b6" I“ .100 .I u-o‘. illwrights, Machinists, m and Brass Founders. )r the next 15 days we are going clear‘ nut our entire stark of 'erulls and will give unheard of wgains in these lines. STOCK OR. MADE TO ORDER 1 tugines and Boiler Repairs! rgular 750 and 80c values tngn at ......................... 06° »gulax°$2.00line. to clear. 1.35 ecial attention to Gaso- 6 Engine repairs. MANUFACTURERS OF ting Boxes, Horsepowers, Sash 6’ Doors promptly executed. RT PRICES AND GOOD WORK MIG T0 TRESPASSERS TEES AND OTHERS FOUND n3! on the following 'lots b0 prosecuted: Lots 57 and 62, . 3.2. 'G. R: lots '3, 4, 5 and . l,N. D. B.;'lot 3, Con" l, ARGAINS Dves. Furnaces, Singers Sewing Machines, Heintzman’s Pianos McLaughlin’s Famous Buggies pairs for all makes of Plows. tits for all makes of Sewing Ma- chines. mobiles, Ties, Poles, bought per RHAM. VERALLS .T SCOTT’ S RHAEI FOUNDRY SMITH SONS “ARM MACHINERY t. for Percival Ayr, American, Persian and Listowell plows. me Sharpless Cream Separators toss, Rugs. \Vhips, Oils, Greases, Wind Stackers, k raisers’ Feed Boilers. JUHN N. MUHDUEK “’hite Son Threshing Ma- chines. C. Smith Sons Steam Fitters. . . . S. SCOTT Frost 6’ Wood plements (‘OM BINED SL' [TS Toronto “Windmills. AGENT FOR By Order. THOMAS MonB, A. OBUTCHLEY. JOHN BELL. W. J. YOUNG. All Kinds of OVERALLS Middaugh House Block O. FIRTH. ONTARIO ’ Tho. special services i! the Mitho- (lit-1 church ur nightly growing 111 “um- 1041 and blessing Mr. Mc- II;.1rly‘ 1 Spu’dkillg is thoughtful and ihmnrt watching, and Mr McBrct- n ~y' ~ singing is sweet and of 1901: V' VMr. IVIcHurdv’. sermon on Sunday niqhw =11 th ‘ U11 rurdonable Sin†ways a well reasoned 11ci.i interpretation. er McBritwy «mg at the Presby- t 11111 =nrvice in the afternoon when ,RW. Mr. Sho1herd of Markdule. pnumhml a good sermon. At the Beavist ’church, which was prrsftily ‘dncurutnd, Rev. L. 1“. Kim conduct- ed an intern-ting: harvest home. s-tr- vicn and t"? choir rendered approp- riute music. . ‘ Mrf and Mrs. Herbert Smith at- tenicd a wedding at Corbetton last \Vt‘e '. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson gave us ’a call on Monday evening on hi4 way to Sudan: entertainment, Proton. Bornâ€"(3n the 6th inst, to Mr. aqd Mrs. John Thistlethwaite, of thus place, a daughter.- " - I I. on! Mr. R. G. \\ 11km of Moyie, B..,C vi itcd his brother, J. 0., here last we oek. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spiller, of V Toronto. \urc visiturs at Mr. F. (a. Kall‘sto tits. Mr. Geo. Boyd, of Mount Fur-est, vi.~iu~.d his sons here last week. The Methodist Choir were at Salem Muthodi‘t Church, Proton, 011 M31)- ddy uvL-n'mg, itSSisting at the nun-.- v--r.~';.ry entertainment. Many of our cixizons attended the full I‘u'u's at Feverslwm and Dundalk [amt \n-ck. . Mrs. Thurston, Mrs. Bunt. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong and Mrs. Jos. Clin- ton ntUndc-d the Grey County Wo- mens" Institute Convention at Chats- worth last week. Mr. Goo. Lnidlaw sold his fifty acre farm Inst wqu to Mr. Joseph Fen- wick of this village, who w.“ move out soon. Mr. \V. A. Armstong has sold his bony: and lot occupied by Mrs. Mc- Kinnon to Mr. JolmCulgun, who will will shortly move. to town. M13 and MW- Chilflt‘s VV- WTigthrcuclw-r‘a work. Mbs Bczuni's'h of No. and 28011 and daughter, Mutt-r 'l‘horp 5, Proton. dimusswd tow :in inmort- Miss Ellwil'u, of San Francisco; 511'. ’ uni. sulugct, “cllul‘acml‘ building,†and and RITE. Aâ€. \Vl‘ight, Of NOW York; Nlr MCQULCII of N0, 9, iigl‘~,.ul(,‘11.,, MT- Th0?“ \Vright and Miw‘s Emmujtm: (War-present one of “Dimiplinu.†Wright, 0f 'l‘oronto. visited “~‘ld,Both pup-.11"; pI‘OVNl that :111 the “km!" 11(‘1'9 Part Of last week, and wisdom of the world is nut yet with all zntvndcd .