West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1908, p. 8

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fl” figggmgghg ‘ BMW” wwwwwrwwwwfi g: {fill-III illilllllvllilllllcqllllllllI ..l.ll|l||.o.ll||l|I . . . uj G. 81. J. McKechnie Good Woollen Fall or Winter Shirts and Drziwers to be sold cheap. These are all new goods which we bought at a bargain. Regular Prices, $1.00 and $1.25 a suit, for these days only ROBT. BU RN ETT For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Per Suit THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The death of Mr. Frank Holman. not the 4th line. ‘Artemlsa, whlph oc- leured early on Tuesday 'mcrnmg of {last week “'33 akswck to thfi ovm~ unltv. Two wee 3 previous e was 'mzrated on far ap neiicitls and was 'apperenfly recove 3 until Munda flwhen he suddenly took “worse an in a few hours. pessed away. The deceased. who was six: en years of age. was the second neon of Mr. H. Holman. who has been an invalid inc: the Caledon wreck over a year ago. Mr. Holman, Who was in Tor- onto under treatment was advised on Monday night «of the zerioua lll-‘ nen of l. is son. «and an Tuesday ncon when he arrived here. was greatly. shocked with the udneu. tut he had poised away. Elnoe hie tetherfe Wary Frank took the place at. e. Ur. Sproul: “ill hold a p litxall .m-~ui.:5 “(IL in thc lu\\ll 11...: m ‘ gamma; Arming, and Mr. It y‘aull.d ; Lin-I'm, will ..01d ‘1 Hitch“; '4“ £4.3qu evening. TLC Dr. “.11 ~uuuhL-‘ lssa Ace-Aw .15 Usual good .ouJ'Jt'y; in Aug-“din mat. Munduy. 9 A quid murnage “11.3 cuebx‘ut-d by? RJ'.‘ Ur. Luldneu an L4: parsonage on Wulucusuy auuruum UL 14:1 “cu! wmu Mr. Alex. ruwcctt auu Miss! EVU. B21‘an uutchisun. both 4.1” Lm-' p;.l'il:iu, were Jumcd -n \xeulock 'l‘he‘ Wouug couple were utteuddl by Mru datum-l Mcwuug and Miss A. llutcno' 1113011. . .ur. and Mrs. Ju..n ‘.\uhu A‘A'eut- 1y mun-d imu t. cir Lax-.- new Ls- (Laue, lnu ou a “all atus 12-5, nuill. 01’ (‘zuucnt blooms urn-unnamed “it.” a 11mm lintern Lu Lac Luce. Lhc haul]- a’u.u: ICE-511121100 -s u C01.\1L Lu .vu. Nu.-u and an uruzumaut to the thn. '1 c chiuued w) “Nun-1 nus causal many bus: piles Lu um PK out uUuuL ll- ‘~_Jub 131411.:[5 u \c 01.0“ mg'L-n-Musly iié.till'tg. Anny -cnus 1m» 3 been burnt, and Ml. hill. nit- cux u'us lost au ut. thixty cuds 01' coxd no :1. Miss Mamie Sullivan left last week to take a poe‘itim th Lakefgeld. Mrs. John Wright, sr., is vslting her eister-iu-(law. Mrs. Winters. Mrs. J. W'. Handerson returned to Toronto on Friday. ' Mr. Alex. Best who has been very ill ‘3 recoverug. \ Miss .Mnne Munsxaw is visit- mg .11 loront-J. s Councmlor beats ywungest daught- er, 9131“; years 010, \‘8 at presmt dullgcl‘uumy ill WLCa .IltCBLJlal Ll uublc “nun has been endow-c '1'~uc-ntuy. lig-v. Alex. Smppcrd, u]; Markdal:, “111 :xc.-uuge pawn: w.Lu nu. .nl'. Li Lt.‘ “ch annual), and in .udd_t on ta ‘uuu'. lug 1n: “Ll conduct {Hinder- LU} fingILL‘Ls Auul mug and L'chdlg {1L l’l'ulbu. Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert 'SmfltJ at- t21.deu_brm Full rair on '1'..u1‘sd.hy and ruday 1;: st. Mr. and Mrs. nuusou, of Markmum, are ViSJruug t..e latlt‘ffi suen, Mr». Andrew Wilson. hv'au‘gndac hardy SUOKC on qm-s- tuiuam; auwaemcnus an Mun“) c.- euiug and in a CUIIVJIOJAE’,‘ ,udrzs‘u‘ :S..U\Acd we Juugcr o1 iudmévu..- m cud ,uabiug uuu L..c muxdczn (Linc-c. Rev. and Mrs. Newton, 01‘ Durham, .szut a couplg )1 days mere lust “.'eKo Mr. Cuas. Uttewell has gone to T.- ruulu u an”; an t 8 \cu: Imam (Jul- lege t Mu. (Dr) Murray las gun: to '1‘.)â€" rumu t- uuu Igu miner (who; at- bio trmtmcnt. lust wrelh . Miss hat: Bellamy is at tnc Pro- ton station v‘utng Hal s‘uter, Mrs. Ju.xn Lyon-5, Whu is all. Rev. L. F. Kipp -p1'euctn-u u. pl'ucL - 0m auu iutzleatmo scuuou 'w p.11- ants uu bunduy manning last. “h mu Lu du “Lt that u- 3 v; yOJI)‘ \‘ila' Ln tncmu 01' the Spcukql'. M: 551‘s JUull Mules, bdga;\ mghan and “an; Ufiuniquuquo “-an LJ Luauawlm 011 t... ‘ U-tJvCB-Lula’s UACUI’ siuu .11 August, Imturued momc lus; “sea. Mr. varniugwu purpo‘w “1.x- iug un’ Lumly Lu tn: Hem. Mrs. A. S. Van Dusen and daugtmr- iu-kluw, Mrs. C. 15. Van Unacn, 01' Gficago, are visitmg m Conlmgwuod. Mr. heury Hohunun, _wuo is yet. .11 u criL-cat cuud Lon wt wealth. 13 re- turning Lus w2ek to Torunto for (under treatment. \ About Us :uty- -five 0; th \. mung (-301) 0 mt 11ch L w l’l'qnbfl'LJIiau Lu“; 5Upp-1‘ at. Eugenia l-JPL \\ L‘L‘n‘ W. ’iJU \\ .: learn “a , 5 \J 3 mwccso: ul, Lu: Mme-As being ova v.51. Mrs. (Dr.) Webster and little dang“- ter, nemeu, are vimt n3 tuc on'mu‘s puruus, Mt. and Mrs. Ricujurlson, Luis“ week. t Mrs. R. R. Fultoon, Woodstock. is vismng uzr s-ster, Mrs. (UI‘Jbart- er, and “ill be accompan‘ed uOluC uy uer mother, Mrs. L’ye. (Dr.) Murray las gun: to '1‘.)â€" t- uuuzlgu mu.-er aim-urn- :utmcnt. Joszpu Thomas of Stx'athuxpn. :pu Thomas of Strathdvon. guest 01 Rev. L. r". Kipp Flesherton. L5 and was til Munda worse an way. The 1 years of of Mr. H. In invalid var O year ..- ._ mu 1 Dated at Hanover this twelfth day of October, A.D., 1m To NEIL MCCANXEL, EsQ., RETURNING OFFICER SOUTH GREY, AND TO \VHOM ELSE IT MAY CONCERN. 1, Henry Horton Miller, of the wan of Hanover. in the County of Grey, Estate Agent, a Candidate at the elec- tion now about to he held of a member to represent the electoral district of South Grey in the House of Commons in Canada, hereby appoint John 11. Hunter, of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey, Merchant, my Oflicial Agent for the purposes of the man on the farm and was develolfingw Splmdid young manhod Ccnvented ' at “”0131 meetings some months ago '11: unfited with the Baptist church alu-re and was an exemplary young :0 ,1 istiun. The funeral took place ;t'o Mount Zin Cametery on Thurs- day afternoon. An impreisive service ’wus conducted by Rev. L. F. Kipp. DOMINION ELECTIONS, 1908. Durham, Oct. 19th, 1908. I, Robert