re- crivod by the undersigned up xto Saturday, October lat. Duties to conmmnco at the beginning: of athe New Year. JOHN SHARPE, Sum-Tram, Oct. 84-“). Hohstein P.O. STRAYED TO [HE PREMISES 01“ the undermgned, lot 88. con. 3, Glen- elg, on or about the 28th of August, a young henfer. Owner may have same by proving preperty and haying expenses. HENRY WILLIAMS Srpt. 24â€"8. Edge Hill P. O. Mrs. Joseph Reay is on .the sick list, but we hOpe .to hear of her speedy recovery. TWO THRESHING OUTFIT8.â€"One lain engine. 12 h. p., and one trac- ion ongine 14 h. p. All in good running 0 or. At a bargain. ZENAB CLARK. Varnoy. Threshing is about completed in the nt‘igl-borhood and the yield was vety good. A quiet wedding of two 'of our young peOple took place on 3110‘” day, September 23rd. when Mr. le. Bailey was ha )pily wedded to IMiSS Minnie I’ric. T10 ceremony was per- formed hy Rev. W. 'L. Newton on the residence of the groom. Only im- mediate relatives of the contracting pur'tiea Ming pI'eSEnt. A short hOney- moon was spent. at Owen Sound, after which the happy couple returned .und took up their home lin this local'.ty.. Second hand coal stove, '“Su‘ltuya” Struycd from the prcmiles of \ the undersiunod, Lot 12. Con. 17. 'Egre- mom, “rumorc P. 0., on 'the 23rd of S<‘~;‘»temher. a two-year-old heifer, principally l'l‘d, two white h’nd feet. tail white. Any informatLon.load- ing to her recovery will be suitable reunitedâ€"JAMES SNELL. 3-6 LOT NO. 4. ELGIN St. EAST. DUR- ham. consisting of one-half acre of land. On the property are a good six-mowed roughcast dwelling, two storeys high, on stone foundation, well finished inside, ood stone cellar, a never failing we] and a cement cistern of twenty barrels capacity. Good outbuildings _and. staples, and GOOD WORKING TEAM, 4 AND 6 years old, bays. iAlao 1 mare, 7 years ‘Old, su[)[_)(_)sed .in ‘fogl‘. Will Keats old , Slipposea m [031. 9 sold roasonably. App] to THCS. GREEN _QOD, WARNING T0 TRESPASSERS good' bearing (Trchard of twenty trees. For further panic ulars apply at this office or on premises to gives you an uplift. You can best get at our lame up-to-date school. Central Business College. Toronto. Fine catalogue free. Send postal request. Write 'ood condition, cheap. Apply '. W. Seareh. PR AGTIOAL IDUOATION Teacher Wanted. Horses for Sale. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. (.‘attle listray. For Sale. Clerk. Town of Durham. Vickers “C H. SHAW. President JOHN WILLIAMS. 5| Branches Edge 311“] now has risen to 73.0“.000 under an ad. ministration which promised to re- duce the: burdens of the ceple and under the management 0 the 'same Minister who viewed with alarm the comparatively small in- crease which had taken place in the years before he had taken office. The Halifax platform advocatml only a year ago hy Mr. Bordon. ws di-nounccd. The Free Rural Mail Dn- livory was comlrmn' 'l by Sir xWilfid and Honorable. Mr. Lem-ieux, I’.M.G.. as altogether unsuitahlo for a country the size of Canada until the polmlation had reached 20 millions. Notwithstanding this Mr. L:u1ri"‘ and Mr. Lemieux at the Niagara Falls meeting a couple of weeks ago, an- nounce-d to the pconle that they had a real boon for the people in the way of a Free Rural Ma'l Dolinsrchle'n-w which they intended soon to 'bring into effect. The Postal System, Tele- graph System. and Toll;~phon.728ystem. should be all alike under. govermc-nt control, having due regard for the rights of existing companfic-s and interests. Mr. Laurie!