-crvicc in the Methodist til-.1 uncivntss. Q'l‘hcy were curt-fully church on Sunday morning. Forty prepared and act forth concisely. the yuan have passed since the \Vrit.l"l‘.;3u|ts of wide â€mung, coupled with and Churli-‘e and Alf. Wright Altun- illustrations from the writers own d-le‘ the domiuie I’ulmel‘ cant of theloxpel'i-snce. Such teachcrts have a Villugm and their Viï¬-t awaken-3d bright future before them. They are 1'_l}=i'$il"1 memoriega 9f by 8099 .day‘; not the kind that stugnato ‘in_ the Rev. Mr. Mercer, of Singhampton. paid Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boy-d a [short visit last week. Mr. “’esley Duncan, of Ottawa, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McK. Duncan. Mrs. Van Duson has been visiting her son at Dundalk for a few days. “'0 “were pleased to see that the weight of years sits so lightly upon our old whoa] mates, whv remain the practical jokcré they alwuys were. Nuinsi.ult on th- \Vi‘hl, to Ulm'lulk Mi's Stancmnhe, of No 5, Egr:-Iu’-nt. and Muxuw-ll on tlrwast, and from read :1 most valu'lhln papa-r on “The Durnuc'n 1.0 M‘unt l" rust, n'n'ill :mli {l‘euchcr’s Mission," It was replete south. 'I‘lxl-y Came “wearing their lwst “i‘h good things. and your (Earn-Sph- FJUWHS. â€H il' finvst ll-‘ltlwrs. tlv'il‘ smi‘ns and their most lM-I‘hllflSlVC 1 look ~ l'.. naitg‘l-t bu called a la'liws‘l conv-niion as trzo u--nt.lem~:-n wr-l'r: sof f-\\ 'H‘ nnlv to l'virht-n by contrast; the diqml‘ity haw-sen the sex“; 'l‘h if; pr~vnm~ was like sunshine in the village. And as teachers of the young; His is tll'.' way tlu-v oua’ht to lm. Morose, surly, dull. sluggish. 'Alllt’ï¬-l‘llly, unneighborly soulsshould hum no plut‘a‘ in the education of the young. It Can be said of the teachers that ViSited our village yes- terday and to-day that they are bright, youthful. spirited, enthus'as- tic, and, yes, good looking. The edu- cational interests of the children: ought to be safe in their hands. 3 After the usual preliminary items of business, the programme was be- an by Miss 'Jay, teacher of No. . lenelg. Miss Jay discussed. with the aid of a few notes. in a capable‘ and intelligent manner, the impor-; tant subject, "How to make the school roam attractive.†The value} of an attractive building, the use of? lame pictures. the flag. ornamental ecora'tions and pictures done or drawn by the children themselves were reViewed in turn and their place. and use pointed out. But Miss Jay went deeper, she showed that the main attraction after all is a live., kindly, he] fui and teacher. Suc a teacher, and drowned with mhcnable are. would be sure to win her pupils and secure regular attendance and good work. Some of the more experienced members of the convention confirmed Mice Jay’s positions, hut emphasised the 4 were very d--nt l'v'u‘rrts‘ want of Space to give M'rn 1m outline of it. It: was gon- erully regurclml as one of the host papers at the Convention. It should lw le‘intvd and a «my placud in ltl‘..e lmmls of every tozml'iel‘ A lri‘JllC-r concr-Mirm of the teachers’ nussién . would doubtless he the result in some ones at least. Another equally excellent paper from its own standpoint was-rx-ad by Miss Pearl McFarlane, of P40. 4. Egremont. Miss McFarlane. SO your correspondent was informed, task the summer classes in art at Toronto University last summer. Hler gape! in “Elementary Art†was a 1‘10st summary of the work given there so far as rt applied to public school work. Her paper was illustrated .by drawings from her own punils. Which creditable indeed. In our humble opinion this-paper also should have been ‘printed for distribution 8111098 the teachers and for the in- formation of the parents as well, Mn. .J. L. Cornwell. the energetic principal of the Meaford Hi h School. again