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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1908, p. 2

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2ND AND 3R1) DIVISION OI“; No. I, 8.6 8., in the Town-1 of Glemlg, 100 acres known as ~ McKinnz-n Farm, at the Rocky, 0 get-n. Immediate psssession giv-; I For particulars apply to J. I’.’ 0rd. 31107”. MBER CF IMPROVED VALU-' farms in New Cntario, near Liskeard for saleâ€"large dis- t for 02131;. May» of the locality terms giwn on application to . Telzord, Solicitor for vendor. 718 06tf. Farms fur Sale. CODtu’ningr 250 un‘rs, [ht‘.€‘HtftI€ he lut- Thom Fulton, Cne Stone 'elllng and cm- frame dwelling. . \V'Ill hr \flcl in block or di- d to suit purchaser. Terms ‘11- known -m uppiicution. Hugh tan. Agim'niflrutor. Hummlvn. g ll3tf. in UT 19,_C0.\'. 2. E. “a. n. mâ€" ll‘I‘ A .:.~. hunk burn, also stood frame_ McKlNNON 100 ACRE FARM A'P U‘e Rocky. immediate possession giv- en. For fIUUIPl‘ particulars am-lv to J. 1’. ‘l‘ulford, Durham. N_ov.5tf. MY 200 HUNDRED ACRE FARM A'l‘ (Mmcott, will rent one or more yvura taking most of rent in im- provemotns. Buildings, soil, water, orchard and timhpr all good. Ap- ply to J. Ritchie, Port Arhur. County of Grey. For particu- I apply to J. P. Telford, Barris- Durham. ' 13 06“. PHE GARAFRAXA ROAD.â€" mt fix miles from Durham. K! title, poasemivn at once. Good l. Must be sold. For particu- ! apply to J. P. Telford, Durham. 00.1 0:; ¢ 565,7 Durham. 227th 31, IN THE SECOND CONCES- West of the Garnfraxa Road he Township“ of Ngrmanbyjkin 13 AND 14. CON. 3, N. D. R. 1918, 15 acres bush. frame barn, watered, must. be sold. A. H. um- Durham. 22?“. luxmznsmxw OFFERS you a 4 number of houses and out- dings alon the line of right ay of the \ alkerton and Luck- Rail“ 11y in tlm town of Dur- Thme buildings must. he Vcd at an early day, in r to clear the line of risrht of All material such as timber, , «tone, etc., in cases where uildingn cannot be moved, are for sale. Dated June 4th, Apply to J. P. Telford, Dur- Your talents, which now yield you a comfortable income, will some day lose part or all of their earning power. Then you will need other capital that does not fail. A small sum deposited every week or month with will, with Interest compounded quarterly, provide a comfortable income for your old age. One Dollar will open an account. You cannot begin to save too soon. Accumulate Capital l873 STANDARD BAN K DURHAM BRANCH ’0” Kelly. "383“" OF CANADA ‘2‘25‘0' 05;: 0c: s4-tp : FROM THE PREMISES OF THE UN- I'vt_u‘-z'1tnrcnl Entoorprpe (Jor‘npany, of o «lmviunmL on or about the 6th of 5"“ \Ol‘k: \_‘.'1!l z-revt fcvcntl n9w ()cmln r, :1 large white sow. weigh- “1"”2" h".‘ld”‘g“' througnout “7931' (w: about 400 pounds. Any person 0'“ (Inturw. D giving information leading: to her Charles l’ulmu‘, :1 Merlin hotel- ,3 r‘covery will be Suitably reward‘ kc-vlvel', convicu-d of two charges of Lt mlâ€"J. W. Blyth. Varney. Ont. 19-tf «:ng liqglotlj illvg-‘Illy. was sentcnc I H Second hand coal stove, “Sultana” in §Pod condition, cheap. Apply to . W. Search. 2 For 8. 8. No. 2, uEgremont, County Grey, male or female, second . or third class. Applications. stating calary‘ qualifications, CXpe-rience and enclosing testimonals will be 're- ceiVed by the undersigned up *.to Saturday, October 318t. Duties to commence at the beginning of the New Year. JOHN SHARPE. 