West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1908, p. 9

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URHAM FOUNDRY [illwrights Machinists, m and Brass Founders. Ed Steam Fitters. TH E GREAT scuool- Rive: \wu :m uplift. You C33 "0““. at wur‘ urge upâ€"to-dato 06M "-umnc“ t )Hegc. Toronto. m... zrcc. \‘cnd postal "amt W!” I.“ URHAM. a .‘x A "vi MACHINERY ’ccial attention to Gaso- :6 singine repairs. PRACTICAL enucA‘flO" MANUFACTURERS OP ting- Boxes, Horsepower; Wind Stackers, ri-k misers’ Feed Boilers. Sash {‘3’ Doors full line ofChoie w lys in stock, w sold at. right pl ( ash. ["131 vu‘ -â€"â€" oof d H \qu Grease an I o to l “112%; fiNDERQ _ S. . a7 plements SHITH G: SONS STRATFORD. ONT. {'1‘ PRICES AND GOOD WORK. JUHN N. MUHDUEK the next .‘IdU hiDe Oilo Baffle” on! It ll all CENTRAL ”MM/M p u h- c 0rd and car prowl. .1130 l i U mix“ us as the 81‘“. ’gufll '2 ' -« mm] 0f Western 03m ' ,. r: .r..- dupartmolu. - Commercial. W Tobin-um . - Individual instrucuol. Luz-hm catabgue (no. W 10'" Elliott a aloud-II- 'ar out our a.” it] (‘OMBINED SUITS K “R MADE TO OED“ es and Boiler Repain unptly executed. "2.00 line. fur all makes of P10” 1' all makes of Sewing ' chines. rost “WENT FOR 1' 1. Money Samalues ll Kinds of ()VERALLg right priceg, fies, Poles H VI PRL'CCIPAIJ w. H. SHAW. hines. \Vhips. Oils, GM "vs, Singers 86m .~intzman’s PianOG 4 Famous 3088;“ ival m Threshing ”1' l Ayr, America towel! plows. ind mills. Value. to” clear, ONTARIO \V pinch to «tilt ta latzs diL'estion raw 3m: \W'flllov ?¢3 Th1 s1 [11 ices prevail only during the month 1n which this circular 1s issued, while 1n some lines the quantities arr 1.11;. 0, yet many will undoubtedly be sold out before the end of the month. nld' “3 bc HOUSEHOLD HELPS. 1 1 -- : -i ‘r on the shelves to 1 ' l wok; from mouldinl- ml t «t has become burn- .:1 may be cleaned by :71 it palte ‘ormal by .‘.'1 V .ncgar. ~ uh es tint in Inter: u. Ijr<t in hot water W“!- 01' "auxin! The Winter Quarterly Biggest and Best Ever I. we“. r ' U . ney ‘3 wn 078 33115313?! salt thro I tram “ill keep the particle about. milk a elem marble bond m . W3 “ r you: Ith' i3 put kilo the nihng ring then will ‘rer. ‘r and drawinzesa. take tra. with the juice 0! (a 0 .ml of nfilk. The Of- I” uvv V "vâ€" "51me in thé 088 ind t"l-r to wash. ' .Lne oil stains With '1 {or several hours. curd water and soap. ~ ‘1 make a very 30ft - on and it is claim- .(V lel infest it. . :x discarded umbrella warts for plants than . and are not. so con- :11 be much better A boiled in halfmilk instead of all inter. ~ out of the larden. wiows ially with o. 1.0 acid uni water. x5 are to be closed sprinkle a few drops Huwed will data!!!) 0. throat. vs“ with keeping fit“! ' in quantities. m- in towels shows ud embroidery. colored frocks Ange Allew us to draw to your attention only a few of the special lines which we control .on winchwe can save you money, many of them are imported direct by us and m large I908 quantltles so that we can offer them at a lower price than others. insurance a a'nst :xomfidental fiend THE KING HATS meals m the Sic '«3 patient and '1 1k 3!) before meals be removed (130m This si‘k is a beautiful quality of Chiffon Taffeta. in Blzu‘k. Cream. Bz'nwu. Uracil“, Blues, Reds. and \Vilw. formerly s'nld by us at 756. per yard. but a special buy- ing enables us t0 offer tWrmy pieces this month (a, per yard ........................... . ................ 590. Regular 6550. values comprising the Finest weaves in Panaluas, Cashmeres, Lustres, Serges and Criepines in all the lending shades, alan genuine Scotch Clan Tar- tans. These represent the best values In the trade and eaurh Cloth has stood the test. Per yard .......... 