generousl gave the onvention the benfit of his wide upenence and his intensely practical teach.ng. By means of some of the entrance examination answers lest summelr in English Com osi'tion he was able to eXpoae t e weak places 3 mpathetic in the work' of many of the'teachera newt“! and to bring home the necessity of more careful teaching in this import- ant subject. He pleaded for better spelling and writing, greater care in teaching punctuation and para reph- ing so as to repare the pu for work of 1 re. All of them would the fact um trustees were not ob r nine to use the mother tongue ways sufficiently interested in the an they should be ta ht to use 0013001 to do their Put an W2“ as it pro erl . His tonic †ontinuaticn they might. 'Gcome ry was of greatest interest The toachr-rs showed their apprc-i. cirnion of two. god weatllcr by turn-I ing Ollt in lalrgzar numbers than usual for tlu- morn'uu.r session of the first day. Saw'lxxny-aiv-g- :-n.~'wer(-d t0 the roll Call, and tlmy rvpr-.-.+ont-.-tl pro- gressive conununitil-s from all parts of tlu: inspr-ctorato lrom llanwer t; Nmmtadt on the west, to Unndalk‘ and Maxwell on thew-ash and from Dornoch to Mount F- rent, north and aouth. 'l‘hc-y came wearing‘thoir best gowns, thcir finch-st l‘-.et1thcr°.. their mull-es and their most persuasive looke. I: migl‘t ht?- callnd a la'lics' coma-nae!) as tno gentlemen were 80; fms‘ a.~'. onlv to lveilelt'n by contrast. tho. di<parity between the SCXES Thiirg prr-sq-nce was like sunshine in the; vill'xge. And as teachers of the} young this is the way they ought to ba. Morose, surly, dull, sluggish. '{alattornly, ‘unnelghborly gouls_shoult_l hum no plucn in th.:-.'education of the. young. It Can be mid of the h-uc‘vers that ViSited our village yes- terday and to-day that they are bright, youthful, spirited, enthus'as- tic, and, yes, good looking. The edu- catipna) interegts of‘ the children. Thu. :mnual mndï¬ng of the South Grey 'I‘euchers’ Institute was held in ,F’lc‘eahorton Public School last Thurs- day and Friday. The cloud laden sky and light rain show-11‘s of chnv9- dny (awning nemed to promise noth- ing hwttm' than the umml teachers' “conv-n"i0n:’ll’ “cathoqr but 'l‘hurap d:.y mm‘nin': mm dry and though sonv‘ewhut. cool, was plr-aqmt. This: condition conï¬nuved throughiut the session and midnd much to the enjoy- m-nt of the viaiting‘ teachers. Mr. Allan. rincipal of the Durban Model Schoo , toll-wad, iiosuï¬nm, with his. usual clearneu and force- fulnou the "Importance of Sympathy and Cheerfulnox in School Work.†He Send coupon to Dr. Root 00., Spadina Aye., Toronto, \v'U.. 5)}UC.Ulllw ‘5 v vv for s free sample. SAMPLI FREE. Flesherton. SM (3‘ 25c box of all drugfgists and stores, or ostpaid rom Dr. Root Co., padina Ave., Toronto. 6 boxes for 31.25. showcd the importance first of cul- tivating the emotional a.de of the child’s nature, for through his feel- ings the knowledge faculties could be aroused and the. will disposed to aid in the work of education. lie emphasized the fact that the teacher must know the. pupils before she can sympathize with them in the. right Spiript. in the afternoon the Fleaherton School Board, repreaented by Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Bellamy, extended to the teachers the hearty greeting of the Borad and citizens and ex- pressed the hove that their stay in ‘loaherton would be. pleasant and profitabito. Inspector Campbell on behuflf ot' the teachers, tendered the School Board and the. village the thanks of the. Convention for their hlearty 'welcome. extended so cordi- wly. Mr. Urquhart, tho enthuï¬ustic' principal of the Dundulk publiC! achool, than tov'k up the subjuctj “Tommy and the. teacher.