West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1908, p. 4

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3:” i3 nlervative candidate for South ill be held next week as fol- ownshtp Hall, Glenelg, on g October l2th;Andrew Walk- ml hone, No. 6, Glenelg, on' ', :Ootober 13th: Dornoch ‘on “1, October 14th. Each meet- mocl at 8 pm. and will .d Dy Hr. Ba'l and other; i ape-hon invited. I“. .. , r w - ~ we The special. services which con)- RHAM. OCTOBER 8. 1908. inenced in the Methodist church on ‘ "fl _ Sunday, conducted by Evangelists _ Mcllardy and McBretney, were well EDITORIAL. attended and were deeply impressive. . . . Mr. McHardy is an earnest and im-. metal Leader and the L‘bfiml pressive preacher, and Mr. McBretney ’3 are endeavormg to "l" sings and conducts the song service an the public that 'thc Conser- with good effect, ' 3 have no platform. Elsewhere Rev. A. Shepherd, of Markdale, is . found what the Conservatives to exchange pulpits with Rev. G. U. .'. as a platform, parts of which Little on Sabbath next. een sufficiently sound to the Mrs. Knrstedt has returned trom’ a themselves to be adoxited find visiting her brother at Cleveland. the present campaign. lThe Miss Florence Thurston left last *1 a rural mail meme” was week to spend some time in the city. ned by the Liberals and the Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Bellamy, of ~ . press right up to ._ three; Lindsay, are visiting the former’s par- ,mzo Wm," it was sprung as. cuts. Mr. and Mrs. John Bellamy.‘ r' on the ,0)le *b the Mrs. J. F.'VnnDnsena.ners. (Rem) ; ‘t rliiemilgrr Laugh; theypoat- Fem-‘50"- 0‘ ”Omani, Visited Mrs. A. 4 genrral. At the Very same; ‘8' Vanlhisen on Thursday last. , . i Miss M urge: ret McTavish, of Detroit, ' me Of the. party “3‘39“ .the ‘ is visiting her brother, Mr. D. lVICT‘lV- .‘ on Bulletin and \\ mnwegf is“. . Miss for example, were condemn-’ M '. “2 _ S .. . . very idea that the l’ri-mierl l Rubertnn, Of ‘V Inmpeg, . .paid his sister. Mrs. (Rev.) Little, a winding. The Liberal plat-g shnrt visit last week. .4.4 f 13”“ “'38 “2330“3' “‘-‘»'“"";'-‘.i Miss Bentrice Hilts, of .Bamnamd,‘ he ptn‘ty came into power m" y 1 isited her cousin, Mr. J. J. Thmnpsnn, ‘ E heir pro-election pronzisws and 5 last week. ,' V were set ”aside and {the Miss May Jilllllt‘h‘flfl‘ returned to the1 H in: principles upon which ‘ city lust Week after an extended visit} rked since gaining office xvi-re; Will! “91' “WNW " ciples of the party they sue-j Mr. 1' here. ’ F . . MM ‘urkindale, of Durham. is: M t‘e National policy agilin.‘t; l'f‘lufvmg Ill the S ' . B in“? Preached for eighteen , _( H'll Lv‘gntv l't‘L'illlh lily. llpznllk “4....1- . tnndard Bank untill "'herals are afraid the Con- es haven’t good enough mat- forzu a cabinet if they get or. They had the. sumelfiar e Roxs Government went out r in Ontario. The Boss Gov- wont out and Whitney and actually did form a cabi- . recur they conducted the at- t the country no that they otnrned to power with a y increased from 42 'to 68. need be no danger \of the; dives. having no policy or :no ”man. If. time for a O .7 ‘ l I ’k 0 V. o ‘ ”t; '-L 01‘ «me of the 33 in the interest of iberal Leader and the Liberal rs are endeavor-ins; to im- n the public that 'the Conser- .53 * aclar 6 lane (sz0. fawn» "pecial discount 01 iigfigh.Q(-hn()l BOOkS 3 IRWIN. ’uggists and Booksellers MW? HAM CHRONICLE CON HBETIN GS. Editor and Proprietor. TH E See our new fall (coat! for ladies at $7.00, also misses lcoats at $6.50, and girls’ coats :t $3.00. All the new- out and most stylish. The Hon:- of Quality. B. H. Mooklor. - Mummn -â€" VA.