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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1908, p. 4

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I” .-rious kidney troubles '. 'wedlvss. It regulates and ‘ 'estnn-s the organs to their (kidney troubles Often start {with giving much discom- t. In the incipient stages tmle consider the appar- Ient slight ailment trifling Lelves. The. kidney sâ€"the Plters of the bloodâ€"should hev er be neglected. Thou- Lands of cases become hope- less just because treatment is put off until too late. Backache, sluggish action of kidneys etc., denote that something is wrong. Then Ls the time to take lmarkable sign of the tinies is 'oed retirement of Mr. A. W. , government candidate at Ot- ity. who we: nominated with t flourish of trump’ets a few ago. In order to get him out way. it has been found neces- withdraw his colleague also, drag Sir Wilfrid Laurler 'nto d as a candidate With a fresh , -speaking aasociate. This lit to be the only 'chance the had to save either one of the m-nml condition, and al- IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Ln a constituency which the carried (our year! ago by -l,- .ajorlty. Out of 39 Ontario narried by the govemmmt in bttawa gave the largest maj- md this is the place the prem- 30‘! must rescue. It is doubt- {other even Sir Wilfrid will .43 of the seats. and it is pretty that he cannot save them [e is protecting hilnself by run- I Quebec east. in Ontario was obtained in , where the Liberal candidate I ahead. This year desperate are necessary to hold this‘ :old. First Sir Wilfrid had of! the regularly nominhted- LtO. Then he made Mr. Murphy tor and sent him to try to he country. Finally the pre- u had to co himself to hold e I in the oondituenoy in order “then hie colleague and give HAM CHRONICLE cfarlane 61 Co. that L! to become of the other' dozen Ontario constituencies. pr. cannot be provided for them mg]: 811‘ Wilfrid he: promised Ite e new deputment for *one mfldete. They cannot with- :11 the candidates and run ‘Sir I in their places. The fact in he he‘ hope of the tavern- l! to hold e mtterhlg few of ry strange-t government beats. the emdflete 13 per-anally . It eeenl certain that the Bill election weep will be re- , and thet the government will Mly driven out o! the u. m meal-ole. of more I.” note. endemulve‘ [heathen tort: note“ .1 lggists and Booksellers LCXt largest government ma- .HAM. OCTOBER 22. 1908. eedless idney “roubles all bladder inflamation. One Price only 25 Cents. S0 LI) B Y EDITORIAL “Wk-ninth. THE EOttawa substition. The government press avian/skin“ elk... Frtaer's- don- ; neotion With western timber, 1% .deal. made him an “undesirable 6i!)- =didate.” That is true. Mr. Fruer ‘was mixed up with Mr. Burrow’l and i the. Imperial Pulp 00., in the transac- :tion3 partly exvoaed last sen-ion. ;and since explained by' Mr. Amen in il'is campaign ag'tinst the. Land Graft- era. Mr. Frasa' put in most of his ' work on behalf. of these western gpolificinns who hold to-day the pick :of the western lands. He did some ‘smallm‘ business for himself also, and Elms just been sued for a division of ithc profits. On one deal where he got timber land from .the govern- ?m-M for £4,000, he sold it for'SIOOc 1000. It is not surprising if these iduzlls have made Mr. Fraser an im- pon's‘ihlo. candidate. If the men to whom the govern- ment gave these lands in such scandalous disregard of public inter- est and of morality and decency, have becdme "undesirable” what about the Government that gave the lands away? If it is not right to take the public domain for a fraction of ‘lts value, it is a still greater ‘crime for the public trustees to give it away to their friends and relations. If Mr. Fraser is an “undesirable" canâ€" didate, the Laurier government is an undesirable administration. The ministers must be got out of 'the goveralrnr'nt that gave the lands away, too. Remember that every deal which hrs defended by the government and its whole party. Even to this day ministers are declaring tl at nothing wrong has been shown. Yet the head of the goverlniment