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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1908, p. 6

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Tv‘ I'l 5,! M Ladies’ Fall Coats Hardware i J 43 b l 't 55.,“ 33' v o O ' D n r a f , M ‘ r .L‘l" ‘ :E w " I. '90 3% Fall Lines Vim-[inns cume and gmâ€"govprnments rise and fall, but we always re- Fmin in tht' same pOSItum regal-11mg your requirements in hardware. we have just rem-ived a stuck of buggy lap rubbers. Always us in your buggy and you will never regret it; )nn’t wait until the weather getts too severe before ypu blanket V4 norse. now is the accepted tune. \Ve have a very fine line gorse blankets. ranging in price from 60c. to 83.50. lee-en. deutist’u fees and pro- motes health. Thin can only be accomplished by a good brush and a good dentefrice. We hove all the popular tooth prep- arations and are very proud of our stock of tooth brushes. JAMES IRELAND L'p-to-(late styles in Men’s Clothine'. The kind of clothing we sell is the kind that wins favor with the best dressed men in town. It is DIFFERENT ENTIRELY from the humâ€"drum sorts to which you have been accustomed. If you want something really distinctive in a fall suit or overcoat, this is your store. Men’s Suits, $10 to $15. A few Men’s Odd Suits to clear at $5 to $8. We’re showing the handsomest line of overcoats “e ever offeredâ€"rcady-to-wear garments that have good fabrics, graceful proportions, character in every line, and fine tailoring to make them thoroughly distinctive. Come and see what we call value in Overcoats at $10 to $15. and U These garments solve the coat problem for ladies of refined taste, for they are assured of being as correctly dressed and as up-to-date as any of those residing in the great centres of fashion. Ladies’ semi-fitted Coats, very stylish, beautifully trimmed with self-strapping, velvet and silk braid, the cloth is kersey, in a beautiful finish, $13.50. Ladies’ louse Back (foats, kersey cloth, black, navy, green, brmvn. handsomely trimmed, $12.50. These are hamlsonw nmdels to fit girls of 14,16, and 1* \enrs nf {luvâ€"inst the stVle of coat the girls “ant. Children’s Coatsâ€"for girls 6,8,10 and 1'3 years of ageâ€"wry \\ arm and zaserviceable, lnmlv of goods that will stand any amount of wear Tow h the time go get the benefit of one of our coal oil heaters. You m heat a room In a few minutes with one of these heaters. {ave you seen the cheapes} coal and wood range in Durham ? fully max-unwed. You can see It for a few days in our south window. Girls’ Dressy Coats N 0w Ready THE SANITARY s clear sanitary brush, r quality for 23c. All kinds of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Fall Overcoats m- buggy lugs of different patterns are worthy of inspection. From ;.75 to $3. 50. m- supply of house broom; is larger than it ever was before. You .11 got what you want in that line from two. to 500. . ’e can give you some great bargains in coal and wood heaters. Proper Care at the Teeth DARLING’S DRUG STORE. at rock bottom prices. ‘d I‘. J no. A. Darling The People’s Druggist Phone: 3, Durham something needed in every fun- ily. We have just received a. large lot of very fine scrubs, to clear at 2 for 50. whole, ground and mixed, strict- ly pure and prices away down. Try a. glass of our delicious ICE CREAM SODA Cooling and refreshing. Pure Spices Rev. '1‘. Farr, of Gorrie, his outer. Miss Maggie. and Dr. Grant.“ town. went the first of the week mt the Robson home. There has been a terrible bangle made in this polling sub-division over the selection of a polling booth. The Miss Laura Reed and Miss M. 