8ec.-Treas., Oct. 84-h). Holstein P.O. ‘BUNTERS AND OTHERS FOUND ‘ trespassing on the following lots will be prosecuted: Lots 57 and 62. Con. 3. E. G. R: lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. Con. 1. N. D. 11.: lot 3. 001).. 1. and lot 3. Con. 3. S. D. R., and lots 61 and 62, con. 2. E. G. R., Glenelg. By Order. THOMAS McGIRR, A. CliU'l‘CllLEY. JOHN BELL. W. J. YOUNG. C. FIRTH. GOOD COMFORTABLE DWELLING with an acre of 1am], good orchard, good well. gOT-d out build- ings and other conveniences. Also for sale a good mare colt, rising three vears. harness, wagon. sleigh. quantity of hay, wood, garden and farming ignplje‘mc-nts, etc. Apply to GOOD \VORKING TEAM, 4 AND 6 years old, bays. 'Algo lmaro. 7 IIIIII Notice. is hereby given that anv 113124011 or ptl‘SODS trepassing cm L t 2:2. Con. 3 S. D. B... Glennlg, or! cutting or removing timber from the same without instructions from the u'ndv-rsignml. “ill be nrosocutcd ac-' cording to law. ‘ J. P. TELFORD. ! October 14th. 1908. ‘2.t-nd.I Pt-rsons desiring to arrunae dates for auction sale for the coming: term. may do so by phone to Allan (Park. or orders may be left at the *Chrom- iclo office. All sales promptlv at- Oct. 15-3mn. I have decided to be in the town of Durham at Murdock’s Imnlement Warerooms on W'ednesday and S Ytur- day afternoons of each week 'during the fall and winter term to arrange for sales. Sales promptly attended to and prices right. For further par- ticulars, call or write to MIKE KENNY. Auctioneer, Oct. 1â€"4tp. Edge Hill. l: is a. board bearing the name of J. ll. Jones and is from the ‘bow of the hunt. The hoard i; [bill‘ltf'll l)‘l(‘K with tho name in gilt letters. It has ln-en split by some mezms so that only (Lo bottom vart Of the first J. re- Inuilh‘ on the narrow end of ‘the board. while almost the entite 8. reâ€" main: at the “ide end. __l‘t was ht'nmrht down by the City of Meafo'rd on Sunday and handvd out ta '3” Armour, the wharf’mger, by Engineer Silaq ”overlay. The Jones was wreak- (-d near Tabefimory on the 220d 9f Nove‘unber, 1906, when tweutv-aevm lives were lostâ€"0. S. Advertiser. The loss of the steamer J. H. Jones neun‘ly Tun years is xecalled b '11 memento of tie ill- fated b0ut \11ich \Vlln p11 ked up :1 few davs. .33 0 on the north shore of the Ge: 1' 18311 Bagse and 11113' no“ he s‘ten at t 1e'ware 011 91' .the ‘Dominggm Transpfltution _C(_). GOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSES. Apply J. M. Latimer. 4231: 10 acre.- of land, Opposite Mr. 'l‘hcs. llzsskins, conVeniont to Durham. Cottage. contaim six roams, grad wooddmd, mud stabh, hen hmsc, m-ver failing well. Excellent plum for gnrdnning. Apply to Aaron Vollnt. 2-6“. wwâ€"v wars old sufiposod in foal. \\'ill be sold rnasonablv. Apply to THCS. GREENWOUD. Oct. 1â€"4. Edge IIIill. F. S. PORTER. ndrd to WARNING TO TRESPASSERS COMFORTABLE comm}: AND Teacher “’anted. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Horses for Sale. WW 8310 or Rent Relic of Jones Disaster. PUBLIC NOTICE For Sale. To Rent. Stra yod ROBERT BRIGUAM, 5| Branches Auctioncér. 63 Port Arthur voted on ten money by-laws and carried five of them. 