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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1908, p. 10

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m1! .. F31 Bt. Thomas. Oct. 25.â€"Mr. ‘Vm. hlllce. a native of Devon, England. Dd suddenly at the Amuse Wood ispitul this morning from heart lease in his 34th year. He has an in the country for the past few rs and came from the Township 'ing. near Toronto, three months to accept a place with R. A. Fer- n. Port Stanley. On Thursday ils in the city he was taken ill and owed to the hospital. A wife and r small children survive him. He uveteran of the South African nnd saw service in India and no. The deceased was. prior to cc ming to Canada. a wealthy tnurant keeper in Old London. but arse circumstances OVertook him. remains were removed to Leuch’s ertsking rooms to unit inter- ROUGH MANY WARS DIES IN HOSPITAL. inelph,Oct. 24,â€"George H. Young :1 in the Generul Heepital here I titan-noon u the result of injur- receivod yesterday while thresh- at the [am of George Tuck in ‘35 <HHHHHHH gill: Inllllul : 1 A . , Lu Hg 9 c o o 9H5 e EEHHHHHE PEEHHér {ErerrHrHrHE -l'il I! Il'l'tk' DRIVEN CLEAR THROUGH HIS BODY. “ The biscuits which please us must be brown â€"‘ i , N and crisp and firm and dainty, with a well-raised, WI ~ evenlybaked crust. .. :3 ,...- “ Mother says such buns require a'steel oven, scien- tifically constructed, uniformly heated. perfectly v'entilated --‘PA.\'D0RA’ OVEN EXACTLY.” IE? When you see a “Pandora” Range the sale Is made. tomato. Montreal. W VM- “4"“ 5.3:): a. 322.32.. 59:. >mmz._.m ROBT. BURNE "Weâ€"Wantâ€"Them!” A great display of men’s caps have just ar- rived. Our new winter styles in “Regent” Over- coats have just arrived. These are designed and made by the most expert men in the business. They have such perfection of fit and finish as will appeal. at once to your best judgment. We have a good line of fall shoes both fine and heavy, leather lined, felt lined, just the shoe lm‘ fall and winter. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand It will pay you before buying a fall suit to come and examine our suits, ‘Regent’lbmud. Highest Price for Produce ! The deceased came of a very well known family. his father being Mr. 5Robert Young. of OSpringe. He owned a farm in School Section No. ,Guelph Township, and was well known indeed throughout the county. 'He was 36 years of age and married, .leaving his wife. a daughter of the ‘late George Fyfe, and one son of 9 3 years to survive him. Moshorough Township. The machin- ery was being drawn up an incline into the barn. When just at. the threshold the engine suddenly stem-ted to move back on the thresher. which was just behind. Mr. Young was standing in such a position that the Steering rod on the engine was literally driven right. through him. It out through the abdomen and forced its way through the body. I'naware of the terrible extent of the injuries, his friends drove him two miles and a half to his own home. Here medical assistance was summoned and the reai nature of the injury discovered. The unfortunate man was brought to the General Hospital this morning and there operated upon. NOthing could save his life, however, and he passed away betweenl and 2 o’clock this afternoon. Overcoats ~ Footwear Clothing Caps Guelph. Oct.21.â€"VV0rd haq been recwived harp of a. horrible accidem at. Mildmay on Thursday afternow which has shocked the whole com- munity. 'Twmaq Dunbar. an Old man of tin r: wrict, was the vimim and he wa~ baled as tba result of being run down by a freight, train. The old man was very deaf and ap- parently did not bear the train ap preaching. He was struck full on the crossing Bis horse was killed,_the wagon smashed and the unfortunate driver was so mangled that only small portions of his remains could be discovered. The crossing at which the accident occurred is a particula:ly dangerous one. and the approaches cannot be seen on one side on account of a high board fence shutting 08 the view. It is thought that the old man did not see or hear the train and was cut to pieces before he could have realiz- ed what happened. An inquest will he held. The concrete work on the Camp' Creek brige was finished lsat week.’ So far :3 can 'be seen it losks like a first-00a“ job. 1 TERRIBLY MANGLED FREIGHT TRAIN. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE BY l Eels are peculiar even among nsnes. A strange and mysterious race. the dimculty of killing them is not the least of their peculiarities. Very many of us have been annoyed by the ordi- nary eel that has seized our worm and then tangled up our line in its slim; coils. You may cut on‘ the head of an eelâ€"in the manner recommended by the S. P. C. A.-â€"and leave its body full of squirms and wriggles. for the eel is a hateful and uncanny creature. I have been told that the true method is first to cut 011’ the eel's tail and that after this the severance of the head ‘ brings all life and movement to an end. As to this I cannot say. for I only heard this recently and have not since had to deal with a sinuous eel. A correspondent has cited an instance of a conger left apparently dead for twenty-four hours on the beach. which ; then hit three fingers from the hand of ' a small boy who came to handle it. I can well believe this. i shall not easily forget the eerie shock which r had on a certain occasion in Wales. I had caught a large eel on a night line set for pike. We had severed his head and left him for some hours on the bank. leaving a good hook in his gullet. In the evening he was presented to a small boy. who bore him OH in triumph as a supper dish. Half an hour later the boy’s mother appeared, with some concern and indignation. to relate that the head had bitten the boy severely when he tried to remove the excellent hook. And this was no conger! The occurrence seemed to me like the hor- ror in one of Kipling‘s most weird sto- ries of uncanny horror. Whether these posthumous wounds by eels betoken the remnants of life in their severed portions or a mere mechanical flicker of the nervous system only the biolo- gist could say. And perhaps he would be only making a guessâ€"St. James’ , Gazette. “What will happen to me 11' I don’t?" said he. A hurried consultation took place. Counsel suggested that it was the so- iicitor’s duty to submit to the experi- ment. The solicitor refused. The bro- ker himself was then asked if he would risk it. “You’ll lose the case." replied both his legal advisers. “Then," said he hurriedly. “lose the case, lose the case!” And so he did. There Was a Difference. When Dr. Randall Davidson. arch. bishop ,of Canterlmry, was a curate. one day at Dartford he took a Sunday school class in a neighboring parish. The subject was King Solomon, and after the lesson he proceeded to cate- chise the children; “Tell me. boys." he said. "what was the difference between Solomon and other men?" No answer. “Come. come!” said the future archbishop. “Was there any difference. for in- stance. between King Solomon and my- self?” “Look here, guv’nor. you say them figs are good to eat. and I say they ain’t. That’s all there Is between us. ain’t It? Now, s’eip me, if you'll out two of them figs and you ain't sick immediately afterward I’ll lose my case)’ The judge at one-c saw the propriety of this suggestion and asked the law- yer what he proposed to do. "No, no! The ofier is made to you." said the judge. A tiny hand went up and a tiny voice replied. “Please, sir, Solomon was wise!"â€"Londou M. A. P. Queer Plants. , The searcher for curiosities among plants finds much to interest him in Kew gardens. There are primroses which blister the hand if stroked, leaves divided into two sections which snap together and imprison any insect which flights upon them. plants which live absolutely on air, without any root in the ground; walking plants. sleeping plants and plants which grow whiskers. And all these marvels can be seen by It wm Bat. Long Am; It Has The plaintiff. a caster. who conducted his own case. was skillfully cross ex- aminvd. The trial was obviously going against him. and once or twice he re- tortod so hotly that the judge threat- ened to commit him for contempt. At