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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1908, p. 5

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lung experiment ‘- h l-m'ngnized anth- 75c, 60c and 50c per yard- greens md black. ’1.” tafletas reg. 75c vain-O- Inns, Lockets, Fob; Cufl Iecklets, etc. Serges lstres Weeds mut it {4, “Wedding Rings, En- reds of Rings to (3500.0 need JTERNS ARE HERE L FREE . four shades of Navy. Ind (‘npenhagen Blue. day. Friday Mid 36"“39 : department, and comes experit'nm' on fine watch- zravvrs, Durham. Ont. ---4U0 yards in all con-- eflm {all dress 800d. N xtra well and NV. .1 overs and tfimmillfl- UH .Vt‘S 2 at ldt'l ings K FREE 5 Sale '2 n, empire green, oods H Bream It lowest prices. " It is “mini!“ hvnvd skin, snub!!!- . An elegant an... of cold Ind 'ting‘ the m usualiy adu] Oct. 22 Put to M 3'1““?!qu .00 ton“ l9 in-eflec‘. If not, something must be wrong with its f00d.- If the mothus miik doesn’t nourish 1!. sh«: .» gds Scott’s Emulsion. “Sun“. 5 the elements of fat 3' ' for the baby. Ifbaby i511“? zxrished by its artificial ml. t _n it requires Half a teaspoonful threeor ’our tizm's a day in its bottle will him: the desired effect. It gems ts) have a magical eflect upon babies and children. A muffin hnttle Will prove the truth m’ our statements. find this ad" 'crtisement. tw m m “W m which it appears. mm.“ w cents m cover W. and we will and pi “Complctc "my Adi. olthc Wan” Wedding in real first-class Silverware Our stock fur the wedding 30380!) of silverware is now complete and everything upto-date. This stare has the name for high- Chss gtmds. and always will so long IS there 1‘ such a thing as a jewelry bUSillt‘ss‘. We haw always in stock, at. leaflta three (I. Mr!) wedding rings to Pi¢k from. vwx'y style, and about one hundred wzzgztgement rings. includ- ing Diamnmls, so you have no reap 30!! to gm .Ht‘ {)7 diSQPPOiDtASd. Fall Millinery Percy a. A. Webster New Millinery We 311- adding new and stylish trimmml hats to war large stock m-ry week. so “Don’t worry ahunt anH- but,” advised a dmvn [HWII maiden, even if you Yb. chronicle till Jinan}. 101.9 ‘0' PH" new suburban. ' can't timl time to order a. hat ynu mm always drop into Miss Divk's’ and pick one ready trim- pml. We» have new goods, fresh frum the wholesales every wm-k. and this morning a. new Met-{inn Hf baby bonnets and ham. We have just trimmed up {\vn-duzvn more black felts and wlwt, [suitable for those wearing Mack. To the Public l'h'" Br ° 1 h Lian-d Au“- " “130 pfi:i’.“an.. II in u- : by telephonm to do" hm..- Balk or order; left at the L... The 111: hrsig‘nedbegsm 811nm me that 81191133 Opem «1 up a new millin- fry am} fancy g00_d_3 133:1" ~ -- "mm; av":"r':‘ lor, “in-re everythmg 1n the line, of head-wear, fancy goods and hand paintwwl clrhnzx Inlaqy’ [NB Procured at reasonable rates. Miss Margaret Bugg Wedding Engagement Rings 9;:011’3 MULSION Waxc hmaker Jeweler and Optical. Miss Dick Gifts Moat 1.00113 say worryâ€"they un- wromgâ€"tho cause is in the blood which is thin. and lacks nutrlment. To cure “Ngrves” more blocd. sinew andjles’n at: required. You get these quitkly by takinsrtFerrozon; No health bringzr is so certain. no nerve atrongthmer more potent, no system tonic so well qdopted to the wants of the run-down. nervous or sleep- less. Lat Ferxozone build you up, let it till you with vim, azncr y and surplus vigor. It has done I: 18 for 'Ihhouszmds. vv-'_-D -_ room, pldiited himself in front of the young man and asked: “Was you ever tied to a fish line?” “I certainly was not.” was the reply. “Well,” responded the boy. “I heard pa tell ma last night that you’d make a good sinker.” An distillate o! the World‘s 'wheat is given in “Dombuloh’s List.” a Lon- don publloation, which cuts the ros- poots down 14 000M bushels rom the eatimate of a month ago. It also indicates a shortage of 33.200.