500. Tans, Browns, Black and other shades, some shaped and some corded, all with nice Buckles aiulimule of Best Quality Kid, Best Belt, Value possible each 290. These gloves are fine quality and are always sold by nwrchzmts atl25c. pair. Wu gut a snap and have all size-s from (3.3; to 8 for per pmr ......... . ..... . . . .. 1 9c. Half-Price. lesv bags were dumped m: tlw Cama- .liann market by a va Yul-k manufacturer at n fractinn of their value in order to keep his factnry going. Them- m-.. 138 hags in the [Anâ€"“5047. Values g0 f1n-2..5v.â€"$1.U(l «mes for 500. and 80 on. The biggest snap in Hand Bags we have ever offered. SALE OF SILKS 750. Values This Month for 59¢. BIGGEST DRESS GOODS VALUE Our 500. Fabrics Cream All-woo! Ringwood Gloves 1 90. LEATHER HAND BAGS LEATHER BELTS 400. Values fori290. . MOCKLER, DURHAM, ONT. till spacuw wucu glue... .0. __ _ left to dry on to remove 01d tarnish When atarching Holland pinafores. if a little tea is put into the starch umd they will keep their color. fin stead of getting that faded appear- ance we all know so well. Well cooked natmeal with a raw apple is claimed to be an for humanity, and children can keep strong and healthy on “this at the smallest possible outlay. Frosted glass... useful for screens, etc, is made by laying the sheets {horizontally and coverin them with a strong solutl‘n of #3qu ate of zinc. .The salt crystallizes on drying. E To clean gloves p fa half-ounce of strong ammonia, dip in a clean flannel and rub it on cas- l To wash whbte silk use lukewarm d nothing but pure white (1 iron with just I warm than. lit is the yellow soap. too hot water silk Oatmeal in the bath will im art a del g-‘xtfnl softness to the 8k 11. To avod stomving the waste-pipe, tie t‘ e oatmeal in la good alzed'oheese- Heat a lemon thoroughly before to squeezing and you will obtain nearly 'in double the uaxntity of juice that yJ-u is would if it ad not been heated. 5v To make dark graham muffins take one and a half cap; of graham [1 ur. one-half coup of molasses, one-half cup of milk and a heaping teaaposn baking powder. Room; which are to be slept ‘in after having been occngied during an entire evening wait 8 thoroughfly' vfenltilated before the occupants pre- pare for bed. Hair brushes in daily use should be muted at least once a fortn'ghtJ Put a little ammonha into water; and d'p the bruah in this, but only so far as the bristles. Dry 1n the air. A quick and easy method to 'peel onions for frying or stewlng is to cut off the too and bottom of the onion, «matter it and the cuticle skin his off the too zind bottom or we 0111011, Never put rugs or carpets down until the floor is quite dry. “as the damp will cauxe them to mildew and rot, and will injure btoh beards and their coverings. Hartshorn powder made inha paste bv means of spirits of Wine ’3 a gap-u. tal specific when spread on .s’lver and left to dry on to remove 01d tarnish stains.“ When atarching Holland pinaforea. L 1â€"1... ‘kn a‘nfflh M55 OF QUALITY” .t y u. .. - know sowell. - When bunches of sweet scented (ednatmeal with a. raw grass ’hegin to lose 't"'eir fragrance d at plunge them for a ‘nfinute into bail- ' I)" and children pan keep wan-1' and they will be again as aro- igsib'lgmbtd‘tylag? thus "t the i matlc as when first gathered. Dried lavender may be similarly treated. l A box of bandages should be kEptf Vit?