length the costar grew desperate and. turning to the opposing counsel. hoarse and perspiring, he said: - Peculiar Qualifications. “In choosing his men." said the Sab- bath school superintendent. “Gideon did not select those who laid aside their arms and threw themselves down to drink. He took those who watched with one are and drank with the oth- er." “Your honor is trying this case. not I,” was the reply. my visitor Graphic. for nothing. - London A Monologue. fimmyâ€"Pop. what is the difference between a dialogue and a monologue? Tommy’s Popâ€"When two women talk. my son, it's a dialogue; when a woman «Huron a conversation with her hus- bend it'- n monolomâ€"Pmmlelnl‘m A Simple Test to Which the Defendant Objected. An English solicitor was defending a fruit broker in an action brought in a London court for the recovery of $100. the price paid for a consignment of figs which the plaintiff declared to he unlit for human food. The defense alleged that. although moderately dis- colored by salt water, as the plaintiif knew when he bought them. the figs were perfectly wholesome. The figs were in court. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “*Ptflfl tar-«rut», LOST THE CASE. Decipitated. SINUOUS even among fishes. EEL -wwâ€" -- ‘â€"â€"WCV”' DDDDD U U“. tarrh Cure is taken internally. noting directly upon the blood and mucous enrfnoee of the system, thereby destroying the foundsiion of the disease. end giving the pet-lent strength by building no the constitution nndmiating nsture in doing its work. The proprietors llsve so much fsith in its curative powers thst they ole: One Hundred Dollars for say once that it tells to cure. Bend for list of testinoniels. Address: 2. J. can" a 00.. 1.1.4.. on». 393‘.“ ”1M“ 7‘“ The readers of thiq pope:- wlll be placed to learn tbet there is at least one dreuled disease that science has been able to cure in nll it» augee nnn that in Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure in the only positive cure now known to the medical fr» ternity. Cetarrh being 3 oouetitutional disease. requires n wastltntlonnl treatment, Hell's Ce- tnrrh Cure )- token internally. noting dirmflv an ordinary mystery novel. Irwin got in Montreal. was robbed during the night, poured out his story to the officials at the Windsor Street Station the next day, and was to have returned for a ticket back to Owen Sound if his wife advanced the money to the station agent at Owen Sound. He then disappeared. and his disap pearanoe was lookedon as so serious that the matter was placed in the hands of the police. who located a man named George Irvin (not Irwin) in the Montreal jail. where he had been sent for being found as a star- away on the SS. ‘Pretorian.’ As the Owen Sound Irwin was to have sailed on the ‘Pretorian,’ and had been robbed of his ocean ticket, it was immediately“ thought that he had been trying to steal his passage. As a matter of fact it was found that the Irvin in jail was a storaway from England on the ‘Pretorian’ when in- ward bound. Then it wes discovered thet the reel Irwin had gone to the Allen line peOple, hed told them his plight, end had been given nnother ticket by them. Not knowing that the news of his adventures had reached his wife. he sailed without wiring to to:- assure her, prohebly thinking there Mrs. George Irwin, owaen Sound. has had what is probably a more dig. tracting experience than any wife in Canada has been called upon to suffer during the past week. Last Thursday hur hushed, as related in yesterday’s ‘Witness,’ left to take a trip to his old home in Scotland. and be was to have sailed on the SS. ‘Pretorian,’ of the Allan line, on Saturday. Here is "~e news, in substance. that Mrs. ll win got her husband’s progress: First telegram from Montreal. last Saturday: Your husband drugged and robbed of all his money and his ocean ticket. Second telegram (Sunday); He wants to come back (.0 Owen Sound. Can you advance his fare? Third telegram (Monday): He has absolutely disappeared. Sixth telegram (Thursday): The man in gaol, isn ’t your husband after all. Sewnth telegram (to-(lav): Your husband suiled for Scotland on the 'Precorian’ on Suurdav afternoon last. ' Fourth telegram (Tuesday): No, the police are unable to trace him. Fifth telegram (Wednesday): We have located him. He is in jail. mm'urmbmumupuu. THE LOST HUSBAND. 