'E. Hunt. of Markdale.. spent Saturday and Sunday at the latter": old home here. Although it has been decided by three difiereut courts that barb wire fence is a nuisance and a menace to the life and limb of animals, far stronger proof was given the other evening at the conclusion of a long thy court sitting. A pretty little gray horse that was tied to the herb wire fence looked as if it had been run through a sausage machine up to the knees. Mr. John McNally drives the colts With the nobbie at set of harness ever seen on the 6th, They were pur- ohaaed from Mr. J. Kinnee of town. Mr. C. Elvidge, of Durham. was engaged laat week giving the outside. wood work of the cbulch another coat of paint. Hn’s an ubliging Milan: and “‘illingly rendmnd good service in decorating the church‘ {or thanks giving. Mr: Thoa. E. Blair has ever 'had the longing to be a railroad engi- neer, 30 is up in Owen Sound at the present time in the C. P. R ,workg and will soon know whether he 'likes it better than farming. While “I a Vii)“: to her daughter ‘ .ont in her resigngtion to our SChOOl. here in June, Mrs. Hudson, of Ben- Show hu spent. bor three yearsin good time“. had a Stroke of paralysis ‘that {aithiul service. which hos hem duly for a time made even the doctor jgppiooiated. end wishes to enjoy a think the end had come, but 'day by few months well enrnod holidays at day she rallied and under the ‘tender : the beginning of the year before care and good nursing of Mrs. J. J. going to Normal. Peart she has so far recovered 'her‘ old vigor. that she was able to be removed to the home of her mom;l Hutton Hill. John, on Friday of last week She is a woman of mast ws'n'derful ire- Miss M. J. Cufl intends taking a cuneal‘tive powers. ltrip to Toronto and remaining for i '1'uuuuuglvuag. Wednesday, October 14th was ani ideal day for a weddingâ€"the. sun so M”- Thos. 13- Hutton GXl-lecN ‘50 warlm and bright, the sky so .sofuy'spend Thankagiving with friend-1 in blue. the woods all .aglow with 'au-E Mount Forest. tumnal beauty. A very pretty one Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wemp, 1160 in wlvi'h this ne ghborhmd was much Miss Margaret Jane Hutton, Fill interested. .took place at the 1n;,si(l-§Inore. Saskatchewan. had their home ence of Mr, and Mrs. \Vm, 'McNabb,l brightened 00 the 65h inst. by ”19 97 Barton Ave, 'l‘orcnt), wnen their'arl‘iVRl 0‘ a baby boy. Mother and daughter. Miss Barbara, was united Child 8'0 605"“ “’3“- with Mr. Charles Grant Robsonal The Sunday School sacred concert second son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Ad’unjbeld last Friday night was a great Robson of this place. Rev. Mr. Sin-leuccees socially and financially. Rev olair. who performed the CCPJIIOEIY,’ Mr Farquharson. of Durham. ac'ed had done like service [or the bridle j as chairman and filled his place well parents in the by gone davs.. The aid cave witty and appronriate little happy couple are spemding the honLy-' s) eeches and remarks between each moon with relatives here. The bridaleelect 0". Also kept genuine order. is a most amia‘ole young lady and: We were 3'80 favored with Rev. Mr. "Charlie” was always one of the lJynes. 0! Varney and Ehent-zer, Who most poimlar fellows reared in! this 2“” “ very suitable and W0“ chosen “(iglhlJOI'hOJd and his success in edu- . address for ”‘9 OCC‘Siono Dune”- national and financLal crcles have? Hememher thy 0793“” in the days not spoiled him a Wth. They leave of thv youth. He divided this sen- and tence into three principal parts: lat, Religion. 2nd Ednca im. 3rd. Exer~ cise, showing how each of the-'e are very essential to manhood While Mr. Dynes spoke chiefly to the child here om Tuesday for TUT'olltO, after a few days will start {or their home in Edmonton. carrying “GUI them the heartiest goo’d wishw of .a host of friends. Oar school grounds have been nicely levelled and seeded to grass, and it gives a much improved ap- pearance to the place. Mr. James Nut-Laughing: wan over at Proton Suniou lust. Wee-9k to visit. his mUIher-iu-law, Mrs. Bullock. and reports her Slightly hatter of her severe illness. The Brian brothers campleted thflil‘ contract. of thtiug a bent to Bir- hour’s barn with neatnass and de- spatch. Mr. Wm Haas also showed how quickly he can now raise a building with his tackling, The Union 8 8 people are putting forth their best efl’urts to make thuir entertaiummm of Novemhar 3vd a success. Revs. King and Kendall will be them Mr. Wm. Chapman. uf Saskatche~ Wan. is uvur on a Visit. to his mothvr. sisters and many Other fr ends In is more than a dacade siuCe be left. here. The congregation of St. Paul met on Friday night and put the church in suitable garb for t.hank~giving service, and Rev. W. H. Heartly preached a very appropriate arrmon to a well tilled house On Sunday. Mr. Robert Smivh wilh his self feeding machine is cleaning can the harm. ulullg the line. He is a general fuvUrhe in ”us ueighburlwod. Mr. Geo. Lepard of Proton, visited friends in Hue pars lust. Week. Corner Concerns. CORRESPONDENCE. 