has been obliged to contest Ottawa, just because the peOpIe will not stand for the timber“ deailm. The change does not met the case. Sir V‘Vilfrid made himself re- sponsible for the very deal that makes Fraser an undesirable candi- date. been eXposed has beCn' field. Hon. Mr. Pelletier is a candi- date. Mr. Wm. ‘Price, one of the leading members of Quebec has ac- cepted nomination. Mr. Pone is out to recapture Compton. All of the Conservatives in the late House are candidates again. Then Mr. Bourassa, a former Lib- eral, whose brilliant campaign in the Provincial election marked him as one of the most influential men ' in the province, has signed the nomina- tion of the Conservative candidate in the Montreal riding which he cap- tured. It looks like twenty-five Quebec seats for the gonservativcs. The list of members who have es- caped into office is growing. Follow- ing is the record of the last few weeks,â€" Macpherson, of Vancouver, new postmaster at a salary of $3,250. Parmalee, of Shefford, King’s Print- er, salary $5000. Greenway, of Lisgar, Railway Com- missioner, salary 38,000. Wright, of Renfrew, postmaster. Then there are more to follow, in- A bigger man than Mr. Fraser 7is _ i ' 7 in trouble, and is found undesirable. Hon. \VilJiam I’ugsley, minister of public works, has been credited by the exliosure of his ex- ploits with the treasury of New Brunswick. Mr. I’ugsley was Atto‘r- ney General, with a salary of $2,100 and sessional indemntiy of three hundred a year. afterwards increased .to #600. Yet from 1901 to 1908. 'a Little over six years, Dr. Pugsley presented and was paid, bill for ser- vices and expenses amounting to over $22,551, or more than $3,500 Ila year. 8 O O In addition be continually drew from the treasury in over-drafts, so that at the end of the first year the baflance against him was $2,163: sec- utterly dis-' is going to the Senate, Einl‘ayson, of Richmond, who will be a judge. The government organs are publiSh- ing comparative statements showing that the national debt has increased only one and a half million .a year since the Liberals took office. This is an old story. Why not bring the statements down to date? What is the good of saying that the 'debt in- creased only $19,000,000 in the twelve years down to 1908, when it «has in- creased $27,000,000 last year? The .increase of August alone was $3,253,- 60t1â€"and the debt is growing steadily at the rate of three to rfour millianlsl a month. At this moment Mr. Field- ing is trying to borrow $25,000,000 in London. In addition he continually drew from the treasury in over-drafts, so that at the end of the first year the haflance against him was $2,163; sec- Nothing was known of these trans? actions; They did not appear in any official returns. The auditor was not permitted to say anything about it.i Just before the provincial election- the governlment was challenged on the finances. and produced what pur- ported to be a special report of an independent auditor, appointed to disclose the whole situation. There was not a word in his report about the Pugsley over-drafts. It turned out that other matters had been con- cealled. No one knew until after the change of government that Dr. Pug}- ley's leader and colleague had re- turned to the Crown Land Depart- ment over $13,000 which had been taken on "suspense account” with- out record 0! the transactiz-n. ond year $1.758; third year, $6,- 227; fourth year, $7,314; fifth year $7,030; sixth year, $6,605. When he. retired from Local Government and entered Dominion politics, the balance reported against him was $14,451. AAA in the west, obtained for five per cent. of its valuc, and worth Imany millions? What about Adamson of the Saskatchewan band deal. the Garlway land (1081 and many timber limits, the man who has th: advan- tage of b'ing brother- ’m-law of the late Commissioner of Lands? Are these desirable candidates? But how about the larger dealers: in the same line, men with whom Mr. Frnaur “as connected, and whom, he assisted to make millions, while he. made only hundrcd» of thousands? , \Vhat about Sifton and Turriff, who. as