- 000 bushels behind last year's crop. Following is a comparislcn cf the world's whcat crop with that- of last year. Figures indicate' thou- “ands of bushels. the last three Icip- hers tn each case being amitted. 1905 190; Europe ..... 1‘620,000 1,658,409 America .. 1,028,000 951,609. Asia. ... 234,509 3390.900 Africa .. ..... 43,000 3698.01 Aueralmia Sumo 56.000 _ “ivâ€"v, United States, 665,000,000 bush-e13. lat-1c year 634,000,000 bushels, Russia, 512,000,000, last year 608,000,000: Franco, 206,000,00, last year 368,000.- 000: India, 212,800,000, last war, 305,- 600,000; Argentine, 212,000,000, last year, 206,400,000; Italy, 140,000.000. ytful‘.200,400,000;1tu| 140, 000, 000, last go: 11' 168,000, 000; (garmany. 140, - 000, 00 last “year 1,28 000 ,;000 Hun ary 140 ,000 ,000, last y (ur,120,800,000; an- ad... 1.5-5 .000 ,,000 last year 84,000,000. Even in health there is a large accumulation of matter in the system. which if not destroyed. breaks through the. skin in the form of pimples and boils. No remedy so cleansing. so sure to drive out boils as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They brace up the system, rid 'it of humors. r2- atore health and absolutely prev-mt awnllings, pimplrs, lilotcltes and toils. Because mild and certain. yly- one can use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Sold by all dealers. Another case of the bad boy rudely interrupting love’s young dream. A Malate girl and her Romeo sat in close proximity on the couch in the drawing room lost to the world. They were brought back from Eden by her little brother, who, like many of his kind, makes it a practice to butt in at the wrong time. _ He W§'.ke‘.1 into the fi This ailment is usually «used by rheumatism of the muscles at i the amal: of the back, and is quickly cur- ed by applying Chamberlain’s Lini- ment two or three times a day and massaging the parts at each appliCI- tion. or sale by alldrug storm. EB and b virtue 'of the pow- ‘orgligntained inya certain mortgage. which will be roduced at the time of sale. there wil be offered ’for sale by public auction on 'Saturday. the .. A-L-.'|_-.. none 9" fhnmnnf time of sale. balmoo to be paid with- in thirty day- with ll! per cent. On the prank“ it ‘3 good brick dwoliin . {rune barn with I atone! found“ on: Convenient to ob ”Let go that for’ard rope there,” roared the captain. But the new hand made no sign. "Why don’t you let go that for’ard rope?” again yelled the captain from the bridge, dancing Wilh rage “uvv.vâ€" ' U yuvlnv _. .-_ _ __ f October 11908, at the hour :g’toggyozslook in {the afternoon at the Central Hotel in 'the town lot lng greperty. namely those lcertaln A_--L_ -0 1-...I nnt‘ nramims He hadn’t had much eXperience as a sailor, but the skipper of the tramp steamer was anxious to get away while the tide served. He was a hand short, too. so without. asking too many questions he engaged the rough-looking fellow on the spot. Soon the steamer began to leave the dock. and the new band was sent for and to await instructions. "Who’s coaching yer ropr?” re plied the new hand. “I’m um.” Then the captain fainted. Total .,. VG: Cause of Boil: Explained. What Causes “Nerves?” World’s Wheat Crop. Boys Will Be Boys. Repndiated. Lame Back. 3.056.} to 1.658,!