“ he contention! had obo- trayr-d the trust the people had im- posed in him arranging for 'Prefor- ential Trade with Great Briti‘ n, “and Canada was today suffering from ‘his blunder. The taxation of 27,000,000 imposed upon the people of Canada during- Conservative rule. was regarded us an unbearable burden b; the Liberal o )- poai‘on prior to 18 6. The_taxa’. iop _‘ A-‘ The Immigration policy wanbrinfâ€" ly dealt with. Like Mr. Ball he thought the quality rather than the quantity! Hhould be considered. Good English, Irish. Scotch. Germans or French wvro dozairnblc settlers. but some who were brought in were not the kind that wr‘nt to make up the boat comnmnitios. The North Atlantic Trading“ Com- pany was roundly scored. DEd 'not know who comnoscd the companyfimt it was characterized by fraud and fraudulent dealing. Was Spoken of an one of W. '1‘. IR. Preston’s Gold Mines. We have the same policy in all parts' --â€"- of Canada, on through 'the inilur-ncei 1 Honest {IDDI‘OPI'lilthD and ex- of this policy he was impressed by: enditure of public mom-vs in th« the building of pOpulution It Wild p, - - ', ,, “ . _ . lpuhlic lflttICot. a great compliment to the i'orcimz‘ht,t .. .. t f bl’ ff'ml wisdom and statesmanship of Sir John; 2- Appointmon 0 )u . '0' ,0 '1] ‘ when the Laurinr Government .uiion conxsdorutions o cupamty .111: though they denounced this policy'personal character and not of mart: for eighteen years and threatened its service alone. . . . destruction, dare ,not lay unholy? 3. More effective [.DI'OVISIOIISJ to hands upon it to carry out their prc- punish bribery and fraud a'tylccuons election threats. Ito ensure thorough publicity us 't1 The Government EXpenditurefiad tho increased in like manner. Thirty, 1‘ eight to forty-two millon dollars 'a‘ent ear was the ex enditure under 'tbe1ljti éonservatives. his has increased;em annually until now it runs up to vast- so ly out a hundred millions. That was tiw not the kind of reduction eXpected ow: when the peeple of Canada voted theg op Liberals into power. ltim Hon..R. L. Borden was vnext called and the ringin cheers with which he was receiv was levidence of the Opulariw on the man who sppmrcd or the first time in this portion of the Dominion He had already ad- dressed two meetings. one at 'Strat- ford, another at Listowel and was billed for Durham in the evening. and the audience could scarcely fail :to realize that only a ma: lot strong physical endurance could stand such a strain. He was evidently tired, but as he got into the 'subject. he. show- ed himself to be in possession of a clear strong grasp of the political situation, and very ronounced in his desire to see a goo rand honest ad- ministration of public affairs. He came to Speak, he said, -to the honest rank and file of the Liberal partv. He was not narrowed-minded enough to think that the rank and file of the Liberal arty is less honest than the rank and) file of the Conservative party, but he did contend rthnt the Liberal mirty at Ct'L. wu lave de- parted from tlu-ir platform *of 1893. The interforcnce wuh til-s Dominion voters’ lists was strongly dvnonnenzl and in -thin an effort. was mild? to (1-7-- priw- the honest. «lmt'r from the rightful t-xv'l‘lfiit‘u of his franchise. The men Upon the treasurv benches at Ottawa. hc- (lacl‘l't‘d hzxd vinla‘vd every pledge in their platform of 1893 With regard to the Fiscal Question there are many points where ~there may be an honont ri‘f’nrnncc 30f Opintion. On such questions