West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1908, p. 8

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Hi 0111 carpets me of the neatest patterns in hemp, union, tapestry and w 00]- en. Rugs to suit all at very low prices. \\ e hm e a full line of “Island City” paints for house paintings. Boots and shoes of a heavier make to suit'the season have just arrived, from the finest to the strongest. Come and see them. New rubbers in great variety, neat and light. With the change of the season comes the renovating of the houses. We have u splemlnl stnek of wall paper in common, medium and high classed, of the fmmms make, “Stunnton.” Come and see it, it will pay you. We have a good stock of heavy working coats, vests and pants, suitable for fall wear, which we are offering at very low pricesâ€"But although our cloth- ing is first-class. we have something better to offer in the shape of Nobhy Snitings. suitable for the season. The purchaser may have them made by any of our local tailors. and they are all good, or We will have them made and guarantee a good fit and good workmanship at reasonable prices. ' will he required in the near future, and we have an Excellent Stock of men’s and bnys' (elnthing suitable tn the approaching cool weather. It is the famous “Fashion" brand. All goods bought, if not damaged may be returned, and the money given back, except goods. cut. ~ ~ We cordially invite everybody to look through our stock. Fresh groceries continually arriving which we are selling at very low prices. New Quaker Oats,-the best oat meal in the market, $2.80 per sack. ProduEâ€"aaken same as Cash and th: Highest Prices Paid G. d J. MoKECHNIE, DURHAM House Renovating Warmer Clothing awEGGS AND BUTTER WWTED In the shoe line we have the “Imperial” brand, which is equal to any and better than many. LADIES’ WINTER COATS NOW ON DISPLAY For a Working shoe, we have the Leaf” 01' “Sterling" brand. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS 0N HAND When hunting for your fall suit, remember the well-known brand “Regent” clothing. No matter what your age or taste may be, or how little you desire to pay, you are sure to find something in the “Regent” brand that will satisfy your requirements. Groceries Footwear “Maple lHE DURHAM CHRONICLE i The sidewalks on Garafmxa lstrcet' which ~\\'x:l‘0 takml up to allow of (the' building of the bridge lhuve ‘bevn‘ ,aguin placed in positlon, land w 11 be? concrete walks when the lfill settles.’ A concrete crossing has also been )llt; in PyL‘Hugh McDonald ‘oo George htfi , Rev. Mr. Farq 1111armn and 1Rev’s. .Little, of Holst. 1n and 000,191, of 'Mt. Forest,dol1V1red addresses ‘ on TWoodland JUbiltC futstiv al on ~Monâ€" .-day evening. Health Saving Explained by a Dur- ham Cituon Who Knows From Mnny Durhnm peeple take their lives in their bends by neglecting the kidneys when they know these orgene need help. . . -v -- VIII" IV A.“- IN! euro Send for list. 6! teen-cub". Adams: F. J. CHIN [Y t. 00., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Dragging 75o. hko Hall's hull, Pub hr mum Sick kidneys are responsible for a. great amount. of Suflering and ill health. Tbe reason so many use Booth’s Kidney Pills is their quick relief for all Kidney weakness. Here is what 9. Durham citizen says:â€" Mr. \V. J. Shzn'pin. of the (inrric Vidrttv. pzlssvd Lhmugh tuwn Thurs- day an his way tn Hanover. Mr. “verge McKechnie returned frmu thv West last week. He was absent, about L\VU uu'mths. Mr. and Mrs. E \V. Limiu returned last. Week after spending a (mum? of numths in Manitoba and other western provinces. ,__fi_ --_ __â€"- -uv .v uukuuuavuwul [1 faith in its curative pow'ererthst they ofler 53 Hundred Dollars for any one tint it full: to euro. Send for list of teen-ankle. Miss Edith \Vutson, of :Shclburno. Vif'ilvd over the week ‘end with hcr cumin, Mr. Ed. \Vutson.. mehnaster Wright, and family, of \Valkvrtnn, have taken up thvir resi- dence in town. Mr. Geo. McKechnio is {in Toronto. Mrs. Curl Mowory went .to Cleve- land on Tuesday. Mrs. Thos. Wilson. Q ieen Sr.. Dur- ham, Ont” says: “Occasionally I would sufl'er with backache A dull bearing down pain would settle in the kidney region and extend into my shoulders and neck. Headaches and spells of dizziness were frequent and would leave me unable to walk across the floor. Sp0t8 would appear before my eyes and leave me in a miserable condition. I had tried dif- ferent plasters and remedies but could find no relief. I learned of Bocth’s Kidney Pills through an ad- vertisement and procuring a box at Mr. Mcb‘arlane's Drug Store. I com- menced treatment. The one box took the pain from my back and strengthened me wonderfully. The dizzy spells and headaches soon had gone and I feel like a new person." Sold, by dealers. Priceâ€"50 cants. The R. T. Booth 00., Ltd. Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. Mr. Armstrong, of the 'C.P.R. staff, left for Toronto Monday morning. Mr. R. 'Macfarlano is in Detroit at the Telegraphers’ Convention. Mr. Geo. Duncan returned home last week aftvr swnding a couple of months m the\ st Mi‘s Gc'ri rude Backus left on Tues- day for Dundulk, where 'she has sc- cund a school at '30. 10,1’.rot0n Mrs. John 0A. Bradley and sister Miss Wolfe, Vancouver, B..C, ur- rived here Tone: day niU‘ht to visx their purcntS, Dr. and Mrs. \Volfe.‘ Mr. Keith IN1 wton, who 1has been in New L'ntzuio the must summer, visited his punnts, Rev. vani Mrs. Newton, over Sunday. . Mr. H.11. Mellaguetof the firm of W. J. Gage !Co., 'l‘oxonto, gave 113 a brief 01111 Tuesday 'whilc in toxsn on business. Mr. Dingwull. of the '0. P. R., Spending a week at {his home Port IIODB. s Mr. H. D. Davidson, baker. nof Han- over, repent over Saturday with Mr. G00. II. Stinh‘on here. Editor Lambert and Mr. Reid, Jof M'oun: Fun-st. were in attendance at. 'thu Barium meeting here on zThura- day night last. ‘ Mn and. Mrs. Chas. Bell, ‘of Bel- gruve. .visiud with ' Mr. and 1 MW. Fred McClocklin a couple of (days last week. ‘ only positive cure now known to the medical fra- ternity. Catnrrh being n constitutional disease. requires a constitutional tmtmont, flnll’s Cn- tarrli Cure is taken internally. aging dirchIy nnnn .hn L'Ml‘ ---J Mr. Will Saunders wont to Toron- to on \Vodncsduy morning, where he \xiil accept a position! A11 exchange telln of an advertiser who 111d 11 well bred cow for Sale that is giving milk, three. tons of 11ay,\ a lot of chickens 'and seveml stoves. .-- a- -... I‘vu vut .l“ vu “DUI 6c UL. 0’ and the leading over the 0.5194 3%. tracks at the; foot of the hill repaired. Mrs. Thus. Farr-alley and little spu Mm-nn left an Monday fur their home in \Vinnipeg after a month’s visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Moran. For Saluâ€"Almut forty stune lumts. smnw C'nnpletvd. All in mud condition. Apply m Zenms (Mark, 'ag-ney. The 3lst Regimental Band, under the leadership of G. J. lWright, is rapidlf' forging to the front and in wil not be long 'before we have a musical aggregation of which we may well feel proud. Their selections on Thursday evening last, on ' the occa=ion of the Borden meeting here, were excellent, and drew from the large crowd assembled much favor- able comment. Mr. Wright has