'Mrs. Massny. widow of Mr. Hart. A. Massey. is dead. The Infernational Paper Mnkers’ Union is on strike. The Montreal River district is proving rich in minerals. Five people were injured in a. 'rail- {oatd wreck at Allan-dale on Thuruday as . The Union Stock Yards of Tirmnto have been sold to ~the Swift 03m- pany of Chicago. Mias McLeod, of RJp,ley is heir to a fortune of $250, 000 by the death of an unt‘le. in Chicago. \':.1t Duffin, of Belleville, was seri- oxnlv injured while rid'gn h s bio cle by being atruck by an autdmo Illa. Nelson Gottslnben. a farm hand was kill: (1 at Lexington by falling from an apple tree. Seventy hogs were burned to death in a barn mar Nupance on Thurs- dav last. The au'mmer residence of Mr. Ua- amith, near Bobcuygpn on Sturgean Luke, was totally destroyed by fire. 'I‘Thonnu Sinmson, of Bramptcn, fell down stairs zit t.:-- Royal Hotcl ut 0 [I \V that pluc: and brokr hi9 neck. \Vm. Martin, tux oo'l"-ctor of North Frlv. hun' plcaélml gllllty to mis- uppmpriuting tho moncyr, callected. Ac‘dllo Sciglinno was mnteuced t3 fourtcnu yours in Kingston penetrat- Liniv at Port Arthur for eman- $‘ri:e!l;.!'.‘|l"l‘. Thu insurance companies in \Vin- nipyg; have decilh-d to reduce t‘w. rats- of insurance in that city if the recently infitallcd h.gh prmuro wauerworks system proves incur-58ml. ' umh r QI()(‘ C h :1 l' kc-mver selling red to charge tl Matt. Simmons, of ()wrn Si-und,wlr3 Wu." svntmnc‘cd to four mantiss in gm] for :1 lm nah olj Hu- License Act, has hm-n released on order of Judge Tnif‘tZC‘l. [t is rumorrd that the Bennett T’H‘Iltl'iCle Ent_;j_rpri~‘e lConmany, of Michael Carney, who was 11p be- fon- Col. Unhison in TOI‘JltO on :1 charge of drunk-1111048. has male the stat '11-‘nt th 1!: he \1 d\ I1-Iiov;1l of 11 fiVu doll1r bill by :1 policsman. 1111112 in tin: cslls. An im estig, ution w ll be huld. \V'ilflium Laidlaw, Toronto, attempt-- 0d mic-Me on Friday by thrmxxng h’unsolf in front of a Grand Trunk yard engine. The promptncss of the anginxger in applying the hrukva' thwarted hii plans and he esoupcd without a scratch. Alim- l’attvr, 3m eleven ysar old Fi'fi‘morvé, Susk, schoxl girl. disc v- u.‘r:-‘-d a broken rail en the C“ I’. R. and ‘aved nu exyress t1 afin wrfch was “l'l"‘0i‘("" ing at tlw time from certain d<~,,<tl'ucti011. The C. 1’. B. may 're- ward lwr. “The Pavilion, “Goidiitlds. RC. ”To the an-Buk Co., “Gemotilmnen.â€"After a very fair trial I have proud Zum-Buk _g;'nin(=n'.|.,' usaiisfactor‘y'. In my case it cured '1 skin rash of fin yszu‘s staxMingr'. which no doctor had bun uhlo L d any good for. “I would certainly cncomuge any pvrmn tp kr-ep_ Z:nn-Bnk in t'~-i‘ imbue. It truly does even more than you claim for it. For my own p'nl’t I “ould not pow hc uith ~ut it in thv house. Yours vr-ry truly. (Si‘llwd) “Roge-r F. Perry, ".luslicr of the Peace for BC. lam-Buk difwr‘: from ordinary Say: it is a Wonderful Healer and Does More Than Is Claimed for it No household remedy in oxi<t<nc> has \1 0'1 such ginning Uibut s from tople in high [11:10.03 :15 has 7.1111- B11112. MI. Roget F. l’m‘v, Juqivn of the Peace [01 Briti<h Columbia 11ml- ed this famous l:,1:1lm anl ithis is wkat he says of it.â€" sw'x'ous AndInnhrorai‘mnq, fur '|.