he was willing to make allowance. The National policy war. fumed by ~the late Sir John Macdcnald in 1877-8. Mr. Borden's address was listened to from first to last with an intensity of interest that showed an earnest- ness on the part of 'the electors not always observable in a campaign such as this is. Honest administration and a careful and proner eXpenditure of the public money is what the electors want. That the{) have not been gett- ing it is felt y lConservatiVes. as well as a large number of the honest and independent Liberals who will join their forces on the v26th of Oc- tober to accompliah a victory 'over the mal-administration im‘d mis- government of the late rulera at Ottawa. A number of illustrations were given of Liberal misrule and tmalad- ministration. Among these were the Arctic Expenditure, Merwin Con- tracts with Marine and Fisheries, and other deals that were put 'through for the benefit of friends of the gov- ernmc-nt or members of the 'Liberal party. Col. Hugh Clark on rising tasked how. Mr. Miller, the present 'member for South Grey, had recompensed .his town' with a partisan support. Dur- ing recent years many Liberalswere displeased with the actions of \the Laurier Governemnt and threatened never again to vote in support of it. He. was not going to xn't'ise any prOphetic power, but he would predict the election of Mr. Borden to the Premiership of Canada if one- half or one-quarter of those who threatened to vote against Laurier, or not support him would keep litheir words a the next election. Hon. J.W. Hanna, gave a rousing address in which he attacked the Laurie: Government at many points. The Borden campaign was for honest administration of the public domain and an honest expenditure of the wblio money. He referred to Mr. hitney’s campaign along the same lines, gave several illustrations. of the dis-government or incapacit of the Liberals, showed how the \pu lic were cheated out of their honest rights for the support of 'the party favorites and party heelers. Very forcible reference was made to the Immigration policy of the Govern- ment. _a_nd _¢_le_nounced their action in we. and were in themselves sufficient to thaw the need of a change. Holden Visits South Elev Continued from page 1. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE to cogn- punish bribery and fraud at elections, Ito ensure thorough publicity :Is 'to jechnditures by political organiza- ,tious, to prevent the accumulation campaign unds [or corrupL purposes and prohibit contril'utious Llwrl-to by corporations, contractors and promoters, to nxvcdite tln‘ hearing of election petitions and to prevent collusivq arrungcmcnts for the with- drawul or compromise then-of, to provide for a thorough investiga- tion of corrupt practices, and if necessary to appoint an independent prosecuting officer churgr'i with that. duty, to simplify the. procedurv there- for, and to \HfOI'C-t‘ Lllt“ lluws so zummdml i 1. Honest approvriation and ex- ‘Peflditure of public mom-yrs in the, épublic interest. 2. Appointment of )ublic officala fupon conisdorutions 0 capacity and 'pcrspnal _charactcr and not of warty 7:. Such reform in the mode of selecting: 0t members of the ‘Scnate as will make. the chamber a more use- ful aned representative legislative body 6. A more careful selection of Ithei sources from which immigration shall? be sought, a more rigid linsnocflon' of immigrunta and tho. abolit on or the bonus syswm except under everyY Special circumstances and for the! puriose of obtaining iarticularly de- siri la classes of sett era. 3. The og-rration and mangemcnt of our government railways; :by an indulindent commission free irom partisan control or influence. 