minister and chief comm‘ss’onen. put through these deals, and who‘ have. themaelves become suddenly] rich? “but about Burrowa,Sifton’s brother-in-fltaw, with his score of timber limits in he own name, |andl a dozen in other names. the member of parliament concerned in more than 1,000 square miles of the best 'timber the election. The queer feature waa that. although the letter was dated at Ottawa and mailed there; it was mat-marked larch 6th. more than 3 week dtor. the date. W mm 17:“ until his (new I' Mean-while Mr. Hazel), fihe preaentc 'premigzr of New Brunswick, has exhal- longed the minister of public works 'to meet him on the'platfo‘rm and ‘discuss these financial transnctlone. Tlvis challenge has her-n made not only in New Brunswick. but in Ontario and Quebec. and it 11:15 not bxen accepted. been defeated, and then write his! letter dating it back a. week. or; did he write it on the datg given and] hold it back until he saw how the pleations would go. In either case. would the letter have been stnt and the money paid, if. the government) had not ban defeated? \Vould not the whole affair been kept in "the dark, as it Lad been for the previous six.years? hose are thing's .the pitdple are curious to know. An independent French paper points out that the. great feature of the 0011-; test in that province is the list ofi Strong ‘mcn who have come out as Opposition candidates, many of them who have hitherto refused to enter pofltitical life. Hon J. A. Ouimet, a former minister has retired from the bench, and is a candidate Ex- Judge: Doherty, Ex- Mayor Ekers are among the. new candidates in Montreal. I i l | I Grecnway, of Lisgar. Railway Com- missioner, salary $8,000. “'right. of Renfrow, poatmaster. Then there are more to follaw, in- cluding Logan. of Cumberland, who is going to the Senate, Einl‘ayson, of Richmond. who will be a judge. The. Opposition leader had 5 great, reception in Ontario. The Toront'f meetings were the greatest political' demonstration ever Since in that clty.’ and smaller cilia-s and towns werel no loss enthusiastic. It is bel'eved that the Conservative victory in this province will be more complete than, that of 1878. There is not a single' absoflmtrâ€"ly safe government seat in the whole province. 8 Hon. T. C. Casgrain is back 'on the field. Hon. Mr. Pelletier is a candi- dwte. Mr. Wm. Price, one of the leading members of Quebec has ac- cepted nomination. Mr. Pape is out to recapture Compton. All of the Conservatives in the late House are candidates again. Then Mr. Bourassa, a former Lib-: oral, whose brilliant campaign in the, Provincial election marked him as one of the most influential men ‘in the province, has signed the nomina-: tion of the Conservative candidate in' the Montreal riding which he cap-: tured. It looks like. twenty-five‘ Quebec seats for the (zonservativas. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE :wa. It occasionally burns through. .When it bruned through into the ; newspapers. Emmerson lad to go‘ but lhe is now the Government candidate aaalin. Wh3n its conszquenses burn- ed through into the courta, Fraser had to go, but he was “the Govern- :men't candidate until then. Abraham Limbcfln once said, “It is the pe0ple’3 businessâ€"the election is in their hands. If they turn their backs to the fire and get scorched in :the re:,1r they’ll find they’ll have to Isit on the blister.” . Dockets of a comparativelv few part- isans who are able to obtain kne- sided contracts for the comtrusc'ti‘n of public works. of the furnishing uf Nor is this ‘the only gflden 030d g Ite through which the Liberal GOV- ornme'nt has pound the taxpnyers’ money/Lu $Wharve5 have been: built W" e e 110 .