‘~i:i\ Mme mostlv contain animal oils and fab, Zum-Bnk is purnlv hr-rhal It soothes and hulls cuts, soroa‘. nlcm‘s. eruptions, hnilsJ eczema. _ch:1fin_: sores, etc. In'the hOIIS“‘hOl(i it ix Hm bandiost possible remedy for burns, scald, childrrn's injurirs It n. atantiv charm"; any wound to which it is applied: prevents fester'né‘, 7;!!- flmnmnfion or hlo>d p‘i-aning. It Cure; nilr-s. vnrinfls" lflcm‘s. and fos’fu- In. All druggis‘ts and storms 8"” at 50 cr-nta n hmr, or from ‘tM 7mm- Bnk Co. Toronto“ for price, 6 boxes for $2.50. Did Von err-r have a girl :Il'a'iudte iron: the high whoa! mt of Vonr family? If .so, you know what it is. but if you have not y‘m have mi~'sed about all that is worth nnytjiinfl in life. There is nothing: l3ke t. The happiness. the satisfaction. the suc- cess that has come i4 worth many times the money and effort put forth. \V'hat ii the finest product of Amer- ica? Secretary Loeh in :s'ibts it s rab- bits, Carnegie stands for lihrar 03. Mrs. lIctty Green considers it ready money, while Secretary \Vilaon crows over the American hen. They are all wrong. It’s the. girl graduate. As Daniel Webster remarked of Massa- chusetts, “Gentflbcnen she needs no apOUOgy. There she stands!” For years father has poured out his money in buying her frocks and laces and hats, in paying for ‘her chemistry and music and chewing gum. Mother has spent years of her life in teaching her mural ty, truth. the catechism and the to er way to do up her hair. An t e 'tfeel that .shes wcrth all :the troub e and care and money she has costâ€"Lam'- reince Journal. )t‘o i4 in 1:513:01 CANADA IN BRIEF MAGISTRATE INVESTIGATES ZAM BUK fl“ (r Mm'mltiy Department of Tor- i; in :1 crusade arr-‘Iil'lst the sale lurgcastivn post cu'rds and the i211: of sungstch posters. 1m Sl0:u1,:1 voungr P11101111 «9111111. ki'lt d in LinliSI'i) by falling (101111 luck- -up ~tvps in that [1:] we “bile 1- 2"1111w't tor intoxication. 0 hnhlv‘: 5V 1: I] as Valium, :1 Merlin hotel- convicn-d of two charges of liquor illegally, was sentcnc ' 3:101 [41' six Iudltrm‘ Ln mull H mon, The Girl Gvadnate an, :m 1.1 do“ ilant \\ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “'11 {III \\' (It‘ll 1“I;il' young: Englifi‘r‘euan. lsziy by falling down In that place wlule intoxication. S\'l'i;1ll l'( l‘uthd by turning fr his home IH‘ -‘ll {I I‘ rm 2n As the horse is giving way 'before the motor, so the camel-the ship of the desertâ€"must give way before the advance of the more prosaic and mare useful railway. The Hedjaz Railway has reached Medina, and in due time the 280 miles between this town and Mecca will be covered, and then the Bedouin camel prOprietors (11 this great pilgrim route from Damascus will be in a worse state than the owners of the old stage caaches were when railways were introduced in Great Britiun. It is desirable before the camel passes to get soni'e idea Of his true character. 'l‘hose nious imposters th produced the books on which 0111‘ in- farm intellects we're condemned to batten wrote of the camel 33 “pati- ent” and deacribed him as good and mild and docile. A boy with leanings towards truth aptly described the horse as him: an animhl with at large. head and :1 leg at each corner. Roughly a like. description might ft “'9 Cilllli‘l. but with this indisxiensahlv addition, that he has the hump. In (lg-nth, .