†['ndcr this suggestive title Mr. Urquhart. discusmd in very serious van some' of the various rvlutions ln_-,t\ve-;-n pupils and teachers. He did not hesiâ€" tant»; to declare that perhups ninety per cent. of the. troubles bctwc'n pupils and “(anchors arcs-.3 because the teacher did not quite understand! Tommyâ€"tho. other ten per Cent. was due largely to foolieh par-nuts. Oc-g cuionaally, of course, Tommy was :rtf fauU, but «uch OHS-.8 of i'lhc'l'vnt perï¬ vx-r-iity were rare. Mr Urqunuvt is. all â€go.†He. throws his whole fsrcc' into whatever he undertukm and , from a lung (~x1wri'1u'c he was a'ï¬lv; to throw much light. on ‘nmnv intri-z -w 01111:. point; â€1- is 011:". (1 able "assq-ts’ of t 10 Co11ve onLhusiusm gi 11'» s 5112111: 111- 11t to the discussions. Two of the. younger teachers than follmw-d with stimulating uni help-o ful pap-31's b-ruriug directly on tw- t-'-.;:c 201' 3 work. Mira Bczml_i_'s‘h- of N0. ‘I-\' --\_ -â€"â€"â€"â€"_ ras'jlts of wide reading, couplr-d with illustrations from the. writers own oXpeI'i-snce. Such teachera have a bright future. before them. They are "not the kind that stugnato in the. muddy pools of their own iniuloncc. Two livoly di:cussiom, one lad by Mr. Heath, of. Fleshurton. and the other by Mr. Rowe, of Markdule, on “V'cmmiilution in :zchools" and ‘llame work" followed. Mr. llourth deplor- ed that many trim-too. boards were tottllly indiffcrugnt to the. ventil:it.on of thair schools, and pr-vi'hd 11 means other than the doors and windows; to llluilltJill t":~'- a r at any standard of purity It was gmcrully eXpressed, however, that the teach- era did not use the means at their diéposal to tfm full extent of their capacity: t at greater attention should be. paid to the ventilation and that th~= nroronts of --d‘.1cuti'lfr the public as to toe IlL‘vdS of publis huild- lugs, 'brlnt‘i‘llly school houses. in tho rc-Spect, should be carried on st-gudily through the children and in every other availabln murmur Mr. Heath gave some excellent hints and good results will follow. Mr. Rowe dis- cussed “Home work†in that may style: which proves familiurt wth Ml phases of the subjut. [e ad- vnnc-‘zd arguments for and u ainst the giving of hum-n work, and t c r-susmlt of the di-rcussion appeared to he that in rural sociions it was wise ,to g'VO. homo work of a suitable kind t) "ï¬st. Um clnssrq, but in urban schools it wnw lm‘itr-r to confin-‘w it to the sonisr classes. It was felt that the over- crowd-l curriculum mud" it uhso- lutcly necessary to give home work in ord- r to cover the ground in‘ any rcmmnthln time. The only way :nv-'id homo. work ““14 1" rnmhat~i [owe-r subjects on the course and leave the. others largely optional. Mn. .J. L. Cornwell, the energetic principal of the Meaford Hi b School, again generous] gave the onvention the benfit of is wide eXperlence and his intensely practical teachhg. By means of some of the entrance examination answers last summetr in English Com oei'tion he was able to eXpoae he weak places in the work' of many of the’teachera and to bring home the necessity of more careful teaching in this import“ ant subject. He pleaded for better spelling and writing, greater care in teaching punctuation and paragraph- mg so as to repare the pups“ for the work of l fe. All of them would require to use_the mother tongue and 'theyV sï¬oï¬ld be tau ht to 1188 it pro early. Hts tapio “ ontinuaton Geoge ry’ yas _9f gr_eatest_ lntgrpst Geometry" was of greatest interest to the continuation class teachers. After seeing his method of introduc- ing and doveIOping the subject one does not wonder at the success of his pupils: He is clear, patient and is 0112‘: of thé 'uluo- 1(~.CO_11V8nti0n and 1113 ; mum: and man..â€" HE DURHAM CHRONICLE ""““.