7. The manzlgemcnt and dove-10p- ment of the public domain (which are to be included great national aft-un- chises) for the public benefit and under such conditions that a rea- sonable pmportion of the increment of value arising: therefrom shall rin- ure to the peOple. 4. A thorough and complete refer- mation of the laws relating 1to the CiviL Service so that future, ‘up .oi-nt- manta shall be mad-3 by Jan in epon- dvnt commission acting upon tn? report of examiners after competi- tive examination. 9. The deveIOpment and improve- ment- of our national waterwa s, the equipment of national ports, t e im- provement of trans )ortation facilities and consequent r notion of freight rates between the dance of production and the market w ether at vhome or 11. The establishment after due investigation. of a system of national telegraphs and telephones under con- ditions which shall be just to capital aiready invested in those enterpris's. 12. The improvement of existing postal facilities. especially in newly develOped portions of the country, and the inauguration, after prOper inquiry as to cost, of ta system of rural mail delivery. As Laid Down by R. L Borden. M P , Opposition Leader. at Halifax. August 20th, 1907. Mr. Ball, the candidate. Mr. W111; The RueVe, report as to repairs on Luidlaw acted 113 chairman. lMcVib b1idg1 : James Atkinson ac- count {01 npairs to grader; A. Mc- C01 duck oHiring to give deed of de- LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE PLAT ‘viation acroxs Lot 28, Con. 2. 131G. R... in consideration of the council FOB-M 'nnnntrnm‘ing a s11hW'1v for 111111. abroad, and the establishment of a thorough system of cold storage. 10. The reorganization of the pres- ent Railway commission as a Public Utiliticg commissiqn Vt.“ _w fie}: p9w- 13. A fiscal olicy which will 'pro- mote the pro ucflion within Canada of all useful articles and commodities that can be advantageously produc- ed or manufactured from or by means of our natural resouces, bavmg \due regard to the interests of the :con- sumer' as well. as to the just clafims oil our wage earning pOpulation. Dr. Sproule .ooncluded the after- noon addresses. but. had not time to toucu many of the teat political pro- lema he can hand e so 'tbly and so well. He felt confident the Laurier Government was going to be over- thrown and that Mr. Borden would be the next premier. era and more extended jurisdiction so as establish thorouth and effec- tive control over all corporaticns owning or operating public utilities or invested with. franchises of 'a na- tional character. and workmen out of employment. He concluded bi a reference to .the abil- Mr. J. P. Downey. M. P. P., of Guelph the orator of the Legislative Assembly, made one of his character- istic speeches. and with a mixture of humor, argument and pathos, decried the actions of the Government,: in their mal-adminietretioh and er- t-idy. He showed in the most ltG ling language how the Government had punisheJ wrong doers such as IPres- ton. Jackson and others. Denounced the ballot switching and other 1elec- toal methods whose objects were ‘for party gain through robbing honest electors of their vote. fl‘he Turriffs The town hall at Durham was pack- ed at eight o’clock the same evening. when rous’ng addresses were listened to from Mr. Borden, Mr Hanna. Mr. Hugh Clark, Mr. J. P. 