\‘I)ER“’.\TER â€"â€" ()n the 30th 89 tember, 1908, at. the resi- dence n the bride’s father, by the Rev. H. H. Cragg, B. A.. assisted by the Rev. Bamforth, Mr. George Hes- keth Knowlys Midfm'd, son of \V. Midford, Em!3 ire, of Toronto, and grandson of E. Knowlys, Es ., of eyebam Castle, Lancaster, ‘ng- land, to Helen, only dau'ghter of P. A. Vanderwater, Esq., "The Maples” ()hiflhn‘nt nh“ recently engaged 0 3. east of the (in Sunday next Rev. L. F. " will cpmluct Harvest Home services in all his churches, which will heap- propriately decorated for the occasion. ‘ Alt". Kipp nn fill-glaay. Mr. J nhn Heard was Week. 8V0“ - - 'lll U|I Tue-30:6". v M 1'. and Mrs. W Chisholm; OB}: ‘itst Week. ‘Iiss .‘Iay M 1-. \V'. 'l‘rimble attended Hanover Fair lastwwk with his two horses, Paddy MvKink-y and Joe Pntchen. In thv spending the former won 13!: and the latter 3rd. Mrs. Christm has dangerously ill at. daughter, Mrs. (Rm ford, hut, we are; now renovating. “’9 are indebted to Mr. Fred Taylor. l of Everett. \Vash., for n copy of the' { Everett Tribune supplement. which is. I‘lxumtifully illustrated from photo-3 . graphs of public and private buildings ‘and gives the render an interesting {look into the young city of thirty l' thimsund founded only seventeen years ago. “'9 have also received from Mr. R. N. [lenders-3n, of \Vinni- ' 'peg. a portrait 0) Mr. J. T. Park’s l .' ladies’ Silver Band at Killnrney, Main, J Iwhieh we are informed is a, splendid l l l musical aggregation. Under musical [Joe it could hardly he otherwise. 1 t Mr. P. Loucks’ 17 months old son, i . . d Cecil, has been very dangerously I” I] for some days, but favorable symp- 0 toms have come. .. Mr. Alt-x. Best. son of Councillor Best. is seriously ill at present with intestinal trouble. . â€" -vv v .5.” last work. which we learn was very sut'uvssful. Thv exhibits on the ficld, we are told. were nxoellent. and that in tlu- lmll, especially in lzldics’ work, large and very fine. The gate receipts were $120.01). A gnud I y number from here attended the Artmuvsia Fall Fair at Priceville lust wwk. which we learn was very slll'uvssful. Tho vx'hihim nn Han Hum Mrs. (Rem) Cockburn, of Toronto, gave a helpful and inspiring address un Home Missions at the meeting of the Missiunary Association in the Presbyterian church last. week. Mrs. Millignn has again become a resident of the village, having removed from Mr. Grainger’s farm, which she occupied the past two years. M r. J ames Chard, east of the village, and Mr. \Vilson McMullen, of the west back line, are both building fine new residences, which are nearing comple- tion. Mr. G. A. Watson has made marked improvements on his brick residence by raising the roof two feet and plac- ing a stone wall under the kitchen. Mr. Geo. Mitchell has had a neat new wire fence erected in front of his residence, and is also having a new furnace installed in the bank block. Mr. Thos. Henry, of the cast hack line. has had the interior of his resi- dence neatly repainted and thereby giving it an attractive appearance. 