'l rave: ston. HE DURHAM CHRONICLE No One Knows But Mother how much she suffers. in her anxious thought for the welfare of children and father she forgets erself and attributes those constant backaches and headaches to wearinesa. How often she has neglected herself is evi. denced by the way she falls a prey to the rava es of disease. MOTRERS. WIVES AND SISTER take care of your health. At the first sign of Bachche and weariness take a reliable rented, for the kidneys and liver for nearly all the ills o mankind origin- ; atelnthekidnqm _When natureswarnin isAsound- _____ â€"--- 'â€"- VI ‘Ug ’rL'iiâ€"éaé’i Kid”; and Liver Pills wifié (hit for they are :9 unfail- _ ._ fl _ _ Ions and stop the jgroad_gf disease -I- 'IQJ , Inapzdtor Campbell paid his ‘semi- gannual visit to our schoc-l on Mon- day. l The Sunday School sacred concert held last Friday night was a great i success socially and financially. Rev Mr Farquharson. of Durham. acted f as chairman and filled his place well at d gave witty and appropriate little gs; eechus and remarks between each leek-ct or. Also kept genuine order. We Were a'so favored with Rev. Mr. Dynes. of Varney and Ebenezer. who gave a very suitable and well chosen address for the occasion. namely. 5 Remember thy Creator in the days ' of thv youth. He divided this sen- tence into three principal parts: lat, Religion. and Educa itn. 3rd. Exero cise, showing how each of the-‘9 are very essential to manhood While Mr. Dynes spoke chiefly to the child ran. the older ones could greatly profit if they inwardly digest his speech. Other numbers on the pro gram were as follows: Stand up stand up for Jesus sang by the school; Papa come this way, sany by Mrs 'I‘h ts. E Hutton. She also sing Only Remembered by what I’ve done. and gave a reading. Shaping Desting Baby’s Logic and the New Brother were recited by Miss Nina Noble The City Lady and Somebody Else were recited by Miss Sadie Lawrence. God be with you till we meet again was sung by the school. The Phil osopher Conversion was ably read by Miss C. H. Hutton the Glory Song following. Messrs. Hubert Noble, George and James Langrill also as sistad, Hubert giving Playing teater ing. James. Boys make men. George. I’ll try and I will. Miss Bessie Milligan, Boiling down the sap; girls and boys singing G. Double 0 d good; Miss Jean Picken. Why cats eat be- fore they wash; Evyline Sharp. ’Fastidious; a pray song by little girls. The Lord is thy Keeper; Miss Nina Noble and Sadie Langrill gave a diaIOg-te, The custard pie; The Bar was given by Miss C H Hutton; The c osing day by Miss Sadie Langrill; then God Save the King. The pro- gram was properly arranged. hut as it would take too much room to have lit written correctly we juSt send it to press in this form. Miss C. H. Hutton was organist. for the evening .and the way the children and every lpersou did tho-ir part-z sh. “ed that 'they were well trained As Miss C. |H. Hutton has trained the young ifolks for three years for their Sunday .School sacred concerts she desires to thank them for the way they have always acted. showing that they appreciate the efiorts that were put forth for them. houee need on former ocoeelone by the Reform perty wee horned end inurted in the proclernntioue. The houee ie in no good repnir u it ever an: end the oooupente quite no war thy no of yore. hot the owner openly neerte thnt he cennot oonecientiouel’ support Mr. Miller, no they clnim