‘n' in life, the hoas‘t’s Wily- Wardntss i’s‘ all his own :\ (‘mn‘l'l cannot din unless he twist his long“ JH'Ck around hi4 shoullz-r and laws hi< haul against his film. '1") s is 5‘0; wczll known that it is quit? (Switom-1 'n'v whwn n fang-n tic-ht zuponrs .Lt ‘hi4 lust. urns» to pickvt. hit; «Ir-{1.1 with? rows' and tent pegs straight out in front of him and (lx-ly thr droud dc- ,stroyarl “t is not allowed t) die. Not that thc- Aral) has {my ohjrc-l to the :mitzml’a (inniso if it belongs‘ to eonwhuly also. 011 the ('fintl‘ury,Â¥ llt“ watchss mgorly for tho laxt “iCk-i er in its dullin'; eye .11 ordcr to. cut his throat while just on? Spark of lift: running? for tlzon the Ship of th' d;--‘elt hcconms‘ (:n’ Inuv my, a? sort of “ship and turtle" to him, uni hr: p1';p:lrcs with gusto for :1 hanqnvt‘, oft tis Y'l‘llllills. 1 how tafitozl (Mung-lg w 10h is, I should say. not,unliko' bicycle tyre, and am prepared to own. t mt as an article. of food, the camel ldons Lot gnwntly zlnpcal to me. ‘ l A macnlnlliurity of thr camel i4 his :(1i~‘l°lk(‘S--lik.‘8' he has none, suso fort 'unimom thorn and pvrhaps for lying. lllr: hutzs rod. and “it‘ll in the first {Nilu Exprdition of ’84 same luxghtl .-gt..l.ins rquimwal tho mnm'rmh‘ 01 the; 'Carmzl COI‘IH with bright crimson «:ultllus, the animals so rear-uteri the toutrugt. t. mt m.£nn.â€"-r~‘ of them gave tun lill‘. ghmt in shnor disgust. llc :mlwuya, of voul‘sv. lutz-s‘ man. and, ‘ eolzntzlilnys (lix'nluys his “11.1 ct, “guys 'ifl nu uncutmin llldllIIF‘l'. [ imvo seen :1 (ligllel"'l Mid PldT-l turnr-d to immi-dirlte account. The :wfiunnl 'iw own; or has :mquirz‘d r9- [l"-'\'0T'llt2~' to Tim ovu‘y quad that life Gun grivn. It is indmfl only the Bqdr‘min who can t‘un‘oug‘z‘lfly umn'zciat: Hm (-,4:m*.._~] ' H". hil‘ n‘ him uni to strangers, claims "i“m: ulti-l‘ time compvl'ts‘ution for his mmposuitious (luuth :mzl ffi-l‘ h's man - fold my<tur§0us dimrxsos For £120 dis- (€:l~‘“‘S of Hm camel aw vm 0" it; H" it'd: "41' at! rihutos Among. other ill'~‘, he is liable to smallpox. which he i; uhlc .uul \x‘illintr Iu translzzr to hi'~‘ owntr, the only form Of unsel- fi<'-n'.<% from which hr suffers. In :uidit'irm tn ~nmllp'x and h is Hui 11011.4( .‘mnid's kn ‘0 and othvl‘ mahwlifi “‘i‘h which we. are mul‘e 01‘ loss fumi- liur, hp lay; claim to quit} Cu little prom-win!) Cf «iiqwusos which he] 11;: to no CHM-r creature. 1’; '1“ article of foad. "he Bédouin without a camel i3. 3. person humhl? towards his fellows. dojr-ctod in aspect, and ‘with a heart “wall-min! us suilj-d :15‘ his appewrâ€" :mcn. But. with a lwa-‘t, lot. us S'Iy stunsn for ch-icw, his demmntr is :it oncn chunanl. For he ha: than rea- liud an estate, which can be IHNI ac :n n-vmuo 01'. i1 no In; wanmm tuv‘nvd to inunr-dizlte account. The animal 'hv owns or has acquirPd 1‘?- pl' «r-nts to '1 im m'ory goal that life mm givn. l't i~z imlvfifl only thP Bq-drmin who can t":0l‘()H;‘1‘l‘l\' :lmn‘zmat: Hm v-I'lllvl ' hn hir :4 him. (mi to strangers, clumls "i‘llt‘ Mtg-r time (‘()nl|l('lts‘:11i(‘)n for his supposititious (lo-nth :mrl ffil‘ h's nmn - fold "mutations disjnsos For the dis- (?:l~'"‘S of H::‘ (innv-l m‘v Gwyn (4' it); ““ in}: '4' at! rihutos «\mong. other ill'~', he is liable to smallpox. which he i~‘ dbl-:2 .uul willin! tu translzir t0 When the hour for loading! arrives. the. procession of éamelsâ€"the beast. by the way, spends