111 Mrs. \V. Morgan, of Strat- visitvd Rt‘V. L. F. and Mrs. \l..‘--l-â€"â€" J. Sproule was in The audit of East Grey Agricultural [accounts for 1907. which for obvious reasons was delayed, has been satisfac- ‘ torily completed, and the standing of the society is shown by the following abstract: Receiptsâ€"Balance at last audit, 862.85; Legislative grant, 8227; Municipal grant, “.70; members‘ 'subscriptions, 365(1); donations, 840.- 95: members’ subscriptions for 1908, 883.00; rent of grounds and stands, 831.00: Government i expense of Spring Show, $14.00; Jasper Stuart on Graham claim, 89.00; ads. in prize list, $42.75; loan. 335.00; interest, 82.25; 'total, 8938.45. Expenditureâ€"Prizes, $388.66; special attractions, $90.00; prizes for previous year, 83.75; fixing uildings. etc., $27.66; new shed and insurance, $70.13; loan, 835.75; working expenses, $277.50; secretary and treas- urer’s salarf, seam; balance on hand, $75.00; tota , $938.45. â€"â€"vv--\| II 'l U, gnged, took charge of séhool of the village. on Monday. Rydall, of Lunar} t. m I- - Welland port, MARRIED. t has revently been very l at. the home of her (How) Thom, at Strut,- are pleased to learn, is Flesherton. at London last his two horses, 1} Joe Putt-hen. Hank until? xulth, which ' the city on uunavtiu Search. McDougall, Arthur Ramage, Alex. McQueen, Hilda Brooks. Jr. Pt. “~Lillie Levine, ‘Mnrgaret ‘Kvelsey, Eddie Havens, Vera Allan and illie Lawons equal, Octavia Mar- shall and’ Russell Green equal. Sr. Iâ€"Mar Haselett, Hazel {Vol- Jet, Ethel hitmore, Jomina Lawr- ence, Hazel Hutton. ‘ Jr. Iâ€"Bryan Sanders, Clarence \Mc- Girr Edniie Hi'derbrandt, Bella Laud- Louia Ector uqual, uonn moljowan, Gl'ldys a part of the we - -V. .3 -; wu. second] . being thirty-two rods by north-east corner of s' of said lot number Terms. ten per cent. ’of t e ,chase money to time of sale. balance 'in' thirty days with I On the premises ‘dwelling. frame b foundations. Co er . [“06 and school. Ato intermediate â€" Kathie . . R'uthertord, Jessie‘ McCrie, Mar 'orie Brown, Grace ‘Vol- the town of Durham 3th lot number forty-one Sr. pt. IIâ€"Ermina Billings, Charlie eight acres elf of aforesai containing a ‘parcel of land forty. 'rods in the is m good brick am with 9 stone nvenient to out of. at live mi can from on good read. l Sr. pt. IIâ€"Ermina Billings}, Charlie McDougall, Arthur Ramage, Alex. McQueen, Hilda Brooks. Jr. pt. IIâ€"Lillie Levine,*M:1rgaret Kelsey, Eddie Havens, Vera Allan and illie Lawons equal, Octavia Mar- .hall and. RHMII Gran.“ Inn-1‘01 lst Si‘. 1[_'R.Efv'iu}:;, \Vilbcrt. Kins-3 lay and Willie Morton equal, Gordon Gun, Minnie. Limln, George, Dougms.. Jr. IIâ€"Gladya Vollct, Irene Mc- Phee, Nellie McKc-ohuie and John. Duncan equal, John McGowan, ‘Gl'ldys 8851113119 ‘ ‘ JrJnILâ€"Z‘E‘Zfd’i‘é fill} bottle, Jennie Kelsey alg, Ifybx‘ Entrickrn Jr. IV--Florence Bryon, Helen lre~ land, Alex. Jiilberbrundt, Roy Farqu- harson, Frank McIlraith. Sr. lib-Caldwell Marshall, Flor~ epce Barclay, Vcrna Fluker, ~Will'rid buonol, Georgina Lawson. 