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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1908, p. 3

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b0 proptie tor w a. m.. to4p.;";fl "3'70" in! attention given to d” and children. Raid.” OD- bvtorian Church. 3 AN n RES] DENCB-COB I and (Swu‘go Streetsâ€"North o! Chum-h ”flit-c boutsâ€"941;... >9 p.m. Telephone No. 10. C. P.. LONDON. 3160. {LATE of London, '0' and Chicago. not Eye. Bunion-00M Knapp House. Durban. “hi I each month. Homoâ€"14 M FTP: R. SOLICITOB, l H. Notary Public. I”. when Rates. _A lutyre Block, ”U , am. Ontario. m1 031‘. (Low: Ton.) uux'r. n. n. 1.1.. n. I. luRADUArE. 01:1va- "um toy-,amer c. lull!“ lnney to Loan. Issue! of w [1303. A xenon! tint-ml H wted. 'nt A. H. Jackson. Y PUBLIC, COMMISSION; .da RY 'l'Hl'NSD -\Y ”033130 om'c/e Printing Noun, WI! Street, Miscellaneous. ' Tm: talcum 1“ any midtown. fm IAN ANDSURGEON, or- the New Hunter Block. 0.0. mm. SOLICITOB. ETC- over 4: rdon s new .1me 9r1~1)\1rhm.Any.-0II' w luau at 5 per cent. OI h!- Lem! 'Directorv. W. F. Dunn, II a“! r Toronto. Gndu). lo!- Hal Surgeons ofOnuno. Listry in 3!] it: Bunch... Her Block, ovor You 0.” Golden Sq .1“ Roy Londo- Opium In. 3LAR K . LICENSED A00 for ‘thp Counjypl Guy, h utton. M. D., C. l mieson Maclaurin ’ental Directory. AN D RESIDENCE A mam-e east of Knapp’o Hotel, 'treet. Lower Town. Dirk;- frum 12 to :3 o’clock on J. P. Telford. \V . IRWIN R. BRO'WN W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Over J. J. Hnnur’l. ‘3. Fund 89. ., Own W .hur Gun, olden Sq. Throat ad I“ I“. 3P.CI‘Ll.rt R, THROAT NOSE u the Chtonielo 0.0....- O for [ml Directory. DR. BURT. (OI! Pl'BLISIl ID N CH 01' .t at Not-any Munroe-nu in. to Yb". office, a. ti» unsure film b be brought in 300 but“. plan-1y stocked Viti . Y PE. .thns aflordinx'ho- ’m DPRIETOR. - wvvv' ‘ “Fianna ‘ N' “on. 21600.!- or pasture. Proton“.â€" ICh “,w "r...“ m-iflo direction. um "hinged Dec "11...”: by elm-[on [I' kid,“ no» u H : J29. Flannelette Blank- 1’ 7.... 31.2.3 each. LAM" MI] and winter Vesta and [mun-1's front ‘50. up. ‘ 3.; Mack sateen Underakirta, M11314“ and $1.75 each. (hilawu‘s white wool Boas, 3b., :,m-.. and 656. each. M, “m- 23¢. and 50c. Dress Goods. \len‘~' (' u-«ligan Jackets, D. 3.. LII) ’ 31,03. and $1.50 each. J mumillt‘ Table Covert. 0-4 size. 1.15 Chenille ,. 6° “ 8-4 size, 2.75 SmVT'” Hugs ........ M size, 3.“) ., ' ,.A..â€" med 4-piece glass Table Wit; :1: $1.50. 31.75 and $2.00. 1 q-nl‘ated 7- ice. glass "tor Goldséi. 31.% g .3.% each. unwe- 100 to 1MMW~ ~-\'!':t gnnd Buildings, 8'000 W0f~ 1h Imam. ”m. $3-0.) asked tor “IO farm Near ('1 an furd P.O. :acrn iuzUling lot in Dgrham. for sale cheap ... trade for anytpnng a man can eat, w» v. ur throw a stick at. Proporh Imnght and sold onCommiuion Money In Land. Debts collected. C.P.R. Tickets :1 mi “6680 Tickets ‘0! “l. m ofstock m Durham Cement 00., pboud In my hawk fur sale, cheap. Always prompt, never negliglnt. 55,97,231 v ifiuatmtod wééily. largo-t au- .. nu aniannfln {nun-I Tm. fa! ’ won 0! 911! “a. ’350 a ] umwmalerz- iQNN8 C'o.36'w-v- New '9!!! . n x “are. 625 I" St... Washington. D. PUM PS ”S'éiétinflcflmmgn. The :‘cople S GrOcery and Provision Store Peaches Pears and Plumbs In Full Swing ,p... .1” sizes from 25c. up to 3.25 .. Berry Bowls. Cake. m \Vuter Pitchers, etc. I beg “spam to inform mv customers and In» public in general that lam Drvpmfl- tn furnish New Pumps and mm !~. Well Drilling, Ra Curbing and i'r'w-u' Curbing done with cement «'sllvr'wv- All nrders taken at the Old "in” I. Mdfinwan’s mill Will be 1"" Y. I ‘ f.” -Ltft"xule(l to. All work 2.118?- an'o-u 1’ "Live and letlive” DHCOS. GEOL-UTE WHITMORE, Durham. 335m He Sells Cheap 8,1908 .mely uluunuuu W'JUII’. m on- ..( any scientific Joann]. Tum: tot s as yampostaae Drown. Sold by A Y'HI'Lam Road, Bentinck. 