'Downny and Mr. Ball, the candidate. Mr. \Vm. Luidlam acted nus chairman. and the Burroughs and the Hitch- cock: were scored. for their conduct in the land deals, by which the peOple were being robbed of their ‘heritage. The meeting closed with cheers 'for the leader and the candidate. 14. The promotion by negotiation, legislation and other constitutional means of a system of «mutual pre- ferential trade within the Empire. *It is estimated that nearly two thousand were present. 15. The restoration of the public lands of the Provtnces of Alberta and Saskatchewan upon fair terms. 16. The unimpaired maintenance of all powers of self-government which' have been conferred upon the Pro- vinces under the constitution. is as necessary to men and women in ordinary life as to the Athlete. The regular use of “Bovril” builds up a. large reserve of strength, which makes sustained effort of mind and body possible, and en- ables the system to resist attacks of disease. Reserve Strength \Veirâ€"McMillunâ€"That the follow- ing accounts be paid. namely: for repairs to McNabs bridgv, Prui Park- er, 3‘3. 75; PU‘cy Duvih‘, $3. 75; R. J. McFadden. $7.75: N. McGilvary.$4.50; Geo. Arnett, 750; Duncan McNub. |$4.)0;'1'hos. McFadden, three days overseeing. $54.50. Total $29.50.â€" Carried. Huntâ€"McMillanâ€"That the Reeve and Mr. Weir be. 11 committcc to meet the engineer of the W :1lkerton Luck- now Rail“ ay C0111] 1anV at Lots ll, 1’ and 13 on Con. '3, b‘ D. IL. 1111! make, such arrangements as think 11101191" in connection with the road tat that place.-â€"Carried. Weirâ€"McMillanâ€"That gravcl ac- counts be paid as follows:-â€"\\'illiam Jmk, 2] rods, $2.10; M. IStonehouse, $3.30.-â€"Carricd. inrâ€"Huntâ€"That J. S. Black be plid #2 .00 for deeds of lots in Price- villo, and that J. A. McMillan. Thos. Nichol and J. S. Black be paid >200 each for committee work in connec- tion with the sameâ€"Curri-‘d. “’eirâ€"Huntâ€"That the Clerk ex- amine the roads in connection “with the McCormick deviation and report at_next meeting of Cou_ncil.â€"C_arrimi. McMillanâ€"W'eirâ€"That the Clerk be paid $1.50 for deed for deviation on L01 5. Con. 9, and also that the Rech and Clerk be paid $2 each in con- nvction with sume.â€"â€"Carricd. CheCQues weFe issued for the (101- lowing payments:â€" William McNally, payment for de- viation. $100; James Atkinson. re- pairs to grader. $4.00: the Clerk for postage. $4.13: J. A. McMillan, com- mission on execution. $5.00. The Reeve wua instructed to 'pro- cure a No. 2 Rooter \plough for use of municipality. ‘_1‘_he Council adjourned to October Weirâ€"Huntâ€"That by-law 488 and 489 be now read a third 'and fourth ti'n'w, signed, sealed and on- grosscd on by-law bookâ€"Curried. Weirâ€"McMillanâ€"That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to 'executu deeds of conveyances of village 101s in Priccvillo. 8 of them to John Stot- hart for $70,:111d three to Alexande r Living atom for $15, and that the Clerkg af1ix the seal of U115 cor- poration tmrtto .â€"Carried. Sometimes an eXperience pain and weakness wi bout much suffering. Later on the pain will \surely come. The trouble can be étOp ed mow by rubbing on Nerviline-ru it in deep- iy ave; the spine. 