1- _ __ A frr r- Form Iâ€"~Curric Jumimon, Mary Backus, \"ivizm Crawford, \Villuge Petty, .Nuthon Gri'rnon. P. S, dept. 1â€"SI‘. IV â€"- Dow-nil Warminton, Karl Lenalmn, Thomas Lauder, Nellie McLean, 'l'rcssa Mc- Kay. Form Illâ€"Agnes McGirr, Winnie Bi: nin, Em Benton. Junior mutr.cu~ lazicn- Winnie 8.11110, Eva: Ramon W'uiluce Findlay, Vina Knox, Nt-llie Hepburn. . Form lIâ€"Vaddiu Caldwell, Jamie Farquharaon, Both .Tiarlliet'son, Lizzie McCuaig, Arthur”, Backus. H. S. Dept, junior teachers~Edith Allan, Maggie Firth. * attair‘s dt‘ Wa'lté‘x-"fif'éfigl. A '- ed a tuucncl‘b‘ oorLuwate and 101' about three yearn llc taught m the 'l‘owns.up of b‘mleun and TOWUbllip 01' Aormunby. ln ”(9 and 1860 m; utteudud tut: COllUglélLe lustituLc in Collingwood and we Normal Sclwul in OLLuWa. 111 1881 he took charge of Allan Park Public Scllool, \xulru he remained Lill August .1886. lw Hutu took onargu UL the linwlncl Furniture Cotupuny :s ofucc, when: he I‘lsmuumd [or LlVL‘ yuul'h, aucr “Lion he spout three years pI‘iVutc banking. Uurmg all anae years he was unn- agcr of a farm hold by him. ws \s'cll fir“, vuuu vuunuxvuLlVC l'dllUl' date 101‘ Santa Gray, was born in the TOWIlbllip 0'; baluuck, Conn.) u; Grey, near Allan Park, on Luc 151.11 day 01 Janna”, lou.. \x'mu UUL .. amid his parents IIIOVL‘U t0 ‘hampda-n, in tin: Township 01 Norm-duly, “*me he rusidcu umu 10m, Wurning .ou Um farm durmg Wu summer semen dud utteud.ng l’ubhc Scum“ in Um \xiu-g air. In 18(5) he wrom for and nhfnin- Iyâ€"kfifd'glg fifii'é'ififi'uohn Hur- R. J R. J. BALL LlBEHAL-CONSERVATWE , 1111'. and mrs. J. P. 'McMi‘ne (neel Mr. Wm. Hunter has 'recovered Alice Moffact) spent a few :days last from a. very severe case of typhoid .. with Mrs. Chas. Moffat. fever and every one who knew him Our. beef ring. closed for this year ‘8 glad to 868 ‘him around again. on Saturday last. The average (has Mrs. Jae. McLaugblun wagisudden- been lower than usual this season. ly called to Proton station last week Messrs. D. Edge and Wm. vBitchie . to see her mother. Mrs. Tullock who fittended Markdale show on tThurs-% had taken suddenly ““1 '381' 100d ay last. Mr. Edge aCthtdS judge of Thanks-givin services will be held the roots, grain, etc. in St. Paul's c uroh 'on Sunday, Oct. Mr. Thos Greenwood has been .cri- 13‘13' The Re“ W. H° 'Hartely, 0f tically ill for some time with blood Blyth, will be present to conduct the Poiron in the leg, but at the time of services. ( writing “6 dO'ng n‘cely. Miss Minnie Johnston spent a cou 1e Theshing is all fin'shed in , this of da 8 last week with her I ' neighborhood. excepting one barn. Miss illis. of Allanparlr. Of’courge McGlllvary brothers with their new she hustled home in Itime for the aterloo outfit and Mr lGeO. Smith Worlds Fair- With his straw cutter (and thresher Mrs. Wm. Hannah and ’her son, combined. divided the work about lJames. of Fergus, visited their friend. equally. fhn nhgixmon 'nm212_ !