300d 'é'm 2‘ Burn, Fair Dwelling. snap Call and see Us ° H. BEAN SAVE MONEY ? u'tm's‘ from $1.35 to $3.00 i‘i!!t‘.\>‘ \Vith l[. H. MILLER I in m )wr (‘t‘mveyancer Ht' (rm-rs: Iwm-‘g. Frame Dwelling. Bank "1 Farm, ought to brings4000 w-mt to make money and .1 ll Calder Block ’l‘he Hanover Conveyancer. ~x..-1g, splendid locatioq. extra :1:g~,(-heap at. 875“), wnlltake A Car of Mixed Chop Just Arrived. . H. Miller. KINDS OF If farmers and other driving horses and meeting automobiles would con- sult their own safety they would not drive so close to they vditch. Keep up on the road as near 1the automobile as possible so that if the animal should shg the first jump will not be into t e ditch andJ 'overturn the rig. As a general rule one 1 jump carries the horse and rig by the machine and many accidents ma be avoided if this advice is 'followe. If anyone has to go close 'to the ditch it 1s the men driving the auto. The roads were built by 8the 1farmers, and every consideration should be shown them.â€" Kincardine Reporter. To maintain health a mature man or woman needs just enough )food to repair the waste and sup 1y 'energy and body heat. The habitufi consump- tion of more food than 'is necessary for these purposes is the prime cause of stomach troubles rheumatism and disorders of the ki(ineys. If ‘trouhlul with indigestion. revise your dLot. let reason and not appetite control and take a few doses (of 'Chamberr lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and on will soon be all right again. ‘or sale by all drug stores. Countstable Cosford has been do- ing some good work for vtem 9a rum-1's Ian-1y. Suspicious reports of lost animals came, to his honing ‘u Shot; time ago and be determined \to are if he could regulate things a little. A trifling clm- to bruit} witli. trioâ€"ml __-‘n- Ill IUIUMLUg any: v-v--c _- __ took him before Police Magistrate W'oodwau to whom an apps»! for clemency on account of virtuous par- ents, who are unknown here. The magistrate mellowed and let him off with thirty days, mainly to~give the boy another chance. It i4 'a good thing to have good parents wand a friend or two.-â€"Drayton Advocate. Because you have contracted ordi- ecoyered from them spncpmonia. and chronic ca their origin in a common cold.Con- sumptiori in no: caused the cold prepares the system for the reception and deve10pmeut of tue erms that would not otherwise have ound lodgment It is the same with infectious diseases. Diphtheria, scar- lct lever measles and Whooping coug'i are more likely to be contract- ed when the child has “a col-d, You from this that more real Id than in any other of the con man ailment-.5. The easiest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take Uhuuflurhnnh Cough Reumdy. The main) remurkahlt cures effected by this preparation have m.-de it V at staple article of trade over 'a large art of the world. For 'cale by all ‘ rug stcres. lurks in a co Ari-O; Fred Lippcrt and Alex. DIU'-'3L| started out on Thursday last on “hut was destincd to be a \rather singular and unfortunate trip. The. axle of the, wagon snapped under a «heu’y [cud of monumenta near Maple 'Iiill, and leaving the wagon they hiatened back to \Vulkerton for a new axle.l ’l‘h: ouiit fixed th:y proceejed further, when the whip-stock broke. and later on the hound on the tongue ' "boy had by this time 3.1- were crossing cipituto-J the outfit into the 'water. This long train 0[ accidents )was con- cluded by. Fred efereeing a football game while waiting tor repairs at but Longboat. the Indian runner, had} InSpector ueorge hang. H uwuc avenue, who was near the scene of m ht were on and no how 499“”; lsome difficulty in getting to lEr-n,-a “ a d . . .. g . m mi 123:3: at asm:glszbismaazas:e:s: th '4 b" £43 an This