° 9" ' assistance to those who are rallyl desirous of knowing the subject. ' These points he advocated and illus- trated in his demlo ment of his topic. Mr. Cornwel is a favorite with our teachers it the remarks heard at the close of the Conventizn count anything. His practical com- man-sense -m(elt ads of dealing with ‘ his 'tOpics attract the commonâ€"semis teacher. His wise councils w.ll not soon be forg'J-tten. The Convention was also favored wi.h the presence of InSpector Bur- gess. of Owen Sound. Mr. _Burg(68 has often rendgftred valuable assist- mxc-e. in the pa:t'§.nd this tinll'e was __-AM- willing t9 giyo any_ regsonabla I- \vuv I... v-a‘. r“"' â€"__ no oxce tion. He â€" dincusscd many ll"- "“3" m“â€"'"- ‘3'"- v' ' points 0 vtital interest to every Durham.0m. says: "\h' Ion Ind honest teacher, and incidently demon- wanted with kidmw tremble for over 3m: shagzh‘wm‘nï¬rm . w. ma M my Md cos-es being neglected a; carel' Siand “ indifferent teachers. est Grey has would shoot. though the kidney x’mubonl 'to congrutiélate itself :11 ha:- rp‘ion, Damon: had mid him his ing a ive conscien ions .napcc or w.lo , _ -, . , H. - ’ trivs to see that the children in 1Hdneys wmeofl molhu v dull) c evé-ry school receive from the t nch- '00“? '0 “W’s" him. He would er the essentials of a thorough pub- Mum ha mmhlu to swap . r lift. nny lic school (education. Mr. Burflf-ss thing Of cnO‘uqupncp. lwe prochad omphuriznl the necessity of teaching: h ~x f' Booth'a Kidnav Pmn at Mr. curcfquy t1]? :subjects of part I of! the. entrance examination, which were M‘°F‘-'f'*"â€â€â€™ “’“K â€â€˜0‘“ and found oftrun in danger of being neglected the boat of reeultafrom the ï¬rst. of bmcnua: no exanuna' ion was requlr'3the trnaunanc. â€in bile“ WES 9000 ed in than. 'l‘éeiaohera sonic-times c-r-' - tifi-d in their conï¬dential report to “Md lrorn the severe paâ€) and he the ingpgctor that the work in thegeIStI'Oflgth‘flPd. Ha has enjoyed the subjects had been prOperly covcrorl."he~c of health since and says he }~'11<-:11,':1.:. a maï¬t3r of fact. very little.; would not b“ Vt “1100' a box 0‘ Bomb.“ if any, :lTitVlIthIl had been mud to Kiduev Pillq in ihe house †than. ‘I,ll.~’p.“ct01‘ Campbell also con- . - firmed Um words of Inspector Bur-l Sold by d““'“"‘ ““00 â€0 0““t3° gas in this regard. The R, 'l". Booth 00.. Ltd. Fort ‘ ._A_"l Mr. M. K. Richards'on was presmt and ntl-dro::333(l the Convention in a naet little speech. He counsc-llrd the tmohzra to give the 1m ils apmputhy and oncouragnnent in t leir work and citud inl-tuncns were such :1 course was the turning point in a life. Mr. Richardson is still the child's true frinnd and his words find randy 1"."- qponse in the heart of every true teacher. Several pane?“ had to st-md over for want of time. These will be glv- an next year. On Thursday (-Vv-ninu‘ in the town- ship hall ill" usual high-claim con- c-rt wax given uni-r t"~.e auspice-s of. fluâ€: 'l‘r-aohurs’ Institute. In addi- tim to thr- .-‘.plr-n.litl local Lalwnb which Flo. hv-rion can supply so album dantly, Miss Elsi“. Dixon Crag. of Trironzo, ulucuti nist. inmr-rs’mator musician, was scoured, and it Is safe. to say that the. concert waï¬ in every way worthy to he. classv‘rd fl’llOllé.’ Hu- l)-‘-.~'t that have hc’T-en. Miss Craig: was irr~.~'*i.~ztilo 'in many of lu-r sel -ct om", expeciuilly where children wcr: "-1., aonatcd. She has a voice of warlor- ful compass and du‘epth, a ll’lppy and charming exiurnssion. and a nownr of natural mimicry ra"-'~ly ï¬llfpiRSS‘d on the thigh. Mr. A. D. I’Orfv‘r and Mics 'l‘rclford also were especially good The. liitle folks undgcr the irain'mg of Mre. Blackburn did their parts splendidilv. Mrs. Blackburn is to be congratulated upon the excell- ence and naturalllkass in which she took pzurt either :16 princi ml or tu- tnr. Miss Muns‘iaw prnsitc-d at the. piano wig}; her usual grace and good many remarkabli this preparation ‘staflplc grgjolo of _ President. J. 8. Rows. Markdztfle: 1st vice. president, Miss Mary Copp- imgor, Hamovu‘; 2nd vice, pro-xiJ-snt. Mi-zs Annie. K. Hill, Dundulk; Soc.