-_A . _. Mr. arid Mrs. J. P. 'McMi‘ne (nee Aiice Moffact) spent a few :days East with Mrs. Chas. Moffat. Mr. Thomas Firth returned home' Mr. James Hillie, of ICargili. spent i . “om New Ontario on Monday. gzisfiséaesfmn‘chzt': {Week with Mr. Robert Howell is engiaged ttor; PoOple are now busy Itaking “E a year with Mr. W. G. Firt . . t t h’ h r ‘ ood oro bet Mr. l1:3d ar Ritchie arrived home Po a 008. w to a e '8 p m quality and quantity. ' from t QSt on Saturday 'aSt. i Miss Aggie Sirr. (intends (leav’ng Mr. Kinsman and son of Toronto, next week to spend a few months are visiting the Greenwood fam- with her. brother Tom ‘0! North Da- lies at present. kota. ‘ D URIIAM SCHOOL ' HONOR. ROLL. wvv- I'Il‘ the Dominion of Camda Bull, the Conservative Candi In“. Kelsey, Sadie. McDow- .9 Whittaker ' Ruby’ for South Urey .c bummer sumo-u add .0 50.;001 in thu \xiu- wrote for and obtain- UmI‘Lllw‘dte “nil 101' urn nu taught m the Edge Hill. 'PHEJDURHAM CHRONICLE CANDIDATE ..... , -.... y». cent. '0! the pur- {chase money to be paid flow time of sale. balance to be pan! with- in thirty days with six I On the premises is m good brick “dwelling, frame barn with 9 stone foundations. Convenient to out of- [flee and 8011001. Atout ”V8 mi 6-! from the town nf Thu-L-.. _ _ Ll \tilll Lml‘c- 15 or tracts-o." land :nd pl‘sluiS-s bi!.l)¢:t”‘, lying and being in the town- ship of Guam-lg in lhu county 01 Grey and Province. of Ontario, 'contain 11:: by udxuuusurcnmnt one hundrcdacrcs be. the salm- more or loss bving com- posed firstly of the easterly halves of lots ngunbers forty-one: and forty- two in tne third concession, east of e and ex- of the Gurafraxa road, aav ‘ Capt thcreout eight acres. thirty-two the smtb- rods by fory rods, 'out of wgst corner‘ of the *said east half of r 0. Second] a part. of the ’weit half of . _ i5 7 a __ v-9uu- A. AOUO, at of one o'clock in ‘the aftol the Central lIotrl in 'the 1 Durham, in the. county of ' John Clark, auctioneer. the ing promriy, numvly t‘losc purc' lb or U‘actso! laud gnd sitxwt-‘s, lying and being in t1 ship of Ghmclg in lhu county and Province. of Ontario, ‘co by admcusuremnnt one hundl be the same. more’or lessbei posed firstly of the eastern of lots numbers fortyâ€"one all two in ~the third 'Conceminn vv-vM... UNDER and .by Virtue 'of t! e pou- ers com lined in Ldi cartain mo’rhnge, \vi1ich \' i l b( 9I‘Od uced iii, til". time Of sale there-“iii be offered ‘f01 sale by public auction on Sutlurday, the. 3151; day of Octuhu -.r 1908 +1111 1-..- Enough raid nod to a bin .lv‘ :1 consequa-nce Hey “00kt" Forest and Ayton 250“ Durham Should haw- it well ed that they have excelle modazion, otucrwisc, it w'll ted in winter about ua it wa day. Rival Lownx now 1‘ good huhinuss Lo draw ‘ from Durnam by the. rope no accomodutiion or that i came so dmul t? ai one. the accoxm-..d;nl.iou for all who gJ now-u-duyxa. Durham peOpL unite to give it u. lz'xm Hfl--- .---\. "Lll' u. uUL ‘Lnul he ‘has clmhus, and to Sgarr on»: would think 11c. had Came into the country under the Lauricr goveunumnt im- migration policy. Eoriy pounds avairglupois taken from the boars of a hulld'soulu racoy lrishm'm and re- pluc-‘d by. a Gain; of Juunviicm. lollow- mg moru‘ scrious uilma-nxs cerwmly marks a cI ange. 4 Many of our [maple 44‘: re mud-e be- lieve owing to tnc Mideiugh .