%%?ies{1iln%a‘t2eglxgchin every household, 80 that in case gristallizes 01‘: drying. '(of an ace dent, they shall be ready; ' ‘nt o'nce. {Bandages should be torn gloves put in a 83309? . dip from strong cotton cloth, and wmndl re of strong ammonia, flannel and rub it on oas- t'g‘utly until needed. Do not hem Then rub the 810"” With them Also have a nu ' ' - . pply of Itout 3111:1311" “um“ 'when it emarrow strips to be used for tying. ‘It is advisable to put all these ban- whtto silk use lukewarm nothing but pure white dageS. when made, into the oven for ran with in“ ‘ warm 11'0“- a short time to sterilize them, them ’ellow 3031). too hot we!“ at them ' t h e ilk p . m o a at, wide-mouthed t U003 “1“ ml" th s preserve Jar. Screw on the lid while I . a It .4, well to all are all hot. and keep, the jar V. m a le Ina? t: age the lame knits». in a convenient plus. To purify tainted meat pour a few drolvs of nydrt-oh.lor‘ic acid ‘into a large ba.-‘in of wuter till of a slightly sour tast2. and immerse the meat in if for an hour m‘ 30, and it me be- 'come quite sweet again. 1 ' Olftel‘fuhleis is the best promoter of health. Regninimgs and murmur-j ings of the heart give lmrrerceptblol Mfrnkes to those delicate fibres of; w'. ich the vital parts are composed. and wear out the machine. ! When washing mauve prints and; muslins put a little soda in the water! zin w ich they are washed in order, ‘to keep the color from running Olltu Soda is 8311 to have exactly the up- posit: effect on mauve that it has on ! ‘ dt‘ler dyes. i for slicing that has been used it} peel- ‘ing. The rind contains an $104! that _-_- A“"‘--*L nvut‘ W Z no as a covering for a kitchen :tltble ’3 much betetr than oilcloth,‘ :u t lasts indefinitely, and hot pans and kettles may be put on it without, dong any harm. Bring the zinc w. H down over the idea 0 the table and tuck it firmly. It is easily kapt. clean. , Save w‘aahing 'and dusters by 113-. ing old newafapers for clcan'ngJ ”They are exoe lent for window polâ€"3 .‘3ers, first-rate for scouring tin- ware, and are as gaming 9. brush liar lolming a stove. The prudent of newspapers at hand, and use it woman will always keep a good pad for wiping up grease or water Spilt. on the gas or coal cookng StuV3,Z for 1: will enable her to keep the, '-.'tnve clean thh half the usu-ali trouble. _ a swolion lips. BROADWAY CLOTHING -‘Llu Vv---w__ to cause 10. sore Branch and 300. Satinette (for Blouses) 1 90. yd This is a. beautiful quality English Cashmere Stocking. seamless foot, fast color, sizes 85 to 95, a genuine 400. stocking. but “’9 imported them direct. from the Old ()nuutry and offer them this month at per pair. . 290. This cluth is in Navy _Bl_uAe___cmly, a qhoice shgdeoanr‘l is ". in «wry respect worth $1.25 per yd. \Ve obtained it under exceptiunal circumstance? and conmdm' It per- haps the Best Dress Goods Ban-gain we ever utfex'ed. . . This cloth is in Blmk only with s111allwhitefigure. The 00101 is «1 fine Jet, Blat k and will wash well. \\'e have sold many 11 piece at 3l)c., but a. spec i111 snap in this se11i1enble 21111113 enables 11s to 1111111 it “11119 1!: lasts at pet ymd .................................. 1 90. Special 1.25 ALL-WOOL VENETIAN 50 in. wide for 850. yd. All shades :1, beautiful quality and suitable for Hait Bmxs, Belts, etc. A ve1y special offering at poi yzud ............................ .190. All sizes. This is a splvndid hose and worth 0:19in 3%. pairâ€"râ€"sn fzu' nhwul of the. ordinary 250.. stncking that; you could hardly believe we can sell them at 25c. ...... Boys’ and Ladies’ Pure Worsted Ribbed Hose 25¢. per pr. A 40c. CASHMERE HOSE FOR 290. 25c. Wide Taffeta Silk Ribbon 1 90. per yard THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A 50c. Fashion Journal for 200. including any 15c. pattern UNDER and by virtue 'of the pow-' down. ([th is what we elected you ' . . . f r. .ers oontamed m a certain mortgauge,‘ o ____..