is. he was scheduled to run «a five-mile stable Flynn. , i . final-“vans. __=race with Seller). He and his unan- ' mkle “1 c a ‘ ' lager first missed the train at Toron- to. They wired that they would "a by auto and arrive .by three \ O'OTOSK. Lm. Mk. 011 d Skin. The{ did not arrive until \five, hav- For appf 108 ad four breakdowns on the way I This ailment is usually caused :by on d akin Whether on the «hands On account of the lateness mf \thc rheumatism of the muscles 3 ‘ the or 33!; ma be cured in one night by 1190“ the 33°? “’33 reduced (to u” 90‘ small of the back, and is uio ly cur- 13in! Jhamborllifl" 83110..“ 1: miles. gelleq lead nearly all the we“ ed by applflng'cmmbefiugn'. Lini- . p uallod for note In lea. until Within afiew yards of the firm :ment two or. three times a d” and "° m": o by all “8 when the Indian made a Lspurt and‘mam ing the but! at enohmppliocq W00 by, a few. milesâ€"Await“. a 'tion, i701: sale by. all days stones, 6 waited panelluy w. H ' the More Than Enough is Too Much. Why Colds Are Dangerouo‘. Poll Down Stain. A Singular TriP SU‘UK w aitod patiently to: it tin pans, but tthe 1d no boys appeared. he (stole outL armed ’: and Alex. Ernl farmer, .rfzcently DEATH LURKS. IN THE KIDNEYS! ’7 SEND fOR r315: TRIAL “'3 "gamma: to t 1) 111m: true. and the prom'iu'torfi theretom make 5011 this ”a "5‘ liberal ofl'er. See coupon. 1W0 YEARS’ SL1 f: 31336 L': Linâ€"Charles Baker. Penetan- gui-he- c. rays: “1 man): Lo: and you for bfluging such a medicine as Dr. Roofs denvy and Liver P1518 wuhin m reach. They are a veritable 001in -0 me, after the p tin have nnfl' ml for two years. I had :1' «mt. given up all hope of Betting mm. but. from the first, day I .gan takings your Kidney and Lin-r Pills I 0h! amt-d rel rf, and ( an now 0 my ' work which I had to give up for a tow days at. 3 Lime.” ) THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR NEARLY HALF OF THE HUMAN ILLS. te organs are a recéptacle for all Yes, death lurks in the Kidneys! These delica Few people realize how quickly the poisons that germinate in the entire system. disease of the kidneys develops into that most dangerous form of Bright’s disease. Sometimes the .heart is poisoned, and dropsy zipper... T. e nervous-system is affec- ted, l°°-Pplsoned, and convulsions occur. ! or at in: st 11..” a cenury the most eminent minds in the medical profession have been puz:.cd to find a positive cure ’ for Kidney disease. True, there have been numerous {1087111115, and so-called . ’9de cures, both in liquid and pill form, offered for sale. Ix.) oz; - 2‘ rsiizedy, how- ever, 11.3 received so Strong an endorsement, both from t1 e pu ,léc, tie press, A and the medical profession, as DR. ROOT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS. For Chronic Diarrhoea. “While in the arm in 1863 I was taken with chronic iarrhoea.” says George M. Felton. of South lGibson, Pa. “1 have since tried many reme- d'ea but without aux permanent (r3- lief, until Mr. W. . Miles ‘of this Blace gcrsuaded me to try Chamber-q olio, holera and Dierrhoea Remedy one bottle of which etoned it at once.” For sale by all rug Stores. Hugh McMillan, the Southampton hotel-keeper whom Colonel Belcher sentenced to six months in the Walkâ€" erton jail for alleged infraction tof the Liquor License Act, was dismissed from custody on Thursday last a.tur servin’g two weeks of his lsrntence. There. seems to have been isomc irregularity in connection with has committal. The Southampton magis- tr ltd: wanted to go to 'l‘or.,nt:-, and in order that he, might do so, brought on tho trial and dispose-d ol Ithe case“ fmv days below. the date 'set [or the hearing. As the accused was austnt during,r the. trial and did 'not put in any dofcnce, he was adjudged guilty of the charge, and :a-ntoncod ‘to six months in Jilii. 