“ 951.600 3,090.030 369 603‘ 56.0.00 3,090,000 I Rev. Mr. Halit'ley. of 'Blyth, con~ 'duc'ted t‘e Harvest Home 'aerviccs In |Trinkty church on Sunday Int, morn- ing and evenLng. Miss Clara Orchard, of London, re- turned Wednesday morning after 'spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. McClocklin. Mr. Robert Birmingham, Organizer for the Orange Society, was in town Tuesday. _‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘A. Darling, visited 3d friends in S’mcoe‘last weék. re- turning Tue‘aday evening. Mr. C. W. Rutledge. tof Markdale. was a caller at “this office on Fri- day on his return \from viaft'hg re- latives in Kansas. Mr. R. M. Wilson was in Toronto on Mondav. Mr. Grit. Jones. of .Wa‘lkerbm, was in town on Tuesday“ Miss Burnett. of the 'post' office, is taking a couple of weeks hialfdmy. Rev. T1169. H. Farr, 'of Gdrrie, is malt‘lng in town and ivicain'lty. Mr. Buchanan and Mr. \Vilsnn went to Owen Sound Tuesday. Miss Rita Irwin loft Wednesday morning to visit friends in Detroit. Messrs. w. Firth and Fred and â€".â€"-| Laurier won, and two l-dnyaa after} Ritchie have returned from the West. 9‘0 elections Sir Charles ' Tupper*| . . . . . . ' ,' came up from Nova Scott: to Ottawa,l MI. Robert Bummglmm, Organmer called upon Laurier> and sad, “Mnl for the Orange Snelety, was 111 town Imurier I lave only one request to‘ Tuesday. ‘make and that is 'that you will ful-l Mr. Walter Jamieson, or ‘T;ronto, fil t“e contract with Peterson, Ta't i3 vls'.ting his parents at the par-'8: C0., 33 it will be a great honeft. sonage. nto every farmer from Halifax t) Van Inspector Campbell was in Listowel OOUVCT- Laurier gave 81' Charley on Thursday, attending the Teach-' H‘ hand and promimd that he would eng’ Convention. ‘do ‘0. yet three weeks after this in- ‘ Mr. and Mrs. J, ‘A. Darling, visit2d|terView lye wrote the steamboat cum- . 1 , ‘ , 3d friends in S’mcoe'last week, re_1p.1ny.t: at he “ould «have “(“th t'3 “he“. m.---..1..-- -..,..-.\.. ldo With the contract. Mr. Milton Purvis, of Guelph, visited friends and relatives in and around Durham and Allan Park last week. Miss Violet Britton, of Mt. Forest, visited friends in town the latter part. of last and the beginning of this week. Miss Mamie MacKay returned from Toronto last week, where she has beam for the past couple of ~minths. Mr. Hugh MacKay has returned from New Ontario. where he has‘oo- cupicd the position of fite ranger during 'the past summer. Mr. David Kinnce has returned fqo‘m Haliburton where he -.spent a few weeks. Ye Editor and daughter Rita were in Thornhury and vicinity for a few days since last; issue. Mr. Samuel Pawson, of 'Strxuttord, was in town the fore 'part of tthc week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Robson, who have been spending part of their honeymoon with friends in Glenelg, left here on Wednesday morning on his return trip to Edmonton. Mr. W. E. Purv13. formerly of Allan Park, but now of Dauphin, Mon.,m a caller at this office on Monday. Mr. Pnrvis. who is now a nbrakemtn on the Canadian Northern Railway. is much taken up with the .Weot. and thinks there is no place to compare with it for a young man who u nnxl- ons to make his way into the world. Mr. R. A. McGregor, diatrlct man- ager of the North American Life Assurance CMpany, was in town Wednesday on business. v Rev. W. L. Newwn officiated at the funeral of the late Mr. Snider in Mt. Forest on Friday last, as the Baptist church there has no minister at the present time. The readere of thie paper will he pleaeed to learn that there is at least one dreaded diecaee that ecience has been able to cure in all ite flag" and that ie Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure in the only poeitive care now known to the medical fra- ternity. Catarrh being a conetitutionai dieeaae. nqniree a oone'itutiocal treatment. Hall'e Ce- tan'h Cue is taken inter-ally, acting directly apex. the blood and came enrheee oi the e I. theceby deetmyicg the foundation of the d .aadgiga‘hecaticntetmgthhy