‘- bong clow-d that there !would be no accumoduuun at the. Durham - now u. nluca tn 1.m+ .. Ln"..- '- , Although the. good ladies on their f way to the laxst womens institute meeting offered to allow ms send a reprqi-xsentative, we rewarded their kindness by neglecting to make a the affair. Their Programme was not an exciting one, wt those. who are to assemble this week ’in the home of Room: Mastic have announced to di' cuss malts-rs pertaining to f 3!: and what they learm-d at the lIolshin fair, and if we can get within gun shot we are goinr to try and bag: some of their Jim stories for the Chronicle. and learn what they dis-fI covert-d at the show. The anxiety of our pauple over the illnuss of Rev. Bice. have Somewhat ' ' ° . able to .he pres- cut on Sunday and 'prt-acn with con- sidtzruble vigor one of lhis old time pithy and impressive Sermons. 1n " ' impression seemed to out due yer than ever, but ‘for iris gen- era appt-ar..unct~.l \jel‘e it not ‘tnat he 01130, Mr. A. Crutchely was at jurors to Owen Sound last was there in time Ifor th too. Some learned at a ice would not do to upmur w cusc an hour aftr-r t 10 set 1 have either got to be on [ii are not; acccptvd and are a fine. There was no '15: Mr. Samuel Cha iman is speedily re- 'covm'ing from Wlat Seemed |to be {a case of typoid fever, but his mother ;seems to be in such a hoieless con- ! di'ion that her many friem a can only ; hope for the best» ! Mr. Thos. and Miss Esthvr Tucker jspcnt a week visiting friends 'n [[ur- 'on county. They went to 'otln-r nt-f , tractions around t1~at place, but. thtirf pleasure was badly marred by tixe‘ tragic death of their cousin, Mr. Mow Cullum, falling into his threshing! inactitm, feet first. and ‘heing tom 1' to shreds up to 'the waist. l A govarnmvnt surveyor from Lis-, towel Spent a part 'of. last \s'v-ek inl‘ the employ of our 'l‘oxv'mhip Council running; the line hvth'een the old and new surveys from Cit-nelg Town-3 line. Our council un- going to Spend! cunivdtzrublc money on that {part of] the road this fall. if. no 011'} makusf uppmls ag-tinst the sux'V'cy. Mortgage Sale l Mrs. Wm. Hannah and her son, James. of Fergus. visited their friends the Chapman familiy last week. The have retired from hard lwork an are ilving on easy "street and can well afford to take 'a loliday. The great convenience of the new weigh scales at the (Holstein station lalong with fair prices 'by Cattle I King Brown is drawing farmers with their stock from close Ibeside other towns. a Mr. E. JohnstOn sold a. fine steer to Mr. L. Robinson last week, but it has po: itively refused to he deliver d and Miss Minnie Johnston spent a cofiple of da 8 last week with her friend, Miss illis, of Allanpark. Of *course she hustled home in Itime f World's Fair. or the Mrs. Wm. Hannah and met son. J amen. of Ferg'ua, visited than: frignda fhn nhgvxmon Aha-2,2â€" I-_A in sc. Pafin‘s‘éfiufi’h'féi 18th. The Rev. W. H. Blytp, will be present to servnces. v "u! UU ueul Sunday, Oct. kota. giVe