39d ~tben put 9n a Nerviline Porous Plaster. In these remedies you will find wonderful and uick relief. They will spare you rom an attack of Lumba 0 which is the outcome of neglecte 'pain in the back or side. For all 'musclsr ains. strains. and weakness, Polson‘s erviline and Nerviline Plaster have no equal. Refuse substitutes. R., in consideration of the council constructing a subway for him; The Committee appointed to dispose of village lots in Priceville ‘reported that they had sold ten of those lots and submitted deeds of conveyances for approval of. Council. By-Laws 488. levying rates and 489, appointing collectors, was intro- duced and read a first and 'second time. The council met Sept. 12th as per adjournment. all the members preâ€" sent; the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting. read and confirm- ed. Communicationsread as follows: There will be sold by Public Auction 3t. Lot. 54. Con. 2. E GB... on 17th. Of Farm Stock and House- hold Furniture. Auction Sale! Wednesday, Oct. [4, 1908, The following : 1 Ayreshire Cow, 8 yesrs old. with pedigree. in call; 1 good Cow. 4 years old, in calf; 4 two yesr.old heifers. good milkets, in on”; 6 good Calves; L yeaArling Ste‘er; 1 Kitchen Stove sud Furniture; 1 Parlor Stove; 2 Heaters (all wood stoves); 1 Iron Bed with Spring and Mattress, new; 4 Wooden Beds; 3 Set Copper Wire Bed Springs; 2 Bureaus; l Dresser and 2 Commodes; 1 Falling Leaf Table; 1 Kitchen Table; 1 Parlor Table; 6 Dining Room Chairs perferated bottoms; 1‘2 Kizchen Chairs; 3 Rockers; 2 Glass Cupboards; 1 Kitchen Cupboard; Parlor Lounge; 1 Kitchen Lounge; 1 Churn (Daisy); 2 Tube; a number of milk pans, and many other things too numerous to mention; Weaving Outfit complete. spinning wheel and reel. A number of good Hens and Chickens, nearly ell thoroughbred Bufi Books. About 15 cords of good dry Maple Wood. 1 Set Iron Hart-owe; l CroaeCut Saw. Sale at 1.30 p. m. £188 MARGARET FARR. WTRAIERS BAN of Canada ;-â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€" K The Big 4 (.‘i‘ L. ' | “a Sells Chewh and upward are received. Money me be with at any time without notice. y draw: DURHAM BRANCH Any Wuknou in Your Ganelg Council. Your Mon ey Works tor You Branchoo .100 3! Mount For... undâ€" Arton. CREDIT J. 8. «BLACK. Clerk. J. C. TELFORD, Manager. Propriotrou. 1mm ’8. .â€"â€"â€"v v-- .. [\IU uUIll Fâ€"i‘ 2-4 0. m.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone Va 10 l 600 in the New Hunt‘s-{Blaczkj Ovfli-ce hours. 8 to w a. 0.. to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 9‘. In. Special ttfigqtion givgm [n discus» Advertising For tranmvm mix-n cents pm “Ur iur I). fit“ . . tion; 309nm pm im. quent inseltion miniun llit‘zifllir. cards. not exceeding mm invh +4 Advertisements without upwiil. n r be published till forbid and ('iliiiLm: . Transient notiOOflâ€"“LC at." ‘ :i9mnu‘: ’ “(3,â€"50 rents for first iIIM'i‘iiuh. ‘3'. . . , Iangqqent insertion. Allndvertinemeuts ordered by .~u.. be mid for in advance. Contract rates for yenr.y adwrm lubed on application to ”Iv «mm. All advertisements. to O‘IIBUH' i current week. should be brought n. In TUISDAY morning- is compleh-ly hhn‘, The Jab . . [FHV TYPE. Thaw Department ilitifs for turnw; OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east. of Knapp'~ Hmel, Limb ton Street, Lower meu, Durham 0600 hours from 12 to 2 o’clock v '2" Queen and George Street's;‘\'nrmof Methodist Church JAM-e. bongâ€"971nm” h‘_._ an_-_- of womoi tad ".‘5513?5£.""1i8mae£é€"631 000i” Prubmfian Church. SHMiption TEE (THlinxlq U- auy midi-mu. 1'. mm . o 8] OUprrymu' g... 41.50 may be charged if um m. to which every subscriptiun .~ pm the number an the addl‘rhs lain-l oontiuued to all arrears are [no option of the proprietor. (at. Aunts!