building an the tuition andaeeietia; lattice in debt he work. The pm’rleton have ec much faith In iteeurativepcm that they deco-e HoadredDelhi-eteralycaec thatittailete core and fer liat of teed-onion. Adda-e: 1.3. can"! coo. Toledo. Ohio. 3.3me hum-mmmm is so milled that nothing goes into it except the part .of the wheat that is food. You get just what you pay forâ€"the best and purest flour made. It goes farther because it is all flour. Your grocer can supply you. Royal Household Flour Only part of the wheat berry- is fit for food. Yet much that isn’t Often gets into flour. . You cannot see it or tasteit, but it’s there. It is simply a‘case of the miller getting more flour from his wheat and your getting less nourishment. ogilvle Flour Mills (30., Ltd. 156 Montreal. 8100 Reward, $100 PERSONAL THE DURHAM CHRONleLE The annual meeting of the above Society will be held in Durham on Saturday. Nov. 7th. at 7 o’clock p.m., for the election of officers and other 'important business. The members “and public are cordially invited to attend. Also please take notice that [the following premiums will be given 'to members of the Society. Each member can select one premium. 1st, Bulbs for house planting; 2nd, Bulbs for fall planting in the garden; 3rd. Fruit trees or shrubs if obtninnble. Members will please send in their choice st once, by card or otherwise. IA. W. H. Lsunnn, Cums. FIRTH. Such was the enthusiasm art this brilliant pr03pect t! at the ' Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacif'o‘were making armngemen‘ta for the 'con- lstruction of rgfrfgerut-s'r cars to be run upon all tlnir. l'nes in the Dom- inion to meet refrfgerat r 'lstzamers at Montreal in 1:11 summer and Hali- L-fax in the winter. The Ottawa Government had al- ready concluded a .seven 'years’ con- tract with the Glasgow shipp'ng of Peterson, Tait Campanyr in the later part 'of March. 1896. Sotnetime later an agent 'of the osm- pany came over to complete the con- tract, but the Dominion 'elect'-’n3 be- ing then on hand the Tupper Gov- ernment did not deem it adv?3abda to enter into a 'l'ng term contract w‘ui‘te the tenure of office was un- certain. One of 't‘e laws of l‘gic tells us that “there is no effect without a onu=e” and those who ware in a pref- !tion to judge Laurier’s mitives, aSsert that there wa; some. thirty cattle- oarrfying ufieamers at Montreal w‘ ich would have been knocked cut of busiress had the 'cold Stu-rage scheme had been carried out. Lauri'r had a more tender sreg: rd for the interests of Montreal steambrnt min than he had for the fin'ncial welfare of tlte farmers of the D.-minlon. ’ . In'tbo winner at lififithe Tapper Government” sent Mr; Robertasn. then as now. at t‘yeuhend o! the Agricul- tural Department at Ottawa. home on board a vessel [111196 with cattle. He noted t‘le cost but freight, fcod; oare’taking. quarant'ne, etc., on war- rjvul at L'.verpool..= T-l ey also had a small refrigerator erected on ‘ the vowel con’tain'ng the carcass ‘of three bullocka slaughter‘ed at on- trenl immed‘ately before the vessel (sailed. Tle meat was ‘In *such .ex- oellent condition that Mr. R_.bort‘~on could «marcely‘ convince the auth3=ri- tie; at t? e shambles-En L‘verpool but that the aninm‘ls had been slaught- ered that ”morning on bard the vessel. ' l In Ms report to the Givernment Mr. Robertson stated t‘ at the [slaughtered carcasses could be war-ri- (d to~ t‘ e home 'market- in 311611 ex- cellent condition that every "farmer wouEd receive from "$1700 to $24.00 per ‘ end more for this cattle. metri- -'ing to the we'ght of the. animal. Abbatoirs or slang? ter houses were ,to be erected at ‘conveni-‘nt paints aflong the lines of 'railway fls'r the convenience