his hours of re- pose. on three legs, with the fourth tied up to his shoulderâ€"comes 1‘4110p- ing up and,, after a heated 'altcrcu- 'tion the camel is induced to kneeh down, when his Other foreleg is tied up to his other shoulder, and then the row begins. Those long pander- ings of {the morning, those mental {measurements and subtle calculations were not for naught. From the word "Go” the contest leaps in a moment} to its climax. Words fails me to des- cribe this marvellous and bomb struggle. and I leave to the dancing.- gum.- ins: hmrihh'. Sxith its ang' neck stx: to} ed to the utmost and its mVagI‘I month much to: new that The: |.;i,mgâ€" â€"suit to he plI-I His; 111. At ldugth u fatigue party \Vib summon- (-,d \\ ho “L h tI IIIIgm‘ h pol-c- V mm: trI.;-~'. I IN“ :w 810(- 'lucls. and such uft'cdtionutt- candefioa prevail“! Up. on Hm for t". desist. What a business it is to load his Tliq ho. lifts and drown, and lifts and drops again. until he has estwblished a theory as to wciaht. Then he Spits meditativoly and returns to his stt- ing position. Every one Cf the frat- nr‘nlity performs his part in this little comedy. No obiectims are rais- ed, no protests made, and no l-lvint ia given of the storm brewing with?!) these cotton-draped breaSts. It is, however, working up and it surely bursts. l haw seen :1 (llgnmwl aria ."I(l‘l‘- ly Briti<h officr-r, foct'ng L all round thr- cump in bJIl? silk p)’J:ln'lfl‘~', 01.0. slipper and u «waving hru‘zh, closely pursm-d_ .hy his. own animzfl, cargo on Hu' “ship of the desert” and :If-t him undrr way. Arab; gen- orally [)I‘I'fel" to start a. journey to- wards nvrnfinfl, and if this 29 ‘to be drnw. about 8 p111. will fin] all t‘ng 071111101 111311 squatted in a wide Cil‘clo rnzmd' Hw heap of iv 'g‘lg‘p and All Q regarding it mute and intent, weigh- ing if m t‘n- 1‘ .111 nd (-1 rve. ’ Frum til‘fz t0 tinw one of them “will rise and, approaching the mound. will proceed to delve within it unt'l he has exlvoscd the box or bundle, .ovr taut, or what not on which his eyes }_1:_1\_'e‘bc¢_anixod_ for the hazt hour. ho lay; claim to #1011 of diqwnscs L‘Hlvr creature. CAHEL AND II‘S LITTLE PECULIARITIES h" and m h emmnfr is :it ha: then rea- can be um! o m; wamom «count. The ; acquiI‘Pd I‘P- growl that life {1'3 EiithcIJIime articles you are likely 9_ to want on rputcâ€"gunvas “buckets of fee water, any. in \‘VillCh bottles stand to coal, writing deskâ€"n .‘t nrccss‘nrllv IO of the. roll-.top 4:“. but still an effici- }, (ellil MthtltutCâ€"“130118011 bflSkt‘t, ' rifles, telesconc, a mountain gun. if 118 . - , .. -. . . - . .‘ rot llll‘Od, and a.» like as. not .1 huge. '1‘“ :m , of course, you hnvr y'm' um- ." 'bl'cllu, 'mups nad other necdfuls. t-e There are other kinds OI camel,b-ut Pr'I havo. writtr-n exclusively of the he African variety, becaui-‘e I have known to and loved, .und journcd un him Lr .11- so many years. As a mount the camel, without doubt, possesses distinct advantages; hi; gait is comfortable When you have dreamed to ride him, and for n-ally long journeys, which must perforce be made at slow pace, he is infinitely 10.53 tiring than a horse. Besides he carries with him the elements of tummy comforts. X911 hand ab_.ut him tion of my readers the kind of devils’ dance in which the fortunate acquisi- tor of any specially desirable quarry finds himself involved. let somehowâ€"and how. it is beycnd me to sayâ€"all these matters ndjust th‘uisolves, and the great brutes settle into their silent march. which if loads be 'prOperly adjusted. is the astillcst and quickest progress (-Vcr made, for the camel grouscs only at his lipâ€"risings and doxvn-Jzylmgs. DOMINION ELECTIONS, 1 908 GEN1‘I.EMI«:N.