‘hi 3 go “‘391248 bvidg s and dléborate public buildings have been erected All tlewe things have been drum \\ 1th the 11ndb113ing- motive of lee’nding patronage to an inner ring of t} 9 Government partisans. If twe were so spelflhound by 'the silver tongue, so keen for party (1' so critical of individual men that 'we forget the fire, we will get «scorchcd in the rear. And Abramam Lincoln is rightâ€"'t is the peoDles’ businEss. The election is in their hands, and if 'we get scorched we will have to sit on the Mister for the next five years. rm“ Occasionally we get glimpses of vic- tims, like Mayes, danc'ng around the fire. but the lid is genbrally 'kept down tight. But it is burn’ng there all the same. \Vh'at, then, is Mr. Bordén’s stand on this aunstgqn in. Let us'duoto tram H‘; Pnierhortiugh speechpwl do 111: 38" that vaendiftlre.,thérr is should. not be. T‘iere \ahould be bxmn’diturel and large eXpondi‘ture- 'hy the Gov- :‘rmnen‘t in a new country like Canaa- dn for he purpme of prwn ting (its (1“ Mowmen‘t But what I do say is, “wt for 3very.doll.1r expemdzd by the Goverhwnennt the country should receive a dollar of value.” This drâ€"scribes in homely words our situatiom. There is a f’re of no ‘small Draportions burning in Otta- When it burned through in the Marine depar‘tcâ€"nt. it bad to go to Judge Cassels for investigation. But the Governmpnt no managed to delay assistance for his judicial duties that his report won’t be out befJ're the election. Which policy is most to y‘ur ad- vantage as a ratepayer ? Is it worth' hv‘jle making the change? Think about it. When it burned through into the Hodgins investigat‘on. it had to go to arbitration, but the arbitrators won’t report until after electian. ‘sum has found its way unto the Political Nursery Rhymes. Don’t Sit on The Blister Hazel-lemon Cream Our Mr. Cameron has charge of the Repairing deparunmn. .‘H‘M mum highly recommended, having had extra large experimu-u UH tim- wan-h- es, clocks and jewelry. Grand stock of Watches, Clocks, Chains, Charms, Lucky”. 1-3.4“, (‘utf Links, Brooches, Stick Pins. Bracelets, Necklebs, etc. Extra values in Diamond Rings, Pearl Rings, \Vedding ngs, En- gagement. Rings, Birthday Rings.---Hundreds of Rings 10 «hum. from. Extra large stock of fine Silverware just arrived, at lmwst [my-m Natal-“man Cream is the result of a long “perm” . a soothing lotion for the skin combined with recogniml .-.- an elegant and agreeable form. It is a healing, soot-hing. emollient preparation, with u “2.. . and when applied is-readily absorbed by the skin. I: y- . from all 0in or sticky ingredients which i-endur mmn' .m. tions disagreeable and unsuited for use. . i Hazel-Lemon protects the skin from the effects 01' m .M ,. M! windy weather, and is especially valuable in (301-qu i“; 9; A 1 resulting from the use of cheap soaps, which are ummin ., and harmful. , Hazel-Lemon Cream cures chappml and rmngln-nmj etc. No Ladies’ toilet table is complete without it. .\ n pzwation for Gentlemen’s use after shaving. \Vatconmkers, Jewelers. Opticians and Engravers, Durham. Hut. GUN’S DRUG STORE New Fall Goods R. B. Keeler Son Solid Gold Rings Satisfaction Guaranteed Silverware Repairing AT KEELERS Put up only at WHAT IT IS Oct. 22 inept", i“ ug Odor ime the . [m8 prep“ emu rung] m m its fmn’u .‘1 a teaSpoom‘u: {gamma 3 day in will have the dcsin 3 pans to have a mzsfi ”on babies and Chm“ fly-cent bottle will i” hum of our Stiilcmu 4. “I“ Wnt‘ tun.» ‘pflbwhlchit appear.- ,, ”cc-UN“ pasta» .- pgwmm‘ [\ta‘ .4. m BO“ \! “Walton-WW. 1mg _~ Wedding ml MK (0!“ th? “‘Hlding d silverwnre is no“ (-0!le everything up-to-dat». This store has tho» mm. :« ell-s goods, and alwa} ~ xx {.1 lithe": is such a thin: 4~ .. business. Wedding Engagement Ril in real first-class Sih M every stylv. m..‘: “Nd engagement 2:14.;~ ~Mnds. so you hut ‘tosbuway dihfll)‘umx,‘. we have “WRYS in Mt 9880 down Wedding Percy G. A. We New Millin We .l‘e adding nvu trimmed hats tn mn every week. so “I ‘0'!) mwn mnidvn can’t find tinw 1.. . you can always d: Dick’s and piok m“ fresh from the WI: week, and (hi.~ In: selection of ha 1 .3 Into. “'6 [Hum j up two-dozen mum and velvet, (mind wearing black. The undersigned 10114 “1110111109 that 5hr Opened up a new m 3y “(I fancy gt )()4 H 101'. where ewnti l the line of lwznh . y code and 1 M china 111:1‘ Poem-ed at ream” Wk m1 Janus: b ‘V nburlbu's. Witch-alter Jew clc‘ and Optican. Miss Di \Ve ha Margaret TO the Public phoning to J or orders 1e All cale-

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