de- monstrated; that he is a capable and efficient bandmaster, and we take this op ortunity of congratulating be h himself and the band ton the magmhcient showing thay made on Mll----A-_ _â€"-._. _ Mrs. Reay, of New \K’est'ulixlister. B.C, who has been wisimg the past two moutlm with Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. McGirr and other f1‘i:_-nvls, srgturncd home on Tuesday. ' Mrs. Juan-s Burnett nturned Tuesday ni ht from Duuplin. Mam, where she spent a (con [:12 01' months wifdl her daughter, Mrls. IThos. Cald- we . Thfirsday Evenâ€"183”. KEEP THE KIDNEYS Will mg us work. The propnoton hsvo'oo much in its curative powers that they oflor Ono [red Dollars for guy. out; tint it (:11: to fl-_.AA-_l:_. I NEWS AROUND TOWN. ther‘obyji. $100 Reward, $100 _______â€" vâ€" Way 1119. touudgtion 9f the ! It’s the pOison germs in the air you breath that creates and 'feeds oatarrh. Hyomei simply catches Ethese germs on their way to work and destroys them. The first breath of Hyomel air kills all catarrhal 9019911- This makes the air you are breath- ing inward helpful, it goes on its way throu h the air passage bronchial tn es and l nga charge with germ diatroying p wer that can- not be resisted. it soothes 'and heals the wounded and inflamed membrane. That is why Hyomei is so instantly helpful for any distress of s the breathing organs. colds, oroup,bron- ohitis, asthma or dreaded pneumonia, ltzblely are the germ like 'that Hyomei l s. Complete uarantecd outfit $1.00. Sold by Mo arlane 00., vtalk to them about it. . Druggists in Durham Are Having Splendld Report: From Hyomei Users Breath Help For Catarrh. Teacher Wanted. Record Breaking Special Sale of Suits for Friday and Saturday Ufldfil‘wal‘chOr Men, “'onwn and ('hiMz-vn. We Pave the W~ to Comfort ()nr underwear department is complete. “StunfithK” un~hrianMe ---the best made, best fitting. most comfortable, dux'ahlo- .wml satis- factory underwear. that modern nmchinerv and skillml Mm mm procnce. Ask to see our men's at 50c. Ladier‘ frnn: 2W. my. Bum" at 350.. and 50c. SALES in Boots Shoes WE-CLOTHE THE MAN FROM HEAD T0 I700T V Distinctive styles in Men’s and Young Men’s Suits ut' 1m humus “Sanfurd” make.--the range is wide,--fal)rics and stylm are: many. Priced to suit every pocketâ€"$7.50 mzszlwm. Boot: and Shoes-«It’s a very exveptimml rushimwi $11 {I Wt‘ cannot fit; in shoes. Long experieuve in studying 'hu \\ i-i!‘i\ dim» sified “88d8 0f the human foot, give. us acmn-m-v in judging “hut will best, suit each individual case. That’s a great. hulp 1‘. HIV man or Woman who has to wear the shues. A happy mmhi: mum at foot cumfort,,style and economy is something we have hurt: 4N” W develnpe to a high degree. If you are nut already ml! .mdwlm‘r. give us a trial on that, next pair of shoes. Rememberwe ° are gonng outof Hardware. (let thy Evzr‘uilins Highest Price for Produce hes are without disturbing the restnl [In-(1)318. as 9 ‘ A ppm“. V ‘ ' H] With “Hccla” Triangular (Irate u“. , ‘. ‘ M1 ‘ ~ ..‘ 1â€" . ”I. i 'd f all the ashesâ€"save- LU.uâ€"'x\‘< t ”‘ic get n 0 ddoawav \a'rm xmng firebrightandcleanâ€"an ‘ 3- lmlwimn} h s because no fresh coa. o, .U, as e . . W ‘ m 1, link’ers come down in the ash} x c We would be pleased to talk over the furnace qw ..; and Show you, part by part, just why u“. u km“ the best for you to buy. Come in any txmc Made by the makers oi “Peerleus B-..-...,_;.... Grocery Bargains for Friday and Saturda." RAINCOATS AND OVERCOATS IN GREAT \‘Alx‘lli'l'Y Let us Show you how easy It Is to shake the AT THE TOP 3 lbs. Black Tea at 500. ................ fur 3 lbs. Fancy Biscuit-8 ................... fur 4 packages Dalley’s Jelly at 10c. th, fur .. 1 can Veal. Ham. or chicken loaf, 17w. si'lm 2 10¢. bottles reliable Shoe Dressing. . . .fur 2 We. cans Richm'ds’ Lye .............. for 4 10¢. packages Corn Starch ........... Mr 3 Boxes Matches. safety silent. ......... lnr Saturday. 20 lbs. “Red Paths" Sugar. .t’nr $ 5.00 Suits ........... $ 7. 50 Suits ........... $ 8. 50 Suits .......... $10. 00 and $11. 00 Suits $14.00 and $15.00 Suits ALEX. RUSSELL THE BIG STORE u ,l. In the nutter of the Estate 01 RON“ Harri-on, late of the Township 0f lgnmont in the County of Grey. deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY (; The “Hecla” has four grate bars. Each one can be shaken separ- ately. This means that 'you can shakc down just the part of the fire where the -, W'â€" ' 'h‘l’ 511w “BA" futme.’ Mk6 notice ”13' A. .y _ ‘ ”00qu “Its the «and udnnnmrtt' ‘1', will ”rm to distribute m asse‘ 0 “I. damned lmung Hm mumes {6:0 \’ M h ' for the Wd as§et~ ur an 3 “at” In, ”“503: or DBI'M'HIS t wig m Chill not have been 2'9ch ” 5h tt u” tin. of such dismbuuon. her, I“ M tho 31"“Y 01' Bantam WILLIAM MUuH'S‘UX. Ont Varney A .03: .... snt to "The Revised Starve 1897." Chlpter 129. t at :m' others having cluims mg... ‘ of the Mid Robert Morrzw . or thout the 8th day of Am: - .Nqairod on or before Hm 2‘3! W. ‘m. to send, pus! [NV but to Wm. Morrison, (hr :4. of t!” DI'ODOrty of the sand dw chm-tun and surnames. .ml duoriptions, the full par‘m-gi MI, “l6 automent n! ”ll the nature of the seems: 1"“ fitting. _ . A “n inhtt'ctor of """w - i . the estate 0‘ ROW m In. of the Township of Eva... NOTICE TO CREE I IORS for for for for for . for $1 $2.95 $3.99 $5.95 $7.49 $9.99 for for for for f( n' Ranges. All “New “a” PATTERNS I0c. ill gr ll and Grips mat aria! Trunks ‘ You ,ce :3 [015 la ‘l‘. ‘V. ”013311!“ny \\ l. ducts a moving pin ‘ hoover. was in town I”: n "“1810qu Eilllalinl: 2.3; idem]: In Hanmm 2 h. I Week here, IHQ~ My evenings. This 1 filament is becoming \. dilly ill the sum! Mont the country. :u “‘Cht‘lp, “'hOlt‘M HIM; :1 “five way of alwmh I". we hope Mr. Mun-7.: I“: way ('le‘l‘ Lu luvul" ‘7 (or one night :1 “wk. ”d 15 cents. Mk talk of tilmu ‘wih; “MI"- WINP (nfdvpl'vssfi hill over the contiuvm. 1 ‘flleonly comm-y Mum ‘1 hofdullness. Thvh' ‘wlz' H business bllstlc in 1'31 “I few years agn, \\ ’:- ‘Were heing Imilt :um I h Ponstructed. \\: "Iuy of the to“ Us .--. u. b~1'(}m||exlt Mil! i~ u. L fl“! and giving; “*lfll‘ ('Olllplvlnwfi 2‘ ~m Furniture Furb : t i ""9 at present In! .. ” Very few empty i: . _ 1. my business pl.» ,filrmunding Um I» ‘ b» cement. milk a. ~ tune faclnl-ic ~ n»: \VP I1;|\-- ‘ .1 illdt‘t‘d {01' ”w il we are mill u: .1 “SOPâ€"All um' pa ‘ he settled vitlwl ”than Nuvvu title a“ unpaid ll flier hands fur m ”a street, "5 ‘h" kick kitchen. H L a“; (arm-wt. ‘0 1311198 Matihv“ ~. ”town on Fm ;' m hls Sislt'l' \\i “Batik on HIV ‘- fl-hocse in mu M. The horn-v, hm“ i‘ ti‘bt' luunmment “it: I. ”11001 hour. E?” Mb“ of the UN in mum. Novcw' be ‘rved, after V- [mine will be 81"?“ Inf. -’ 2' cc. PUB hah ‘1; id I the Wall-“'1“ " .mt“ Prevh an handy under lowered so that below the sol-fave win-ring. A l Chris. Scheurmn n Mitt-get, [w 3 I pray. and v.1... “G’A 300d Inilvh. under. at um 0,.” W he nlm ~11 I front of Ale-x. 1 ' “d th!‘ ('nHi~l-H ”Wthe buggy N being 't‘fl :vh hm. cumin.» w nurtlnm ‘_ Warm}. ! ’ othim till 1 Mr. Th ‘ .. h hi8 barium 42â€"410. 2170. M. Bruce st 1-. “0 unit!) of h the place to huneu and I! the buggy U H! was «In! I!“ I‘QVIUHs I’ll‘ ml 11180 5th“ I \\' {l

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