~~'I‘lne Dunninio « Ewe- tion Will be hvltl (m the 2“”) u. number. I again wspm‘lt'ully ask fur your vote and influence. W'hen Alexander McKenzie went out of ofiiee in 1878. the pnblie debt of innadn was SSHHJfiSZJEM. \‘Vhen Sir \Vilfrid Lzun-ier took ofiiee in 1896, the debt; had increased to $258,497,432. an annual average increase for eighteen \‘t’HI‘S. under )onservative rule. of $6,563 075, in our public debt. \Vhen Sir \Vilfrid Lam-ier had been my years Premier of Canada. his Government had altogether. for the. It": yems. only increased the pnhlie debt 335.174.427. or eonsiderably less for 103‘ years than under the former Government for one year. And the public debt of (‘mmdn, per head of the population. wason the Klst of Mart-h. 1903’, only $42.81, while, when the Laurier Government went into office in 1896. the pnblie debt was. per bend of the population. $5flfi7: and this notwit,hstnnding the tart that the. present Government has spent. sneh large sums for the, development of the country. (lame, if you please, to my meetings and hear pnhlic questiuns discussed. It is generally admitted that l have done fur Smith Grey and ite people. without making! any ditferenee be- tween Liberals and ConservatiVPS. mere than any other Member the Rid- ing: ever had. If I have so helped the Riding, isit not fair and reasonable that the people of the Riding should give. me their hearty snppnrt? I be- lieve, they will, especially that; I have how the advantage of fnnr years’ experiemze. Tn THE Eucr'nms up 801"“! GREY , [RS BANK “3.;sz of Canada 888,33. Capxlazmplus of C an a d a 8:: Bang. Savings Department of this Bank will, Witfi th Interest added every 3 months, soon grow int: a substantial reserve fund â€" your safeguard in sickness or old age. One Dollar opens a Savings Account. â€"gives strength for any sustained effort of body or mind. It is the con- centrated nourishment of beef available for immediate use. I am, gontleuwn. DURHAM BRANCH Brunchou also at Mount Forest and Ayton. J. C. TELFORD: Manager. not start one today ? Yours silu‘ervl y, H. H. MILLER. INOORPORATED 1885. banjo : ' current wwk. sh 111‘ um-: TUESDAY mornix â€"8).50 may he (-ha to which every suh the numlwr on the continued to all :1 Option of the prop! quent insertiu cards, not (‘Xt'o‘ Advertirwnwnt be pnblishml Ii Transient unlit eu- --.’yu wm.‘ f lubsequvm it]:- A U adW-l‘lmv be flail] fur in a ('mntrat't rah FPICE AND RESHH‘ZNCEâ€"COR Queen and (imarge 57!"‘P’~â€"\t-!'ZL1.I Methodist Church (Mice hm r~-â€"9-11 an. 2-4 0.111.. 7.9 p.m. Telel‘vhulm .\ 10. EVERY T“ l 'RS! H.‘ It the Chronicle Print/nu 8th)! 1, Advertising' Rates - I Subscription Rates The Job . . Department short distance east : Lamb ton Street, Luu'er Ofice hours from )2!” 2..