- trezu, Thomas Allan, Durb'lm; mun- aszoanwnt committee, Mewsrs Wm. Heath, FloshHrton. J. H. Coloerr". Dromorc, and NIL-1908 M. McKomzic. Durham, L. L. Stzmcomhn. Mount Ful‘mt, mm! M. Loy-son, Hmnpjen: :mdil'LI‘A, Messrs. C. I). Faquuharsom and S. McNully. Durham is to be the next place of ll’l""2"‘l"lll£r. The following are the officer; for 1908-9,â€" {n.tm All] through tlio conccertiwas highly (enjoyr-d and “dent-d to With pleasure. infcctious dbeases. Diphtheria, scar- let lever measles and whooping cough are more likely to be contract- ed when the child has 'a cold. You will see from this that more real lurks in a cold than in my other of the gongmon ailments. The easiest and 'v-"- v the con. man ailments. The easiest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take Lhamberlain’a Cough Remedy. The pgqny remark_eblt_ cures effected by Mr. H. Hunt ‘3 cut a few days Mr.r and Mrs. VF. Pearson. an, ï¬Ã©tnh. 0V0 . Because you have contracted ordi- nary colds and recovered from them without treatmen tot any kind, do not for a moment imagine that colds ere not dangerous. Everyone knows that neumonia and chronic catsrrh have heir origin in a common cold.Con- sumption in not caused by a cold but the cold prepares the system for the reception and development of the germs that would not otherwise have ound lodgment It is the same with infectious dheases. Dinhtheria- mar- Much err-«lit is due to Mr. Ik‘flth mild hiya «*f‘icir-nt staff (or their un- mlfish and unromilting labors .11 providing for tho comfortx and on- tort'linmont of the. teachers while at.- ‘twnding the Convention. Miss Selina Hopkins. of Hutton 11111, was tho. guest of Misses B. and A. Donnally on Sunday before last. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Grier- son, October 6th, a son. Mr. II. Blunt has sold his standard bred mare to Mr. Joseph Payne, of qughgm. Lie 2130 50.151 1 ppilj colta. -â€" v" A'few of the youth anrd beauty from around herey attended the bar- est home at Varney. ifsibwtvmghï¬al‘lga 'fo'tw'm â€sowrer nipples, burns and scalds. For sale by all drug stores. Mrs. W. D. Mills and childro'n. of Durham, Spent :1 few days with 1101‘ brothers. and father here. Mr. and Mrs. W'. G. McCullbch vi.-itr=d Allan Park friends the \wck before last. Miss B rtha Cuff 3p ent a couple day-4 \sith Miss Hazel Marshall,11 Durham. . uttl ILIIIIIU Mr. Thomas Reay and gistor. Miss Adulino, visited erc-nds in Priceville racon'tly. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bailey, of Allan Park, spent a week ago Sunday with [Wu formers sister, Mrs. Thomas Chappod ckin whether on the hands or face mav be cured in one night hv plying Chamberlain’s Szlve. It is aso unequalled for sore nipples. VII <. Adlnm of toxxn has bun vis t- ing hcr duug‘hicn Mrs. Hint) Reay, and Othul‘ rclutives. Why Colds Are Dangerous. For Chapped Skin Vickers 3.0!‘t t0 __._ - - . 13 thesessmrength‘npd. He has enJoyed the covered.',he.c of health since glad “ya he ' Councmlor E. \V. Hunt and Mrs. , Hunt atu'ndc-d Rocklyn Fair on Fri- d day last. and lmve most compimcnt- r1 'ary tthings to say of both the exhi- ', hits and the courtesy and generous gltrvmtmont (extended to strangers. 