they are going to tnke the voting to n piece where they will support him. The Grite hnve been haunting right nlong thet they give uppoiutmente of ioetmnster end other such ofiicee, ell things being equnl, as quickly to Corneervntiver no to Reformere. end we have no doubt but what they do. but the present instance would lead us to believe that they tnke them nwny auin just on quickly if they don‘t vr‘tu Miller et the first appor- tunit~ . Mr and Mrs. Corlatt, of Dornoch, were visiting Mrs. Corletts uncle. Mia: Maggie Edge has gone to town to learn dressmaking: Miss M. J. Cufi intends taking a. trip to Toronto and remaining for Thanksgiving. Mrs. D. Edge and Mrs. \V. Ritchie were vis-itimg friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. John Firth visited at Ebenezer the beginning of the week. Our tencher. Miss Clan Aljoe, has sent in her resignation to our school. Shoo bu spent. her three years in good faithful service. which has be'n duly Edge Hill. ] A broom .mpporter made of 3900]: :h a simple and convenient device. .Bor-ew tyo large empty unqual- blah Mr. Thomas Greenwood. this week. Mr. Greewood. we are mom to any. is doing nicely. Mrs. C. Firth, of Bone-nan, spent a few days tut week wfih friends in this vioh'ty. Menu. Jos. Firth and William Ritchie were in Markdule on Sutur- day. Rev. Mr. Farquharm. conducted a prayer meethg in Grange Hull on Thur «lay evenmg last. The Edge Hill Fresh Beef Associ- ation met at the houae of Mr. B. Ector. As the president. Mr. Thus. Greenwood was absent through ill- ness. Mr. Thos. McFadden wan voted to the chair. Ail the bu sineso of 1908 was satisfactorily dLsposed of and the ring organized [or another year. The following officers were elected for l909.-1“r3=.idemt, Geo. Aljoe;. 83c.- Tr2a3.. W. J. Ritchie: Iflspectors. D. Edge. Thomas Ritchie- R. Pictor; Auditory C. H. Moffat, W. G. Firth; Butcher, Thomas Tumbull. Tommy had been spanked by Miss Smith and Hm teacher had not reach ed the points where aha felt. she could do justicu to him in spite of all his naughtinass. “Send him to me when you want him spanked.” uid Mics Mgnners one morning. after her coilengue hud tainted his mhny misdeameanors. Has to on account of cansâ€"'but they can b.- cured in tw *1" hours with Putnlam’s Painless Corn Extractor. Use no other but But- nalm’a. _ L I. :A up on the {fiddle tr-an'm at t that, ml. [at enough apart to turn the éan‘dle of the broom to slip in. The , room put, ran on th. pods.“ About 11 o’clock Tommy appeared at Miss Mannere' door. She dropped her book, grasped him firmly by the head. led him to the dressing room. turned him over her knee and ed- minietered punishment. What Booth’l Kidn- y Pills are Doing for Durham. Ont. P= oplo. box at Mr. McFarlane’s Pnarmucy. they quickly regained the kidneys. Mv back atrengthoned and the pain left it. I have not sufiered with diz zineas. headaches or longuidneaa since and feel glad to recommend Buoth’s Kidney Pills.” Sold bv dnalurs. Price 50 cents. The B. T Booth 00., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Sole agents. “I hereby give. grant, and convey to you all my interest, right, title and adVantaze of and in eazd orange. together with its rind, akin. juice and pits and all rights and “nut ages therin, with full power to bite. suck, or otherwise eat the same or give away with or without rind, skin, juice, pulp or pita. anything herein before or in any Other deed or deeds. inatruments of any kind or nature whatsoever to the contrary in any wise norwithstanding." Doctors say the country is full of it. First comes a chill. thzn cold de- veJopsâ€"thc inflammation glowsâ€"3V“) can’t draw a long breathâ€"Inn“ and side-s get: sore, and pleurisy sets in. A good home-cure cansists in taking! twenty (how; of Nervil'me every tour hams. Suppdbament this by vigor- cualy rubbmg the sides and chpsc with Nervifline, and when warmth and cirulation are 3starnlibhed, put a Nerviljnz Porous Plaster over the aching spot. Nervilin: Treatment is (threw? suocessful in colds. n_3pralgia. Mrs. Ge . Ryan. of Lambton St., Dnrham.Ont.. ssvs: “For years I had sufl’ered with a miserable dul pain across the small of my back and amending into my sides and shoul- ders. I would be unable to straighien myself up at times and could not stoop to lift anything. Headaches and spells of dizziness were frequent and left me in a most miserable condition I had not found relief in any of the many dif- ferent remedies and had thought there was no rn'ief for me I learn ed of Booth’s Kidney Pills through an advertisement and procuring a '1! I were to give vou nn orange.’ said a prominent judge. I wuuld simply say. ‘I give you no cause} But, should thfl tun~for be intrusted (0 a. lswyer to put in writing. he would adapt this form: When she hcd finished she said: ‘ Now. Tommy, what hive you any?” All the blood in the body passes through the Kidneys every three minutes. The Kidneys filter the b'ood. They work night and day to daily remove about 500 grains of impure matter. If they fail some part of this impure matter is left in the blood. bringing on pain in the bark, headache. dizziness. irregular heart, hon. dry skin. rheumatim. gravel. dropsy. deposits in the urine. Booth’e Kidney Pills make the filter- ing right and overcome Kidney trouble. Hundreds of Grey County residents hav» found this out. "Please miss. my tencher want- tho scissors." wns the unexpected reply.â€"-Succeoe Mutts no. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO iplcurisy. Try- it - 3.6;}8311: Many Down Wuh Plenrisy. Simpliclty or Verbosity. She Wear: Largo Boon. on the Messenger. Agent for Percival Ayr. American. Persian and Listuwell plows. AGENT FOR Geo. White Son Threshing It chines. Automobiles. Tim‘, I“ Huness, Rugs, \Vhips. Nils. Grew Stoves. Furnaces, Singvrs Sewing Machines, Heintzm:m'.~ l’iunns McLaughlin’s 1"£llll¢)ll.~ Huggive‘ Repair. for all nmkm uf Flows. Repairs for it" makvs uf vaing Mar chines. DURHAM FOUNDRY Mellow Sharpless (fire MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Horsepowen, Wind Smokers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilem Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. Implements All Kinds of Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters. . . N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. C. SMITH 6: SONS oval-.115 and will give bargain- in these lines. For the next 15 days we In OVERALLS Regular 75c and me n COMBINED SUITS Regular 32.“) line. to clem- DURHAM. . willwinfor a flood 53‘“ . m it qu' y under SUN“ It our Ochool. Catalofiue Cal-nu. Tamara Scuom g)! “V qL 0‘" put record and cur pr.»- ul [WM 'ork .mp. u. ‘“ thi‘ I". 5.: WWII“! school 0f Westvm (n _ m". 0 “v. thm d"lmfl.mvut i , comma-aim. shorthand MP” ' ". mi 0" Mute. tn in demand .-. ~ ; When 58 Wt“ u~ 4;}. “H m“ ”I'M”! instrumqm, } "I. “no unlogtw frvv. \\':“'.r X1 W. H. Shaw. Pres. THE GREAT SCHQQ}; FARM MACHINERY full line of Choice (irooefiafl‘ ways in stock, which “I”: .Old at right primes, trade" A“ -L Sash 6’ Doors JUHN N. MURUUBK Machine Oil Harness Oil. Ame Gleabe and H001 Ointment, 20 Tu C. Smith Sons Illétt ‘7 McLach'i" PRINCIPAL.“ Frost 6’ Wood Toronto “'indmills. TELEGRAPHV Middaugh our entire Oct. 22‘ The Ha” d «larv- supcriqr C R 'Ulps. “Hug“ W .. Toma“ ONTARIO 9.92:th Enid tor “- It pure Manitoha n [0.1 Manitoba Whmu I either bakers n1 Mi; keep out '0': grocer dam h mill and We Call us up by Emwming a Speciu Q Ix blend offi Manitnh. not and is a sni family 11., and Hal Director hide from 8919(flvd \\ I is a superior arm-1.- pflStl'y. I‘h'. may on hand t} Dolled Oats. Alhn ’eople’s M AW!) stand '2 will“ on a mm! 1 - We busin. .u: n' Mauve». sw N» e'n .: kind- Of Grain bong} Price n . ”(inf/9m“. tht |u~ .~ , H; Opped 0.115. 31mm 5 Bean Shouts z.” «i ls Ill “lotion on I lour 10 Bug Lots. “pm-date fiull PASTRY FLOU delivered an 3- wt TRY OUR XE“ « Framing (m notian Roomsr F SOVEREIGN McA RT Band has Ins! Mess um ECLIPSE WE KEEP for aged p Done Eve ext RA .h I) \\' I Under“ slm no!

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