it tid, a wink 'is blmd mouse. Lownts now consider it B to draw ftrgndv? away 1 by the. report it has iion 01‘ that it has be- L? at one. thel supplirfi gory“ who gJ thwt \x'uv Crutchely was amongst Owen Sound last week ’3 in time vfur the roll 3 learned at a west th: t do 1:0 appear with an c goinr to try and bag} cir Jim stories for the] ml learn what they dis-, the show. I“ the good ladies '01) thcir a luxst womens institute fared to allow us sum :1 ive, we rewardcsd their V neglecting to make a Their programme was not “In- Corner Concérns. Hey flocked to Mt. Ayton shows instvkud. l have it Wei-ll announc- h'ave excellent accom- ru'itsc, it will butreut- mut us it was on snow paid aéwig'tht‘gg 3 ‘0 be paid with. ._Bix Per cent. on Saturday, the. r, «1908, at the hour ‘the afternoon at l in 'the town of ounty of Grey, by onset. the ‘follow- moly those 'certuin l' lilnd i:n(l__pr5-1uisv-s. \_.â€"â€" 1'1 no are ‘liue liablé "£6 in th.s ‘v-U‘. 'Jl‘a the loll call 2 Eco: t that it aur “ith an ex. :2 Set time oThey 0D 'li‘nt our they 141cc, but their} arrcd ‘by the, main, Mr. Mc-i hifi threshing; d. 'heing torni amongst the and Our Mr. Cameron has (-hzu'gc highly recommended, havin es, clocks and jewelry. Satisfaction Gunnnnfnaul of the Repairing «19pm! m. g had extra large expm‘ivnv. Our Mr Gland stock of \Vntches, (.‘locks Links. onoches, Stxck Pins. \Vatconmkers, Jewelers. Extra valucsin Diamond Rings, Pearl Rifigs. \leding Hug- gngement Rings, Birthday Rings.--~Hundrmls of l{illg'.~ m . from. Ground and Unground “CORKS” “Rubber Rings,” etc. “VlNEGARS”â€"â€"“White Wine,” “Proof“ . and “English Malt” “SPICES”-â€"The purest New Fall Goods x School Supplies of all kinds on hand 13in: i: Solid Gold Rings of fine Silverware j - Remember “Good Spices make Good Pickles.” Get nothing but the best AT Repairing ’. Opticians and E KEELERS s, Chains. Charms, LUt'keflk ‘9 Braceiets, kalt‘m, “tr. Guaranteed just arrived, at lam Sum-avers. Durh Ht, illld 00"“; on fine watch st pri am. ()nt “HES utf m” “to": h .1. N flock I‘m- ‘ ”VPPWQN) Mthing np il meal first-cl' (I 1 Wedd i: Engagement r ‘ hive “I“ a \ ~ ~ dOIen \\ c Miss Marga rct New Millin The undersignw! I. announce that m Opened up :1 1n n 1 ery and fauu ;.n m. 101', “lwre mm \ I i. the line of mud. fancy goods Hui painted China in: ”MM at l'HlN' rates. leek, and this n selection of hui hits. “'9 ha“. up two-dozen m. Ind velvet. 'Mlit wearing him-k fresh from ”h ‘ Cale. Ln: promptl} a? ht. For fur you can alway Dick's and pirk down flown In can't find {inn ghout ymn every Wm ‘Ve are ad trimmed h r'lt My Docto'rflc‘éuâ€"ld “n2, aYCHINB and have much 1 w “G l W‘O ‘8 Well as {- ‘80- [With 186 pounds: ” m 'ith the “me th'w‘ :1: “W15 smmo. That the Psychinc Cu ck , Min proved by the to W Internet)! reccix 6 f8 u TCCCnYh as “:0“ 3"- V m CL‘ W has, at, an s: M “Bronchial trouble a d a ~ iMhoraiI-pnssag Q “In, aching pan ”out, headache, in“ c on akin, a lfing b t drpo POW (mm b {a atrouble. Sample Scnv O . ”I“ “ores SCH In :g PSYC EF FE .nNNY, Auc I! YEARS' TE. “av di Oct. 8. 1908 Miss Di \V t Write to A. We w!

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