“ uh: [HE DURHAM CHHUN Drs. lamieson Maclaurin. FFICE AND RESIDENCE; short distanve em: .,1 Kmmk iiufe l tics in the New Ilmmtx‘ levk. Oflice hours, 8 to w a. m.. m 4 p m, 211167109 0- In. Special attentiun gimm- n. disuse If women and children. lx’mldeuce 0p- OOIitO Prosbvteriau Church. (alto Assistant Rn}. Landon (b;:i,:'z.a.mxc Boa. W” 3nd toGoldPn Sq. Throat and Nose Bot. ty of Tumult”. College Dental Surgeun Dentistry in all i Oflice.â€"Calder muck. EVE, ma, THROAT NOSE OFFICE: 2’ tionoor for the County of (”HM "WP“! “tended t0. Orders 0‘83. 3t bu Inplmont WueroomS. M?“ 9“ “N“. or n the Chronicle-0fht‘0- Or. Convoyanoer, «\‘v. mat. . Money to Loan. In "It. Licenses. A general mm: « mtrwsactnd. HYSICIAN ANT) SI'RH‘IZHN. OF 506 in the New Hunm hint-k. (Dfiia U York 4nd Chicagm Dim 0! Eye. Ear hose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, I):;!'.‘.:m:. zh‘e 2nd ‘htmdav in each month. H ~:;v v 10â€"0 0-3- D VB)’CTI¢8!’S. Nntary PUNK P to Loan at Lowest Rates. (mewâ€"McIntyre Block. "v 1 Bank, Durham. Ontariu. Office over Gardulh- Store. LOWGI' TOWN. human )f monov to loan at .5 pm- aromrtv. 1. G. Hutton. M. 0.. 80v. 9. '08.! .- H'I: rm ' 11"” nt insertimn u Ill-I. not exewdin vertiumnmnu \x-i )nblishml till Yul .nsivnt nativesâ€"â€" â€".’rU H'ula‘ fur fil Baum-m inwrlh OBN CLARK. LICENSE” Affi DURHAM, ONT J F. GRANT. 0.13.5 .1. [ONOR GRADIXX’I‘YZ ~ D.S l. P. Telford. ARRISTEL, Stuh‘ " W. F. Dunn. ARRISTER. SOLh ‘1'; ‘ " L. R. C. P.. LUNLV... RADULATE of Lvui OTARY PUBLIC, CHM ‘3 E" ad Dr. W. C. Pickeréng Dentist. Media! 1) z' Arthur Gun. M. D. DITUR .\.\'h Dental Dim." Lem! ‘Dim A. H. Jackson. Mzscellaneous. subsicr the ac! R. BRO SPECIALIST IS PUBLISI DR. BURT. H \V Over J. IR“ OCt. 22‘ 1W HS Odie! furl nun! W’ f." nod Wintvl \ p‘ Duvet? from 25v. .., mi“, block 8am“ I d.) 31.00 and 31.7.3 var-Tn,” children's white want r. 5013.. and65c. mm 809 our %0. and 500. Im; ‘10‘259 “Yd 8L5“ PH Chenille Table (31H'0r. SAVE MONEY 7 Then do business \\‘i! l. H. I the Hanuvm- (m x. ' He 0111-1» Smyrna Ruiz? acid decontw 4",i~:;r‘_’_ ; AAI e. ”I‘m-3;“. at 81.5”, $1 7: Gold decommd 7 Dip” new. $1.95 and $3); 'I Lani“. all sizes fl'nn: ... film Berry Buwh Water Pitched-s Lumps. m urea. Glenelg. Fran» B‘I’fl. GM Furm, mug: Will coll tor um. “um. Glenelg. Spleltd (901 Buildmgs, cheap :1 IN acre. on Durham Rumir firm. Bunk Barn. I’m: tor W. “some. extra gnud Hum. : th mrlv the 8‘30} awxv‘. Rut Crawford I’.U. l 3ch building lot n. 1', 05.0. or (rude fur any? .2; 0“. mt. or throw 3 ~21“ Proportv bought and NM “pay «1 baud. Dem.- .., a TM ‘Ud LN!) 'l‘N‘kO‘Y\ «and: in Durham Cemw.‘ ay M0 for ale, cheap. Always prompt. m: vr Anyone sending 3 sin nick! II a min- ( fovent‘nn u prnhn‘. '_v ; «on. strictly confluent i: _- "I‘A-‘ -1-AI..] PUMPS qu-""' ' u it trot: (Tides: '(PIH‘Y “Patent. taken t mmc 1-- â€"AALA..Q 1.3 Amdhdi magnum-.1 - salon of my ooiem;°,.- _- 7 “51“): younp‘mm; Do you want tn m Wittflqflmm The People ‘ é ' and Prm'isiv Peachu Pears and kafi In Full S\\iz ‘6 I ‘30“ [Give to imlm "Id the public in Ln prom.“ h) {-arlJ‘ Remus. we“ 1" "3d PressCurMh; concrete. All Urdu: - Stand near ‘1”. Dromptly attmuiw: - ‘nm “t ”I‘l‘n‘ :t GEORGE Warm III. “II. Champ ALI. KIXIW C3" and SL‘L’ .. Beggs A" The Hanm ‘ifiuioun ch m.- A Car of .‘~\i\ JllSt Arriwd. “Iamdwly l' 8!... Wuhmgi but] Colder B' 60 YE EXPER! “t It“. IN a Ta Mill 35 to ne.

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