“ Ray. London Ophthalmlc Koo. hm. nil “Golden Sq. Thmt and Son Boo. CPICIALIS T .- L. B. C. P.. LONDON. E163. GBADULATE of London, N-w York and Chicago. DU... 00 Eye. Bu Nose and Throat. Will I). it Kmpp House. Durham. the 2nd Suns-luv in etch month. Hours-lâ€"G on. OFFICE: Over J. A: J. Hunter’s. ONOR GRADUATE. UNI V ERSI- W of Toronto. Graduate R03" can... Dents! Surgeons OfODtarlu. Dentistry in :11 its Branchas Momâ€"Cum" Block. over Port Office EYE, EAR, tuéolf nos: 06“: )3. Fvut 8%., Owen Smmd. l8 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDA Y MHI1\‘1_\‘(; It the Chronicle Printing Houu , Gan Street, D voyuncora. Ndury Public. Etc. M ”193’ to Low tt Lowest Runes. . J. rd 26?:tnqlntyrg quck, over Mamm l 0". Convention: 8w. lintu'xnce flthJonoy 2° L080. Issuer M Mar; El“. ‘ "‘3 b “‘1' Quantum. “0°"! “”3““ h” D 0605 over 'Gordon’s new Jewellery 830'" Low" T0W0.0nrhm. Anyauzyum If ndnev to low it 5 per cent orooortv. ' HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF- 600 in the Nan Humm- Rlnvk (mm IHE DURHAM EHRBN Bull: Durham. Ontario. ' Drs. lamieson Maclaurin. I. G. Hutton. M. D., C. M. wrjms AND RESIDENCLCOR 807.). 1|. ’OBN CLARK. LICENSED 4P9 3- P. CWT, D. D. 8.. L. D. 8. ABBISTEL, SOLICITOR‘. ARRIS'I‘ER. SOLICITOR. WN- am DURHAM,0mT Gun} PUBLIC, COM.\I_I>‘>10.\‘- DURHAM. ONT. (Lower tionoorfor thoCon t {G . Sales Lotti; amended to. .6333" :33 be left Din-loot Wnrorogms. Mpkinnon’v EDITOR AN!) Pam-1m Dr. VI. 6. Pickering Dentist. Medical Dil‘udon‘. Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Direclon’. DR. BROWN Legal ‘Dt'rectorv. A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. W. F. Dunn, W. IRWIN I. P, Telford. work DR. BURT. ”mm no tXu ll Garafm m flu. It 8 III“ CIG- I fill ¢ size. Flamu-Im §;| , £913. 31.25 each. I . _. ‘ , . (a full and “mtm \mg. : km ”'6“ fl‘Olll '53P. up. End . ”wk 88199" ‘.l|d.~g‘5\i .1.” and 81.75 and]. .I White Wnnl MW”. 1 h ‘10:“!ng Jacket». h. 1%.. .Lfi, and 31.5! and]. Bed Comfm“ 9 ‘ "‘ Chenille 7â€"- w mr‘tu‘ ‘1“01'0 “LL... :. SC“. Qt ‘lf". SL1.) and : ’0 \N “urea. 619an Burn. Good Farm Willsell :ur $3 0:) ”‘0'”. Glenelg, M‘ Build‘llgg‘ ‘u mum. extra gmui l d: nurly the :‘J U! Nut Crnw ford 1’ 0 ‘ acre building lot in M. or trade fur 311} at. want. or throw a .- Macros ofoUI'Lan Firm. Bunk Barn tor woo. "and fl Ian-to!) and mum ‘ “‘30“! (“Huh .11 ~frat. ' a: II "0”.le vnwnvm- ca ( afiem‘y lur F"I".X .,,‘ --...- 0.1:“ I Punch ML: 3. $1 Proportvbought and hui". - "90037 ‘0 land. I’ttlfls ('A Mm Tack“ and Ocean 'l‘u-km~ : x «m in Durhum Cemum ( ‘ I! M for ale, cheap. Alwnyc prompt, never :1 rIWUU- vâ€"vâ€" 'â€" WW '"bOUL (ibh't‘t‘. 1.. f -- Scientific 11mm - ___-Iâ€" I.“-IL.'n.lr. VVUvâ€"v ' v __ Anodmoly mustntcui u .. . 5. 1m gation of my smemzm- : .A = ”$.75 you. pudmu ; : all Module”. m 00.86!8roadua\ _ R 8‘ 0006. 625 F 51.. _ PUMPS DO you want mm. A» 5". The People's and Prm'isiz‘” FOR ALL lezw Peaches Pears and Plan": In Full Swim l liq leave to inf} and the public in ted to furuh in. “El! l' Press-Curtain! Shad nenr MM; , ‘ . oromptly attend «.3 ' “M “t “LIV“ h. GEORGE WHITM(’A\I the Ham . 1908 Table Covers, (H Cull and see [‘5 ' H. BEAT SAVE MON} H. H. Millc ‘C The Hanan-r (W ‘m' A Car of Mixc Just Arrchd. 30.18. Cake l’h .tchel‘b‘, etc. Beggs Ht All orders from $1 opiece glass '1' L C135 and $2.‘ 00 YEAI EXPERIEt :IHM silt I“ Discow upm (917.9 RI?! Bled h DC

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