James Ball. a Candidate for the representation of South Grey in the election to be held on the 23th October, 1908, hereby appoint Milton Leonard Ball, of the Town of Hanoven to be my Financial Agent for the said election. ELLIOTTâ€"Rom:RTs<ix. Aquiet wedding tom: place at the home of the bride’s mother at Price- ville on \Vednesday afternoon. October 7th, when Miss Emma Robertson. daughter of the late Mr. Robert Rob- ertson. was married to Mr. Henry Elliott, of \Vinnipeg. auditor for the (.3. N. R. Company. The ceremony. which took place at 1.30 o’chck. was performed by Rev. L. F. Kipp. B. A.. of Flesherton. in the presence of only a few immediate relatives of the con- tracting parties. The bride. who was given away by her mother. was at- tended by Miss Annie James. of Priceville. Mr. Albert Chapman. of Toronto, was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott left on the evening train for Toronto. and will take an extended trip visiting several American cities before reaching \Vinnipeg. DOMINION ELECTIONS 1908 éhades. See them ..... Baby Pinsâ€"See them. Infants’ Booteesâ€"all c0101 3, wool and silk. pet pair ....... .20 ' Infants’ Mittsâ€"all colors, 15c. ' and 200. pr .................. ‘ Infants" Beat Coats, warm and dumble, $2.00 up. These £ must beseen to be appreciated Infants’ Cashmere Hoseâ€"white, ' black black with collared tips. per pair ........... .25 ‘ Infants’ Reuiwns\ estsâ€"allsizes, i 250. and upw Baby Ribbonsâ€"All the latest New Underwearâ€"Flawed and Woolen, all sizes, shirts and drawers, special at ..... .50 Neckwearâ€"Nobhy styles, new colorings. see them on dis- play, 25c. and up ............ Clothingâ€"See the new styles in men’s suitsâ€"Special $10.00 suits for $7.49. 87.5) suits for ..................... 5.95 Shirts and Over-anew Strong and durable, large and room , just the thing for the worl- ing man. . . .500. 75c. and 1.00 Side and back Cambs latest styles. GI 1110119) 0 o 0 ' ' “llrl)lliJ d _ h ng pO '1') ltwh \HH \ 0 881 ll ' . ‘ .\\ :llll(’ll(r - [vs pure asluote are on!) 91.1. m,“ m 2 . ()0 0 “’e (l wzltls (‘1‘. h t WI" V he prlcfis W Remember :5 V . all 0 . . equ y many Put Us {"1119 test 1‘ sale. h every purchase 0 mt Sr 9 our 250 Ringwood (Moves. -NEW Goons- â€"â€"Latest Styles -Best Values- Specials for Little Folks HYMENEAL. Specials for Men Specials for Friday and Saturday 3 11m. Fancy Biscuits ................. 2 10:). bottles Reliable Shoe Dressing. . 2 100. cans Bichards’ Lye ............ 4 100. packages (‘urn Starch ......... 3 Boxes Matches. safety silent, . . . . . . . Saturday. 20 "H. “Red Palha” Sugar THE BIG STUM W. J. MCFaddem Lumbton Street. 1'". Mt in the world EVEI‘YtbiDg the fnrnwt \\:H~Y‘~. Implement line. can m: mu 1 Ware-rooms. Sawyer ’ .‘lasspy Thwwlmr De Laval and Maw-nyllu-ri St’pal‘fllul‘~ Rubber rings for Oxford 53sz See our platfm-w WNW Machine RPpairs 4‘ «h Machine Oll and Coal Oil (”mus in stock Fall Wheat .......... Spring Wheat ........ Oats Pens ooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOO Potatoes per bag. new. Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack. Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs. per cwt. .. Dressed Haas per cwz. Hides per lb...... .. Sheepskins..... ... Wool ................ Tollow .............. Lord ................ Turkeys ............. Geese ................ Ducks ............... Chickens ............. M assey=Harris Implements GM“ Shorthand 'â€" vvwv " hatch]. Telogmphy. m“, “I- Write for particulfl‘ Walkman Business Collefie FALL TERM FROM SEPT- ‘ Mate-Leaf Ledger Bnys’ Cupsâ€" â€"a|l SITUATIONS Boys’ Underwearâ€"â€" 3 ll sizes. fleec. ed and won]. all new goodg, 250. and upwards. . Boys' Sweater-sâ€" all sizus and all colors. Ask Lo we them... Boys’ Hosierywall sixes and qualitiesâ€"we mwr had a better range at. 25v. [er pail. Boys’ Suitsâ€"st H m g. llllllhy suits, $2.25 far $3 Ill values ........ Boys’ Shoesâ€"Mrnng. grain hals.. just the thing In kwp the boy's feet drv. . . . _ .. .. I u‘ D. at" 75c. 'nnd $1.0.L'f'............. Ladies’ Wool Hoseâ€"41H sizes 25 Ltd!“ Cashmere "0% ‘Rlbbui and plain. 2.3r and mo 25 pieces light and dmk Prints, worth lilac. for. 10 pieces Flanm “h m in [ilii'iilliud fancy colors 1 2y. fur.. .10 Puritan brand El NE:- K derweurâ€"Thv hvst l underwear (m the Ladies’ Veflth‘, in large a diam sizes, 27w. Um match... Bett_e_r qualitivs. all ~iz. Market Report. specials for Ladies DmmAM. Om. “ Specials fpr Boys taught bv the 0n.\‘ 3 Ouudo. who an”)! Amos“: Scumxb. ad tll modern om which ensure up: at. with India: hu 3'." our grandam fm â€" Smnomp L" D PRINCIPAL- l()r :m M m Sizes. 50!: 00 1908 *5 to! Harris Sq-parm "not up‘ DOO't fail to read M “at bargains dm-m; Marvâ€"“Th? lNHlN'n [gr saleâ€"A i300d ’1 0 i! ‘30 Its. Lauder. Ls w MM“. gal'do villa. has iSSuPd .1 ‘ Mot Pfll'tlc'lnd ‘ Manges m his gun! W by 09m. M M th° dam. The Council ha We conditiml nt' me“ by hm it Several of the W» “(30de t0 r909“! out too snon. vi! in burn, Sash. 1le mndnlk HPI'HIJ. makers for ”3.. ( the \"efit dnril Printer and I’uhl' Wait for the ‘1 of the National 5 Tcronto, for 1mm Open! “'ednesday 0 un. Mei!“ The cement It Must Mid is tux month lhl‘oau'n M01115 uiLh 5 hrrels output. The annive.r.- our Mitixodist west of here dty. November willogby, of Elu ”93011. On blur. fleeting wlll be '1 «mm A good '“04‘ Admssxn Willlfim \Vtwitw known nevmpuiwr : WIS married last I: “Adeline Benth. .2 Printer and Pu .h L “Ilia! WM a pupi'; .~:' "nor of this n.- nu: GER. train and " ind tied the anim “ VIE. in the mmnfl uophoue ()flim' “(inlet-he unln h “in notifying 3n- ‘fllmnding the» UH that would haw . Mat 0f the \l MinockyauL: On Friday m n will. Lnidfim \\; “the Ytrd nuts» r him W’ilh HI. 7 “estraps. in. 1. NEWS a! ! lt‘ -A splendid 480. “it t' 42â€"N0. 217 bet (mm H fl In- cax [DUN (m \V I ilc

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