8100 Reward, $100 will not have to bargain with for. tune for successful bakingâ€"Jr is made from the finest, selectttl Man. itoba wheat, which- contains more gluten (that quality which makes bread light) than any other Wheat. It is milled under the most sanitary conditionsâ€"absolute purity is one very important quality which the Ogilvie System of mill mg miar- antees. There 18 no other flour in Canada upon which so much is Spent to insure its perfect purili. The light bread or the iL‘Ilden loaf is a matter of Moireâ€"not luck. Choice of methodâ€"Choice of yfiast Royal Household Flour -â€"-but, above all, in the Choke of the flour. She who chooses Ask your grocer for Ogilvic’s Royal Householdâ€"the flour that makes light 'hrcad. Ogilvic Flour Mills ($0., limited MONTREAL A few from how ~1mm Ounce lecture in Mu: . x r day night last givvn ‘~ Robert Birmingham. WW we: to impressive 0hr. fa stated. end we imagmfi voter in South Grey Brew t iCCl It‘“ or CEIH‘S 89 leV Clllldt tO-dty 38 tharr‘ughl)‘ It. Birminghem klmws NH ler’e ohmee for viczor} w. 1. be slim. It is with feelings“ of were! th“ we ennounce the dr'a'h of Mrs. John Allen. 0‘ Henry’s Cunwrs‘, who. 0n Sundey morning. aros'w rally to mm Properetions to arm. I the ueutl morning church sex-v a' Hromore. when she was suddmfiy «led with been feilure, and in .. {ow moment! :11 the: wee mortal of >. devoted life '38 ended. Her rpumi'n will be 1‘“ "VI! in Bremen (‘Hum'o rj; on Wed. needey afternoon. HARRIED BWENâ€"YOUNGâ€"At Presbfi'tcrig 7th: the B». Mr. Henry. “1'1”” C. Ewen. Bothune, late of Rocky 8" «an. out. to Nellie. second “M”. u'. at John I. Yam. 0‘ “W“‘o‘ SAUNDERSâ€"1n Durham ~ “I. October 17th, 19(8, 10 Mu. Jun. '1‘. Saunders. a 1- umDLEmNâ€"In Glsnolg 4”. October 4th, to Mr. Albert waleton. . son. Mr. T. J. \Vatsoz; {warned from Toronto on Friday lust where he Md been “tending the funeraf of s rel» tive. Misses Kite and Laura Whitmnfl 10!: on Thursday 1851 for the Qua: city where they wixl spend th! winter. Dondd Watson in wsred in 3 am new buggy lately. Now see the mud fly. Mesdsmes Hapkins and Mack, w sompsnied by Miss Nollie Lawrence. open 1 few days in Tsmmo last week. business combined with plenum being the object of their trip. Root lifting present. The heavy this your. Mr. tnd_ Mrs. Wm. Aijoe visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wmon on Sunday. ALLANâ€"In Egrzmont on October 9th. 1908, to Mr. 3-1. Allan, a daughter. And now sompwlmrc "m the 00m there in a. husband blissfully unm- scion: that his wife knows of his misfortunes. while at Owen Soul there is a wile blissfully conscio- thu line is still a wife and not t widow. But ,erhape there {nub some more adventures still in store for Gamaâ€"Montreal Witness. In. no need to distress her by telling her the story. MCVVilliamsville. BORN. is all the order 3' crop is not owl! ”70 0‘ for this WW“ 3" a. ll. “OCRIH'F. children’s fm'" “'0 we plensvd tn JOhI'l Weir, sun (bf underwent 8|! npvl‘u d“. It Fergus ”tw' Int. is improving n mm in Whitv am ,The House (If ‘1‘ The Coum'il "filing on tlu structure is no .t. present. the embankn “'9 notice w 1 1 Did you m We tailors h” gees. He. no“ '8“ nus “suits." by his wiuduw The amides 0x1 of coal lmu'kml pi! of coal mm Hallowe'en w . on to pay for I out-buildings H Illa-we and all! Sunday. Thv ' Come on such w' in Older. The firs: filh «x on Friday last. \~ tdecided Chang. dropped 89\’0['M 3 m 0‘ lb? vlm Mount. uf cmnn “Editions an- n: Ol‘y expected a M. the rapu‘ wary B'id (41“ “exceedingly m wintry indix I u shout llm'm “dose uf (m! About. my linw latter; This \\ 1 "Bianca that 1}. VIII b0 mare to ;-. was muted rig ‘ “I election. Mzt I809 that it “‘1. 3M1: to any g The rural md‘: to (one. win a bf Wm the ”libido"; N“ “that: thmu Itch lttephm h” the farm 1' -‘ 42' N0 nan \V debt.

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