'l‘hrough his solici- tors, Messrs. Robertson Sr. McNah, tic prisom-r appealed from this finding and the. mutt-’31? came up at Osgooda- Hall, Toronto, on \Vt-dncbday last. when an ordvr was made qugshing‘. the conviction and liberating the pr.isoncr.-â€"Bruco Times. Cheap acid preparattions are use- lessâ€"use the old stumlurdâ€"l’utnau‘x‘s Corn Extractor. For fifty years Putnam’s has been the one painless cure. On the 22nd of September, 'J. H.| Brick, prOprietor ot the Walker House, swore out an information against one A. E. Frenette, lor larceny, and a w..rrant was iissued for his arrest, but the iconstable could not find his man, land nothing further was done until Saturday; when Frecnette came back to itown.‘ Then the constable got after :him,§ and he was soon under oarrest. Ere-‘ nette is an itinerant photographer and goes around from town 'to town in the prosecution of his 'calling. He ap lied to Mm Brick for board and lo gmg. He had no money, but 'told Mr. Brick that his camera was good security for any debt he might incur. He remained for 15 days, \and then left without giving notice. Appar- ently he had already remove-di the camera and had given a *lien on it to Jas. Whithead for $16, tn security for a suit of cloches. The Ilnkeepers Act gives the preprietors of «hotels and boarding house keepers, a lien on the trunks and other ‘baggage of their guests until their board ibills haVe been paid. At the hearing of the case here on Monday, Cunard Eidt gaVe evidence. to the eiicct "that Fre- nette had stayed at his plume i'or seVi-ral days, and had left *wiihout paying his board, so he 'pro‘sably makes a busimss of this. kind 0.! thir g. 'llu- magisu‘ate committed him for trial.â€"Bruce Times Few People in uurnm Really Know How Slow eating and regular meals 'is of great benefit to a wvrong acting stomach. Those who sufter with in- digestion and weak stomacu can with care and the sue 'of Mi-o-na stomach tablets restore the .diges- tion to a healthy condition, 'so that they can eat what they 'want at any time Mithout fear {of distress Ior suffering. - a '_ -___ ._I' If! Ann DULLUL ‘loe D After a few day's use 'of Mi-o-na stomach tablets, the headaches, dizzy feeling, drowsiness, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, flatulence, sleeplessness, distress after eatingâ€" all thesasymptoms ofja weak stomach ' ‘â€"‘â€"AL )znnn all LIILDU 9., wtâ€"'.'.-v vâ€" '- --will disappear, and erfect diges- tion and good health wi 1 be restored. McFarlane Co. have so much con- fidence in the power of 'Mi-o-na. to cure indigestion that they guaran- tee satisfaction or money back. Price 50 cents. An Inhnman Practice. Hotelkeeper Liberated. A Cure For Corns. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The home of the Lambton Golf Club had a narrow escape from ifire' on Thursday last. Joseph Oldfield, aged 55, of 38 Gros- venor street, Toronto, was found dead it‘ bed with the gas turned on. It is believed he committed suicide. Twentv -seven ‘blind pi a" are in the tails, as the result .0 a raid in Cobalt: by the Provincial License (In- pectors. The C. P. R. Roundhousetat Mile Erd, near Montreal, was gutted by fire on Thursday, and three (engines totally demolished. E: A. Robinson, a telegraph 'opera- tor, was held up at the Junction Cut near Hamilton on Thursday last 3‘ three men who relieved him (of $ . Geo. A. Peters, aged 17, .of Earlton, New‘ Liskeard, was badly crushed be- tweed a belt and pulley he was fix- ing at the Refinolds’ Saw Mull Co. on 'Ihursday. e may not meant. Mrs. Geo. Jordon. 