___ 3 which will be produced at the time of male, there will be offered ’for sale LEADING MINE OF WORLD. ,by public auction on 'Saturday, the \Vhat is re arded as the leadin l3lst day of Octoher, '1908, at the hour. mine of the garld is the Robinsog ‘Of one 0°1°°k m lthe afternoon at{mine of theTransvsz South Africa. the Central Hotel in 'the town ofiwhirh ehows an operating profit of .Durham, in the county 'of Grey, by. 34.395710. which is 70peroent. of its John Clark. auctioneer, the follow-total production. The amnwi divi- ing prOperty, namely those 'certeinrdends mnmmted tn $3.21)].(ll). A ,991'0018 01' tracts Of 1906- and premises. larger tonnage was rrushad by the inmate, lying and being in t1” town- Homostake mine. of South Dakota. Bill Of Glenelg m the county 0f Grey and more bullion was vivlrlerl by the 13.11 r v’ ce f0ntar'o 'con 'n‘ r? . . - . ‘ P o In 0 l ’ tax 11" ‘ (woldfieldoCousnlulated. ofbevadn. but Eb admeasurement one hundred acres . . 'bg the same more‘or less being com- the South Afl‘lOHll uune holds the posed firstl of the easterly halves palm for actual pl'nfits. of lots num ers forty-one 'and forty- :wo is the third 'coiicession, egst of; ‘-"'â€".'â€"â€" he araraxa roa save an ex-, cept thereout eight ahres. thirty-two; . Why ? 011 Why ? ?rods by forty rods, out of the 'sauth-* :west corner. of the «said east half; ofi If you think you are W158 and well 383“ 19*: nurnber fqrty-tyO; 3.039011%! informed. just see if you can answer " Lilly 9 VV Cu“; ‘9 “v ”UV ”“5“ ; 0n the remisea is ‘a good brick . W" dwelling, pframe barn with ‘ stone 1‘31“” Why d0“ 3. home get P on foundations. Convenient to post of- his front feet and a cow on her hind .fioe and school. Aboat five miles from “at! :And why does a ‘03 “wan ‘the town 0f Durham. 01.1 300d {33" Hanna arnnnd thrne time: hefnre Iv- said lot number forty-two. Second! informed. just see if you can answer a part of the west half of aforesai . e V - _, lot number forty-one containing ties quast ons, You have seen hun eight acres being a mural of land dreds of white horses: where did you thirty-two rods by forty *rods in the ever see a white colt? Why does a. north-east corner of said west half gorge eat hay backwards and a cow of said lot number ‘fort -one. All in , the said Township of ' lenel . ,forwardsi Why daesa hop vine twine Terms, ten. per cent. ’ot tle pur- t0 the 18“ and 8 been vine to (the chase money to be paid down at the r'ghti Why does a horse when time of sale. balance to be paid With'.:gtaked out by a rape unw'.n:l the rope in thirty days with six per cent. 'while a cow winds it up into hard On the r mises is is and brick , . dwallina'- pfreamp barn Virglth ‘ atone kiln}. my doc. a box.” get up on $150}-Vffirifieâ€"{pâ€"articuâ€"laia and toon- E ditiona of sale apply 'to " LUCAS, WRIGHT MOARDLE, Solicitors .for Mortgagee. ' Markdale. Out. a marzuane uncu ’ Cba ed chin whether on the thumb Dated at Markdale the 29th day of or (age ma be cured in one night by September. 1908- .glytng bambermn'a Salvo. It is a uallod for sore nip leg burns m midi. For ale by all us 0330:11an r03 ALL THE 2mm. 1mm. SE '8 171' f5; {Jr-To; ted. Spsdina 80nd your name end . address and you will re- oelye I. free um le of SLOOUX'B COUPOL N D PEN N YR YAL TEA. - A M but harmless vegetable medicine for lichen uliar to women. and!” m_ «therefrom ._ 411 j__.__l-L_ -AiI -L .1. _‘,_,A_ _!