19' Mr. Chas. G. Robson, now one of I 7 is Edmonton s most successful and pup- 1.. ulnr Musinass men. is over on a elvi it to his old home, and takes a l_: 1.x.zuding part in a most happy event,‘ ,9: in Toronto on Wednesday evening cf .1; this‘chek. We'll report details in our 18; nuXt blldgC‘t. It’l s serious mistake to neglect Whicho Baï¬kaohn u the “(It avmptom oi humus ill. Fauloonp lioatinns may foil 19 Booth’I Kid- ney Pilis ace qrckly to overcome kidney ills nu nut m-lnv until too line. it may Inc-am Hiatmlaw, Brights Disease. Read whuta Durham rouo idem gays. -‘ - ‘ " O a- I-vâ€"w “Fv__ Mrs. Hugh MoLnun. of Mnin 8t . Durham.0m. says: "\lv son had aufl'ored wi'h kidmw trnuhle for over ayeâ€. Hid hack WM wry tender and weak at. time: and sharp ptins would shoot though the kidney ragion. Dr-ctorshud mtd him his kidneys wmeufl-ctesi Mr W v didn’t team to hPllrï¬t him. He would ufmh he u'mhlu to Sump . r H“ any thing of cnan'wnce. Owe procared h'x f80Mh's Kidnflv Pnlhs at Mr. Mvalouce’s U‘ug atom and found the built. of raeulu from the ï¬rst of the treaunenn. His back was soon freed from the severe pain un_d he Sold b-ynamâ€"tlers Price 50 cents. The R. 'l". Booth 00.. Ltd. Fort Erie, 0%., Sole Canadian Agents. Mr. and Mrs. thn McNally y. of the 6th .4 pfllt Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mills, of Sullivan. A most successful meeting in the interests of the Liberal-Conservntix3 candidate, was held in the township hull here on Monday evening, when Mr. Ball and Dr. Jamihson address-d a largely a'«..tcnded meeting of the electors. Mr. Ball's prospects grow brightkr as election day draws near. I have not been bothered. My cure is complete.†For Summer Catarrh, A.-‘thma and Hay Fever, Catarrhozone is guaran- teed. Get it for $1.00 from any, 'dcalcr. This prevents a chill and checks a cold instantly. No remedies to use- ful in the home. no sure to cprevent serious illness as Nervlline and Ner- vlllno Planters. Sold by all detlert 25 cents gaoh. bot be sure you ‘get October is a beautiful month to live in. . cThe wag of a youth saygâ€" “Twist- ing the neck of mamgqlds is an old man’s job.†The work is on this week. Mrs. Adam Robson was summonnd to Toromto ~'n Monday by the illness of ‘her daughter, Mrs. T. Flynn. Mr. W. L. Falkinham is away on a pleasure outing to Newfoundland. lie hen many old frivnds and associ- ates there. The dickie bird is M’h 3p- ering. .Prevent Taking cum. y Often you come home cold and shiv- erin â€"feet are wet. throat is raw, ohe is a little sore. A bad cold it just gpginning. Put n‘Nervilmo Por- The. Misses Sturm, successful ev-- :mgrliats o" the Bay of Quintc con- ference, had charge of Zion’s ser- vicm on Sunday. They are. conduct- ing special services in Durham at present. _, v-“â€" .v‘.- v..â€".Ov -vâ€" on! Plaster on your chat. rub your throat with Nerviline. and take 0, stiff dose. of Nerviline. in hot water. Th‘ig prgvqus a__cbill and checks 3 Miss Olive Cook returns to Durham this week to resume her dross-mak- ing dutiws for a couple 01 months. Mhy Déhnél'l"."" .1». Senior Iâ€" y A. Mountain, M Webber, H. Armstrong. Gnorge Cuff. Junior 1â€" - .G. McCaslin, M. Smith. Syhll Lawrence. Junior I (a)â€"Lawson Hookina. JOHN JOHNSTON, teacher. Thomas E. Blair took a hOlidmy trip to Owen Sound on Saturday. Rueben N051; J' Vaughan. - Senior IIâ€" Max Grirrson, L Mountain, \V. Vollctt, A Picken. Junior IIâ€" Ircne Yollett, .J. Petty G Langrill, A. Marsï¬lant. Senior part IIâ€"Cecil Mountain. Junior part IIâ€" “ I -- Don’; leave homeâ€"don't experiment â€"just use Cutarrhozonezâ€" it dures every case as quick as it did Thos. Eaton, of “'e:~'t\vood. Ont. who says: “Five. ears I suffcrcd from May Fev- er am had to leave this part of the country a month previous to the time 9f_attuck.‘ Since _u::igg Catalygnozonc Messrs R. Cook and II. Tucker, of Cey‘Jon, spent a day of last week at Mr. W. J. Cook's. Evm‘ybody “H immensely pleased to learn that Mr. James Nelson has bought the fifty acre farm lying be- side this own, from his brother Paul. He khas now the old Lauder farml in- tact and it makes a splendid prOp- arty. The price was $1500. M Mrds Ed. Curry and her son Eddie w.