28, of Chatham, is dead from burns caused by the exploding of a lamp she. was carrying. Nearly all the clothes were burned from her body. The members of tho Toronto ‘Milk and Cream Producers" Assocxation are on strike. They want $1.55 for :an eighl gallon can instead of the $1.35 Umyaare now getting. Two Italians are b.1dly wounded and on“ is reported. to have idied, as the result of being held up new Belle- v:!lc last week. It is believed a gum of liogrom; were, the 'pcrpetra- tor-i. ol the crime. Henry Smith, of “'('-.stbrodk, seven miles west of Kingston while blust- mg on nia‘. firm was «instantly kill- ed by :1 prtimnture "XPIOSJOH, and his broth 1' Alfred, _of Cleveland. Ohio‘, III.) I." Vl1j\- -.--‘_‘â€"‘ had 1115 arm so badly "injurId it h.‘.d to be 211111)111'1I2t.-..d An exlyress train: running: 60 .miles an hour without :stommxg for “.25 E'oum would just. travel the distance cove-red by the packets (placed end to 0nd) :«old_ in 011e\ycur_o[ “b‘ulazl Tril. Annual :~ale oicceds cignteun mxllnon packages. Percy S‘I‘eet, sustaimd a fractured elbow and internal injuries as the resutl cf falling over the edge of Primrosd Cliff. behind St. Jean Bap- tist Church, last night, while engaged m. a fearful fight for life. The row was brought on it is alleged, by Reardown attempting to interfere will! Fox and a young woman nan;- ed Elina Williams, wno up tto taut night. “as rooming at 64 Percy street Ottawa, Ont, October l.-â€"David R. Reardon, 385 Laurier avenue west was mstgntly killed, and Thos. Fox, a brother olme. '1‘. II. Squirrel. 64 The cliff at the point where the accident happened is overhanging! and rises to a height !of about 69' feet ch’s life was saved by tfalh ing on Reacdonl Whether. Fox will bu charged with‘ murder: remains 'to be seen. According to the story of Miss “ril- liamst who is held by .the police, she wag. called for by Fox 'last night He hau been ksepmg- com )any with her for some time, and she ad been stay- ing with her sister. . With Fox, she walked down to Primrosd Hill, and was sitting (there near the edge of the cliff, when a stranger, Reardon. came up behind, and whispered to Fox that he was a detective! and that it would be more discreeti to get away from 'the place Fox retired to a dittance, whereupon Reardon seated himself beside the girl. and, she says. insulted her. Fox realizing the real state of affairs, immediately stepped up to Reardon, shouting: "Vow it’s you and; I for it," and threw himself up- on Reradon. _ The two men struggled close to the edge of the cliff and went over, fall- ing to the ground below. Reurdon'l W45 dead when picked up, and Fox.‘ suffering severely, was removed to. Water street hospital. Policeman Flynn. who h’lppeIIPd to be near the spot, arrivisd shortly after the affair and detained the Wil- iiams girl as a witness. . Constable Flynn afterwards stated that he was gonng down 'the steps at the foot of Empress avenue, and when about half-way down noticed a you ug man and young woman sitting on the eilff. A moment later. he heard the ,words, “Now its you and 'I for it,” Iand saw an object fall over the cliff. gHe summoned assistance, and ongoâ€" ing to the foot of the cliff, found the body of Reardon, his mkull badly fractured. and Fox, to all appear- I ances little hurt, lying on the ground. In... CANADA IN BRIEF “MUDD IlIlev Annu- w, -J -â€" Dr. C. A. Youn attended Fox. whom be pronounced in no danger and Coroner Craig ordered the re- main: of Reardon‘ to be :removed to the morgue. InSpector George Lang, 44 Lorne avenue. who was near the vscene of the, accident at the time it happened, rend2red valuable assistance to Con- stablz Flynn. FOUGHT UN CLIFF’S EDGE Both Fed Forty Feet. l‘tiEE SAMPLE With the opening of the new Ganaiitn P: cific Line another milestone has been reach ed in the history of our town. The followink time table Will be in ofi'oct until further notice: Read down 6 man. 2.55 p.m. )v thk‘r'n a 10.05 p.m. 1.25 1).!