of prcducera. Mr. Borden'i election tcur "has ins crowed lis pOpularity. Before 'he was known only by his parliamentary 3peeclhes. His real value was under efihimated. He is a deep thinker, a thorough student and a 'lagical de- ba‘ter. Think of him and ‘hf's fol- lowing Lnthe House, br nging t) their knees, on many occasims '81:: Will- frjd Laurier and his 'ministers dur- ing the last session 'of parliMent. Were it not for 'Mr. B rden’s deter- mination to get at t‘.:e truth 7f things and to unearth ' some of the political scandals about which ' we read so much it ‘13 doubtful if the Government would nit have held on for another year banger. But the Opposition at Ottawa made 6!: boo hot for them, and another aimtlar session would have worked their ruin. To save themselves it' was necessary to make an immediate ap- peal to the electorsu It will be no surprise if the Laur'er panty at Ottawa will be in Oppos'tlc'n for the next five years. The Liber- als may well whistle to keep their courage up, but no reaazmable man can fail to admit that present 'ndlca- ticm are t‘ at the Conservatives will make again all along the l'ne. Dnrhun Horticultural Society Notice. Oh: pod akin whether. on the «hand: or no my. hepatic! 1.0 032 nicks? b1 or taco m be cured in one night by afplfinc hmberlfln’l 831". It I: n so an nalled for note lea. hymn an mldl. For ado by :11 u: ' The Chronicle tm Jun-r 19 ‘ 81.00 to new numbers. I. 10.1.: THE PARK! 38’ BARE. For cupped sun. President. Sec. Tress. I The RCCiPC "Ladies, here’s my req for Apple Custard P Below I give you just a few at the great bargains which Y can get here. Printn, all kinds. regular 12150 for logo Lacoa Curtains. Colbert. edgoa. reg. $1 10 to $1 50 for 90c to 61' 05 Yarn. 'nll colors. legulur 500 to 550 for 42-50 REMEMBERâ€"Oar en'ira stock of DH Goods. Boom Shoes, Rubbm Granite 'l‘inwarn. Di‘nhas and Hsrdwarn will nll be sold st Coot Pric cmpmsm Dress Goods in Plaids. Checks Cash- meres. Lustres, etr. regular 500 for 410 Boys’ Boats. reg. SI 75 for 81 45 It is time for a mam at Ottawa E;â€" l‘uble LinOnO. blanchad and noble“!!!- ed, reg 35c and .500 for 25c and 40: Wombat uill continue. dry and wt II Bull 6'“ no making hud- wny. ‘ ' It nod )1". 0190 Luna u'a mum Mond- u anon: this weak. Mrs. Goo Arabia-on hu returned :0 her home in N. 0., surfing with bar the good wish” of bar friend- in this debt”. Wu run: to turn of tho duth of LENAHAN McINTOSH, LOCAL AGENTE!‘ London. Toronto. Manta-l. Winnipeg. Vancouver. St. John. N.B.. Hamilton. Cglgary. I \ Sackett’s Corners. J. H. TEAKLE, Allan Park if. Join in {In Rush {0 the Grcat 3'43! ‘Two eggs, four or five apples, grated. a little nutmeg; sweetened to taste; one-half pint of new milk or cream; pour into p'astry'â€"-then Fourâ€" plesâ€" thatâ€"don’tâ€"lastâ€" long.” four pies and pans of bread can be baked In a “Pandora” oven at one tlme. for 61 95 Men’s fine box cult shoes. reg far 82.30 qu’dfinq bluoher shoe, reg. Men’s heavy boots, reg $2.50 for 81 Woman’s Dongoh. shoes. reg. 81 for 81.30 Women's blncher shoes, 1-03.02 (or 81 80 Women’s extra fine bluoher Ih‘ reg. 83 00 for 82.30 Na. 8. Both. of Dromou. W. a: i tend our "ninth: to tho but“ Inn-had, who is lot: dono. In. D. Fargo-on and be: chfldm Hutu Willi. and Min Sadie. lpOI‘ g plot-u: m u the Corner. I respectfully request your vote and influence at the Dominion Elections on October m. wd if elected will endenvor to prove my- self worthy of the trust nepooed in me.â€"R. J. BALL, Hanover. And Halo the Chung. to Better M93: and Bottom Timon 11es, here's my recipe for Apple Custard Pie:- ELEGTORS OF SOUTH G R E Y {The Ove n “ ‘PANDORA’ OF COURSE.” '- J. BALL 81. 82

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