_I‘ __ Mortgage Sale. E331 Mal but harmless vegetable Clothe“ peculiar to women. m: 7[Wise Mother’s StorylSERlOUS QM“ “I am convinced " wrz'tea Mrs. A. B. Hopeford. from ét. John, "that a maprity of young girl: who die of consumption do so because ther mothers neglected their health at the crit'oal time when caretulness in- aures vigor and sound health. If a girl's health is neglected from her eleventh 'to sixteenth year her body will ‘be weak and she becomes a ready vlot'm of typho‘d, anaemia.and in many cases consumpt'on itself. In her sixteenth ear my youngest daughter ahowe signs of fa l’ng strength. Some dys e tic troubles develOped. her hear ecame weak and palnitat’on frightened her dread- ‘full .; She was irregular in the im- or ant bodily funct'ons and rapid 033 in a we'ght and a ruddy com- plggtionhpo‘nted to _a rapid decline. Let all mothers and daughters read carefully and profit by it.. Sl‘e d‘sl ked making her troubles: known to our doctor. a teel’ngu I felt. ' I should respect. and so by good fortune I Was led to use Ferrozene. with most gra’fylng results. My nefglwbor next door. Mrs. Woods. had found Fen-ozone so trawl tn nervous- ness that she persuaded me that it would reatore Flossle’s health. and from t‘m t’me the second box was commenced her improvement wnscon- “out. We 18 now a We. straw! girl. ‘ruddv and plump. able to 3tudy llard and to take here share of house- “old dnt‘ea. I am an earnest advo- cate of Ferrozone. NVe all use it. now as a ”tonic. ns "t Is cc’rtainly wo- mnn’; best fr’end” All doalerafi séllfiFerrozone. 50 cents 1101‘ 'box or fix boxes for $2.:50 pro- cure a aupply toâ€"day. Ut'ca. N.Y.. October 25t’nâ€" Pro- fessor Carl E. Myers. of Frankfort. a auburb of t‘v's oltv. is going to pluck a ra'nstorm from the skies t‘ at the forest fires may be exting- :m1‘=a.“ed. Mr. Meyers is a veterian balloon'at and aeronautical engineer, and down ‘11 Texas some years ago prtduced 'ra n t“at aprmd owr 90vâ€" orul states. H’s plan is to 30nd no ’nto the sky :1 big balloon filled with £3394, wlv’nh he eXplodos wfth an clertr'c spark. Professor Meyers has been “engaged by several paper com- pan'ea of Northern New York “th39, forest In nds are melting away to makes to make rain. He contends that the Mohawk Valley 23 a better place to qutart tl‘e ran, and once begun the ra'ufall will extend to the mountaina. '1“ 9 first balloon w‘ll be ex )lode‘l w’tuin 1 few few day s betw3cn this ctv and Frankfort. Foreat Comm'ss'onrér Whippln, who passed through Ut va this fiftnrnoon on route to the Adirondacks has Ts- su‘d a request that campers be carve- ful of t"e'r {was and burning of cig- arettes and c‘gars. Ile wa: a dog But be stnvrd at home Agd guarded the family night and ay. He was a dog He lay on the porch or chaqid the 5 (atrayâ€" - ’l‘l'e trumps. the burglar. the hens away. For a dog’s true heart for that hmfsehold beat At morn'ng and evening. in coll and l'cat: He was a dog . He was a man. And every day 11f; i'eart grew callous. Its love ‘turn around three time: before ly- ‘mg down! An exchange truthfully remarks..â€" It is no s’ncere to occupy the chief era. and the honor that comes ’5 positions at the diSposal of the vot- more than ad for by the necessary sacrifices. ne man is growling be- cause he doesn’t get a new sTdewalkI. and another is growling because he does, and Gas to pay add t'onal taxes accord'ngly. Scores are calling for better fire rotection. and Inn red-1 are asking or better l'glnted streets and still others feel a little. more generosity towards the schools is des'rable. But although these im- provements are needed. understand, gentlemen, you must keep the taxes gown. (F1115 is what we Elected you or. the Show. ' But he had a rfght to go. you know. He was a mum. \Vhat is regarded as the loading mine of the world is the Robinson mine. of the Transvaal. South Africa. which Shows an opomting profit of $4,385.71“. which is 70 per cent. of its total production. The annual divi- dends mnouuted to $3,201.00”. A larger tonnage was orushad by the Homestake minv. of South Dakota. and more hullion was yivlrled by the (midfield-Consulidatml. of Novadn, hut. the South African mine holds the palm for actual profits. true qu-est’ons, You have seen hun- dreds of white horses: where did you ever see a white colt? Why does a e was a man. And d-dn't stay To cherisb his wife and his children beats rare. Hr thouzht of h'mself at the close of He day And can in bars fingers hurriel away T9_ t‘hq club, the lodge, the store, Explndo Ralloon to Bring Rain The'l hue and The Untrue. [Keep The Taxes Down.’ :For Chappod Skin [moktfrpo nospggu for 20:! Mr. end Mrs. Thoe. Wilson. of , oow' Durhnm, spent last Sundny with Mr. twine: Thoe. end Miss Adeline Reny. D (thei Mr. Willie Vickerlie engage! with who ' 3 rep: Herbert Hunt. for n couple of week.. In“: lire. David Hopkine, Sn. bed the up on‘mieiortnne to fell down stairs on. hmdidny lut week, end received n for 1w!!- injuriee which confined he: to her '6 ly-‘hed. Hope to soon beer of her 09004! recovery. 3335.000 Regan-0d to Cow» Bunk Ova ‘ and rovtde for Malawian“ of Poor Patients. “30%me CONSUMPTIVE These head-lines tell the story 0' our needs. They are heavy and urgent. Many times during the past twei months the question has presset itself upon th- Trustees, “Can w. continue the work further? ” __ i Every month brought its quota” accounts for salaries and wages: 0 staff, bills of butcher, milkn’ni eggs, groceries, heavy coal bill‘- a serious itemâ€"and other uncot trollable expenses so long as thc doors were kept Open. I What wlll you give ? , Do not say nay. ' Help generously. Help all you can. Help some. Help now. Contributions may be sent to ‘ W. ]. GAGE, 1259., Chairman Ex- :ecutive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto; or]. S. Rogsn‘r- These had to be paid someho Ii, Contributions â€" especially afte the turn of the year when the finan cial depression was felt at its kee estâ€"fell off to such an extent, th ' each month the burden been!!!“ heavier. During ail this period there wag only one thing to do. and that wa‘ to lean on our banker-swelling th . bank overdraft. ' ‘ Mr. sud Mrs. ’L‘hos. Kennedy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adamson, Wslkerton. recently. The trial was the severest in tit." history of these Muskoka Home "9 in which nearly 3.UJU person stricken by the dread white piagu 3 have been cared f or. Mr. und Mu. W. D. Mills, of Dar- ham. spent Sunday has in thin vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burnet. of ‘ town. visited the lacter’s sister, Mr 0. ; Will Livingston, Sundey before int. ,1 But never for a single hour did the doors of the Free Hospital fai“ r. 1 to swing open, and give a welcomti to suffering ones without money"; and without price. _ i Friends, we come to you at thii time, when the clouds of depressio are being lifted, asking that yoq' nowâ€"in the direness of our ex-. tremityâ€"help to lift the burden; being carriedâ€"not for any personal" gain, but solely, alone, only on‘ behalf of suffering sisters and. brothers. The good news has gone forth 0! a sich harvest the wide Dominion! over. i Our plea is on behalf of tho ones. Uri. nod Mrs. Alf. Bniley, Allun Psrk, Sundnyed with the lutter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul: Wise. sou, Se'c.-Treasufer National Sani- tarium Association, 347 King Street West, Toronto, Canada. Mu. A. W. Hunt tad two children upon: s couple of duo with her motbar. Mu. Baht. Lindsay, Glenalu. Mina Hazel Mush-Al visited her not, Ill-I. Hurry Betsy, one day It“ â€"â€"â€"â€" ' â€"â€"v~'â€"â€" tins iikos an Uégeni Appeal for lonoy. Sinck we at Muskoka F rec Hospital 50! Consumpu'ves. FUNDS Vickers

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