- 6.47 659 711 729 741 757 8 10 Read up 3.11 Mtple Hill 9 48 1.08 3 22 Hanover 9 36 12 56 3 33 Allan Pk. 9 24 12 44 3 50 Durh Mn 9 07 12 27 4 06 M’Wiliium 8 54 1214 4 22 Priceville 8 38 11 580.- 435 u.85’1o'nJ.lv825 1149 7 ll 3 33 Allan Pk. 9 24 12 44 7 :59 3 50 Durh an 9 07 12 27 7 41 4 06 N’Willinnie 8 54 1214 7 57 4 22 Pricoville 8 38 11 58m- 810 435 31‘. Sn’ge'nJvazs 1149 Connecting with train. to and from'Torontn. Through conch between Durhnin and Toronto. Speed. comfort nnd Infety. Try the people'n line.-no long wnits at Jpnotione. Come to no to!"' tlokete nnd informtlon. We ere nleo ntn for Allnn nnd Dominion stennuhipe. C.P. oeenn liner. nnd Dominion Expreu. Uncut-Inn. b 00. ’ Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table. For Bargains in Handkerchiefs Men’s and Boys Suits Suspenders Odd Pent; Hose and Holt-Hose Ruin-Coats Underwear Umbrellas Sweeter- Hata end Cape Over-nus Shirts Smocks Collars and Ties Boots end Shoes Everything in the Gent’s Furnishing line. This is your chance and should take advantage of it. The school is thoroughly equipped in teaching ohillty, in chemical and electrxcal supplies and fittings”; e.,tc for full Junior Leaving and Metric- uleuou work. The following competent and ere in chemo: THOS. ALLAN. 1“ Close Certiflcoto, Prll. MISS DONALDA MCKERRAUHER. B.A. Clueloe, laden e. end Euglieh. KISS GERTRUDE HODGE. B.A.. Science. Hietory end Geography. Intending etndente ehonld enter nt the begin- ning of the term if poeeible. Boerd cnn be ob- telned et reeeoneble retee. Dnrheln is e heelth end native town. taking it e moot deetreb e niece of reeidenoe. c. L. Gum; DURHA M SCHOOL. MCWCM Having decided to give up the Gent's Furnishing Basin-u i my entire stock will be cleared out at Going out of Business Reduced prices on some broken lines of ladies’ Oxfords and Slipper: which we want to dispose of. Call and see if your size is here, it wilI save you money as well as do us a favor. While They Last Now is a good time to leave your order for a pair of fall shoes. \V have a large stock of factory goods in heavy and line goods. Are you thinking of going West? get our prices on trunks. vali telescopes, etc., before purchasing. Custom work and 1epai1ing done as neatly and quickly as possible. The Dawn Town Shoe Store to Stinson’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you get the Best Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Sundaes, etc. Call in on your way home and get a quart to treat the family. Come with the Crowd 334;; STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Bakery The Model rm. 81.00 per month. Chitmn. . A. ROSE, Durham You get the Benefit of Quality J. S. MCILRAITH 6087' PRICE l Handkerchiefs nits Suapendem Hose and Hut-Hose Geo. fl. Stinson Eggs taken as Cash 0 sugar, so§os0 ‘Osi‘O flaw/3’1? J/an;ar:l/ cam" _. :5 KING 5! EAST _ 4.. Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron ing; Brass, Brass and Iron Cylinders. Pumps from $2 and. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and In orly attended to. W. DCONNOR Dealers in Groceries, Flour, Feed and Seeds, Fruits and Confec- tionery, wish to thank our customers for three years’ prosperous business, and to say in changing our system of business from credit to cash, we hope to do a more satisfactory business to both ourselvefl BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND d TYPE\VR1T1NG ‘1! COMMERCIAL LAW 1 COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- '; ENCE u PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING and in placing all its gradus' Each student. is taught sepustel; his own desk. Trial lessons for- week free. Visitors welcome. "DAY and EVENING clan-e... and our customers. Business Coll ii; I w. T. CLANCY. Prt’gt Munuftcturor of And Dealer in â€" LEADS IN Mount Forest I. II. COIN Bakery The Model

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