-.1e guesnts of yher sister, Mrs. T. E. Bl 1hr for a couple of days lately ONE ‘BAD MISTAKE Putty. N Noble, \V. Lzmgrill, McCaslin and H. Noble. equal. E. Cuff. Junior IIIâ€" a. Lungrill. A Smith. Five Years’ Hay Fewr Cured Mountain, Donnelly, Hutton B in School. 'l raverston. Senior IVâ€" S L mg rill, L \ 01h tt. SeniJr IIIâ€" N _N oblo, v':1_v_n Sharpe. SAVE MONEY ? Then do business with H. H. MILLER 100 horas. Glenelg. Frame. Dwollmg. Bunk Burn. Good Farm. ought tu bringsm Will sell (or â€NO. [m acres. Glenelg, splendid location. em: good Buildings, cheap at $7.300, will an IN mm. extra good Buildings, alone wor- th nurly the $21)) asked tor the farm Nut ant‘ord P.(). i acre building lot in Durlnm. for uh cheap. or trade for anything a man can on. wear, or throw a stick at. Proportv bought {lad anld nllCOfl‘flflSSi'm Money to hand. Debts collected. 01;}; Tickets and Ocean 'l‘wken tm sale _ of stock in Durhnm Cement UL, placed at my [undo for sale, cheap. Alwlya prompt, never negligent. lunar“ on Durham Road. Bentinck. goal Firm. Bank Barn. Fair Ilwelliug.sm tor W. PUMPS Bed Comforters from each. $1.35 (03‘ W 11-4 size. Flanuelette -Lâ€" ‘I ‘1’ _, ' Bu, 81. 25 each. "WWW†“W Mia. fall :nd winter V93“ '1! Drawers IUIHZH', up [Adies’ black safevn Uud 8l.mand $1. mm}, “W Children's white Wm! Boas. m†Chenille Tithle ( ‘1)th aboo “Dd (‘50. Pat‘h: In,“ 8.9 our 25c. and 54k; Dress G Men’s Cardigan J when, [)_ g A‘ Aâ€" Golqdecoratml I 1m H"‘"“ Sets. at $1.50: :51 7.3 and 8: “Old decorated 7-pi9lw glass lets. $1.95 and $2.13 each, Lumps, all sizes fmm 350, up: Glass Berry Bmvk. (3.1“. ; Witter PiLClM‘l's. vlcg Smyrna Rugs Mrs. Beggs A handsomely “Instrafcd vy mkky. Lumen m million of any amemmu )wunml. '1 mm m Canada. $1.75 a you. postage phrpaid. M In Ill newmealers. â€may“ 60828581 Broldny, New 'm. 0000. F EL. Washington. 11C. The People’s Grocery and Provision Store FOR ALL KIXI‘N *' Peaches Pears and Plums In Full Swing ‘ TRADE Mam 0:3:ch COPYRIGHTS lc. Anyone sending a sketnh nrd CPGOT‘DH-mm quickly ascertain our (mm. n free urn-morn lnventlnn is pmhnMv pueuvm, 0.. ( -~mmumm. tionastrictly«mum-v.1Lu. HANDBOOK 01le gent free. Oldest am-nvy‘fu‘r c-o-wurmg.‘ â€Lem; 'I..4-.-.n_ ‘..l._.. 4| _ _ "Piiéhti an '6 iï¬iuui'h'wm'mï¬'rcaum“ wag-1W [Rpm cmee. in the Do you want tn make mauvy and The Big Smnflfk ifltï¬Ã©ï¬m I W leave to infamy rm' («Minors and the public in mineral :im I“?! an may!!! to furnish Xvw l’um“ . mm. Well Drilling. Rpt‘urbml and PressCurbiug dam mm cement cpncrom. All orders 73km: at 1119 (M band non â€('Hnwank~ null will be â€'0'"th attended I .. All Wnrk Km" unwed at "Live and EM 11w" prices. GEORGE WHITMORE. Durham 81.2.5, 111in $1.5M c 0'6 the Hanuver "(un'vyancer H. 80". Ch... Call and see L's A Car of Mixed Chop Just Arrived. The Hanover (‘unveyancen Me 011' 01's : Miller, Calder BIOQ Au wurk gur- let live" Pm“ Up to 33: 5 A. BELI IIN DE RTA fll [he doltllnliv lb .3 w w. dwhite Caps fur WWI I“ 0m hflnkable 3 grin.“ 51H! than Off Manitnlm an at and is a strictly family “um; flow Boomsâ€" Ns-xt 2 â€Shop. In)». â€South of \\'. .I With shop. ‘6 from 8819mm] wix lb a superior arm-h- 1 pastry. vlv. flatly on hand Hw W W OILS. .‘isn .LH' HOCMI, â€10.“.‘5! «m 'h â€Chopped Oath. .‘Iixe «5( Q0 309!) Short: an! l'v *1 Induction on Flour 10 Bag Lots. ‘ delivelvd :mvwhw- ’eople’s [pure Manitoba “um Manitoba wheat m either when ur d Call Enbdming a Spcci m,“ 5% ‘3â€; .4 WW mar“ 75‘.‘ 74? ’ lu‘ TRY OCR K II“ PASTRY F LO in; Done E\ SOVEREIG N1 “pt “Uh-“ilk Tm that (w own Talk" I-l'()f snap ‘ 19‘? up left Framing on notice. “like“ on the ECLIPSE WE KEEP 1908 and Director HATS (‘HE TH l‘ â€SOD I.~ ; on hand reduced Under 0V III